K . as, _ 'tyy-telite-Pete,'.".'.'. _ “um-m. I.“ ll “mun-m “an?“ an. o-s-m-mood-ttrt" P gum-um up: " M u If: - -w . - ht km.†eu " - ot mil lud- iv the Gomr um. my» a. can“ ot one in". om and above tho ordinary “I p In†goods, on marries no (lanthanum - as Domin- tm, I: conversely. the [annual ap- ruo. of this principle. Germany to only can“, of may now gums TguttttP.PoLICY - nan-wow, “use try an. Moltarilnnd tathoorsiremm- try which diwrimiutel against im- Porta from Canada. The own for the deletion at Canada from the moat - nation treatment in Germany, tttto name " that enjoyed by the no ot the British Empire) in that the Dominion has granted a preferen- Atal taritt in favor ot British in.» m. Germany pointa out that lot- - its exports had the some decal tuntment in the Dominion as thnse d the United Kingdom. They, how- u, no longer are given most tav- gtmtrasRtiott-treutrnertt here, . ennui» nontly retaliate on Canada by a due attributing tatMt. The Dominion pttiata out that all the ioreign tur ports are treated alike, and that (in my has grtoat-Uvored-Bation treat- ,hent. Canada’s contention is, that the Mother Country, trom the Can- adian point of view, is not a nation in the treaty interpretation of the term, and that the preferential tarin 'ttt a matter ot domestic policy am! not of foreign policy. Germany, how- ever, declines to accept this explana- ation and has placed Canadian trade in Germany at a serious disadvan- a use. The total imports into Canada iron Germany in the year 1900 Wert" anuetl at $8,706,641. The total or ports trom Canada to Germany dur- ing the some time amounted to $1, 75,903. It is rumored that the elloct oithe new German tarifl in course ot preparation will be to raise till taril! on certain articles ot Canadian export, notably dried and green fruits, wood and timber, leather and agricultural mammary. The intention ol the preterential will. iavorini British imports is largely, to make some material acknowledgement to the Mother Country for the military protection atiorded by her to the Dominion. There is certainly no re- ciprocal preferential thrill given the Dominion by Britain, as the Domin- ion is not allowed to compete lor the military meet supply at the Em pire, nor has the embargo on Canard in cattle, arriving at British ports been raised. The Dominion Government's an Stratlord Deacon.-Weath came to nouncement that Canada will lmposv Mrs.. g.s. Moyer " the home ot her a surtax on the goods ot ell net'ou: son-in-law, W. P. Dial-mm, an." entering thls down which dlsctim bury “mm Momur mm" " tour ' . N V _ _ o'clock. Deceased hell been in poor lute against In, In their uri7s health tor the past live yeers, com- thaws that Canada has now arrived iag here on a short visit about six nt'the stage when she can assert her- weeks ago. She took worse shortly sell as elation. . after and was eontined to bed, when Accor din t th 1 t t ., she finally succumbed to her trick. g o f a CS rep0r'f mass She was 'rixtr-five yeers of trom Germany their great agitatim age and * resident at St. Catharines. U. .-....._,.;i;l _Z._I_.' .4,»ng te: WWâ€! a. husband two was and three result of the retaliatory taritt noun draw: 1U2 to 1:10?