Ontario Community Newspapers

The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 10 May 1906, p. 3

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Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. The Nelsons 7 Bank 00mm Authorized 85.000.000 "ta-up WIN -v 38.000000 I-rt"' Fund - “000.000 Ann-I'm Mann Muno- done. Cm. callou- - dnlu lulled -ttre in sit put-o! the Dominion or may also: tl who we“ Winnie! "ttgtrrstm unwave- 'no-a-rar., In Run;- Bunk B' sud-l HEAD OFFICE. HONTREAL clonal!- Ciiiis"2'LTiftite"Je"i'L'glgzgih2:E ih2:Esj The MeroantlIe Fire Subscribed Capital . . . . . . . . 250,tl00Ml bepoaitwitl.t the Dominion Government .....' ...... .. $17,140. All poli< in guaranteed by the London and Lancashire Insurance Company with Assets of 816316.638. Alfred Wright. .Sccretu [ ' ' " am Inspector BUCKIBBROUOH B oo ' 1.1 tr, Intent». Mom Mt. the tailor, the only agent in town for the IR we“ iii/TCU- piece of furniture. A11 the 1mm improve- ments. A complete set. of unsch- the most popular sewing I on the market, A gel-fact. llluuw. A- "'""-r"-" m. nth with every machine Call It the old stand. _ INCORPORATIDIlB'IE [load Office‘ T waterloo King a", The Misses hhnnlph - I." alumnu- d MI “GK HEADACHI. The“ it ttot I day but am u are down; would“ now In bun. Just new on nook " tttoet oomph am: an "171:0qu In Ladlu', I " ad ChIIdnn'I tute. Why not mo and vole“ your tic not! A Insurance Company “WWI-Ins JOHN RITZEB, A tn remark: nonhuman Rm. 'lliflulli'll . SEWING MACHINES no “3338 nlhll 21mm 31.. md IJfiEl?jit'jll, "toot Hurlhln an..." warm limit!-h RITZER’S. W LTEBW machiner- b machine FAREWELL DINNER AND PRESENTATION Mr. F. M. Gibson. Berlin who it: Promoted to nun-3min! or the PM Punch Brush of the Bank of Commute was GxnnaWell tDeo served Send OE. T 0n moonlit at Mr. F. H. Oihlon’l‘ promotion to the mutton: ot the Fort Frances brunch ol the Canadian Buk Ist Commerce attd his conno- quorh only departure from Berlin, . (my ot his um tritsrdts an him B well deserved send " at tho Berlin Cluh last Wednesday evening. The lollowing sat down to . din-F net, right both a regards quality and quantity: Nessa. E. W. Clement,1 A. E. Erb, Percy Flintolt, w. som-, erville. H. M. Snyder, G. L. Waugh,: J. Johnston, J. R. Kirkpatrick, T.' A. McKay, C. A. Boehm, and W. M. 0. Lathe“. Alter a demonstration on the part ol all that even the regret ot part- ing had in no way pinched their up- ', petites, Mr. P. Prustott, in proposing in most apt terms the health ot the guest at honor, dbl In Iowa .out; anything in listing ms many points ol merit and assured him that his) removal was genuinely regretted. Concluding, the spenker, on behnll ‘01 those assembled, presented Mr. Gib- soaprith a leather travelling be; and hoped that the same would be ae- eepted and valued as some slight tau- _ - -- . . ., j.-. .="a.-.. gible evidence toward him. Alter receiving loud and long as- surances that he was a jolly good fellow, Mr. Gibson, though very ob- viously completely Itaken by surprise, yet, in right dueling terms, expressed his thanks and real appreciation that the kindly leellng ot his lriends should prompt such a. gathering. He spoke ot his better than two years' residence in the Twin-City as being the most pleasant term ot his lite as a banker and stated that time would‘ (not obliterate it from his rernem-' brance. He even went so tar as to promise that he would return, ii in no other capacity than as a visitor, and none ot the fellows seemed to - . i. . I - ..._.rl) B... illu “ll-Aw u. __ -vivV teel any doubt but that he would be' as good as his word. Alter expressions of good will on the nan. ot-each _or the others pre- “a "w- -- __ Alter expressions of good will on the part ot-each .or the others pro-1 sent, a chorus or two and aline of good stories, the 'party-dismissed, ml guest perhaps in some degree Ieellng‘ conscious that he has! been appreciat- ed and the others more than evel as- sured that his teave-taking was real- ly to be lamented. - - w A- Illa‘ni~ll\n tun) " l” mu. .n...