Ontario Community Newspapers

The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 5 Mar 1903, p. 1

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“on. 4tb-NO. to The last Blow at Winter Goods Will The Boy's Suit Wear Well? My Boy is Awful Hard on his Clothes. How often A father or mother greets us with thin remark. U, ar, the time, we are trying to sell one of our goo " durable " 50, $5 00 or 87.00 boys' 3 piece suns we will, of coupe, answer most decidedly in the aifirwutive. The wumv; QUALITY of our boys' cotling is just one of its many good features. Am tlu-r strong pomt in its STYLI H. NEss. This is due to the extreme skull need in cutting our Boyk cloth- ing. lt is cut just as carefully and r,eieotitiets ly as the tinet of men’s clothing. . Bring the boy here for his Spring Suit. You can't do better. The A. th Boehmer 00., It will pay anybody who intends to go to the North West spring to call and see us and get our prices before buying elsew? Here are a few of the things which you will need and on which prim are sure to interest you. STOVES and HOUSE IrrHth'Is'HiNGS, WI1tFr-Nrbed, Gnlvaniznd. Oiled and Anneallvd, WIRE NAILS, BUILD- ING PAPER, GLASS, PAINTS, and ALL TOOLS and HARDWARE neoded to build a home. . Elevating the Standard of Quality In Shoes Is our Ambition! We aim to sell better was: than anyone else at regular prices. If you select a pair of Shoes from our stock, you will say with hundreds of others, that they were the best and most comfort- able pair of shoes you ever had the pleasure to put on your feet. THE MARKET SHOE STORE. Fuzhou Cotton Bleached encum- an "when wide M " " 'ru " " Te " '. um vdm Be .. " worth 'lt for In: BIL-noun. alibi-“had. , 0 wide 16e new... nnhlmhad. a yd. was. we " " , re. wigs _ Ble " bunched mi liablmhod , yda. “do White in". wry wide. _ . 25 to 35 Per Cent. PHONE 149 Our stock of Furs, Overcoats and Ladies' Overcoats is not large, but what there is is very good. In order to clear out as much as possible we will offer you a straight discount of off any article of Winter Goods in any de- partment . WESELOH & co., Berlin ...NOTICE... Going West '? 'eter CEa25r:ta:uct:u::Le222-, 35 inchn wide, 4e l med Vida. 5c extrnvnlutl tk T Ind tk WI um not be tutderaold in Clothing. THE CHRONICLE 1'll'll TELEGRAPH. / _ good vain. toe LIMITED. " but ulna‘ln Canada 100 Tanning; brown “nan. be " anvy cotton. be " beat value In “Marlon County. T, 8 And we ‘Ducyg It! good plus Ind whit. a"... White Mungood "this. m,ilr,M,26,Mr Pritrta, Mm may nonfqu , Muck Gd whim than. 1%: 001mm... cod "ma. from 10to Datum. you! huvy blue, " not! I): FUntuMtte, good vdua " 6 and Te " I yard wide, 8 And 100 to go to the North Went this noes before buying elsewhere. II will need and on which our King St '.BERLIN Near Bunk of Hunilton - name-1.16am“ Ema-l“: 10e Briefs -The Y.P.C.A. met on Fn- day evening last and though the night was stormy A good attendance was present. The subject debated on was “Resolved that Women have more "ttiuence in the world than Men (l The deemion was gnen in It to! of the negative. The next public meeting will be held in two weeks. --The Wutterboutgte Orchestra met at Mr, Isaac Weber's Saturday our mug last for practice. A very pleas- ant ciening was spent by ell present. -hir, and Mrs. James Mitchell cn- tertamed a number of lriends Tues- day esemng.-Mr. Geo. Wright it, is suitermg from an attack of pleurisy. oo-oo-o-e-o-i-ooo- -Mr John Broodex has rented Mr. Jacob Reader's farm tor a. term at years-Miss Law at Hamilton who has been “mung relatives here left for home Saturdar--The Rev. W. N Volhck will preach a sermon to young men Sunday afternoon in the Methodist church here.-The Rev. A. M, Hamilton who has been suitering from a severe attack of Grippe was able to occupy the pulpit m Chal- mer's Church Sunday morning. ixose W mom-o ooqy06ie6(.3 -er"e"" WINTHRBOURNE. I ST. JACOBS. Brieisr-Owtng to the inclemency of the weather the meeting of last Sat- urday was postponed until March, 7th. Brief-Mr. J. Bingtman and Mr. Geo. McAllister have each purchased a team of fine heavy draught-Mrs. Heaven of Hespeler spent a. lew days with her daughter here last week.- Mr, H. Shepherd and Miss Beulah re- turned from their visit to Penna. on Thursday last. Following is the February School report for Bloomingdale: Class Sr/sro McAllister, Alice Bingeutan. Sr, IV.--Bernice Kurschinsky, Ian Snider, Allan Born. Clara Wile. Cl Fir, 1.--Lizzie Pressman, Olin Heinzman, George MeAllister, Elo Snider, Lloyd Mania, Rina Hummel, Roy Pant!" Notetr,--Saw logs are arriving in a continual string. More logs have been received at the saw mills here so iar this winter thou any previous year. The quality is very good and prices are " per thousand higher than last yesr,-Mr, Geo, Steddick, who was staying with his brother of this place leit tof Durham where he has bought a livery businesr--Mottt- lord Strome of the Berlin High School spent Saturday :nd Sunday with his parents here.--Mrs Robert Brown returned to her home here " ter two months nbunce visiting with ipriendir--Mi" Jepson of Hing-n ‘Falll ll vilitjng at Mr. Crawford'--- ‘Mr Chas. Shultz Ind daughter went to Waterloo Saturday. Briehr.--h large number from ttere' attended the Fumen‘ institute on Thunduy Feb, Mth at Stu-burg and ind en enjoytole time Alter the Institute meeting a dince was held which lured unm morning. Ott the Mme evening nanny went to Preston to use the hockey match between Gait. and Preaton.--Mo. H. Dah- mer und' her two rotsngeqt children went. A tew My: " Conestogo In". Wei-Mi" Unm- Dame: ot Con- estoga in spending & In: week- with her grmdpnenu, Mr. ii. numer- here-George John-on we“ Sun- an with his parents in New Dunr deer.--) you-[at Ion of Mr. John Weller. it, is very lick at mount but. we hope for hi- Ipeedy recovery. -c. banner in recovered the: ho- ing on the nick 1m for . week. molt 'itgtergr,'ayttt1 .0 “W92"! --_- Pt. bil; iiLrjhidisihsA"t WATERLOO, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH s, 1908. News Notes Gathered by Induatrioua Correspondents in County and Dutrict. He “and: but In adtrriUN, why BLOOMIN GDALE FLORADALE DOON Personals --Misa Alice Banter of I Preston us the sum ot the Misses Ulngnch -Mr. John Heller, who wars spendrng B law months at his home here loll. on Tuesday mornlng tor Stonewall, Mar, where he has been working tor the last. tour years-Mr. Clarence hdmunds loaded A car ot tstock and other need-say uncles on Monday. Me In tgoutg west. to Ar- cola, