Ontario Community Newspapers

The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 20 Dec 1906, p. 1

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next to iiaTiiiiriGiii Git Post on», I . mm :Buyvthat Husband a pair of clippers We to 2.00 over rum-a 1 35 to $2, Pino Sunday won 2 50 to 5.60 up 501: to 1 oo, mm " 250 tol.60 triored 50c to1e,ttttdsrrrts" 50: “200. Hm [vac-25) P A, , -_3%,th1t.Wite It In mm 1 00 to'.?, 00, mm a}! pan 350 to 1.55 Tra “MRI J" ' .50 gut "o" 1.00 to 2 50, Haodterebet& tits to 50e We offer speck} ulna throiitthotrt our "like store f om now till Xmu. comiantotq our B Ira-1:". ' f . A. _ WESELOH & CO. Buy that Girl a pair felt 'lippsra 40c to 850 I pair Jersey legging! 65 so 1100 "no are" no"; ' 25 to 2.50 . ry Buy that litte Tod 4 or 5 "an old Rubber B ml L70, limo [UP- porl 25 to 593 Dumber own-r Ibo": 406. 15.1.:ka and Sateen. lrom we Chino‘Ornnmonh. Jana. Mugs, Me. Imam China . Bum Knives and mnthr Phel's. Water Sou. Wine Sam. . Dinar Brta, Ton new. . Ebony Hblr B ohrs, Mirrors. no. Tum cutlery and U 'rvtht, Sela. iiGils'iTroGTiYyitk from in ui r: ngchupu sod Sateen. [mm We to -rriiFttsat Boy th pair at Roch! 811009.125 to 9250.. Sun or Over out. 3.00 to 80 00. Staten. 50o to “.50. Long no " 85r. Slippers, 350 to 750. Empondm. IN, to 5%. SM Haqdkorc:_lo A 250 m 500. Pusey Imps. from 1Tre to so. gush! ure. grind. lid] lump: No conga-o than this haunts you buy " our “on, all trtytmitrie Ind mfu'uifur - ‘A -- - -- m--, “nu-.. " _ That is the question of the hour. [in to etch of rot" Honda, thin lisr any holp you to decide, _ What Shall rGive l? "tehmetartthr,, lid; éwwwwwuwwwwww VOL It's Christmas Time. WI have an hummus etoet of MI at tram 5: to tge per lb. of .ttrrerttt m laden n , It», " 250. mum are who“! qtmtttr, out who “bur-m duo Doe. 5n. [hu- m a little - “it! M m but the "not 60 not can. boom. and!“ am no oil ttmt on Edda]. Illa! - TJ",,'," quit" nod chap W; . n: MM (Mod " a. Mun-nu lard. can, cu. on 3m in no" m an", new in our. Ind "I tor Hundreds of beautiful lvutdkrmtnah, to'make hun'lreda hr ppy A bewildering army of embroidard and has hand. kemhle't for everybody. ,Tt-e tiuitst lines we luvs evar shown "H newer befure c aid we other such excellent va'ues for so ittle In ney. A pair of dlippew right in the top of the e‘ocking wil please man, woman, girl or boy on Christina: morning, for it meso- iwme romforl. Ml the year around. We have 1 up]: u- did '"rte& for you to (home from, twdusll good, well made, to“ ble, pr wtital kinda at, fairest prices. Fault: chiefs . wi, ttnttnot be button in the line of Xmas collsrs st thr, 506 and TIre, and in better lines. Belt: in all ahadeI, shapes and nothing but the best for your money. Xmas Neck Wear , Evgry you more and more peoplo buy neekwear ror gifts, 9nd AMI-"1X11“: 3'.ng up made along attractive. - - A lady in Kit-ya " in giving as gentleman s hundnomo tie. [wok] dread! man never has too many. and we have Inch " “sortment to choose from, pm can be sure of some- thing out of the ordinary. Satin and Silk Mamet: A good suggestion for A Xm u present for a. gentleman in . nice lilk or ntin mufBisr. We have a large mortment at all prim. Holiday Slippers A Inge mot-uncut of these welsh ere herewd every women went- them pretty. We have just "eumd eome very hand-one shirt veieu that will satisfy fully in the mutter of quality and looks These we heve bought especially for the Xian trade in Vs ry bountiful eohms-Urute, cram pleide, blue, gel-nob and black, elm white eilk with ell over net. Then an wry handaome. S-cond Boo-. , Ladies' Long Silk Tie. 800 out long mlk ties. They are very hauntiful. Them, no v39 ooemetfm) are the aunt. A ,_ - Boohmor-Erb Go. ltd. ling Strut. “on "on. " 8 s. my cum at 8.15 p In. It in our aim to give you the begt service when shop- ammumzsmnn Imam Mo. . Clochudhoel, Hub, Caps Ind Men's Furnishings. NEW FRUIT FOR J an the thing‘- that you want to give. Just. the price. mu. you want [ti-ply, h. S. HALLMAN, Grocer, w. H. LEESON, . I 31.30. . - . _ Wort " when. Photo Pram". mm. Pte. l-‘nncv Note Paper and Envelopvt. In: Sela. Tron Toys. Drums. Hornet. ete. some upon on" evening. THE CHRONICL .