“th tl',', . . _ v r, . . oyer, pr noun pu no tl 1m“:“fde:' the Domtiom Al school, Butulo; Edward ot Xmas Fr " tum " "I? ttation HI City. and. ran. and. cant, crebume particular Germany ls flrttt sullercr Tenn; Mm. Ln. Wigner. Berlin; and on account of her discrimination Mrs. P. Dim-mun. Btmtlord. result of the retaliatory taritt none? just haunted by the Dominion. AL though not Aimed u my nation In particular Germany is itrtrt sutterer on account of her diaerimination again“ Cundhn goods. Mt. R. L. Borden, leader ot the Opposition in the Home of Commons, m in “up: wince “talking through MI hat" when in " erititc ism of the budget speech he acetate-1 that his policy at "aim-u premo- M" in may to - labor n "m: living van." Inn Man an Can“ did laHe comma such high - " “doe- " the.'.rrx-tttmet The Humme- Time. up it lup- penl to not can tht Ming mmu~ ttot-tttHamm-err much manila-co mum- ingdHrtotndoptth.tariitretedtN mmmnmpmum of 'teMtattttaettrmes'Aa.treutto..Ther rumr-artotrqAtokrrenrtut a mu “mums-mm 'oeth-th-rrtegeoF.n unmuwmmu mama!“ n -mrruthr-g'oegtprt 'Atk.toh-tMtttMest-ateagttrr_ humming-Ilium"- W.IIVI'IM.IW to .m.mmm' EDITORIAL NOTES TO Alumnus. mm POSTAGE -. am" " 'r-_, - . in Sin. .- iii? . ttl. !XI ‘ , M. a rakm . il1r!lh) 2 ' ‘ 7 'V i unit . M c q awe?“ ' .. am a a. a “9“ gig - tarm a)',' ‘w tt'ftllt t Ilyy1te.tt2, , . A, Mi-ara it "be m, $tt 'xrsieiiéi'E3it'r" e . at. the WM? 1 I†for constructing o your plat; the onto! the work. the - up " and Home“ on! - "than cateteemiaq the rote» m they ntartmiuetotirmiato-too.e WI; the amount to be out. and the proportion: in which the mun- leiulitl- or nonunion. eoneermd can tasrthemtto to the “truth-n dthewub.Miqu-ploywlnt- e... “Alum- Momma. u icr expense on the may. no ri?) minutiae. They may shuto- the MF " Alter the commune-on hare 19- I ported, or go on with it; in the lat- ter cue they must submit ohy-low to the rutepayerl. Toe-y any issue generol debentures on the Authorin- tion ot the Chief Justice of Onturio.‘ In use some in the nonbinding. we tire trom the undertaking tho-o te-' maining ore enabled to proceed. THE BOARD OF COMMIS- SIONERS. A board ot Commissioners is to be appointed by the Chic! Justice ol Ontario to construct and operate the works. The bill set: out the powers ot the board ot commissioners, which are the ordlinry powers necessary ti. their duties. It there is more power deseloped than is needed by the man» 'cigahties they must offer it tor sale to municipalities and individuals along the line, at rates to be fixed by the Chiel Justice of Ontario. " any disputes arise us to rates the Chis Justice oi Ontario is to determine them. The usual penalty clauses arc included in case ot failure to conIorin with the regulations of the act re garding sale and rates. A trust company is to be appointed to keep the secounts of the works. The moneys no to be paid in and out by the trust company " the order on the commission“. .. The commissioners are given power Emma.“ 'itirriie-GirG"f gm. to Issue bonds up to th.etm.ou.n.t Oi drew’: 'é'd,'1V. The streets in every the proceeds at the municipal. 'les-p- direction for several blocks were filled tures. They may make a special ps- with carriages and ei'izens on foot. Col. sue of bonds lor preliminary expenses Gauge, the marsh-1L gang-3:1 hither until moneys are received from one! .