teesidi 'iti,Faii' Pe Wsw .... , IMtit, 'lt?i'tlE? “any n. A - .1 upmamun‘ Ami; “WIN.“ soy, tii N“ Halal! bu I but ' . ti. world. 1i- mm Il' thit l. tron the not: dis- [rug-“M, in the railroad busi- '1triM1. events, the boy has -9ra, own way. " to has ‘ Bl w min good an! by u!.' a tii I-hunts him out. Thirty- ‘ago. according to a writ- â€gun'- weekly, most pt the M, T in the railway world today _, ' very humble positions. W. Atr, Fi, FigqgbA â€w .0113 Aire . hysteria, was a section hand, my an indulgent station agent Mt - r, ,tzlegraphy in his spam time. , " D. Underwood, presidenUoi Bi I ir, was tt Height brakeman. w. Blrt In, president at the Lackir. __ ‘ 21ml a Irevght house clerk. is; ‘Nuwnan, president ol the New I ’"Central, was a freight. clerk. :‘53u1ing, president of the C'tsie- BPt ukee and st. Paul, was a ' pk operator. Geo. B. Harris, ' , t ot the Chicago, 'Burlmgton ltr-, . 'ncey, was a pay-master" ui'operatur. L. E. Juhutsun, mesh-J Wt UK the Norfolk and Western, ya a tireraart. Frederick A. Delano,l Went, of the Wabash, was a Journ- gnan machinist. Thatias thirty- ?nnl years ago. It the nineteen oi Lula kogcther earned two kindred in titty doilais a week, they would j'o’doing pretty well. Now their omsttrined,reayly salutes make' more _ttran tttree-quarters oi a npliior1-- and M have probably saved a little. 'ii On the other hand, the brilliant Fa ecu, ot men like Mr. Hun, li) ttlt . to their work indium highly " f‘v - and capable ot mnstetingluge tIB. lens. have in them I most vain- " ‘ Maori lot the water boy, the B! m_sn, the ticket agent at why © Thin: to tip president of I road ri'i' V l The grobiems oi raitrotM- tâ€; _ aim; to be up big to be " ‘ " ‘ altogether "on the job." r , l ‘ in who are really\ “with!†'tl..)').- amusem- ot teehrtieal " ' - i, and other courses oi Itttttrtttr- To this interesting compilation night be added, says the Montreal Md, most ut the great names in up Canadian railway world, tor Sir, William Van Horne, Sn: Thomas 4ssdur.tuwss.v, Mr. MoNichvll, Mr. issiiran, and psacticaily all we who! them, began at the bottom )t,hi" and had only their lawn brains and energy to keep them climbing. Elf. Hays IS one ol the tew great ‘Amny men bred to the purple. ' And the freld is being wnnnuany hinged. As (mo oi these tavoriteg it! lortune put it, "There are more Wuntendents now than there we" Lilian I started, and more gonem bankers now than there were super- {latte-dents them" .- "d thr the other hand, the trrulian ‘1 “haiku no going to compete tor _ yam him up. Son. at the hf on will? 80L GG hum-r two-- _ m may: te ran-1 "up to Atrti,riiesr.-.f '., 's...-.. mFrt -rve.-_m.'_ " ' Li) kWh-"Mundmupmw 'itil' n bred to the purple. rteld is being wnhnually As (me of these lavorit/es put it, "There are more eats now than there we" ttoi. and more general i'iiia"teueortrs You ' cold and)! or in“ I'- m lacunae of the that if.» a! hubris. 13tyreithes youuolf with 306113, Tuametotmnunu1-itntgthras muggy†J." u... Grout' arming, W Pert mt m u, S., “mutt-In- at new.“ in: at I.“ fewer It., watt M gun 6tr.to - MIN. empire.“ trtth “N3. "dir While I}, OWN W aa., my may: at}: an "it" wum‘ ttt ttr' . can: W . mm was. flu.“ in null-s his ills-I. ' ' List mt than any; “but! an; an “MA! a: CM that Min; w.