CHEAPER THAN NIAGARA POWER " will be ot interest to Berlin cit- - in ,rimr,ot the Iaet that the Light Commission has installed pro- m: m canoes at the plant owned " the town, to learn that the Me- Ciqrr Mantacturing Company, Lor ' - . . - H “A" _...L..Llu - a.-...--'"-"'" . _ t V dttit's biggest industry, will probably place producer gas engines in its plant. tor the purpose ot supplying power for its many departments. ' The London Advertiser states that' Col. Gartstsore, manager ot pny, has intimated that the com- pany is securing estimates as to the out ot installing the gas engine, and u what the engine company states is loud to be correct, steam power will be abandoned in the works. _ The MeC'larys are negotiating with Fairbanks, Morris a Co., ot Tomato lorengines to supply 150-horsepower tor the firm. It is understood the gas engine people ere ready to guarantee sttrat they wilt supply McClarys with pave: at; something between $10 and 812 per horsepower. [ _ _ Ion-u vacuum»: at Prim-'0 Cough Balsam .3: 'fardt tttr.""" m M ttai l iutt""" " cough. extHhtmnehist and "I! Ir,tt, 'at2ttrd,1 tsrr.1d'2'u',1'.'." g Niagara power, according to the ot- tieiat estimates; will cost not less than $17 plus " tor distribution per hone power. Thus it is seen that the gal producer company is ready to beat this price hy $10 per horse pow- er. which to tthcCiary Company would mean a saving ot 31,500 per annum on 150 horse power. Steam power now costs somewhere between $50 and $75 per horse l" wot according to conditions, in London. Niagara power would he a consider- able saving to the ftrm, but pas pro- ducer engines can, it is said, do much better than Niagara power: Col. T Gartshuro shunt that the company. must have steam I..r Irat- ing and the like, and that in case the '95 producer (-nginvs are installed the Bteant plant will not be abofishhi Gas producer engines are quite new in Canaria, but they have Men in use in England and Germany tor years. " is. claimed tor them that they can produce power at 80 per cent less cost than steam gem-rated power. mun-me...“ . a When the coal ls thrown into the" furnace, everythirtr,-- make. gas and tut--is used, and 'fG1'L"g' is hit but the ashes. It is the saving in fuel thus Meeted that brings about the cheapness ot power) Toronto the Fairbanks-Morris Company has 1 150 horse power gas producer (-nginc in operation. ' 65an two weeks it will be known whether _or not the. mama's will be used by the MeClary Manufacturing Company. "You may depend upcll it," Col. Gartshore said io-dar, "that iCwe do consent toy1se the I-ngims it will be under a “Manure from the ftrttt whith installs them as to the cl st of power. . _ . u . - ., 1...; IK.. Gstait Producer Inâ€... It is interesting to note that the hrdro-eleetrir commission in its Inst report, devotes a chapter to gas power. The mnmlissim says that producer gas plonts no mv~ro ecum- omiral in tnatty situatios Than a steam plant, and ammo“: a. clvscr TAU, m Nan-kin. Rheum-Vim. counts u infl- ntl Ind. than“ of breath. ieak law. riiiau%iieurtdietirmtumsdt" evil “in. as. Ther apply law-force ad Hp the body lo a meal haul in the We! possible time. 'or. a-box. t 'std with Mira Flam! Toni: and Mira Oz'nhntuh karma, cmf the wars! forms cf skim disraset m1- tMt, owed. Af drtte-stores--prftrv! A! emu/3' Co. M Canada, Limile'd, Iratr.ilta.--rormsttr. -ieye=-.i-r.==G-.'-. -- "A" HAAtt HIEII'KIID. , Auohrtetr Depend-lilo In the Bahtnd _ M ttv-bt" h Ttttlm m I!†“I.