-------e-i--.eite.ri"..=."-"d sources. The moneys for construetiot are to he paid out on the certiMate A GUEPLH TOWNSHIP FARM- ot the engineer at the works. Eggs VIEWS. do Since March lst Ontario Immigra- tion Agent Pexsse at the Union Sta. tion, Toronto, has nnndled 1,453 tm, migrants, o! whom 300 were Barnar St. Oath-Jinan and Welland Canal Gas Company has ottered 'to sell their stock to the cit'y " par, and a br-ltrw may be “haunted to the cit rVvivabrimgemsm was fined $10 tttui costs or two months in Mil tor be- irtdrunt, um Edwufl Plea: [a fit-. den: ot sd Comma to endorse tn; purchue. G"triai'ats or thirty days in jail for "granny n the police court Wed- nesday. Etc}: ot them took the jail portién ot the sentence DEATH OF MRS J. s. MOYER Guelph 'E-rr-Wah-dar morn- ing Mr. Pat Ryh, who (have the nail trom Guelph to Eden mm. was pes- lotming In: dun“. and war, my the post“ omen“. Ind they seen him 'n better hum: nd uplrltl. This morn- ing he did not Show up to perform his and duty, to Mr. Arch. Little when an diguteeaottr Clat6, rod. out to MI home, About two mile. out the York Road, to in out what was Live mum. N arriving were he found It. Rm lying dead in bed, his end being notably (we. " 1: MM, to heart NO CHORUS GIRLS 1N GALT one Rdmz-‘l‘io tBNtNme ot Prim cm was looking [at choral girhr in out with um " mm www.mnnaum ot goo! tai-bt-ttttseq'. Md! ot-Mesh" boo- m. auto M Mild princip- les. 'eeugs, gugit would " mm in: an gnu-l lotu’olth tirt_rmt-tttrtettt- rut-Omanâ€. - FOUND DEAD IN BED. . tbe “mmmnooo an â€autumnal" with: of "vat! w w. . w.“ i . , _ l 'SQ'ilifiit,)titrrir', M'4q6 i. _ WW (and Won huh-w Wm be. At an tMg an at when mound Fi' . the may “My were dint:- _ . “:4 M beta" an saint. that all gegttiined “mound. [h nac- “a band on the noun- “as with lb. may ttoral tributes. winch lent a be,“ income to the aunuwhert Th may and “lath!†veer; gioept:t " the hull of the bier. The can]: itde In a mu: ot ferns and pawns. At , o'clock Msio_r Mud: 'suerdpl,. gut-tr III‘ the mieiiAeas.tt wreath of lilies oi flu valley which he was commissioned 't,i2t"tPtt'e1"rt, Minto to pevsoyaity 1: Ff by the remains of then distia, te-tr-' 62:17:21 “4"â€! Sir Witirtd Lune:- and the member: or an pep " nu. .e"-.""'e. -- -7 _ , izfxece t'cterte-f “HM Sir Wittrtd butler and the numbers ot an Cabinet who were present. Lieutenant- Governor Jette of Quebec, and Premier Ron and MI an members of his Government arrived shortly beige I o'clock. and paid a momentary ttttt to the draxrietg-ropm. The honorary palt-tteAreys uni an; patHtearere also crumbled. Harman thy" who had "rived wzitcd in the wagons corridor mm on are gram! nanny“ The army paintings which decorated the I911: were draglgd in crepe, inter: ersed With white, 7 _he_.b_linds. yer; grim), Head} bulbs. -iitirTG' officiating clergymen en- tered, and Rev. Alfred Gandier opened the stake yrithprarer. . . _ . TI focus. in their white helmets and scar- et tunics, set against a background of dark clothing and the wall of St. An- drew's Church. The streets in every direction for several blocks were filled with