Dunn! Authortznd 351000.000 Pad-Up Capital - $3.JO0.000 erv. Fund - $8.00o.ooo Tue Nelsons Bank Genuine ' Carter's Little Liver Pills. A...“ hinting huh-n- dono. Col we. III-51 dam lull-rd yuan!» In all grart.ot In. {Ia-mun» u my Nao' ill We "It! altho-ura-mof Imam! nltt"rmg hr mydcwltor‘ " a-tor- mum IV would [iiiiiriGtl.lllhtlkl'iiL"'apiritEe the tailor, the only agent in town for the the mar' popular sewing marhinm who market. A pend". ugub‘iue us well as a handsome piece" of furniture. All thalutoat improve- ment; A counp‘et-e net of much- menta wi'h awry machine. Cult gt tho old stand. King St... Annually. tn tttt tht mm wmlunnn moved In Kalb-on AMI Tttite', " monnlm. Wu want YOUNG INN an LAME ' ot continuum to We run-huh " per mm of tl e gnntnm am! Mon - In Ao. rla "hir nix whoa): A a the Innsâ€. Helm-Ha Tahurnh a hook I! ttttt " URL!) Ital-NI h d in urn-mi and†my Bit muting “and, "adds. VI rxonuu . 82'0 Bond t ' - Harlem to [Inn-h tum M her 'Wa"".', pus“; " In no " â€I a tn mug in mu aw of me than Hum-mu. n: from $75 to gm . month In m an; of the Rockies, Immediate" upon Brdre "a. '- Idanh an entt " Mr (Imp. No vam- ttrms For tat Jt,'tiht,'t Klan-Mn: any of our Schooh- w a direct to o I uncut!“ 0.00 " Cincinnati. o. Cnulouuc it... 5000 The [use Mal or Telegraptzy Max:111. o. Prrnm. N Y “1.an. u \. Lav» an Wm. Tulnnu. Tux. In rut-cm. t u. '" I. - 1'le own-tan. mourn an. DEE MISSES mlillililliafi' W0 "rummage some very new and new“ hm. und “who you with“ your Drona "at. at“. an arch In compute. The 1ilfBlill HERRERA“. In: St . "no“! DER]. u JOHN RITZER, T RAYMOND SEWING. MACHINES “I "OK HEADACHE. "an Ow alumna a! " I’m-Shun Wrap-rad... LEARN TELEGRAPH AM R. R. Accounting. Special showing of c,“ an the retrouuttett'tf br SECURITY; 15009 " QHPF LII! Wuhan Wan-"Ito 995nm RITZER'S. F0. "Iâ€. um. "I CIIITIPATIOI ( I'll WW SUI. ‘ "I I'll GOING! Tr “GM "r" [1133333 In HATS WATEBLOO W. G. & it. FIRM AND EMPLOYES CONFER Annual Reports Pr-ted at Gathering in Beth'- of all Connected with Instit- mica Shoo-are. abte Prove“. in unique ad decidedly interesting gathering was that which completely tilled the collar-operating room at the W.G.AcR. shirt and will." tattorr on Friday adeuoon. Over 400 cm- ployes ot the tirm, together with the tuvelling stall and members at the yin and a few invited guests met in conlcreuce In: the purpose ct hating tho reports presented try President S. J. Williams on helm" at the Brttt, and the lands ol the various depnrtmenu ‘on helm! at the employ“. giving do- tails ot the year's business all con- ditions as they exist u present com- Irared with ayen ago. “hatever may be the criticism mde' and heard trout time to time by out-l sitters, there can be no denying the fact that “The Right Idea" policy that is being canted out: in this es- tablistttr.ent has created s high stut- dard ot good will and tratistaetiott that is seldom heard of in other man- ututuring establishments. Through- out the entire meeting than was tan- ttibre evidence that the employers have as much interest in the success of the, concern as the shareholders our! om- cels ot the firm. Whenever rcterencc 11s made to the progress made dur- ing the ycar.there was rapturous ap- plause atrl smifes of V satisfaction were visible on_all the faces when it was stated that the travelling stall had secure! $50,000 more business during the last four months than dur- ing the same period in 1904. This in- dicated that there would he continued steady work for the eniploye. and at the same time increased revenue for the' firm: President S. J. Williams presided, and on his lelt were seated the mem- bersol the travelling staff, and on his right the heads ot "the various