Ontario Community Newspapers

The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 27 Aug 1903, p. 3

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EBANKOF HAMILTON 5%" an“) OFFICE, mourns“. {it Mun 0mm - $2,500,000 *:: ’luurvo Fund - $2,250,000 ii,, At-at hum“ humou- done. Got. EY - undo. my: lmod ynynb‘vvin .1) i ”d tho Mala-1 at in: MM: tn me ‘54“! nickname: Internal. moved (or f .)-ro-din s-vlngu Bulk or would iig».carter’s Little Um Pitts F _ "It“ "atttM. edt'.,',,',,?,?," DEPARTMENT. »Mon¢y can be sent to all parts at the wand at tnthag cost by on: drills and money orders. A - A. Jjiils malts a; aosotutely safe nn’d In: guarantee that the money will be [up may to lhc right patty. . cy it to place"! m nus department. The rate ot interest may seem small when compared with that promised by speculators, but the m- come Is at least certain. . -i'ravtfisrs Cam /Lctiasetirctuag Notes, winch can be cashed every- where mtnout ctsrge,peras"tal iden- taicatsoa otyut y laud oi trouble. l SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. The safest qy to invest your mom cr_iy to place t.m this department, Remember that the money ts per- tecuy sate and Inn you can get n when bl"' want u. 63.3w" and upwards lecewed tuterest added twncc a year. THE BAHAMA?! BANK ©APIrAL...... ......0B.'70O,O00. REST........... ..... $3,000,000, HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. A general Banking Buumuu traaB- noted at the WATERLOD WANG“ 'MILLINERY. Deposits of one dollar and upwu-an waivedtn the Savings Bank or on $rotsitu Deposit and molest rate of mate“ allowed, “Ian: and Money Order! issued 0: I go; in at Iowan ma. Special hummus paidto the Milne-cot {mum and oat of town customer; Blank News for tanner- Idu applied tree on Application. The Liaisons Bank. REDUGED We have reduced all our te.' some half price, some s. All untrinimeed hats "8'fi each, nit: a variety of child- ten I muslisrhats and bon- net: at 5oc. The M18888 Fahronbaeh, Mill- - next door to Snub Bros o-o-oo', T. R. HAINES, Agent, BERLIN - Ion! 3"“ " a..gtso-.g-_ 'v.. LEAPER BROS ' 0F MtiratiitilE F. C. G, MRNTY. MAIAGBR. Wells D'rllled . . All kinds of repair- mane at tunable was 'Igdllllh "polled. "maroon-nan In 1866. cum!” JACOB BISPELSE. m Wanda: and lad-VIII” t l There the DH at the which previou . quot II. I] mm J. KN " and Pram may H. RM - “II ' 'el': _ I . I 2-5! __ , I on Sunday and my very “litho- tary. 'w 7 "ttr. A. ','ttt2Nt n - houu my to a Dad. in» "Mlarattttlitel'h or. . u ‘U _ Ad, mm “its NI dmm *1. High Conn d June. will on: in Began on 1“}. Sam-int 0th. with tua Lump Chm! June. l-‘nlcoahnd‘o, vim-7, 7 - Ix. 1s.W. Clam.‘ ol the Uw ilrm at Chant a 01mm, M1113“. In been ”nomad Commusiont ol the PM tor the County at Water- loo. _ T “a. DI. and Mn. sum uni hunky will lave this week on . dr1w ing tour Waugh the Nissan Pann- Balar. Ther will be absent. “out two weeks. Mr. Find)" I. Want, who has been holtdayusg in Berlin tor may ween, returned on. Sunny to To- ronto to resume " reponial duties on the Mn] and Empire. b' 'lhe new prosyectua oi the Berlin Busmess L'ohege will be manning to e cry Young man and woman who retognizes the importance ot getting the right "art tor success. Seat tree to any addrets. Messrs. Rom. Smyth uni H.L, Jun an returned home