carriages and ei'izens on foot. Col. Qrasett. the marshal, gallggcd 11“ng ny, but judging trom the personnel of the deputation that recently waited on the Government they are axing an increase All (on; the line. A cel, they either entitled to it, or in it necessuy to their success , is the question It issue. Tue three of we, industries asking an increase as ex- 11an ot the ottt-. The R. Forbi- Compny woollen mine It Hands In 1813 paid $27, 000 tor the plant, buildings and bus mess ot the Randall, Farr Com- pany, and kept their mills running steady until 1880, when Mr. Jonath- Guelph Township Farmer writes 10 the Globe: What do the manhunt“: mutt t They use drud_to state o?"". an Scttofieid, " present of Oshawa, was paid $75,000 as his part of the value ot the business. at that time. which was valued " $150,0u0. â€The mm- kapt on, running with Mr. Forte e: done tttttit 1890, when it was made a limited company, but the val- ue at the busian was stated to be $300,000. But since 1880, marvellous 'uuv,vvv. nun nun-w Dv‘v' ...._._.v,. as ind been its growth before, it has under the Fielding will made in greatest magmas. Every year since, there bu been " addition made to the mills, uni st. present B large ad- dition tmm high is going up. _ The FUNK. Gummy, suiting with “A 000 end no use“ in 1878, now have over one million doihn h out: and no liabilities. Whit more do they went. 7 _ . The Opelâ€: Cnrpet Company, ot which Mt. C Kloepter. ex-M. P.,‘ h main owner. run in . "mu Iny un- til 1896, 'nrdar they cannot nu their orders, and Mvedjust let the contact for u manner Mi Mon to their [w tory In Guelph. . Anna, the cram -tortr. There Is no duty on than. Mr. Petrie,, ot Guelph went down with the manu- lmturers to Ottawa to my: I duty' on this “tide, used so extensively by lumen. He forgot to tell the tldv- emmem that the Rotary we: to buy that the onion could not be tttled " long " the anoul can wep- entor ll nude it will an “an: more in . duly or not. Mon i any vauld In ttt no as. has an. exam. about! he and: to and the condition ot teade under the Fielding tall, ad would warn: the F,':':'?.?" to “the reduce an In- - ' .mmto'd - 1: unit the. out-audits minus one»! um mun-Mm! 0' ihLto-ei.r,elttto*rrt mansions-alarm ot mmuumwml. . mu um and m typhoid. Drink i milk “a get “Mule-ll. Mini - and M in km. Eat “curl a! Cittrht"drc Eat mp sud; pt v. - Eula! â€A. mm trg.tqt, Bat - - ,mm later, nu ma“. Lama} dim , _ can. 'la'ilf,'A21', man» a.“ qti.ah.-glett., and auu tho mm. 3.6 a» .1 ttnd a! pt height: " none at -ftreri, 'et MAMA?“ 'iiiidueiCGiiCieti' from the From Sister ,'niua ‘Tigm' "rains-n a’ m. m a... at u all m am. will! it at“ " vutW‘ "will " , " 'AtMtttt1tl _ " I t â€Iii; nay (', IPI :. if: " all ’. ‘4# a [ - ‘ w, J, , . . l, iJiiLehei',1, Feet i tN 021' ' w. [tii?.iti1, their aim to «In and 3-1:. atsd Pfg, "ere - a t Cu um I I...