and: M - cupped Hands, Face and Lips Baal Estata huritl and " hall the chap. 1nd one“, make It; the Illa atrtt, whit. und velvety A thorough spplicauon the! washing (he wt- tholoughly 5nd applying CHAPPINE while tho “in is um Ind“ works lumen. Fromm! only by DEVITT’S CHAP'PINE CITY DRUG STORE. Film SIT. Deutscho Apothelc ’ WATERLOO WWW ad. v .7 WWW: Read the J. S. Roos Shoe Co.‘s Dec. 12th. Farmer's best rubbers and so): are soWat Zick's Shoe Home. The ordination and induction ot Mr. w. D. Lee, will take place in the Presbyterian Church on Friday even- ing. Skates tastened tree at Zick's. Breckels & Matthews, organ build- ers, ot Toronto. have at present un- der construction a pipe organ for the St. Saviour's Church, Waterloo. '11 will cost’in the neighborhood ot $12,- SERVANT WANTED-An experienc- _ ed servant, who understands cook- ing and general house Work. Apply to Mrs. Geo. Wegchast, Waterloo. Htwlt It is eighteen years since the ladies at St. Saviour's Church have had a sale ot work for the benefrt of the church. The coming event at the Town Hall, Watermo. Tuesday, Dee. 11th, afternoon and evening. For the finest assortment ot Xmas shoes and slippers, Fuks Shoe Home Waterloo. leads them all. Lamb's wool slipper soles at Zick’s Mr. Franklin Good has purchased the property of Mrs. Tuerk, 'on M- bert street, at the entrance of the park. He purposes selling the frame dwelling thereon and Heeling a fttte new residence on the property next year. Salt ot work, useful gifts, beautiful. novelties, splendid refreshments, choice cut itowers, an entertaining programme. these are some ot the features ot the coming event at the Town Hall, Waterloo, a week from toMay, under the auspices ot the ladies of St. Sal‘iour's Church. The Presbytery will mod in the Waterloo Presbyterian church on Fri» day afternoon ' at iour o'clock to hear Mr. W. D. Lee undergo his pub- lic probationary trials (or ordination and to meet in the vw-ning tor or- dinalion and induction. Revs. Jotur. ston, Edgar, (Hasslord, and Bradley ,will take part in the services. Mr, Walter ll. Wells of Toronto is Ipcndlng a week at his home how prior to leaving [or Calgary, where he will have the hole agency in that city tor the Greet West Life htittrr- aute Co. His many friends will wisl. him success in the West. Mr. R. D. Elslvy desires to an nouncc that he will be in Waterloo on Dec. 10th and is prepared to do piano tuning. regulating, ete. Orders can be Ion at J. 1v'tUUnamt'tr store. Mr. El, aley has had much valuable trxtreri- cm, being a tUrr with the wall known firm of Mason & "inch, To ronto. tor ten years. All work glar- united. 3-3t The regular meellnyz'nl the Young Women‘s Hospital Auxiliary for De- cemhet has been postponed until next month. ot which due notice will he given. In the plezlnllme it is hum-I: that the members will make good us: M the talent which has born given them; so as to give a good accounl at themselves It next mrrting. Twenty head ot thoroughbred rind Iron: Mr. J. FI. F'rogrant's “‘nlvrlm Stud won H"h. at thc "eToritotv, Toronto. this morning. The consign tnent Included mm M the lnst brer' and most useful sullhms (We! human! in ('alia, all we" qua" [ml to improve the bra-ml ul harms and and valuable stock. The trbettds of Mr. and Mrs. Sam- Iel tt. alpha". of am Elmira will tatertd their aim-m- sympnlhy " the eriesitttt parents in the loss ot lhrit 13 you old naught" on Thun- dav last. A . . he induction of Row. Mr. Bockel- aim will be held up Wednesday, WIVI iriurrstood the girl was grim! um: nose m. which Mt who of mmlival m calm-rd mu an“ n- Fischer's Intel-or Shop. "on. 215. Natalee, Local News. E. IE. Devitt IMO "08.. u the aundud Brokers J. Huber. painting at Town Lipludt Bros., repairs at Town Hall -... ...... ...... ... Liphardt Bros. F....'.'. .r...r....r. Liphardt Bros., repairs TFt ... Geo. C. Peppler ...FP. .m..t. ...... D, Bean, printing, eta, q..m.m.r. Liplmnn Bros., cement, walk supplies, tiles ....t. ...... ... ... John Letter, cement walk manholes ..r.