Ontario Community Newspapers

The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 10 May 1906, p. 8

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Mano. You: at. South 355, " store burg. ... . Dravrs--waiier-. At Toronto, Apr' lath, Ernest A, Draws, of Toron' '10 to Ruby Pearl Waiter ot Berlin. Weitret-ringei--at Tavistock, April 7 35th. at the home ot the bride's mother, by Rev. Mr. Klaohn, John weitr.et at, South hasthopc Ito Katie (laughter of Mrs. Catharine Engrl. DEATHS. _ sShoemaker-At Brestau, April 32nd, Mrs. Shoemaker, relict at the late J. F. Shoemaker. Devitt--At' Hamilton, May 3rd, Noah _ W. Dewitt, son of Mrs. Moses Dev- itt of Berlin, aged 31 you", 4 months and 3 days. G'cetr.i--At Jorscy'City, N.J., May lst, P.. A. Goetzi, cousin ot the late Louis "reithaupt, ot Berlin, aged 81 years. 'Uewart--At the (hit-lull (Formal Hos- pital, May 4, Mrs. Robert Stru- art, of Peel T'p. Uruharh-At Elmira. May Isl, (‘nn- rad Uttthach, agcd 82 wars and 1 days. .treirierghtnmer- Near Elmira, May l Ist, Justus Wcidenhammcr, son of the late Christopher Weidenlutromvr 3 aged ‘1] years, ti months and " days. Moore-At Galt, May lst, Wm. H. [ ,Moorc, aged 63 wars. _ 1 Burn-at the Halt Hospital, May Ist, 1 A Burn, ot [It-slider, age-It Ir, years/ I "trstrand--.tt Preston, May 51h. Mrs. I W. A. Husband. 1 MlillMl0ilis ofill1lllllUli8 NJE'TH '. WEST lard, 'steond son bl Mortimer Mil- lal'll, to Jermie-scroggie. 1larrison--Mann--Near Finterbourm; May 2nd, at the residence of th t.ride's parents. 1112mm Mrs. Chas Horace Mann, by Rev. A. M. llam- irton, Alex, Harrison, of Pilkington to Agnes Mann. Knechterimp-At Waterloo, April 21th, by Rev. h. A. Schulz, 'theo dore Knez-lilt-l. of North l-Iasllmpt- to Elizabeth Lemp, ot Waterloo. Lackner--riour--At Berlin, April 25 by Rev. J.M'. German, Graham J Lac'ner. at Fiskex, to Ida R. Kolh of Berlin. 1iresslerc-GIassvr, At 7 Philipsburg, April 1811., Geo. Jiresscl, of Gaels hill, to Edith C'Aasser, ul Pliilins Milrar:l--scro, _ resstttan-ln Woolwich, April 28th "to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Pressman, a son. Iiopt-tn 1lorninaton, April "Hill. t Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hopi, a daught- cr. 'ihepparal-At Galt, May Ist, tour and Mrs. J. Sheppard, adaur,lster, Curtis-in Mortsington, April lath, to Mr. and Mrs. A. H. 'furlls, a daughter. ty'chell-At Berlin, April 12th, toMr and Mrs. Jolm Schell, ason. "lies-At Tavistock, April 15th. to Mr. and Mrs. ttlies, adanghtrr. Irett--At Berlin, April 25th, to Mr and Mrs. F.rederick "on, a daught- t"r. 1io,cnisr-At Bali", April 25th, to Mr. Aurl Mrs. H. Koenig, a son. NttMoon-At Merlin, April 26th, io Mr. and Mrs. Kat. Muldoon, a dau -ghtrr. V _ Hurhs--At Walerlms, April with 1 Mr. and Mrs. Wm.. lluells, asun, MARRlAGl-IS. At Hettrich.-At Waterloo, April 2tst,ttt Mr. and Mrs. John "enrich, a da - ghler. Steiner-At. FA. Jacobs, Mar :?md,to' Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Steiner, adac- ghter. Cressman-tn Woolwich, April Mth "to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel 1'rrssmaar Your tarnished silver can easily be cleaned with a first alass silver polish such as we ofkr you at we for small package 2 5c for Large package 35c for our special polish. That Tarnished Silver SHINN JANSEN BROS. litmus nuts Dlrutor ind "rralmer I!!! WATGI “008E. DIRT! IS [in Ct., Mill Anlhnodhw-en n root! In! tiiisi',iit,llir,, 'i5',vi's"t,'t,',,t',2',' ,'fal'a'ti " " GraTraWd'lh"lit'fgR,'gfi" , A - "In“. man to' bum! Cement an" alumnus] or willing I. hm. I “ALLIAN “I: WOOLNIR. my. Ira-Ian. ortt.l, Cider In“. wish h arm-lie mun-1m: ll mud one time an". ol alll,'lll't', an and he. 00-. outage to Lexinulon. Anal, to JOHN B. MARTIN. l7-lm C Connie... Ont. What ..........