Ontario Community Newspapers

The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 15 Oct 1903, p. 4

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Iff Lu. The um um mounds ol ua' " mm of live stock. princi- w" ttTs .. an}. and hugs. no driven rr,! Ir, '- Bull.- uorly every week in Ilfi1ll yen totals-booty; station for :k ' w atmtt, In proof carton: otthe he- .E " tptor yuds. Drown an strip- E w E who" Iron: out-me points tn , li',, hu- " the present time, to be sow "-{5’h lumen ior leading purposes, ‘1: - mention in worded t'i'rtttt,'cgi;;, there mule. lurther 3.53%?"- . single chute without o yard Flag a pup ot my kind, ”out the f." inner is compelled to employ max. 5’: to hard his stock as soon u they on g, m ot the car. The renult at thi: 3.x: extra expense and inconvenience ie. ' shot shippers unload their stock. at If "itther"ttointa which should be shippeu 51": In Berlin, .nd unloaded trad sold on ' other points which should be sold in ls, Balm, . vast amount ot business 'k:, $hnn being diverted lrom the town E which properly belongs to it. as” ".' gun-u u “a tr-'-. Illlllt Yr fflt,'h'ettA2 . riitltlNflllfrtd m.‘ n ” , P" #iaeitt..'nte yum M99. 't._t"t" u- m w Illlr! pita no a. mum yuan a Iii _ , in. a eels-Una. I “in? in Wotan-u at! "tetr. Mt tin-"Ioni- mum-nor lilrb' to “mm tor the mum ot Free at”. um tut some con , , . t “In an: the nation This 'f "m [In on previous occasion ealt- Lr,' mama to we may, tor the ',iirt2t'ls' ot cutie pens 3nd chutes in In. Ike, cum. than. No. m, > , _ A. m up. :53 " 31mm. 3mm. No. E ' m. A, clothe wtilgcr. - J. Minn. Tomato, No. It, . ‘ ‘ A. in. an. . 'n 'B.+rt-.0qlt8m T"'......". antitank-nun.“ ‘wmmun " --_-a---6--..a. Th e rtbpresretttative bodies ot the (trn should me their ittfiucnce im- 'médlgtely to induce the Grand Trunk to provide livestock shipping accum- mention in Berlin adequate to an requirement. The long looked for St. Mary’s Clutch Bum: was omeially opened on'l‘nnday evening in the large “a Mutual new editiee that is nu» near iatgoomptetion, by his Worship Mayo: Eden, who deliiered a brie! address, In which he complimented the ener» Mic and enterprising committee who bad chase ot the nrrnngemcnts oi the grand event. The tttteen iiundreu potions who were in nttendnnce at the opening were most agreeably sur- prised " the beautiful sight that met their eye- as they entered the build. in. The hundreds ot ittcodescent Ugh". the Mute display of lal M colored bunting which covered mptto rough woodwork ot the (in Intent struceures, the many handsouii articles on sale nnd exhibition tur numerous other features made tin "trt one that will not soon be for gotten. 7 - On entering to the right no the Bott drink, photograph, Balm priz' II. in charge at Misa Hmctttterger, mun; throwing, hncy worn; Pom We, and doll booths, nil elegancly Jaunted. To the lett is the shoot Mgumy., 10 cent counter, uscln “We, rang, Souvenir, tloshcr am (Indy, and the tIsh-pond booths. I. thocentre is the gall] decorated um lemons wheel at tortune. All the de- wtments are in charge at numerous Ind courteous waitresses. In tht basement is the refreshment depart mt, when ice cream, cake and " Mods ot tatableq from I roast beet, to. pick]. an be Ind. IN thawing " the Wheel of F01 “no tanned In No, " winning an had-puma! cushion, md No. in, ma; no and rest, name! at INC) were and tor. _ Anturtr saiu, Berlin, io." as: 'erber. c, Quinn The Gavin; ot the list of prizes in 80:10. No. a. the [allowing were the ter tioket ttold/sr- _ MU Hui. Bettweitser, Berlin, No my. guinea}! $30_ Mung twig. ' In. um Vow. Dunn, No. as M.