-.ts. ...P9r._. tm. ..t... Hamilton Bridge UO., girders tor sidewalk .e.... ..m... J. C. Mueller, Board ot Works G.T.R., Sept. acct., coal ..m... G.T'.R., Oct. acct., coal ... ... G.T.R., balance due trom old DECEMBER lifIili'llllli/i Provincial Board of Health Approves Details Reading (thongs at Sewer Farm-An . ' Interesting Session Held The Town Council held their tart "an: malo- on Ion-day evening, a. layer nil all the Con-ducts boll; was“. The lolloving accounts were paw er .r.rr.ewP.V. Waterloo Mtg tops ..._F.... tve...... m..... ..r_.. _.. M. Weichel & Son .._". ... E. K. Seagram, selecting Nr- ors m..-..... ...m.t... ..m.rr_.. ..t.t..._r._ C. H. Frochlich, selecting jute ors mrt"'r.t. m.e.e..t. ttF..-... 4.00 F. S. Kumpt, salary as Twas. 250.00 A. B. McBride, salary as Town Clerk ......P.. ....r... ..tFP. 350.00 w. Pent, caretaker at comm E. F. Seagram, Mayor ..m... ... Silica Barytic Stone Paving, ors ..'.."r_. .rr.r.... .m.rrr... ..._t.... A. B. McBride, selecting jur- ors .m.Vr..m. ..'t'rrt. ._e_e.._. trr...... Co., on acct. Frm.'. ...... ..ttm. 2,500.00) W. Snider, electric light ... ... 209.09 Irvin Hallman, wood ....-. ....e. 6.50 Louis Dietrich, .r.F.. Pe.rmt .tr.r.... 7.00 J. Sirebel, filing saw mFwVF. .r.... .25 S. B. Bricker, charity ...r.. 'tm 5.70 A. K. Itoesch,' charity ...... ... 2.70 John Fischer, charity ....._ .....l .84 W. Hogg, wood .....tTr_ ... 1.25 M. Schmidt, retund dog tax ._. 1.00 Daily Citizen q........ ......... ..r.r. 5.78 J, Huber. painting P..... ..P.r_ .r. 7.23 A. G. Hadlncl, ..P... ..r.t. mm.m.P.Ft 1.00 Piremen's salaries "' ... .eet"rP"* t38.30 The Mayor read a report from the Finance Committee recommending that the olier olthc Dominion.Seeur- ities Corporation tor dehentures to accepted. The report was adopted. In regard to the share of Waterloo towards the expenses'ot the Niagara Power Union, it was-decided " pay the town's share, whieh,amounts to about. $11.00. Letters were read from Mr. J. W. Lyon, Guelph, re Niagara Power. " copy of a by-law which will be sub- mitted to the Guelph Council was enclosed. . . 'hi, Mayor, and Councillors Weidcn- hammer, Graybil] and Staurer were A communication was rcccivcd trom the Galt, Preston and Hcspetrr St. Railway Co., asking permission to lay a crossing iron: the Soagram pro- perly on Erb street to their ottice. WATERLOO PUBLIC Teachers Granted Increase of Salary-highly Satisfactory Report Received From F Inspector Pearce on Teaching Staff The Waterloo Public School Board held their regular monthly meeting on Thursday Evening. . 7, There were present: N, E. Brn'rndle in the chair and trustees Wm. Reade. h. E. Dvvitt, Dr. Nuecker, .l. A. Harper. Wm. Conrad, and C. w. Sthicdcl acct Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Wss Miss M: mm Printing Co, . . ' . Wail Prinuns Co. .7 ,, _ _ A l. J. ll. Said". 2 track-tr del. I. tl. Don-mm. normal supplirs Pound ttrow, "pairing root and “mm Trrv N _ Teachers†alarm! for Somm- carrtorrtr' salary tor h'ovrm, Dermul. m.._m__". ...'..r.. P"""" 113.00 Dermul. cleaning sewers PVr 30.00 Bergman, sewer connections 60.86 Bergman, Park avenue sew- K Increases Granted Co. Co, . r. . . ' 1.†W, ., V, .rer. l, 2.2m toarh-ts‘ 6esaa an» sohonl aurplirs 9.75 "pairing root manhole SCHOOL BOARD MEET $117.41 85.00 237.81 13.75 14.85 101.03 508.50 75.00 200.00 7.00. It was moved by Mr. Simmer, sec- s.2j5, ended by Mr. Graymil, That the mat- 5.70 ter of a fsated assessment on property 2.70 oi Snyder Bros. be laid over tor the -54 next Council to deal with and fix 1.25 amount ot assessment, in aeeordamx 1.00 with resolution passed on Oct. first 5.78 last. , 7~23| Mr. A Rudy submitted a drait oi HRI,'a prepared plan which he proposes to Peiregisttr and asked the Council to D t.hei'consent thereto, notwithstanding the ending I tact that the streets thereon are less Smut-[than 60 feet in width. 