trout Montreal on Friday owning, when they had been attending the hm; Congress ot the oi the insect pests which destroy plums ant Similar Iruits in this hr cality, may be seen at the orchards at Min/c. Elly. south ot Berlin. Mr. ery IS a carcuul observer ot the hate _ts' and growth oi Emit trees, as well as their enemies, and is suc- cessiul in producing to perfection, yluuis, apricots, and Vuious other units oi this description without be- mg worm eaten or otherwise sponen by pests. The beucufs oi agraylng mm. trees as a protection against. the rgvages dumber ot Commerce. Mr. Smyth says It was 3 tery utrerrsting and Important gathenng and the [asexu- Lions that were adopted Will have 1 undo thgluenctt in the future Regular “on affecting the British Empire. The pnncipal of the Berlin Business College is makmg preparations ior the largest iall class in use history oi the college. ’lhe success ol this school is well deserved. Its graduates occupy excellent positions. It is one of the well-known Federatcc, Colleges and euloys a distinct advantage ir, hang a member at the Business Ear ucators' Association of Canads. The opening day is Sept. 1. This week J. U. Clemens, & Co.. will amalgairate their Berlin and New Hamburg stores; the Berlin bus- mess being mosed ?o New Hamburg, T he store has been rented by Messrs McColl dt Co., oi Owen Sound, who have conducted one of the leading dry goods stores in Norman Ontario, The store will be renovated and beautitimL and promises to be a ce- cided addlt'nn to the present dry mods stores in Berlin. A Very pretty house wedding took place at, the home of Mr. tsnd Mrs. Peter Paephe, Waterloo street, on Wednesday evening, when Miss Mel- Ind: Johannes was wedded to Mr. Henry bronun. '1he ceremony was periiormcd by her. H. Gruhn, oi New Hamburg, owing to the illness of Rev. F.. Von Plrch, and the young courie had the honor to be the first to be married try who rev. gentleman, The bride was the "cipient of many handsome guts, shown; the high CB- teem in which she was held by her many mm. Mr, C. H. Mills, the genial am popular mange; qt (LB, Ryan & Co‘s store, ot this town, returned on Tuesday trorit his two/months' por- chasing trip to the markets in Eng- luld, Scouaud, Germany, and Bei- gium and reports having had . ver) enjoyable and Successful trip. Mr. Mini made \ery extensive purchases, on this trip, and some oi the goods nre already awning " the store, mm: Mr, Milis wan 'ery busy he tound time to observe the general trade and accinl conditions or the OIC Land, and says tut none ot the countries are to te co'mpnred with fee, during those growing units, ami In never sun or inner: . town or city that he would sooner be I citizen of thm’Bctlin. "There is not a town like it," is Mr, Mill‘s opinion And he ought to know. There V“ . good attendance ol the Director' 0! the Hoapitat Tmnt n the meeting on Friday evening, which had been adjourned on two previous mum owin; to Pl, of , quorum. Then preit wen Men- tu. W.H. Kiddo“. CI. Nahum, D. Him, Ed. Smyth. Aug. R. tang, J. Inna. R. am, J.B. Hugh- " ad P. Hugh. In the the»?! ot Fri-fans J.c. menu-pt, m w “.3 In. gamma, Mean. I. IT (all and C.P. Nut-II - '0... [yo-Mon [no tem. Account: hum-mu me " m. nun-1 EVE-m to g ttregtUr t out y.