CHEAP POWER m 18 MONTHS atI.troere6Gatt. tummy-0| out, Oct. $.--Md. J. ll. Fryer, would!» at the “Bid,“ Power “in ol Westm- ontario todsr, ex- pand tinsel! to 3 .mp1â€: Coe- - _ w-'-- -.. in-l- up" P"'""'". â€Ill-“U. .- _ _ _ - "gown 3: king exceeding†tom aatiaSed with the progress the then] - movement was making. I He retard to the he! that over It,“ hone your 0t electric clergy M - applied tor, as evidence that - gem-ally had hill; in the. when and ability ot the commission to can! " out smtsstully. "How long do you expect " will be before the electric commission gin-s municipalities an estimate on th" eost ot power?" was asked. “I don’t think we should expect w “mates tor a low months. These things Ink: time and there is . lot at with More they can ttise us prices." "How do they determine the prec'UV um...“ hr...“ "The Rest step would be to get cost ot transmission trom tratvitorm- er to the consumer. In the first re- port or the commission, the consum- ers' cost in Gall is trivers as $22.56 - - .. . J --.t per horse power tor lull load, and $25.75 per horse power for three- quarter load. People ol the town will directly benefit, in that street light- ing will be done cheaper and the cost of incandcseems will be less. lthink it would be only businessllo add something-t0 the actual cost for the use ot the streets lor Stringing wires. In . year or 18 months power should he actually“ in Galt ready tor as: something-t0 the actual cost to use ot the streets lor swinging , In . year or 18 months power , be actually“ in Galt ready tot should. everything run smoothly is expected." THE FOUNDING 0F Toronto, Oct. 3.-Cauada is scan to have another big factory and a village beautilul. The factory, in» feet long, is to be built and operated by the Coates Manutacturing Com. pany ot Canada, Limited. The village is to be christmwd C'oatesviiie. -rri. Thaiany has a Dominion thar ter. and the president is "our; Eagles. of Perth,, Scotland, and tht vice-president and managing director is Joseph Dunwoudio at Glasgow, They [our Toronto this morning in company with St'natur Cox to select 1 site ot 100 acres near Petertroro. . The Company will manufacture tan estry and axminster carpets. lt.will nlso operate a large lithographic want tor advertising purposes and other industries. Adjoining the works will tre a mod ttl village for the operatives and theh lamilies. The main building is to In mm feet long. and two storeys high with tut ottratueatat three-story building. w ESE. Codes and hunwoodic In.“ been in Canada for ubout six weeks. They at} [pr gamma on the Full} ten ot Ireland, on Friday, but Mr. Dun'oodie will return in a. tem week. Mr. Coates, too. will soon re- tum, and both gentlemen will taki up their residence in Peterboro. Mr. Codes is the son at the late Andres Cmttes, who founded the American branch ot the great thread industry Iatomt as. J. W. Coates, Lmiled wtrose thief works are in Paisley, Scotland. with bramhos all over th- world. The Gm-lph Musical Soctety mad a ihnrough canvas in spring in that city in order to put the hand on '9 sound rrnancial basis nnd'llu- canvas- so"; collected a total of 33.2.5530. The disbursements iuttotmird tot?.,. 139,33, which included $397.16 tor new instruments. 35m lor ttPW tttti-. Iorms, and sum tor a piano, leaving a ‘bllanu‘ on hand of $t,1'25,tt7. Gait, Sch '29.