-.-. .71 NewVIltm.-......_. ....- Flour, Ocean ........ 2.7.5 Flour, Sol: ."-.-----. 2.35 Flour, Agate ..- 2.60 Hour, Seven Lilia .... 2.15 Oats ""-------.. .37 ,7 .__ "7-..- -- u. "M"".'"" usu- mr'vnls Wednesday; exports today, 1-0) rattle. MOL' sheep and B200 quarters of but: trmorrow, 4100 mmrterte ot beef. 1Pires-Rrsoiirts, 32: reeling tirm. Sheep Ind 'aupbe-Reeeinti 1m; sheep steady; "my, slow and weak. end-pt for prime, - lambs; 36.0) to 81150: I!" who!!! orered; prime clipped line”). 8.13:"): rllppml lambs, $5.m to 8650; (MI! “.75; clipped Jennings, $5.75: no and"! lambs. Hog-lems. 1278: no“ on sale; non- iuully In: on But-lo with". I?" tiLieis hid - jaiaG'-iriii;iiituri'Go head: tirm: lambs, $5.50 to $6.60: yonrllnn $1.50 Io 85.75: welhom 5.21 to $5.00: cites, “.75 no $5; sheep. mind. “It. 85.25. . NEW YORK LIVE STOCK. Now York, May 8.-Beeem-ttereipts 3'53 all Iron-signed direct except B can; no. ...u. - “m ---.A, - n u', _sidtGTFiii"t um. - a can; nu- ' . t . a. 'Arut Ie.'.tth"t ttry! 3". "PW.“ tVY, _ ,,,, ,._;_- _..‘.._........‘ vtte-rteatrna, 1uo hum; slow; Me m- er: 84.50 to " "otrir--Reempo, 14,000 bead; naive and Se to 10e higher: Int-My, mixed \‘brkers mud pin. $6.70 to $75: runghs, til to $6.10: shins. $4.25 to $4.75; Ilnirlos, $8.65. an”.-- --.. .4 . .. . -__H Wanted at Once NH“... -- r». .... Trade In mlh-h rows wan Bomewhat bet, tep than " has been, that Is there were a few cows of a better than. Prices ranged from 8.30 to w" each. The Iupply of You! min-s was large. I'm-es ranged from " to Mt pm- out: I few prime calves brought $&liO per out. Mr. Harris reports prires as nut-hanged " 87.15 tor saloon nnd 88.90 for lights and In": to" at H to " per ch: stag! " 82.50 to $3.50 per ewt. EAST BUFFALO CATTLE MARKET. East Bullnlo, May 8.-ca_ttte-Ree+ hum: um: prime unchanged. ‘.__._ .., . A .3” A - _ 9L.» lo “.40; good cowl. 8.180 to $3.90: remix-on cows " 33.3) to 8.1.1? per "It. Harry Mun-y report. prim for feeders as being Inclined to be easier, tn tympa- thy will) than of {at cattle. Mr. Murby handled [large number " the rollowlnlt nun muons: best nhorLlieepa, 1100 to 120) “is. " $450 to 84.15: but feeders. 900 to “no Ibm. " $4.20 to $4.50: best feeders. 800 to 900 lbs" " $4 to $4,215; best lurk- ors, we to 700 lbs.. at $3.50 to $3.75: com- man smokers. so per lb. l .About Wren or eight stnlght load- of marten were on sale, the hub": price lor a straight load at 21 exporters, 12.10 lies. vacu, sold by lit-Donald & Mttrueo, at $5.10 per "IL; on: lot of tt prune plum-d yeulr, ”no "It. was taught by George llounlroe for the Harris Abaltulr co. at " L'G; but the rest at the lhlpll'rl mold Gout 84.TG to Kc, mum- or the ninth-linen! run-run were taken hack to the country n! "Go for cattle wvlubéng 1300 lbs. ra. port butts sold " 33.50 to " per cwt. Trade ln butrrherm' rattle was Mow Irlth ("A (-xceptlon of a few prime value. and when did not luring as high prices as In the hum-dune "hat. Plain-d loll_ 31:30 to $4.80. and [boy were what mlgln be culled "ht "porters or extra quality, weuthuttt 1200 tba. and over. The best loads at bul- llnrn' sold at “.40 to H.111; medium at 'tar, to Ft.40; (and cown. 83.60 to $3.90: "'h'.'