depart- ments in the factory. Shortly after three o'clock he called the gathering to order and alter extending a wel- come to the visitors he made an tur- propriatereiercnce to the eomplimeat- ary concert on Thursday evening end Rl"' a. low timely words ot advice to l c employes. He held in his hand a letter ad- dressed to one of the lair employes, who had $500 saved in the Post Other: Savings Department, from a repre- sentative of a loan company, who was offering all kinds oi inducements to her in order to secure her consent to tahe,stock in the company-te refre- seated. This spirit trrgrart is preval- dar-ss-ii-tif-to-a-rr-aft-iw-il-Gris have thrived by receiving the earnings ot those who 'wanted to get rich quick. He referred to the York Loan Company, which, at the time " went into liquidation, had over 70,000 vie- tims, and over 400 in Berlin, some ot whom were employes of the firm. He sympathi2ed with them, as he did not expect they would secure more than 40 per cent. of what ttMrrttadl, out in. He advised the employes to‘ put their savings in the bank or Post Omee Department, or it they desired‘ ‘ahigher rate of interest to place _it in the hands oi a reputable town uc) yer, who eould secure a mortgage. ‘Mr. Williams spoke words of caution ‘to the boys and young men. advising' ‘them to steer clear of bucket shops land gambling institutions. . Results ot Welfare Work. Alter informing the employes that a stheme is under way to give all the employes a ten days' vacation this summer and that a vacation lund would be started, Mr. Williams stat- ed that one of the reasons why "wel- tare work" was started was to elim- inate the many complaints that were WRITTEN BY A NDTABLEVIOMAN INTERESTING IITTE8 In: Sarah Koum of Doom, Color - of the Womnn'a Relief con-pl. land- 'l'hnnkl to In. Plum Li)'-.: J.u'a' Ll','; J' bb For five your: 1 VII: troubled with a ._ tumo.e, 12tt kept . wing. on n; me Mrs, “I.†mm†may and grant. mental depressiow I warunabu to at- tend to my hrmse work Vand lite bee-me n runs den to me. I Wu! "orttirwd for days to my bed,' 105â€ny gmtiw. my may.†End Bil lee: -w- - -.» ~~--< _ ---. - -ee" - - " I GaGa bar to lhlnl of In operation. _ and in my diam-e: I tried every malady which I thought. would be at my use to me and rnmlin" of my value of mm a. Pinkinm'u Venom“ 2tr'rf, to sick women deeided to ftt it :A ttia . I felt no discourages' (Ii-ti hm little hope of wry, and when I hogan to feel better, an" the second week, though it only meant rpm? turd; but to my mt surprise nu t a W qsininq, iiailo the tumor leached in sin T " The Command continued to mild Wt'. general health and the tumor named tfo short-ad, until, in liven month. the tumor memlvmuli I awMrmmtgttt. "tit so thankful for my mvary that t at on to publish 'ptlt,teT, in ',l.Tel'rl,flh Io 'A".'.' wmen my- Y". e! ee, T.", _,rplpierte? mm... Te" (iriik' E. m .. iiiiiN “ivy. _ 'V 'd','lTd'lcl A - H _ When women Ire troubled with irreg- ular or t2.'tl roemstrtt.tion,wmshrtetm, lrucorr an. displacement or ,tueratio. of the womb, chm. bearing-down feet. 2,k, irtttsmmtttiors of the ovaries, tmeh. nc e. Ramona. general debility. hull- gcstion Ind nermn- proorauou. they should remember there is one tried tad true remedy Lydia P, I‘inkham'a Veg- etable Compound " once removal Inch troable. fl _ _ _ . . . No other medicine in the world Mu received such wide; rend and an unli- ned endorsement Kb other magma. has urn-h . reeord of can: of {clinic troubles. Refuse to My my other medicine._ _ _ _ .. . . '"irGriiiatutm invites all sick women to write her for advice. tthe has Tidal {rum to bank. Adam â€In. , In. Health in too valuable to risk In ex- etting sun 'ttrswttt, "m,†whom were 'r,'g,'a,',e 'g"u'ttJg,'"gptu'd,ttt' Messrs. Bryn. Robinson. Shunt. GiiiimtrrrthatituL.rmtpB.P_trttttet'. "arotd. Ihtr9tattart. Oitttmetn, P,v,ttl, vegetable “WWII!