Ontario Community Newspapers

The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 27 Dec 1906, p. 3

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Sal. commences Thursday morn- ing M! has t‘mo darts, About 4 don an Trimmet " uh to b. poll n half price. " 00 huh kr 4 50 7.00 hats for 3 50 WINTER . 1lill.l.lMfl"il We also carry a full line of Gent's Furnishings Mm which it will be easy to select a suitable gill! orxu. l in all sizes and weights. SPRING NEEDLE UNDERWEAR It Will Pay You THE [[8388 ”RESIN“; 'Anrod Wright. Secrets t M. an], Inspector C. A. BOEHM District A DepositwiUt the Dominion Government: .. . ... . . . . .. .. "17,140. Alt policies guaranteed by the London And unnuhire lnnurnnce Company with Asset.- of mamas. Imhmt Tenor, latotlao lnsuranca company INCORPORATED 1375 Head Office - Water!” 'ybserihef fhspitaL. . . "." "f . 230,000.00 The Mercantile Fire To see orh ne ne of for 1997 are now being issuN‘l to Poli, traolttevtr.ua'tsd "my iv Lad at my or. "ee. Waterloo Fire B liming, King St. Waterloo. INSURANC I?. CALENDERS [neon-vented In use. HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL Genital Authorized 86.000300 Peta-Up Capital - $8,300,000 Reserve Fund - $3,000,000 Am. but!" bum-u done. Cel- este-u IMO. dram lined payable " . ”not the Deal-Iona! my New In the} JOHN RITZER, would “but an: of like“ unwed lot one] (tmtar.taa m Saving- Bulk or and-J ”out. _ Th3 Nelsons Bank Succostor to Buekhervough & Co. Establish d tsuit.' Otfiei, 249. Phonon ( Hausa 209. 800 hats for 1.50 5 00 hats for 2.5:) k. BOEHM District Agent, Warorioo, Ont. Phone 249. Carter's Little Liver'Pms. "rv-usa-are huh-Inga. OUII “GK HEADAGHL In I.” llama». a! a. 'ueatesser. Wan" rm C A BOEHM JACOB '0M9PBLMM. lama! WINE!” Bunch BEBE! roa mun-m. m lam-um. m mm. mm. m mumm- m an." an. 93 fr, unusual ff? mum. I turattcrd, DH. 'di.--",, tlu. ftr.qt lime in line history of lhv city trip Ms haw lwcn Born to a Shallow woman, and conscqurnll; Rob"! ‘l-Inglish, was sun! is the happy mm 1' m- bright, bunny girls The hub" is a hamster. while clu- mother. who this turn marred "rirr, in now Um tmtther ot Winn-n mm ten, all Minn The taniily is net bhsu,s-,t with p superahurdamr of IN: World's ponds, and INT!“ hr'nrvchtttly disposed Infl- m are intruding Manson" in the use. It In ttot unlikely. MONK)", that thr litllr Emma children will to with“!!! "Mr 1'hritsttttait (it! um sea-on, It, Emu": 'tlt aptly lot royal my. . TRIPLETS llultrr sold ar'2tt (was while eggs sold as high " 34 and " cm“ per dozen. . The curly-Comm: started to ask Is vents hr turkey, but as the supply iucreiwtrvd the price drnppul to as low ax II and " corals. and some were glad to ml this. It appeared as if all thc tarmrrs and poultry deatrrs min-ctr] a rich ttarvrat by charging high pun-s, hut the supply abet-doll llzrlr lxrvctnllous. It certainly was a reecrd treakrr, not only in regard to the crowds, but also in the quantity of fuvl that Wat offered for sote. The m:rkrt was titerWy Iloodrtt with inrklys. nose, ducks and chicken, and the supply was suitieient to provide a Christmas dinner t::r every heme in the Twin- City. “The C‘Hstmu ma ton on Iu'ttrtttt.t _ ' was tra, largest l have our sum" was Mun-l Clerk Hv.ehr.ergard's op- inion l xprrssed to "to TehT.raih BERLIN XMAS M.‘.RKET "' h RECORD BREAKER Trusting that its aeceptanee will allord you as much pleasure as is given us in the presentation, we are very rrspccliully. On Saturday evening: the employes of the Merehants' Ituhter Co. showed their appreciation of the services" ot the Superintendent, Mr. J. T. Hart, by presenting him with the following addréss and a handsome leather chair: . Mr. J. T. "int, Supt. Merchants' Rubber Co. . Dear sHir,--Will _\'ou,,euntcr upon us the great pleasure ct appropriating to your use the accompanying gilt? It is presented by the employes of the Merchants' Rubber Co. as a slight token of the high esteem in which you are Lelzl by the stair as Superintendent. PRESENTED WITH Five cars were piled up fn the yard. and two engines