_ C " ft Diet, “an; n diss "' " “Mint gtris I , " an Quinn log ,'s)humié. at...“ ot as male"- tper wu n and: up a “on f'qatiert. our drew horrid pictures L’ ssh-aunt ol mm; Latin, (heck E II‘ -ertrr to girls. ode ospecially W trides" wu conjured up of J: “W maidens lounging in [mm (II he! houses, with hat: Mae tude, 4nnd "tslatshea moss their laces caus- db’ duels." â€lying to the Opposition Leader. in “In Dominion House this ween all Richard Cutmight, who har uny- been a great champion ot th, hine“, as opposed to the my protection advocates said:-. 'uiul, to can do something else. lh and. add by any device or means n h in the way ot protection, om CI. to the value ot the wheat grow: leash. but he can and he " lady to do it, enormously diminis- tho veins ot the purchasing power 0 the wheat which the lame: raises This, I grant, he can do. There his powers tor mischief have an almost unlimited field." BON.MR.TARTE SPEAKS AT GAL'I Gut, Ont., April 24.-The Gall Bond of Trade held its annual bar: gut this evening, and it proved th. most important lunction oi the hint. ever held in the town. Over one hun drd and fifty guests were present Among those from a distance were:- Hon. Mr. ante and B.H. Brown, 0. Morttreal; Cyrus A. Birgc, Hamilton president Canadian Manufacturers‘ Aasoeiation; Geo. A. Clare, MP, Pris-ton, W.F. Cockshutt, and C. H. Wham“. Brantford; Pres. Smyth, sud Secretary Sims, ot the Beclir Board ot Trade. Hon. Mr. Tarte replied to the teas: RAILWAY NOTES. ot "Canada," speaking with force - vigor tor an hour and a hall. Am thte of the Iargerrt engines on an war-ins Ontario to look well to keep Grad Trunk has been " the Strat- ing " It! mutton or it, would los, ford shops to be overhauled. It weighs more representatives in Parliament 155 tons, driving wheels 6 feet one next census, he went on to make ill inch in diameter; cylinder 20 by 26; earnest pronouncement in favor of i' steam â€mun, 800 pounds; " hauls high tariff. and a strong transporta 55 loaded height. cm at. so miles an tion policy, working up his heaven hour, 15 passenger coaches at sixty to B high pitch of enthusiasm. miles. r __ r . .,._ . . I ‘I_ A‘. ct-..-. ‘M‘. . “g ' “a" as. ot 'ltd' van to and!“ 7, wt Mr. M U H ' .du ghoul " I T *- m. Prune-I bt -ltll'lil.1N1'ti,a', nub,†“W. H " “.3 m in Wnterloo Con†qt" _ n the Anne Court M “m‘ w mung“ counsel in in. .m member tum u an el- 1,... W nuns†W " _ Mamba: him a _ "i . an mum ti He pointed out that nearly even nation in the world equipped New for comment] Inprenncy, mm“ Rustin, which hedhcovercd s h»: iceks ago, but you exported n Great Britain $10,000,000 worth 0 butter. ' Regarding transportation he ndvn cated transcantinental railways, {or steamship lines, and en improvemen ot our canal system. A lot (it money had been spent hugging the North west but unleu W0 t ok one nova not lure we coum _ these western irovinces ‘Canedla end British. Al randy they were being attracted tr the big American centres immediate tr to the south of them. In conclus ion, he made a plea for a strong Can “in sentiment and a umted etfori on“! put of All Names w bum up the county on great national COOPERATION BETWEEN HOME AND SCHOOL. How can we bring the teachers and perem- into closer relations With each other, ad the tmteficiul resu'tw ot and: ullimoe, ue the points in a pupa on Childhood, by Mrs. Theo don w, Emmy in the May Delinea. I toe. It ll certain tint until numb Ill teacher: become better acquaint d, an improvement in the conditiml oe home and Ichool will not result Cooperation between we and m Watcher my an the torm ol unions Ue chic; ul’ when and: clown um whinging than together are unloved, the needs at children El) kit-ensued to “new. The " who mm- . Itat ot gm re - load, clothing, an ot skin. mus, sleep, a. u m mutton with. M wilt - and "s. ___ met-gunman in W'W mhmwnyhn a -. luv-mo! Cumin postage Iâ€, to“ What cl Edvard m. nun-om witt Nicknamed ttttit').';,','.'