'i,GGBEtEi'irg'is Tr WT , -%Ei'Dorrkh, TORONTO. i A general Banking Bulimia stun "Ga " mo .' WAliRLOO BRANCH lic: m _---- hm..- and run-unn- Car'téfk‘ Little Liver Pills BANK OF HAMILTON " Bettutt "MIGH- IIIITTANCB DEPARTMENT. Honoécan be sent to all parts on the wet at trdhog cost by out drifts Ind money orders. Bank drums are absolutely safe and we guarantee that the money wall be pad only to the right party. - __-ic-.,, r‘;_-..l... . Travehcrs can purchase Circular Notes, which can be cashed every- where without charge personal idem tifieattort or any kmd of trouble. SAVINGS DEPARTIBNT. The safest way to invest your mon- " is to place it in this department. The rate ot Interest may seem small when compared with that promised by specuutors, but the in- come Is a: " ast certain. Remember that the money Is per- fectly sate and ttsat you can get u when you want n. ' __-a-..-...," THE CANADIAN BANK w...-. P- â€W, Una dollar and upwards xecewed “dental added twee a year. fCAPIrAL...... ......$aooo.ooo 3331,. Ma. 38,500,000. ttttdas of one dollar and “PM! “your: the Saving- Bmk or on" â€01.1th and highest rad. of mm: mowed. Dam and Money 0rd." - on .11 point' " Iowa: nul- Special attention paidto the We! {amen tutti out of town amnion. Blank Notes for tanner: Ido- supplied free on spplioation. The Molsons Bank. hump-tau In 1856. HEAD OFFICE. MONTREAL Paid up Capital - 82500.0(») We Fund _ 82,850,000 Apnea! but!“ tgqtMIt- doâ€. Got- couns- undo. an“; - â€13510“ alt may» Domlnton at m vim “a" .omaopc-Iudn savinu M - - _, ---.- --_...m I)hildren's Hats " . . . The Misses .hhranbaeh, Berlin. - next door to mnrth Bron. T E. HAINES, Agent, BERLIN awn-puns m . 'Tmtteer, mount Jute! MI was: HEADACHI. w rc," £35 0F BOMMERGE We hlvo s Inge “garment oi children? out and mum“: in" nnmug hi me from 500 In “00 'Also- chip and leg born but... Amhar oipAetst of lulled [nth-want bat. bu salvo-o and u ready Mr in-poeuon. 1hfa!ta ‘31 Alt kinds of rep-ir- tut'" " "atmiatrts, ' an LEAPER 5808.3 Windmllll SMNS‘ C. G. MINTY. Mum“. qtoituittq - M+¢O+M§M+f noon annual. anâ€; w-mloo Bunch HM mniguunu‘. in. 5m:- W" . .9 T at.“ 4de TI!!!" mum-mung.- mmmmmvumtmw‘" 'cHssetoti"ttrritt" be. Domini Com mit «in» mummwvmuun H mm Foul Wan um". Vii! Mrs. mum. Lamb. NA.; In an", 2Nt “4 "a.“ bore. 5‘50 mu bh Mm 0- NI- day mum " I o'clock. aouiet â€an; molyluuan- use†mum u an Mia-co at Mr. J.J. on... " ttg-dal. W. Tomato, when hia Ww, In: Birdie Gila, in mud to Mr. Thoma A, Com ot Bruno“. u- ot m. Packard Gown, ot Berlin. Mm Basic Gila, cousin ot mama. acted as Imus-mud. and Mr. J. E. Btigee, tcusurrly ot Berlin, “tended the gloom. It. and In. Count iett on ahcneymoon trip to New York and other Amicu emu, atter which they will take up weir resi- dence in Bunion]. Mr. Cownu ls well-known in Berlin, lawn; attended school in this town. and lot anumher at you! being tho enmem. clerk um bookkeeper at P. an scene member ot the old Lyceum Gies’ kndwue store. He was Alla Leagues Dentin; Society, ad a por ulu speaker. and In: may mend: Will extend to him and his bride -.