-...-__ Mr. Gibson came to Waterloo two' years ago last November, where he remained until June, 1905. At this date he Was promoted to the Balm branch, and since last November has been acting Manager. He leaves on Saturday for his pew field in the West, and all his many friends con- gratulaie him on his advance, and wish him a rapid" participation in lurthcr Well merited success. LOCA Toronto, May 'i.-- On the ground that J. J. A. Weir, Local Master:at Berlin, was aprejudiced and an int- rxostud party in the aitairs ot Liv- ingstone and Livingstone. ol Berlin, Mr. Wallace Nesbitt K.C., applied to Judge Anglin, at Osgoode Hall, (or? an order to set aside Mr. 'Weir's" rut-, "ing made in 1396, refusing the mo- tion lot lhc opening up ot me partner- ship accounts. - . . ‘*-- “' " Ann of tht? snip acc""""". John Livingstone, W.P.. one of the firm, died, and the motion was then made. It is alleged that Mr. Weir was solicitor for James Livingstone. and as such an interested party. mom or mums worm HOSPITALS 1anllliill Mrl. Mama's Advlco Saves Many Erma this 504 and Costly Ewe- _ PP' 7-1! i Q 'tlt “L a, true .i ' iS ,Fr evv.ry . 2’ an 1m ‘% trLai,.i.l,s_t_,'_.i_,_.-. numh f), 'si':') tions a 2?"? 'ii"f ' tW'rt il",'?,',,)',;:,'),":):") Iarrc" our 1 w“, - F Vi“ More 1 a, ‘ tourtl r', Mfrs/wif. Glenn 5:2: It is a and but} if". =' _ _ true fact that) ' ‘ > " I in: evn-ryyear hringa‘ - q an increase in the K, . (fic nurnher of npvm- _!,stia, ct'. tions porhmnml " » Ci:?::), ,- upon women in In)” _ - Ef our has pi t all . J BE 1; More than thrrw ‘ M9 _ toy.rtht /,'.l the hen“ vine on ’ Utr,rt.ht. Gtero: 5:099 2o')1',',Til', beds we wonwn Ind girls who we lmlting or recovering from operations made nermanry‘ by neglect. Even one of thee patent: had plmzy of warning in that hearing down fading. pain It the left or right of the abdomvn, nervous exhaustion, pain in the mall of the but. ptlvir. tutirrh, dining”, ttata. letter, (ii-placements or irteguhtritim' Alt oi than? lympwmn no inclimtinns n! In unhealthr condition of the female organs, and i not heeded the troublc may nuke Atlway until the [runny has to be paid I? I danzrrml! oration. and I lifetime n impaired main new-.- at best, while in many can-n the walks are half _ The touo,riog letter mm bring hope torratteritte women. Mrs, Robert Hum, ot 434 Marie at, Ottawa, on. Irma: Dar Mrs. Bnkhamt - 7 - _ .. LIAM 11. Pink ham's vereenrtr Vmpnund Is 90 well and witMy known that It dun: not 11ml my recommendation, but I um pm! to add It to the may whirh you Inavain its beor. l .rttreeed untold whit! from atrium fem-la trouble: for marl! three run. And the damn-s told me that mun-t undcm In operation. hot a I was "0'11"!!! to do this. I MM your Veranda rams-mud m! I an only too “lawn a... I did .0. hr it natural me to 09th l.g-glt_h,_mvlm 'ttthte?,', o! "w TE. .r...‘........... ........,. WV WV , _ up Jir'r"GUn"iiii' iitattytttir,tffy. t..eett *" "" .............,. 'F8V..BBr..tr."s- .r..F_-e" n ,7 w (Mum-I’m Wm Insult-Ink! Iand hat whim}: ' Just up mmly u Mn. Glenn was (and of the mbh enumerated in her letter, tel so mrrly will Lydia E. PirMttrm's 'tpuhle 0mm can Mhee women who ml" (mm Inhale troubles. httUm. mation. kidney tmhlco. mm exclu- blllly and normal peittstbmt. Mn. Plath-m lm-itn all 'rmttert who an ill b _srrits my: te tre,. ii; 'ii iGiiiiiier%iaid a Lydia E. Hath-n and to! Gunny-Iva you hat - MrtIttq dale-u he! elm-p. MASTER INTERESTED T,i" Gel; than; tc’eling -Aveuplcuu¢ovent W at the Berlin Club on sword” "cum. when about thirty Berlin trie at It. le. E. Butler, who in tor rV may! ot the WW ot ca.uainttsuNaemundes hint oomptiatteatarr "not provided and and by In. “no: in ter and oseetteat and satitNetorr mullet. Alter an sumptuou- mu ha been lihonlly punk» a. Chairm- Geo. Romy“ proposed the toast ot “Our , Guest.