damaged beyond re- pairs. Coroner Fissette has"ordered Bn. inquest. . t Engineer Hay, who remained in the en_b= escaped with plight bruises. Robt. Hay, engineer, and Fireman Dymond, were on the attached engine " the time of the crash. Dymond attempted to jump, when his head was horribly mangled between the tendel md boiler. Death was instantan- Cons. Bond and Mierrar, the others. min aeeh.rtyst.eseape1 injury. A _ James Behrand. the Brmnnn ot the train. was a new hand. He had only (been in the company‘s service three days, but he displayed nerve and pre- sence of mind on an occasion when an old hand might have iailed. Fatal Wreck " Brnntftrd. Brantford, Dee. M.-Fimman T. N., Dymond of Strattord was killed in a bad collision in the Grand Trunk yards about 8 o'clock Saturday mom- ing. Train 422 for Toronto was un- able to ascend the grade just outside the city and backed into the yards to get another start. In doing so it ran into the switch. crashing into the caboose attached to the engine. Will Knight. one of the occupants of the caboose, had one leg severed above the knee, and little hope is held out for his recovery. A 7 yearn. Dr. ttNr, of Mlmieo will held In inquest " Inn'- Hotel on Wedm day evenéptu l ofgloc_k. _ _ 47 In"?! cn and 1&3; Tim}; P' was]; Lkurfhiidrxsn. High-d found a dead mm in the cab-1nd u Breman with hi- nervoa Ian-trans lit- t3 on the lootplnto with a and l on his two. John Nut, the engine". was one of the most tmtworthy men in the C. P. R. ”nice. and has A good record. Be In. prohabir struck and instantly killed b5 I home umnphon at the and at tho nion Station lhedl. ,hilBtloohiqqouttoamrit'tudir: tunes unaphore wan “dint him. He belon¢_to Toron_to_ Junction._yu ' Wald." - - . "T23Mll' Toronto. Doc. B6.-With the - rgdrdrr,hUptun1g'st,iuriii,t, unaware! that. had was. his mu, the 8.40 C.P.B. nominal: ox- pnu tore through South '22N union Saturday to the manhunt the station mm and may waiting mu. AM Partrid- vu I.“ behind the from lam spend a an timing nu. Juno- Bertrand. ttte human. than doc“ to uh the engineer what In. wrong. He made his way up into the little box in which the engineer sat And found . dead man'g hand duping the throttle. Promptly ho 't _ moved the "in my." from the throttle and shut her own. Tho unor- - brake: were applied. and the expre‘u caning!» n “op. The condncjor infuse: of c ‘1'. R. In Struck trg 52mph“ aad A taft Bus Joseph R. Vol]. Chas. F. Zuolsdorl. Pearl Y. Smiley. Samuel Docrsam, J. II. Rocdding, Robert C, Guano, n1! , 511R. Com. of Prcqentation KILLED _ IN HIS CAB RN IN STRATWRD LEATHER cw, R tor" 366} -iittGG 7" lin- tirst city trip- Simmmi _ Ruhr" A four works no lhe ttttant child of Mr. and Mrs. “on MrCtytttottt, who ttside on Waterloo street, contracted diphtheria and was nuts“! by Mr mother and In recovering 'tfeels, A work "gins. Mr1'ttmont took in with the disene pad and any on Friday night. Site in In her MI fur. "r says" It would be impossible tor him to identity the room". Mr. Hugh-hon Schmalt. a farmer lining in the vicinirr"of llrcslau. was a " _ F.r Friday and Millard " frirnrls that while he was driving hmnr'un Tuesday owning two mm mntrrd on his skin]! and all” driv- in: mm him a short distance he re. ccirvd a Mark ott the Bide of the head which rendered him unconmious. and while he was In thm comalom- condition 1hr sum of $35 Wu taken trom his pockets. _ WAS ROBBED 0F Rev. Mr. ()ulrowski has just com- pleted a course of six year: classical and philosophical studks at Flt. Jet- ome's Folk-gr, lirrlin, and a thrce years' course at the Scminary. Mont- real, with a three months' Postgrad- nate course. The Grand Seminary is the thmlnziral drpnrimc-nt ot Lavane Univcrsity, Montreal. Rev. Frank Odmwski. who was otdaingzl to the holy priesthood in 1t. Peter's Cathedral, London, last Saturday morning by His Lordship the Rt. Rev. Fergus P. McEvay, D. D., Bishop of London, celebrated his first Holy Mass in St. Mary's.R. C. Church on Sunday morning at ttn o'clock. A large congregation [mm chanted in the impressive