-Yerierday evening the (tall Board of Trade prom-Md their secretary, Arthur G. Donaldson Wm: an address, accompanied by a solli gold wank. chain and (harm. In "common of swan years’ awn-wins. Mr. Donaldson. who has horn buss-ms manger of the Daily tteporter " sww-nl years. goes In Toronto on Monday to take a position on the ad- wrliging sun of The Ntar. Address- es regretting his departure “we undr- " Prrsidrnl J. ll. FUN, R. o, Mc- ('ulkwh. Marlin N. Todd, F'. H. "ny- hunt. F. S Jarvis, or. 1"atdon. Jose" Slum“. and oittrrs. ONT ARK) FA IHHJRS icing»: tatiee u “can. Pottr datum"! M an". “an: tarmrr sawd him trom Ilw 9'le of ll- lahor [amino mix summvr hy h-n-mg ot" and helping dad harvest Ills wheat. The [new are Iht‘m liln-ul advertising, and now tbe mails are bringing "mm daily o.qrrs ot marriage "om you“ mun in ttte liigsl. ttt ott8rsr, . wife who ("I sup- port her husband " a mud mm In ttter in the lamlly, but the Walla Walk girls "a no! lashing tor tttts and: whom 1hr" - c"' wagon. PRESENTED WITH WATCH A LARGE .qUBs'CRrP'rioN. traronia Imtxrr.) h MODEL VILLAGE TA tir: NOT ICE as it WILL TRACE Toronto. on. t.--Mm the My flu mud todar, Mr. C. A. In tea, (â€running the Bank a! Non Seoul. arreared usd -itted u long legal sum-I, raising the" [in ot the ierisdieUon o! “a - mission in has"! lo the noneth- ot the Books all moi-ts ol ths ink in Itch George W. F'ovler in a. and. Mr. Hutu. cone-dd tut the commissiu, being m“ in ' it vestinliun of the t'atvestmott. ol the lauds ot the L0.K. and outer mm questions. could not so into the pri- vate glans ot the O'Knnznl Lumber Co., 3 separate and iaderesrdutt u- my. G. W. Simpler K. C., tor the gov- ernment, 'a"iliiili'tiiit ulna the use" ot legal argument surrounding the question was puetrutd the tact to. mint-d that monies belonging to the l.u.F. had been entrusted hit) the hands ot a creature at |.u.l-‘ , the Lnion Trust Company. where they had found their way throne]: the hands at the Kamloops Lumber Corn- pany into the hands ol the O'Kann- gm Lumber Company. and trom the U'Kanaxon Lumber Company they reached the hands dt Mr. Fowler, 1nd thence into the Bank ot Nov; Scull-n. Searching Enquiry. J Early in the enquiry the principle had been laid down that every dollar belonging to the ' would betoi- lowest, no matter into what thallm'l tha money went. in order thrt Inc commission might rind-am. “he-her any part at it had been mutt-cl or Irittered away. _ Judge Mc'l‘aviah intimatcd.that the commission adhered to, the rub-g luc- viously given that every dollar be Ionging to the 1.0.1". would 'Iwe lol- luwcd, and intimated that it It was necessary tor the commission to give any (urinal direction In tho mat-cl at nlinéluw-lion ot books and dautmnts they would be preparcd to do so in a formal way. IS CHARGED Toronto, Oct. 2.-Jose|.h Phillips, nay have to stand bis trial tor the heft ot $2,500 trout the York Coun- y Loan and Savings Company. The marge ol conspiracy, on which tir. Phillips, who was the former ,nanager ot the York County Loan Company. was sent for trial, via: wrestled with by the grand irry tor several days. ' The result was that the charge was intended to then and the indictment, which was returned to-day, says that the defendant on or about December fit, 1305. unlawlully did steal th sum of 32,500. T Nehru-inc case is Set fr ‘h in ttt3 indicgmmt, however. A - Mr. Phillips will probably not com: "I [or trial at the presrnt sitting 01 .hi- cornly criminal sessmns. Crown Attorney Drayton stated that owing to Mr. Jones. tourist-l lor Phillips, being out of the city, the case tiktslt would be traversed lo the Decembei sessions. OCTOBER CA N ADIA N While there is nothing startling in ,he October Canadian Magazine there is a variety of interest in the rar- ious articles and stories. Perhaps the article by the Hull. Ernest N. War- ner on "Civil Service Reform. in Wis- consin“ will attract most readers, especially such as are looking for in lormation as to the various mast-s at political retorm. Mr. Warner is ths'authnr ot Wisconsin's new act; and has been a leader in the whole‘ movement. " is worth niting that the Unitcd States has gene ahead oi} Canal: in this particular reform. Some time ago Professor Leacoelr wrote an article on the decline ot poetry, and now Susan E. Cameron, In Montreal edueaticnist of, ‘lakes up the cullgeIS'on brhnll ot the ’poets. She helahors the prolessor ?ather severely. There are two "Cel- ehreties this month: Agnes Mame Maths", novelist, poet and painter; and Mrs. Herbert Chamberlain, who Is a. daur,hter of the late Lieut.