“ that h a“, Johnson, Thompson, Ntreet and (m- ,o-‘n, mrd do.†allow " 'ar'i'G"di "Ila. Atter thee nutty the": had 'gttg",tl"lf,oll'dl'll'lhr'iG'= hm m: in m a mum wu- "--- I “I... - "N-o-." The following letter was written by Mrs. Kellogg. of 1028 Lincoln Are., Denver. Colon?» Mn. Pink- ham. Lynn.Mm.: Dear Mi, Pinklnm:; e-tes. in he. "to.“ on th- au- " all onâ€. (- no In“. re- aning work. - conditions on. Ha I» M to sub an we: tbe-soo-e at. at Moon- plu'ntl in! but: ell-laud and he - the that. at th- Inn toe the alumna - by tho - ploy" in m. awe-en. He "(and articular†to the bureau“ in the discipline "and the 'artoer. The†in Mitt no. tor with: - can. Next (Detour would In tho 85th minivans" ot the "rtahliahmeat at the Arm, and he expected the In; to be the most We! in its tsiuore. Mr. Killian stated that people have been akin; how it WM that the W. G. a R. tigggt did not employ " my hand: a formerly. and ques- tionedthc reports or prosperity. These people did not law! the arm‘: policy. Time year “a it was decided not. to keep any more We employedx than they had work tor, and accord- ingly the number in reduced, Ind thou who continued hue more work‘ and larger incomes. During the year gerenl employu had received otters tram other firma but preterm tore- mim here on account ot the improv- ed conditions uni the ceruinty at steady employment. Regarding com- plaints of employes, he said he was always pleased to be tohrot them by the employes, but they should Brat be made to the sub-heads ot departments who were instructed to remedy any Just complaint. _ The President continued his address by announcing that during the your "suggestion boxes" had been placed in the -\'ariaus departments tor the employes. The firm otlered to give H tor each suggestion shat was adoptai and special miles of ts, " and $2 for the best suggestions. He intimated that Fireman Jos. Shepherd had won the first and third prizes, mulling a total of $9, and Mr. Geo. Dekimn- haus the second prize of $3. At the recent bazaar Mr. Shepherd suggest- ed thatanumber oi the most active employes be stationed in various parts at the building to be ready in case at tire, which was acted upon, Mr, Williams mlerred to the thought- tuiness oi the Berlin Fire "epartmerit on this occasion in sending down two firemen with chemicals [or the same purpose. T "zscmrtpyymr-tett-1tmsrsir-atat'Emr during the last six months the _ 188 piece workers employed nine hours per day did 25 per cent. more work, and earned within “42.25 as much money as the 208 employes. The wages oi the time workers had in- creased 52; per cent. during the three years. The firm had been correspond- ingly prosperous. The stan ot travel- lers who were on the madlmm Ber tcmber 4th to Dec. 24th last year. brought in orders tor increased) business bv 850.1100. _ The mail or-, ders had increased 17 per cent. This) meant more responsibility for the, employes, as they did not desire tol employunore hands. It meant. more; 'work and increased pay. _ Betore concluding his address Mr. Williams reletred to the growth of the business at the tiran He stated that during the first six months three years ar,o there were 268 piece work- The firm has decided to spend sev- eral thousand dollars in advertising this year, which wou'ld still further increase the business and it was "up to them" to keep up their reputation as the producers ot the best goods in Canada. The placing of added res- ponsibilities upon the heads ot de- partmenis had made better business men and business women ot the ‘em- Noyes, nnd