. Chronicle - 1.102an ADVII‘I‘IIIRI. you-:3- 'irghttrlltltt!tsi - 3-...-‘ qa6 a In: an Pier. “My .xmoi. " I. PUBLIC MEN There is no mistaking the tact ttll the press is the essential exponent ot representative institutions the Cu) over. In a land ot tree and demo-‘ cratie institutions like Canada it , not. the speech that is delivered by a public representative that counts but the report nt that speech in the news- papers. " it were possible to do so uttiourtttuistic a thing as to unite in a “conspiracy of silence" with regard to any member ot parliament, no matter how prominent he might he.‘ he might just as well retire to-pri-l vnte lite. He might address Parlia- ment to his heart's content, but it the papers did not report him his in- tluenee Would not amount to any» thing and he would soon lose the at- tention oi Parliament. itsell. At one time it was considered a crime lot the press to report the proceedings ot Parliament, but now it would be considered next to a crime to leave its proceedings unreported. Any pub- lic man, whether in parliament or a municipal representative, who cannot through the press command the res» peet of those he represcnla, as well as the attention of others, may make up his mind that his intluence in the body ot representatives oi which he is a part docs‘not amount to much. .The board or body he belongs to judges him Tt'ty largely by the tigure he cuts in the papers; ior " realizes that the prkss in such matters is a true "4lector ol the judgment ol the people. There is no deception on this point because the papers are sure to report the man whom the people want to read; hence the reports oi the papers constitute the reprrsenhi- tive's meter of popularity. " is the duty of every representative body, individually and collectively, to lead public opinion, to be thoroughly vers- ed in ert'ry problem or proposition presented [or its deliberation, and to enquire and discuss things, and throw light upon all sides of them. Repre- sentative bodies are to a great ex- tent gatherings cl counsel and the people are the jury. It. must he re- membered that we evolved trom an oligarchy to that of democracy; and the press has brett the chief instry- ment oi this evolution. There are men to be lound even at this age of advancement who would like to be public representatives. but who do not make themselves master oi the questions which present, themselves, they seem to think that the people should be well content it permitted to obey the laws and pay the taxes. While mOttut stttt' nu! to lose your ' purse be Just as N110 to lwryo \nm1 lrmprr. "nr of llw ttiirarnrnt"s In an "mat-Ir hum-i "will": thr' HUM mu shown": who". tri tgvatitu,ss People get hm! nu! dummy: front m "owlâ€! mum" to another, un- tit Mt hold um u:orsd nah-w known-k Io slim that w than Nt'tttt' IIch _ " â€no remark or otttvt has ttw' "ttrt" or making them haw tttttt tvntrits " In a "to ttrittg that nothing p.132. mm "in good mum-rs in. pulm- I. M showing. In In! “do quasi. mum pay we" in "my walk " "It. A thtte ("only and kindly eon- mum lot Mimi. [mu] lot" way - n I - In the tarrrry' /tt, This is the season at the year when there is a certain amount of dignity pttachrd lo gising advice d; shop- ters. 0m- ot the tirst items at advice usually given is to. shop only and avoid “the Uhristtv.os rush†There is no doubt that shunning.