- M tdl'lil't't%S2l'lel , h d “I Va. "can! "on: NEW DRY ‘GUODQ' STORE RETURNED FROM EUROPE Berlin News I FROMM-0 OllANNES HOSPITAL BOARD n o. 5am! dis-u. l'i,at. inn“. bl. - m ' win: no Rut->809“ “an no: gt. but - M thr' Mull. “plant. tte no Will. - ta with m . Mm wan; cue a} M.“ mat-to 01 than ”in“ dam; that: y-n. run.» “A It. . mgvmluCMWMehuu enter upon " was planning! t eutesuU u. may. Aboat' zoo Baum- took in in View Ream gun: by It. Mme. Poute n the B. a B. Puma n Bridgeport on Sunni” owe-1‘. ML Pom. payed in MI mm elallllx mum, and Wu moored um I.» 'eul nonunion. In. Ea. Sebvueito ex sustained he: rmuhon u 3 pop uh: reader which lbs and on hes first .ppeuanae in Berlin A wee ago. Uwabg . to notth engagement an. Julius Zeke: did not ram ttu is.ilion until the recital was out Mm e. Zulu Med tte gocompun menu in " ”cannula manner. Yiosia Ream He: by Mr. hunk til I'll-Nu who took in If s"fi",8taliiii,,i'l?.1ii?il1ii:a'"y Poue a. the k a B. "viii-t I d'tst kip to Pluto. In the new i . A 'ttrec Bridgeport on Saturday mung. Ml. mu: at, m In MOMS}. . . Pom: played in um um anemia. 01 3 Mount and hen equipped "==i=====,=a=s===cariua--- runner, um wu gnteored we: a» a Dominion. costing in the uni - i-. an"! an] solution. In. Ea. Sctittr hotbed 1 8,000, vu- Mayor t tu', out“; no. tue,,', p t ex unnamed he: "mutton u I PoP R. a“, AW. C. Bun, J. F a. GU 5. I“. tn “be. mug. uh! reader which the and on hes annual“, D. Gloss, Ir., C. hr“, mt returning In tsrentr “but. l first nppeuance in Berlin . wee J. Hath-g, W.H. Collud, V. b _____._ . 350. (Ann; . to another engagement data, ad J. Cochran. Ttttsn Cler w Mr. Julma Zena: did not reach ttu H. Alettar Ink“ Clerk M. Much 00081038 "l,2." CHAXIPIOX 15.11101: until the team: was our. argue. glam. 0.11. mm, U. n. T . Mus e. Zane! Med e gccompuu' mm. a. M. Dab“. A. J. ttom, . - ' menu in " 'u'lt,S,tLtf,'2'1. C. L. Panel, J.S. Lemma, J. lip-"‘h_ for the .ootaidets! Am , _-- ----r-- (AIM. C. Hath“, CE. “than“. A. an 7 Jieg'gdgg,if,', This pluck} FUNERAL or C. A. AHRENS. Em, J.H. Foluenbuh, J. Meister, mung and an hTu, composed o The lunenl ol m late cum; A tim. $eotnye, D.B. Detweiier, R. o'er the human], Tdl', tfn" nl Ahrens sr was heid End: ii CM' Adolph Mater. and tin looted ntout u the 'fh"u,'lll - It from his iid residence in: cor. "e" 'Tr,t'glui,l"ird on the ca: ‘nm ot the Twin-Cit h I'i'l, Ber ot Courthutd Avenue” n1 Benton. 'rtmt it Arrived in tlin were Mea. throughout the new: I! :huumutu "I Street to the New Jonathan 'len irB, John Patterson, ot Hamilton an extr- one on 'l)1',','lid a; ttnrt ple thence to Mount Hope Le. cut. WN. Todd, President ot the an A “Vin! tied each ther ' th (gm! Gi, semcea were lax cl r u I', a it P. R" Co. Harry Edgar, Mayo nled serie- both J ms Ln” e s e. the numerous 1'iu'l,',el% 'l' l', so' vorhu ot Hamel“, “I Electrical- nun RUN: lrd 1T'll, “in? C,' and the beloved lam)! when“: Matthew Kirk-00d And Jos. '1homp meh the points: ' g m lo es of the u A my.” ye Le BOB, who ottiriated " motormm an The Ame wu- l t d F id I (vezye ls i h la“ la ’1: fy conductor retrpectively. cn the " rou 2:51; t1'l1d"'J,"'l, mm 1-2:" new at. L, l in” 1"2, he f“ tum trip the jolly, crowd Wu ac ttt tld":,",,','."),",' W 'C/!,'ll",'ll',", condugted b "I' f" c m were ompuled by Mr. J.E. Mum, M the Nathan's w ii u"". , _ ev. left Taonr. P., And Mr. F. Ihess, otthe Kress 'enti t hr TU, Inc P m Tr, tt'lttU1,e1'e)se1,1d//ttyi'tu,Te"e,t, a... but :5 .1. 