.'rtt to!" at $2.50 to 83.33 per an, In..- "“4... ----__, . - - TORONTO LIVE STOCK. Tomato, May I.r-Reoetgttas of llva stock since last Friday as reported by the railways were " culom‘ls, com- pued of 1410 came, 688 hogs, 588 sheep and 638 calves. . Cable. UPe'"owea-a-". Inuk- el- Are About “only. London. May B.--L'attie In quoted " 10Ne to "V per IU.; refrigerator beet. 9e ter tu.; shot-p. Ureysed, 1154c to like trer tb.; Lambs, 10We, drvaied wright. Notice v fififi..-__ .....-. -..u~. mu quiet. (In; America- In"! whit", new "may. so»; American tttwat colored. new _ 58$ Lard-Prime wetter- lmlerm dull, 43! 8d; Amen-Inn ream "it. dull. “a ad. Waus-commou Inn. Ion. c1te.--it Inn: Amerin- qunl. mm In H; Amelie-n mind. on u trVart; ttt- tun-u Head]; Marr, in 5554: July. " M. Street-ee/cis Ina! till». 0201 What. III bull”... to to .... 'irrdt.'%Pd1't m?» Irii What. md, Ian-hm... on: on What, . but ....9N on iifG"=ly.'.".".t..::tlf urn gab”? :y.y.:y.:y.:tl'l 04] .. " .............. .... lnel'hut, but. ..... 053 .... LIVERPOOL GRAIN AND PIODUOI unwed. ll Ar-wt-et-ttrot non- mal: hum. J/d'ar: Munrb Hi', July, II- "t,li_tiet.e,, Rem- _ 'Fas-. 951.3... ...... In You .......... ___ -_ u: "EI.-. - g: - tha ; . In; Jfg"Mid 'Y "" '" m - Luomo want IAINI‘I’O. ue.e 'ee' Frtae W- Us WW»... "Taavzu‘zmw 1:131:30 . In. rang-H.155}?! Jht w Waterloo, Ont. I” 10 th. "I'll, 'BN, but .... out What. md, hulk......0lu What, . but ....9N Rule]. m .......... 0:“ can, hm ............ 040 In. but .............. " Pen. but, ............. o Buckwheat, but. .....053 WATERLOO MARKETS TORONTO miititak iiiGi. Ptttpe, I...“ “In; a so IL. VII-M CM "Mia-i}: ttsto-Tho Luna om For Sale. CATTLE MARKETI- " or extra qua-lily; weikiGii over. The best loads at bu!- t “A? to “gyguedium at -"'V _..... i Frame llama No. 2t and lot on t "tttgRMUt. "In _ Waugh? Alta',. "W Ibgt as: not.“ Agtmt, Mo. tlt -rit 'r. ttt% REPORTS 18.00 425 2.45 .37 .19 .13 .09 .77 rm qr'rritrtr for lI-Mnl In "He" mTdh"l', on in: No. fun! in; M IA No. 'l ft It . noes-ion. vonh nu mm " .IVOI km .n-.n._.a w‘._.. TAKE NOTICE "_-."-"'-...'-. - u - .. nnu- nsuu'ncu on In- rout. I‘m and SIX In John Friedman's mm: rqlnmd Plan dh opposite the Wethq0ttrt Church. It“ be 'trWJrrrt to. "and Nd AT THE SAW~IILL “mum“: at an. a” “um. wlu - m 1MP9rot " u "and hid n m: SAW-HIM. tnmxumum nu Laud“ Hey" In the ----_' 77- _ n... - IP" m - catwal- a at who and ban-dc he”: mud-Int "ttet-ttavi, um“. “a other tool: and 'getPte.e. tl,trtt -'rettjysfhrscy on loc- TAKE Mot ICU: that v: M 'thm nhrl IA... IN THE MATTER OF LEAVDER MEYER 0" THE VILLAGE OF LINWOOD. MW- MILLER. INSULVENT. Saw, Milt. Horses, Wagons, , Traction Engines, Lumber, Etc., Etc. " 3. 0. IIAIGH'I' Wntarlon A. u. uramuk, waurmJIn-nam. , Y. i tate. lat-wad Everything must besold as the pro- prietor is giving up farming. 10-2t TERMS.--Grain, hay, feed, chick- ens, pigs, and all sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months' credit by furnishing approv- ed joint notes, or 5 per cent. oil per annum tor cash payments of credit‘ amounts. Friday, lay the Mth, 1908. CLEMENT & CLIZIKST. GRAIN, ETC.