‘_c_.: 1:23. oak, mm: s ‘In. Jot}. Ea%y,%triut, No. no, «you. A, Iron bedstead. 't I I‘ll Eaiher Glaser. Ingenon, No, .1 I” A. lacy vat. . (to. D. poncho"; Green Bay, van. ttr I“. mm. C," no elm " the tart - oi the Legal.- " a “he” tet the Inland was and pm; the Cttutte.ueg W) tn which . bridge ot a” but In - ll maid. _ .1. his“ Dy mm- m /Mllt'fS't hi! on: ate _ an it“s! in). '0” COUNTY BRIDGI3. DRIPPING I'AGIIJTIII IT. MARY’S BAZAAR i d with . {an ”3%“; New igitittt"" "t Ctlrin"iiitiiiii.iii.'ii" J/I' ' _ . _ No"* in _ ”Tail-n 33,993' I: iGrii The Organ new.“ lobe given " the Zion Evangelical Church on l‘hurlday opening in honor oi the del- - to the General Cotuerence, “when to he one at the lawn; mus- ical event- ot tho lemon. The organ at will in Dr. Char. P. Davies, Mus. 0., at out, one olthe beat in the country. The combined Berlin and " wrloo chokl'will ling, and the ex- iellent Ohio Conlereneo gaunt” mh render several selections. Min Eve- lyn Broituupt will also assist. in the programme. A silver collection at we door. A speck] meet!“ at the Pork Bong was held on Tue-day GYM, " the purpose ot meeting a deleg- tion ot local gerttletrsen who dune to purchase Mid: Puk. The denun- tion asked the Board to mane m once tor the entire 80 acres, but " lane members ot the Board were not allpteunt no prfce wu mentioned. ud no action we: taken. Another meeting will beheld n which the matter will be (risen-Ind. A spacial meeting ot the Town Council wu held on Monday evening at which two matters received the attention ot the members, one IN which was the appoiftmertVot an al- mtntor to act on . Boirrt. or Arm- nation which into decide whether the Waterloo Tp., Council should we the uyroprutmy rights to we awn to ml. . thes to nuke neces- sary improvements to its sewage dis- poaal systuem. His Honor Judge Chi; helm we; the Council‘s “momma lhe second “on m the unending ox ararolutittat electing the P. a u. St. Ry. out; to.» at the, nan-yd no “W h the stun-10511000. not “mumuhun to men-ow. the mom; ot the Ind-1mm Commute. will be NOW um mm. by an wept. It. Ant" mm tatrghtated yummy that be when“ mum; up quit... put] to Berlin on two at the company'- an- Lumomlu togire a. people here u “in of tho m Mm. they are turning apt and he hopes to heubk to rennin tore, until mum: us put mo delttgite It”. - Mayo: Eden explained that on the advice ot Chairman Honsberger ot thr §ewet Committee, he had culled the meeting. Aid. Homberger had been called on professional duty, and his Worship and the object of the meet- In; wu to pal n try-ttor Bppointing minimum mm on . Board oi Artsttratitat h decide whether the Lovmship should grant 'rzpropriatory rights to the town in order that the e6rporation could