they were stile to assume heavier responsibilities. The reception of reports from the heads at the various departments proved to be 3 very interesting tea- ture of the proceedings. The reports dealt with the changes that haveth made in the departments, the amount at work turned out during the year, the present conditions, rte., and all referred to the increased harmony and good will that exists as the result of "The Right Idea" scheme adopted three years ago. The {allowing re ports were presented: Cutting Dept., Mr. Aaron J9eviit; Shirt Dept., Miss S. Kaulman; Collar Dept,, Miss L, Grader: Start-hing Dept., Mr. Harry [Badman Crimping Dept., Mr. Hunt Warehouse, Mr. Geo. Dcklcinhaus. Mr. Williams was attentively w- tened to and lrequcntly applauded by his hearers duting his excellent. and thoughtful address, . Sew-ml departments presented 1p- proptiatc expressions ot Ihrir appre- ciation ot the kindness and thought- fulness ot the firm toward the em- ployes, which were read try Mr. Geo. Scchach, on helm" ot cutters and Mampers; Mr. W. H. Gottfried, for Honors; and Mr. S. Smith iot boxing depanmcnt. Superintendent Rom, Wood read similar expressions from the starch- m. stitching atparmnrnt, running de- partment, button-hole department, the tumors: Mr. K. A. Stout. Mr, W. H. Gottfried. who has been in the employ ot the tlrm 17 years, and Miss L. Ktaehn. Mr. p'. "mixing conveyed the that: of the employes to the tirm and trav- elling and! tor the excellent entertain- ment provided For the trenetit ot the emplwyes on Thursday evening._l_t was seconded " the enthusiastic. applause nnd suitab'y responded to by Mr. Wood. Mr. Jon. Shepherd. Itrrmatt, spoke n kw words ot mun-hum tor the kindness tendered him during the year. Truman SM. Retort the ettttrttmion ot the ml- ing MM and good nah-ml warm". - glvrn by members ot the inv- rlling mu mum. Among whom won 3mm Bryn. 30mm. Hutu", "no". Bach-nun. Gibbons, Toven, in gun ". honor ot riam‘ wu- lhm. an “an; "I W. Graft That Is Encouraged Ev ideaees ot Prosperity. Reports ot Departments Prusmity Questioned Vote ot Than" Cantu-Ideal†“andâ€. Jastt, 19:6 -Pttge 3 Maya-clot: sticker Dalian m Addrcu Domain; Business tbe mulling Year,--" Members m PM“: BERLIN TOWN . COUNCIL MEET. The man: “an; ot the any! clonal Dalia Council was held Mote hy shortly site: two o'clock. There‘ in I goodly nun-er ot when iul alumnae. who evinced " haunt.l in the proceeding ot the Int session. Ttteee ten no formalities h connec- tion va the opening at the nuion' outude ot Mayor Brick", attired in his Ptim Albert. and looking every- iuch . mum, hung the chair, call-1 in; Ge whinin- to order adv plo- ceeding at once With the delivery ot his jun-mural address. _ All ttk members were [Intent and signed their “Minnie: ot 0mm" acumen," u lollovs: We expected to pick nut from anion; the nineteen who ottermi for election Where are 'amonglyis Council Bpeyt some excellent huslm-ss men, and the, mayor has a. right to expect that yet " alderman will bring your bts, dtoughts and most cheerful assistanc. on alt questions that will be present 1 to you. Election day, with its Vic tories and its defeats. is past. Let mntlemen and Aldermen ot the Town ot Berth '.- Alum mu rast cl att to congrats late you upon your success of last Monday‘s cleclicn. I am glad to ex- tend A welcome hand especially to the members ot last sear's Council, and also to the new members. .'rwo,of the so-cullrd new membcrs are ex-ai- derman, and no doubt you are some- what acquainted with the waning» of muni iCal "o.irs. ' Gcntlemen, you an. well uwan- that the citizens ot Berlin have placed a Irony responsibili-y on the Mayor, and not on the mayor only, but on e'/try aid-.rman on this Board. 