f, . 4. mammmupm‘ l met“: an who Bum " on ', Mumps-It m1 ttigtte" at“ of a; â€mud. Drum and my 'ic- om:- unod on-nponm "iowet HEAD OFHCl,T080NTO. . r A Wm Baum Batgtgt- trun- 'N, and st the 1 7 a q w':,';', WA‘I’EIILM BRAND“ Egalimr‘uuca Warn. {Home who ctttail parts of "i..rd'll'r'll'k at “was: by our " ad money orders. T , duh: are absolutely safe and "Wi' that the money will be _ mm right patty. rivr, _ can purchase Circular , juhich can be cashed every- 'tttttlr,', curge,personal iden. . 'ate any land of trouble. C,", “was DEPAITIBNT. I ".gt.a--"'"_ tiiektk1'4l'E-1:o BANKOF HAMILTON "4 V a? , Rina" - t Mn. ' -riia.e -igrtod and “commended FE .GGG-'-taltg2'gS',ttgStl21,1f,t",',,t '.., "rt'"" [ mumm.m.mn ’7...’......._ _‘""_ ------ - the be am. 14 "ye"."'"'"'"?""' MRS. b, nfzng, 22’! _-_ .-7 ' t u m _ nun. . ' T The “(at ,rritoisprett your mon- i7 is to place it in this department. f. The -rate of interest may seem pull when compared with that panned ttu'iri',ed'd'.' but the in- come but " certain. Tiaai, _"- ber that the money is per- 'bittrtsait and that you can get it I»! my" i,t . â€A TiiiUiraiGidi upwards received. his“! added twice l year. [HE (BANANA! BANK C ttr BDIIERGE CAPITAL...... ......¢a.ooo.ooo. 11:31.... ...........iMo,00G â€lo-Wu! m... 3M mum paid" the mothrm‘nd out. of you -tm. Blank Note- for tumors "-ttedtt" .1»an- The Molsons 'a-e""" In an. BIA], OFHOI. IORTRIAL Paid two-.9191 ". Ayah-Humans OB. d... man. can and nut-huh.“ â€can mu.- can! win- it. null mun-II - MM Manon-dummy“ "W a†Jmm â€Wan-loom Wells _ Drllled . . . ' 1tt,ygtte.t,dlgee "tliu"rt'u'"2rfhri ' LEAPER nos, 7‘23, "T"""":, , ottgt-ttEAttAi. '. E. HAINES. Agent; ' BERLIN. G. MINTY. Mumâ€. ['gP,,faffdls . 'a6oo,ooo . “250,000 8f Wail- u “Est-km tam mmtt" t w u vow-m has; W I“ omen-n intent and a! 13* mu 3 my Mum wall "ttuti'ir ttttek tttrl tomb». qtetfaa, Qum- summon-M"! 1“."me tin-nun» "no (in e m mun. [on an [at -oattM It: has but toll-nth he! at.“ gt "no 'atn, W 7 pl. . ‘ gnu new tad "eirttao Imb- tnde. The domed m e tenet ot in. athlet- Carla. end In " ed in Berlin to: the paat twenty- treq run. She wu 1 menu and emragtrteatt who: at the Trinity Methodist Church, and we: u re:- ulu j attetttdant ot the Sabin h Schuo!, being the oldest pupil on the memheaahip roll. The downed ku- es 1 [wily ot stoma-up children to mourn the loss otaUnd and when mother, namely; Mrs. Jaeger, Mrs. 0.x. Haydon), Mu. Alex. Ear, and Mm: Lulu, All ot Berlin, In. Win. Stein ot London, Mrs. (lick) B.H. Sumner. ot Rubin, and Met Mb. Gauge Cums ot Harriaton, and William and John Cum“ in Berlin. One tot the greatest want: lelt by the'progressive town of Berlin, is the Absence of A tirat elm tskating rink, and suitable ball lor my meetings nnd museum“. With ebu- ncterisiic enterprise A number ot Berlin gentlemen hue undertaken the orgnriution of a joint stock con»- pony lor the erection ot 3 than; rink and Hall, such u will be in conformity with the requirement: ot the "best town in Canada." The location chosen tor the crec- tion oi this building is on queen St. luring 150 feet trout. directly op- posite the, ottiee oi the Daily Tei- egrnpt, the premises being owned by Mr. Rm. Boos and occupied by the Lion Brewery once and bowling de- purulent. The Company my be congratulsv ed upon their selection ot this site tor the purpose, nethere is probably