“ $0.. [MINI WWW mr,,,,,......".'",,,.,,-; Best Bread in the World is the most hunk-giving. vitarseintr Bread Hour ever tttaf by modern milling methods from selected‘ aura Cumin Hard Wheat. Besides, it in PURIT8 FCOUR is none too good for the man who needs daily vim and vigor. May competitor oi trrdreeicetrir Power. “It must. be "tttenstscrcd," my: the commission, "that the same obire- Hons bold against the itrodtteer-r" plant as those which have teen mon- tioued in Idea-nee to steam plants, namely. that 8t-hour power costs proportionately mon- than 'ir-ttour power; that the small consumer does not have the great advantage ob- tainable try the. use ot electric power; and also that a central installation in a lactory is all that is possible it electric motors are required in var ious parts of the lactory, and the ‘only prime mover available is steam 'or gas." The commission adds, how ever, that producer gas plants have a bright tuture. and as the design and construction are perfected the capital cost will be reduced and the cost of power lessened. The commission estimates the cost ot gas power at $43.17 per annum per horsepower tor a 150 horse power plant, operating 34 hours a day', or $35.87 tor 10 hours [in day. This ite' chides interest at 5 per cent. upon the cost of the plant, depreciation. and repairs, oil and waste, labor and fuel tbituminous coal at " and an- thracite coal at ts). . The McClary Company's decision will be awaited with intrrcst,tre- cause of its important bearing upon the Niagara power question. INCREASE IN ASSESSMENT. The work of the assessment com- mission inaugurated last April in Brantford is said to have proven satisfactory despite the fact that the department costs the city some tl,- 800 per annual, more than formerly. Assessments have been equalized bet- ter than ever before, and the value of assessed property was increased during the past year by $815,000. 'rheutomnsission discovered an exten- sive system ot padding, which has been abolished at the cost of show- ing a decrease in the population ot the. city. The court ot revision made few changes in the work ot the de- partment during the past year. The assessment commission is also charg- od with the important work of secur- ing new industries tor the city, V and has carried on a great deal ot cor- respondence along that line. MARRIED IN NORWALK, OHIO. An interesting wedding circmony took place in Hawaii, o., Wednoev day when Mr Eugene Emma, eon of Mr. Andrew Bugle“. of this town was united in n rriage to Miss Olive Riostcr, of that city. The common}! was perrormed by Rev. Jcs. Englcrt brother oi the groom, and Mr. Geo. hind-ll uf Herlut w e "I" bert man. The young couple will Berlin during their honeymoon THE LAST PA YMENT. On Sunday a spec"l collection will be taken In Berlin in}: am Church to raise the sum of $234.86, which is the total amount of the annual premium paid on the iour endowment policies that have been carried by the congraT,uation lor filleen years. The last Hyment will he made on Ihr- eemlwr Mst, and a year hence the Trustee Hoard will receive $i,000 and trrritits, which will he applied to the building fund of the church. The members whose lives Were insured Were Messrs. E. P. Clement, K. C., Mayor A. llrieker, T'.. W. Simpson, and Geo. Whiting of Montreal. RED‘TING FREIGHT RATES The proposed revision by the Can. adlan Freight Asst,ciation of rates tor points in “batch: thttario will mean, it carried into elk-cl. a reduc- tion of t.15 per car from Windsor to Halifax. with a corrrsponding redttc- tion lor paints in the interior. The rate; trom Windsor will be loss than from thnroit, instead ot llc renum- as has been the Case hitherto. bert tisit trip. School Trustees Take. no Action on Lady 1 Teachers"? Petition but Grant " Increase to All the Male Teachers and the Caretakers. The regular meeting at the» Panic new Board 01 - was unusually important and could-y erahle business was transacted. The; chic! work was the disposition ot the numerous requests tor increases ot salary iron the teacher: and care takers. The Board dealt with the pe- tition ot the