-46:King Street East, Berlin Iur. If {on an puzzled to know just. what to lie, eat ed from our difretsert dryaruuentu hmwuma HOLIDAY TRADE [Pam Mirror: and "and M "on. 'i'i",E'i'ii, Pocket B mks. 6e to " _ H M! 154w. trom 2% to (I " Doll. ot ml rur!!.5: to " a», . Pasture " ' hum Cw. to "e. Pocket Knives and Mun-nth Organs. Uhvhlrm'n Tea Sets and 1!“th sr-yy? Fancy Slipp TE. from 'lik lo Ioriln. 'ti, I Mr. A31). Schmidt is exhitrithrt ! frve head of cattle at the Guelph Mime: Fair, a thoroughbred Short- '.horn and tour {at cattle. I l Td' Miss M. Uhriatmam of Hespeler, is visiting her mother, Mrs. John Christman. 8 Mrs. J. Schade and son Walter have returned to their home in Mag- ttetawan alter a visit of several months with Elmira friends. The Sunday' school and choir of the Presbyterian Church are preparing a varied and interesting programme wit-h Xmas tree for Friday, Dec, 21, at 7.45 pm. F .Mr. Peter James was a visitor to Listowel during the past week in connection with thawinding up ot the Geo. Hollinger estate. Mrs. ‘A. Snider, ot Gravmhdrst, was a visitor at the home ot Mrs. Fulton. t Mr. Urias Shame. of Humboldt, ls visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Stromé. Mr. Jos. Zimmerman of Dayton. Ohio. is visiting his uncle, Mr. A. Blatz. Mrs. H. M. Carnegie ot Niagara Falls. N. Y., is, visiting her parents, Mr. _"'g,l2" A. Killer. Dr. Ge ie and lamil are attend- ing the marriage ot is eldest son. Mr. Reginald Geikie. Miss Lottie Gowin ot Milvertott is spending a tew weeks' with her aunt, Mrs. Geo. Linden Mrs. John Scully, ot Wirtterbourne, is the guest ot her daughter, Mrs. Geo. binder. . Mrs. Geo. St9ta6rr has been awaiti- ed the contract lor the C. P. R. cel and goods delivery. d The Elias Eby farm near Floradalc was sold on Fair day to Mr. Mmuto s._yattItiatt for $63.25 per acre. Visiting day will be observed in our public school on Wednesday next. The programme will be given in the Honing in the Town "all. 0 Mr. George C. Buhnar has returned from Saskatoon, where he spent the summer with bis sons. Mrssrs. Ed. and. Clarence Nam-lb are sprinting a kw day} with Wrir brother Norman at Mitchell. Programmes lor/ Xmas tree enter- taimmmts . arc in’course of prepara- tion in the various churches. The sc.holars are practising very faith- fully in order that the entertainments will be a succoss. Miss Henrietta ()ttmann returned home from Waterloo last week when: she was receiving a course ot instruc- tion in photography. She is In" me- pared to follow that line "t work, and will be pleased to r-w-ivc or- Ilrns tor ati kind: of photos, The Misses Lizzie Berdux :Iul Lu- cinda Bvllinger were dell-gates to the Women's Institute convention at Guelph on Thursday add Friday. {Our - Big} Ne'igii'iiéé's'i Skating ' very good in our spa- t'touq rlnk. It Is rumortvd a hockey mind: will br hrtd "on ErMay. The opposing teams will be Linwood and Wolloslry. . tti. and Mrs. Gro. [Adm 0" St. Jams. spent Sunday " the farmer's hom- hrr. _. Mr. Geo. Weltzcl and ("OIIHIIL Lo- vina, and a lady lriond. woe mans-ls at the Royal over Sunday. . We Wish Our (llllllany Readers _ .A Bright and Happy Ghristmas ”We.“ MW”... Mr. and Mrs. John Snider ot "If Northwest are halting; at the tor- mot's home hon: at patent. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace ot Ayr spent a " days here last week with the hlirr's mother. The Misses l-twlyn Lacknrr and Fil- trip Nhdty ~m-n- tit-1mm to the Wo- mlm'. Inummo Convention III-NI In Guelph last Tuesday and l’nlnemlny. Mrs. Prrmndo Slum" and non ot Bloomingdale spettt the put two wrxts at her home here. Mrs George helm: at In. Lula Wrter also “in“ IN',',': an) tum-u map It a. 01- at my Int M . lh. John mankind daugm'orm- me mums; (he [unoral of Mn. Boh- lull?! irt Waterloo on Tuesday. V Mrs. Shandy had the miatortUe io lose her ruin coat on tter.way home to Philipsbum: Mr. and Mn. "Hwy Prey amt Sunday In Berlin. Amen those who attended the lat stock show In Out-Inn last week were Rev. Mr. Edgar. George lath", lam Web". “as; More. In, Form-In . an!" ttnd Ian M Rev. and Mrs. “karma ot Jun»: spent last Thursday In villain. _ Mt. "ho Fteisehharter is still very WATERLOO. ONTARIO, THURSDAY HORRING. DECEMBER " 1906 News Notes Gtthered by Induction. Correspondents l in County and District. I ELMIRA. , Rev. Mr. Gramiv of Alum former! Joseph Zimmerman. of Dayton, js visiting his uncle. Mr. Aug- HAWK ESVILLE WELLESLEY. St The weather is thte and there is pretty good slashing, which is much appreciated by the larmers who have teaming to do. Scores of teams lad- en with beets, stones, ete., are seen daily wending their way to the County Town, where the surplus pro- duct will be disposed of. Notice has beer] given to our scribe that the treasurer ol the Mannheim wrecking club has recently received a fresh supply of funds. Any person or persons in? claims against the said club shoul send in their claim in [Wink-d lorm, stating their dam- ages clearly. to the treasurer as soon as possible. . A number ot the young people of Walden's Corners spent a very pleas- ant evening at- the home of Mr. Avy'. Bowman on Sunday. , We are sorry to report the serious illness ot Master Lloyd Rickett and Ezra Baer, lads ot about the same age. The former case is a mild type at typhoid lever. while the latter is a severe case ot hip disease. Both' are under medical treatment and are doing nicely. l Mr. J. Eldon Betsey, teacher ot the Strasburg public school. visited under the parental root on Sammie)? and Sunday. -The Misses Schweitzer. Petersburg, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Poll. Rev. Mr. Gramiy ot Alma. tormerly pastor cl this place, will much in the Methodist church on Sunday morning. The femaina of 'rrs, Edwuds ot Glemllan were hatched on Monday in the Methodist cemetery at this place. Mr. John XonA-r oi near Linwood has YPnted {he residence vacated by Mr. Slimmer» and will move to town shortly. Among mosh Who spent a day at the Provincial Winter Fair at Guelph were Messrs. Harry Kurt, Sylvester Prong, Julius Morastki, and others. They rover! a good time. The Edward VII. Literary Society meeting which was to have been held on December Mth, has been postpon- ed form) indifnitr limo. Due notice will be given in these columns of lhe date of next meeting. Mr. Chas. Morley was a visitor at his home here. Mr. C. Rohr,rour local well digger, reports business in his line very brisk. Ile has work now in hand to last till the coming spring. Anyone requiring his services'; should give him a call. Prices reasonable. Rev. I. A. Wambolal wry ably mn- ducted the owning service in the Old Mennonite church, on Sunday. The Council have purchased three acres of land from Mr. Henry Nahr- gang with a two gnaw option on two more acres, tor public cemetery purposes. Mr. and Mrs. H, B. Anderson are visiting friends in Oakville. . Mr. Eli Roth has moved to New Hamburg. . ' Entered Team in 0., tr, A. - The New Hamburg Hockey Cltth has on- tered the Intermediate INN! In the o. H. A., being grouped with Berlin, Stratum! and Preston. The boys had their first pncho on Tuesday cvmlng of last week. Agitation tor New Library.