“ the last Minute will lw indttlgel In by " h1g1- ttttttttwt in any Cd5it' of counv tlivlv ttre the thinuv, w" 'trrlil‘L and the r00» pie who torttri. and "w my mum:- mis class that "vtvr haw him to (In anything until their Is nu tnm- lo do it In. and thrs (MM. tum llut have horn mini": ttttnu', turn-turn" in nvar1y own srrttt. in 1min and can't "ml .imthim; to "It Itv,e l-ittzi-Iis toll .umrl tivu- trttsh and 1... cum‘l'nirnw rt \‘II‘|'|‘I'I|1 Ilw l.tst an}. beqrms Chrc,ttttos shown-rs lumum; at out: n rmnls' nriiervrd.' diiluiC" -'""""""_ "_" _ A gunning of mom "t lbs rum-.1 Meer or hetfrr. , year and under ' . nu. tr. I ' .4 V ' i bat 7 b-tst, Robert Shut. Bram! rd; 2nd. [work Wt â€my n writ In": I l"? Robt Shim; 3rd. D, sl'/l'r"a'r1u,','ll'; hrttrooks. prrsvnts ". fatvrabh, "pt'trr- qth and hth. C. c. Rodd. men Mills. [unity [or the rulnmrkvt lo nap " New "vr Miter. under one i'i'ig,r.. ... _ " , 's mt t 5." tt " se' In and 2nd. Robert Shaw. Bun" ; harvest I H n (w I tht 8rd. D. Morn-o. Guelph. chum-ca In [hr lulu-lnurlul cvntry Cow or heifer. , Fcttrs and over-- "tt grainy Intnasul by thp (mull: JM. C. C. Rudd. [MenMilln 2nd. D. lions ot Ilw- Chttsttttos '_trtrtttttattP, 5teCree, Guelph. ' Tit-tds. and the tmhporkvis Inn“ this quulr Ewe. ttttder om' year-ht. Rnwlingu In we“ as thr. rnliu' I A Bailey. Forest; and, :2 Erica& While mum: mm. “M h, lose your 8911. Pep.""';.,?, am " ' w- nrse be Just as stttp to [wt-p mud Pg,,,t andâ€. Forest; Mtr, R. Brien -A___- llkn ..I II.“ -et., lV.....-....... l..| . " Mould h' foortrh to lut danger that rush hum ttr shoppers btrttttrur, at out: n Ttar-ay-rr-ar'"" M CHRISTMAS SHOP] IN Ir AND THE PRESS. tttt " ds the of . up, In. 10.-va w - hm numb: ot entries in W‘s-in - that In. commenced lat Friday, W,_ H_oln_eina, Jungâ€. Shaft- An American Judge Says lie Never Saw, the Equal of Roan Steer Owned by ll. lk h. ' (iron, of Alma, Which Took Champ, ionship Prize 'aa-ak -iiiLGcuurod into an -retlti.oFynd - inland VIE who“! in the "lulu. The grand Inn-d In: [one to I Bobbin cow "and by M. Bollert ot Canal-Tidy, Pauline do Kohl. Her yield was 131 grounds ot milk in two whys, hating 8A. Ber placing gave her shout 140 points. The In“! in the clan under 48 months went to my Ayrshire holler, 2 your: old, owned by Alfred E. Hulet of Norwich. This one on 77.2 pounds ot milk in two days. and the very laighutest of 4.6. making 101.96 points MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY . OF CANADIAN CATTLE The Ayrshire: were out in large numbers. and sustained the credit of the breed admirably. The Holeteins also were in tkno form, and their ad- mirers were never tired of viewing the well-cared for cows iron: the Tillaon- burg and Norwich stables. But the Bhorthorn men have reason to feel elated over the winnings ot the small herds that competed. A red cow of no very special appearance, stood ninth in the test. .and a 2-year-old heiier also showed to a big advantage over many of her sister breeds of greater repute in the dairy building. Jersey Entries Few. Unfortunately the Jersey entries Vere too few to do the breed justice. Four in all appeared, and there were so for advanced in milk that their returns in the Bow did not score them enough points to qualify. . As H. Bollert of Cease! sat down and took at noon a flowing pail of milk that weighed 22 pounds " ounces. the admiring crowd were heard to make. very unfavorable compari- sons of the average milking cow that is to be found on the Ontario faring. This cow comes from a deep milking strain, and shows the advantage of breeding to stock with performance "I never saw the equal of that steer in Chicago, for he carries so great a percentage of high-priced meat." were the warm words used by John Gosling ot Kansas City, as he concluded the award for the championship Meer. The award went to I. & A. Groft of Alma for their B-year-old roan steer, that tipped the scales at 1,700 pounds. The reserve went to his sta11mnte-a1moet. his counterpart. The judging of the tat Mock classes was concluded yesterday, and the lat bacon hogs are not hanging on the dressing frames of the cooling room. The judging of the export steers was a lively one. Five contestants had three each in the ring. First place went to John Brown & Sons of Galt on three big steers. James Leash of Greenbank came second, with three yearling steers of exceptional merit. Seed Lectures. One of the most educative sessions at the show was held yesterday morn- ing, when J. Buchanan of the 0.A.C. give an illustrative lecture on the "Cultivated Barleys." The lecturer dealt with the work of the Experi- mntal Union, and the results obtain» ed in the few years, which are now nearly familiar all over the province. Steer "r hat". I year and under 2--1st, Robert Shaw. Brnnt'frd; 2nd. Rob. Shaw; SM, n MoCme. Guelph; qu, and 5th. C. C. Rodd. Eden Mills. Gnrrewttys ma bzvmw’m The (ollowing are further judging awards. Ps pasted 7 - _ - Women I your ind under '--ut, R. Brien A Son. Ridptown; 2nd. Snell & Lynn. Norma; 3M. Raw-hug.