servi P. The young celebrnnt was assisted by Rev. Father Kloepfer as areh-dra. con, Rev. Father Benninger. as dea. con, and Mr. Geo. Spot; as stttr-dsra-) l St. Peter's Church. . At the choir reception on Saturday in St. Peter's Lutheran Church, the pastor, dlev. F. E. Oberiandcr. was presented with an addrtss read by Mr. Oscar anpel and a handsame and valuable ttrr-lined overcoat. The presentation of an easy chair to the organist, Prot. Zoellner. and an en- larged picture of the combined choirs to Miss Huida Bounce, were also made. filo DFATH AT BERLIN A large congregation attended the English service at the German Bap- tist church on Sunday evening, when the pastor, Rev. F. Kaiser, preached an appropriate sermon on "The First Christmas Carol." The double quartette rendered several beautiful selections and Mrs. Raeie Boehrner;, Pollock sang "The Birthday of .11 King" in splendid style. Spocihl t‘hyistnras serricts will wk! in. St.‘.lohn's Anglican (“ht m Christmas; morning at 8 o'clt when Holy Communion will he served, and also at 10.30 o'clock. ' regular advent servicts Wt re held Sunday. _.,r‘_,'-._.. “I!“ ”I 3 Christmas Day. It Trinity Methodist Churu. " The om Christmas services in the I. new Trinity Methodist Church *will u, long be remembered by those who it were present on Sunday morning and [tt evening as being probably the most 'l beautiful and impressive ever held in r the history ot this prosperous con- . gregation. In the morning the pu- r- tor, Rev. S. E. Marshall. took as n his theme the scene at Christ's na- rr tivity. which was lollowed by the . rendition ot "No Room in the Inn" 'i by a qua.rtst.te composed ot Mrs. Hit- Iiard and Miss A. halls and Messrs. e Hallman and Mussclman, very feet- ' ingly. Mr. Shildrick and the choir i sang Neidlinger's "The Birthday ct l l King." Miss Scott's solo, " Come ' Unto Him," was also beautilully ren- : dcrcd. In the evening the large edi- nce was crowded to the doors. The , regular service was preceded ty a r brie! organ recital by Mr. Alton H. l Heller, and his selections were great- I ly appreciated. Mr. Heller distin- guished himselt in the able. and per- k feet manner in which he played the ttitrieult accompaniments ot the cho- ruses and other select-ions of the ev- ening, which Were ot a very high order. The choir, under the able leadership of Mr. H. M. Shildrick. surpassed all previous eltorts, and rendered a programme in a manner l that could hardly be exeelled by met- ( ' ropolitan church choirs. The pro- 1 Tramme was of an unusually ambi- l tious character, and included Church- i 'aill's majestic hymn anthem, “Come, Let us Join Our Cheerful Songs," in which Mr. J. R. Hallman took the f solo in splcndid style, Morart's t "Gloria," Gounod's "Untold, Ye Portals," and Handel's "Hallelujah I V'horus," all of which Wit? rendered , ‘n a manner that showmt earnest . cvdrk and patient training. Mr. 'l qhirdrick sang "Night of Nights," by 1: Van der Water, in splendid voice, and he solo, “I Know; That My Redman- it 'r Liveth," by Handel. was sung ai _ rcry leclingly by Mrs. Hilliard. The . mot, "Love Divine," by Mrs. Hil- 5 iard and Mr. 4Glhnan, was also li 1reatly.appreciued. The pastor do In Eivered a‘hriel address on the Advent w Ind at the conclusion of the service t "omrtteridmt the choir for the noble L' -r~rvicc that is being given ‘to the te church and God. V mic and, marina in we» "in: to the Advent scum. h lone churche- no Manuals: I“. to Advent, " the 'setetrratio. vill be held in " appgoprhte mvico‘ on no "grext.e& o! Cunt- an to in scuba in not cl the -. ”may l eAseaeteet.tin a“ my 0L the mum P""htaq no. the Nativity or kindred subjects. The CHRIST-AS " TI! . CHURCHES IN BERLIN tit. J ohn's A nglicau German Baptist $35 m BERLIN or usted ataieGra. n. at 8 o'clock will Church The l on great- distin- l per- i the a cho- he ev- high P able The (sum was eonwarMtvety (lb wold ot much mum although sow-r- nl mix-up: oertsrrrd, ttttf the tuna- ”my; Wete prawn-d, Thoae who adorned the trnee wrro Ihsmart 2, Minis. Rot-hm. Fork-s, 