-About 40 bushels rye it not previously sold, 200 bush- els oats more or less, some {ye bran, 2 bushels black_barley, ‘a few tons clover hay, and various other articles‘ too numerous to mention. KW" :53! iiiiiiidi: . . M. .v-..-, WW, .w no.5“, , woollen ‘horse blankets, 2 robes, canthook, hay lork, rope and pulleys, eta; carriage 1 SHEEP, ETC'.--t Shropshire eves 'i' with live lambs, l yearling ewe. One re young sow supposed to be in pig. II POULTRY-h lot of good barred rock chickens. IMPLEMENTS, ETC-white en- gine in running order, Champion sep- arator with chat! blower, about 50 . leet ot rubber belting, Kemp manure spreader, Massey-Harris binder near- , ly as good as new, 2,hay racks (Hahn E make), 2 wagons, wagon box for drawing beets, manure box, 2 demo- crats, road cart, Gladstone, buggy, , 3-seated bob sleigh, 2-bob sleigh lone 1 new), tanning mill with bagger near- _ ly new, disc, Massey-Harris cultiVa- , tor, .Noxonytrill, steel land roller, 3- , section iron barrow, .wceder, hay ' rake, turnip seeder. sugar beet need- I er, seulller, and litter, circular saw. Maxwell straw cutter, 2 Yankee h plows. No. 4 plow, Frost and Wood plow, 2-iurrow plow, gang plow, one- horse plow, wood rack, 2 l-horse I plows, potato hiller, stone boat, scul- tler, turnip pulper, new wheelbarrow, J, sets double harness, carriage har- I ness, single carriage harness, buggy I harness,- pony collars and back bands good as new, 14 bunches shingles, 12 l bunches lath, some lumber, spraying I outfit, Daisy churn, butter worker, _ leaf table, walnut extension table, t cellar cupboard, box for marketing s butter, 2 large cider barrels with cider for vinegar, agricuuurlittr- nace, copper kettle, carpenter's bench d with rice at both ends, shaving n horse, saddler bench, grindstone, n scale with 250 lbs. capacity, stilli- It (anis, flour chest. lruit, 4 barrels, meat tub, small tubs, bench, 2eribs, 2-gallon sausage stutter, sausage - gr.inder, large dinner bell, milk cans, ll cream cans, about 50 tin sap buck- ets, number ot wooden sap buckets, - sap pan, scalding trough, 2 hog hangers, gravel box, long ladder, t cross cut saw, crow bars, picks, logging chains, double trees, neck yokes, shovels, lurks, hoes, iee tongs, Auction Sale 1M1 VILLAQI or LINWOOD. ON For Sale _ HORSES-I Clyde we I you: old, t coach bone. ' yea- old, over sixteen hand. high; aged mare, and span ot black bones, lynx-old road- soar eon by Culmout, saga-old colt by Panty, aged roux than (good worker). V CATTLE-e cows, some at which are fresh and other: nesrly new. I cov'due to cave in August? 1 head yearling calves, 4 spring calves, 2 registered Durham you; cows with 2 thoroughbred calves. at one o'clock pm. My. the tot- IoIIi-g mum "may, TIB.: no. on the "can. an... laid. It“, 1 lilo north at mu. D. G. MOYER, Proprietor. Jos. MICKUS, Auctioneer. M gill he no" 5,)qu at Auctlon Sale TUESDAY. MAY MNtt or Stock and lam LIZIIEST. 