Ontario Community Newspapers

The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 11 Jan 1906, p. 4

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Seriously 1tt..-hlr. Ja st, King, of t'pper “which, is lying at the who! of death. Ahout (‘hristnns he ought cold; whim has since turned " pneumonia, and the doctors have slight hopes ot his rum-cry. Election Rrsults.-0'or Rrevr-P.F. Scampi no, Philip ('hrlalmnn M. Poe Councillors-N. It. RI". 162, W. Home! ttlt, Geo. Raw. ”3, h'. U. layer tit, Wm. Lu" TI, A. tgteinke " The marriage of Mr. Sidney Man- In. col ot Mr, Pull Martin, at near " 1m, itt 'tisa Susannah Wetter daughter ot Mr. Amos In", of no“ Piet, vu eekbrated " the home " or HOT-ecu] morning. Btw. " POI In". old-Id. WORKING IN HARMONY. - h. tg-""'"",""'"" WATEBLOO AND GurmPR TEAMS The Waterloo junioi' O.ll.A. team wont to Guelph on Saturday with the intention or playing the tirat schedule league game ot the season, but it ep- peats that G'uelph, although having a junior team entered in the o. H. .A_., play a team which is in the inter- mediate class, some ot them 5130 be- ing over the age limit. Under these conditions the gume was awarded to the Waterloo juniors by default. However, the Waterloo juniors played an exhibition me with the team which is composed oi big strapping fellows who have been pitted against such inml " Berlin, and are much heavier thou the Wat- erloo team. In spite of this taet the local tram were nine to tie their opponents. the score " the close of the game being two an. The - working In my. it eon-Helm! overworked in more modern than he applied to the work) ‘0! the Town Council. It is omen used new tog 'eovexin; lusty, cue-\ lea, eloveely‘ work uni the “rainy out. :1 ill digested, bully considera‘ whence, which should hove been} My ctiticized end their wear, pol-tn the" up until there we: a we! Agreement a to their best' tom. The Council last your worked in beautiIul harmony with the net w _ suit tint the tinanoiat statement at the an! ot the your showed a dellcil o! hetwecn 81.000 end 88,000. "Ev- erythiu‘ was lovely and the gnaw hung high" until the Treasurer sub- mitted his statement showing the re sult ot the year's opergtions, writ spread consternation in their ranks. and which will require a levy ot " or " on each $1.000 assessment tt wipe oll the shortage. " we have an other yen at such cordial good leci- Ing and hewtltul humony the town will be $15,000 in the hole. The Town Council will be crippled this yen am next by the burden ot g heavy delieit, which will tend to discourage the itr :ngurotion ot all progressive public musures. What is needed is fearless, discri'n hating criticism ot every measure that is introduced. Let the fiercest light beat upon it until its wen} points are laid bare, and the measun perteeted in the highest degree pos slide and a general agreement reactr ed. There is nothing like discussion to liking out the Me points of a pro blem. The books taken from the Waterloo Free Librgry during the month or De- cember, 1905, reached a total ot 933, exceeding the number taken out the previous month by over 100. This is a splendid evidence that Watcrloo's Free Library is being well patronized and that citizens appreciate it. Fol- lowing is thost':-- 1rurtorr...... ... ......... ......... ...... ... 8 Biognpgy.....,... .e..m.... mm....... .rmmF..r. g Voyages and lravels...... ... ... ...t... " Science and Art......... ......_.. ...mmmm.. 29 Literature......... .'.-..". ...... ...... ... 7 Poetry and Drum-...... ...... ...w._ ... 0 Philosophy and Religion...... ......... 9 Fiction...... ...... '..... ...... ............78t Miscellaneous ..e...... ......... .. ...... ... l Magtszmes...... .......W. ... ..m... v.rmswrr.. 