- semly mg with til “ML Tu! " Maw by . via" R' Dr. any“, at iuir,YoB/ thr. With“. duh)! any you. T )In-‘Clwe- land {not in In ave-ii; 'irmiaaiq Dr' Bryan's riatt, a“, “at them was no amnion 10: turn and ttut Mr. Cleveland was getting along nice» 1y .,. . 'this reassurance Sonny unwanted their mend: lot we “mums“ of his death. _ _ _ _ t -irrdririua win 71'yeus old on Mm 18. '"iG7Fiev-td ms at ton: “on her husband passed "ar. .. CIeVelInd's ro-clectlon In 1892 ‘15 the first instance in which I Presi- ielvisuauctecu.samtt-tptytlrrrr, it was not merely a continuation of a' period of (mice. _ . " " r""'"" V. -7 During the administr'ation ot his successor, General Harrison, he cou- tinued an 'tall-ttint public man, And1 after the briel triumph ut the Repub- lican party, he returned to the White House, which he tiuaiir quieted in March, 1899. He was Mayor of Bumtlo in 1881. in 1882 he was elected Govetnor of New York State, and in the Fresh dential contest of 1884 he deteatM J. G. Blaine, the Republican candi- date tor the Presidency ol, the Coit- l ed States.. The iamous Olncy message over me thezuelan dispute, during c'ievHami's sccond administration, nearly run cipitated war between. Great, Britain and the United States. The docu- ment seat to the British lyovertstuent by the American Secretary at State was primed with arrogance and gra- tuitous insolence. . The sunning cabinet omcers ot l'rcmi4ent Cleveltusd are Secretary ot State Olney, Secretary of the Treiuw ury John G. Carlisle, "and Charles s. Fairchild; secretaries ot the interior D. R. Francis, Hoke Smith and W. F. Viles; Attorney General Judson Har- mon. . _ It is believed that the terriftc heat of the last few days contributed in a great iiegree to the sudden death at Mr. Cleveland. The "singing quality" in the tone at every Gourlay pinto is a distisk guished characteristic. It is not due I L,.A. '- -n6hnr 9......“ --'.'---'"-" to any one cause alone, but is rather the result of unwearying study, per- tect craitamarrship, rarest of mate:- ials and a determination to excel no matter what the cost may be. Thrifty, lndustrious and progressive are members oi the Germ“ nntion- ality. They make excellent settlers and have won a lorenroot place in many enterprises, particularly in the manufacturing line. An excegdingly instructive contribution on “The Gala man in~Canadu," will be lound in" the July number ot The Busy Mao's Magazine. it is [tom the pen of Mr. H. ll. Miller, Md'., South Grey, and is generously illustrated. There are several original articles as well as the crmm ot those appearing in who world's periodical press, in the I July issue. Among the most interest- --- . 'rr-h-'..-. 1).", am, .-....-. .._~,,° - mg and edilylng are, “Training Boys', ior Colonial Lite." "The Bluest l News Scoop in Can-db," "The Girl) that is Down." “Courtesy as " Ele- ment in Business," “Some Settlers Canada can do Without," "The A4- vantages ol Branch Banks," "ha the Working Girl Sees it," "Irrigation in the World’s Pantry," "Why Some “ch Become Bosses," "The Message of the Flour Bartel," Ind "WhtrtPro- m Shaina has Done." A liberal collection ot bright, racy stone. also appear in the July Busy Man's. Twice mooted President The titt tor the handler: in a GourNy piano is Imported n three times the cost ot ttttt Mt in nu ordi- nary pinno. It in thighâ€! Mt, so [Irma lusting in