'l'non are serious Questions ahrad. The cit- i ers look to Ls to so direct the mu: niciral shia at state that in meeting thcsc quxslions t new shall be ‘no mis- tal a made. ts all join hands anrw and take m the reins of omee whore our modems sors lett oft, and go on with the good work ot making Berlin the best tom in Canada. One of the important questions that will undoubtedly receive the atten- tion of the Town Cotmeit ml the Boarder Trade this year will be the inaugurating ot an Industrial Policy, similar to that adopted in Hamilton and other places. The announcement that a large number of American firms intend establishing branches in Canada, should arouse the. public men and press at our town to put forth special efforts be made to secure ii) share ot these industries. Berlin can- not anon-d to let any opportunity to secure ., new industry pass and will have to continue more than ever its) progressive industrial policy. In some other cities, notably in Hamil-- ton, large areas ot land desirable for lactory sites " acquired by the city and set apart for new industries, which. when they approach the city 'are liberally treated. There are ad- ‘vantages in such a plan to both com- pany and city. in Hamilton the rp- suit has horn many new tactories in the course of the past year. At first the scheme Would perhaps not he car- ried out so very extensively in Berlin hut sumcirmt would bc done to make a good start and lay foundations for ttttttttt progress along this thay. -mrrs/iiiirTrEii; right here, polit- ics ought to te dead in municipal matters, and r, us your mayor, wil' "and tor equal rights and tair play tegardLss ct your politics. The citizens hare chosen a Council of as tine a lot ot men as they cpulz’ Th: citizens of Berlin will view will pleasure our successful handling ol the questions. lfy so doing I tool that we have the prople as I hole at our larch and just so long; 5eiil',ir' stand for progress and a tair do wtrwilt tind Ahe citizens backing b. against all comets. __ I hope the Council and the Board of Trade of our town will consider plans along this line and tttereily keep in pare with other cities and towns. In continuing his nddrn‘ss His Wot- tchip alerted to the purchase ot (In Iterlin & Wan-rho FU. Ry., and out. lined tre rerort a! the Board " P in connection therewith as my; to the last Council. The - tiott ot incurring the market accom- modation wovld I'P‘uil't' Ge allot-Ho: mt "If Cottttcif thr, you. Sinking o! the paving ol King St. which would have to be contHered in the mar tuture, he intimated that the dchrntrns would expire in 191:7, Hr considered that preparatory to this work the Funny“ ihould scr- to it that the wires ot the lirll Telephone Co. Ind the trlotraph vompnnirs should be run-d underground. Mum. Hr considered that the hvdrant ren- tal ot the town could te Mill luerr rrllucod. There vn-ro u present 16t hrdrtots at 335 we hydrant, making, & hul of ",600, Aldermen. Other "NromrnemUtiomt wrre fo up- poittt u live commune to work n. conjunction with‘the engine" tor the "(Non of Mrrrt signs and house muttering; the employing of a public aura-gut: and to Ink the" B. & W. â€cumin! Tum! t, nuke than at the Isolation ll"!'i"l!. _ In com-limo" he referred to the present detrettittrt' dtttl amour-Hug to all In $7011.00“. and asked the ('mn- ell to br artful with "a "pettdittrres SL."" ltte tag “to " low as pm- Mt, . trUtittd to and mu MW- Ttte mayor: "Are"" '?tr'tttve- J. M. Schneider, W. V. Uttley, -V. P. Weber. Mayor Brickt-r's Address, A. 