no other sight in town, (taking Bil things into consideration) egunl to the one chosen by them. It is to he hoped that the Company end Mr. Roos will strike 3 burgh in the conveyance of this property: The location of this property is most ud- mlrnhle being centrally situated, within it tew seconds walk lrom the street cu track, st the corner a! King and Queen streets. It is only) it matter of a. short time when it will be absolutely impossible to buy property at this description in Ber- llin us every loot ot land centrally Alocated is being permenently built upon. The building proposed to be 'erected by this Company will be s rmwrirwiertt structure, tour stories high in "out titted up for stores Ind otBm-tttt spacious hall on the ot the upper tlata, the skntlng rink being contracted in the rear. was“? tie as; mm THE LATEST mus AND NEW Till01 mums m LADIES’ COSTUMES Through tn Management I has made with the Alaska Fur and New Yo:k Ladies Tailoring Co., I Am in a position to give the Indies at Balm and Waterloo the sum incin- ties to secure taxman gum. Us those living in Toronto or New Wuky'nieu helm Tulor Mud In lacy gown. bullet no invited to all " my how on Foundry street, and [new-t the clonal, model: and oomplrrod yawn: to be diapluye‘d on the toi- lowing dates, 0th, ma Tth, otiluch " that visitors my judge " then:- ulna of the norm '0! men goons. Every “an“ ll hilly maimed. Herr - remnant!†we show Jami-d company will In In. on the m and Ttti, ot Inch all will an omen n. will mm from time to than to dothe 'tttrtg. Lula will plan; trein mind an: ,rtriu. 'et1'.trt aria]. any um m am»; can only be do». " Hon Bener 11!. he visits latun. - . U All at ctttittr Invited to' all It uni, and In. rm will be "all unannuunmunnd Mor- m. A IO run mamas In or In. LIN AND WAmIDO. 'Ph- and I ' . t,1?ilqi'iii'rtrhRilfit'lrit, me an in†or o Into-ommi'." iiet1ey Wï¬ï¬'mwhommmmwu.mmwwwn w: ammonia-3W.Wo 'rumialtotrttrt-is" - -ti-to_yo-q.9b-r .wq‘mmnlho» mainline-room tt'td'lcit'gM'il't'utt at up Itrgtf to _ siehui)hn, , ii,':'::,':':':')',,',:'::'::),":',:';!':',':);:';:,;,!', _ - t PHUPUbbD NEW itrtlk, Wm: [or we non-i ' â€Wt. " 'er- " m oiiiiiiel"ie.rat = "Aired"":., "t the tht",', ,'ttPc"TrSBa) A il'tt,iitJi'l Ei3 , ‘y a. - p, & can by. with ,. low tho we}; ‘ - '" trriitrtiq-ett?ttt, I“ mu m mull-M l ------o-- L “man All]! um Ml"!- 810N238. Jim" “’50“ a when» at that n Comm-1g “a una- it an 'rt'lttft WI will: "t min. the, to a. pop a the arm My. " um" tkat it " doubt†tt the - Light}!!! Comm-mun mu him "ttl he“ Jan 'b.ttttamistrettp provision “hull. “AM that 98'5- ter COMM†an an m the lighting - to non- u . " lgwkapouodllympophnmw in; ot the ip. " ‘8'qu all lit mn- plan my not is unlo- mate it would to I pd an." to hare the sun. Cm I‘ll-1 use 310th. m employ†could also wont to ma: advantage. On. ttiraq “an could nah on All watar od “shims trim mad in, the mun books. oiie gun; at as could by both water And 9: mm and tar- vices, one had angina: could in: charge ot " mummy, m same man that mil the '" metal: could u the um time tend the ru- ter watery and no on. Let u have one mnugement, “The Water and Light Commission“); F Toronto Giotte.-At the residence ot the bride's menu, 101 Borden St. Wednesday, the marriage w wi- emnizni of Milo lube] likening daughter ot Thoma R. Mame. to Mr. Lewis E. sumo, than: Tomntoian now at Richmond, India.