utilize it for sew- age farm purposes. He along with The "sata- lasted but twenty min utes, and Mayor Eden, Aida. Coca rune, Brieker, Weber, Collard, Klan]. Gross, and Brawn were in attend- \hnirgian Honsbetger turd waited um on the Township Council aid naked " these accessory rights which the township must give beiore a sewage farm could be established, but they had been refused, His Worship was of the opinion that lithe Township ('orncil had been composed oi busin- as men instead ot tanner: the request mo ld hue been granted. rite Municipnl Act provided another course for the town to pursue. and that was to resort to orbitrntlon in which the Township Council would he torred to act. There v.5 only one mention in we Hey-Ry ol Berlin un- able tor the "tatMthrrteat oi the pro- ilooec new never mm "stem, ‘nnd alone“ In being mode to secure an option on " um. l _ "a mam l Mr m T Io '.,aFM, My . - m . M I. I 3.1 luv ”ply. out-[twat an: m. In! nu in“: lab b Ute lime ot tut-u, - inch ad catch-:3 Mount an um“!!! no: "in. Tum” wld at tom " to linen-um. arm and “chm” " (tom " to " WNW .Alithe'mrtt.g. Uttqrarradtbduio-ot" at“. prion. .' The br-law I” given its necessary tending: 1nd his Honor Judge this helm was selected " the town's re, pmenunu on the Bond of Arbi- tntion. . It vu moved by AM. Kant. soc- ohded " Aid. Went, that the mo- "tttttt passed by thin ledl on Aug. lulu, nos. “chm; an this Ctunt- Mt In at the ttNntetet tttnt tit Hahn a Berlin m. Ry. Co., Limited, than nu m ot “momma. lot we run. a man. It: tul- ny within no nut lawn» at no haw-pl 'Ntuth,'1 And the - in Dairy atitttg a. ht no "and a. goal and an Ihrthr' tht, can. _to an: - a." . "', um nnve Pr""'. on BaP0'Po0."30, ‘ml m d'mmlnw 73m puma-a ot mum its ml "I; by mout- In an an“! ol my within the and mtmieipalitr ot " II! in“ a! ttrrtr- u. mm ot Berna, M. be up“ the 1t"'ac so...“ in Wall amu- hereby mended try arifrtg if my tMot w mi other at the until.“ a. Sun a! iiii'UG? “hum-um. was Wait. “I 'roe6,tosrrrrte tt00t9eohsgteataatAettMr-hrd Mm om" an. Im at id- 0- mmmuhn-uo-IMII likahd.‘ _t'.r,t_ mun» muh u- 1ta1'ltg? fl't'tfGt It,tttt nu MI - in! _. t . T nun-In m a. - tun-ma .. c "h. (t. t1'ltt,t1tt.rRUttl'ta,'t SPECIAL COTNCIL MEE USU. " Amendment th The election ot the editors at the Chrixtuche Bot-whiter an! the Bunsen“! Mes-eager, at patent hold by Reva. G. Hdnminer and ts. P. Sprung, respectively. multed in their reappointment, the tonne! re, setting 89 rates, with seven Votes sutured smong other ministers end the latter receiving " vote- with 18 scattered votel. The keeneet contest took place in connection with the sppointment oi asuccealor to the hue Rev. F. U. Aimmermam editor .ot the German .ditions ot the Evugencel Magnine, .sundey School and Y,P.A. liters» ture. Since the death ot the iormer. editor, Bishop Wm. Horn filled the incancy. The election was a. close one end many candidates were xoted ior, but the contest was chielly be tween Iuvs, C. Stable: and Cr, Ber- stechet. Two hellote were requirer ndnreechoioe was made end Rev. U. .steebler we: elected, hulls; received n votes, one more than necessary ior " election. Rev. Mr. Bersteclier secured 39 votes. The new editor is ebrother ot Mr. J.M. Steebler, of Berlin, end ism old Berlin boy, REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE CORRESPONDENCE COL- J, H. LAMB, PUBLISHER. The next election wu that ot Pulr "ttor. During the lat three or four quantum!