Ontario Community Newspapers

The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 27 Dec 1906, p. 4

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phronlclo - Telegraph - VOW-gnaw a“ - - 2suectr,tatt, f",g'.itepB" Eon ot Mr. John saw Suc- cumbs After Short Illness- DIED AT The death of Harry Seibel, the young son of Mr. and Mrs. John Seihcl. Weber street, occurred on Sat- lard-y night at " o'clock. The lad had been ill tor {out days with quin- lurvive. The luneral was held Tuesday morning at , o'clock Irom the mi- me to Emmanuel Evangelical church, thence to Mount Hope Crate. tery. He death of the inlant child ot Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ziegler occurred on Sunday atternpon, new! 6 weeks. 7'")? [BEAT - Gs'" held Tuesday afternoon at 1.30 trom the residence to the cemetery. For over thirty years the Ontario Agricultural College has provided courses at study and practical tietd wpik tor farmer's sons. and thous- ands ot young men have taken ad- Vantage ot it. At first the course was two years. This was tountl to he too short, and in 1888 a third year was added. Still later it was tound impossible to do justice to the work in three sessions, and the regular College Course, leading to the degree of B. s., now covers a period of tour years. ' . _ ,_.._ Anni r‘--v-- v- _Hee"e" .' - But-there are many farmers and farmer's sons who can not spare the time to take the long College course. and others who might fod the time, but have not the means or duration sumcient lor matriculation. For 2hr sake of such men we-hare supphs mental our regular work by addlr,' Shourt Courses to mod their sutreir _ requirements. _ - -. ... _ t... 'irN-"'-'"-'" _ A judging pavilion with 1 Mix foot ring, and with seats all ammu‘ capable of scaling comlorlahly 35t persons, has been will (swcially for the convenirnce of thcse taking tlu Short Course in Live Stu-k. Int, this ring all crassrs of horses, chI Cattle. sheep and swine arc brand]! tor criticism. The animals are judg- ed try the members of tlu, class them selves, and ftrutlly judgul by some 10 etrgnized authority, so that the stu- dents may have a good opportunity to compare their judgment with that of others. No money will be spared in bringing in some at the best in presentatives cf all these classes from the slablts of our lea-ding On tario hreedrrs. The work will tn Conducted hy G. E. Day, Prof. o' Animal Husbandry. liclurcr in Ani mal Husbandry; and Dr. J. R. Reed Prol. ol Veterinary Science, with thi assistance or other comment stock- Rev-[JR aha togarded G authorities on the most valuable breeds of farm animals. _ _ One hour each day will be spent b. lectures on seed selection, and tb best methods ot cleaning seed, an: in the judging of oats, lanky. whul peas; and corn; and the studs ot gras- us. clowns, and various [udder crop'. and in the identification of “Ted seed: moat commonly found in grass am clover twed. This course will be con ducted by C. A. Zaritr, Prof. 04 Field Husbandry; J. Buchanan, lee tttter in Kield Husbandry; and J. E, Hewitt. lwlurrr in Botany. In the Poultry Course, whirl: last: tot one month, instruction will In given in the lolloWinK branchvs o' the poultry business; preparation ot plans. sptaaTteations, and plans 0' poultry hours tor unions purposrs location, construction. ventilatior and furnishings; breeds and varieties oi lowln; origin nnd characteristics principles of Inn-dim and mating; judging; natural and attiNiai 'in'cu- butlon. and roaring; tinting. care and tnanaqetmerf. the Minimum: of eggs in winter; ulrr.n;r.:.tr.:tims rnd prune» tire ib tattcnintr,, killing, dressing am preparing chickrns tcr home and tor eign mam-ts. plans. tipcctTteations, and