“ an wormed him "at it Val the inc-thou ot his trierds to take thi: opportunity ot honoring him , upon his promotion to the poinioaot ', Inspector ot the letchuts’ Bull toe _ Western Ontario. uni show their Ip- ' vacation at his uieesdtNP and COMF. l relies during his raidence in Berlin.’ 1 both on manger ot the Merchants: t Bank and as acitiun. l Mr. L- J. Brelthaupt was called up- ", on to tad the knowing. “dross. anal f n the proper time Mr. W. , Boun- POPULAR BANKER HONORED. by, Ringgit}: Mr. Butfer with I handsome solid gold watch with the inscription, “Eugenia! to Mr. W. E. Butler by his Berlin lriends on May 5th, 1906." and a purse contain- ing 8175 in gold. W. E. Butler, East., [ Inspector Merchants' Bank, Toronto. Dear Friend,-The announcement ot, your promotion trom the position at l Manager of the Merchants’ Bank at Berlin to that ot Inspector at your company's hunches in Western On- tario, was a case oi "tmter-soreet.l' During the siryears which you spent here as manager, you hare proved yourself to tie a banker in the best sense of the word; tacttul, high-prin- cipled, and always a gentleman. Bank ptticials of large calibre fan be ot great service in promoting the indus- trial and commercial growth of a community like Berlin. You were, and hence the regret felt when Foul were called to headquarters, there to) be promoted to an inspectorship, as _ reward for 3g years of laithiul ser- vice. This pleased us, indeed, and we congratulate you on your promo- tion. in order that you may possess a tangible token oi var esteem and a reminder oi the usetul and we trust, happy days spent in Busy Hamlin, we beg of you to accept this gold watch and. purse of gold, coupled with the wish that you may meet with every success in the broader field to which you have been called. __ -- A- ,.:_:LI.. o....,'." hut ,0. m.“ ...r.. -_,., Mr. Butler was visibly atlected huh} in an amnpriate and Mantels mae ner he acknowledged his apprecialicn ol ttte kind sentiments expressed in the address, and of the handsome gins which he had just received. He stated that he regretted his removal from Berlin, but his duties would an. able him to return to the town at variows periods during the year. _ . ---_--- _..-", stated that he rcgrcuen ms mum".- ...... . FF tram Berlin, hut his duties would en-l Mr. Bowl'ny iniurincd His Worshi; abie him to return to the town at that the case for the Crown had tail- varioes periods during the year. {ed and it was impossible to convict Brief impromptu speeches were made the prisoner. by Messrs. W. H. Bowlby, K.C., Jotu' Mr. Clement cross-examined the Brdthaupt, E. P. Clement, K.Ct J.|prisonor trrietir and then, addressing McDougall and others, and a very eu- His Worship, said that he had gent joyahle hour was spent try all. into the case very fully and had learn- The address Was illuminated in ed that asxxrrding to Jewish law an. grey, red and' gold, with sprays of engagement was as binding as a mat palm Ranches done in water colors riage ceremony and arahbi will no' and India ink by W. H. Sthmalz. marry a man to any woman who i -.....-" tA annular man and has not A meeting oi the ships at the Ber-' lin Bowling Club was held at the, Library rooms on Friday evening, at, which the rinks who will compete for} the Euler Trophy and club champion- ship were selected. There are sewn- ty-tive members ot the Club this year and seventeen rinks were so ted as [allows _ gt T ill-1 St. Aubyn, (Ego. Mgses, Dr. Walters, H. J. Sims, C. N. Hueiher, E. J. Philip, Hy. Dingwall, _ J. J. Mad‘allum, G. 0. Philip, RINK% HAVE BEEN DRAWN. Fat. Swlly, Ir. Johtist6n, F. Spence, A. E. Ruiklt, ll., 12. T. G'. Forsyth, Dr. Buchanan, t'has. A. Thomas, Lune Staeblcr, F. Weaver, . Solon Lutm., D.W. Houston, W. D. Euler. C. s. carried, " W H. Boehmer, M. Schism. IS. _ M. W. J, Woollud. Jeannerrtte, M. Wilding. W. WO. Lot-head