“ two Publishers. have been in my and bunny Rma. R. mam ud J.H. Lamb hue held the Jual ttttice. The General Conlerencc I RW days Ago dou'dcd to have one Publisher, In to Appoint his many ant. J.H. Lamb wu elected by 1 large vote. _ ' EDITORS REI-ELECTED. - REV. C. STAEBLER ELECTED Aim mow m m d06- tioo at In 'ret-ded with. Formerly but was damn but a. WORM. a. . previous session to- ducoj tbs-umber to that. Bishops town; one. a present wen geqt- ectod on the [allowing vote: w. Hot: 18; 8.0. ammo! IO; 1'..an- mu M. 03m heaving vote- was: 5.1.. 0mm 17; B.P. Spun; 28; a. Bel-mule: " Prob mum u; W.H. Burl: 8; Ben. J.0. Buli- te, R. humor, U. Show“, A. Karla, and a. mum met: teeth- ed on. ma. Bin-o:- ”on, Bray- topt and Bowman use duly clonal Bishopl tor tho hut quadrestnittm, etch having received the uncanny " votes out " out. Them In tour ”hook embnoer. in the MI scheme of the Eung- ellcd Correspondence College:- The School of Theology, the RmdmgCir- cle. the Bible Schoél and the School ot Normtst Studies. I-4he Evnngeiical School ot Theo- logy is intended for _thc preachers oi our church and such of other denomi- "tiorta " duke to unite with us in than impbttsnt undies. Ten depart- menu have w organiied in School of Theology. The names of these dc, pnrtmcnts nnd the number otpretush- en which have been enrolled are as muowity-. Biblical Theology Frm... ...... . Historic“ Theology, __.... ..F.._ . Systematic mud Docking] .r.... . Faction Theology ...... ...p_. w... Meettl who": 'tyt Wi‘mnllhy Ch. 00v. and Parl. Law. ...... . Eng. Lam. and manure. Sociology _..... ...__. ...... .mm9q. .qq. New To". Greek. _..... '.pwBq T... Hebrew ..._.. ...... .t... ..e... m...... _ Law “I. - - widtid was it! no gum We!” hotel-u ".ttrttgitrtotttiiittttq -"" 'rf,/'ar'l"t't'Jdr't, In. vu _ W. BttttiMt= ”falling dt In“. no“. to u out“ an tho that m. the mum. ab ncut! “(kWh-W. mEvu‘olicu-w, Ev li- cal Gama Inputs. and” is»: and Y. P. A. mar-tun. Ch. Gov. and Parl. Law. ...... ...... " Eng. Lump and manure. _.. an Sociology _..... ...... ...._. .mm9q. .Tq..F... " New Test. Greek. _..... q..... ........ " Hebrew F9.m.. ....F. .t... ..e.P. ...v.mP...m. 18 "Ttte until-l number ot the men! students nowln tho School of Theo- logy who m " won in (IM), one hundred ad um. [our premium otthe ChttrqA:-P.C. Burger. ot the Mlchlgu: Contra-u, G.A. “and; ol the than Calm, G Mtg“: and P. Serum, We! the Illinois Cum. In" empla- ultbomkolm Schoold Theol- 4:.me I." no. graduated with The Ink: mull (tom the” tg_Wh ' nugnn (It?) Officials EW%§y' “may 'lltimittgstRtM0rhrJ. C. WI an m 'ttthi ops For Next Pour Ya ELECTION or. 31311095 31 " " 20 The total number ot emailed stu- dents in the dillerent animals of tht CorretrpundeetmrCauege since its or. unimtlon, is three wound seven hundred and sixty-two, (3782.) Be Ween three and tour thousand vel- uuhle book: have, been pieced _into