-Col. Williams, oi Port Hope. The other it- lustrated articles deal with the old Government House . at Frederickton an-l the proposal to restore it; the work and tharacter oi the late lllshop llompas, of Selkirk; and an exhaust- ive tWTNtttttt of the modern methods tor securing "Purity in Domestic Products." The stories by W. A. Fraser and Mabel Burktttider, two native writers, are worthy of special nzenlirn. I)! this Messrs. Ross and P.oiptte won" paid $7.730 tor vagina-rim and; .Inhn, “away, for "running the vrrmntissiott, making ter.tttart" rx- amittatiott, advirr. rtr, ".750; ll. C. PMs-mam. 'rnginwr.- tthe, J. I'. "night, swmnry. "in; preliminary anti of Commission, $t,sti.5,3t; In“! â€pt-uses, Hun. N. H. make, ti. I'., and D. E.‘Thommn, K. C., 305-52; In- wlinz up! "we, "HUI; rteriral sor- vices, $303.7“. (amt-prams and Irin- gums, 361.73; Stalin-my, $34.77; maps, plans. N1". ’92,"; trtvphoros, $2ktitr, pumps and trar tum. ttt an The total vxponnimrr in connx-linn wiO the Ontario '1?ticira) Power 1'ommission amounted to “EMUâ€. vires, $357.7“; (ahlvyrams and trie- grams, ttil.73; stationery, "trr, maps, plans, 040,. "rt trtephoros, $2ktitr, pushgvs and bar tare. ttt '68 'rot-trits. "91H; prinllnsz. him-ling, distribtttittq two". 37".â€. The (~in ot Tomato is ‘SSINN'I tot "L756; land-In, 31.542; BIJIITIMII, mm: Hun-"0M. Mtg; "MIMI. S1205; Woodstock. 3212; “also". tt2t The dim-not municipalillm omtrite Ier in Wilh- 87l‘1.50 tor ttte pub- lmnon ot the report, Tomato“: sttare an; "a. hum! mammal I. 'ttut, Through Devious Route. POWER COMMISSION l. 0. " FUNDS WITH THEF'I MAGAZINE COW TESTING Since Jun". It“. duct cow with; minions but bees - ind through the mum" at the Daily Cum-WI" Bunch ol the Dominion Department ot Agriculture. Monk Arc being kept at 4,500 con clued by 350 members at Ike: any mention. the results at which will be tatMated and published um m new is "ished. The records show that the Henge yield ot milk in the tuio and Quebec is not much over 3,000 pounds ot milk per cow per an- nnm, yet there no tteeds at " cows and over tint Henge 5,000. In ev- ery instance the herds whidt show B high avenge ot production have been built up try just sub methods u the cow testing associations are intended to promote. Following no result: ot tests ex- tend.“ over a period ot thirty days at various mills: Tent Conducted at 30 days ending Aug. " 1906. No. ot cows tested, 281. Average test, 4.1. Average yield ot milk, 492 pounds. Average yieM of tat 19.7 pounds. 30 days ending Aug. 31. 1906. No. ot com; tested, 160. Average test, 4.0. Average yield ot milk 498 pounds. Average yield of tat 20.3 pounds. Piles quickly and positively cured will: Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. it's made for Piles alone-and it does the work surely and with satisfac- tion. Itching. painful, protruding or blind piles disappear like magic by its use. Large, Nickel Copycat glass jars, 50 cents. Sold and recommmd- ed by†A. G. Each-cl, Waterloo. 30 days ending Aug. 31, 1906. No. ot cows tested, 59. T Avérage test, 3.7. T V Average yield ot milk, 545 poulitls. Average yield of fat, 20.5 pounds. ENCOURAG E HORSE BREEDING. Toronto, Oct. 1.