- a Bailey. Forest; 4th. Snell a 140m; uh. H, mien & My. Wether. under I year-lat. E. Brien a bm; Ind. RaMines a Behr; Old. Rumor a Bailey; 4th and Mh, E. Brien can, magma, - Steer or Ham-r. 2 yixhrs and under ' -lsi. C. S, Rudd. Eden Mills; 2nd. D, MeCrrte. fittrltttt, _ _ ii'ditr't"st; irit, Snell h Lrmu', N at. mr ' . A very interesting address was Ile- livered by L. ti. Kiluock on the: "Point to Be Observed in the Selec- tion of an Ear of Seed Corn." Selecting Feeding Stun. V Prof. Day's lecture on selecting leeding steers was much appreciated, the large, overcrowded auditorium 't'g'ifd'.'"u"led to hear his lecture tel- ti e . ‘ Leicester Breeders Meet. The American Leicester Breeders' Association met in the City Hall and elected officers as follows: President, Junee Snell, Clinton; vice-president, C. E. Wood. Freeman; secretary- treesurer. A. J. Snell, Cameron; board of, Bantam. .A. .Wlinelam Mhxeletr. James 130113313, thuelmhtF;b'i. Am!- etrong, Teeswater; William Grimes. Melvin; Alexander Crosshill. Notes. Hon. John Dryden was at the m: and was greeted by his old friends. His pair-ting was unveiled -nt the col- lege Tueuday evening with appropriate tteehtakirt ' Over 300 delegates were n1. the W0- men's Institute at the collen yester- dar. flplendid addresses on practical topics me being delivergd. - - At the city luncheon yéslerday J. P. Downey. M.P.P.. Hon. Nelson Mowl with. Arthur Johnston. President A, F R. Jones. Col. Dnvidson’ and Jast. Tucker, M.P.P., made eormmtuutory meet-hen. . Three ewes. under one .rettr'--1M, Rawlinn & Bailey! and. E. Mien g Htiki/ Gitieit, -imier I you-Id. . Brtert,& Om. 3mm; in! plump guy. I'm; at. and " Sher Award. J. P. "Downey, M.P.P., was in usual glee ave: the 3999993 pl_thg .thotra. The officers of the club of the Win- ter Fair board, prominent members of Guelph City, J. Loclu'e Wilson, the new superintendent ot fairs; Dr. Rutherford of Ottawa. nnd. many visitors from a distance enjoyed the hospitality of the club. The speeches were all filled with jubilation over the results of the present show. Poultry Omcers. The Western Ontario Poultry Asso- ciution rhcted Jheir .atfhsersuaaetst'it day. ttiirytere: lion. pfeisidhrW," Dr. A. W. Bell, Winnipeg; president, Wil- liam McNeil], London; first vice-presi- dent, A. Bogue, London; seeretam treasurer, A. P. Westervelt, Toronto; directors, A. W. Tyson (Guelph),J. N. Gladwin (London), G. G. Henderson (Hamilton), T. H. Scott (St. Thomas), P. Green (Owen Sound), R. Olie (Lon- don), A. K. Cornwall (Thamesville), C. H. Wilson (Hnwkcsville). Guelph, Dee. t4.-The Provincial Winter Fair, which practically closed last night, although the exhibits will not be withdrawn until this alter- noon, has maintained until the end this year's record standard of attend. ance, interest, and educational value. Over ten thousand agriculturiste and live stock raisers from all sections of the Province have visited it. The ro-' lults of that visit will appear later in increased incomes, better farms. better farm houses. and better live stock throughout Ontario. At the Annual Banquet. The Guelph Fat Stock Club held their annual banquet at the Royal Hotel last evening. As it is the twen- ty-fifth anniversary of the founding of the club. many congratulatory ed- dresses followed the dinner. - _ Hon. Nelson Monuith traced the history of the club during that lime