.",,"?": can my.“ etch-pt» tittt'eu",lthlltl L .. I. P, B. Jul-u. In. lending mull In \h W n the hm km, s: u former m- Wk. imam“ In a cashm- Qbma “Mun-d m" M. EDI-dint. In â€01.0!" - "I yum - tattWe ,8ttt Ems-bun» p5 ttrt-r-meet?. at. In. bitumen-MW Wmâ€: M! ttgrxdd%. a an at I. a. "all†If†.0 â€5 HOW†pm. In It! DC “as! “Mn-aw was. Ari as--" M â€watch mum " and“ m St 0“]. ia.kl i'::,":,') consumption up“ an. Mr. Jutkc we: TI - Mill for some tit. fl "6ring from Bright} duo-u. TH “a dado I last am than Mr. but: dl,',',', obtaioed In“ and van ortrroad I. hit I the “name: um “I. . um um to Bemndt. - out the winter. While that be r m m accident. butting his " 0 returned to _Toroqto «va P.? when he mind here that he as driven directly to the 3303': Hold. when In spent tome " before ha was thin to proceed to in house. Th. end cum â€and†aftmoon about p o'eioek During his “be" Mr. {antics Loam VIII aitended by Dr. J. . Cotton And pr. Clan. The ml wilt uh: plu- m Met- day " Burk. when the "and" " be intend is the - burial)!“ The body " be his to Burn on the I.“ on. train. and the. Meal will be from the nation there to the tummy. Improvemoi-Besriia'tr busy sub- urb is making improvements this spring. Two meetings hue hem hold by the citizens tor the purpose uh building an athletic ground. The meet- mgl hue so In proved anemnlul and collectors have been Lppointed to raise the required amoustt.--The Ber- sin and Wnterloo St. R. are " pres- ent improving the Grunt Ruler park. and etc making preparations tor the 'erection otspsviliots, which, when completed, will in every particular meet the demands at summer-resort- ers.-Mr. Honsberger has also thrown In his lot with the improvets, and has begun the erection of a dwellinv-house on Mill street. Notes-The B.F.B.C. have not as yet had any practice, owing to the short evenings. However, the River sides think they will be prepared in enter the quorum referred to by Doon it such a league be orwcized.--T1w G.T.R. made a. number of trips oi late to Bridgeport, sometimes male ing two trips 5 day.-Sherk end Bni- der have just received a carioad of corn, and are shipping bran to the American aide.-Mr. H.Whitehead, who has been visiting friends in this neighborhood, returned to his home in Detroit.-Mr. L. Schweitzer tuw- pened with a very serious accident on Wednesday, when he was attacked by one oi his cattle and before assistance arrived was seriously in.iuri-Frouo all appearances boating promises to be the leading pastime this summer. Boats may behad at any hour by applying to H. Somme-The school commemorated the funeral or Sir tNt- ver Mowat» by taking a. holiday. steam menus. 800 pounds; " hauls 55 loaded height cars at. 80 miles an hour, 15 passenger coaches at sixty miles. mwviat is probably the biggest lam} motive in the world has just been completed " >Sch_enu_=tady tor timing freight over the Rocky Mountain“. It measures 70 feet, and on a level track mun] until; altars smile aud a half long. Plans have been got ready in Mont- real for the elevation of the Grand Trunktucks from St. Henri to Bon- aventure Station, which will tttttrt " million. Recent Ian! 