lady teachers who ask- rd that the Ichedule arranged last May he changed my "ing the annual increase at tso instead ol 825, and 'the maximum salary at 8600 instead ot $415. It was. the general opinion that in view ot the tact that the schedule nt the lady teacher: had been raised this year, and all of the teachers had bmsehtted therehy, it was sutticiettt for one year, and it was foa1ly decided to take no ae- tion. _ REQUEST FOR REVISION 0F SALARY SCHEDULE REFUSED When the schedule ot the lady tea- chers was re-arranged in May the male teachers were not included in the general increases granted. but their turn came last evening and all ot them received a. substantial re- cognition by the Board. The care- 1talkers also were remembered. Alto- }getvher the increases granted by the Board will amount to 8625. The Board unanimously authorized the taking up of a collection ln all the schools tor a memorial of the late Alexander Muir, the author of Canada's National Anthem, “The Maple Leaf Forever." An excellent report of the German work in the schools was received trom Inspector 11omuam In response ttrthe request of the Hoard the [allowing teachers tor- warded reasons why they did not at- tend all the sessions ot the recerit Teachers' Association: Mrs. Ada Eby, Miss s. Hammond, Miss E. Pienderleith, R. Reid and T. A. Schulz. Their reasons were accept- able to the Board. my'. E. Homnan, German Inspect- or of the Berlin Public Schools, sub- mitted the following report: - uentlemrtt,--Having been appointed by you Inspector of the German work carried on in the Public Schools oti our town, I beg to report to you, i that I have made my first tour ot in- " spection during the last week aloe-.1 tober and rtrst week ot this month," having visited every school and at-'P tended every class. With sincarc s:rt-.e isiaetion I can assure you that the ‘ impressions I have carried away were'. decidedly pleasing, convincing me that the sacrifices of time and ox-l pense connected, with the teaching ct, German are bearing good fruit. An indisputable proof lg the teaching ot German being appreciated by the ett- izens of Berlin is the tact that very) nearly 800 children avail themselves of this opportunity to acquire a cor- rect knowledge of the German lan- guage, among them a goodly numberl oi children ot Eftglish-speak"mg 'lar-i .ents. Beth ot the teachers are splen- didly fitted for their work and tell of zeal, to imbue their scholars with that love ot the language that makes study a pleasure. Miss Borrahold's ex- perience oi many years accounts (or her success. it was a real treat let me to attend her classes and witness the readiness of the children in read ing, writing and speaking German. I was especially pieased at tre iro- gress made by one class, the pupils _ oi which having started enly about . two months ago, were well able to i read fluently simple sentences, and to join in a plain conversation on some , given subject. The excellent disci- ' pline kept by Miss Ilornhoid shows I that she has the tall confidence at her ' classes. Mr. Schulz. the rccently appointed teacher, has gone to york? in earnest. I am particularly pleased to report." that his German grammar as well as.I pronunciation is faultless and what- ever I have seen and heard of hisl work, his method, his discipline and the progress of his classes is ample proof that his appointment has been no mistake. That he applies himself to the same method at teaching asl Miss Bornhotd is very commendable on account ct the frequent translers of children from one school district to another. Both dt the teachers were seriously handicapped in their work at the beginning at this term through the dittietttty ot securing the necessary text books, especially the second and third book, which diiti- culty, however. will