diameter. Whieh will keep the tone " sooth: nanny yv-ars as when tin piano am comes [1mm an maker. Whom the yum at My In“. an advantage on: their predecessor: ot forty you: no is in the Mn ,0! mums- [or ohm-1n; a. mind {spam-MW . . minty: no actual" paying “it bills tor some ot the bright can In 'ttrelr employ who like an method ot Add- ing to mm reserve! of urns“. “OI. moll- mDsUMMER VISI'EOR m. Jlu a.» Int-mulc- In II cw um - GGiiai “a no I Emmi-II“! ir'.Ti"ai'TiiFiiiit" nah Y2??t1S a»; gkiiii'2'eh7iii'riiF'riii ' â€(W I... M a! rGGurTiuiitto,eiite2ti mm .m- tho manna m. " “yam! out!†“anâ€? iu'iriiGruiuoster.ett:1ter than dualism Knuth"? â€rm, sanctum. Gattsntirrqd% Jiirii'.Tiraueitrutetteet ammumamm Minimal!†rleee"""ee"'r"'TT-"V """N"r I biannual iriuiahi'ttiliftr, "tmt - iti,tirfiti,ntgli" 'l in with; my _ w tax so your!" â€tag†l iiriiitotvitt.atitwW'. "’01 public moth. u could. It. - "tiGridiruiteittq9t"", hr GiGid About an 5%.“. no; I sldes were represented. Am on tx-Aid. Ala. RM ttt M m. moaned: Conny use and um to out, and he "iR9tt b T mule u (manual 03er: mat lat "I and length“, so Br “that! I cstahllshmt w s cone-medâ€. “4 taking heating and everything â€go consideration, it would to“. “my $5,000noxe mm: to rum"- i tahtigltmertt than their page» up- - tem. The meeting 'dtqmred cannula- e able change in publlc opinion, and I d osatrtio-etrrriedo't a which. asking the Council not to ninth s agreement until the questrtion In k again submitted tome vote ot tho . citizen. A majwity ol the Council lave in- troduced a by-tor to instruct the Mayor to sign the Hydro-elm agroammt,‘ and in some wny to u to avoid letting the people ot out the ally decide the matter. But the my“ who is a mu at much tom of, character, will not sign in usual!†in its present tom. Here in An agreement making the town liablo tor about $217,000 tor n traasrttiraiort line and, which may make the, cost per horsepower over 832. Tho people have not sanctioned this, and Mayor Patterson says he won’t Sign agreement unless it is unaided agreement with the popular vote the people have another chance vote upon it, The improvements in every Gourlay piano are the result ot its Mr long experience with the world’s but pianos. Every original idea in piano- building has been tested. The unr- lay piano is the embodiment ot those which the tests pmved to be uln- able-the others are leit out. APPOINTED LADY The Stratford Herald, containsthe following announcement regarding the appointment of Mrs. J. M. Shaeblet, formerly superintendent of thes Berlin & Waterloo' Hospital:- “Mrs. Anna M. Show: has na- ceptcd the posithm of Lady Superin- tendent ot the Stratford General Hos- pital, otreeed to herby the Trustees, and is expected to enter upon her duties not later than August 1. Mrs. Staebler’n maiden name Was Mame, she being member of the well known [anally ot U.E. Loy‘lists tt that name who settled In Prince Ed- ward County. -- _ . As Miss Me, Mrs. Staeblex graduated trom the Pennsylvania Hos- pital, Philadelphia. Alter graduating she took charge of the Tuning School olthe Jewish Hospital, Phil- ,ndrlphia, resigning this position to‘ woman Lady Superintendmt ot the Balin And Waterloo Hospital, giving _ up this position to be named. Minard's Liniment Co, Limited. Dear Birr-This an I got .tluown on; lance and hurt my chest Very bad, so I Could not work and it butt me to with 1 tried all kind: ol Linimenu "e they did me Ito good. One "itute' ot mumps LLN1- pl signal Allu'Cnlk, Jun: Din-rd: the tttettl of two My: of wool trom the note- hmlse at Budd C. McIntyre. In em Williams lumen Sam. MINI-Inc, n peddle: in we employ oi Lela, the vein-on tut.itutgt no“ tttnk dul- er, wit antenna! to “undou- In the Kingston pelican." tAtt': "drawn at: mint, _ hour slur-il- on.