20 German......... ...... ...... .e.... ......... M Philosophy and Sociology....'.. ..r... 32 The Council elect during the com- ing year will have their hands full 1nd will need all thcjbilily ant judgment they possess in dealing will 1he dittietttt problems that confront them-the derreit and how to deal with it. the tttrestt railway franchise, municipalization ot elcgtric light plant atctiexLttt1tiipgcpf, $933621: _ , {Shil- in; [ranchiso tor a term ot years, the sewer farm, the consolidation of mu- nicipal otBees, the inauguration ot a good roads movement, and other pro News, all at them of an important character. We have subjected some ot the ac- tions ot last year's Council to pretty severe criticism, largely on the scorc- olt too lavish expenditure ot money. adding to our already heavy burden of taxation. We have tried, however, to be tair and reasonable,. knowing Iron a somewhat prolonged .experi- ence what a Council can and cannot do. We shall be pleased to give the new Council our cordial support .in carrying out measures whiehore be lieve to be in the public interests. we... but an... NARTIN-WEBER NUPTIAIB WATERLOO LIBRARY. ELVIRA 933v " will not be I mere act-Mom that " many people will come hue tor shoes And tubbers (lath! our shoe sale. m: price: on page , will be to Mime tot it. Ziegler}, nerlln. PRESENTATION AT CLINTON the. 'vho were a the Sundial church. Friday "ming ot Int rock, with]! lino-ed to. very humo- lng a! uric-date pron-Inn Tho chuck Wu tit1ed and the occur in: excellent. The church In undaoett.. ty decorum. and may vduhlc we can: domed an tree. Tho mm. who In; Mn 80va! nudism tor . short time, we as gtad to In! In: tblc to he plant. The pastor and his wile were presented with a pane by the convention. and on presentation ot the “me, the [allow- ing “(Item I!“ read: To Rev. A. D. and In. 0W. The regular monthly pig "nth" '1: held Tun-allay morning. A good- ty number ot lumen m-re In tttend- nm, there being more Myers than sellers "ml, which ls ml "ttttnM" cm. as there ia wally a dearth ot the lama. The when pm “the In “I can. depending on It. an 01 ll. MM. Clinto- New Era: Sou - my QM I“! Xm- atttr.taitet9rt standard of the cross to the world. And in your "eoming in and going out" among us, and in our homes, your presence has always been more or less of inspiration, comtort and cheer. We feel to sympathize with you in your amiction and sincerely hope and pray that the Eternal God may. in his good pleasure, see tlt to re- store you to permit health, adding to your lite years of usefulness in His service. We desire also to extend to you our sincere wishes for a most glad and pleasurable Christmas, also a most happy and joyoys New Year, with the hope that many returns oi the same may be yours. and that our wishes may take on somewhat of the tangible, we ask you kindly to ac- cept this purse, as a slight expres- siom of the good will,and kindly teel- ing that exists among the people of your appointment in Colborne tor you and yours once more with love and Christmas cheer. _ Miss Harper, Eldest Daughter of Mr. P. Harper, of Toronto, Formerly of Conestoga, Wedded to Mr. Ed- Mrs. Rodgers, who has . good com- mercial business education, is the eld- est daughter of Mr. P. M. Harper, ot Toronto, Iotmctly ot Conestogo, Ont. The young couple uve the heartiest congratulations of Mrs. Rodgers' many triends and acquaintances in Toronto, Waterloo and Wellington coontits, the home at hut childhood. The annual meeting of St. Johtt'a Lutheran church was held Sunday morning, " which there w" Huge attendum- at interested memhors. The increase. in membership was about 150. ' The retiring trustees were Moss“. Wm. Veidet 1nd v. M. “ch. Mrs» sfs. John Letter and G, Human" being cit-rim on the trustee board ih Dear Pnstor god Sister in Christ.