'Bricker, A. B. Campbell, U. B. Dunke. A. W. Feiek. D. Gross. Jr., C. C. Hahn, L. MeBrine, The my triad- ot If. and In "Heel " " . but... I um m If -- at lelt sympathy in their wee heron/e neat “and by the death el their eld- '" “editor. its: Eleanor. in " sixteenth yea. which took place on Frtdey “term. The deceased It“ stricken with typhoid tater ebont Christan and removqt to the B. a W. Hospital. where she was given the best medical Attention ad patent musing. but notwithstanding the we: [unable to survive. The demoed In: this!“ end heeutitul character end I Wu beloved by all he: matinee. She will be sorely mine! in the house- .hold. tht the morning ot her death the in the recipient ot the following pectin; tron s dear Mend: Balk ol the Univeue. Pu to the order at Eleanor M. Zuhor o Merry Chriatatatr lb] three banana and sixty-dive day: ot health, lappi- nesr And prosperity during the nu was, and charge to trrettm "up". n r rf. In... on». an Wednesday at the home of his broth- er, Mr. Cu! Hagen, " Edwin street. in the North Ward. His demise wu rather sudden, having passed any while sutreritm from convulsions. De- ceased was-son at Mr. August Ha- gen, Sr., ot this town, and w†in his 39th rear. He had been employ- ed in various parts of the United States until rebenlly when he return» ed and was employed " the Ontario Slugs: Co.?' Factory. He was unmat~ Every mother should know that CttamtreruUhs Cough Remedy is per- fectly sale tor children to take. " it conning nothing harmful. For sale by ali druggists. "Before we can sympathize with others, we must have trttiteted our-. selves." No one can realize the gutter- lug attendant upon an attack ot the grip, unless he has had the actual ex- perience. There is probably no dis- ease that Causes.so much physical and mental agony. or which s3 success- fully defies medical aid. Alt danger trom the grip, however, may be - oided by the prompt use of Chamber- lain's Cough Remedy. Among the temy of thousands who have used this rem- edy, not one case has ever been re ported that has resulted in pneuminia. or that has not recovered. For sale The many friends ot Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Thoman wilt sympathize with them in the loss they have sustained by the death ol their son Freeman, which took place at the Berlin a , union Hm; nu 'l'nnm n a m m 6 o'clock. The deceased sulierul irom appendicitis and underwent " oper- ation last Friday which unfortunate- ly proved unsuccessful. The young lad was in his lath year and was bright and energetic and his untimely death will he a severe blow to his parents and family. _ <geotsttreetc-amprznstis'rirriririgriirrr, conducted at the house and the New Mennonite church " Rev. Solomon Eby. The interment took place at the East End Mennonite church. The pail bearers were Messrs. J. R. Hall- man, F. Dunham, H. Belzner, A Goudie, L. Clemens, and C. For- syth. . n DEATH or FREEMAN THOMAN. CHAHBERLArN'S COUGH REME- DY ABSOLUTELY HARMLESS. The Artistic Progress of the New Province at Alberta. Ten years ago the possibility ot a college in Northern Alberta was as remote as grand opera in Abyssittia-- or a permanent professional orchestra in Toronto. But this is an amazing country and we are beginning to team _ that the.possihilities of yesterday are the netualities of to-tlay. There is such a eoltege--it is in Edmonton, and it is called the Alberta College. It gives 1 full arts course, and hos he- sides a department of mtssie.eonditet- ed on the most approved methods by no less a musician than Mr. Percy S: Hook, formerly organist ot the 1P1ti ern Congregational Church, Toronto, land a graduate of the Toronto Cor. 