be overcome in luture with the aid ot the German School Association. . I should not like tttit, opportunity of discussing the German m-luoolmrs- tion to pass without assuring thou of out eitir.etts.wltotw children take the German that they may eottf1del ty rele upon the competency ot the teachers and "poet good ruultl at the same time reminding thou who so tar hare been "tdifferent to “Ir great lnlolln-iual and practical value “RUN " IDEA H IRREl'TED "t am surprised,'" remarked AM. Lyon, n! Guelph. "at thr numhcr cl lymph mm are under the impression that the mom Mann power by- law]: te,atsthoiiet the issue ot do- bemhtrrs tor the raising at money to purchase trom the ttovernmrnt ttw) right to use Maura power. This is ttot the one. .Tho Mummy-t “out thr’ loan Ind lane the drtetthtres, ‘and mm lo supply the power lo “M- rlly at a errtttltt prior prt h. p. laid down here, the trorernrmmt to pay tte' can rd hyhm Hunk Hm and A'tstr+m. The any in" hit to my the 1mm and um met put. an the um ot the W ltr, Ci' {a}? a Ki i"hitiii" mi _ Gave Their Reasons “with?“ My Doe-abet 6, no. - Pageto comma-Hi like Berlin. Hoping u encoungc the lane with my report. 1 am, Very "speettuiiy yours, of “My†the German language in a The report vat waived by the Board and u hearty vote o! tltattU was tendered to the Inspector. Many Application. The Board received a large mm»? of application tor the vmucin on the tuchcrs' stah in response to the) advertisement for first or second class professional certificates. They were as lollows: Miss May Childs, Merrittou; Miss lmoginc Carter, East Orange, N. J.; Miss Amelia Wallace. Buttsuwille; Miss Laura Shannon. Ethel; Miss L. E. Leighton. Kings- ville; Miss Beatrice L. Harris, Han- over; Miss Anna Von Neubronn. Ber- lin. The members or the Board and their wives were invited to attend a parlor meeting to he held in the in- terest of scientific temperance in- struction under the auspices of the W. C. T. U., at the home of Mrs. J. Kaufman, King street, on Thursday evening at 8 o’clock. The invitation was accepted. Miss Sara Hammond lotwarded her resignation as a member of the Stall at the Central school owing to ill health. Her resignation was ac- copied. School Inspector T. Pearce report- ed the attendance at the German classes as follows: Central 288, Mar- garet avenue 167, King Edward 152 Courtland avenue 187, total 794. Miss Anna \‘on Neuhronn was en- ttaged to succeed Miss Hammond at the Central School. A communication was received from a committee at the Toronto Board of Education.asking the? Board to arrange to have a collection taken up in the schools before the end at 3 the your lor the purpose of erecting a monument to the memory ot Alex- ander Muir and also provide a fund tor the benefit of his widow-and in- valid daughter. The ec-operation of ‘the scholars throughout the Domin- ion is being solicited: in recognition of the great "service Mr. Muir ren- dered by writing "The Maple Leaf Forever." The Board was unanimous in favor of the request, and Principal Sud- dahy was authorized to have a cot- lection taken up tor this purpose. The rotilinn of the lady teachers tor a change In the schedule was taken up. Trustee, Euler proposed raising the minimum to 8500, but the other mraWers did not think that this would be satisfactory. Dr. Hett was at the opinion that the Crovvrnment at its nvxt session would regulate traehers' salaries" in towns and cities in the same manner» as it has done in 'the rural districts. fre thctgsht the teachers should re- ceive more, but considcrcd that this year's "and had done sufrre:'ent tor them. . There was an informal discussion‘ tor same time and the. members .rm- ally decided to Cake no action. _ Salaries lncreased. The Board took up the request of Principals Poster and