F.. W. Clement, ll. Fred Pearson, nerw.,t.Bradter, Dr. Bichn, J. Still"! I Olten~1imos in the mm “In”: otl, children it n rclhble remedy is “NJ nhle mu consequences can be "old? ed. For thee emergent“ "rents arc and to hue " Mad ready tor Ilium-dine use Dr. Shop‘s Diphtheri- Cmre, Dr. Shop‘s Crow Ciro. Dr. Show: Worm Cure and m. M‘- Paln PM China'- nil-um a“ m an. " an. K. Ball, Dr. Wallase. H. Brown, V. McIntyre, Lockhart, F. W. Sheppard. ll. Leeson, John McDougall. Skip. Skip, R. Hallman. A J. Boos. A, D. Lacourse, c, n. Wrarer, ll Sims; . C. Kranz, Merrick, J. J. A. Weir. Skip. S Wilson, Dunke, Hilliard, Riélindn. Skip Skin Skip Skip Skip Skip. Skip. A. Millar, Kt., A. W. Kerr, _ U. L. Laing, M. E. Woulaufcr, F. H. “Hug, T. H. Middleton, L. J. Broithaupl, H. Slul'bing, . L. tiormio, H. A. Hagen, Harry Bingham ' 10. 0. Kinzie, John Fume”. W. M. Cram, D. Forsyth, ll " Hollinger, ‘D. Moore, A. Scene“. Cook, Skill Skip Skip Skip Skip Skip Skip MARRIED AT BERLIN POLICE COURT Hurry Goldberg was Charged With My, and Evidence Proved that he Ind no . Harry Goldberg, who wu are-M} a New Hamburg tart week on ttse) chug: ot tummy, append below Pc- lioo Nitratc‘“eir this mania; and tho Crown “thorium discovered that instcad ot Goldberg raving two viv- " he Malone " all. When thin diswvexy us made, “2‘ can: was dismissed and the court scene van translotmed into B jolly wedding cclebnlion. with Harry Goldberg u the groom, His: Bell: Berg " the pretty bride, Rev. A. R. Springer u the omitting etergrman and wont. 100 Metered witnesses. Magistrate Weir and the chase to Uoltlhctg and on behall ot the soc-15‘ ed Ink}. P. Clement KC., elected to Le tried by His Worship and pleaded "Not Guilty.” Crown Attorney Bowlby prosecut- ed, and called Henry Tasman, s Heb- rev, who performed the wedding cer- emony in Berlin tour weeks ago, as the tirst witness. As he could not Igesk the English language, John Lewis was sworn has interpreter. The witness stated that he knew: the accused and his alleged second gilt. as he had married them in the swish synagogue on Queen street about tour weeks ago. He was not A Jewish Rabbi and he had no author- ity to perform the ceremony accord- ing to Jewish law, but he thought that because the couple had a license any person could perform the cere- luiony in this (ountry. "W": -- --_"" . The witness stated that Goldberg had told him that he had been (1133;; ed to agirl in Poland but had not married hen Goldberg also claimed that he rngaged himself to the git. in Poland on night when he wat "boozy” and did not know anything about it until he was told so by he: [013:3 the next day. . Crown Attorney Bowlby remarked at this stage that the prisoner wa charged with having two wives when he really had none. Procceding, the witness stated tha l he had rsweired no lee tor pertormin: the ceremony. He claimed he was 2 "greenhorn" as [at as Canadian laws were WM. and whim he was hi" formed by the Crown Attorney that he was liable to be sentenced lo two ”a?” -""-'"". _ _ marry a man to any woman who i engaged tit another man and has not been released from that engagement He produced certitieates from UK Russian eivil.and military authorities showing that Goldberg was a singl "man when he loll. Russia: He sugges I led that the couple he married by tht ilocal rabbi and that those present be invited guests. The local rabbi was in the court ( rand alter having the situation on lplained to him in the Jewish lang- ‘ uage, he had no objection to the cou ple being married then and men,hu1 he said it was impossible tor him tr perform the ceremony, as Goldber; did not furnish the release ot his for mer engagement as is required by thr Jewish law. He consented to having one at the town clergyman pertorn the ceremony, and Mr. Clement went in Search of a ministerrand seeurer Rev. A.R. Springer, ol the Alma street U. B. Church, who tied thr nuptial knot securely and .the