- nu, sop ot Mr. Kenna Stream, ot Berlin. Ont. The ceremony In con- ducted by Rev. June- Murray, pu- tor o? the Emma Presbyterian Church, in the pm at the im- mediate lumily connection and a law friends. The bride can. In lul- ing on the an ot he: um, and wearing a tailor-nude pulsars! gown ot blue, carrying I mm oi white roles. In. Olive Melina, was a very pretty MIL-It“!- ed in blue. and 'sarrrha 1 boqoet of pink roses. The groom's paid“ to the bride wu . (“l-DOM ring. and to the. mama h In“ Pearl brooeF. The groom w mqeoetad by Mr. Findlay Wave. AM m '06- ding breaklut W. "It! In. Show ion. for Bunnie, and other cities, pre- vious to going to Richmond to to side. _ A FORMER BERLIN BOY WEDS‘ ,-seLWrrrq There were hopped-y In the Illu- ing rink nt Peri- on Friday evening whim will mks O.H.A. thwart“: scratch their heads and think nvlule. In response to n sped-J toque-t from Putin the Berlin management mt up estrous hockey team "no not Paro would not run any with them mm [or tt Become Pull but Ooh. ‘nn‘l Gait beat Berlin, Perl. had an idea thnt the W.0.H.A., dumpli- would be “my pickup" tor the but Paris mtptette. Berlin modular] sent. un Gordon Bricker, on intermen- late. to gun! the note. an! w. Am Forest, formerly of Waterloo. to play point, end the- Gran, Cochran Schmidt, Knell nod IcGlnnln a! the chnmplonnhlp turn. The Berlin (an w-u n verltohle no; tor the Pu- inlum end it kept them busy to unite the some . tie. At In." time (be acme In: H. and In the second hull eaett tum neared mother goal. It was the Minotaur": played in Par" this yea, mtvlthntnmllng the son. ice. The Balm hon no cont»: dent, they con eldest Polls In Balm. Nitunlly the loot] hock†enthu- iuh were axiom to In the account ot the gun. In the Ttmmtet morning, puns, but they ware “wot-ted. u not n the “mud "ttttt the cinnamon. pt the "t-sreomee", have. using with I’m-‘01: foo m.- ‘urs set. all with the - {but kl pk†on to. win the 0.H.A. lute» Imam: chunplouhip. _ - Res. 0.8. Edwudn. ot the Church Bi U. B., Church, Bu mm " mitigation a mate: ot the conne- puov. He Inm- lama; Bull: to cute: "smut“: mt. MID-09mm meond-tmulmhm “ammonium";- tr.eth.tevuoehiittrandrBaeitA mnmmuam. We mum noun-um mat:u.m.m.ju|- “ILâ€. t-,carutarart0dmr, ‘uiuloolllhqullbeM _ttr.,ttre-ettttt.i!" 'r ia7iiGraii'iGGFrai w 'er.t-T.Brarurtmtb- 'gtrt"g,r,,",hdra1 TeggtytaN'.'utt'S - odvdoirmnyo .M ammm "mun rwummmmnmmwn OF m-umm was 1_= nth-s Ettcteteheet DIAMOND EYES BERLIN TIES PARIS. H. J. ROWAN In" Second Br.-autit, Martin, Louisa --- ---". ". bt mm" John lunar. Non Br!ek, Can Posit m .m- Hun-o, Hun Kan. Gladys Health" an Gum. Gertrude mainly, Ruth Hen- weak,', " Jrrtrott, olive Knit, Id- Zubcr. E. Broke tie Bran-hum. Emil 8mm, Mimic up “MK“ mit, wmmn (an. attd Mad, Hie Wendling, Loretta Hum- treh met, Tick]; Schneider, boui- you Another our! M. Noubrou, Lows Koebel, Maine! torr tor Paine no- can» Fred: Ward, Loui- Vun, Another man] i to elm hum. Joseph Benton, Edith nva In“. Bolt Lon“. Chr- Sdtut, Mn. M. B. L B. In»... V no" In Wo and Ie.-. Nettie mum-n In «no... tot Put} Dunk. “Indium. In“ and-Wad was. not... W. cm were! m luau-c. um lug, otgitrtAam.1 aatlll'dtlf Dtttet,rtartthtmmta, .0001. at we pull Aeeyt (madman; = m 31'“ "a?