'trat 2, at lion. Mun- Wonk-m pm Score. Captain Crehratte scored Mio moro gmm'during Iwenty-lhm mm tries, after which Birmingham sic. mm in no-Iching one on {his half tor the Duh” Ezra human "vo, ehrered to the m'ro "hm ho tallied the sixth and last goal nt the gum. be In the mom! lull ttte Berliner: tallied two in less than ninety soc- onrls, Corhrane and Knoll doing tbe trick. Play in this mm was largely in the Marlboro territory and the en- tire tram his corrupt-"NI to put up a still drterteriante to keep down the scorn. Captain 1'rehrane scored “in mom 'roatrdurine lwonty-thm mm- tries, ant-r which lllrminahm nan. add made one ot the prettiest rushes last evening ever seen at the Auditor- ium. "coilie" Schmidt was trickier and taster than ever. He had a hard check but he was on top just the same. "Billy" Knell was in his ele- ment last evening and worked like a trijan to, uphold the reputation at his team. Ham Dumart was thu most watched player on the ice on account cd filling the vacancy caused by McGinnis going to point. "Ezra will do" is the unanimous opinion. and it given the chante to play with the other fellows in the exhibition games he wilt he one ot the pest players on the team. It was 8.t0 before thergnme was started by Referee FM. Wettlauler, owing to the late'nrrival ot the " ronto train. From the dropiot' the puck both teams chased the disc as it the players had bten alter it all season. The champion. "(TO the Jui- gressors and whiti- theyghaul dimolty [ in finding we net duririg in?- ftrgt ten minutes they shortly proerded to send in shots with gatljng gun ran hlity. only ‘to he blnekld by Tyne: between the nets. F'ottrrn-minut'es _ elapsed before Goldie Cochraoe shot l in a high one whtch glanced off Um ‘ thegrovr's hand into' the corner ot I the net. The Dukes wererume. how.. i ever, and made quite a few danger ' on: rushes down the ice, but gonl- t keeper Ellis had his eye on the puck t and stopped some 'linettit shots. ' Captain llirmingham made several t altempts to score at close range, and l rnta0.v succeeded in 13 minutes. The score was l-" at halt time. s ', as I n:- the Inn’ ' Hit- ‘ The Berlin team gave every satis- faction. “Punch" Ellis in goal did not have a quarter of the work that Tyner had to do, but nevertheless he stopped some likely looking shots. He. will itll John Miekus’ shoes eas-‘ ily. Jim McGinnis took Charlton's position at point, and while he show- ed signs of "ice fright" in the rtrst halt he was in the game in the sec- ond and "Pete" may stay at the American Moo. "Uncle" Gross was on the job again and appeared to be more brilliant and effective than ever. Goldie Cochrane was a shining star ’How is " that Berlin beat the Dukes by 6 to P, if that team is sq good, methinks my dear reader is asking? Simply this. Berlin has tr, better team. Individually or collec- tively the champions are superior. The Dukes were taught a lesson in team play that they will not soon forget. The baek-chceking or, the champions was too much for the ttis- itors, and, rarely were the forwards able to pass Gross and Cochrane, on _ account of the Berlin forwards fall- ing back to help out the defence. He was not only captain of the team, but. also the kingpin. The defence mg somewhat weak but it will im- prove. while the advance guard will be a _stilt proposition to the best de- tence in the sen.ior series. _ , neared in a new pair of kttiekertroee- en. E It was certainly a tirst-ckurs game, -. considering the tact that it was the . tttBt ot the season. The ice was in , splendid condition, notwithstanding the soltness of the weather tor sev- eral days, and some exceedingly speedy~ work was done by both teams. The crowd numbered in the neighborhood of 1500 and there was something to cheer for every minute while the game was in progress. The Marlboros had an or-rear last season alter a very suecesslul career during which they captured the John Robertson Cup three consecutive sea- sons, bit it their work here last ev- ening is any criterion of what