- _""""'""-- _ . _ - um speaker. and In: may mend: Will extend to him and his bride their heathen cortgrstulUiomr and the best wishes tor n long and up†wedded lite. It in some months since Berlin ha been “sited by burgers and nutter! were becoming exceedineg quiet in police circles lately, so much BO, that the Police Committee saw fit um proper to dispense with the services of Constable O‘Neil on May let. On Wednesday evening, however, the bur- glars again turned up, end were evi- dently in search of wearing apparel. The first p lace visited was Steiler and tieibert's tailor shop, where en- trance was ettected by prying open one of the rear windows to the work- room. Two suits oi clothes and two pair ot trousers were hanging on the opposite wall and these were taken as well as apair ot hockey boots, with skates attached. The display room wamnot entered apparently. This morning when the proprietors arrived they noticed that strangers had been about and an investigation followed. A thread lead them from the window that was entered to the rear ot the Star Whitman Co'a history. and here a vest and a pair ot trousers were found. The skates that had been attached to the hockey boots were lound in the yards ot the Royal Ex- change. . The burglars else paid a visit to the Star Whitewesr Co's works by forcing open n window at the north side of the iactory near the mar. They found their way through the cutting and packing departments and reached the Mice. Here the door was forced open by breaking the lock with the aid oi a chisel. All oi the drawers in the various desks were opened and examined, but nothing at J'alue was missing this morning, The vault was locked and wu not tam- pered with. Manger Feick was seen by the Telegrsph at the office vr- day land he stated that as far as he knew nothing was taken trom the es- tablishment, unless it would be t box or two oi whiteweu which would not he missed until the certain class oi goods the boxes contained Was required. hints or JONN ataigM. YE ES is, general opinion dong me street that two night consumes are manned in Benin. There wun large number of per- sons interested in nature study MM. wizatiun meeting at the Y.M.C.A. ponded to the call to attend tut or- rooma on Friday evening. New" study is attracting “durable at- tention in educational circles st the present time, sad the Inge number at “when at) others who were present "s,t?5'iiit that" t is interesting study hu um anti-ii mun ind Wm:- TA IN cary NATURE S1 UDYCLUB TWO BUBULAHIES IN BERLIN. 100' Among those present were: - L Sheppsrd, H. Entry. 0. P. McKay, B.B. Gregor, A.C. Bonhold. I. it, Tier, CL. Grol, A.G. Mayer, J.l.. Klempt, E.J. Wood, I. Schmidt, A. D. Moore, G. Johnston. E.J. Gran. E. Berry, A. (nuke, E. Cummings. E. Ziegler, , N. Clarke, E. Lena m lam R. Reid, EK 15.5mm, L.R. cum. " émm, 111m hm, J.H. Mann, A.tr KImmel, D, s. Julian. J.P. Mil-on, P. w Show!“ An! other! . = - . Mr. R. Raid MM, In! Ir. J. F. Mum-on and a mercury. The obj-cu ot the Mm - cum were badly eqtaimd by It. D. B. Jnckmn. a boil. tor tho pupal! ot studying plats. mm. and! ity sects and not: - My. " was «and to aging†e, h aqomt. u "The T'il-Cny Hum My Club." The Mon of mean "and a (wow-:4 "o..rli-ehere. Puree. haunt-9.8. Jain“. r,Crtee.Pra..--M" to. w. , 2gxtieieg “a m I 'ti.oii'i9i"ifiri'iy, - a tNiJlttn,rN'il'ik'tl, ""th in.