Bunsen“! lumen" d than alt the Word or 001.1(th believe has found n Inger piece itt' the bum Ind live- ot many of our EN01gelittl peo ple. The Outer“ Coueretttn shall div”: an aggregate mount. required for the support. ttt tin Bulw- mm; the ur. In! Corttee- u the bui- ol the an.) moan and In the unpacme mud Cor-lemme- lord} preachers gal-nu ttot incl-ding; mulch-:1 gm propeUttottt. EA-a-at Gotham mu nine its daMgotaMd atrtoiatt ao- oonlin; to it. on: human. and p.) itto the mmv- ol an Episcopal land. " Clevel'uld, o., who than my 11:“onde u: the an an Contact” cl he mu Icahn. Ann-l Goals-n- h “in. In“. gun as -rotad I‘m-nu Em '-Thie amazon: m haunted by the until ‘0!"the lut Geneml Conlerenoo. lb named actual "no pnetiul form glint two yen: since The need at 5.8. Normal Studies is so appurenc that 'stgtuttttrtt is super' tluoutr and imMetirrr, or the subject presuppose: althet ignorance or Ind" lemme. Five hundred and nventy~sevcn con. attute the present enrollment clam. dents. The has that some puton en- roll classes without identilying them with the Correspondence College is not quite in keeping with the notion. of General Conlezence, and deprives those claws of the trenotit a! nu central direction all helpfulness. - _ SCHOOL. 8-ahe some at Bible Hurling In; thesehottt cont: 3 period ot _those was; two of which “a Mom to twain! all My “lady at tto ANd Tubman, m to the New Tuts- mem. Tho mm In. burn you summing. Swen hunk“ ml! ginn- two my}, _ "Lt9duirtu my." otttirQ F.-.' _ unwitting“ and ftve I ti a IN the lee- ond ha,t at In on “than“. And two “alumna! (than (1015) "tre New Tuument, In ‘1.- ot we hat nut. 'trt1rteres mg... 'tt Hy enrolll u" mom and ther y euhhl is other members at the family to We use ot the when pm: ot study, these iigures might Be multiplied without doing' violence lo the In“. . Ayytther. tact need: to be noted, um am Is, that than who luvs entered the when! M obtained the plans and methods at and!» on use", and a number dom,‘ them in tuttiseqtteat years. than prolonging the iMuettee ot the Ichool beyond the years ot aw tun! atudent enrollment. Hilltop: sum". 7 [ The uluy ot the Bishops shall he Apportioned to the various Conxpreno a and collected by them wording to the lollowing puny _ V non.'in one an and minim ml to rule a. name mount than “90mm tbrdeitett an" be paid by the Publishing Home and 'edtststeri trom mun-u cm in“ f,'.'ttuNtffs',i"'L'i't.'"dfi Th “1. "" tgethrpttg.erert/t: Ila-this In which mum-lab” " mummumxn‘ P, any and dual-m Wilmingiggmn THE 'EVANGELICAL NORMA] SCHOOL. ' r- PARTIAL REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON REVISIONS. PM You ...... ... ... ...... .....' 1% ttrut'"- In. pan-tam mm In t',tL"1'itl'.tt Tu 'ttttlt unim- ttr, . . "3th ”out "9'“ (1,000).- Bmo ot a. nut“. boon required, we the “Induction ttt Bible and Normal Studies tht Readittq Cimh ha pnntkdly and“ [In at“. . . THE EVANGELICAL BIBLE. an, 4.0. and“. t _ has. an. Bella. In. um. Mao-uh. 1mm“ Inn. m MtNae. , t _ m uncommon. "GA exams. '% L ET“! M some pun F Id. new it... Thu gttttttt Hum, at mean. was. at“? it. seven] yam ' , iiiFui'iV".i,".7... '.',',r.'w".'