happy . couple were tendered the congratula- tions of tho court ottieiats and a lawn number ot their Jewish friends. years imprisonment he was surprisef and said he was ignorant ot such a law. _ . ', The funeral of the late Mrs. F. G. Wnrsler was hell Wednesday aller- noon from her late residence to the Preston cemetery. the Rev. M. Mann ottteiatinir. Large numbers trom Galt,) Berlin. Hrspeler, and many trom TC" rnnlo and other places attended the obsequies. The Horn] offerings were very beautiful and attested to the great esteem in which the deceased ladv was held. The pal] bearers were Mayor Frederick Clare, and Messrs. Chas. Clare, Thos. Hepburn, Thos. Simpson, Izod Shaun, and W. Cable of Toronto. _ _ . .. a& - I-..‘ Among those unending the lash mes were Mr. 3nd Mrs. Cable, To- ronto; Mr. and Mrs. Jun. Beck, of Berlin: Mrs. Geo. cure, ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bernhardt, ttttd Mr. nnd Mrs. W. Remind. Gall; Mrs. Wm. Davis, Toronto; Mra.. J. Pdr- sythc, ortogeville; Mrs.. Runs, Mrs. Slitolmeyer, Mrs.'Wm. Pmidieombe, Baden; C. Wurst". Humllmn; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Reinhut, In. C. Brinks". Mrs. J. B. Fisher, Guelph; Mrs. treidke, Walkcgvillc. POULTIY ASSOCIATION “BET m BERLIN- The monthly meeting ot the Water- too Cmmty Poultry Ind Pen, Stork Association us held on Thunduy evening n J. "Ilium & Co" Mb", which no crowded to its (when, try mania-n ot the orgtnituim. Tint Amiaiion is enjoying annual pron- perity. After the (“auction of mm tine ”slum. white and bull Wynn-‘ dolls rue exhibited " J. Em, H. J. Hard, I. Holman Ind Jos, M. Sheppard. The highest mom were made by J, H. Sheppard, who took Isl and 3rd, and I. Hoimn took 2nd. lean. M. A. "an m A. Devi". Wife at " Accounting to Will Law. iiiiitT. if; Hm an! A. Devitt' wen Mp. At (is he“ mung. H at blackAOImeo- will In MRS. AFURs1T'KR'S FUNERAL I... HEAVY RAIN STORM LAST WEDNESDAY Lightning Played Havoc With the Berlin Electric Light An unusually heavy rainstorm, 1.0-" eomptuiied by sharp lightning, passed over Berlin on Wednesday atternoon between three and four o'clock. The rain (ell in torrents tor netrriy twen- ty minutes and everybody on the streets was compelled to seek shel- ter. ers I our Heart Beat It was exceptionally dark during this period, trad the lights in the stores, ottices and factories had to be turned on in order to allow work to proceed uninterrupted. Yea. Mn,000 times each do” Does it send out good blood or bod blood? You now. to: good blood In good health; had blood. had health. And vain know precisely what no ate for bad blood-Ayer" Snrsopurllla. Doom: have endorsed it (or on years. The sharp lightning, however, came in contact with the wires and many [uses were burned out in various parts of the town. At the Telegraph: oitice the lights went out during the; busiest hour oi the day owing to the burning out of a fuse. It was not until alter the storm had passed over the town that work could proceed. Stt'rgre “and hi “in d lint. Th mud-ea “up“ Put um- In that about“ in. to tr-tbs buFruVdrucirehurorF. In the midst ot the storm the fire a_Itrrrtt, mended Nas9tnuuinhe de- partment were called upon to make a short run to the Bank ot Commerce where the lightning had entered along the electric wirec and caused the bursting ot a gas pipe. There was a, good sized blaze tor a few minutes, but the gas was turned oft and a burning post near the teller's cage was put out try the use of one of the chemical extinguishers. The loss will not amount to more than $10. W. Irogt's House Struck. _ During the storm lightning struck l the chimney at the house ot Mr. Ahn. Vogt in the North Ward, and it tell to the ground. The Bash also tore of! one ot the cornices ot the house and entered the house and knocked over the coal store, but fortunately the house did.not catch tire. The in- mates were not injured but were bad- ty frightened. Ai'i'i"iti'i $003 ss-in FIREMEN APPOINTED On Wedneid.ar evening at the meet-l ug of my Berlin Ptrq Committee Fire Chiet Howard submitted his monthly report, which gawe in detail the transactions ot the department during April. "n.1, up”. The Chief recommended the appoint-' mom, ot [our new call firemen to fill the vacancies caused try the resigna- tions of {our members about two weeks Mo. The new men are: "iiriiG'"i. iiiaes, aged gl, single, residing adjacent. to tire hall, and employed at?'