“ no†QUIETLY VEDBBD‘ ir if“ ririvCitr mun III-uh- M hymn“. mm: gin-u†h e412“ 'P, “ P, a w A x... . . tltilllM Mlii ran- on , , i. a... Mr! I Ru. B. I. tune; ' ii, 4 tegidettt A. FEW , Ichaol was ll - _ . . numerically, 'pe'il'llEll'/'alll j lly. The upon- " th‘ " H Trunk". Lunch- "tCtthidittii dm HOD. W ltNgt and and "eel, att of V ad that an nu nu M haun- istactory otd am “I h - Iection with tho Nicol. Tifm ot once" rat-M In alt d Ill. you'll "A! Nu ,wqhotgd In 'tth ttr-.-. Bttperiatta_-A. Bsrhr. Ant. tetart.-nr. Wirm Beerettrr--A.A. by. Tre-eu-Mia. B. (tta,, Librarian-NU. L. _ . organisb-W" A. m. 'rtteetstirotaitoet-- â€pointed. ANrt two wont. go “to young men, whose name- - withhold " the present, until any at "and. met two you; Berli- glrh. “BM Annie Billschi ad Mary White, and ot whom ere no!“ u on " you: a use, and whose menu [In In the West. Ward, and persuaded than to new: their up†hotn- end mun- pcny them to M.’ The young girls behaved. but the “muons and other good thine in M110 were painted in slowing word picture- '.'t the young men, who was men o. eight yen: older than the skin, and they Enally consented and let: Ber- lin, tutti the quartette mind in Bul- Ink). The parents of the girls ttotitied Constable Huber, who out the wheel: ot justice in motion to - the wandering girls, and lashing that tickcts had been ptudtaaed tor But- talo, he communicated with the pol. lic authorities ot that city. f No word of the "quartetter was rcs-' ceived [or some den, but this mom lug Constable Huber ruched . tel. egram which trtated that the Wu) girls had been found try the ammo police, and that Annie Bunch] was willing to return home providing trtosporutiort costs were lonuded. but that Mary mm positively re- [uses to return to Berlin. It is quite probable am the hm young men will be mud on the charge ot nbductlon and Ill] be ro- turned to Berlin an - use. The girls will be brought lack a any rate. UL)DFELI.0W* ANEtiD DIVINE SERVICE. On Sunday dternoon our], two hundred Oddlellovu, complain; the membership at Grand Union Lodge, No. 97 1.0.0.F., and brethren trom Berlin lodge, ad from Waterloo, El min, Preston, and Quint. "tended divine seniee in Sh. Pm’l Luther an Church Ree. R. we Pireh, luv:- tor, preached a very eloquent all up- proprlate sermon in Bonn. There we: also I goodly number at ltlendm of the Order in “whoâ€, who very ‘thoroughly enjoyed the venue. Che popular boys choir we: “an: um rendered enumber ot "Iranian " their usual pleasing and “many manner. The text Wu aka tron: Matt. 7; 20,; TW.' “Wherefore by their unit.- ye dull know them. The preacher pointed on that there are only two societies around by God trom Biblical times, nunely, 1hr lamily. ad the China. and the-u two should twain the 'imt “notion of all. There hove ho- Mmeuel mu â€hilt: " “1312“? - '"""' ttr. ottyer he mm mam were ed which hue been e beatttP. to ma. minutely described, u well u the kind And have dotte good work dar. nmee ot the hundreds ot cemeteries ing their existence. Among those we and their owners were given. laws we the Independent Order ot The objects (and in the catacombs iOddleilows. This order in orpm‘zrd were “mourned under the following