Ontario Community Newspapers

The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 27 Aug 1903, p. 2

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tiWiteiqttriie the "aiikt ' . ’m"! In,“ eqt _ h “a. growth a} null:- r by $0 Which. The recent at e4: amount mum 't _ . {an “a union oi Europe” At, up!!!" the “but” a: when. ttt$ertlieaetaasur' is ttf in“ at north-net of the Don- " “I.“ NW. been unin- hbltued. In propénlcn to the '.le cnue in population will be the ttH - ot the prutuetiomr or the sod avail u in the consumption at the gnuhcturel and importation of the country. The grant. Liberal may ot Cash hare iniplilit confidence ly, no resources or thr Dominion and are mandated with the maveloul u- ’ulh3el usurcd hm m uriiiirirrd'i standpoint. by t'r isothermal line. Having reference to the geographical distribution of temperature he rtad that tr vast territory, hundred of miles north of one Saskatschewan river. hum: u the Peace Illicr Dis. triet, contains [Mining lands equal hi my under the sun, having rcozn tor the successlul mention ot mil- lion: of industrious tillers ot the soil. The National Trans-Conti-ttttu Rail- vgny Act which is at present being submitted tor the approvxl ot the Puliament of Canada is the Hired ,outcomc ot a national necessity, od is . clear proof oi the progressive, gnd Ur-seeing policy M the promoters ot what is known as the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway. 'i he puny and pess- imistic opposition oflercd by the op- ponents ol this great undertaking has hen exposed by the able and exhaus- tive speeches ot the Goxexunwnt lead an. The fact is, that no propositiol eser ottered by any Government hon disclaim and grew in favor, like ttit submitted ior the construction dt tie B,T. "cific. The dilterettee be jinn the opposcn ol the building ttl the pond and its promoters is this; While the opposers would lain have us believe that the country proposed to be traversed by this road is a‘ barren waste, rellnble authority as- serts that the greater part ofthe pro- posed route lrom Moncton to Win- nipeg is fertile with valuable agricul- tural lanas,. timber uni, minerals. There should be no hesitation on the part of any progressive and intelli- gent Cananian. in endorsing the pro- position hid down by Sir Wilfrid Laurier and " onernment regard- this road, no there is every indica- tion that it an appeal were made to the country on this question that the present Government. would be return- ed by an overwhelming'mxjority. The [allowing Voluntary testimoniu oi the Muskoka region and Ron Mum": Hotel, w" received at the Grand Trunk general oTices recently, from one of the most prominent does tors in New York City, who was so- iourning for a few weeks in that dis- trict.-. ' "l tage, pleasure in recommending the "Muskoh" region as a health re Ibtt ot the forttt class. Its altitude, dry ,gtmospheric conditions, and wa- ter supply tree trum infection, makes it particuhrly beneficial. .- B'-'"';-". -V "The Royal Muskoka Hotel, 3 ho tel perfect in nil its 'orointrnents, “as materially togtre contort of the must." The mounds of people who are now 'su'orirtg the summer months ir the "HigNands ot Ontario," are pro- [use in their paine- ot that part oi the many. " . Bummer resort. and consider it the Mest on the contin an. In “a In“. lo um t Eel-nu my m - hon then-up and we! we" yaw. tut-tit! pe- mmy tFt_rtrAey m tthat l an m. " Adam none “in to it, will Moon. mullet In it you all will; It will you lay I? A hob II a m. 