'm-tnt, wel- iiiiiirTivGiirricted the attrition or the civic omcials to the need of a?» olishiug lug! gassing: in that city. The G.T.R. has generously present- ed Master Emerson Krnntz ot Tavi. stock with acheck lor $10 tor giving warning which, The Tavistock Gaz- ette says, averted a terrible nilway accident some. wank: ago. About two miles east ot the town was I delectr ive and loose rail. The next train to) come along was theatterrtmm â€was trom the West. It happened um Em- erson Krantz was strolling along the track and noticed this tall. He doubl- ed his pace tyoe-fold and went direct- ly to the union gent, Mr. Consey, and notihed him. The section men were immediately celled in and des- patched tothe plum ot action. After their lob Ind been completed the the o’clock tnin noon peeled over the wot, may of the passengers not knowing tint death lied been so near. The on? kind of consump- tion to ear is " neglected coehph'otc' - _ People are ttgate',.',' com tumphon is a can . disease. It is neglected consumpdon than: no one: incurable. V 1 At the fainted mama): 't consumption _ Scotty 'thetul begin reguhrdooes -_ _ A _ The use d Sam's Emulsion " once. has, in mm of anâ€. (and the balance in ttieiotheatitu. . N -uattptio adhe- ,ztftri!tl'l' Se6tt'o Emub non 1; _. A CUT-'5 1riiiiirroiF Gem BRI DGEPORT Out-(nutummlluau It.) 2m ttt April 1004. to may at tbe Canadian hull; mic-d " WV. from tho "to d WW tn Bouth Mm has uh M to sign had to on“ th- at†Mu, durum. 11. an. oi a3iediiG u 8m. m I could in." "and to and: baton this had I no hard. u ttte coalition toe lawn; we tereo at any to be complied with but printed to min hon lot u-zne time to we what my tum up. Hue " idea ot soil: up tis Hasn- mind ui the Zomba! an: I time but it is too unhalthy to "art just yet. - - A _ __ . Five Dutchmen hnving in their Dol- session three gum were loud in this vicinity recently without the uncan- ny permits. I mused their “rest and brought 3 chug: splint tham cl penonnting the police, tor which I had good pounds, and I guess they will get All tint in coming to them. This has been an exceptionally dry yen in this country and the pros- pects ell point to l "Moot ot Aroath and want. Away up in the mountains seems to he the only region one can hee to escape most ot the trouble: and amictions that beat this untor- Lunnte country, and ot course it tak- es considerable eltort 1nd exertion to get there. Two ot my detachmmts took a trip to the Crockodile river, one hum dred miles lrom here, 1 short time ago, and while there shot, end lulled seven crockodiles end a. large him popotamus, lt was a big job to skin them all, wpecially the sea lion. but they succeeded and brought their lllll- es in a police wagon. I bare two ul the crockodile skirts, " well as a piece ot the hide of the hippo, which my: N. W. P., and have become" so accustomed to it that I do not feel quite right unless I hare ridden so many miles every dar.. . It has been extremely hot and dry in these parts ot late, the thermo- meter registering 110 degretas in the shade during the pant lew dnrs,' slightly ditlerent, I imagine, to what you are bunny, in Berlin at present. We have a signaler with us and talk to Fort Edward, 1 distance at 50 miles, aimost every day. All our out stations have them, so us to form a complete lmk. _ One of our corporals who came bete from Canada with as, and quAe a chum ot mine. died vary luddenly a short time “a. He bad his ticket and gotta is: as Ptetogu a his way to Canada, when the poor young man took sick and succumbed to the disease, far