shout .100 yum Mo, " all)! to toadtc--Imeriptiorta, "mbolietrlsigettr, improve' and mil- in linemen. lo mum representation: or m om visit the nick, to min the mph-N end New Testament, pictures ol and widow, etc. In connection with Christ, the Virgin and the Semis, the OddlelIOVI. there ttna been or- liturgical rep-tations; gilt glue gunned the Rebate]: Lodge tor the uses; Mood vuee; mlpturee chiefly beuetit ot the W“. agtd “Mm o.' on com and e vale†ot miscellane- the member: of the 1t0dtgtt.nea.. At one any, ell ot which were related preeent tttem ere :03 -tedinate to in . very int-rating name: by lodges with e memhenhlp at 35,000. Dr. Spots. Len your $50,000 we! spent In " In conclusion the lecturer aaid:- trenettu and tte" $100,090 II ttttt. "A good may we . great inter- enl. Mummy and but debt. " an. thehoty ma we would much it 'txeaqdingtr “In“ to Imam-e um and when money ttt get no the when that - m Mimi and gut-M with we holy pleoel in Pai- lthe 107 mi Innis- that If†lane. th we. no one em nod and " a. would end Imu- mm with than. my [allow the or- nel ’Q‘ll’. ttt We Ordge. ttge. Mr. “My" ot - ciUeq of Ninits '00 Pimm“¢bm M ole-I new. with ken Interest, ttreorder,trhieAVi-re" tMt a-ttrr-nb-ttre die- more-lehlanmm d tavern-momma: leer fwllyeircle. More“ at um mo" menu - its} mmmemaemm-W l enter, new dutnum- n-tmcuuoomum- to may utmi,amtttt-trea. Oder hind ttthutt.nttt-t, end "sirn-eet.Tua_ere a. unmanned in mm. him More». “more". â€raglan-cream only on row We“ the vom- curl-un- than Pel-tlle an all m mmmdmvmm magnum.“ Attita tttttr- immune-ecumen- ii.mtt.inrate.tt-artd the was! “and In“ mun-chum." than aiiirirt-etrft'rtffa: 'iittmott%gt-t'tttete+ MIMI-tum†dum- mm. renum- Rm one“ t-eqght m net O ' - "In at at all idt"ggt"g'.'tA'.Wrf cometâ€! to 0.“.th .qtq 'm6rt-tt-_he0sharttrttb' the. were eel-Ii on. to - Age- Ttue-e-ttey- “1‘.“qu rlofFiiiiiiitnet1tr.fb1' VII are“ -etttheritt. " 'ittiftitdttd't"ttt,tiArh't tgttfatt',; that otter! tf H e w“ " lee, m - , hht _ d 'Alllll& h A†h ' =.rid “ V F »- l , _ . r " . 4 in F?utai'stlLtitt, src"' ' V . _ __...£_. £23 BERLIN emu "I aurnw.’ “his W I!“ _ I rum-1r rt...» p, u or. pun-I'm In. an: all trump. , mm. 'tuttNet,1 t,r,t,t r _ w 'H‘ can g; -idtr' h m. All. a! attttit+ b u an a! W m. Chan‘s and cum.“ tut m but nun-Mal. “ted or at.†“no“. in a. “I. cl up. Thu. toe mum. no no“ In. lulu-u- "earuted a. claim any at Tror in m lint. ad â€on! to sic-duh; wow}. thah the humu- llhl. Bong"- 1:39th pm. wu at†meta-paw hula. tun-y tett."d,Mtatrtseritkeets dunner?!†“an. mow â€unlock†___ mu. Babylon. at the “at tous at m. but!!! may onus. m "astound, Inc-ruled. a but. bunnudmmtom in in. - the Man to nano- gtrttttt Mr MIMI] with sunning annoy um detail. - - ,Amnd an my ot Home. no, tho annuals all â€phantom ot . (Mount Bum“: no Ronni and our- - We]! and an: him lave brought to In†tho namely ot n “my mm city, that had Mqt built by tht, CttttBti- ot the um um- counties, during the time ot then horrible mutiom, with witch m Rome alarmed use" More the entire world in its {Mile “Comm to destroy Chrlltlulty root an hunch wroughont the length ud breadth ot their enormous Empire. t man The Cannonb- or nematodes ot none. The