“ M l swan. nu Ptut'ah Ttte 'tt "or“, t n Half-mated Itâ€. wen all "acne. 1 ',Utt'g, tmkhy. The reunio- l . about forty minute: to pass a [IV/en point, not! rr-elted thtunt met. iFii " tn havhm occupied n bout land a half h cotrvteting the journey i ttwat of Kb; 'ed Yonge are“; ,) Tin honorary Pali-bearers were Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Hon. Geo. W. 5 Ross, Hon. J. M. Gibson,<hiet Justice l Moss, Chancellor Bord, Sir Wm. Mrs ‘lock, Hon. R. W. Scott and Senator LGeprgq A. Cox. _ . _ .. . Ui (in m the n "iryikiiiiii't gimmicky and: 'lt the m- tt (Burma-t Kym unmet 'g,hlfi, mm r'."di't'h, Tdd. o are a y . .12: 'gzcr",t 1 7M4. In *Y’m'thhe Lord"i prayer, and than (In bene. diction cloned the Ifrvlcu. A .1: members of the Canine“ Soc who acted u patrbearers loved the win ittto fre, gnye. _ _ _ The chic! mourners were ..-so-) Mr. Fred In“. Sheriff of Torontth, and Mr. may»: Mowat. sons-in-tor- C. R. W. Big", K.C., and Thomas Lawton. K. . Grande-A. M. gown. MmrcGegfgc New; J. L. lag" an . . lug-r. gins- H. M. Morn. K.C.,' J. Mew Mount of Kingston. George L Mount. McGill Mount. {gscph P. “out. Geo. L. B. Fraser, .C., of Ottawa. Nor- man Fraser of Kingston. I: Hon! Ihdt of Gpclph, Surgcbn ital-Col. Dufrot Kingston. Other relatives-- Mr. Justice ar1ennan, Andrew Drum- mond, l: H. Ewart. J. S. Ewart. gunk wartLJosqpl_1_ A, Steel,_ Jer. It vi . lain an, Ginite - te t,tlir"t,.fiilt, 'eer'l'r'ee','d.' I _ .The tam Piigtg- vad is toeat. ed in plot t In Sir SEW: is but“ north of Gl close beside the In" In this}! in: mi; _wns laid (a â€an Henderson, tiAtesfHendersots, ttnt. Grci R. J. Maclennan, Neil McLem Ind l. F. Harlem. At the request of the family, nix members of the Toronto Caitlin“: Aa- Iociation took the posnion of bearers. They were: Mum. D. Rose, sen, Past President; Wm. Banks, sen. President; Daniel Rose, Vice-Preis. dent; Donald 1min: Treasurer ; D. A. Rose. him. and GP. 2'! u Suthnrtargd cil Chamber Timothy evening tor thei purpose of agonizing a baaetm11 ciuh' tor the mo: ot 1908. In. A. J.! Minno‘n was moved to the chainl and after) suitsble addras the (01-1 lowing ofticerB were elected:-- l, Hon-Presc--A. o. Beudmore. l Preaident--h. H. Devltt. - lst Viee-Prea.--J. A. Mail. 2nd vieepretc--W. A. Storey. secretary-W. J. Gould. Treasurer-C. R. chntosh. Mugging Com.-iessrs H. Jeans, H. Bauer, I. Funds. N. Patterson, and R. J. McNabb. It is the intention ot the club to try to form a league with clubs like Berlin, Waterloo, Preston, Hespeier, and Guelph. GiiiGGiiu, 'a, held in;ho_ on?! On Good Friday the wen-ktwwtt, Waterloo sports went to Bridgeport, on 1 Bshiug expedition, and took I bottle of “so†drink" with them. After the vessel had been emptied of We contents, they took A piece at peper and wrote their name! on it " well u the following irtlormatioa: “The finder at this bowie Ind rtip, upon returning them to my ot the Above will receive a bottle of Best ramht best.†Lat. sand†A mm per of boys were itahittg “on; the Quad River nee: the Sun: Retinery and they found the bottle. They my! the slip end followed the direction, to the letter. Not being dtfithertt they disposed ot it tor A nice round sum. _ DYSPEPSIA. up any...“ Th" Too-mu. also“ cum-d trt Acton Free Prtytat-A very en_thus- ",iiWiGairer" - ra 6w _ Mow Malayan. ivitrs.ttatrttertLtteyg.e't bur-u. the - or In mull on It bu brought you. and mum-nu mounds ot home. when " has! Sl my" on new-In or Mel an! I “which; tl emu Yut"tt at good. gttdt an" Janna. km“ a an Munch. pupa-ma at t M "ttthat- " um. I“ " or m- m JtANt'tlah'r'ntE Ett.n, rn . _. " on' _ _ a cyspapsia can. ". TG".TG "if" - “in, d _ 'liU in: "ii'ii'i 2ie,'eiltei, M'tt IMHO. 0mm or we“ " 'tot-tts 'ttte-r, '.tte..'thek nomlch In! taper qtreutF, - tongâ€. u."Mfl'l, " u in . to or mar-:3 tau'=latu' or the u . It 1" bunch. M‘. _ bet may}! " mum " tood a ttt m". J'a"2'llU when! in a“ r '. m. 