und rejoiced in the progress ot 0n- talio agricujtqge. _ . . . Eve. and“ I rsar--ut, T. T. Gib son, D.ntie1d; Ind and Std, L. Puk- inson. Eamon; 'th. J. T. Gibwn; bth, L. Parkinson: - - Wether, 1 you and under F-tst, L. Pukilnon, Eamon; 2nd and Std. I. T. Gibson, Denaeld; 4th and Mh, L. Pukimon. _ ~Thrice Qtethin. under I gear-ut, J. T. Gibson, DenBeld; and and 3rd, L. Parkinson. Emmott; - _ _ Hon. W. J. Hanna was glad that in the agriculture of older Ontario they had as ruch lands as were to be found in the newer and rockier parts ohms p_rovince. -- _ _ . . A resolution moved by John Camp. bell of Woodville, and seconded by Col. Meksren of Byron, was Md unanimously, urging the Provincial Government to strike out that Mon of the statute which enablee In S electors to set aside the taxee on La Dogs were regarded me the enemy at the sheep. and while the dog in re- garded as a good friend ot men, yet the mongrel dog should be Mend. A motion by Mr. Everett to enquire the passing of a law to kill all dogs unattended by the owner, met with a vizoroua storm of .criiipism. â€In. Garmtousei,t tThmtteld unu.uie,'eir'the difficulties council: had in dealing with the quution. 'Farm Labor Problem. Last evening Capt. MeGillivrey of the Salvation Army of London, gave an address on the farm labor prob- lem in Ontario. He outlined the work of the Army during the past year and spoke of the many valuable European immiizrnnts who adapt themselves easily to the situation. and make val- unhle inrm helpers. "iiGGLFGT/ Ga, l rear-tst, T. T. Gibson. Donald; 3nd and 3rd. L. Parkinson, Bruno“: - _ __ A A -wuiiGrGuer l rear-tst, ttnd and 3rd, J. T. Gibson, 1hrrttUld; an] Ind 4th, L. Parkinson. - T - - Admirer farmer told 'tt the nvari- cioua methods of some of the amen of the pryvinee. , F’roi. Grind-lo Talks. Can a man increane the undulnesa of his dairy returns by n more liberal levding= This was the question that hot. Grisrlnle set out to name: in we tummy-alive. From returns ree"-. inlon William Arrnstrong ot Itueertaton, m speaking ot his experience with men this year thanked the Salvation Army tor their ettorte. Do Shem PM In the lecture room yesterday mom- ing the question as to whether sheep on the .farm were paying animals, was threshed Ont-by John Jackson of Ate ingdon, Robert Miller of Btouftviue. H. S. Arkell, 0.A.C., and represents tive farmers from the province. The general opinion favored the presence of a few yheep on each farm. -The interest largely centred yester- day in the dressed carcasses of the, magnificent animals that were here for Show. ‘éihér under 2 setrrtr-L. Puk- Scotts EmulJt'on it Cod Liver Oil and Hrrorthosphites prepared 00 that it is easily digested by little folks. eueudiittutetiowtu1iotuatttomtvtrte. Comequendy the baby that h fed on Scarf: $0301an in u sttmlr, my- iiiGas..raat-arsmdhr, 0min: an. lugs an a Llncolvu. " your Inlay thin, weds, fretful t ALI. DRUNIITII Q00. AID 0Lâ€. him a Scotia EmulJfon Ar4MMr4r4r4r4Mr4Mr4r4Mr ed from the whole of the provinoe,‘ the dairy department have to conclude that the more liberal feeding will give profitable returns. The average cow' does not appear to be well enough Hed. Some herds give 8,000 pounds per cow per umurn, and others give only A000 or 3,000 pounds. Letters are sent to those who have low returns and the results show that low returns " are caused solely by poor feeding. l What Ho thor, In Quebec. I During the past year the professor made trips through Quebec and saw that while the June returns were good, September showed an immense fall- ing off through poor pastures. No pro- vision had been made tor this and the farmers had to suffer. PUPILS UNFI'I' _ FOR STUDY SM: (intend in Ont-do SettoolsshowSedousuttr madam Toronto. Dee. ".