Carmichael, ol the Courtland and Margaret avenue schools respeeliwly, tor an increase ol salary. They asked for $800. The Board Med the salary at 8750, an increase of $75. Mr. J. D. Weir, ot the Central school, has his salary increased trom 8froo to $700. Prilwipul Suddaby's salary was fix- ed at $115". an increase of tloo, and Principal Reid received an increasi- of t50, and his salary will be 8850 nut year. Mr. J. H. Martin, at the (‘t-ntnl school, did not apply for an increase but the Board increased his salary trom $700 to $7.50. The salaries of the caretakers of the various schools wcrc also in- crrasted. Thr ward school caretakers will ttrt $450, an increase ot $50, and the ('rntral school caretaker will get 8550. an increase ot $75, each to look attet the whitrwashirttt of their re:- prrtive urinals. The accmnlx passed amounted to 32,143.50. The Board adjourned at 10.10 o'clock. lot the amount they use, as at pro seat." Brim-m In!" and I'm' "manna ttttttat, has bum awn! this yvat in ttte rut-mien of the eirrtrie lixht Mani, owned by the towu of Wing- ham The residents are salisnml aith munmml ttwttertthlp. "can!†owning tte rlntrk- tht Maul. thr town owns the wa'or pram of the meer Maitland, ttoth have proud to be my!“ ittFttrNtts. .tH'Ntt'1PA1, OWNERSHIP PAYH lax-£859 An Invitation Accepted Authorized a Collection. Large Attendance. Teacher 'Resigns. Took No Action Caretakers Raised E HOFFHA N. I: mum "at... DEATH OF AN Peter wanna Pm Any! Wedneulay Mention in l wavw. he death at on ot Berlin‘s pion- ecr citizen took place Wednesday " ‘crnooa " bre o'clock in the pawn of Peter Wotthardi at the ripe old age ot 81 years. " month and 7 days, death being due to the iarsrmi- tieiol {dancing yoga. - - no (new tool - frottt the late residence, com: Albert and Elam streets, on Saturday, Decem- ber hit. at two o'clock p.m., to St. Paul's Lutheran church tor service, thence ‘to Mount Hope cemetery for interment. _ Decencd was born in Duhren. Grooherzogtthurn, Baden, Germany. in 1834, and came to Canada in the month ot February, t81M, retelling Cali" on the lst ot March of the year. In his early years he was engaged with the late Henry Schwenn, brick maker, tor a number, or yams. and also held the pmritimr ot roadmaster of Berlin form long period. He was married in 1854 to Margaret Resscror. who survives him. The union was hksscd with three children, all ot whom sunire viz.. Mrs. August Hertel, and Mr. Henry, ol the ftrttt ot Wolthard & Co., Berlin, Fred, of Waterloo. A quiet but pretty wedding took place in Toronto at 2 o'clock on Wednesday afternoon when Miss Mary Johnson. daughter ot.Mr. and Mrs. J. Johnson, King street south, oi Berlin. was happily wedded to Mr. Bruce Springer, ot the Queen City. The ceremony was performed by Rev. I. Toven, pastor of the Queen street Methodist church.. The bride was attired in a beaqti- ful costume ot cream ealienne, and her going away dress was of wine- colored silk. . Mr. and Mrs. Springer have gone on a honeymoon trip to eastarn points. The many Berlin friends of the bride will extend lo he: and the man of her choice their hearticst congratulations and good wishes, in which the Telegraph is pleased to join. . _ INVENTOR WITH N ERVE. On Wednesday morning a test. ot newly-invented lenders was made in Toronto before a small crowd of in- terested parties. The Jenkins brake was the first to he tested. The in- ventor, Mr. Jenkins, has a novel way of advertising its merits. He himself lies on the car track that the fender may pick him up. He was threatened last night that it he did it again he would be arrested, However, he has had already over ten pick-ups. The Toronto _ company have ordered 100 of his tenders, and 50 are already in HIS WIFE’S LUNGS, BOTH AFFECTED In! the tlregt astsamptfve Preven- tative