-mte Provincial Government has decidrtl to make an investigation into the condition ot the horse industry in the province with a view to deciding as to the best policy to adopt to encourage more nuns-Ive breeding ot a better class ot hours. The province will be divided into eight districts and two expert horns men will be selected and nllotted to each district. Public meetings will be held, and the tarmers' Institutes asrk. ed to co-operate in the work at in. vestigation. .. Jlt"tgLe'lf Dunner: light Cm Scuba. [all "dttsreashlkth"ttieat_St'er. No. of cows tested, 29. Average test, -I.0. Average yield of milk, 455 munch. Average yield ol tat 18.9 pounds. he ttest My 'Mrh "srstetamt IM [or m Wuhan-ran comma mm at I mm chm.- It". To min are “as! on" mm whlch draw out the who»: and Mil [he lull-mm mmttttrwteg, Thu nominal unu- m‘lo Ion-II “mun-anon In known by (Ir-grin. up! Mum-m "" " m Rumor. no" cqnt.-t-tet " mm mm» the p- ttmt “new and the moral»: “MI an â€In. the "IMIIIIHI- “on. the (Ina-nun. mmmumot may women In mm-Maann- don. The: lulu. no, In Mel. may III-‘1‘? um I [on ftr-r" up lhh mtttrrtq 30 days ending Sept. rt, 1906. No. ot cows testcd ttro. Average test, 4.1. Average yield of milk, 519 pounds, Average yield ot fat, 21.4 pounds. . 30 days endfng Sept. 7, 1906. No. at cows tested 295, Avcrage test, 4.0. Average yield ol milk, 589 wounds Average yield of tat, 23.8 pounds. 30 days ending sept. It, 1906. No. of cows tested, 72. Average test, 3.8. Average yield of milk, 5.80 pounds. Average yield of tat, 22.2 pounds. 30 days ending Sept. T, 1906. No. of cows tested, 26. Average test, 3.9. ' Average yield of milk, "t pounds. Average yield ot' lat 19.2 pounds. Mt days aiding Sept. 14, 1906. No. ot cows tested 73. Average test 3.9. Average yield ot milk 494 pounds. Average yield ot Int, 19.5. St. Felicia, Que. Muwnville, Que. St. Canine, Que Ste. Edwidge, Que. 1artbimiere, Que. Laterriere, Que Xormandin, Que A. E. HAEH3 Princeton, Ont Bagotville, Que. ASSOCIATION N EL. Mensa hummu- l “as m memes --. - -. r" v - "tmtarttr clot-4 ber hurl he on the My: ot the annual tor tor the reac- that in (man: fan’s W at the you; - ennui-u the n.- hibit Ind beam: hobs-“103. " the air by: Bre probably We most pm lublo ot the you. thet Ila-iam- Bak' ale at inch! sun-L13 uni cunt], volt'ntuily. A VII, um and "than“ an In has reported to the Plo- vtuul Lice-In Donna-u. A tur - the my Pe" I' an (IMHO "ll hotel-n- tttrortq'tout the fro Vince vollld Mont muting ut ttut spirit lid ot tbs trouble that is an withWould be i.“ awar um," "Gi, "iicuaL.t at Mr. Fido Sun- ders, the thief ellcef._ The dug-net east by the "etrat t- mot as tt result ot the rcsolmivn ot the St. Catharine: District tiethod- ist Conlen-nce in yielded hurtling results. Six out! in Hanan, sen-u in Wellmtl town. u will "my" in Welland mMmty, and eighteen at Ni- mr. Full: are the :csults to date. The speclgl other: now report that extra precautions a: being takes by other lulelrntn in the district as a result ot these convictions. "The law is being entoreed all oust the Province as neVer below," said Mr. Saunders. "The waists has given the Department m untrunmel- led hind. with instruction. to see that the law is everywhere and“ un- conditionally observed." non IS AGAIN on VERGE 0F UPHEAVEL Chicago, Oct. t.