away trom his home and those near and dear to him. Very and was it not ' Hoping this may find you in good health as it leaves me, for which I am moat thanklul to I: kind and all who Providence. Miss Minnie Krueger was released from the County jail on Wednesday. alter serving her ten days sentence for Why. The German sugar trade expresses alarm at the prospect ot a min wax with Canada. The Board of Health ot thut has decided to erect. " 1qoluiots Haspital on the same plan gs the Berlin insti- tution. It will coat about $3,700. A man arrested " ButUlo on I charge ot taking n 0111111an into the United States any: n syndicaze of Toronto Chinamen conducts the bus- mus. Excnvniiom tor the pavilion ot the Berlin and Bridgeport Street Ry, at Bridgeport are now being made, W. H. Collard at Berlin, who in.- the contract, inning nurse on; oimen at work. An uminniion of the nrelt- itecta plus, nhown that when cout- pleted the pavilion will be I mo" ira- posing uni nut-mus! structure. The dimensions of the building will he 60 X " (on, two Itorie- high. The Pruitt no to " solid muonry. Along “he inii length oi the pavilion, which with» mud on "can“: um over1orAing, the Grand River, will he . he“ may both up thin and Inn, “no can! loot but; any-m ltt,t.T, a. m. min can an 'tit" 1l!iEiiif . an an at“. A . overlooking the Grand River, will he pmnt. Mr. “and Lyons, at. P.- ubroud Null. both " "Am tutd come, Que, up: "For - “not do“. the not)“ Mor hem; Mtg-ttre you: I vu may mm with a - no" a. - From an! we" mm, “a in comm in: am pom and“ will can.“ _ my all would m u at an; the ittthe man! Ms. W'- lnn exertion mull overcome me; - munch lac, tm Btihq to a. my hurt vould mum. nanny, so“! all cut. and I would sometimes [me n feeling In“. u. tlst, m pound oertdtrteatiort. I an under the cm in: . in vacuum oeadtte%t, but mm m rotten _ wk.» in"! I“ t,ygipt,tt'h"h't',"lt'l', name _ I†Ntttrrert can you! um in to di-ti-e my unhsmwmh ,roee.-tmr,rtsest,art9hbo, immune-I. In gltttf, no um m. ',"llt',8 m mananma may Juno, ,rdhurMt" worl- ieTi;iiiiaJitit,tttigtt' ,dtNeyr.Mt axle-dam l '-:.m Pr! “n“; my t “It “.4- v - , P' ‘ L.r. - ‘ , " " C, " L. '?tiMrile _ 9 k ' Witt, e lie, ‘ N {‘énm" WILL BE A FAVORITE BE?ORT Your- lovingly, WILFRID Em} Rife? in saw DEATH OF MRS. HONSBERGER The death is announced ot Mrs. Ly din Ann Honsberger of Jordan, whici took place st the home ot her menu Mr. and Mrs. Jtcob Snider st Ger man Mills on Thursday, when sh! had been visiting. The remains were -Giii% 36th:]! on Saturday low interment. A Trouble Much 'Ltrtt Common Than is Gwen“, Supposed. . A healthy person does not feel th, heart' at all. I the heart makes it sell felt it is . sure Sign of some om or the many phases ot heart trouble. Some of the symptoms oi been trou- ble are shortness oi breath, trembling otthe hands, violent throbbing or muttering of the heart, sharp spasms ‘olpsin, oppression of the chest. dizziness, and dummy eventing, lrre gular pulse, and the alarming pulp:- tation that is often telt mp“ in the head or at the wrists. Of course Peo- ple sullering trom heart trouble, haven't all these symptoms, but ll on hue any of them it is s sign ot heart trouble and should not he neg- lected for s moment. Many ot the trouble! meeting the but no car-sd by man, irrdie these causes lie at the rout. ot lin- tion or nervousness. and when my of ironblo it m unruly and by the ole of Dr. Willi-.ma’ Pink Pills. You mustn't. trifle with common medi- lose, and above Bil you shouldn't lumber weaken your hurt try using purgatives. You