-trutigtto. at net-1 ions import concerning the physical condition ot children attending Public schools in Ontario were dleelcood in a report‘on tget', - at a meeting pt the tive ot the Lo- cal Council oi Women at the Cumi- inn Institute yuterdny. Through the courtesy ol the Bond oi Education, Dr. John Fleming Goodchild. ot the hygienic section oi the Ontario Edn- cutionnl Association. was given per- miuion to make an examination in " whooln. extending over a period ot one month. With the co-qperation ot the teachers. 120,000 children were examined, with the lullowin; runlie: TORONTO BONIF \CES WILL GIVE $l0 T0 CHARITY Cues ot mental deilcietcey, 16; cal- mho and diseases ot tho car, 500; consumption M; diseased eyes, 119; pupils absent trom school through illness. 24.700. " was the unanimous opinion at those present that then tarts proved unmistakably that there is need tor an inspection in To- ronto. and that the importance ot educating parents and public opinion in these matters could not te over- estimtrd. Toronto, Dec. 12.--The Toronto Hotelkeepers’ Association have is- sued a circular setting forth a de- cision to make a change in their Christmas donations. It has been the practice oi quite a few, but not all, ot the landlords to give ftaBhts or whiskey to their regular patrons on Christmas ere or Christmas morning and the number has been quite large, perhaps 50 or 100 flasks in many ho- tels. There is no doubt that the receipt. oi these flasks has, to an extent, in- creased the amount ot drinking. and abolishing the practice will doubt- less have a good ellect. Those who have in the past been receiving these little tokens 0 good feeling will, however, not res nt the decision at the hotelmen- wh they know. that instead of giving way whiskey the license-holders " each contribute 810 to a hind to be handed to the license commissioners to be distrihut, ed to the city charities as they deem wise. Prof Grisdale. in answering a question an to the feed of a airy cow, said that a cow had better r+ oeive so lbs. ot eni‘ace, twice a day. A good rule is to give one lb. of meat tor tIve lbs. of milk produced, and the character of the meal will have to be. considered. The digestible con- stituents must be known. Crushed oats, oatmeal and bran give the but results for dairy can for winter feed- ing. The ggtttg', tor a cow living 32 lbs. ol mi k per dainvould be two lbs, of oil cake, tour l . of bran tad two lbs. of cnuhed out ds there are 146 lieenseholders, this willjmean “.160 for Chiistmas cheer instead oi a similar amount go- ing in tree liquor. Prof. Grisdale then related an ex- perience of his own. He took twenty- five head and fed generously and got 5,000 lbs. of milk next year. He fed seienufletmy and ndqording to the tastes of the individuals. The results were astounding. The milk was 6,500 lbs., and the cost was lessened. Illking Machines. Prof. B. B. Dean of the 0.A.C., in introducing the question of the suc- cess of the milking machine. told ot the 130 patents that had been taken out in Canada since 1870 for milking machines. He thought that the suc- cessful milking machine will be mo- delled alter the hand milkinÂ¥ of cows The machine must be simp a. cheats. minimum amount ot power to open ate, and be able to milk five or six cows at once. Much discussion took place at the close of the lecture. Emil: a In the Duh-5. C. F, Whitley of Ottawa elivered an address on the shrinkage in milk obtained from a record of two herds of cows in Oxford and Ilrockville. One herd-mm not cared for carefully we! the shrinkage in tht hot months was very much greater than where enailn'ge was ted. ' pm Grinninl- in nn-u-ndn- - 1ji'i'iiii' Announcement i Retiring Sale? _ To have boaulilul, pertvct, pink, who! like lips, apply at bulllmo a light coating ot Dr. Simon's Green Salvo, Then. ttext morning, notice urolullv the cit-cl. Dry, crack-3, or colorlvsx lips moan lrrrrishnrss. and are as well ill appearing, Dr.Shoop's Green Hal"- ix a mil. cnamy, heal- tttit ointment. that will quickly cor- mt arty skin blrnnsh or ailment, Gr! a frpo trial box at