2.23.3; 1iTInrs'tgi1,icid and two sous-in-law ot the deceased, r.',h,','1',u','l', 'el/d. 2.3%: .a: 111ttr,'et,."hti'e', t.N..a1t)tyy. l 'iz-Chas. A., Henry .1., Albert. E. and Herman E. Mucus, and J. M ochneldet and Geo. Hachsun. The facttt bind in the English Army, belonging to the oldest regi went in the Army, the Coxdstrun Guards, sairs lor Canada, next 'ttturs day, and Merlin is to be included In the list ot clones visited by this great organL'ation. Mensrs. Wm. Nous Geo. Philip, and other prominent cit izens Interested in the 29th Regimem Band nre making arrangements u bring the Cohistream Guards here or. Tuesnay afternoon, Sept. 15th, tht concert taking place in the Slutinc Rink. Thiswnll be the greatest mus- .cal tour erisr undertaken in Canada, and it will be under the direction 01 Mr. Stewart Houston, of Toronto. PM End comes to Toronto in its complete regimental strength of " musicians, with Mr. J. Mackentie Roan, bandmaster. They will be aty computed by a very brilliant young contralto in the person ot Miss Kathleen Howard. It is "the first time in the History of the country, that leave has been granted a Regi mental Band to visit Canada. They play in Toronto at Massey Hall on Monday, Sept. 7th, appearing at tht Dominion Exposition on Tuesday morning and afternoon, Sept. 8th 1nd then proceeding on tour. There is going to be somcth n3 do in; in baseball circles in the Water- loo (‘onnty League before the chem» pionship is decided, especially it Ber- lin continues its winning streak as it has in the last tive or six games. The loo-ls are putting up . good an ticle ot ball. end on Snturdny easily out-played the plucky Preston team. The season is nearing its close an Berlin has but two more games tr play, one with Galt and one witl. Preston.‘ln order to have a-looli-in. tor the championship Berlin has ti win the two games to tie Galt, an" then the championship will hare tr be played all by these no turns Galt has been extremely lucky, ha ing been given . gane beta Ft? Try lin failed to mare railwa: rrn mi tt at Preston on July lat, ard they Galt won tour gowns by default 0 account of llts;e'cr dropping out o the league, Berlin has played all its games excepting two, Galt plays in Berlin next Saturday afternoon. There in: a. good crowd at the game with Preston on Saturday, not a Yew of the trrectators being Gall picniekeo, who desired th size up the coming ehtunpicns. The reliable Billy Schilling was in the box for Berlin, and was . decided puzzle all throughout the game to the Preston batters. He held tlm'n down to six trite, 8“. but one int 'er his base on bells, did another wns hit by n pitch- ed hall. He received unusually good uprort in the field. the itttleid par-i ticirnting in two tut double plus. and had Gaol Englert not been injur- ed in the preliminuyt procure. the two error: with which he is crediber would not have been made. Gran played well ht short', but he had tn make his um] high throw to lint which won responllhle tor I run. ‘Heirnhecliu for Preston, is no long- er the Chinese puzzle to Berlin Int- tcrl that he used to be, and on Set- lMu. nun oug'of the nine hotter: new!!! hit. cl " delivery. Wig- gly, Kuhn at Oran gutting tim- “I. Billy Schilling end Martin Ill. id to can.