'dtt/t but yum- - uh h", “ m no and! A 1'e'itS'e, r , " Jttrt9t,' which "an” an ' amen-um M IWYWBh- '. MIISKOKA'S POPULARITY i“. to us who 2ei'. ,u-uuwu-u- In Mosh-qt CONUNDBUHS win-Ian's 'te', wand-nu" W'A TRUN Nsatt U1 ae.tt.iartttte FAtimc in: ,4 V”. ?ll."'%ale' Nee. WN w iit,EiRliPg to a. mm at 1' . my " tin not“! in 0%.. They go: New u Inn" nun. “are; “Mid“! lieldf Jolt In]. St. Chit ”chum. And»! D. It“. Yietcr K. Lanna, ot tht. cngo. 0mm] ' luau u. Tuba " ol noAcn. that.“ W. that. mulch Il'li d Harvard. _ _ h . min. I? us A. mouth-U m. l Hut] and. to " W 'o Jr, .‘d.qlm VIII . noun d 'ettre (I jet te w n u u 0: R2. - $.91. the who!“ Tau _ in”. ot NI gull! bond in. and! b. ”w W “I: don". I“ with,.. 999.3.” -"'e-- - '"-"V _ - " not“?! sppro.ei- at m nu. his sin: own! to tha louder, 5nd Mu l she to indiudhnl members ot ttte Ad- viacty Loud the benetltg cl his ex-I patience and In )wiedge. All the mew-.1 be" hue iitpcr.ed their willingness: to nerve. I Prom-It Et.ot'g 6titla6 In col-09' “an st" when anus“: via my guy him hon m " ortho tee augment owl-Hy [00,!!!th II. had to none. In Will: the announcement of Mr. #1111ch gilt the “odd "r.- q “swam: yu’pcung'l’o one: uxon . career ot jolhallsm Mill r,nd no- cesmhle here courses ot study, that will tot this, proluslun be equivalent " “Int other protrusion“ schco's aumly tor otlnr proleasiota, “hill: 10mg mun inutvly ogaged axon newspgxcxs aiid dishing to ndmucc when sclses nut-.- rapidly " the cul- tivation cl that: aptltudes "my fan in [hue courses \alulxlc assistance, It is believed that this will be an ad- Hinge to them immediately. and ultimately to die puss ot the whole country. “President llaot ot Harvard has provided an o tlme ol subjects to be you-red in the school, Including nevs- pus: trtlmurstratiott," newslawa mmulntue,” "the law ot jourtul- ism," “cums ol wumulism,“ “m; literary term ut n:€\spapets,'( cw. -"reiniotecmettt bl unsung duall- ments of iast. stun" and "ll-slot) o: journalism." "The buildings tor the school wil. pro..ably be cumplcwd by the autumn at 1:101, and the school [my be o.cu ed soon after. The course of aw... will be two Mars. Candidates utl; at admitted upon an examination as to good character and intelligence but “mucus collegiate courses will not no requiregl." St. Thomas, Aug. 18.-Nnnis Lax. xenon, . farmer reading about a Ini.. east ot Final, had .1. experience which he is not likely to loud. Ana in all probaluhty In owes his life to the intelligence at g Imam colt" dog. Mt; Lawrence was shout to sell some hogs, and the other day bus.e" himself catching them in one: tts weigh them. Una old BOW, long, tan ' and vicious, with tuslls which ti L. seated in smage strain Irom PILJa toric ancestors, olijected to lit-air, weighed. She was a sreli-respet'tms hog, and rebelled at the idea of ue ling given A-“eigh‘. She turned Ilioi1 Mr. anreuce. and fought. him sar- agely. The (erocioun brute soon had him lying on his hick, and those hor- rible We were tending sashes in his brew, and his hud'wu Lino badly but": In " clan. to protect him- self. Mr. Lawrence began to think his Lu.he was certainly Dennis, when a bunch ot fur shot. through tr hole in the fence, aid the next instant Mrs. Sow had other things to think at. A fine collie dog owned by Mr.' lnur- ence had happened to come around, and considered it was time tcr bin: to take a hand in the game. '1 hr brave collie took . nose. instead, it subbed the \icious low by the snout and hung on line grim death until M, Lawrence was (“bled to rise gill get outside the enclosure. Though bully bitten, Mr. I ttWrr'ttCe was ehle to be in the city today.