plans o! sic one (mild hear Was made by sing- pottttry Mum's tor tarious purposes tis, pianists, viollnlsls, 1nd players location, construction. ventilatior ot other instruments requiring lot and turnigtsingti; breeds and varieties their mastery yum or patient Prue. ol lowln; origin nnd characteristics use. Today there are in use hund- principles of r.rred'trg and mating; reds oi thousands ol lnslrummll itadgitttt; natural and artificial iticu. which nrirsaita.te little or no prac- ttation, and "wiring; tieding, care and vise on the part ot thch who a” tnanaqetmrrf. the ItrNttion of eggs them, and .which are at the same in winter; slrtuct.t.trVrs vnd prune» timc marvels d mwcfn mechanical tier lb tattcnintr,, killing, dressing " ingenuity, marking a trememlotm ad- preparing clxickrns tcr home and for vancc over the music boxes, hardy- rlgn mark-ls. mnlys. barrel organs, orehestriona, The (It-mam! tor trained men it and r,ther mechanical instruments ot Dairying too, far vxcmsls the supply the mast, The wide demand lor them and young men thoroughly emsippm is indiea.ttrd by the large and stead- in the sch-nee and practice at Full” ily increasing numbcr ot companies and Chersemaking, are in conslnnl auuuttacturitttt thrm (than are ow: demand. The Dairy 8(1100' is ,rrr ievertty manufacturer: ot piano play- prepared "o give a ttood will" i, an!) 'whose prosperity ls further in- 'dalrylmt. tThe “Tm is thrre months? dicatul " lhc large scale of their A hard of about lo COWS, heiters am' sdvertisrmt' in the newspapers ami ealv'etr, rrpresrMinrt tttree 1ir,rii'i1ii'ii,'a1i,iiiii, The musical periodicals breeds of "dairy cattle, ,tivrs an " haw sun-clan milnrlal departments trill-M olttcrt lesson in the ttamtiimrieyoimt to threw piano players and trenting, av:l caring tor a dairy herd, Inlkinu machimm, and allogllhrt this bratdes supplying spewittwns for class ww departure in music presents no room work. A "cord is If?! ot pacl tt the most curious and inlcrrsling rowfs milk, that studrttts may am ts.prets nl modern civilipatiort." - the simplicity and impomm ot a "A Musical Revolution," by Henry tow record. T. Finch. in The Circle, tor Janu- Tttme three mumps are Moll-d. AF try, 1907. These tttree cmltm are Moral, as was stated below. tor lhoce lumen and farmer‘s mus. who have not ll" Hm not the moncy to lake the reg“ tar l'ollogr (Emma and it is to In trotted tttat a large numlm' will IvalE them-rival oi the nmtlunlly to al lend 't'ritttt the coming January. M . mm ot ”I00 Years' Pro - In Watertoo Cot-My" to you! Men‘s. Over too pagan. Price Mu can mild top'T “an". and um put new! at you a”. m and " mum " mm. DIV“ - tell'.".'. . an. “it... .: '.'tatl "-"'".'t'" TMP, - "w“ W“ " cowl-tut LDVIR'I'IIIR. ”untu- Julia. m E cot R Mis. his parents Bve brothers WATERL00 SUCCUMBED TO LONG ILLNESS Death at Mr cm Rttt-ttat Fer In, You! 8 Resident ot Waterloo. The many triads ot Mr. Ch“. Rit- telh'ul will regret to hear ot his death, which occurred at " home in Berlin " 3.30 o'clock Friday at- e-inx. Me had been . sullen: from intummatorr rheumntirm tor over a . Deceased was born in Barnes, Ger- many, on Bert. 13, 1850, and emb- grated to teattrloy1 in I?". _ -. _ Upon his arrival he entered the tan- uery ot Mr. J. S. Stroll. when he remained two years. He atterwards became bookkeeper "or the late Christian “nether, Sr., who then owned the "nether Brewery. In 1891 he entered the employ . at Mr. Christian Huether, Jr., who had purchased the Httether Hotel, and about 1904 accepted a position with Mr. V. M. Benet, now ot Berlin. He was the possessor ot a fitte ten- or voice. and was a pronaent%erse be: at the Harmonic Singing Society. He was also a member ot Court En- terprise