“ ulcly. The (enure- ot th were till Mtt.t.Wttqttetyt hita ol %G'll ad Sailor. the former no u clan Jun over impugn incl. whib the latter went down to the can“. WA __----, ”new, sit lat yen: gradtsab- a d h Mil tsr,', Coins. in. it. In positions. " a “I. erti Mitt. Mel "ie h an 'ttrfrye 1ttry' Pt BERLIN WON FROM PRESTON RECITAL " BRIDGEPOILT COMING 1‘0 BERLIN." 'trr, 9 my Limo! Thu-u it»? In“ our.“ mil. Lulu a “on Lu. tlt, _ a.“ “an. un- che-n mu'tmtxtuq~ & "" titemt km“ (chug-Q on up! an lain a." \0 tctt,' and u h In.“ to t. “in lun' 0.: be its any“! kn..- ut a. [at uh a to nun-tau. This as. up an an a " but by unu- a. 0.00“» a at P. t M. " ttr. .0.“ than we low-I. Old not. . a“ W Wt 00 journey bullion-PW " -adectd- a com to an tummy. at their match". ad - to show not Tell no work In an. The new car uni (d in Berlin n 1,330 on Friday e-emng, and m tht cynosure at hundreds of eyes mm) esidenis godtg to the Albert strcex terminus: lor the puriose of inspect In; the on that is to be the mean: ot conveying TwirrCityites to am rom the three Smthern towns, "W. well as making C.P.H. and G. T. R connections in the south. That everybody was agreeably our 1riser! " its file and beauty is put- ting it mildly. The car is 53 ieet in (115th and 9 feet wide and about li, feet high, the coach proper being, 4( inches trom the mil. It is lnisheq. outside in a dark green color, Whilt the interior in Ntished in quarter cut oak. The vestibule: ere Inge and spacious. while the smoking deport ment in " let in length, the seat: ruining length-wine on both sidel oi the car. In the general manager re pnrtn'ient the not: run crouways, with " isle runl'ng mid-wny he twain. They ere lather cushioned and in case oi a. crowd three cnn he accommodated on each oi the twenty seats. The car can seat at least 80 persons and can accommodate iorty ‘more it necessary. At the side 0 each sat is tk pearl button lor tht purpose of notilying the conductor. when a passenger desires to get or. rhirty incendescent lights " nigh: mnl'es the car exceedingly bright an: beautiful. The electrical equipment 0 the car is unusually complete. It is on eigttbanotar car, tutti equipped to run at a. speed ot " miles an hour. There is an " break appliance, that makes it an my matter for the mo torman to control the, car on tin grades along the line. A feature that conned consideuble comment JS tsr, warning whistle, Whikh loud asi moi. distinct than a gong-hell. Tu: _co pressed air, used ior nit-bran |.r pose: produces the sound, gihirh " slmost similar to steam. The head ight is very poweriul an. throws a. light nearly 500 feet in adnnnw o the car. 1he excellent toatrted al' the heautilul and the smooth. t'P- running can “we the Mann ..