‘ and he wumly Jumbo: his lailhlully collie, whose timely all! he, with gum. reason, eoetsidered. saved his lire. lle declare. . thocsand dollars WOHL not ttttt buy the gallnnt collle which n- rived in the HACK of time. A: for the smnge old sow. she is to lull . vitt.nt to the buUher's knlle. u soon as iosslble, am. in this reepect her mum is the ume as that ot her ttwtter--DetttuB. A WELL “KNOWN ALBANY MAN Ru-ommendz (hnmherllin'l Colic, Chalet: Ind Drarthorq Remedy. About eighteen month: no Mr. W. , Manning, Albany. N. Y., widely no" in and": circle: a the 1’qu mun ot the Anny Chantal Gi., m Mum; mun . mutated " not at (Hutton. "l trad (hambur- hw- Oolic, (helm at! Dunno:- Iamdy." in up. "an ottalner, inn-din. and. I dream, mob - '" unlit-Me to “on dull-h W. Soil sr YI mu. ‘m 3mm Juan an 1% Conan 'tei6ed tttre' ttttti' " um my. ad can 'et Mi- mum. Ls sul.A' bll'lEl. . twine: , "ttatm.N.t' an, . j. Bat on! D a: nun.“ hum will I. in" _ Luz‘. " " ”mill“ it * "ro" will std i! UH“ Dom-When!!! href taats donut. a? '" when be t PM toe tus-um! 44h; d rm the out 'i8tltei. a. nah-tau: man no In; my saith“: puma nu Ft h 1heir but you "o,ttagrtr I teutN",,2'2rglt'e't', " Jul win is praetioaltr the am to the when. u tog the ten. Them“ [promising tttilitr-tr" puma than itt selected now, ted literally so tha Iany winter 1.yitst any be "teo-sq led, And later' on plied my cannon able winter quarters. TnIIllemn_ 'muure pulletl to I strange pen " Jan m-Mqiuction- . C, ' _ V. “a . . m ' . C. Atk fit! at.” s _ . a... 'titiitiifi'j'iie' .u- tfttde,gtrt a - a a», . Us ”a h a. law all at a. nub! an to: will. a! a» In. a! lug-mu Hu- nhould u so“ than at two your: oid. All mule um noun be told in the unmet tet vacant: used [or Needing m tom: '11:; w. Utility-ripe b'owla.--For isaur., tarming the utility gype ot tout m be had in the proper breeds, ll) mouth Koch and Unwritten. um We (owls should be broad, blow-y- end ot medium size amr weight, (i. A tale weight-cock set en to eight en- ll hall pounds, hen the and g tud 'u never: pounce). The Must should In 'lull, broad, ud carried well toward {he legs ehould he let well input, short, “hire or yellow in color, em 'without leg or toot feathering. 'lh. utility-type towl corresponds to ttr ehorthom type in cutie; . equate. end broad-bodied, low-set fowl I Se e ol ctfteaentc-From elescn h twelve cent: per pound live weight in oMred in Toronto end Montreel to chicken weighing over one and aha: pounds each. The prices correspcn approximately to fourteen cents en fifteen cent: per pound plucked weigh and 20 end 22 cent: per pound draw» weight. It in esidcnt that an itteteas ed proitt will . be realized by selling the eerllet end heavier cockcrals t ‘rhe Bttttk " once. This prom. cm respond! to the increased revenue dt rived by mullet gardeners and [run growers who place staple uncles u- the market belore the regular tupprl, is eveileble. Crate Felted Chic', eus.-’l'he in u , moon "" ““98 new to (“3'0 creased consumption of chickens n $1r,h',"a, t',f their country in can Cumin. in due to the improvedqual . l . ity and eppurmce oi the chlclbeui Sir maxi“, 'l/pta/i',', ’iic‘m" that are altered tor sale. 