-New J.lt. H., Lizzie Bast, Mlllon .Lit- Hamburg is considering the nation fuller, Clan-mg Ptth, olivia Ginge- of a new library bulking and proposr rich, Herbert Lichti. . gelling a grant from Andrbw Gat- .Pl. ly, .lk-llajlcrrlm Henry Gingr- nmtie. but "If rate mARett the 1'rtutt- rich, William Waht, Mary Janlzl. cil would plume the "municipality to .1. M. (1(0le Teacher. low to support the library In View t ot a free ‘huildlm: being erected has _ not hum filled in on tht torm rwriv- :â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"='â€"-â€"â€"â€".:-'â€" m, from Mr. Fan-Eula As Wilmhl It», stidents also avail llu'muh'rs of “w . library, a petition is hung, circular _ rd tor xiumlun-s asking that tho ' Wilma l'mmcll plan . rate upm . _ that mttttiNpatity in order to scrum a larger building that would he utll- . FOR tred try to": Wilma lid New llam- tmrg, Powdered Rosin new. of Farm! (mun, - The Sattpeter death ot a [armor resident ot, No“ ' llamhum orrurrml at his home in Yee "P Rivhmmnl, In». m. thr. rith, in the 'e"' Salts, etc. person of Mr A mln-w "eppter, at thr ago of " you”, thteasrd lrtt, here Find “I. purest Ind " tho in in) to min m Mormon Ctmrrh let-trio.“ In Huh. "Mn- he has Show resided. A widow and twelve rh0dren sur- l xivtt him. . . , AAM‘TIOII'IIM I l N KW Il.\MBl'l{G MANNHEIM. ( P1 Literary t9oeietr--'rtte Literary Society he been reorganized for the winter season with A good sun- ot ollleero and promises to be very interesting. Hon. President, Rev. A., ll. Hamilton; president, . Walter' Veitch; vice-president, Alex. Forbes; necretary, Wm. Snider; treatmrer, In. Herbert Milled; editor, Morti- more Millard, Jr., The meetlng will be held in the hall every second Pri- day evening commencing at 8 pan. The next meeting will be held on Friday, Dre. 28th. _ The Carey Brothers, vocalists, are expected to give a full entertainment ot moving pictures and illustrated songs on Thursday evening, 8rd Jan- uary, 1907, in the Methodist church, Winterbourne. Further particulars next week. . Miss Wilkinson of Hilsburg is spending the Christmas holidays with he; sister-in-law, Mrs. Wilkinson. The contract tor gravelling the town line from Leander Bomnan'a farm east to Walter Snider's, was awarded to Wm. Hemmbrich, Jr., at " cents per square,ramt. The actors in the various dialogues renamed their parts very Well. The music. vocal and instrumental, WIS excellem. _ ' ... - The prominent feature ot the eva'- ing was the lecture by Prot. Rey- nolds. His address was replete with advice and suggestions to the tarm- ers, the adoption of which will be of great benefit to them. Altogether, the aitair was it decided success. , Mr. coach; 51.55; ik SEXY '3. church, has begun a tseries of revival services at West Montrose. Prof. Reynolds, Guelph Agricultural College, had the misfortune to miss lhe train at Berlin on his way to West Montrose and a swift livery conveyance brought him out to West Montrose in time for the delivery of his lecture. A grand entertainment will be giv- en in the hall on Friday evening. the 21at inst... by the celebrated comed- inn, James Fax, ot London. Admis- sion " cents, reserved seats " can“. _ A new insurance company in being represented in our county by I. Mr. Haydon of Mannheim, to insure for damage done by cyclones. Rates are " tor $1,000. Head ottiee, Wood- stock. Wm. Hamilton shipped 100 hubs at St. Jacobs on Saturday, the 16th inst. to a Toronto buyer at a little over " per 100, the Henge weight being about 115 pduuds. The entertainment at West Mont- rose on Dec. 7th, was a complete success. Miss Annie M. Beal has been en- gage to teach S. S. No. 18, Welles- lry for 1907. Mrs..Tm. Mitchell, we no glad to hear, is recovering from a very “were operation pertormed at the hospital at Guelph. Mrs. Rogers entertained a number ot her West Montrose friends on Tuesday last, when it was decided to hold a Xmas gathering in the hall on the evening of December M. _ Ji. Il., tlingerich " mantra mm Emu-or to ( Ir,'u'tatt'; Mr. Byron Letson had the misfor- ttme to lose a valuable horse on Tuesday last. A Many Xmas and Iliappy New Year to ‘all! . _. Public School Report.