must cure you: hurt disease through the blood with Dr Williuns' Pink Pills. You can sully tawny thin in the only my “one yonneli. The hurt drive: your blood to " put: oi the body. Every drop oi your blood fiorrtt through the hurt. ii your blood in thin or lmpuro your heart is bound to bowed: nod disus- ed; if your Mood " ware. rich out! balmy, ll will mutiny mm your hurt sound uni strong. pr. Wlliiung' Pink Pilig gammy Indie yew, rich, red blood. And that now. rich, red blood unusual: your “can. "ittt- ulna your liar. â€other your Ber- vu, and drive. out of your man an the disorders um helped to disturb your heart. Tilt bu been proved in thousands“... “misman- point. w. Adah“! “you. m. Pa- eomo, Que, an: “lag-guy gyros HEART DISEASE. Tp. Clerk 32*: Fl MILITARISM AND nmooxsm tiiiiru"arif7TlrirFa-id 3.. '"rf2taNt=T" . M to In . - to Fit . C _ . a "ttrt) at _ uh. Natal- tr may with he - - _ on m - aâ€: ol “"0 cl an. mm, M t,'ctt'tf.', to W“. an out“ mum. in on County - ubt- to “With an thym- nouu It pom-y, which by work- I “singly in can“. " m or 50.“, to Ireland. The resolute! in ttts Cunnin- Paul-wilt was ctr-- but†102 wot. to 41. An Inmat- " pint an out ot Cmdn’: w- Ilo- Alto the met position whim cnuum chin: In Inch matters. As to “damn it, an a " mum Lurk?! oped seem: to show, our aa"trseeer%irmtherriqtttto ad- vm the Parliament of the Umlod Kingdom; nnd' when Sit Wilma my: be justifies Candi! barium in me Irish amnion on the we pound a but intestate-co in South itr.atanl nun. it mun be “DIM that be, when. an moi: â€Not. The log- seat quuencoto Won ot men and money for limpet“! defunct u 10- , presentation in Imperial comment. At present Cumin in content. to “hire. Were she 'In a position toeaatrr outa trutmtantittllr she might mm on- doing sometinglmore than ad- -_-_--e "‘" "e-" ' law. - "a“: ""'"9e"" p... - n v. v_,_, _ . - . Boy.’ 2 pleas lulu. Strasbou- Norfolk style make! all wool and oitt,t,tur1i,tgtJtit,l,t'ecuyg And domestic "coda. out made with you and iGi plat. but And ":2, with the scheme ot numerous cadet corps. 3,235 26, 2,11'l1iltht'lrJh'lo'? Itgted Aeettr e g “'6. economy cut me no objection to It, Blayu’ 3 plooa "itato fit be . . " 8 to 16 you: old In Camila at! [upwind Ite, Would be the - pr " - t‘veodl in oval-check Ind chalk “no wanna. and; h “nil. W Inga i t these points we think " hayt' 'oat, good 113nm lining, tingle bregat "a) with or whim†who. the. pawl. proved. One obxection frequently "Pr mod throughou'. well and. ma pom» mm. duo as, 27, 23,29, 30, 31. 32 ed Wt" occupy our “Wilma fo.r a m 33, worth 4 60 to 5.50, mung u " â€an. " lines, and than we vim indict our _ views and our wisdom on our readers . no longer. “You no oncouuging tm The TwinAuty's Beat CW. spirit ot milikrilm Md jingoixm in -- -- . ..-A A --_.atti-qqV A ‘A our young," an Mr. Clptlous Crib ' “sud the next generation will plunge the nation into war with al' m unlble consequences." Why thi. should be true it hard indeed to gray. Many 3 young chap takes lessons it boxing 3nd becomes pruticient in tht art ot BeBaqtestee. but. we Bar will mneuw'e, that this does not Cor. was ogood fellow into a bully, or x mm “tinting tor fights, It gives t: its possessor an m which under ctr lcumstances that alight happen to any men, would be inhlueble; it does In more. Nanette: oi tact, this " a mere bogie, aortiething of which trim is tttt' danger whatever. Milit’risn does not run in the blood of the pea ple of this Country; it is not con» sistent with its institutions, on could, even in the obscure of them facts, find no place here for 50 year- to come, during which time, at lean we will be so busy developing om great natural resources, that than will be no chunce for mythic; else Ir? develop them, however, we must be left alone, end the row or the notion who in lett done, in the an: able to.derend himsell or use", am that to the knowledge ot t,tttf neigh born. The report ot the Crown Lands Dr imminent tor 1902. which was pres- eated to the Legisluture shows that the output tor iron, copper Iind nick, d, we.