out More and luv comm-ml lunar. "cos jars, 25e. A. G. Hat-Mel, Waterloo. The collections from Sunday schools amounted to $3,3t8 Last you, an know ot SI pm srhool, From humor, H.710 was "wind. or ao nwugr of About $1 much. PATERSON’S A rrtotntnCndation from the Execu- tire Committie ftxtal the snlary of each as'aoeialv secretary at tl.900, including an annual allowance of 8400 tor house rent, The appropriations for [907-8 will amount to $8,250, with 'the provisional allowance ot 83,000 P.xita toward organizing and sustain- ing poor Sabbath schools should the Pxpenditt- be drptttrsd advisable, , was the final choice. His district will include Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Al- berta and British Columbia Fault-ren- cos. The place ol residence was left to the Wegtern churches to decide. Mr. Doyle was ordained to the min- istry in Hamilton in -1900, but for the past six years he has worked in Saskatchewan. NEW SECRLTARIES In the election of a man for the Western field. the first ballot nsulted in favor of Rev. G. W. Kenntdy, B. A.. cl Calgary, Mr. Kennedy txptcss- ed appreciation of the commune te- stowed in him, but declined to ac- cept the office for personal masons. Rev. J. A. Doyle, of Lumsden, Sank. Rev. S. F. Bartlett, oi Colbourne, Ont. was chosen tor the Eastern of- lice, with Fit. John, N. B., as his re- sidence. Iris duties will cover the conferences of London, Hamilton, To- ronto. Bay at Quintc. Montreal, and the Maritime Provincrs. Mr. Bartlett has shown considerable interest in young peopie's work for some years past, and has held the pastoratcs oi Napanoo. Haddock, Cotrourg ind Col- borne. The General Sunday School and Epworth League Board ot the Meth- odist, Church in Canada met in the Wesley Building, at Toronto, on Tuesday, and appointed two associ- ate sreretarips to the Eastern and Western districts. A t Cash taken same as pr'oduce. $12000 to select from including a large stock of CHRISTMAS GOODS such as Confectionery, Nuts, Fruits, Toys and other sea- sonable lines. Everything goes at a discount of 20 per cent. General Merchants, an WILL - can: inmmawmnï¬: willie-Iain. Ween-and III - In In igg%Mhrgt. " a. -. -. lie-huh. Dell-4hr lim- mundlaMIvlu-dywwboxj VV. & A. SNYDER Has been a decided success. There is still a stock of wens. APPOIME) 0006! DROPS (‘45on !htttitsrsott'g Bakery XIII. " 'nurloo l’noay Bum. Brad Rolll and Fm - smoo.-asorei, sneer, Waterloo, tod Y. W. C. A , FretteritN Scum, Balm. . Payn- prepared for “alumna at Toronto Comerulory at Magic and Tomato Utivenity. iWe Can Save ¢~WN§~MMQN+¢OW WO'WWMMM t Buy one of our “one. Our nmnment In both Parlor and Cook t have: tor either we] or wood I: rompovd of the mm denials end "' everyone In guaranteed to glee perfect utiefletlon. When In went of , an: the III I call. We keep I large neck of lien Cutter- end Sewage . Btrfttsrtt which we mil at very low prleee. _ J.s it-o-tro-oo-oo-ret" Honor Graham Toronto Connor". tony of Music. TEACHERS or Miss A. R. Bean, Miss E. I.. Man, PIANO, ORGAN AND HEORY CONRAD BROS. You Money i The landing [out lurks! INCORPORATED II 1868 Total um- am mm " “86.80847. WATEBIAW MUTUAL ha the reputation of supplying In BID-III automor- wnl an “of“ at but of and all the you mud. tn mnlhoofl‘nmnhnn M. M.an, Loni, In“. vary! laud limo (m m mtrrttset; and. may. Id. In tttrt In. of homo-Ind. at -. mm. In new; Winn, Ml um". I‘M M Hut in... at! an" aâ€. “In In a mu m to mm on". may.†dett-d h .11 "no of m an. Ind emu - Intuvloo Ont ' [RB tttMrRat'" COMPANY BOARD or DIMOTORB. In Moll. III» WW 051.5. '0». " - -. Mm.. In.“ it. I. I. Via-u. by. as. not All“ “I. 50.. "tq.Mts, p. . mun-m. - W. by. M. but um. In" my... 0'11th t - w. Pail-n Wm. SIM-r. TtttPFI". I’m Ml. In... J. L, A“. Inâ€. I. P. M his". Beth. C. A. DOREâ€. manic: Arm. erloo. on. Phone In INVEST": MIDI BY TIIE MOI. COMINSKI SEOWED _ THE Dominion Life TO BE can: ‘TIIROUGIIIIIIT A HOME GOIPAIY