'g.uln"t'i 'tr" 'ah M " In... m n on VI an n. trglt ,'JlllJ'AhlA 2:91;. urinate; ta'lt t'Jee. ACTON ORGANIZES GOT THE WHISKEY Ai T'"" k'ii?iiii ' - in Sli, 'ii'i"ii'i w a 1-1: I the}. a to I 'e r _ and 'uau' u. I013 Thie ed by discussing the question tor u. ' __ - . til the judges of the land see m. u grtuitmllr m tmtil mm" tr.t _ lenth on Thursdny. She was in he: take the matter up and to extent is": car tut d wu hi ht I oi greater protection to witnesses “in I 'ld) it/Gi, ot (than, neghuged with nothing and susngcx y g . 'tfgf1',11f: th? oi!! order ot thittg: VANTS TO BE A PROFESSION- _ . AL,, CANAD‘A's IRON AND BTEHI - but won the New Humbug BOWXES' can In the Western Ohmic Kimball (From the New York Post.) 3‘s: 'tugltuit'TcAt,tod'l Camyia iy .. "ordiry.' in “WWW attains look uh. "mm can" . (From the New York Post.) Cunda is wording an instructivt exunple of the practical workings u a bounty arrtern, in the case ot lh. l_ron um noel aghsldy. The Domnu'n giant, n bounty ot " 5 ton on pig- iron, with " tid8ttfttrtttt For pig-(tor. wuvv'AM Into titcat. Under this In! the subsidy to the iron tnde bas than trom $280,000 in 1899 to $691 000. in 190271 nun mguntin; b more that 1 per cent. of the tou revenue. Natunlly. In the cue oI Baum“ use], which is produced to) tuning the main; metal as it tlows trom the mm tum. the (menial! no» 'W m pig-Iron or the steel bonny or both In to humid. mte manor, Inning on " found: [tint the. Bessemer prom vu com- Med without the previous can“ ,0! tho new into pip! rigid“ to pass a greater bounty than the " on Ital. 0! Monaco to the Exchequer Conn, it was decided "that the In! snafu on. henna foe pig-iron, at! “other for Incl. " the maximum Cl, could nuke the! trmn the molten on], that mm] In: to be num- ed a pig-tron, We! a. mum. and w" entmul to a. WW." " " claim]! It a In Mm lech- Jon hag been mien! by my Court, It, dt, in the history oi sub-Mia. “an In been any mm- cue ot I m -ttraftef to I ma- <alurae lot u pray» in hp AM hog my!“ mm m an “and m by Duh. bet " have and It“... man can“ ARD. THE " ."l‘ARl". I Th 2.tP,t,l'T,,tt: hhmdvr- " M It mrt m lim- burn: - no 'aet diapurr. d-Uy a. Mm " ‘0 It. mm- a a mm a to no lad-0 "tttsh I. no: to m t hunt mun IN n g was! In and." macliq.0Iml ttutntue mind on an “WEI"! 9."!!! ttyryt.tatae..-Uyr tr: If?†you“ on an! m In a «In wagon! ,aWiGrfi%tiyiu6rirr?e4Pey,1d, hMuIHc. ulhlhi] meanest-nil 1b- lttet “Wm-blag: nu I “Jamaal-nu...†w-lb -.ti.euiittrte'tu"emer,a' , h1irr. . 1tyii'iii'ii.:i: 5'5 “- . '0. 'e""""""'-"'"'"---"--'"'-"'-""' -_ an I: i . - Paaa :73! somtesatttotrtatVtt-rirra'_ 'irai'i'irii,i3llrs- "t ,et.teertreeos--s86ir,t8 . If" “a iihi'iyi tho Gitiman or _ _ ul Mtiillutydri " shad-working all To“. ttrs', - I - - - mush-mam; ho - hi. m)», . M 'MMM, "m... rauot.,aaitwtsafrommrrtiirothjhlierr "r; â€we tiout-iypriorter4aki, "tiail,GiiriitT.0.rsiirrrfie_,1tj, ci "e' F mangehrdmdtyvtzï¬mAu-ymdhbww $1.17,? "r), [Wie-' . I _ P" ‘ . Dr. Home. aunt-exam 1w.