. ":2"? B, 'rdt"le1?iW.iririr.t'. hi. ’5 , YOUR COMMITTEE ‘TT H _ L Juan “in! hedistitrg.iatted Mm " many in than!» yea: N 1mm. Hit btttA 0! mm, "UM Janet od M," Ml munch will“. His -trt “gob-Io amummm. But “him-llamas“ work "I gm M? WM attge 'a-dv-_-q, no In... an a." 1mm _itt2tg.'fgt."gAt',g'tggt- a; ”A“. ge.'."",',"', "rm...-..-.,. I new ‘d -.|I.ISI run-Noun“ ttttels' wUCHm-. - ".. Al . macho: ttt the 00-ch he was pro-eminent He combined pro- fundity ot thought, win [acidity oi shaman, tenor oi Bpirit with uimne- and sell-possession in deliv- ery. Ho plucked the Gone! with the the truth: at the plan orealvatiott in their entirety was "traordirtarr. His mucking Watt diBtitteUr Cttrutologi- on memo» was buttressed with eitatiotm from the Wort M .God. His ordination mm were muhrpiec- a ot nonunion "stem and noted oratorr at the molt. serious gnu tig- aitied hype; His Inga-go w" .Ivaya wall and menu, chm. no we! spoke without preparation. Hr was never "my, lever fliet, my- a moment“. In the but at mreot in; m that! a great ocdmlonc of " mil. unduly when trent- hn (“0'10 'ztratrtediatarr, height: of cleaves-cc. Ho hurled mun. Truth, with the time ot . Titan: His great noul glowed m trembled with he enmity oi funded mm... He seem- ed " “up We “and II m inner (ample oi mm. Invention, and to I. admitted late munch ol WAI- m. " uvmlorood‘l Word "rdttsttmtiMstJtithut m lupu- nto- all WM. nu 1W to Ill mm. and ‘u . prune ek- mnt ll tlitre-r m which in you“ wrong” cum In an M at In m. H. We ,rttb m "ttse'" d I. who how an at; - _ A and return, deubu, Tan; and re am, Shaw. Uymytr, at] Tf'"?, Regina Aug. And mum lid] be ma 5} the Minion-n Society. but mun 'tn'vdlhg -sets of the Bishop: within the bound- ot out Euxopeu 'Confm and of than on the PM Count and in Texas, and in the cm North West shall otttte Bishop. dither by colleéwns be pad out o! in collections reodwd at an vuioul matching appoint- mntl All the mum; expenses re- when; by the Bishops in'vlsmng our wort in but)“: lads, skull be paid by the triwoetary Society. 3--Your committee unanimously re- .olnnknCI that three Bishops he elect- ed at this Collie!” tor ttm coming quadrenhium. . - . A Ag REPORT OF THE COHIJTTEE ON THE EPISCOPACY. Mu: duo and are dbiitreration, the Committed on tttrr%siacopaer ne- sires to submnto the General Coir. ference the (allowing “an: tor your morable consideration ad auopuon. I-ont each Mon: Bishops shall recehe galaxy ot $1500.00 per year, and in addition he dltall recche 8300, ior hound rem. _ . “s- w. recommend tut the election ot Bishops. an plane on next. Tues- day morning, immediately dug the approval of the mum of the pm 91130:: ftt. _-__.-__.... 'h-e-ood..'. Giv- u - yin- I te?.eAert"ttl GI REPORT ON MEMORI ALS iri'rAlid'2),t .. , Aeuttttt'tttir' _ 'tttae-hs-ii/it?"))')?'; s',',,1,1etu'titi",,'et', 1',t mm mm- thu ... or tudtrlt. 1rt.tut "T portions tttetttrBtore. _ 7 we}; M13; .UM "21rdTLat You Inks thumb! up u iijosnll. ioiiit COMMITTEE. YOUR COMMITTEE. £21! totat “to Church ha tttnt ”my ‘lIl-clrhthl,'udlnoblo m tttGttd Mtr taut-ll mm annual to in: - “In a! (any so - um- ”nu-h; so fit't) than. us. 'ted than! “Win “MI 'aetremartm d '"T m. I. In! " was ' phw 'Bere"; In Children'. and Missed we Show an ,sstettitiit; my large range. C / s 'tir / 5-“: These good- have been "tttttnd Mi . 'tttti' , 'tiii1ifiitiiiiiii I in the Lasadlrrtt Fuhionuhtmm and rillttti , #F" clic'j/1l.l) the newestdettigr" for this mi tttqt'. .u "s,'aiire':'),t,' C, I-i,',,,,:;).-).)';.",, Camden and band tmeeaetttqimrttrtt" Mene Dede“ ' ' b. Rhereor, The (M Bishop ru- dered ”comical! Denice to the um ot Christ; Thematic, Ruched. 1, That we, an '01qu Conform othtte [Sundial Assad-tine male lolemn mot! clout was“ no:- rov " an amt Ion. an out when church, mi; Evangelical Ohms- nmlom, br_ve {III-Mined E: ttte. death o: Mop Ether. _ uu-mi In! mun-cum. alum." humus- Every style la slim an an ifit)t9tl!ii!t "'d (ra?.,,,!!!!,,!,;,-.')?),!! In to the semi fitting, . 1.i, ", A. li, ',l"d'aii,'s'.','. "?stltifr. K the Head ot the Church. to remove from labor to mind. " the hand ot death, our beloved and warned Bi:- hop John J. Eaher, toe so may yeunthe Senior Bishop ot the Ev- age‘lcnl Minion, end at the time of bu deattt “molded Enjoy in go- the service in Ansertea; and, " Racked, That we mm “I to God lot 1min; given on: aim ouch . Ma and louder and tor mun; eotttittttqd and an.“ Mn tor so lumen-I at when It!- vlcatomc ”mun-d in. a! attmim'ntrati" would. I, Racket, rm - ol the [violation in found“ to Nu m. who nut-No loch: EM. We we: to nan-o to up“, In In. that Bro. Ct P. llama, who.‘d|oe ll", m udehqata ot an“! Calm all to! an) yen-u full-Nu m cm “In at a. when-II Canine-or, mm It». butt: ot "ma - att-ir-tstir.," the aw a. In mm 14mm u: - um ”human-mace: 1Aisiartiaht M. Short box back Reefers, three (with: teutt:eiri'r"iif)'tg Ulsters. in all weave: and Me, at any: 'ree/tir'-')),':)',','), prices. . _ T _ t , jir1ri',tvl' MRS. Q- tyrEUERNAaEL't Don’t Forget Us’lhiring FALL Friday and Saturday Bricker , Diebel. REV. 01. ZIHIBRHAN They emphasize on: 'sndemtttt in “km YOUR COIIPM‘EE September 25th andiia6th andfoliowing days. King st ' Millinery Opening IW, (a an. “ii The Mantle Season. may " Insulated by In lumen- ad ape-shuns. pm mt "ree- uhlo alumna. .- Tovudl " umm- i. an}. unwed . and, taxman Ill smote; tti-thott; hymn- nu cums, mango and wales, m an pm - ol use wolf. In wud. "mp“. without) or Mum,” “who mu- mmy up“: Haw an pm at. bum-rum, ”new: had man. new; by Man male“ and loun- what "and, hm 31:30me as. we: ”new“: mauled u hull-m. bu um mmmty mu main: my m . loom, mum“, um has”, erg-xawt‘ m to: m In“ In nub. mum, ugh My, which dogma: p1 tramp- oomu to: a. hung um .10:- "0ahetimd,soNdlM.Hetio- _ with nanny .70. at. inn also: an updated by taxman with, can!“ in gum. who to: ulna-u my mum bun-nu wall mm“ a: in My. jaunt. That "a" club. n- 30“qu bout u m rum. - ummm Fm 'Noirtoeter*ttrde “mg-Emu aseimia. In» Wm. "an.“ mammoth h: ’Lio‘mumua-u a mama-mama. medium-“Inn - tet, Win holy Mun-on, owning an: In: whim um ”4‘0"" In land] I. m I m “and, all g M ta- M. not. loving heart In Iva-t Almond-antennae!” "mail". tuna-IAIN! amalgam-m - -aniae0et.1',tntAetttli.'rttte- m Antoni-! 0.00. an 6...me o. who.“ “lbw-Md 1mm Waterloo. A. "v 4 'rr-" a . a. ttlla,

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