“ mm in! pug-d. “his" claim tut a“. A Run- uln; “may: he - ET. This was GM. ' o'clock . Me "tr" but! u men an: no» home. which 00 about " . mm the home. lit-mu All mud to m u- wuol. but Icvm my ed. yr. lav-tyre “out: night“, and M um aeeqrtttt- - Ctrâ€. m m Moog!“ ter a I ' sum Inf-onus, a! l atii?i'r7itiicc"i't'i'iiisi' 7 A “a. EX says he ' wod't sign _ the gijinatttmimiN'r in or to 'llkiTaié'iii' “a... "' C Win? Mitt gigâ€. '. Mr, m â€burnt-[m - to] III. 'etr.. - .- ...__.A Lcl.... "itr.'norsatta.ettte-txfaat6 mwmmauuumuw wammMN-IAWW a... " v“ INA“! qitt#bt " cam-nun. vto,tes-ttH.,At mu m in Punt-am Io: Wt hon â€touch. bout: â€by. In" the m Wan! all with. duties to -rtttqA. _ Th Sieiitfi'2eggtiv'g't] ill rare" kW? ml ed " n we a among-III In! the to“ proposed by tttFott- In quekvllk himâ€. He would tum-Able Wanton. The W (iii)', was town“), and when both Liberals “d Consensual. snmoan‘ nun W, "hrtc, nu. asaidettraaesV1 attempted to has time“ this morn- ih; In the Hunt trtreet.poliee station. when he WID locked 111,40! 0. chug: ‘0! stein-5. Ind Mtei having' been Nondui while resisting arrest. Ho- yrth‘l specialty" was engine belts, Eleven! ot, “high luv: been missed tisteV from latch“ in diluent puts of up city. The “was Sons’ plant lost than when»; belts in " may inch-s. They then stationed, watch men in the (actor! at Milli, bull found more were stolen Within II tmurf days Alter the" watchmen had kit the plant; at daybreak. Last night Piggins and his assistants caught Hogarth red-hamied. 0n be- ing called upon to surrender ho xe- lused and rushed at the watchmm 'with a big Ignile. One of the ma: ï¬red: shotgun at Hogarth, and a number of duct entered his body. He still tought capture until beaten in- to intmsibilitr.. He was turned tw- er fo the police, ind two hourtt U- Jer was found imaging in his cell by a strap he had worn ass belt and was revived by the otricers with dit- funny. Hogarth ion morphine mod and says he sold the belts to get money to buy the drug. He was not :eriously injured by the shot In: by his attempt at suicide. Detroit, June ".--Jotts Hogarth, get] 30 yen". son at a monkey It you page“ x Gourlny piano, there's no need to send lor a tuner whenever you expect company, no: lor you to apologize for the piano's shortcomings when a. Mend sits down to play. A Goutlay piano can always be depended on for it never tails to please Kingston, June 25.