3700]! 10.80 9.27 15.60 10.35 MI $3 7.10 mm 7.55 4.00 0lir'r0Rll COUNCIL 37.50 $850 ' 775 775 , 475 100 125 400 125 The request ot Mr. Scheilek in re- gard to securing a bonus tpr ending a wire lance dong his property VII again up tor eonaiderMion. Mr. Inel- ter stated that he had made inquiriu " to condition of the [can and the posts were hardly halt “In. compar- ed with the can ot now am. In View ot this be did not Mot paying Mr. Scheitole the full Me a rod which the Council agreed to pay. as per resolu- tion passed at a previous metiae: Mr. Stan!" concurred in the Opin- ion expressed by Mr. Mueller, and said that the how could only be granted tor an entirely new (em. named as representative: trom the Council to attend the meeting to ho Mid at Berlin on “Mushy evening to discuss was": Power. It was moved try Mr. Mueller, see- onded by Mr. Stunner, that 15c a rod be paid Mr. seheitele, the meas- urements to be made by the Town Engineer betore Dec. 15th. Messrs. Snyder Bros. appeared he lore the Council in mien-m to w curing a fired assessment on the woollen mill property, Mr. Flintoit pointed out that the matter bad been considered at a. pre vious meeting and a resolution passed stating that the Council was willing to aid them by granting so [at as it had power, a tized assessment. They considered $5,000 a tair am- ount to fix assessmet.d at. " was also pointed out that the town would receive $152 tan-s on the new proper- ij,, whereas at present the Company only pay a business tax amounting to $30. Several members of the Council ex- pressed themselves in favor ot grant- ing aid to the Company, but owing to the lateness ol the season tatore: leaving the matter of fixing amount of assessment to the incoming Conn oil. The Mayor and Clerk were author- ized to consent on behalf of the cor-, poration 01 Waterloo to the lyling ot said' plan. In-reference to a request ot Mr. A. Mayer. who appeared before the Council, he was given permission to connect his property with the sewer, upon paying for the connection and also paying for 20 years, 31 cents per loot each year upon his trontage of 66 feet, _ - age disposal' plant. The Mayor also read a. letter trom Chas. A. Ilotlgctls, Secretary ot the Provincial Board ot Health, stating that the, Hoard unanimously approv- ed of the details regarding thc'sew- "ccit The properly committee was in- structed to secure a man to shovel the walks along the school property during the winter months. The com- mittee will also have .the root over Miss Kelly's department repaired and secure tour mats tot use in several of the rooms. A communication was received trom the Toronto Board ot Education asking the Board to have a colleen lion Gaken up in the school below the end of the year tor the purpose at cutting a monumcnt. to the mem- orv at Alexander Muir and to pro- vide a lurid for the benefit of his widow and invalid daughter in recog- nilion ol the great service he render- ed by writing "The Maple Lon! Fan ever." _ Frincipat Cork was authdrized to have a collection taken up tor the purpose., _ _ .- _ _. The 1toard recently .visitot the who"! and [mind that the cart-later was performing his duticu in a most satisfactory manner. Miss M. E. Hart, tor the past f,hse years a member ot ttte Matt oi the “who Central School, has hamlet! in her resignation to the. School Board. Miss "art is one ot the, but ‘mchm if. Idiot)! bat, ever had. be In; very highly commended " In- wrvmr Putt: in his reports, and " is with your! trer resignation is aererstett try the "oatd, Mr, Chas, ft. fehttrfdrr, who at Muy In last, sullen-1| the In" of his ham and comm" hr tire, Mir" to "tank his ttriehttttrst and um lot "wit kind assislnm in "min; a "(1' barn ytttd driving my! all In: "Mr than “aim in vulva oth- er wan. 1'Atur 0!" THANKS. Other Business . Ghiidrqn's salts _ late 0 f " enabl ram this date until the Ist of ly b‘; urc January 1907 . .gucti A b. rgain for cw rybody that needs a suit of clothes. Eggs: Men’s Suits, DEBENTURES Offer of $37,727 From Dominion Securities Corporation was Accepted At a meeting of the Finance Com- mittee of the Town Council the mr. lowing offers were received ior.thc 55.000 water works debentures, the 53,000 park debentures and the $10,- 000 lactory debentures, the two tor- mer being at the rate of. " per cent. and the third " " per cent. They were offered in one iot: Wood, Gundy & Co. m.'