†tiiit'5tre, ' 'ti :1: as 'iaaieimer. " ttt n 1 -tslm W! “It hm I: ,rtteru., I'tiit', â€and" A. um tttttrt a Co, wil" u. an“!!! mind- Bt- to ha y... -dtatt with “the tho no vino Inn has m WW“ an4 ttes can†all ell-Ion at ttte. C" "zarg in rcttrer m. WINE", Midi“. an W. nun n†to -ted by a. nylon- \M? when) k In deotfrdtr â€DIM. _ , 0- “may 0'01". Mr. ind lanai, In: the M m yar- tV bersumg superman!» at an Bee- -|II ' 'Mloo Sue-t “In, an- ;un " onnume- with Chg $NNtF gry'rl on employs“. M Mt. 1 III we popular " tho emphy- lanthanum!“ an." GiGuiu. and. wa- n» a; my». wmlnumnhvhoul All sh. - employee! amend n the It!†Ham on Sanity noting. an sattrrtho an“! ot their Bani 'etrtendmtt, who â€posted on the was â€newt-t â€that! to noct- tsin the mu ut the "hold up" on we dilenm linen, and wu greatly summed to [can that than um I “strike on," lot on hour. In. Vio- tor Helium broke an new: to Mr. Kinny! In . sum. manner, and then and a well-worming which ex- pressed tho quantum ot the em- ploym to: the courteous uni “mutual mum in which Mr. Kumar had potion-all his duties, and their wet.- " In: having an Cam, puly. “All tho new: that was com ing" In the will: tendered to Mr. Ktartpt At the proper time Mr. Har- -r-r' idiom ' whine‘time in a. set- vico of the Comm! bu been the louse“. prgaqntod_ 19.109an with I'aldihhded umbrella “16ny ete. ained. u A night Will at the; rs- tecm in which be In held by the The recipient, It. Knmpt. “as agreeably "um-ed. and in A modest and plenum mm. Monet! to tho ttng-ttmtg mum that lame: [nod between him and the employees during the two you! he was their isupetinttndmtt. He granny “macaw ed um um “I! named the done:- am he - not no. mu than klnanen on this coca-ion. He then invited the men to accompany hm to 11.1. Brown's tantalum, where I any and well-bend cyan: sole-AI was but“, rar8am',' M. The happy 'mtttt ulna to C _ by the cm- ployeu all voting Mr. Kunpt . “Jolly not tiimr." R. C. SEPARATE SCHOOL HON- OR ROLL FOR JANUARY. Fourth Foam Br.--Rimam Fema- hock, Edward Arnold, Lowrance Eng- ,Iau, Ida Weaning, Mania .Martia, ‘Cluence Huck, Jocob Arnold, Louis illuminant. TrGriirrrr.-INtar, snub. mu Liam, Edgar Bled]. Herbert Bahrend Elena: Zubox, Irene KIM, Envoy Third thnior.-itte swam. W Rergott, Dell: Eiatee, TM kl: Joseph, Euca- mun-km:- Wud. Clan Pom, “I. or. F. Plum, Glyn German, (boron: Hindu. Harry Swell, Edvnd Eek- erdt. Reinhold Lang, Lulu Jungle, Flames ’Gruhn, Olive Hummcl, Hel- en Wenhouner, Herbert Hinds, Jhatttad Rolled“. Ernnm Fischer, Summon new“, Christian IVY, ‘Edwul Doubrock, Isidore Hanan. Thin! Jr.-idn Mull, In" .Rer, Leo-en Lang, limo Tuner, In, Knew. mm: van Nun-m. Alumin- of†Luanda-win. Curie: Arnold. Boom“ new. Roy Okinawa. - Psbroaq, Gregory Pawn Amie Dow. Ronni: Manning“, Ar- um: Huber, Joseph XII-er, Lows. Dombxonh, Eugene Baum, Nettie Bacterium. amen Airman. mi Jon senm, HM Mm.‘ may TNt Nubmn. lg rotten but. Tum Puma. John 07, liar rum. - In». Win!- 'Hit, we»: his“. Aim Wer, Im,o In, “My Man. In. $lttee, huh John, - llu mun. M on, Dan Hut. J†I}... -- _ _ Put aunt-M W. not Penn. a. Joh ltttrerN, In†Lug. I... Dam, Olin. on- Iulrr, m , In“! full new I“. has. "mu- ‘m. Olin I“. - no», man u. lab! w. . Cmy'i bullet! Ilka] Fin In.“ "mum†mm; Intuit-slink . , ammo“ Um! “out "%MtttMt0 “My“ - - - - hon-Lao - - ".--r Incl-mc- - - - In... 1..XLBmosaua----z----- The W.O. a R., Co., In: ttttttft-d I handsome arm tor the use of the Literary Society ot the institution " well Is tor the use ot the or..