'lh;s . iui tt,t my“. _doin so in did If; provement hes been cstablishe, pledge himself to 'lk' the-provisions at through the business oi crate-tttten. the ill. Mr, McMullen had discuss- ing chickens, introduced by this dc tue, feorTs'e'E',tat,',i1. He. campg- pattment of Agricultu e, In: to the . en Ott "W! in: . methods at “hing, plufcking and shay tatN',g."'r of a t','g'J.irg,ts ultm ing the cttieiietss betore they an "kAs=zzssas-s muketed. Every Urmer in Canail: about! he in possession ol the detail: WAN“ Tly; ”VANCE ot e crate-fattening husinus. It i: unions MI allele- . business that can he menus“ by “In Regime t J I. my member ot the household; the rt ‘ '. . 'quired number ot crates ere etueil Al I result ot the Jatyitc.afturrietnt ‘constructed; the chlohene w"‘ gnu. lb prices oi bananas in this count!) trom one and a halt youth's hi hi have already advanced very consider- pounds Mil during the 3‘ rdyis m ably, Ind the chances u, that they wil, ten'uig, and the coat of iced per poun up um further. The plantations in were perlect, being 1th carried on f'dlL' were practically devastated,and ot gain in live weight win mengi Imordinx to all "IH" they will but (tom 5 cents to " cents. to be replanttd, which means " will he l Fol! "irtr.-Fowls thet are to Li " tfast ' 'er, before “f“ country to exhibited st the um um; ahould m , tutot'i',t,)o,',utrtetiVtE 3mg"! fried“ if“ the “tn tdiurlng m'oultgngv J neicn has been tor wine the prim lf WI 1 _preven l:e new eat or. dt, source of supply for henna: deal. hum; t ttsired or uattt.tod hwgrahce. the world over, and now that this 3110de ot (any towla utr" ery IN” “’33 in cut " nothing but a search)! “mile: in thin respect and ctoer thi ot a trait can be expected. There top! ot the yudl used by He mon'lt ‘ere e few other banana producini' in; birds-with old, carpets, lumber, cannula. but, it is stated, their output “A The low]. ere ghen liberty dur wodd herdly Average one shiyload pet ing the late ulter‘on end evening on day. 'ts,',', ot bananaspt ew York 1y. Anlmel food end vegetables an if; 'l"h",lTI in???“ [any 'Ar,; PM"! tor moultingjoxl-eLthe. ttt 'etlrlt “the, GG 'dl,',',,?.'."" part o Eel! Fusirts.-Fowls tut are to In exhibited " the tu.1 hits uhOuld ht shaded (rem the sun during manning This will premmt the new leather: Inning a. laced or mottled gunner. Breed“! ot (new fowl: “I: cry nu” uculu in this respect end coSer thi top! ot (he yudl ulod by l'le mom in; birds with old. carpets, lumber, etc. The low]! Are area liberty dur lag the late dawn end evening on 1y. Anlmnl food um vegetables an necessary for manning (owls; the an imel tood, such a waste meal; or [IV bones, will Increase the supply ot protein or elbnmen for the growtl ot leathers; the vegetables .re useful in regulating the lyltem. and cal s1- serrtal dats' loss oUl-ur “16- when Mo td, poison develops sometimes result in the'loss of 5 hand or limb. Chamberlain‘s Pais Bum In an “aseptic Iinimcnt. “he: upland to outs. bun-c: sud bums It «can then ta hrnl quid ly and Nth out nut-1mm n, and fre tttts an ranger of Howl 1o'son. For m'e t all drunk“. Elmira Advrrtiser.-Btsildinr, oxen Mons are brink. The [alt factory at (Minn is having the root put on, m" on the Immune taetoty “In. oxen uttt is nearly "iahed. The,houlel bl N. Hadrian, D. Stumpl. uld (me ot the Real Eatate Co., hue the roots on and the planter: no luring in Welmrl one hours. The no“ “or q nlokwatlg In “in: up on J. P. but!!!