... ....Jl7,653 Aemelius Jarvis Co, 'Pr ... ... 17,659 Wm. C. Brent ."". .tr... ...... ... 17,659 Dominion Securities Corpor- ation e.Fr...P. ...r_.q.. .e.Fw._e. .r. tq,727 The one: of the Dominion Securi- ties Corporation being the highest was accepted. _ A letter was read [rum Mr. J. C. Haight stating that his client, Mr. A. Alt-men", tor certain reasons, was prepared. to drop his action against Look Here the town and Light ConrriirgTrrdiCirrTf-- vidod the defendant agreed to with- draw the suit and were willing to pay the costs. It was referred to the Water and Light Commission. In view ot recent complaiMs the Council decided to ask the factories who had received loans horn the town to furnish a list ot the employ- cs with their rlacc of residence as soon as possible. The complaints were to the tstiect that prriercnce had not been given to Waterloo labor as provided in the try-tass passed. hsposite Zimmo rmann House ANOTHER AGED. RESIDENT GONE Death of Mrs Andrew Rocket Occurred Sunday After a Lingering Illness, Another of Watertoo's aged rest- dents passed away on Sumhly morn- ing at " o'elock in the person ot Catttrrinr Roche]. wife of Mr. And- rrw Rocket, at ths, advanced use ot 70 years and H days. Deceased had been ill for the past two years. lacing Cottrttte dto her bed for a good portion ot that time. The late Mrs. 1tockel was born in Germany on Nov. 17, 1836. When 11 years ot nae she came to Panda, coming direct to Walerloo. She was married to Mr. Andrew Rocket in 1856. Thirteen children blend! the union, (en ot whom survive, namely: Henry, Charles, Gustave, Adolph and Andrew. and fire daughters, 8(1ka (Mrs. Futwartzwchlert, Waterloo; Regina (Mrs. Ilrasseler), Toronto; Regina (Mrs. Hussein), Toronto; Trckla tMrs. Harden). Brrlin; and Linda and Catherine at home. ' The funeral was how Monday alter- noon from ttte late reaidmter, wr" of Waterloo. whrre scrvim we†con- ducmi by How. H. Feud-kc, oi Hel- Mlbug. The ink-rm“ tooh mm at Mt. "one Cemetery. , The annual mertimt ot the Water- too 'am'ur'turintt Co, was MM " Waterloo Malay. at which there was a large nprmnunon ot ttttart%tH- "a present. The mm“: reports pro- srntnl yon- mmI satistaetory. In addition to the char-gm alto-4y un- mmd in (In: pup". Mr. Rm. Sni- - was rlwml Yirr-PrrsMettt d the Company and Mr. Frrnanso W. Sni- der warwwintd “slum lulu- ee. . _ . J. UFFELMANN 25 per cent. Discount on All John . Schondelmayer, ANNUAL MEETING. WERE SOLO SHOES . and prove an truth of our Internet". when we alum lhtt, " In a the mutt†" [count In oomsorrtod, we and orersyrd to "tte. Our stock can- ulna anything you may Tmatt that in good Its Footwear. The quality nu be tight sad the prion right. We do net talk of cheapnou so much " ending qauit.x; but both!!! mum! all pr'ee, to ask son to an " young". " you do, we will get Jon: trace. T Having purchased the meat busi- ness f nun-1y carried on by Mr. B. B. Ducting it will be my en- deavor to merit a continuance of of the patronage extended in the past; I Customers and friends may be assured that only the choicest and beat m‘eata will be kept on hand. Business Henry Reuel Tale I loci into our Bludow In] you mil trot a idea of what we hue inside. Thorn in no mm like tho junta “010p "lice; your Xmu gifts: - _ The composer: under study for the month were Bach and MacDomll. highly irttrrr'stistg any: prepared by the. Ilium-s Gertrude “MI: and Elois Noah-r. respectively. on "use com- mon: bring read. Look through this In and eee whether