-ts'r. IV., Al- " Roth. .Jr: IV., Mattie Roth. ts't, 111.. Frieda Waht, David Lit- willer. s'gr.nr,, Mattie Lichtl, Allan Roth, Nelson,Litwlll(-r. Moses Schwartun- hum. Rachel rt9et"rartzrntrutrer, Leah Bast, Katie Lichtl, Samuel Gingrich. i . ' lung-’- 3-da- all-kg. WEST MONT ROSE. WINTERBOURNE. ST. mum. . Walter Honk, Nicholas ES: l M. Weichel dk; Son 1 Waterloo " " Elmira he" no thou-sad; a! artich- which can“ in handout! " Don't Inn-v. Dms't Inna “no or annoy. Don't shop“ the expat-eel. strength ind content . We mks mm... shopping lot only plant-bl. but ploliublo to our when. Jos. Miekus, You on net neared that every article you buy here you buy at whole- uEe prices, end grater majomy " leee than wholenle prices. Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Fancy Goods, Tor, etc, will be held every lawful evening 'tartintt l Wednesday Dec. tath until January lat n ,well u Sntnrdey morning and afternoon of 15th, 22nd and 29th In the m‘ bouquet hall of the I. o. o. r. block, am ilotrr Above an. new. Shoe Home and Mr. smear: Furnlehlng More. Not being to]. to man i More in tom; 1 month or two ago to give no mph time Md we for the dupe“! of our nun naming Inge twat, the I. o, o. P. In" kindly granted me the use of the lug. banquet hull nan] Jul end prlute telling will be conducted between “he. In cam Good. annrtment pl", will find mm Goods. an: Waist Imsttths, tho very Intent novel-tie. of t e nelson. ' t Come early. shop in the morning it possible nnd Avoid the rah In the A to: noon. T While grateful for thin SIN" "eottttedation, it however oompeh me to no every enort to dispute of same In this Ihort time; consequently the lulu. The “on will be open every lawful dey from interesting to everybody. Those who are interested in Xmas novelties will be charmed by the vast assortments of gift things displayed in every section of our two stores. Those who ap- preciate a saving-will be interested in the large number of Special Bargains to be found in every department. And the store and t e show windows are nicely decorated, and are alone worth coming to see. _ A hearty inviiation is extended to all. Come, whether you have anything to buy or not. The 5, 10 & 15c Store Hundreds of Suggestions This store in (all from top to Want at goods which an mum. to. "'"TTttt; . Lined Jacket- tnd Fur Lined Capes. 815 to .36. Fur Lined Jakob. 87. to 815. .55. N5. 375. and no. . Ian‘s Furlinod Dean. Bun-inn at. linings. one: collars. " .Fur Lined oonta, mil-not lining. t86, tttk Fur Conn. .18. an. to .06. India's Fur Rum. Jr... link Show, Ruth, Hunt. Ahab an.» te t I. link Raft. and Mu c. labell- Fox Ben. India’s PM lamb Jacket- Bnble Collu- and Home“. .50 to I15, Wm. Hen’u smoking Jakob, lumen. Gloves, Silk, Win-chick. Shh-ta: Ties. Colin-I. Oath. ate. ' In the Lidia's Department you will find hundreds of nonmel lute-bl- Ir. Xmu nifty. lulu Oon-n and Tics. Glenn. Ribbons, Dayna My new. In the Bonn Furnishing Dept; you shall find a tplcndid selectiou a! oil I,',',',",',',".",',,',; Ivan- colon. one. at very mound. prices. Bu... 'rtau,thtrutr Pine pal. King Street East, Berlin. Cash and One Price Xmas Display 'ltriititmas _ _ Suggestions _ Weishel’s Xmas Store News was visited by thousands on Saturday from all parts of the County. Everybody was delighted. Everybody was pleased. AuctionSale ._' We Wish You All A Merry Xmas. We,.have done all in our power to make our Aluminum. \ L A. M. UNTIL 10 P2114 SATURDAYS 8 A. M. SMYTH BROS. YOU COME TOO! Of the entire dock of WHOLE NUMBER 3013 Goo. Liindhg, Pmpriemr. MERRY XMAS I

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