-- Another glad and merry Christina tide is downing upon the world. “Good Cheer" amt "Jor" and "tam " wishes" till the air, and God's great universe lull: in quiet peace. The son; ot “Sacred Story" vibrates again, already more "in: nineteen hundred times, revives again you “sacred sin" in his eitttlgent bright- ness lighgs the havens. The "Choir ot Heaven's Angélic Host" have ttm- mi their Imps to richer music, nnd strains oi “llnllowed sweetness" BO the air, "Behold I bring you good tidings of great joy," “Glory to God 'tl the Highest." "And on earth peace good-will toward man." And upon this glad and joyous Christmas time our hearts catch up the inspiration and we repeat “Goodwill toward hen." "Good-will toward men." And inasmuch as the occasion could not be more opportune not the cir- :umsta.noes more fitting, we as a church and a people, both individually tnd collectively in the fellowship of he church ot Christ, desire to CE- )rcss to you, dear Brother and Sis- ter Gischler, the feelings ot endear- nent and love that exists in our "tarts toward you as "pastor, church utd people." We have not talk-d to notice the untiring zeal with which You have sought to inspire us to ligher aims, and more Christ like ideals, in our journeying toward the iingdoin, and we have always lound ItitmatchintLattit mg, nisi WEDDED M' REGINA, SASK. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rodgers, Re- gina, Sash, were married by the Rev. Mr. Hill, Episcopalian. ot that city, on Nov. 16th, 1905. Mr. Rod- gers is anion ot an Alabama es- tate, who still retains his connec- tions there. A fear years ago he gave up journalistic work for a lucrative position in railroading. Mr. Rodgers is well connected in the South, his uncle being General Superintendent of the-Birmingham Southern Rail- way and Tennessee Cotu and Iron Company. Signed on behalf ot the congrega- tion, you. in 'sympathy with such reform that would tend to the betterment ot ANNUAL MEETING Pastor ot Bunsen“! church, Cot- MONTHLY PIG MARKGT', MICHAEL OHLER, JOHN BURST. win Rodgers. LUTHERAN CHURCH .isinx ot -_c V the Alter m minutes ot [at play in which honors rested shout even, Mm scored goal No. 1 on . nice put, to the delight at the team's supporter», who cheered themselves house. More pleyen decanted the bond: we: pluy tn renamed, Oliver and Cantieid, and Mtckul of the local team. ell getting rem ot trom one to live minutes. Brmttord, evidently anxious tom. trieve themselves, scored their Brst goal in l minute um tho gun: was resumed, bynpreuy combination play, Bower doing the scoring. Plgy became last and Waterloo pressed their opponents hard, Mickus scoring goal No. 3 tivp minutes later. Bower ot the visiting team evened up the score in 12 minutes by a. neat shot trorn the side, This caused the locals to make still greater ellorts and Young notched Waterloo's third goat by eniee shot trom centre Ice. Soon utter Engel decorated the boards tor tripping. The play con- tinued' with honors even when Buck tor Branttord tied the score inn few minutes, and although each team worked hard neither side scored dur- ing the remainder ’ol the half. BRANTFORD TEAM WAS DEFEATED lyWaurhol-n Fart and Ear- dthgccnc Tm Eva- iat.-Sese---3 The nine, which vu with; throughout. commenced at LIS. Wat. "ioo tuned out to do things. we when]: m; the puck down into Btntlotd territory. but the goalkeep- er relieved. Soon one: Belem Hun- uton. who keptacloee lookout tor doubtful plums. ruled " Oliver ot the Brandon team tor tripping. and player: at both teem continued to deoonte the heads tor venous onen- play on the tie, Mickus scoring the winning goal in 2 minutes, and al- though a, number of dangerous shots were made on the local goal Brant- Iord was unable to score. Waterloo thus ion the game by