. JT.' & Co. Chas. A. Mansfield, aged 32, single, resides corner King and Cameron streets, employed at Ctunpttetl mu Rae's livery. ' "iitirUrFisctter, aged M, married, resides 134 King stretVPachinis.t. "TiiiiViGlrir," aged '24, married, Cedar street, employed by Berlin Light ngnpis_sion. . All ot the appointments were ac- mymatrlit to the committee and were adopted. - “a..- "P"'"-""-"'--'" _ The Chief also recommended the appointment ot W. J. Rhodes, ot the permangnt- torce, as assisiant Chief. The committee gave Chic! "owarui permission to organize a corps ot veteran firemen for the Old Boys' Re- union, and an exhibition at how fires were tought forty years ago, and at present will be given on August 7th, between 9 and ll o'clock in the morning, try the sanction ot the com- mittee, and a Ihejoquut ot Gen. o. Philip, chairman ot tho Amuse- ment Committee! "RED FEATHER" C0. TO OPEN NEW OPERA HOUSE. Manager G. L. Higgins, ot the Roy- tl Open House, Guelph, and lessee of the Berlin Opera House, informed 'the Telegraph this momlng by tele- phone tint Beriin's new open house is neared 1nd elm the meeting next Tuesday building openllom will be commenced. On his return to Guelph Tawny evening, Mr. Higgins communicated with the “invent ot the famous "Red Father company ot New York, and succeeded in booking this organiuiion to give the opening poriormnnce in the new building. The "Red Punter" compny eomposed at am itt0 trust: ml commend " be one at the best in kind on the road. Mr. Higgins “so Motel "not he no! seven! other good attractions booked tor the new ployhouse, vhlch could not In given In the Berlin op. eu House. WhetteTer your bowel: skip & " without a movement take t LMGET. Whatever you breath ls Md. your tun may, or allow. your tongue count your mm. MI. “I. a LAX-ET, - It. thtd by A. G. “I“. deqgtBt, V.“ Vols-nu”! Vol-ND mhmddiyum 3775.126? - on. a: .14:me is h ttt Screen Doors . Hardware, Stoves, Tinwm, Plumbing and Pipe Fitting. Store Near Post Office, BERLIN. " - - Phone 143 Thornton a Douglas Goodhne'l Extra Qnmy Boning. also. t to tt lnchu In stock. _ Ara-toms. Decolac and animal in ovary and. 3nd Aluminium to not. “no home bountiful. PETER HYMMEN, LIMITED. Suntan! Factory Gnolph Chum!) _ Human . Born. Will ("an In afoul Days In P. llymmon'o Old Stand Mr. Samuel L Indus. M ttamiV (on. wad (hm-3h Berlin ttth lor- ling on his way to suntan. Mr. Laden In acting an editor of the an.» Wormv Bulletin. In New Tori 0N7.nl will and this your h [8. at]. Our Having GOLD S EAL COFFEE The finest assortment of Store- in Stutford, Guelph end CIA-the- in My to our ulvmlage in that we an - you oe “I. able to buy clothing in Berlin at the lune price. that we all it in than waive eitiee. in each of which we hue eondueted for you! s Mal and. end hoye' clothing bin-luau We hue recently built . meet modern and complete leetoty in Hamilton when the moat skilled clothing petomrmt tpupeoemmd e0 that yoneen expect . revolution of the men'e clothing basin” in Berlin, when we open our new etora in Hymlnen’e old stand. 00:995."? Wood 8pllt Pulleys FAIRBANKS VALVES " right prlou It is good. ASC per lb. Sold only by III“: 'ritrer, BERLIN J A. Good & Co. The new store opposite M. Erb & Co’s. Ever shown in the Town of Berlin. . E. POTTER HYMMEN’S BOTTOM PRICES. and Windows Stntitsrson'tt Bakery manna-1mm” Manhunt-ltd. Kill Bt PHONE 14.

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