there I. not my thing you have not thought of. Ladiex' gold vetehee trom $9.00 to $50 Gale" enemelled watches from $4.00 to There was a large and enthusiullc utlmdnncc ol members at the De. cember meeting ot the Clan Schu- mnn Club held on Saturday evening, and the proceeding: proved most in. stmllvc. Buying Made Easy " 00 - Pea l broochu, 14 E gtld. ham " co to C25. Pearl . lot plan, n K gold, Inn tft to 810. "ot god may from ' l 35 to .100. Ebony mm sou, gold and divu- mounted umbrella, gilvtrr nova tie nnon " ttatt “on, “not", mrd polhhm, ow. (com 250 upwurdn. We I; l be plea-d tt wow you our gm:- whether you buyer not. CLARA SCHUMANN The Clan Schumann Journal, the bright publication ot the Chet con- taietrd limoly and prolllable uncles on sunk-us ol hunt-It to manic-l Moth-nu. which tan-the! with n splendid programme cl selection- mm the works at the compact: Ill- 6rr shady, mule â€up an enjoyable and prMtaNe evettittg. _ E. J. loos, Jewell-r. CENTRAL BLOCK, Waurloo Plano numb"! were girem by the Misses “ninth Wells. Alma Fore- man. Ma Martin, mar Dover, Viola Wilding. Hattie tutreet, Mary â€out and B, L. Dan, "I 3 Vocal Mtto by Ills! in“: Devi". . (Duering's Old Stand) Boys' Suits. 0in Heat Mamet, Waterloo. Ont Change CLUB MEETlNG WATERLOO l Th'o it the limo oftho comlonon. No need of mending much an) in math: than than you can buy solondld one: " following prion. Bowmblo on 'autsttrie, unitary comfort", no dint, no quilts, no odor. Stu 60:73 inches. V Price for three days an], ".19. Amt-noon slum“. rover-able conformer: salary, sin 66:73 In. Three dun. mica only " 60 Romulus an “rubric, sanitary comforts". lama qaality or one above de'odbed, in larger aias, 66613, spools! prion 81.25. ' American Art Commie. reversion: comforter. nae wmldlng, sanitary. Sin 65:72 int-bu. Easily worth $2 25, prion for 3 any- $1.95. On Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week we are offering striking values in New Wool Blankets. We are enabled to, do this Enough a fortunatp pychate made recent- G. B. RYAN & COMPANY ll. B. Ryan ti 60.,Berlin.‘ ly by our buyer. You Gay share tie"iGriiit" 6&5;leer purchase By buying your blankets now. Note the price re- ductions. Whit. wool blankets. well nipped. fut color border- of blue dupi k, Elm 60x80 inches. Good “In: " " 26 for than an" 03.00. Not a you managing, etyooee gg-ly._ _ - 'Whlio Cindi": all wat bunker, wanna], pure Cull-flan Home wool, an. WK tittiatt, pretty border of blue ad piak. Shel 04x83, and 63:88 In. Regain “In. H 76, for three day: only $1.45. Bays of Brisk Blanket Selling tf "ld s, A. . " m is A {I Wu SHOES AND SLIPPERS FOR Ilfillll8Tllllli8 GEFTS Norm Men'a dongnln kid Romeo slippers olastlc nide.tnrn Rexihie .o1etr,atrieimvorttt with men and made of extra quality, meow“). Po,.......................-.....-) N0. tttit Melu‘a Imitation Alligator .lippers made in England. . Kay town soles. an†real. present at aunnll mien-i190 to ll. No. an India fancy velvet “unto. [Hr hindln , flexible â€sewn! w‘e low heel.ncal new thaw. in blue. hing. brown and myrtle. mam-x. iTtiir.C.".rC..l.......................P5 NO. att ladin‘ delight. a ttne dire etstf.rkitt lurch-y hoot. lick-y "an. reparation Mylo. polled mm 3:1Illmnkr a ftrte Xmas sin tor niother,wite,t6ter ore. but girl. H1925 to T. Price JC."..'...,.'......,....'.....,.....-.,..............?."?.!! "Minus ll tor. Price ..... ...... .'............, J....." $0.30! Men's Innis tt'derightetimt hinhhockey boot, [helium pop- u an hon in Canada. wornhy the best slate-n and all who -d V sln 3 won"- bcor. in regulation amt. culmination ankle unp- porter and lare, 'l‘housnnda are warm; thla perfect ttpot, whynotyou? Slzoololl. Price......................3$ Be' shallot». Price.... ...... .... .... o.......,......"? Yemttts'MeetitoiN. 'riiit.y.r.CC.y.C.....1....tp5 The Home of Good Shoes PHONE M& " " - WA Zick’s Shoe Home A FEW SUGGESTIONS FOR EARLY XMAS BUYERS lo. Comforters WATERLOO