- ".qMrt ili,ijih"-.)rtiti'a"ti'5i",ij, dmggimbymdl. -iitks.mro'iteuroir-e, 1""1. â€2,“, The death occurred " the Bali: And Waterloo Hospital an Wound-y ot Ihwid Pollock, on otuo best known tandem: ot Welles!†Tow- ship. Mr. Pounds In as yen: at up ud emigrated to this eon-tn manly to you: Mo trom South“. " “I. sre.terrartotthutlmetpe . resident at Linwood what. he may ed.tsrancttotutsLivi-tetate'tt" minus elude. and when Us on Hue conducted . not. to! may yam. Mr. Pollock's um. who are “had him " your use. was . sum otMr. Jars. Living-tone at M Ian. A funny ot tenchildren are liv- unit; Peter, madam attdtinx dealer, Dayton; John, Winnipeg; Junen. march“, Burton; Arthur, In. Agnes Bill. and In. Oro w. R. Wilkinson. Bethn; In. (BL) And- unon all Janet 01 Brandon. In; and David, madam. Linwood. Mrs. Elizabeth Snyder, mm of m Me Moses K. Snyder, ot Waterloo Fownship, who VII killed about two ’earx ago on the G.T.R. crossing oi he out BM on Albert ism. lied " the residues at In. Wade!) mama on Thursday. The deeease4 was severely injured at the time he! Iusbnnd was killed, and she new" ully recovered Iron the also“ at G'miirGiUcape trom sudden death \bout tix months ago the contract ’d consumption-Hutt"? _, gnaw down the raw": Magnum“- 1edcl u only am a was»; tht lucky numbers: “It to " ronco and lamina! W am; an d an ample-ship Bum [more Gal. The Toronto My! Le! they. had “and the Mr. This pitcher wu George Manchu. ad since then during the winter with 1e bu had drum! ot being ale_ to Lagos "rr.- "A husky you; cup and Helm- yeeker 'vndud In tron Dunn and tackled W Gui-Ci for . to}. Jimmie wow: " thmt In In C0.ttt non; Trith the re» a At ttPet- ant would‘hkc the ma cl W6- !nmu “can. Th- Jim aha-H human-I on “and at to». But We didn't. He didn't - to “It!" whatnot! Nahum†up “at. in MM on RIM new: loch! .m a! - am In on!» Gama handle and that Ruth's ulna " m mm! In pndou Iumn. He just M a. In mun Cm mun-m with ttmor- usury punt"), "6-iaB, w. “an. - - - A mm - Fi,NiGaudit t to an hm co m “and no» mm or Mevqitet time when the chap told hiPAUt.ht Tii" Ga -9iiii Ge could MIN ' “I“, I“: or. e" tel TWt The" are tare, this at mm .130pr h an ,rgsrit-th-bt don't win . Sm m - to much um studying tttttqt m'l mum on an an: m: we to ‘0 ny- “It can . 'rpig','aggt,',tla "it,it1h".lir,"'g1't'i'rit !liiilf?tiiit9t8r,1', POI 0V" urn VIA" can“. mola- In: " II “hum-w. upâ€... Mica. Only the Best at new in may!“ lt ttyr quo- nm ot an hail-g Meat Hum. SUIIEB SAUSAGE hour Spunky. No um bop u titt an. oCBeet, Park, You, Lamb, and; Bacon and Wat all MM’ W. " JIII I. slum. Pundit". "WHITE noun WI. Smoked and Cured Meats _ chmWI-vuu. “not dbl-“Insur- an a». and. at m an. "mer-Mr-ah- Oun- "dhe-g-e. B-tget-M-ttlt-tt -q6.t-t-att- Mann-t - '"ttrdmrMt-9+erehrr um mun-butch)»- 'e-. Iv - a mu Gilli-n my. 3-: Nun-nu? the“ touudtnut"hrin-Citr " the an?! teMortaVft when .I - dean-Mien. “can... " 1.].va " m Amman...“ anon-mm “NJ-:4.“ l-W.h..uo-. UFFlml ' HUI-MIL I“ WI. -. Vwmi. mug in... than“. V . 'Nt'""""" but. m But- dWKBIRBOUOEbOO'Y. mum .0 30me out: an“ to ad my» cm In! “It. T at“. WM. SPLITZBL. hitridhg Us. W All can '