- "mitt-Amok yeah-r than iv my previous year, that ot Bicse: mounting to 5,945 tons, valued R1 ",8t0,06t,- on! coin-r, 4,332 tow. aided " $886,045. ton ore amount " Ito 869,288 tons, worth $518,445. we 178,638 tons, worm, $1'4 "M, in 1901. The production ot " iron nu £11,867 tons, ulna! st M. $3,051, ml ot Itcel, 38,363 was, rioted of 31.810331. Jhtotlt, "tf for at. brought in ",881.833,10. The revenue Iron: timber dues is the tar so“ in the hbtory at an previncc'. Mining potent. In" we told and' annoys magic My“)! acrnc, in Cttt. sis-magmyi ' Algoma, Rm) flu') All “My. bringing I revenue of $11,108.50. " are. ot :1. 560 mu In: been leased " " pe. ci‘nm' Etttt Wu. mun“, The report she'd tint 104,430 no "tar an in!" I." - "Ii-â€u"! uh had been Bold or lowed dating an teat '0 tttr lot $02,103.87. The sitmatt a; -------a- mime-l " I“! and kw- dur The m ot Du KcOillicudly an " a. - VI! $i6t,0th03, . The Geo. B.. Cm. u-Il.P.. an mumbl- mln ul- ol land. eyyttrcuftr ed toe the no.» ole. at cm a ' m m. to! W8t,8 t; Ctttttw Distribution " cm... The job In at. “I m. lot an", tot ,rorth ",400. gm; flat' drool In“. ut tut- an. to t; my lab. $.78: ----_ bl $8,031.“. Tttn mum at tho do A unaware CHILDREN â€tantamount to 't,.Rrt,6tF, - III to Mt- to 398.050.1521. Show wads, but mum. on no ttt Tunisian!“ i,400 Ian-ugl- tot «Home» oi t W. win in an â€motion. ('69th ggNtdtd to "mum‘- iigiii'GqmlBmkt00tHt i'lthm Chub-rm hall-nus; aitetttapotmtat'otet ,rtthth.t-ottht.medtotre, In Naming nun. In Geo. my, a! rm-,N, B., “My: no but a qrettqe-"t in. In! Bay's On - Multan} magnum-um u -errtttterr lulu-mm» .mlnmmmu- .4 - ‘_-_an.L.-...a‘n_n I. navyâ€, imam Mr CROWN LANDS R EPORT mun m et mm ham qrttb 11.1.; TNarmoet " Vin. up, If» it: at P"? “wit‘nmnhnwmdflmflw' whichvcueannbldtook hlimrt.d â€a“- . ditfid nihTthhcomdo' "tieiiiiti,eid/tygrttdv'g,',tri2' dubbing me- witttall a 'iugtri. “I!!!“ mgmmqmdanppmz 3’ . I .. C L._Asi'A'a, "do oil: give. Bose $2.60 two piece mm tn dark my pin cheek, do.“ had. so“ dated back and (rpm, collar cloud a "an“, km purl, as thortgee "tin mod. punt, “Did throughput! than 3.2 ee-APY, =- " " , .1 30th nylon in spring Ind manor pm“. Warthy mud-ls, through. ly nude, moonlwmred to mm Just not wen: u may, not. by. do“ luubt to succumb. KING STREET more at lend dedicated to the vege- uhle garden. It Ihould he plead tn or fenced, so " to keep out the pip ami chickens and be near the hone so " to have " convenient tor the wo- men folks, as the leminine portion ol the household mully do most or much of the work in the golden. l‘he mother or dnughter my have ten or alteen minutes to spore iron: the houseworkol A busy lorenoon. or a not too hot utterance, when it would be a genuine delight and rest to he: ", get out end plant, and weed. and woe in the Flesh soil; but it tells her slmoat that long to wnlk to the due- tut truck patch, she gives it up und the work goes undone. Aguin, 1f the gnrden in near the house, where we con duly wetch it, end we the thing: growing, we become interested. How nice to