a score of 4-3. - h uo" Videootnmn. an. moon-4H. “out. a. has. ',tl,rl,'t an. A“. ' m w... .m Rocha cum-nan- at Mon at tho up. and on in m to the I'audoo rink My oreaiag in u- ticintlo. at ”all; slut at 0:- cmu an. ot hockey. and were not dia-ttint". The wanton vu an In‘leuuguuolmmpuy- " on local be, how”- Bunion! all the “who judo: O.H. A. tum. The nth-Ilium ruck pu- nilod throughout the an reminded mo! some at ttte new“ lock" The tirst hall closed with the score I-o in Wnterloo's luvor. htter arest at iive minutes, the lee, 5:!!! arm, 91,2292ij For Waterloo schlosser It, cover- point was perhaps the most ettective player. The towards also worked hard and e. Ruhlman, the goat keep- er, made many good stops. 1tgtttitM'CTtttltmt 55: " T,iifiiaTma. iii-moi I"). 'Canfield. and Bower were the shin- ing lights on the Brantford team, both putting up agood game. The Branttord boys cxcell the Waterloo team in combination work, to which lact. may be attributed most ot their tools. There is too much individual work on the part ot the Waterloo forwards, instead of working together and bringing a nipe combination into Nay.. The teams were:-. Brrutttord-Goal, P. Wall; point, C. Winters; cover point, W. Canlield; forwards, N. Buck, left; R. A. Tuck, centre; w. tctNiver, right; W. Bow- er, rover. _ Preston. Walcrloo. T. Mulligan, A. E. Devin, Wm. Mic‘ms, B. B. Bricker, Geo. Cherry, J. C. mum, z A. Hall. '11. M. Snyder. Skip... ... .......10 Skip...... ... .r...q A, Spulding, Y. O'Donnell, E. Finch, H. Ocstreich, A. Hull, D. C. Kuntz, W. ts'uhiaehmidt, G. A. Bruce, Skip...... .........11 Skip...... ... ...... M. Wilson, W. J. Sterling, W. Wuerster C. Feick, Dr. Elliott, Wm. Hogg, M. Hager, E. F. Scngram, Sill...“ .........13 Skin... ...... ... The many lriends ot Mr. Thou. Tilt in the locality, formerly license in- spector ol North \morloo. Wlll be pleased to hear that he has in": el- out-d mnyor ot Goderieh. The con- Ivst wu Irlosc and exciting one. in which Mr. Tllt won ml by " ma- Writy. Mr. Tilt is honorable and Mraitrttuor_ gentleman, and will an the mayor‘s chair with ("gully and much credit lo himull and am- islaciion to his otopteit town. 11eis nhrolhcr cl Mrs. Inu- Bechtel, of In", and Mr. Geo. Tilt, T'p ('lerk ol Waier,loo. Intel-u ot yore when Wntezl'oo had . The first curling game of the stu- on at Waterloo was played Friday ev- ening between three rinks ot Preston and Waterloo players. The ice was very good, considering the mild wew. ther we have had. Following is the B'aterioo-A1oat, C. Ruhlmu; point, H., Kuntz; cover point. Schlosser; tor- wnrds. F. hung. rover; E, Engel, left; F, Maser, right; E. Mickus, cen- tre. Peratr timekeépcr, G. Roos, Wat- erloo. .w Ccrra" -v~~~7 . "hock“: mu“- Referee-R. Humilton, Guelph. Timekeepers - Wtsterloo, G. A Bruce; Bradford. Bolton. DEFEATED PRESTON IN .THE AmsT GAME OF THE SEASON. FORMERLY Or' WATERLOO "II. M. Snyder .10 Skip...... ... Y. O'Donnell, H. Ocstrcich, D. U. Kuntz, A. E. Devin, S. B. Bricker, J. C. Knight, M. M. Snyder. csiiiiesraGkik, “I‘M-1.1“. " ttttte-Pt- , H l7 " Great}. Grand I Mammoth !.. ColOssal I . ......., "i'i7i, SENSATIONAL ',thtdi'e, tttttii-Rl', IGrt an no Inna! money In any other 'mr-tol you r " any 003. Girle' and childreo'e 660 but echool {Idiot 02.50 kid [we and button boob rubbers. booty rolled edge when. ht nest. Iolid leather Iolee. kid and pak auplity. 'em".'".' " and " to2re- out leather tttgh' been. ell need at hogler'e below aaet ttg,' 2 ld £117., m need " ' egler’l cont to ow no In or, bum?