“ bouts. C n. Wilku II mun ready to hill, and _ Ithae, um um: at “has; him It. old a! m It“. We and w an: vlll end in mm. all tint It" am will " .34 m. M " will I luv mum lot: Mt In an warrant“- at wo would lite (one: Mun mum Ml m me- u iii "re-teat than. do and t M . WI! amnion ot me mm not - ml "ohm". Re Mr, Dual” no... to Ilhmtnh In "ere It lawman Homo-1w m - W mm 'iarMt I; .1.“ me me be: Ann. I. in m Owing to ttttttt ot palm in In. no out um mac: r. ”-g mum, at a mafia” - _-.- ___--. A',. - ---- Slight injuries often disable l P" VALUA “LE TIME SAVED, BUILDING IN ELMIRA VMMIIOI Mttlrbrq.u. tiiUiii Wrhuias 'Heli,: em: and ,reuto M P“ Ill P. In 'iS' _ . a I' undo- to Itt n a A“. “(I i '" m "" tht and uh! I m “I”... m M 'te Mt him out.“ as: was“: and “I stWlit nan-av: have It). tatsAadta-adttr A' up“: “pin! out the new“! oi iiiiitK'irit 1t'strt-l qt l to In!» “It: = I a e w LEP. A: I = 1 . tttit LC Eu? . a: E a” trd tet r == . cr M t . J, " i, 2t2ttt,'1ltil' BE ~ - mans-d ht ' .9 Ai MU" "r It tic it: . r. Mg... “Wank ' Ili':] C.PuC. but am in F d lake 'ga-na" In! 13* II It! - our!» A at with the Us“ Stu-rut to 1rtx a: w vouch 'tibri 0 eat M“ t 01' 'i,'yil,',ta!,'i'.t'ii, U Jl'lttllT 1 W nun . c III, lad . ti'rTrlali'lrtl'l'fllt%T; t', the building cl touch ot war on a. t lakes. Unit-d Sum “fol-v» might cm up the calla. “that destruction. Thy - this that. “mm: provide mum it, ll C.P.3., on Indigent: 'tns. LIE. Superior. VCR "to, . “is doaLmayia' between the cut had the northwest would be eat 98. Canada must feel that the wit PM] on: ot In: em; and provide or .thet defence ot her own interests. in new of an. communion he said the road could not be built I moment too goon. "e.."'.."'.,"?"? support ma motion: The um States w" mm for O t with a European com’nry. The -Attrricot var had whetted ='llt and he believed the d tm thought they could beat Great Britain " " tune. If so you IA: would 1); the Ull He believed thin was in Sir Wilfrid Leuvier’e mind when he said this was the time to Bet. m dwelt on the gent exgenditure be. In. made by the nited totes on the my end navy. Under the circum- Itencee Cumin was perfectly justified in looking into the luture and gravid- ipg patina contingencies. He t ought the Increue of populdgon in the north, west end the desire t keep the trade created there would justify the con- Itruetlon of the line. At the same tune he.hclieved the bulk of the grain would be brought out by the canals. Me had rend the Iddrees of Mr. Bor. ie on this meuure In the other one, and he did not think hit lug-1 ‘nstionl would do. They would not provide tor ittdepeedenct. He edej outed the construction of the line " a military necessity, but regretted that the cuter: section had been tacked on. However, he would take, that rather than lone .the felt. They were jutti- Bed it: seriously considering their duty u I nation end taking steps to guard their homes and their country in case of en invasion. Sir latitude Bowel], in aeeondmg are Emotion. aid in rather! it_tmder- oo tint in do“? so he did not pledge himself to It tlteut.rotuitrm ot the ill. Mr, McMullen had discuss- ed the Government bill. He compli- mented Mr. McMullen ',p.ilr,2e, nude a speeeh1yrorthy of a blue- coded ultra lonliet Tore. A A Om; Wham Hug! For aw Oppoddon. Vancouver, Aug, ax.