-ziots City mmu‘ to be on the verge ot Another Ilp-‘ hen-J. Wilbur Glenn Volin, newly gcclnimed at the polls uni recogniz- ed by ‘the United States court gs the head ot the religio-nulustrial commun- ity iounded and lost by John Alex- ander Bowie, is angry Ind disgusted over recent. developments uni is said to be on the point ot abandoning the strenuous battle he has made tor the (perpetuation ot Zion. It is conceded that it he tales this step, the last vestiges ot hope for realization of the drum that Bowie and his 'otiowers slanted will have been shattered and the property ot the once thriving community will go under the hammer, leaving nothing to those who enthusiastically joined the enterprise. '. The greatest asset that Zion City/ could troast-the unity of the people-a is being disrupted by schism, kalollsy and tactionalism, and it is this con- dition that has made Voliv. waver in his ettorts fo restore the peace and prosperity hroktn by Dowie's ruthless mismanagement. Overseer Voliva, it is expected, will soon make plain his position to the people. He already has given a totta- live ultimatum to the omeers ot the hatch. He demands the undivided loyalty and support ol oiliccrs and people alike, gm! it he is to continue the tight, those who are now eharged with responsibility tor the present crisis must surrrnder completely or there, must come a wholesale ousting of omeers and members. The trouble may be summtd up in one sentence: Zion City is prophet' ridden. From within the dumb tt. sett and from [at and near outside have ,ppfsrttLIsstLvte.ri-io.t-ue seramhWig tor the tragmmtts that to main, trom the exp1osiorvmhieh ended Dowie's regime and plattd Votietr in power. A variety of culls and words are represamud and meetings are held nightly by sett-proclaimed prophets 1nd messengers, whose teachings. while not widely divergmt trom the mm proclaimed by Bowie. still tend to brised disecntrrit. and disorgtusim- lion mug the rank and Me. The Ontario Bar nssoeiattort was tornud at a meeting of a :mn' or two ot barristers at Osgoodc lla'.i, Toronto. The object of the associa- tion is to protect the interests on the prolession and to assist in the mould- ing ot public opinion. It is rsprctrd that the whole pro- lession in Ontario will join the asso- tt is lession ciat ion, A. H. Clarke, KC, M.P., ot Wind- sor, was clected president; Frank Ar- noldi. K. Ct., Frank Hodgils, K. C., and F. M. Field. of Cobourg, are the tttree, vice-presidrnts; and the “Mk tary is W. C. Mikel ot Bollcnilc. C. u. Campbell ot Toronto was chosen treastrrer. An Executive ol Min-n members will be chosm later, and the Council will meet for the Brat time at Os- ttoode "all on October 19. The association adopted . tamin- tton In [not ot t mangle in the meth- od or electing the' benehers ot the Luv Society. v i general meeting ot the assocU- tion will be held during Christmas week in Toronto. . WOUNDB, BRUISES AND BURNS. By gpplying an antiseptic dressing to wounds, bruises, burns tori like injuries ttettrre ittiUtttmtttivtt .wts in, they “my be he“ trithout mntura~ lion and in shout one-thire, the “m required by the old treatment. This is the greatest discovery and triumph oi modsm surgery. Chamtrerta0t'ss Pain {aim arts on this same prin- t'iplr. It is an antiwptic and whrn "plied to such injuries. mum-a than to Vat very quickly, It aka allay: the min uni mnnvss and mounts my dartger at Mood poisoning. kerp . bottle at Pain Balm in your home, nntl " will have ynu time and my. not to rmntinn the inroetrtmtirttro and pt".'"."" such injurim "tiait. Fot sale by alt dniuista The will of Hr Mr Henry ('arsul- kl, K. l', M.l.,.\ . Ms tmn entered tor "tttate. " provides tot " man- “In! M. 111000, "rhmtre of insur- ance. lt " understood "at Ike h- "rtsttee_f' m haw. ErtrrttrNg h tett-te It. Cat-talk“ with. NEW LAW ASSOCIATION. hem“. tr.