No. " tor many yens. Up to about d year ago deceased was a resident at Waterloo, where he was well known. A' wife and a. son, mt Rimmm survive. . MFFli1kN.KNECtmiL An event of unusual interest took) place at the home ot Mr. and Mrs.) Daniel Knee-Mel on Christmas Day, when their only daughter, Laura Elma, was united in the holy bonds at wedlock to Mr. Albert Hollman ol Waterloo, but for the last 18 months of our burg, the Rev. F. Loch performing the ceremony. At three o'clock the bridal party entered the spacious draw- ing room, to the sweet strains ot Mendelssohn's Wedding March, where the nuptial knot was securely tied. The bride looked exceedingly Winsome in a bmart grey suit trim- med with silk and was ably assisted by Miss Clara Hellman of Waterloo, and Miss Clara Knechtel, of Berlin, while Mr. Walter Knechtel. of Te ronto, and Mr. Frank Hellman, o. Waterloo. ably supported the groom. Alter tre happy couple had received the many good wishes of their friends the guests to the number of seventy partook of a sumptuous wedding breakfast. . The happy couple leit on a honey- moon trip to points in Mich Can. Th1 bridc's going away dress was a navy blue suit with hat to match.' Guests won- present trom Toronto, Yatton. Gan, Bulin. Waterloo, Gtenallan, New Dundee and other dis- tant points. . We wish io publicly announce. through your columns, our since“ thanks to T. M. Robinson, M. D., St. Jacobs, Ont., and Miss A. Stark, a trained nurse ot the General Hos pital, Guelph. Ont., lor their kind, regular and careful attention to om son, Muttie Schummer, during his tour miks' illness with typhoid lev- er. We haven't words to express our atspreciation at Miss Stark and Dr. Robinson tor the saeriftett ot sleep and rest and a determination from the start, to do all she could to re- store out son to his usual health. We 1180 take this opportunity to thank Messrs. Cassel and Hintststttrerger (or the kind assistance they tandem! Ill during all this time. MR. AND MRS. PETER F. "Not, perhaps, since music became " art has such a remarkable revolu- tion occurred in it as that which. is going on at this moment. Up to about a decade ago nearly alt the Inn- Mrs. John Ferrite of "funky, Cat. ‘allnl on her m'pttew, Mr. C. W. wean and lamily. Albert street, Dummy. Mrs. Ferrer has not VII- .Inl Canada tor tummy year! and natttrottty am mile a charge In um rkintty. A [mute M hrt mu Io this tte-tthood will be I tattttir mam it the born a in mm. It. Scum-I B. 8cm. Qua It, Mb. on in. any. h MUSICAL REVOLUTION, WIDE- SPRI'ZAD, AND GAINING BY LEAFS AND BOUNDS. y VISITOR TO WAT'F'.rtr.tt" :5, CARD OF THANKS 1906. St. Clements, Out. NUPTIALS. SCHUMMER, Mr. Blah Dam in 'initial .. air- - to: n in an. - Mr. “I In. Rottert lines. Myo. mto. - Win-u In town. Mr. Matthew Jany ot Gait - Christmas with relatives in (on. Mr. Irvine and“ a! Torah I. homo lot Xmas. Mr. Iona Root ttt Tomato visited " his hone has a XIII! Der. Mr. Irwin Brick" visited “turbo trietrdtt over Christan. Mr. Holly Young is home lot the Xan- holidays. Mr. Harry Wilson of StoIIIIvilln II a visitor " m home at Mr. and In. J. B. Huey. Master Arthur McIntyre In In“ tor his tumre hone in Toronto. Mr. Jacob Bricker of Strattord is spending a few days with Waterloo Metals. Mr. Bert neurons ot the National Cash Register Co., Chicago, in a visitor to. Waterloo t- m 110 is spending some time at his home in Elmira. Miss Perkin: is spending the holl- day at her home In Lindsay. . Min Gertie Hastings is spending the Xmas holidays " her home in Harriston. Mr. M. W. Snyder, ot Caledonia, Mich., was a visitor to Waterloo on Monthy. He is Spending some time with triendts in this vicinity. Mr. S. Gourlay of Toronto is vis- iting triemis in town. Mr. A. F. McIntyre spent the Xmas holidays at his home in Alvin- ston. . w. A. L. Ward, of the Molson's Bank stall, is visiting friends in Mich- igan over the holiday. _ Mr. Alfred Smee, of Hamilton. tor- merly ot Waterloo, is vitsitittg "ierds in town. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin K. Cressnian. and little son. Garrseld, ot Hamilton, are spending thaXmas holidays at the home at the atter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McDougall. Mr. McDermid, of the Molsons Bank stair, spent Xmas with friends in Washago, Ont. Miss Annie Goetz spent her Christmas holidays at her home in Harden. ' A Number of Cases Bun! Be- fore Magistrate Weir Friday 'Morning. Messrs. Robert and Gro. Hortop are home tor the holidays. The death' ol Mrs. Henry Ftoellch, an aged resident ot Waterloo, occur- red Wednesday afternoon, at the age of 84 years. a months and 4 days. Death we: due to the intirmities ot old age. T Mr. and ”Mn. Wm. Reade and Mas- ten Ellwell were guests of Toronto triemis over Christ-as. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Harper are the" guests of Elmira Irimtds ow-r xmas.' Mr. Oliver Geiger enjoyed Christ- mas-at his home m Hensall. F Mr. R. Y. Stuart and family are spending a tew days with relatives in Toronto. '. Mrs. H. Freehlich Fuses May Deceased was ot a kindly dispoai- tion and was held in high Impact try her many lticnds. For the past sev- eral years she had made her home with her daughter, Mrs. llohmicr, The ttttteral was held onfratur- dav afternoon at 2 o'elock from the residence pr Mr. Philip "ohm-int. to the Berlin Mennonite cemetery. tor in- terment. POLICE COURT "s AT WATERLOO Messrs. Baldwin: and Carl Poehi- man of Detroit, visited at their home Mrs. J. H. Webb is spending a few days with friends in Toronto. DEATH OF AGED RESIDENT The husbana of ibe deceased and son died a number of years ago: Alex. McDonnell upward to "ttB- wor to the than ot nott-tmpporb. of his wife. Me pteaded will); and was remanded until next Thursday for sentence. . ' The deceased lady was born in Ger- many in 1822. coming to Waterloo in 1849. She was married to Henry Froelich the lollowing your. , warrant is out tor the am” ot Funk Harold. I 'eltow who has horn wandering "and this Homily lot some time. There were a number ol also: up before Police Magistrate J. J. -4\. Weir at Waterloo Friday morning. Anette} use ot disorderly eoniNet also Hwy-on Berlin panics, Wis sol- tled out of an“. , Thr Wan-rim 1'mhal 3mm! cloa- ed on “May lot lbw X." Ml!- days. In home of tha divisions the pupil: show-d their npncchtlol " plunging my: (when - Inl- A than ttatttrnt Winters, hailing “1).! Berlin. was Med " and coats toe disorderly conduct, - - -- _ ion Ities 'ttts persimat and Social at Ripe Age of 84 Years. ammo-Tm “and”. bd-tttrl tt1eteAtteeeett aarmh'arHtqrtthherai.tar, In” KM.“M. I In. Supt. at out. ad Mr. B. [Mahatmtnwu n 'HhetaiaeotMr.aadMra. Jacob UF (to “siting quldo trio-Iii. Kr. Jack Mn!- ot Hamilton in - Xm- " his home here. In Olive lclntyu is visiting {that in loot”. Mr. Harry Inner. ol Trout Cloak. latch, is spending the holiday: " " home here. Mr. H. J. Coon oi the Mutual Lite “all. spent the Xmas holidays at his home in Bellevillo. m. Wm. Snidcr has returned trom a visit with his daughter. arm. Wil- lard Henry. Phalanx, Pa. Mr. Alvah Hawke ot Toronto in how tor a tew days. Miss Kathleen McBride is enjoying tht9r)trtmtys holidays at her home. Miss Cecil Shah, who is attending School in Toronto has arrived home tor the holiday sen-on. Miss Pringle and his“ I. Valentino [on tor their homes near Salon]: I. to spend the Xmas nation. Mr. C. R. Terry, ot Mooret1eid, visited Waterloo Mom]; on Wednw day. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Haehnel lute left lot Detroit. on a visit to their daughter, Mrs. Glinz. Mrs. [heme] will remain until alter New Year's. ' Miss Addie Poehlman or the Waab- ington Conservatory or Music, North Hope, Pa., is spending the Xmas hol- idays at her home here; Mr. Norman Shelly of Galt is spending several days ft his [tome in Waterloo. _, V Mr. Arthur Wood ot. Brantford was a visitor at the home ot Mr. Henry Grein, Waterloo, on Xmas Day. Mrs] Jacob tkyter, Toronto, spent the Xmas holidays with her daughter Mrs. Chas. Mueller. Mr. Barney Snyder ot Strattorden- joyed Christmas with friends in Wat- etloo. It. and In. Win. Sill. ot Gait, Mr. an spent. a 1 Waterloo. Mrs. J. I. Stewart and daughter. ol Rochester, N. Y., are guests . at the home of Mr. and Mrs. c. W. Schiedcl, Albert street. SUCCESSFUL Mrs. E. Martin and daughters, the Misses Hazel and [in Martin, enjoy- ed the holiday with Elmira friends. Mr. Harvey W. Elliott. oi Detroit, is spending the holidays with his par- ents, Her. R. J. and Mrs. Elliott. Splendid Program Given It St. John's Lutheran Church on Tuesday Evening. The annual Xmas entertainment ot the St.'John’s Lutheran chilrcb Sun- day school, held Tuesday evening, proved a splendid success. The church was crowded and the general ooncensus of opinion voted it one ot the most successlul ever held. The two large. beautiful Xmas trees pre- sented a brilliant spectacle, electric lights and Xmas ornaments being ar- ranged very artistically about the trees. The three large bells in the centre also looked very pretty. An excellent programme, compris- ing recitations. ete., was given, and the scholars acquitted themselves most creditably. ltesidr-s selections by the choir well rendered solos were given by the Misses Maud Zimmer- man, Mary Froelich and Irene Wink- ler. The pastor also made In appro- priate address. M the concluion candy bags were distributed to the members of the Sunday School. The members of the choir were also each presented with a handsome book by the Church Board. SUCCESSFUL ENTERTAINMENT The Presbyterian Sunday School Entertainment was held on Friday owning in the school room oi the church. and was a decided amps. The $%prritttmtdettt, Mr. J. A. 11ar- pr-r, preaided, and a wry iniorniing progrummt‘ oi dialogues, rrciinilom. choruan and anion. was rertdered, the performers doing thcmulves much credit. An address by ihrpaator. Mr. W. D. but. brought the program to a clone. alter which bags contain- Ing ('hriaimaa cheer were distrihicd among the acholara " the trachea. Mi. Carl stetrernage1, of "Sewiqk- Icy, Pa., spent the Xmas holidays at his home in Waterloo. Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Wray and baby, Kenneth. oi Franklinvillo, N. Y., are spending a tew days with tritntds at Linwood. They will visit friends in Listowel, Guelph and Paris before le- mming home. The nomlnntlonl tor “Home ot Maron Reese, Drputy Rreer, (‘00- rillun. Rater and mm Commis- siomn. Sewer t'ortmirtsthortrrs all School Tram tor thr Town all $taterhto will be held In the To" "all. on Monday runny. Dre. Met, at 7.30 o'clock. _ "mm A poll is demanded, the " mm will he held on _ Jn. NOMINATION MEETING and Mrs. Steiner ot Elmira a tew "days with Iricnds in ENTERTAmMENT To Alma!!! THE ISSUE op DEBIIH'UI- Port “I... TO EXTEND AND IMPROVE THE BEVERAGE 8‘33?“ " THE TOT" op 'ATEBIDO.‘ "ERIAS it In don-d audio“ tomi-tH-rnese8t8,0" [or Q. m M _ “all“. all ITgN the m "In! ot the Tom, Imam. ’ AND WHEREAS tor a. m “would it will he my lot in Corporate. oi the a” Ton to b- us in when!