-Thomu Chart. ton and George Coffey were wimeua laden the Treudgold commission " Damn City. The latter to mana- Mr of. the Anirto-Ktrndikt Company. granting hydraulics near Fox Guich. . so": some water " tr per Ill! ce head er hour. ’The witnu v“ Mott- communal u to the 1'ng con- ceulon. Emu! Bishop, . Id Hill miner. pettved a' “to“ “may ior the 099“!th He aid he would S" 'ius18r Oct water per sluice tma . A. ”a..." dprr-nun in (in Since the new: of the hurriclne "9 M0! New York bunn- prices them tdvineed 40 to Str per eettt.." and the result here in likely to be a doubling of the price retailers have hub been getting (tom theiuuuom- Web: FeGi,CiiefrGre ifi tht [QMJII the gold production ?" Ecru He replied y-"The miners an sol dlsemtmded they are quitting, and grandma as, [,eeit'm, ck: tt (r w noun in; ti up t e madam." ‘ In. tNe. counsel called ttt on ream "and" to M “I Paid He and why ulna mum it win: an " a”! III were true. mm” ro- B-. the [old In" in nu- - has my an diumry is ur tElie . aid he know of a: on two men mete ,Ilnr tor two mu; found m not and dun were denied l In It "" in the ttttteV 811mm took the name. et and hut-cud that he Id! kn m "can” mam - "a,“ .pmc the Wins-nu ml “Onion. dere Ated rertetatr. trg k “land to In" been (and. t Inn being I.- co chum Il'. outs“: . Pl Bot? " D In! Nanjg‘iuued o- Whucoaeo riaCortte m: {union concussion. mmmw‘ 5.21:3: Wi'GFotit- which who gtatiqtt t'2tlatt,', n- . n non tugS'aratttie'd um “pct“ " a the my tailing-6 tte incorac bikes . hr . it , g i'i)'it1iiit 4% . m 1 lt) to _ The M take an in. a Amud 7 mu. It.” . _ ' M meg no: the mod [In . ' T by ticket there new}. II we!” bun-dud, rel: u the - don undone. At km the cm 'd,tiftdt' 'tttAtl' mam» em yer I. mt out I we- del min baled with the Home: ad Melt ot the party, who were ten- emag without null euorts. The inn- dre ,mumioiu an “on: the prtt- form, on their trunk; launching the knack which they led -ridHor use dunng‘the long trip to Winnipeg. In the I can “any other reach. pluupro'n of you. menpu on the nil; ot the truck: run-bl he. the nation. “a were the use: at eon- Iidenble Inlay on the put oi the union can“: Br 4 'l1h"2'% munic- uh bo. eome "ttte. Most of the harvest hand: had been in the station nix hours,l Ind the when“ of both roads were In despair. Representative, ol the pas- mar deperrrent of the C. P. R. said ,thet it nu t e business at the Grand Trunk Railvny to provide the equip- ment from Toronto to North Bay, and that it the cxcarsioniul were landed on the C. P. R. main line there they would be hmdled easily. The Grand Trunk Railway officials eotttented _ themselvel by laying that it we: a C. P. R. excursion. and that that com- pany mug look liter it. own. Both let: ot Ollie all. however, marched the entire Toronto territory br wire [or an. and meceeded by taking second- chll CII'I from almost every incoming train in making up three additional “techie. _ . I At night In ureement we: arrived‘ at whereby Ill of the C P. R. neeondw clue an in the yard were used. the other company agreeing to supply by the morning "irieient couches to equip the early median Pacific trains. The lest special lekvthe station shortly be- fore " o'clock. and some of its pn- MT lad been on the pletlorm for hon-I. T _ tt in utim-ted that there were some nineteen hundred people in yesterday'- erwd. On the previous day the rail- vlyl handled fifteen hundred, end on Monday seventeen hundred. Durin1 the three dun last year the returns o harvest excursionists leaving Toronto were: ASM, A773, 2.330, or a total of Derlin‘s lollce [one had 1110th chase on Thursday e will; alter my pom burgh". The domestic of one ot Berlin‘s Imminent. citizuu “at; in the vicinity ut qceen uni Mucus streets. went -oat lor . man; leav- lunus. “nu y... .y. - "__-"."", _-_ ing In: luck door iocLe'J: I. Let Museum (on young man called " the rcsidtm on bus nets in ccnnuqtion With 3 local locge. two ot them go- in; to the [rent door and two re- mu‘nin; on the ucewnlk. “hen the domestic returned the law this state of akin uni having tea}! ot burgh!