~ 1 agine they were rfding an n I I a ' “on the New York Central. I was crrtalnly delightful, F 'she Berlin Council and friends 1rtd on hand at schetulcd titne-7.15, but as the crowd of s;cttatots Mtrt? d: s.rms of insrccting the car, it an: i.55 tororc Moturwan 1-;ir.wmd b e t e “hunt c, and 'We wc:e o'." A cnctly 3.54 the j n tion ui the h P. & H. and P. & li. was reached The mucus": were nun to th, Prawn terminus of the G. ll, a l and mu Including 1 few minuus a the Kress House, uni the Bel bionic n trip Wu mule over the entire lin to Gut. to the U.T.R. atatirn i that town, 1nd return. A s_r!end4\ idea of the speeding capacity of th. car was given .the passengers', am' ior . portion of the distance, ttr, n.nximum rate was attained. “he. the speed wu greatest it was low Iible lot a panel to stand in My nine of the out a actually " it h 'were on the loot at his parlor. _ tht returning to Prater! In ham was plenum" went in 3 lock! mun‘ an " the Kre- House, and a ll o'clock tho Berliners were brought back to their homes in " minutes, thoroughly planned with their trip, And ill of them wondering but L'cr lin he: mugged to get don; with out an electric line to Preston, 1.'ts ruler and am. “hue returninx ta Berlin short speech“ was made b: 'uror Eden. Job Function, mm. N. Todd, and Joseph F. Sony-m which “Med to the ”hymen 0! ttt, coca-ion, 7809;: were tho was by f'eirn. J. lib-nor. U. mm“; m c, “41311. The "W ”M" "w"? I'" iii you-full an nu tmd itt W". ut WW“ " the, "MW tummy new: In Benn. an: that; ot “guru?!” n“:‘: I',','), it f', mm It]! symptom. with theh upon ' can.“ t' A o- I) tech, " will " wind mu: three 'artgtut'""" in “a I“ they cut-u magma-mmoam . " than? n. m h '""ii","C2'"iicU, in; ma . In,” " In No, I. 'tret-ae, ”an. an an noun-.034: mm‘_ _ "00t mama hr teNrllilh, , '.t2trt - Hurrah lor the Woouidel V. And up) we uy hurrah! This plucky team _ cl kahuna“. comm-ad of mung and tiling players, put it .11 o‘er the National (um that. was looted shout u the undoubted mn- ‘nm ot the Twin-City champiotsahip, throughout the men. The gume was an extra one on mount ot the teams having tied each other in the sched- nled series. both trams having won an lame and drawn three, giving not ttve points. The genie we: almost devoid ol any rough plsy. thanks to the vigilant eye of Referee Harry W. Brena, whon. the Nationals were reluctant in con- wnting to have " the leaning official. but he was decidedly impartial, on” neither side arena any la\ors. ii. the first halt the Woodaides were the aggreturorir, gud Wer twenty minutes .Illy Oliver Seibert knocked out a shot with his hand which" would haw counted " a goal. A penalty Lie} VII the result, and Eby at ctntre, scored. In the second ttali play was' cry even, neither team hating an) decided advantage. About fifteen min- utes had been played in this halt when P, Tutu e, Guggisberg, end Etsy made a speedy rush, and the latter scored the second goal tor himself sn’ his team. The Nationals met hard to prezent s defeat, but they were outplayed, and when time was called the Woodsites walked o1 the new " the chsmpions ot the Twin-Cit) ‘Foottell Lesgue tor 1903. The teams were as to'ilowtt:-. _ Woodsidea. Goal-Bricker. Baeu-Brin'iert, Denim. Fulvea-Dingley, Rosegardt and Tanks. Forwards-F. ToLzl;e, Guggisberg S. Eby, E. Dumart, Zinger. Nation‘s. Goal-Lawmn. Babur--Deckert, B. Seibc-rt. Hlea--0. Seiltert, N. Gro s, arm Brick. . Forwsrds-Meinhts, Emory, Cub. rape, Zaphe, Schmidt, Goal Ihnsiirea--o. Vogeisang, Geo Boehmcr. tiritti,,2Tt,t(tjii,t l’ The parents at two former Berlin My: were snddened on Thursday e wing and this morning by the recciyi pf the sorrowful ink licence of tn i lath which took place in (‘lexclan Ohio., and Idaho Falls, who, 0 rharsdtry. On Thursday etch ng, Mr. Julius 