9min. Autumn‘- “mm. T. c. Human or. nd chapl- _ -__w"_ - Y co, " m mm was“ ,,,,, -""-"t..rv.N" -. _ In! t fr " In! I “maul 'hit mu: 1,'t'dt'tU 'il'rtha1'iii:rtl a ='tl.tr. M In: . t8h'rft,'iift"i't'iii . A name amt, for “amino BrM tumu- lng can"). and It! veal] 0161.4" (ht g . but. any. n aw 'tr, 0. R I 'U,? . pl',,' Xi'. Jr, I I Butt . m. r m and My ""At 'r%tl'l'N"dig' month. . King Street, East of fieott St l Great slaughter in cutters, Sleigh; Wagons and "mum. In ovder to reduce my tcock, l intend to sell n. . price to induce \ml to buy. It mem- rer this will only hot for aixty dare. All 111‘ goods an: warranted to he the but t " money can buy. Agent torcaineur, Sunk Food. l Our 000 Aaron T!’ etry-t and - nun-In n .... G'irt"tllgll,'l'. t'n'lluTll2 an “an. itr an M '" ' no lad. - ilh'l,ti'i:li'li when claim we nun 'Mh'rl,'l .v.rtqttgq,. "__-_-__ .. - ' M... a. mum. _ And ftrrthrrr in. none. that inn-namely "itter the aid lust month ed duo we will Ian- rd 2dhtg,',t, 1lttia "h'ttgtt."lt t anon: an". on t m v w manly to the o'nimnof whlrh In an“ th " have, nodes. And that we wln not in u- " '.".tl?P.ty. le In!!! (3! Qua-dd outdo. or - “a”- - u"-.. u. "our Ora-ulna Into of the Township ot Woolwie‘ In an Or an" of Wnurloo. Fur-nor. who did Lan at shout the nlutconth any of March mm. are required to and by pout prepaid or tode lint to the "mhrrtrhrmft executrlro- of the last. will uni remnant of he - demand. on or More the Luann-um It,',', Mar, XII. their christian and "warns. a mo- und den-crip- Lion. lull magnum of the]. chum. l Invo- Int!" munch mum-u and an munch» "ttPty.' any. _hcld trr they). l Nance In hereby given annual. tot$mtum, an “clam. 129 of the Revised smut.- of Ont-Ho 197 that att auditor- lnd other por- Annn Inn-Inn pl-h..- -_|--. ."-- “A-” -" - ",WV -__. -....- - “Wm-.- -nu III-"'1'" :9" “We Shims-KM F‘s-autumn Emil N ma T0 lllllilllllrtfB 17--3t. nan-n And] sun, was. To accommodate old growers wh may acre neglected to renew; and to allow present contract holders to protect, by contract, aereagtCther in- tend sowing in excess, of their pres- ent contracts, acreage books will not be titur1ly closed until Saturday ev- ening, May 12th, at five o'eiock, Notice is hereby given that Berlin's beet acreage is closed at the maxi- "en ot what it is advisable tohave. More Beet Acreage (llfmil Berlin Than Factory Gan Accept 182t TERMS.-An sums of 810 and un- der, cash; over that amount. six months' credit on approved joint notes, or 6 per cent. per annum " tor cash payments ot credit amounts.; Tye shove articles must be sold, as l have sold my property, without re- serve, and am going into other busi- ness. This is therefore a, genuine sale. I i . t l War Declared. _ ROBES.--3 black robes, 4 water- proof robes nearly new, 6 goat robes, 'trear robe. WO0LLEN BLANKETS. ETC a 9 Woollen blankets, ll woollen rugs, masters, ll rubber tugs, tt strings of bells, buggy pole, shining cutter pole, tie strap, tie ropes,, bits, wagon jacks, stable tumiture, and a great variety ot other articles generally found in . livery business. _ A. a. WOMAN, 1dete,iygitiT,e,! sleigh, side rs ats, single sleigh, set of bobs near- ly new, 3-seatcd pleasure sleigh near- ly new, 2-seated pleasure sleigh near- V new, g good Gladstone cutters, 8 Portland cutters in good condition. HARNESS.-set urtiage harness nearly new, set ot good Carryall har- ness. 8 sets single harness in very} good shape. THE ONTARIO SUGAR T COMPANY, BERLIN. tehaoNs.