-- Twice kidn ped within the Course Ola wee is the experience oi Josie, the 3-year- old daughter oi Mrs. Chloe Keller, of Cleveland, lormctly ot Kingston. The husband and wife parted some. lime ago, and have been fighting for pus» session ot the child. The girl was living with her mother in clevelamt, 'nni last week was kidnnppcd try her; father, and taken to Namnee. Mrs. we! went to Hanna and succeed- e in getting the child in her cash) idr. She hired a. rig snd drove to Kingston, arriving nt an early. hour and putting up at tha hotel. _ She said that she had to meet. a ', triettd at the G.T.R. station uni ltit with the child, but did not return. N tew hours aiterwards the police were 'totititt that she had gong to King- sley and were um to place her um lac: arrest. The message came _ too I latex however, a she had ttownrErr quiry' at the G.T.R. ticket ftf,Si'/ trd the informntion that she ti a purchased a ticket tur Rummy. I . Vulley In: barman; u 5,rt't,'1t,t1 on the Mg hols! n the thttarto8tsdtl and Iron, Works. A {use Mew but yum-(q In an traasttirtntrtg room, at wh‘lo helm the Engineer vu- fer' stepped oi’m wire. In " in- stant " wag I“ ot “In. and 6; Emu "tsteaur to Only ‘tho We. .01 “W" him [mm thaunt l SURVIVE'S 12,000 vows TWICE KIDNAPPED Bin-amt an“: mes swans a 2s.--Atter haying Remak- able. fat richness e. In " in- ot nun. and to the ground. ot M- doth:- M an! aluminum- 'l'tUl uni (mm, m a. hunt um mat: a“ ml in 'tr en raven all»; It. _ -. 21,tut tom {3 “19ԠI'm, U m T ttur','"')',',, ijiitp1trtk" av a t.t6 rum 'tteoto9ru dNtt "taM o’clock V F 3he "argl.. m, mum! at in and“, “a up new in! thin“ and hub:- our: up. may? tttb- nsha- . Ire. - ...m 9. .. e,v)ll',"4tlL', m Acid-In no use at m and“ in m auxin tandem in?! from the “the†inch 11:. a clondbunt occurred. an m volume or water swept down a. pie-did fields, like I rim some and. M was nothing to impede tts progn- except the lure along m huh, and this was swept “My in : winning and carried beyond the rails. Trn and washed any the W lot 3 db- tance “about twenty-Ave not. Aa a result the tracks an and we com- pletely buried in spud gal was. .. So - wu the union at tho rushing water that win: tho cumb- light,tmatted upon RIO an“: wk the engine: was mm. to bring an train to a stop. With a'bound,“lt my“. back, drawn; um it “no two andâ€. ad the ttagpge car. The engines: stuck to his post, uni paid his lite u the penalty tor his devotion to duty. Amid the hissing oteseapittg steam and the cries ot the Mrritied passen- gers, the engine turned Almost turtle, and when the excitement abated All- ward was lound dead, pinned be- neath it. _ V, When he saw whet we: the“ (to happen, he celled to Fireman O'Keel- er to jump. which he did, escaping with e â€fainting up And brill-es. The two coaches in which an 129 passengers were seated followed after the engine and lelt the rails. Fortu- nately they did not upset, mad the passengers escaped with I bad _shak- ing up. The utmost confusion reign- ed, and u the coaches bumped over the sunken ‘ ties not. 1 tew ot the women were' on the verge or collapse. i 'Trunks Fell on Bondy. _ The baggage eaten likewise left the rails, and though it did not turn com- pletely over, reclined at such an angle 1 that the mass ot hunks tell upon Agent Boundy. One of his arms was badly bruised, and there are a number at minor cuts. As soon as the confusion was om Conductor F. Broad telegraphed to Palmerston for medical assistance, which was soon torthcom'mg. . The passengers were taken trom - tip coaches in the rain and “hastened to a special train, which took fheen to Cliirord. The dead engineer is Manner resi- dent ol Toronm, having lived there about ten years ago. He is a mu- ried nun and has a family. The other injured people are not seriously hurt. WARM ANDDRY TQSTAY WELL Now is the that when the doctor get: busy, and the patent median. 