- iirTaaF," Gunehstetr tame in the conclusion tint the hoqse was be in; burghrw. Wlmout ulgrming tht supposed burgh"; she went to the neighbors and notitled themcand am we; honed to the City Hui tor itti. Manama. A: there Wu no [or- Ion at the house ad the young mer having run; the hell two or tttrm times. any am unmet by an detseatie, the when, ad the pol- Ice Ion-e. att ot whom Were surround- irtthes Ion-Q. ' ..- - ~¥4A1 --_i- - nu? .... - _-_v, Tho quickly organised pom ot pol: ice Wu not going to take my than» a. and besides hem; named to an teeth with “when. em, they Ind & patrol wagon. in the shame of C. Lovell'u rubber-med buggy, and " nwell“ wet: the made tor m unbalance in out an police were shot or injured. 0n min! " the honexhey wettt About it in u I; Detach: Forrort style, and that some minute. (th Wine-bl: wen-rd to enter an house. as to (on! it I'm-t. u the but had Ion. " is um that the: he who. nd to“. and the “In! ml the m In new.“ be tour I... on»; Iowa no“ the plum. which. tt h tendeestood, eotttatrtei: {mud win - M we“ can 'e. - _ _ L & " .-' In. In van to an In whom No! In Iowa. on -it bor ttam, 90 Idaho. or m polka. Th q'tBr0.tte ol - mu m mama yd a the statement. on auntie-my eeeated. --- ih"rue mm M . um my. tk':'ifiiiiii'ii t'i'r,',?,'i,'et2ts li'ii'riFr', - n hon m 'WNtmq$t and a: fdltl t'ileh' -ttegt. to Gun. - iiiiiiii'i'ilfiligia'i ttfa 'l/tttalta/AN']; GiiWitjiiii.et, (NT-WEB may lo: iu w- but: " airar a' kiUaaiir9sara V - ' ydiiiiiri; Manama u , 11rtt'i tt HAD AXQTHER CHASE POI ohut um VHF! 'WDV‘PWTFW‘ I!“ tee' at! awn; - w i. in 'ii-tef a. ttg iFti'idd?,t'ii ,t"tihl,t,'i'eis $2: m: lot “I urn-Mb PROVINCIAL BOARD OF HEALTH.‘ ttiitiiitit w’ " and. Government Mal-Q. my”: ”poi-m tho but!" Op compote no Provittelat Board d "can. Trtr gull '" kg; Wes you}; Jan-m a" was... In, of Ed am-qwgu. --__- --- l, . AIM! Thong-u, '31 SW my. - 3.51 J.J, Cathy. MID-l Tania. . " ."tllitM'gttt a! than! "8'02. H. "ir, Htmlltol; Dr. J. R. McCullough, Owen $tojatd, Ajay-law wns Almost inanirroz'sly - at Ream. Tuesday to “in: money toi water-worn and term "stems at! " electric 1iOt pink. smum. Arg. "knelt. Boyd, . - in Dov-at! Townthip. u the "In". at '. “31% to . chirxoycnt in this end lame days up. has so'd 2 act Gi marl ted 01 his (um tor $50 , The c'ainoyant told Bord h had great watch concealed on his t rm. and tor cugoaity rectntly he d his son began to dig, unk'ng the anti beds at smhsllow denim it. P. Bomber. aux, mtegtt.-q» Wm. H. OMrigM, EDI. Tm Jorn Poul- .159. We :” Tl1litlhKMllB Are often capable tes. I It doing injury to positive peope, t e very em but: of their "irtfiati6n making up {of lack of meat And in; of evidence. iiiaeFtarGFsi,urbil.s p em? “wTsudu' if. ---"-. a medial help, we, tgtltirtf,fi', dine.- beyond the limited medic-l know- ',t,ii',1'i','iiiris,il,lii,ii. . had g) " can! m me Jeuht'ht.tWo'l' 93,Piexoe'n m'WO'VVm 1ihr,ete., l which I)!