brought 1kalth and Barpi. ness to his Home "Our doctor said them was no cure foe .7 wife as both her lungs were affected," up Mr. L. H. Walter, of Pearl Street, Brockville. Out. "It was a sad disap- ttfgT', was both, just starting out in . a, only married a shed time. But before the had tinished the first bottle of Psychine tho pain in her lungs quickly went away. and the? taking six boulcs Mrs. Waiter was . new creature and perfectly well with" . That is trut one of the many families Into, yrhicg Psychino hope, heatth and liq-shuns. It is a living prom that Paychino cures Consumption. But don't wait for Consumption. Cure your LOGIEG, your Cough. your Bronchitis, your tank. or your Pneumonia with the comedy that never faiU-- P8lfMlllllliii 500. Per Bottle W on... O! and "--as" annulus. " T. A. “DWI, limited, Twenty. MARRIED IN TORONTO Farmers' Poultry Your [cums In, It ir,ttttts m%toetoer, Buyer wanted. at. Junk " " n-ll'. u u â€1.“ u " New Balm " " Mono. “and; we vat an you Pam. II?" or W. and will my It. has: _-" Lif him m b. AGED CITIZEN Wm.) THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMN0E?RC1]l?, HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO B. E. WALKER, General Manager ALEX. I Al RI Building Sale! Ilita0litl.i; I. C HG; _rr,"r. ,4 BANEHNG BY REAP, _ H Business may be transacted by mail vith a my branch of tho Bank. Accounts may be cya-cn,', and deposits made or withdrawn by mail. Ltcry angin'fzirx 1] paid to oubof'-towa accounts. _ Goods must he cleared out, reg nullesyof a 2:. 3 Quinn, Ribbons, Belts, Collars, Velvetb'ibbotw, 11:25st g Laces, ,Silk Velvet, allover Lveea, Yemen tval 1);.2 , imaginable _ shades. W â€Collar frames 2 for 5 cent»: silk ooliars “an, Tr, .n 15e: belts 65c, now Me and 38e. Come and ls: cvusi Paid-up Capilal. $10,000.,000. Reserve Fund, $4,500,000 Our efforts have been crowned “ ith success during seven years of ‘cxper. ience in manufacturing Gas n-nd Gus oline Engines and we are uttering to the public what has proved to be the moat perfect gasoline engine on the market; isimple, economical. easy to operate and pelfeclly reliable under all weather com! tions For tu-thor inrortuatitm “Ha lo . BRANCHES THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND IN THE UNITE?) STATES AND Elfiiiuqu T We take pussie, in directing the attention ot'tho rn'nliv in vvlll‘ paint! :uoline Engines. which are rayidiy tsupersedintt all t ttut In.“ " in various trattches w ere power is required. F Mrs. G. Steuer,rs.t:'?itrsct I q. Pr" our inn It ir the l'il More good CH" 1'ottiets wis- giv Slwvial‘ n“ dvi Imr motto Newer III-ft KING t t " chHty.KT, Mr. Jam 7.qu, proprict ' at rm (".qu (‘vmml and “mm! ll/rt, lh-rlin. has 'mtpmyed t'rr,1r.srlt'r hrmxis to Mravalr the lnwr story of the hum on the Marla-I Hotel prc- mise,. and consume mum. be bohre' M this 0M. She Intention ts to all: a common! eqttrtote hon AMERICAN MOTOR CAR Co. 'rirnited. uoeweevtwtttteeeeou'ovu'e-h'hAt'" Waterloo Braech A “EOEMAF, Witrtrr r iihpas' hnilm Rayi)inis KING STREET, (V'UXDEKTAKING Ind EllBALMING. S: mm: to m. branch of the tau-Inn Pee our immen-v dork of clinic-ml. NIH-13mm n is the right place to get goods gunman-nu u N More soods shown‘to Belect from than any t tl county. 15min wLiI-hing to [gun-has. Immune titctv,t give tttt a (all. . Special intention trtvoit bt (MK-12s a delivering u nods. UM motto in do right and fear "mm Never More but" we been uhh, mum: tNtfgtftNtfet.txfvrdv'cit'r'sNH 2uildiirr,,tiis Saw! BERLIN - ONTARIO. LES. LAIRD, Asst. Gen'l Manage? “I it W mum-- "Man WI (ilii?,'i)f4, a a; 'i/e 4 h Sea ---.--""" a. a? A"; 'iu' ; "iv?" #63: cs, _ 1 T At $533"): If . r -'rsFy. . )1 ' b _ . _ . - t tCrt:,'., E 'iiij1i'.'ii1t It? a.“ an, (Wing; _ vr'lcetce tt Rim of al tdt, .50e, now t,'., " a " must Mtttt In" "