'mututaeturers reap the tuned un- less great care in We: to dress. warmly and keep the I.“ dry. {This it the advice of an old will“ unth- omy who says that thou-min and Kidney trouble weather in has. and also tell: what to do in can or In um. _ _ Clot Item any pod' lit-cm“ nhamwy one-hall one. PNid Ex- tract Dandelion, an ounce Compound Karma, three ounces Compound Bar- paru1s, Mix try ninth] in I bottle pad take a teupoonlul um mesh and at bedtime. Jm try this 11mm hone-huh minute at the tirtrt (in ot Rhon- nmism. or tt who! at. ox you lacuna! the - no not. “MAE: m This in "id to be a m but! “ulnar, and almost Mn - tor m hm: ot Rttetuitatistrt,NNeh In and by uric acid in the Mood, which the kid- neys tail to m out Any one can ‘3“in prepare this It homo and no PASSED POWER BY-LAW 2te,,Tieg,rttU',/t1 Her peter Tm one“ ttm veek tho fling“. pom by-llw was an. “I would and third who all plied. Tho council vlll ll. toe A00 lot»- power EXPRESS RATES REDUCED Ott mount of the when"; I. titils "ee" -tutttmoeetiaqotttr8 new C.P.R. line Mm Maw-04 mmâ€, the Dominion I†.00.- w the mould Mr tutu from one An! In ot" yon“ In thtV sh to thpNIt. "Cree"', Stuck to His Font. -e""e - "- [ mmthhm 'iiiiiiiii1 "... â€hum“ I nu- kon MEAN†" 'tttttil) - B. B. wma, President 'N ( Paid-up Capital, tt0,tt00,0tttt an. um. 0mm m2" Rem. Fundy 5,0003†THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE ' Waterloo BranchJ. Moorman, Manager. COUNTRY BUSINESS banking business. this way with equal facility. BANKING BY MAIL Branches throughout Canada. and In the United 5(1th and England It AGT, m, iiTiEFerEirCiini, WM“; iiGiiEEEEjiiiEe The Leading meat 'uriatignmnug 31mm, In: the "putatttm of “PM! la numms mm WWI in Moutnndbonolmm alittte you tonne. u the line of new. wt ho" But. Pork, Von, Lamb, half- Curd Run- and BM (on! on "i',Nil"lfl1 and, um. mod. n litter cum-22' “- was A. II. Bean, Miss E. L Bean, LIPHARDT 'BRGS;. LOCALAGEMS. "Mh Fla bunâ€. Badman, My: Summer tHat-go. at u . MIX and be “my! on WP“, d.timesd In an. and†MI. W V my ottmru, . Incl!" or ' PIANO ORGAN AND ' THEORY ,',i'i:,'ii;, Wcllaty1s iiiiiiir I N do- 1'fLtttytf, HEAD OFFICE. TORONTO Ech- Bola we. Buds): FISH“, humour ’I/Ill' 'iiiiiii'tcAtEtEiiieEE3Ei> "Giiiudidar'ier, Salcsnotes will be Ch 5...," Uni T Gas Mum-£12 "o"frairitrr' fume." E Accounts may tie opened by mil, and monies _deposited or withdrawn in 115 Eviry facility afforded to farmers and ‘others fbr the transaction of their ill be cashed or taken for collection. . Sanderson's Bakery In. " lam Fancy Bane, Bread Rolls, and Fancy Cue, Prqtmttitttt and Safe lamina M. In mblncd in the “new“: POL!“ L , OFTHE m: Insomnia COIPAM‘ INCORPORATED m 1m mu but: Slut bomb» 84.86.803.17. Mont. Thomas 'tttHr J.uau.AI-A.. H.191! and one. Want-loo Vault». MM Iugn inning I'm-q. my mm: " â€W- lrlto for lat Annual Report Damn-lug VIII 953.117.“. . lam-w. _ 1.5m... than www.mm. Jaw-w. 4ut'lrl'.'t'IG'T-. WI. - “shun-n lint In.“ Iâ€. l ROB-on I. Mount. Mb. C. A, will; but“. nuts hTih%d DOMINION LIFE a“: unfunny-n" " pup! '.ttrkh ,eeeeritbofftrrL'e 'atgr1rt17s Tara" - ,5 an. Manx-lg: tttrat vacation-oft“? ' BOARD or DIRECTORS. ESTABLISHED Iâ€? x (1mm; . Evil! lion-um run m t)ii?ffi' ws.j/.t'tFj?, L13. LU!