“ "tbil,1'lad W the 'tt.iib.errt- Fun-mamammhm 'iiiiaaauii-edi-es"m- . {Wag $1.230; amm- 'a'dll usage-1 L'IG'G'.'e' that 9.; h"dh varied matine- ln turn but trtmet,i.orteed4ttetxytsrnors 'ghrt,"ht,rtd/'ik'tdh"giuf,)t,".' tsomethiserttt.statentre; “1m mupzzbm' m’mowingn rate orttoiimdretietin Ideal . But home: than; it an“; innrlghly‘ends tri] at "iiiiiiiiiidi,iijiditi'l 'dlp,'p'p.r, J,Eii,i,Seid, a in. an. M by 'llh mine y mam-e in not land to ,upleream1, Lift it mud)! iririGailraaiad "ii; tideiGkoeed _ to EMF“? hr ye " ML, " tii;af3iiiiiif nAruinsa.ted.' we hung! th u a good uppetih and . Mike-tin. In that all and ie,tritttt.' sq?:',,))')) t,'ttr,,1,'a',",t mm, mm d the a. my: me an! {in 'iFTCetuG 57qu being comma! into nutritio- and the body and in ca- Elil'i1te1iiiifi gmtgt you wk. on on. In to Salt and hhy’food. tr.tl'dhl'lf,,'l iiard.uoui-rtt-udiet.ef.ltt 'iG7iaiGrriffra dais-do- M",iu'lf.,"l'ru'all'l't1/"4hTll -tsrtt1te tho nodal nourishment. Yiittd%%rrr.ftt-tC'etuesC'yo. Gii'eis,,ieexrr_trrtAe.1'1li_teT.ttrir.-. 320nm sumnkNLy RICH. -. n.-. - sir, ____v "au m" nuns... “men-a Sign ir'ii.iii"i7i'piie?2ii2'2XeN,ilPit 'iitlii'iiiir"iiiiiii 'giiiiiii'ie1'i' Mdl'a',,IN Ja, t?ii'1yiir11?ii,i 'liiy't jtlltr.'ittrreta'h"lji?i'i'i?, 'li?iil'rJ.itESirTda' Jlllt',1p, FEEEt 2rt,'2tatt, ' ie",', r!ti1it'isl.h'iii'iiiiii?iii ',iiii),iti) up on an 'art Elite,'. tiifihhed 'GTa"c"s ',"ict2e BU" In: b.. ioaaii iiitFiNLrirs' ___ 7331 iatffti f who 9! a“ ttsl-i...?. an; met. lu- Atnttdrttetruta,tttt) sad'MUlYdltt2l'f,4'dt ms rBritlaitr' .r, "_'", ", _,, ptuietstg,eeut,atigt,t'tatattttt f. atgrIts'il,ru'gth%Td,".r. Paws- was frm? 'YT"'.' ""85 attht,irparatt'gA','tVttm1',f, “m“;ffifi‘jé-"t-EE ~m4wr MM“- W‘bWS-r” - _ Ar. _,'iiii.ilt':ii',tliiiiiii'iiii tiatt=pr,"St UN r. e'rrttaidh. if S,ttt E _ . mum-Wurst. "h-tgra what-unquwuwww T.'n,'te=t,li'tf Hi I . 'teteosnt6-'rirq U, ,3 d h- ”WU!" . my [cm no, ”not. " . . . in." II. mama WllAlw 'teiiililiii,itt d-iptTte. u nu mum: can“ Ihwmlmb ID tMB. and “but am “but " ' 30 " I7 AUGkiiiuiiii iiyrap. ',S ,, minimum“ N ‘- 'W, Mamba-tumult. , gun. ”mumm' mums-cu. Bqqtae-ittMteM- ? mmhnmh. Mal-m tor-h. umMnHIy-n-tymab mun-{alum “dumb-bun“!!! can.“ by - I “an. will.” mat-um _ WM. SPAETZBL, More: Ft New Dude. At the city Meat - Market. No Importation. Tm - dcmnd tor out In...“ In amide mun. In I Into “an!“ ot3hetr (awry. You and no human, no colon-n. precaution at bbetrtta an on]. Our mou- uo In EAIB AND BACON OUR SPECIAL- W. In" sound uncha- lot ttd all M mm. II. B. DINING. ”in.“ "eHttralme. lluh. m"A,'.'.N,hut 110...). on: by, T. I. on). a hook dam. 1',,eieep,'r,lhttnei,1rt, “"' t"'%'".'ftr .. batt " In“... ,rutherrteaat with 'etut,rlu"aad h t l I“: W srTk'VSl'u'Tlura'h' Sfiiiiiiis2ii?,,'i't,'t') t W..." V n. ow . qt... m n {In ll Aiebby: 1?iiiC5' may won ma. “a. tr Myrna“. we - th. with" VII dull. and was val-Vla- - "It!!! “My: iiiicttrmGi-tu" dim t p. and“! It um CW that no t an m who". I... In)". tettteet '2ftl n. Le,, A tggrtMdPe5t2dt era'" Bunk“; 0’ DIREOIQII’Il “an. “all. Um. I“ m 'Hh1b9.peRr, t " lid. up“ hlnmt Mr-tlust mmrrgynm‘mnu- alumna... .. 9 In. lag. " )twmkuhnu m1“‘hu.“'w ketth hum-p 'Wo-hr. h... - I {In un-.... Kl... . y ' It.“ I w oe Manta“. Ml Mm. Humor VMlM-L ir 2mm tte, Mum. " t' ttr, I motor. henn- w . H v & lelwr'.l‘.wt. a. ks. ‘\ 400R blaBOUGBéLCO , . T030110! [may Wimfir. m.. m a, “an- M... x: i'niitations. like“ “Mud-um s"Ad'2'E,hu"a'r'tylri dar, T, I (III. a hook ale-In, titg'r2tsttttd,nt t"'%'".'ftr t.boxue _ _ nrhat_urrtee “M000 who him to ash nothing an Inn I beg the (nu-ens of the I m an mm an Saw-go Pint, and y on. who can s. Anny. on , ith menu of ovary TI”. u M.' Aunt. P,fstt.Ei is;

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