“ ','du'ttTg'ltg,t, ©otrtto '" '39 m. (a we i nob ' . top, nix "in... natal; m and 14:... t,2'tNtlUNht Tth",' 'lat hret quality. I“ Sim 6to t8, I tar end iGiiioiiiiii's' else- 6 ioyh. at 38.50 "Kan t Ruck" rubber- Jae,".',', Bi l ' he tZi ler' below an. "8t er. tow eost $1 " 'ldl 'IST,' cost. to " " Wm” lt, " alt . . Youth’eMc let ualltv rubbern. but mum's. . felt Ittoe 'usd tmiter make. all .d23I to 18. hrave double 2Ti, 'tttttEarp'.", “mi “cm” all tttt,)g2ahhit2t?odum wowm-m baht 81-1 9 Yoth’l 81.75 box calf. loft. and any I Men'. “-50 WM“ genuine woot "I"! apron. that no water f, elm 10 u" teit tet for rubben " to 8, reduced at Ziegller'l'99 " Ziegler 5 below can III. e below etunl factory motto c Men’l II.” are but no we!“ roof L'tlla girl:' and bore' $1.75 and 81.60 overebom. warm wool fleece Cllr, calf ind kid lue hoou. mild lather all size. 0 to Mk wide and medium he te 1't to'er, double too apron}. shape, not damaged. every pair per- _ - to IN, reduced at Zola-u fact. Too gang. [heyAmg-tg: I): lo, " don't - nib M. In - “ml” n .11. but tt you not! the - you'll In», be but. on hard-y. Jun!) " ts, n the opening of Tilt GOLOSSAI. SHOE SALE - T OF GANADA We no I." going to an. n clan new of out out!" "not r m-NOTHING WILL BE RESERVED--- Wo otter omit pom. M. clean qttNth ml: um. No "any-ovum." In all-ply and human to close our no“ In In mm, that’s tho when “on; and wk tt it mm I In" to no. it will unduly he I GREAT BENEFIT TO 003 FRIENPB SATURDAY. am I” OF - III." 0081' For lil Days pawn actual 'hctory (out. CITY GROOER AND CHINA'HALL. of this month we ore ato:k taking nod during this time we will offa- you anything in nook " out prices; ro- momber it any in your hat opportunity in . your to get . Dinner, Tea or Toilet. Sett so cheap. GEO. Illt8ll9lf1lltl, COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES. FROM , 10th to 20th Sth, i,iig,' 2 " til {and a ' "been ow actu- mo cost to a s1 1 as Menu " new felt “an. - llam- net lined. 1.1%ng only. neat an! ysoysfyetpHtt, also-A6 lo 13, gt Men's 81.50 white genuine wool "an lu- teit boot for rubben " " Zie glor'u below can III-lo c Mcn’l 't.9tt ore bu! u. vaun- Km, ovtwxrttooa, warm wool {leech . nod. all uim o to 13. wide and medium he dupe, not damaged. every pair per- fre' Too 'll'l'h'i. Ihey mutt. go be- ow cost " ' 'a for N s I . " ; dlt?lihiltai, The winter tom bu oponod with o Inger ““0de than not and not and-nu mount-In. only dar. nu who»! I. (“an thorough cork t pro- poring you. maple (or the dash. of she on u. Mus, “and this " 10! to obtain on adulation that will be new t'trmitttttmtt lilo. apart from one. work. Cttatotttt. from info: a may “no. Night taboo! on Hands” wed Thur-dan- FANCY GOODS. good hotly wood but. 5nd bonito under good "ate of culunllon. Ott It hastone dwelling, um "In! kitchen mum; good but Mm. woodsht-d. wagon shed, and other (It. buildings; cmm. and new: will; well and ”this on puns-n. Light cur loan loll. Pot hm "Mala: “ply to SAIUEL BACHERT. __ __ Shaun! I mile west ot Mancini, not No. 4, mum's Road, consisting ot " gem. ot which mm mm no Farm for Sale. Fancy Battenburg Table Coven . 'rettneritre Dailies, Ten Covers and Runners Irish Hand Work Linens Old Bleach Linens Fancy Dresden Silks m-" Dresden Ribbons ' Kid Gloves Ladies' Neckwear . Fine Furs _ T Toilet Bets, Silk Handkerchiefs. Beautiful Line of Indinn Ware, A . 500 dozen Ferny Handkerchiefs, Gold-Beaded Umbrellas, Gent's Ties, . R, Brena-.Collnu. eta e T We as]: you to all in and examine our diaplcy. Prices will be found, right. S. B. BRICKER & CO. 1906 The Nutrhoz Poultry Yards, stub ted altttlc more than a mile oetaide the corpontton at Berlin. comm-in; " acres ot Ind. On it In: "torer brick house with Imam; not born with good stuhling. In house: m . large breeding house Atted with bot voter system; hunter can“, good we“; nil new], mm. " hunt. tor I poultry Ila. Alina: " w. D. EULBR, PrinerV. FOR SALE. J. w. WOODS. Begtt. P. tr, NOVEL'BIE S . " 0 I) U )1 0 0 0 " 0

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