- [ployeu during the iatermiUioas and The which: that“ been eating tho m3? hep can h fir stittr pars Ill inf: my Emma . , it inner-time Jyiir,ttti,mriN1yh1,l$,W, 'd'q-s.niiviigt'ki'traeC E. D. Lent, the nu who “a ai- leged to have been victimized in 1 local 2mm house. left Berlin on Thursday night, with his tomoanion tor Les Angela, Cal. They . Mere driven to out, where they'tool: the CPL. u [or " Detroit. It is un- ‘detuocd tut . mldmhle portion ot the money he loot on Sunday night. Inn was returned to Lent. The one against the Hermite: charged with “equating 1nd keeping a ram ins houu- will be proceeded with, howexex. 'mV "Titian M "d',T2,tll'd'gt, es, Anym nu- mm, rmaâ€"wmaï¬maï¬ 1ttitEi'i'ili',ii"giiii'iiii)g “our Giriii - flaw (ii'i1'i'iiii'o Paina’s Celery Compound “Business and Almost Dying In. t Anna wpncm. 5mm. x. manna-poem _ Llama Igluttgl By 'oo-o-o-eo-oe" mï¬mmi It. iidii.5'iiil'heg2t= iris' W,gt9t iltit'ri'i)."ti'ii'iiiiiiiii'l,iiiili8 The Only Spring Medicine That Can Positively' Guarantee Health and New Life to weak, Diseased And Brokendown Men end Women. Another unused and positive Tie. tory (at Palm'- Celery Compound ! Another wallow: ample ot lite --" . In. M. B. Luann, . lady well» known in Woodlwck, OIL, Mud â€musmnnkelcm, " ma- wdl ad strong by tere' "iiTiHiiiG.Aiictyttti, A"; luau! and Cuh â€than not. at wad-N one. J.Te In. “my" in fan'- el- cty Ut-ttd, can. A tto-ttttin an out who mullet-a an II Mun-19nd In M. At an GGiir'"riuo Om Ohm-dul- Moltwiomwuhdnlltok- e-atrmisrdi-,kt-'attr,y 'trt-tl-ef-" the qt.eqgttt not“. In. Latiqtt- mitt-lbw: - "No “will; not“! on has!†an "thrte t mum tor month, MI berrerrtbratterhte.",81t gr28"t2Td2lht%' inot: .menmv autumn-m - dink-$00317 uwmthm " -di.u2ii.iiShtttr.C."2t,,,t, h "a. 1ttMf2'at'.lN",'fJ'tg'l'd All PP""' of I’ll-“03.- or hum, W an. HAS LEFT TOWN mnniny' Ignaz;- flSolid and Progrrethtt.t'__ “was. WM. Pin-Nu end not!“ ' ' «j _ _ ' . “mum?“ " PROFIT titll' Business written in 1902 - - - I Ensign†in foree Dee. Blat, 1902 - - ' Cash Interest Income, 1902 - - - Death Losses, 1902 - - - The all: income from interest exceeded the dag-HI loan for 8rat'g PoWdar Tonia the year by Lit, Mutual Life of cmda mic-I The Mercantile Fire SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL - - - - mpmm DEPOSIT WITH DOMINION a0PT, - . 117.1%“ All Polio!“ Gum-mud by the (one): & Luann! I‘m h- wuxc: Count with Auct- ot 816,306,038. may“ iiGaCrLGG and Ttrt-ttV wanton. Surprising tll'illi'mary BARGAINS Owing to the strict? cub Int“l '" ttttf, for ac tr-ttt our hee "iiil2i2tt2ier,r'tlt,ll4rlr1' . l A mnmumpdcu- ' V "r/fr . vet, .,__;). INSURANCE COMPANY. That ANOTHER Yul! dyer, an.“ m In: been experienced by HEAD OFFICE - WATERLOO. to than who use , , Groff’s Tonlo Mr CONRAD BBQ§:, ", "vndiNaaaratui, . 13mm [summon-W c-o-tlr'"'".- Aluminum moron-ed weight, ., "tdal-perm. Drum A Werner,- will apps-r evident from (hammering: Other: in†prom MI. Try It. GEO. E. In. B. mml.__ 3’32“ 11180?me 1915. Fitmrirtg_tttLiMt non. In: " who. will†install“! Sm- Ill not - Ihtatirtg Amman In†has it.“ enough would in ii. gum, at our "I no - - oommmd no to that“ " for mer â€ms-'5' 99.23 "raiiaVGiiG ’B’W' to men tteo" and will the a, when; cumm- to In. a. want good work a medaget. Elwin. Imam-j. Catlin HMS- For s 34,527,313 334,407,420 $275,507 $210,090 . 'OMQH r v#