1r1cholowis'ai, “he resides on (“on street, reached a message that his son. Gustaus Micholowisli, who bah ':een living in Cleveland, tor the last few years, had died in the (when. 5ospital alter a short, but seaenLat tark at tyrhoi d lever. The yo n. mm was A wanker by trade. an. hnd a lucrative position in that city. He learned the trade in Berlin. lacin¢ employed tor some time at the ioun ry oi LE. Suntr. A: Ctr, and [as always considered a. u-rv stead. DEATH or TWO FORMER “LRLIN ITES. amployed tor some time at the iocn ry oi LE. Slmntz a: Ctr, and [as always considered a. wry stead. osn.r, man. He was 3 member of Ln nights of Maccabees ot this loan amt the Order is making the net-ass try arrangements to hue the " mains Mount to Berlm [or hutim rho damned was " years of we. Fridty morning Secretary WN. El. liot, ot the In“! Y.M.C.A. received n mange trom E.H. Dyer a; Co., tt dead aid "Vole": grtdetirthtetdeky aa baa,:--alltht, mm. dot color it and to ve. The hair atop: MRI-45:100. Adaho Full, Idaho, stating that John Waller had been suddenly killed by tho (all of g mauro" and asked lot information restrain; the banal o the body. Mr. Elliot not knowing tr.e nlnlortungu young mm made inquir in um learned that his mother lis. ot on Albert atreet ad thnt a. broth- " Wu employed n the - Ite- hwy. Ree. W. Vincent. Kloepler was nod“ ot ttm mile“, sad to him [all ttte at! talk ot bruklng the nor- rnwlul Indium to the bereased mm at family. m deem-d m about " tears or as, all up to April I.“ vs; em plan! by no Mun (in Co.. " In a nun-M Io Mr. Rum Col say. In April I. left [or Run-old N. w. T. to work on the construction ot no new Sun: Reherr. Mm world“ were [or .0le months. h: um mull our to Idaho run when m KH. Dyer a Co.. no er "tting I rapt rem-cry Ind winch: mt " “and! In“. lot you. In "I "I! me. unruly hon In Bowl. ad the!,' It“. It“ "mums. with then mu ad mun- In a. lo:- they I." “I“. It ?tiifi1!l,1i',iEtiii?i;l,'1t'iii'i and gin: mam: MI {II-Ii “but. _ than. than, ”.4 a, nMg f /., ifiiit - sum. as hula. Tho-9 tttt Shauna-tor was gnaw €331. VIII.” ""4 i Hudwre Enchant: Human. aud mum-m warrant». Mt WORN”. -Brm." , V V~ - 'I'. 1't2U.t 'o00004t0.0e.e.o0-e0e.e060--, COMPA N s _ Inn 03ch EATiftga'). on. Deminion Life Amman-e Business in force . lncre we . . Income in 1902 - loom - - Asset. - . - Initrete . - - Cast? S_\_1rplm to Poli, r- hold: rs _ . 't37.iW.t.3t Increase in 1902 - - :1=,85Lm Special ulvrntngfl to 10ml “twain- era. Al lo-ndsof sound twirl mmu- luln inaurame issued. Ail benefit. payable in continuous or bmi ed in- sodmanto " the option of the Assured. “I. ”MEI, THUS. IIILlIAIID. WWW " Canadian for the various litcrwy periodicals.) m- Dorothy Vernon of n uldon TIN in visiting her cousin, Chlorimia Wild min. In he, figure and manner (In young mutiny are so much alike that even their parents can scarcely tell them upnt. Another member of thd family vane It striking]? like them, is the young girl known In ' The Maid-U-Arms," wlw made her debut last sea-won. Miss Ver non Ind Min Wildairs have been tr, longer. “he Virginian," whose m seem to know, is at the W Percy Bines. Young Dims is hue dropped s cool million his In!!! fortune recently “not “I. noggin: philosopher. - had! of Richud Carwl are much cone-mod It hit long nbsence. Three