--carrsaii, top and side sens, in good order; commercial "250553999 wagon. commencing at one o'clock sharp, the [alloying valuable property. in: HoRaEtt.L.Roan we, nu driver, quiet lady'a driver; bay carriage “an, dainty driver single or double; bay we tirat class driver", grey none. good driver; black mare. In (Hut. BUGGIES, CARRIAGES AND HACK.-Haoe . good order, with homes: and bo t Mum top can ring. in good 0 ; 3-th top car- ringer, in lairly order; "eated top carriage, n rly new. Heated surrey, canopy ; Mada (family rig) nearly new; phantom 3 bicycle tire open buggies in good order, rub- ber tire open buggy in good order, open road wagon, I ordinary top buggies. tt. Wanted. _EPH. BRICKER, Prop, Jos. MICKUS, Auctioneer. WEEK'S}! M ttf M scams“ our”, mum: mums», pawns WEBER. It hook. Ortt. iiii2'."'ll III!“ IIUII‘I'II. "W" 'd'2ritr2ttett; Mom y ' " coco-Ill . Non-u t I .30.. n. W - w SHIPPING HMS WARM]! Ill BABE] JOHN NOLL Carpet Weaver _Peterttburtr, Ont. _ lulla- "on. Comb Flanagan. Ete.. «I. u Inn-I. ml on. 'tre t, ter: Icahn " tmo Berea Pan-on": Rockne! the hen strum ad chalet mating-u. Imported AM PM dim bred. male:- maM, Prion um w, Is at I In“ Inn mum F.O,R. Anne mu may" " Small intelligent boy 14 or Li. you. oldorasnted to learn the" priming undo. Wages 04.00 per week to begin with. Apply " the omoe of this paper. General Store Busing- and Propel ty and live stock scales. st. Bretttatu' Out. Large agricultunl trade and Inn-go shipping businoss connected. Address A. EDWARD MEYER. Guelph, Ont. tf. Inl‘abrlabad 1831. The only ulna-u Vamps r, And ad mummy jLtf,i'g','l' 2Gll, ','llt",'l,"a'? umnulo the world. Ewry dry-amen: written by weal-Ham the hiking“. nulhurllw in "not! to- used!“ lines. o other - prawn-do to com nuithltnn 'mlitteEtiim. of edited-l 3hr Given thunk-11mm News with ado- cg: of moment-- not. "an unnamed by c a. x Indispensable to all country Inmat- Vim Iii-inane 'ttt I]? with stt.'g','lg,',' 1'tatt. tei, UP 00. in); '0 an . can. ' ' " t'l'lrJ.%"ltso','i'oiel; Sue-inf inducement- to mm " Inner clubs. Four months trill 500. Spanner copies will he mulled {no on mum. " will my Anybody interested in any way .1: country ”010 land for than. Adan-s “no ”NI-hon; t umm, NINE. and ”I. Albany. In York. Eggs for Hatching - _ - idi _..- -.... - "nun- on. um Immu- n . *'""ggt M .5. (Arm tau Ora-h, ill. lave] w buy-'4 new: near Bream. I In. undone buy. loo-mos nest Out. 'mo in": u amt-rm hen: Wand“, I. Iendid XI) tm 11! 11 mm Want run '7 an“ an - Imx tr m In" 100 my firm - Gut. _ . I Clothinz we can but with our strong gunmen of "Henry back if u: . F. E. SHANTZ, Berlin, om. thing tro" wm e." ' , . Como. no out hand-one Spring Sam and learn how much Salt goodnon Box 422; phone 552. N you an get here for _ _ once Frederick St., opp. market. . . --------------------, $8. $10, $12 or $15 . 'I'Ill gugio-- n-m.-.--.. tNueehoom ni$.. n m. .asii2. Bath mm W I100. --e"e- vV.‘ -w g...» a..." nau- out. - bun IIN new. [an neu- wintrrrtsourms, high cal-Juno... 310,73 blue In some than was: Wan-‘00. tutettt tr--".- m‘un 3) um (an Inn Berlin. splendid _ um mar natal. Mann”. "r.tmurarturttn. 9223211" mmtqmmmg. THE COUNTRY GENUINE“ A. C. um, Nu. on, my [my lin Ion tum new Bridgeport. " y en awn“. m bun In new (Arm. m: Broil-u. I unn- ber om: hum. . {an bun 109 acre farm neu- Bespalcrm hm gain ttttr spring. Fan an an acre farm neu- Door-1.. hm now tth if: t'/,"12'lte; B tt fruit was :1 a me “about or 11.3001! In: Mock Hunted 3:800 In?! " you tum neu- JllrtusvilM, n bar. " ll, - -- -_. may; unu- In VII-Brio “.mpany I»; incl-cum In "In no in- g?,',','",'."