--"- 9 Below will be loud a list ot Cate Mim patents recently granted to loreigners through the agency " Mes.. srs. union a Marion, patent attor- neys. Montreal, Canada, and Wash- ington. D. C. Ittiornurtiott relating to anv of the patents cited will be supplied tree at charge by applying to the shove nam- ed Arm. "rilrimr,ssis, Johannes v. M. Ris- berg, Bodertetie, Sweden, production of butter. - No. 100.440. Jules R. mum. Paris, France. mnchlnex [or removing dttst by suction trom carpets, Immune, curtains, tapestry and the like. No. 100,550, G. C. E. de Bonne- chose, Paris, France, turbine en- gines. TirJ. 100,603, George Hutchinson, Segtoun, N. humid, milking mach- ines. No. 100,633, George P. Jauhert, Paris, France, methods tor utilizing steam ballets tor the propulsion ol satin-3hâ€. _ 1iGriihius, Dr. Fran Smile, char1ottostrurg, Gertmutr, hot air engines, - ttf, - - ""i'iiriik,iira, Aug. Ls. Vermeuten; Clues. Bevan, Belgium, ft., _ No. 100.809. Summers Brown. bon- don, Eng., frame tor use with rotary duplicating machines and the “Re. A free copy of The Inwmor’s .m- viscr will be sent to any ttddrers up- on request. “lief ioo.mi, oiirrtr' Ed. Humph- ties. Wellington, N. Zeatand, Brat- loltling buckets. _ ple Windsor. on. '--rtte mstoms on. vials have tereived two Idiots trom the interior ot mum t'or"otiq umwkm money for pawn-M of duty on goods smuggled Iron Detroit. One smuxlel' um tum-ell "A than! in Christ": mom" who mm mm mam M 'igrted m mm " Loyal cm MM". . nite. F _ I. Part of I tsin-Br-. 9. Many ot ass-e-Cheek. In. Found in g schrtol-Pttttil. . ll. Ancient place of worship-Term l2, 13, " " TO BE FOUND ON A CENT. An tMtimal--Hnre (huh). Serpent-Copperhad. Southern trttit-Nte. Emblem of ror.ltr-Crowm A sprung itower-'ttttip the lips) Put ot m .ncirnt armor-theld Another term for matrimoetr- BOT" l‘HRlSTI , NS NOW Eartr American setttrr-ttt0iatt Emblem ot vietorr--Wrtuth. Put ot . river-Mot) A 'ttes-rr-oe cont (ml) TO FOREIGNERS. Leave your Order with Agents, or send direct to HISTORIC wAiqr'ti"r"tiictfid I HE STORY of the County has made during HE STORY of tht. wonderful progress which Waterloo County has made during the past one hundred years is some- thing that interests every person living, in the county. lt is equally interesting to others who were born in the county, but now live in other parts of the world. It will be interesting to you. When you have it you will read it from cover to cover, and you uill want one pr two more to send. to distant friends. q ' ' V _ You can order the book direct from us or through airy of our authorized agents, and pay for, it when delivered, at The cRR0N1cLE-TllilhEGRAN. If tobe lsent by mail add 10 cents for postage. The Pngress of thartiridrtd Year‘s 40 dents. f The Heintznnazco. Attention, l Piano _ . Accuracy, Bare "i, ' (may Ya om Hm I! and Dispatch Bowman & no.) _ w. am att the show to new; theme!- uprlsht or and mm tt public and to me on: Drug dMhterthsoftt.rtf--t-tttitt humo- lllllml D man do dun-1n without a 'tval in apt-w W. hoopla .tounfttiiiirseof , Rim Push: “wig?†Toll» An- ny ttftgtttaioat-tgqtotitng. on. and a and p0. Th I no! on... Lathe: not loan our munch-n c',',',',',',,',',',',",'.'."" Pt “a ' l,'grJ/'l',tl'l', ts ttttr 2't't,t', an. an ' _ be.†Immm no u “sanctum-m dom. no Dbl. to Iii-pom. may win the Guelph. a I. Doctor Who. ' Try a. mu sud you!“ all min gortrtradtotrtioted. - -- _ _. -.- . E. AllRENS & M. “uncut anus“. no" a: - um:- W Ito may triumphs go to not. up o lug: chapter in the musical historyof this country. The hil- tory of music in Cumin would ho incomplete without this chopur. Tho lmhdan Plano- unl 0mm, Renaming. _ The Bell a Co. Ham and on“. Gnolph._ The Inn's Plant». â€and. Th. Palmer Plum. Toronto. bundling panama haul!" dil- loront mt.- att pianos w IOIM no. Ynunuondhur mum-hon manhood pim on the an. tlose, tho only â€apron: my in warm Tho only piano wgrm-on- in thr. teMo having on ef tho beat min 0 - In root. itihtlltathiritthrtigil, Piano ' n