In four year. Ago he w" the most promirr out od popular nun in Bookvillc an 'ttt - months Ago he disappeared I: my, and {honest numbing minim hu than far [tiled to reveal his w err “on“. Mm. .Wiggs, long promincnt in th "Gibb-[e Pltch MEL" of Louisville, is . to", Ind bu been taken up onthus'ma “all, by the women's. clubs. Mrs Win; In- GidAi an original reputr tion by tutoring . profession hitherto monorotiaWbr tbs uglier "x-that tr, m1 " 'gttfNlrtl The ISU' Rich- ard Ending " mun. oblcun , Chron- idul h the daily pipe", and. no im- pugn ee. young» gnu-um. 'ly, 2i'di,t, unit- with inkense interest t Inn-one in at of the you eat he handful rt,',elifd dnughtggn a Jinn Inc Allen. f hear cht the in by In odds the melt brautlful, the - ,','l',t'tt, and the eleven“ of then (a- moln un. Ind I prodiet that all. will nun I MINING“! tum“. r-Tr"'" - - """i'" - _ 'tqh I“. Ion malaria an rec-n VI. nu Va gm)" van on of the - “ltd-vi no: in Melville, the by“ It! All (in joke! 9! ouzmuuol T' do”, the ob 'ot rhh'nu adoration m the in. WV“ Bibter smrtmlr " "rred duct. II. III n man of mg ml m nnd Inn, hunk" m trutkq - u M. loud-on tor thin- M at! It On: but! um he um» no“ ”than of MI Pr.: It 1: Pell? pa} ciao. am a Into cum-1V Ta'd'%tia"tClu'l,'G'i,%1 tdl' I. no In. in. and. ' John W. Noble. tablet, in the Can- ntllgn Em Connny'l oMee " mama. and Amid a. Ind" a mm_ . ,0. m a. fa'lrullStu'l w"- The Mercantile Firé consonant) CAPITAL - - - - magma Intros” was DOIINION oowr - - iiWitrat All mm.- oumnma by the Hume: & Lulcuqlm an M. IMO] Count wish Lam at $16,306,638; _, v. ', Society Notes thtrn Bookville, Presii-r‘. “lugging Director, Results Of 1802 A {rad TFrrtrht. 80cm t H.’ Hall [um l NSURA NOE cyctnaxus.ae-'W'?. 'tBoer-te. ”I. _ AT BOTTOM 931m HEAD OFFICE - WATIRLOO.‘ N CON H AD BROS name nob. w0rrrt w is m, -tcd 16 J?:" "f " 371551600 ll p. t Cr m. $l82 m. a5 er ttrt: " ar W Ion Fun-m - - “Ito-n. II Luna - ‘le Km: - - Rm omisal lhtatlrirtyhmdh, New - 1.! Jun. 1000 m0 “mount at m " . Mtg,aettt.tNttt 60 Devon-Ions I)“. -tutq mm. A. Boo. - nor r I’m-I1 Georg. Ian: t R. "owttrr, 0.0 h. Barium LA Mma.t.u.p,....., ELL ...-mun. T .. 'rm ug Mahmud... ... Rani “and! RS. Mammal-c. ","ar.tti.,,........... ‘.5'ub4..r....‘.. U” than anorJT E My $'sttrotroec...,... m It NeWhtrrrtNh MP tr A00“ town f -r the the most popular sewing machines on the market. A perfect machine an well as a handsome piece of ,furnimrn. All the latest improve- menu. A complete set of attach- menu; wi h "PT machine. Cull at tt a old stand. KIM gt., We rl, “at: marrow! than; gil' I." .0 “I ltr, V “lib”; for man now rm [MI-.- mn lav-y for III". .. M lnaullod Ste-m and lot WOW Huang App-tutu but be. v all enough pleased with my quality of um walk to “3th t0- ttarunetsd m to their Mend; arltiy.aara.lst1ticatyat,l?,..et l so): hove lime to (in am to more onion and mm “to " album minute. to than who won: good work " mod-m prion. ‘ JOHN mum, In“) and Cash System BXYMND SEWING MACHINES the tailor, the only agent in BOARD or IrtRBCrF. OF XBMtIRE,.XRT. Ortuhed "tr. luummuil-a-u h: Jo. hm" 1'tt'gt . 't,tSfPitititttEe i'i:',r'liiii,iiii'iiiiiiii:tiiiit RITZER'S. ”up.“ every “an T Tun: lam Om 325mg. - 'xvla-Pu- WATERLOOy Wuhan» Burn!- 30an Bedl- r, .4

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