therl, are capable of doing when in train- ing we will miss our guess it the Marlboros do not make a strong bid tor the leadership ot the eastern Bert- ior group. To begin with, the Dukes have a l goal-keeper in Tyner who will pre- vent the best team in the business [ from piling up a score that cannot be overtaken should the other team lall down in the fmat stages of the game. Tyner's performance last evening was a treat, and Berlin enthusiasts will compare all good goalkeepers with Tyner during this season. Captain Birmingham ot the. ris- iting.team, also made a very favor- alle impression. He is a last skater, great stick-handler, a wicked shot, and a perlect gentleman on the ice. It was the tiret appearance I team that Berlin expects to II championship. It was the iirst time In may that Captain Goldie Cochrane, peaked in a new pair of kniolu-I teams met It was tl can. "up trreiiiiir Bali- 0. Kartboro. I. The hockey lea-on tor 11:06.7 in Berlin owned “to; my auspicious nod m1 oirmurtatatiees at the Auditorium on PM] event; When the Berlin o. H. A. unit): champion- dofontd the Maruoroe, at Toronto, which team held the honor: tor the, an.-- ___-- a. Two-to Teu- when " Ber. linh Farms Game by Stereo“ to a. cummus m “(on man use preceding van, by a "ore/iii to s. " " I“ the ttmt was ot the let.- m. " w“ the lint tin. ”no u.- .-- the that than that the two l. the first victory tor the lo- the gait appearance of the Pious WIN, . In It1hilLB0i8B , had an or-rear last very suursslul career ey captured the John three consecutive sea- "pecU to Ilia the I arm-class game, L that it was the The ice was in notwithstanding weather tor sev- some exceedingly‘ may yearn mum "f m" Form Tim": Mm. A. Watson; arm. a. Faker; mm. B. It. . 'khtnidt Cochran: knelt Gross McGinnis Ellis The line-up a na- idiiii; was follows: ' Berlin. Marmot salislaclion to truth learns J! "t.akett at. the mom stage"! PPeveatica-a toothsomc Candy tate) let-will surely and quickly check " approaching cold or Lagiippe. When you first eat'eh eoht-or Ieel it con:-I ing on-tah, Dr. shay. Prevetttica,l and the prompt t5rtpril1yerttt?.tiil surprise and phrttse'roit.. Preventies ttttrely supply the proeertria1 "ounee, of prevention." Sold In ' cent and " erat' boxes ttAUM. Haehncl, "Maxim. T " ' I _ . . . ___ "V CT' . l Ohrutmas Good. are arriying dail . For stew thThe Hauler " "2tu"eiti, it"? window. We mnluo mowing: wundgw ot hour e 90mm.“ on ma c n yum Ohrhtmu purcha-es while choice is mien! compliance with the resolution pass- '"Far, and that p m. of it in . PM.“ in itoelf. ed over 35 ymrs ago. I Moved by W. H. Bowman, seconded} by John Aldous. that as a small' compensation to the Mennonite‘ Church for their liberality in allow-3 ing all denominations to bury in the: graveyard attached to their church! tor years past, and in view of the tact that their ground is now nearly. fillet' up, the Mayor be authorized to convey to said church for their sole use and birnetit as a burial ground the acre known as the "East End Cetne- tery," in the rear of their present! ground, owned by. this corporation,‘ and bought [or a cemetery in the) year 1868, the consideration tor such' conveyance to be a nominal one. I l Mr. Sam Schneider has been Inter- ested in this transaction and this week he requested Mayor Bricker to look up the minutes ot the Town, Council in 1871, when he was in the; Council, and he would ftmi that thei Council gave the acre to the Men-l nonite Church, but was neve.r deeded, over. Mayor Bricker found the following resolution passed on July 10th, 1871, which will be of interest at this junc- ture of the proceedings: m; For Chrietmu relent- we would suggest some of the fo'towin liueezé Wag”: 'Wal/ll" dramatic?! Nickel puWd ahead 4totrae pane in oil nine. Prom 400 nacho 82.60 ; Lenten neonmeut in town. Nickle plated trays in ditrmmt ellee, round, oval '=u=='=u---'r=--c=-----s--u-----=--==-sv===, i or oblong. Crumb can in all etylee. Table knives end forte, end epoone. N l Pocket knivee. out to one our new line or “Smoked Pearl" handled knives. Tttls CONVhYANCE , Sheer- end leis-ore in the celebrated "Win” brand or “Clan-a". Ladiee. our q WAS NEVER MADE , broidery ”more end Lediee' ooze. Tool cheet- for the bore, air rifhse, new, _ , hockey met- end pooh. sum” months ago the Congrcga-I Do In: foil to see the new hand eleigh before you buy. The belt eleigh lion of the East End Mennoniteyon the merket. . _ u re naked mu Berlin sell it tr, acre of land'lying toetshrn their II W0 LFHARD & CO cemetery and the Lutheran cemetery} I I . leg, Al,',",),",':,'?;': 1d"J,'il1gatt,',tidt,' Ila-dune, Plumbing and Heating. Heedquamre for all kind. of Show“. mance nomlm cc e me o l _ - - - - - - the property and sell halt to each de-i WALPEB BLOt K. BERLIN. nomination tor $65. l I 'P-"."-.--------, ttttttttttr----,', mil -- _,,-~_,____~W . -"e - --.-.., . ywlvlil, and they prescribe it for coughs, colds, bronchitis, con- sumption. They trustit. Then you can afford to trust it., Ask your own doctor. I Because we make medicines for them. We tell them all aboutAyer's Cherry Pectoral, Why Ref; to Doctors The best kind of a tostimmttat- "aotd for our 513:7 you” W. in}. no new! W. publish no formal- otnn um: median... ----..--, - Right Wing Lett Wing qerSi,i,!,fi, Guelph, Chatham. Thornton a Douglas Center Rover Cover Point Goal A Happy New Year To ALL FRIENDS _ 'd"Attrrg'tgn'Pom'c Marlboro: Birmingham l'pl hegrore Rot Iler Brawn Tyner Kent is We wish to thank our friends and path the immense business we have enjoyed this our first Christmas Season in Berlin. you all enjoy a very Happy New Year. l The Public School Board met on 'Thnnday evening to oomph" the twork ot the year. but owing to im- pron-menu " various school: not being 'rontpu'ttnt, it was impossible to mu lime account-ta, and after Hano- acung other roullne Masha-as an ad- journment was made until next week. All the Int-morn were prmnt ex- reptintt Trustn- Pearson. _ J. K. Master. truant officer, re. ported that during the your IM ' M truancy Cttttte to " mm. ten ot which were loud to be working In lacuna. " in: many to send on live one“! notice. In. 1mm yum W5 for _ The principnla itt the urban school! and the other male teachers who received immm oi salary" " the lat regular meeting- sent letters thanking the Board for the am. BERLIN SCHOOL BOARD MEET j. X Run Raisin Seeden, No. 29 Gun Food Ghoul ‘cuu: Knives. Forks. Spoons. Skates. Hockey Bt.ie line-he a big a blow or show " others, bus we have tt CALL " " E Hardware, Stoves, Tinwtsre, P Store Near Post Ottice, BERLIN, A few Pointers' CHINAPALACE, KING SREET, m Happy 8; Prosperous I . ’ New Year! The new Hardware Stan. KING ST. WEST. Christma's Preseili2 Pitet Good: are arriying daily. For a few days we are I. A an n)-.. -I...._:.._ A _._A - -- " . ._ - -- We wish our customers “Mr I“ .. “do it} G. E. POTTER CHINA PALACE . Good a Co. BOTTOM t RICE S. Ifrlillllttiti'tt HYMMEN’S for Ghriatritae and patrons for cnjo'yqd (1",ng icenttat Trrqr. .r.... 1“.“ Edward .'-... lupin Avenue [Comma Avenue l t Repairs. Estimair. H‘enirul Trrqr. .r.... "....t688.gt 87ml T King Edward ."-... ...... 223.50 350 1urtraret.a- ... ... 212.90 23tt [Conn-m1 Avenue ...... 18152 120 f The com osmium oi the "r.. ic“ schools were as follows: I'entral 30,579.79; King mum. 33.3%."; Nargeret Aremre 9,611.03; (Wurl- land'fivt-nne ",6itr; tout, tVi,- saw. . it was not ottkiatly reported, hm " mprd expects to report . aur-‘ plus in the .4ngth ot mo. 'FiGi;"iiFi' Report. “Nam“; Mayor Brick" ap- g'd. ore the Bond all naked 1tPttrfrortota-e's,meiiir 'ei.6-tee " an ”in“. l schedule, which was granted her. What Has Been Spent. Chairman _eitstter prmnml a statement ot whqt In- bcon "prnded by the “Hon: school commuters during the tear as tollows: Plumbing and Pipe Fittiam minim? - vaiV iraGrtioir, you. Do it now 1nd Era. them Berlin, Stratford. Stick. Aaid "iv: Uiri, 'ft .70 the goods " Ma; rm. Gavan in psuu. ot _ " .-L - I“ ', BERLIN. allowing a 153 Phone :42 PHONE 149 Berlin

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