Roman Cot-combo term I vast Writâ€: of underground Tunnels All! Room, cut into the wlid rock, underlying the hill: surrounding the city, within . belt ot about 8 miles around the city walls. Inside the old city ot the Seven Hull there no no Cntgcombs, tor tho simple reason. that the bath! at the dead within the city '11]: m by " prohibited. long more and after the origin at Christianity. ' Formerly it we: believed that ell the Cetecomhl ot Rome on both sides ot the Tiber termed only one connect- ed system. But such is not. the can. The common ot the soil and the course ot the Tiber an! ita tributar- iel, [arming deep velleys between the hills, make it pnctlcally lmpoulble to unite ell the Cemeteries. Yet it ls true that a . later period . num- bee ot adMeertt Catacombs. that were originally separated, were joined to- gether, whore the conditions allowed n to he done. The spake! szTruined in n arch] and Interesting unmet the nature ot the soil and rock surrounding Rome, in which nearly ell ot the Cntacombs ere cut. On the top ot the tormetiou ot rock and cement. in e - ol common unit. mixed with ruins and rubbish from decayed buildings, trnn 10 to 20 feet thick. This ground " very textile and more or less perle ly eultivnted. _ Numerous views were shown of cat- acombs, the "ttr-xt ot which is us- uelly on tbhilhide. The width ot the stein going down in trom three to tl" to“, and the height ot the tun- nel-I trom tlee to seven or more bet. iOrt both dd- ol the tunnel ehelvee no out mom all. one an" the other (tom the lent to the top when the nun begin. Otxaaisamlir there an twoor three bodi- tn make". Am: the can. m to. M In the the" the front maimed with Imerbie or "one In!) or veiled up with brick or stone and plastered or- et. The pauses ot 3 cemetery an penile] to each other or nearly so. Thin b not only one level of streets G in Betty, but there no from two {who storey: at tunnels one below the nth?! V The mm mom won minutely described, a well a the mu ot the hundreds ot cemeteries and their owuen were given. Tho objeck found in the Catacombs van alumni under the following hmdtcieriptlona, symbolic-.1 signs, Blbllnl upmtntiom ot the Old um New Testament, pictures ot mm, the Virgin MW Sums, “turd“! upr-ntntlom; all. gun "as; blood "In; alumna cruelly on will and u vainly of miscellane- ous ill-p, all ot wild were related to In my†Ilka-tins tumor by ln cannula: the locum add:- "A good may his . great Inter- n“: tubal] hill sad spend much the ttttd â€Intuition" to get so- ngs-M w“! the holy pra h Pal- atlu. Of can. Mohammad (0m with than. [my [allow the or- -attetete of - cm.- ol Nirftts el All Myth with Men than. and van {My ‘1, mu. the diu- Mammalian.“ but lw otthmhhulooulnn tte â€has. htmcnmomhmtomuy “he! Halon-om. um! any as “wild an unis. And get tair-tter-rr-ttperl' Christin- than Punun and all a. 