“ tor, and to “can ndetttotheaertortattot8M,060 u Lemma: mentioned, and such 6M mumm- human!» tor shall he and. ”phi: in thirty I you: at tho Inn-that from the is] on which this Br-law take- duct. AND WHEREAS It will main the sun at 81413 to be ulna IMMI- I)', by a special an tor laying he said debt and intend. V AND WHEREAS the amount ot the whole nguble property of the said Municipality according to tho Int Juiced assessment roll at tho aid 'rurtieipatitr II the I“ ot 81,850,338. AND WHEREAS the amount oi tho cutting debenture debts of the said Corporation is $211,388.53, 5nd no principal or, interest is in an“. THEREFORE. the Municipal Coun- cil ot the Corporation at the Town or Wsterloo enacts an tottow. 1. That tor the pupae ot rolling the “id sum of $23,000 thirty debt tum ot the said Town ot Waterloo to the amount of $23,000 as atom- uid, shall be issued, which aid de. hentnree shell bear interest at the rate ot (our and one-hall per oeuturn per annum. end which said debentures shall be signed by the. Mayor of the aid Town ot Waterloo, and by the Treasurer thereot, and the Clerk shall attach thereto the Corporate Sal ot the said Municipality. f 2. That theyaid debentures shall be payable " the othee ot the Treasurer oi the said Town at Waterloo on the first day ot February, one in each rear for the next sueeeeding thirty years. commencing with the year 1908, and shall each be tor 81412, the aggregate amount payable in eachol the said thirty yearsI tor principal and interest at the rate atorerraid. 3. That each at the said debentures shall be dated on the day this. By- law shall take elect. 4. During the currency of the said debentures there shall be nixed An- nually by Special rote on all the ratwble property in the said Town ot Waterloo the sum of 81412 tor the purpose of paying the amount in each 10! the said years tor principal and "tsurest in respect of the aid debt. a. That the Mayor of the said Town shall attend " the laid Coun- cil Chamber on the Mth day ot Jatt- uary, 1007, at eight o'clock p. m. to appoint person: to attemt at the n:- ious polling plum end the fitttt1 lulu- ing up of the votes by the Clerk m- pectively on lat-hall ot the person: in- terested in and promoting or oppos- ing the passage ot this JTr-taw rel- pectively. _ 6. That the votes of the qualified w, eetors ol the said Town at Waterloo shall be taken on this By-taw try bal- lot, pursuant, to the Consolidated Municipal Act, 1903, on Monday the seventh day of January, 1807, from the hour of nine o'clock in the lore- noon until the hour pt tive o‘clock in the afternoon ot the same day, and " the places, and by the Deputy Re. turning Ofticera hereinafter specified, that is to Bar. -. divisions Nos. 7 and ' united), " the 01d Council Chamber, in the Market House, Mr. Charla A. Huh- nel. Deputy Returning Gainer. 7. That the Clerk.“ this Council shell sum up the number of Totes given for end again" thin By-hor " the Council Chamber, Waterloo. on the eighth day ot January, 1907, n the hour ot eleven o'clock in the lore- noon. For the South Ward (Polling Sub- diviniona Nos. 5 and a united), at the ottice of the Cnnndn Woollen Mills, King street, Mr. Conrad Hadl- nergard, Deputy Returning Ollieer. Finally passed alter the uncut ot the ntcpayen " the Council Chun- ber In the Town oi Waterloo au dar ol , 1007. ‘ 5. This By-Iaw shall take died on the Brst gay ot February, A. 11u1PI. 'For the East Ward (Polling Sub- divisions Noe. 3 and 4 united). " William Hogtt's once, Queen street, Mr. William Hm, Deputy Returning For the North Ward (Polling Sub- divisions Noa. l and g united), at Harmonie Hati, King street, Mr. Peter H. Roos, Deputy Returning or. Take noun am the torrgoing l: I tree copy of a proposal lly-law 17th has barn “in into malkrallorn Ind whlch will be llhally passed try the Mtmieiprt ('mnrll ot ttre Corporation ol the Town ot Waterloo ln the event ot no assent ol the Eleclon lull-g "buimd thereto, all" one month trom the ttrat tmbtteatiort lit-reel In the CttroniiNntrtqh noun-pet, "It'll first plbllmllon being on tht 13th day ot Decent". A. D. "00. nml that It the but. any and ptaers therein Med tor mm ttte volt! ol the drum, the polls wlll- he held. For the Welt Ward (Polling Sub: BY-LAI " A. B, mimic. 