'lege of Music. Mr. Hook is assisted by Miss Beatrice Crawford, a pianist well known in Woodstock. Ont., Mis- ses Ethel R. Webster and Edith Web-a Mer of the Toronto Conservatory at Music, and Mr. W. G. Pldwrixht. who; studied in Leipsig. The college is come atmiated tor examination pur- working on right lines, and has he- poses with the Toronto College of Music. Last year the attendance was very large, and this year the equip- ment had to be increased. Mr. Hook, of course. knew at the name the (ionrlay plane was making in eastern Canada. but as: he had had no oppor- tunity to give the 11mm; aper- mnal test he asked Messrs. (Morley. Winter & Leeming, Toronto, to for- ward him a piano on approval. They did so. and a low days ago received a letter from Albert. College to the effect that the piano woull he pur- chased. It is evident that the College Bond and the principal ot its 'ye department are determined to have the host instruments made in iii; u-untry, even though they mny cost‘ mote than the ordinary Cinoiian) piano. l The when] of the late Freeman Thomau took place on Saturday _at.. ternoon tram his Iather's residence, DEATH OF ELEANOR ZUBER The ad nu! untimely deathprtHr When luck of appetite is caused by overeating. take Beecham‘s PM: to relieve the feeling of heaviness, When I nick stomach takes may ell desire for food. use Beecham'e Pills. They invariably tone the di- gestion and Beecham's Pills 0|“:va labia-'80“ A SUDDEN DEATH A NEW MIRACLE. THE GRIP. Cornet any -ftiif2'i2hV'2f'."Att: don with small do... at - Why not get a AT BOTTOM PRICES. Wishing Our Patrons All CHINA PALACE In . rdet to save our subscribers tho .trxmbis of making two or mom u- psrnte remittancn s we hove anadtrNteeial arrangements with the publishers by which we are ambled to oKer the. following public- ations in connection with the Chroniehs-Te1egrtsph, for one you st spminlly low rates. Special clubbing totes with all other Canadian and American newspapers and magazines quoted on sspplieuion. ""ogtitl't,',r.elTy? and Weetly Globe ant Canadian 81.†ilardwm. Stoves, Tinwu-e, Plumbing and Pipe Fitting. Store Near Post tMice, BERLIN. - - - Pile Cheap Reading for 1906 A m ill In h d i.iiiii,ii,he, n can I. e III ' vad'ity,F,i'i'it,1i,ir' f,'l'l'gtal "" _,il,,t,'r,i',i'ri'k't ll Ell II " I - non: â€Hell! 1'll',ll1gWt llalhft'J, Plum-u "ttt mm. I loan If!!! fut 1',%"rdletf,,"lt, Paw-u mm t much Mum: t u. main mmmvppmehmht o_ A We†ttt,otrstiet "my. LII-cm m. "II-"0:- of inryryrry'tatt1rtey., -T.treeet1y can four months. " Bold bull 'teq.mFer% hung magnum. New hrt on. . BL. VII-Manon. D. Sandersott's Bakery Km. at Waterloo Fun-y Hum; Bread Rolls and Fancy Cakes alway- on hand. Inn-:k or 'll-ij-if','; Don't cheap cough medl- einee. 'ilu the beat Arer's Chen!t Femoral. What I record has. sixty were of Bronchitis cum! Auk your down If he doesn't nae It for coach?! colds. bronchitis. 1nd 0 _ throat and lung troubles. "thoo Mud I.“ um btt" but munch. lulu cWMm-gsh-e! SEEM“: mum, A happy and Prosperous Cherry Pectoral . New Year . i a A. Good & Co. runner ...... _..... ..me.. ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..._. ChroniehrTehwtrttph an] weekly, Hail (with Valium; ....'l (I) Uhmnicle-Talegruph and Family Hen-dd any! ‘eekly tap _ A twlt!s gy-tnduuq -.. . vscvv.i,.. ...‘..._.__...... 3;;‘33 71-05 hung Mom Snow Shovel $171153 air. G. E. POTTER. I _ Publlsher ID aVI d Bean , Waterloo, Ont CAP! TA]. REST-_ The Glnadian Bank town] but»; but... in.- gated. _trpfeiat “and. - 0 mam Milan. 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MINTY, llama. mu "rum 10.0310- of Commerce ---$.w ---Ikvsm- (Wrath) .... 2S6 'itrrrattr........ 1.60 l journal) 1.75 Id ...... ...... 3.1K! otld.......,.. 2.59 l.............. 426 nil............ 3.25 r.............. 1.75 '.............. tm ......... .... 20w .............. no NO COMBINE. other. Publisher Phone 142 ll 0 U N () O 0 l) O