'ot-ere-dat-att-tlr- u.m13PMu,vmmd the ,masmnumm km ,tettr.1.rtet.t.t.eetetge.'ttt Job Inasmuch“. Rm _ .nuyvuhdm and gargantuan-1o mmnmmmn mmmbmun tobear but: Tho 00M thh‘ M would but than to she navy. mrttNm att an windin- udhllo 'tAtta' thr, M" bean in- bud I)“ “on Mr dumbed - mum Chum? " any put {will-am l have tMt to u him: "thorny. But mum; nun conviction. that . doi- e: um amused study ot the Cate comh ot Rome toqMttoe with the 'cuolul and†ot the old 'ttttttrm ot the Church. would ("a a Mod at new light “may who It" Bot the Iteiv- ilqo oi ttttey to the oldest ad grandest church man. Christian communities. on can. This study, I nature to say teould lid mummy in bringing shout the radiation ot that dutnble condition ot thing: tor which Christ our Lord man that most Mutual sud Inn- pathetic pnyer on the eve at " pu- sion; that were my be but one shsp- herd and one Fold." At, the close, Dr. Spat: sue lame excellent views ot Vienna, Rome, Berlin, and Lyndon, " well as like- nesses ot Pope Leo, King Edward, an. Gait Reformer-Three transmit vin- itots to Galt registered with Chief Clark last night. Their names were: Carr, Wilson and Hogan. They gun as their permanent addresses, Milton, but they came to Gilt tram Toronto. last night. When they asked tor a night’s lodging Chlel Clark naturally asked questions, and u a result a charge ol trespassing on the C.P.R.. greeted them on coming down to than hrenklust this: morning. (The. trial took place this nltetnoon. The three gentlemen pleaded guilty and were sent up to Berlin for " days. Detroit, Mich., April ZG-A special to The Free Press from Lennox, Mich., Barr.--" s collision between manna Trunk passenger train and a. local height- nur -here to-night two men were killed and one mjured The accident wns the result of an open switch that wowed the p19- s-ger train, while going at the rate at 25 miles tn hour, to enter the sid- ing on which the freight train Was standing. The passengers were Ell thrown into spanig. and ll number whose names are not-given slightly ‘injured. Mr. Frank von Neubronn of Berlin was apassengu’ on the train and re- ceived a. bad shaking up. He had his nose matched uni his knee-cap in- lured, A. B. Campbell, V.S., purchased a flne team ot horses trom Mr. L.J. Breithaupt on Sgtur‘dxx morning. can!“ atitt8lt't"lMr, put at It. body. “a “Wall“ You lull anxious IQ to mmXouucoaum stea4y,-ous.'rtut's what Ayer’s tur-tis will do for you. The petition lot was: sprinkling axe being tetuetted to the. Town Clerk's oMee. There an enough pe- titioners to keep the three wagons at work for the salon. W. J. Henry of Stratrord, ate sar- diner, and In: shortly alter take-1 violently m. It ll believed that they beam poinoned Muse olbeing left _intaoeanteoertaootituAitrix “to: it had been dtrested, ly Imported into the Dominion. Ctut- The Berlin Temhetl' Auocktlun held its bimonthly meeting on Pta- May afternoon, An interesting uni es- ‘oellent paper on "Citizenship," was heed by It. J.F. Minion. t-t-,iillrhlitliittstr.tittdlit 336%? A Populur American Con-u! in C: Ml. Sun He Knows ot Remark nble Cum Wrought by Paine's Celery Compound THE GREAT SPRING MEDICINE. The chin: that Pune'l Celory Cour pound is the ugly hom'". rry1itie In ed column! by the proprietors of the null: medium. Nothing elge In ammo-II um: tthe the my WI can Gunman! to “no" a with mom m to a. at!“ body and to “any!†release the blood, man It Impai- mm tot mm, non-Ht and other “cable to m 3 WI: it a. mm. mm m‘ m my. -- "on, - amt. All All but with. Irtett no. any out!