."? it the at. an: an): I base. In In. " or a. too lug-u or cw- Uoo, than you grim... than, ,.'iFl'rr"19," ttao homes (or mad btrs an. wht h an an mm. Also nun-cot the ttmit landing! to 2,eet,'tt P.LWNtitg't 't'gi'tf't',te a pm long can: this m3. Whiz"!!! m with.“ build! mou- bno .11. Mainspring. II. than bun an may. on buildings. neu- Bam. W . . all“ u. . mo bar" /ll"St't dairy turn. 5 Inna from Nu' m, moo-r . nun. sum buy 9: acre stun Ill-lug tum. level. But Arthurian. cum ham w new km in Wiituatstmrtr. I lnl . m has]; no am farm nou- Gilt. be I Mute mixed turning. - Sin:- trmr, I Quench: " m. 01M guys-[3 In” hm mu Brenna. good tti. a. moo buy- Mu, f Arm ttear 0:13. W . buy; 166 not. (um um [Irma-m» APPBEITIGE WANTED. A you-nun!- th-t. Berlin I. n '2ePt.ett.HrdLiiieTr7aiiraii1a li8 In '". rich district of Cobalt. Pimt inns over suburibed by halt . million, "0,000 than: now of- fered It Me which are mostly told. This in ' gilt edge pmpo'aition. Information cheerfully given. ISIDOR B. SNYDER, _ 19friee American Block. Berlin. l "II BALE " EXEBIITOII SILVER Uilif ,M““““" '7‘, -"""'"_R. R...'. WWW“: " Real Estate Ii: it? in??? “iii-r. on. Berlin. m. pug-1i: if...“ 'tt',.il't'?g min -- II can " land mound "at Ertrvme "a! I ”Ilium 'eatmtitif. on It In a [all Mn and that In": to" app!“ will). no”: a km hr "and. (AM-mu; mar In 'll'ah'tr, chunk. Would to. will!" to um (I? I.-. “ma- -- .-, - - .0”... . ......- v" " In """""'r'm, MRI-l. Intel?!) not" of which ' mm in (In! hut-b and human under wood "an of cultivation. (in It " good lam. hon-2 and hank but: and 'ttteroritbrtmtimid and no" at hon-a I'll In". anr when! and churrh. Hunt u' have "I'll”: a! My!“ Idditlml‘ land ad. ‘mmu that brm. For mm sad ”ml-r: In!) to or "In NATHANIEL RtROlV. ”In." lam-MI. P. o.. on new Farm for Sale} Hotel Property for Sale ttttstated I In“. an: of lawman p.09- -.....1 -_.r_. - "o It’s Just about now that our]; - Man has the Swing Suit question on his mind. “any will come to no wkhnnt any urglng on our put. _ Sometime. an old Customer drops ou' ;~porhaps trim a high prlcod Tailor, but he com»: wok agaln and tell: no {molly that In like: our Ciothitttr--imi the tit-the tstyle-the hrtrie-the workmsnehlp and our prion. We have built up our reputation for telling the but of Clothes by bond- ling only the but production- of the ' World tt Best clothlng Makers IT’S u. for tori-T. Kim"! Pee" a a. an»: FOR SALE "jii?lr;i,rri?li,r"t;i'k'ibath' ""%'dPk'iNt China Hall, Berlin At St rasser’ THE STORE OF QUALITY, -""""-r--aT-I""i_". .. emu-$- mm” ' It will a on be time lot spring hummtng. Arty puma requiring old tampon " null. under cur- -O- A“ -- -_----- . m” .yuv .n " r I.“ fru- I wall.“ II=0IXII9 sl Pint et "ml nd ,tattue, hl "a Vlllm or 'Fhlilh'i'.'l?JSlrlll Wanda. Lam-um - one of m but. mm on the an!» (launch "rm. J',,'tt't,,,,tr/ Pm"?! 'ht1tg . . nun . on. or " Unlu- u ply to the Imam” ANDREW SPA- PM". mm. alum on. 1far NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE L. on, Mn Gunman-Sunta- ', lam. Vac?!” Babb"! nos-um”! . Anal, In to: “I. c. a. luck-Ki. __ lanai. P, o. on. Waterloo. iii/Arie" try hand- I """r, r--1ikem

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