hue it no Bear we on show t to the neighbor who lust runs in to borrow some little thing; to the heads who "str, or but ot All, to the city vmtor who he; no prden ot her own, but who would dearly ‘ove to hove, and so we grow proud ot it and try to keep it neetend thril- - P. B-The Chronicle-T mph naps.» " with. anymo- the balance of the year 2lt' an 391 Bully, "thesitate, 'r [or setting. Fox A may palm two an: “Inâ€. two India-Iona no Me vuitia on mt, _ In! one ot each new would wobbly be bur m. n in but to out "rawtregtier in the spring. hotly new“ in ttot In- portant, on ther should to plum aaruuiromututturtrtitte! condition old give clan culture mm late In “Mam. Cm that†ho taken to mm. on blouomn the Arst on: son.P1aeattreNsnuinromr4 M with uni iron " to " inch. apart, in the row. Tm the mm: “on ttetineottt-rattootto Ill w named NV an“ on loot wide. " in well to was a. pint. iron with; in a tight In“. nu on be mph-bod by pulling dt main “to: the bt.Atn I." m mstttrteattlt Every um than!!! have itt more or ST ARTING STRAWBERRIES Show words, but {nah}, and We -iestrse M . mother. who in not mtqttty W the mu ot Babr's Own Tami. Ohm " cannula with the not dun. admin. In Geo. Hudy, ttf Ionrchu. N, B., ,rvit-"t h" and so": On _ aII bl th- . m to "ttdean. a! t CI! mo am In!» ,,mrtati=tert-gagtttr-." Thu. m an m a. that m ste?) an a has: It. a“: tttatt at '.tmtht an, no Sci-7.; wiL, vw‘! 2.13 to: 8=ttt,'ttittt mam. C.".'".":.::.".: 8GtlttWgttttt'.?gt'tt, u ".y.'.Y..C. 1ltg'ttlGttttt%IMet srgtliii:i..i:.:.:, 'dg'l'l'ft"a1WlWl1 lath-i 'iiGrG"iGy.C.'.y.y. Cette' goal-pay_ull on!!! lab “an. omtihrthtthing 'iiiil,itgiti'l1.1!lt8.lll8.r..itlt .1 43.. Mumâ€"wwmw l. Min-Wand "pgtttb;'latlr, Wilt-.... I qttm_Niimktt and . .............. I Mum-AM “M" l 8gtt'glta'd.iattttt'h"i,thtt ............ lit t1hrouiNoquigiieF3.lFto M-.......... I“ qtconitieFuimiVt4ry-to wa.M.......... " ptuxatitu-yiei+odAtim-toDIdty.Hs...a....-.. l fa.h-uu.'ru1i_aa.aN-h-qq Mi--....... 1†S. SAUDER & CO., DAVID BEAN, may. fer.ts €THEHORSE MARKET iiiriaiaaiFata-- an... minty-1mm. Euuu yam use. on hmâ€. Ap- ril Mth mo. W in“. union! not Cast. - the ma. Ragi- no“, Win-Isa; man. an 10th Rast- nm, a Boyd om. Toronto, and .Mms a! pennant corps M was]. Davy county Im on tHoeraMira, W in Ora-uteri. at), or - an. an. on unru- Arm: Darwin-M new. a an... maul-unmet. tr.tdatqmabtettulttmtlttt' an the any. ' Thoma-‘1“- totldu -fisiqmmtsuetod autumnal.“ the) ,rtttnrttt.attt_dora1Ne,'o hummus-om. " I: ,iarro-reb-tntrteudtrttat It. ninth. The m In co:- wmmhhlto M “and. In oatnmgd "mum it I: "tnt,mueAer-peettrmtrrh m mama-cud“. LI- My" n - ,..‘_..._;_m‘ _ sum gt,rtN==tr2'f.1?fJdll if Lem: - -.'.. '--v - "V" Rii'SEFiiii :it"a'7.NTi'0iiSP2St u isTGriiaaiiuiGiauiuia"" cull-I Minimum have m a." Rerrrtar--TN “tilting away on a! sh Oman Woollen In). - no“. MIC In aunt'- lhll why no. to "can“ in- M’I . at " Mun put an - mmm m be GI. mm 0! Ila. h . d "met a. cue-Ion an m a: tt " ml ttte ""°""‘ 'ttttut. m†"I; no in hw- " . _. m! P . all!" 2'! ram n.1, In. " In -r.oe-tfc..u. 'PgeT.'-dgr.VshT, ltt eteteleer, 'Gf.ETiiiiip2e.u,W.."= - - -_ Quin «and than iii'i?,iii.5 a: /,4,trre, iiiiiEiawiteic,'t -, In. “.gv er.e 'rGih"Gi7iaFouk __ __ autumn mun-nun“ " mm: It" ...--. _.....,_.rv "a"'i"iak;'dFiiauiuruette Thu-nu I- attain-cl oun-ml. - - On"- Wan-loo, Ont. - ‘n- 'e' qr-w- ---v‘ "â€" -‘T,.~ m u .4 u- m" "a. "ctG"i"'d you. 'ea:e.lht%tt.rhl:tliiy5 g, L"A, - I. "iiii,7iiiiii . has. Aaumr6 a any-4-9:- yefettu We nun-u --ttyrte' a: 'ii'iii2?i?.itt I‘P'IPPN'L,,,, BERLIN