6m. NOTICE. Mayor. Clerk Now Ready, We are now ready with one of the largest and mos elegant stock of Xmas Novelties ever shown' in. Waterloo This stock comprises all the latest N oveltics in Ladies' Fancy Neckwear Fancy Belts Umbrellas Handkerchief Boxes Fancy Handkerchiefs Silk Handkerchiefs 500 doz. Plain and Fancy Hdkfs. S. B. BRICKER & 1Xh Mr. Bowman. of Hespclcl, called on In. Bemis Int. Thursday. __ -iir,%iruirsr.U. A. Dutnnt. ot Fristme Villa, called on In. Deals on Send" last. - A _ _ -iiitea" lime Smut. at bt. Thomas, Is spending the Xmas holidays " the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Burerd. _ “his?" Leslie Butml'd has nrttrrtr. ed home the! being in St. Thomas tor several months' holidays. "ii-G-tras-ins, Berlin, span Sunday “at: the Purging] root. Mr. Milton may. of Alberta, is to ttewintt acquaintances here. The many Mend: of Milton are glad to m him back again. -iiiiu% Peppler, of Taviatoek, Is a next at the home ot her uncle. Mr. Ami Mrs. Wm. Bedford. - "iirl.irdort uni her son James Murdock, ot nelwood, spent Sunny and Monday with In. Bylaw: .' -iirnierii. lithium“. Berlitt,apeert Sunday under the 'rtretttt may The Christmas ettterutttmertt VII a dreided mm. The church was cranial and An enjoyable evening was spent " all present. The next meet"; a the Luann Society will be An on medium to trr MN! on Saturday mm, Jan. s, IMW. A ttood programme will be proetdrd, consisting ol dialog-a, Minn, "Mutton and male. Cone ml cum I treet. Drr, ".-Ptrttte School in clonal. owing to the trseWer, Mr, B. It, utr. mu. 2gl'rd"ut1 an. "is". mun-H by In M. Mia an all In}. I. Mun. wwmumw 1jRlrllillil8, t 00. We wish to thank our Custo- mers throughout Waterloo County for their generous patronage during the past year and Wish all a December 26th, 1906. CRESSIAN, SASK. BLooMtNODALE. wammmm) I“ Lang Bros. ti Go. Happy and huiiras New Year Novelties in Dress Goods Mr. A. Smith ot the Massey Harris Co., and S. Bit-inn were on s business 'trlp to the Kansas settlement Int week. -- "r. Harry Puddicombe aim Iett " his tonne: home near Haywlllet "if Albert Btmmterd.has engaged tor the winter months with Fred SternIon. --- _ Mean. Jaieots Art, Ervin and F3]. tester Biehn spent Sunday with Atk.. Ber Cream-an: -- _ _ - -. _ - Mri-Atthur Howe: has iaiwn rm!” ot Mr... Ptsddheotstbes'tt farm and lunch (luring his thug-cc: - _ _ _ Marrienf.-At the parsonage on De ccmher 12, by Rev. E. s. mun». Henry Bowman, second son ot Iona C. Bowman, to Miss Lydia Ann Weber. "HE mil-McDonald wedding will be celebrated on the mu that, n the home ot the bride's prom. _ no woumm um brtmtht to u clone br m dittttftmthttt cl an all. Mt'. up. 1eftlt 1ch tat m w" tn , I hi a! iuiua, In Gingrich and Jerry Rudy will leave In I day or two got Berlin, _ The mud] Xmas ttttettattttttegtl ot the Sully Ichool of the Inhodist chin-h. hold on Wetland-y evening. In: . no". meet-sum "air. The .ttendattee was large Ind . very ett- iorable evening was mama than mm. The out“: given by he m1" ot the Sunday mt prov- ed my mtertatrthttt. while the pm- nce ot a real live Santa Claus re- tttled the hunt cl the chlldten. Fancy Linens Five o'clock Coven Fancy Dailies Fancy Toilet Sets Fancy Combs Waist Silks XMAS ENTERTAINMENT

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