“ at mum. be- an. ot land, tertq, axial m. is «an M M me that. at m in PM.“ 001- cy Cm“, 0.11 In. I. H.- t Ammo-lube“! ot m. - _ _.---.-- .- - the World tor the can at rheumullm neuralgia, nervoun ml blood drum. in fully bone ttttt by the um; and convincing letter! ot mummy menu ed cont-1N1 by the mtttt.eto" I'! WW": En an» n to n- dom Pun-'3 Cm MIDI. ttot* In 9mg " - MIC [tow pawn) in ot m and! all hair- 1,'2t,'1ttdtttt 'IT It M: M tt I. ii G'iirirabijiiije 21!“!!! IE INJURED in A COLLISION SENT TO BERLIN .‘I‘. I'v-codac‘hn. IO cur- " l‘l‘ - - --- _-___--'" n no»... “mindinxm rm.no “was; ,rai'hmdersrePtaMe'i' run. it. up». continual-unnumnm- a"drrG'G'iiriiiiCiFF6iie,jf'fenPitP..e 'uedaraee,$tt-rares Hanan-drum“ 'iijiiaEal Solid and Pro, WWi-lâ€! - " " I mummsmlm - _ . aahuteemthsoorne,1908 . - . DeuhImu,1902 - w" . ' Ttuse-hu-mst-int-tst-ditto-io-We theyenrby - - - - - "t'a-ai'ssoasr"-cMirailrm". 0""... an,†(i,',f,& lobLIdvgn.___ “WWW, ir.maihhq. i Hardware lama. Plumhen and 7mm. warnuoo. _ i nvk‘mwetr 'N" 4w" m. I." D'ld COMPANY. HEAD OFFIGF. IATEBLOO, DIT. Dominion Life Assurance Business in tores " Inn-em _ - Income In 1002 - [acre-Io . - - Anus . . - (acre-no . - . Cad: Irsuetuas to Pulley holden . - 8137313) Incl-use in 1902 - - $.54“) Speck] advantage: to total shoutin- era. Al forms of sound level prem- ium {neurones hum-d. All betnefita parable' in continuum- or limited in, stalment: a the option of thoAqu-od. “I "MEI, “In HILLIAIID, MW...“ tuitRatoetmr-id.thotJarrob Bees, which Mutant.“- '-iothtsmtts,ahAnBNU, an 'mmt.'M1mov- dmoi'nhuoo Conâ€? - unknown-h " unnummmmm com. an. no. only man: 'euar., 't'at'gt2flet'tlhj1"tt. "" ieqag..Tuintl_r. J. ‘M‘m hon h Wm!!!» 008". 1tta"t'tt,2'f' of a.» nil _ mun-uric! L'll,A"h4l', Wï¬ï¬ï¬aï¬‚ï¬ lTho Mutuai Life of can“: I The Mercantile Fire SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL - - - " â€60M“ DEPOSIT WITH DOMINION GOV’T . - 11r,utut All Polio!» Guaranteed by the low a Luann! rm [to hum of noon amz. President. Managing Director. Results Of 1902. Alfred Wright. Sect-em. ' E: Hall. hum TatTtiBTTEt4XTCD COMPANY. The will: runammm huh-cow» t t t o Incorporated 1375. HEAD OFFICE - WATERLOO, ONT. BUBAKCI Coxpm with Anne“ of 816,306,688. "fri-nr-id-tFt-mir-. GEO. E. POTTER†ret-',',) maximum 8182. ITL46 16 Mr cent. mamas 14 per cent. 11203293: Economical um Bimini}: gamma-mm mo Autumn“ . . we. amen: out w 1m [mm - - - "meg" Bio-mm -- - - “on. mmo Run. - - - - -. W. K. San“: - -- _-. .- w--', m-- the uilor,tutm1r will mint!» ' tumoiCrormui-lrt-hlrto. mkmrku‘A “in u we“ a s Settle. oe furniture. All the but traqeove ma. Amplou-uol 5M- meuh vith our, whim. Gall nth-clam 1““!wa nun what-vac.- madman pool-thaw“ "ttia-det-tMatt In. tonne. 3tttlltria'h" uni-“QMQA, 75m MM Fimtrintt on “out for may now 0mm“: this - Ion. Many for whom to but [mulled Bteant and Bot WM Hosting ADM†In» In. we]! onmnh pleased m In quality of our work to high)! - oommond us to their Mandi. , sun has “no to cm mm to more ordain and mid “to to submit estimate- to than the Wlnt prion JOHN BITZER, Hutu! and Call 81m . HUM“ SEWING “WINS BOARD " mam TBEUDS,., good work " Incl-ii or arm. on“ m RITZER'S. $4,537,873 "'it'r,ifl .210,“ wA-rnmo. 084.811 it.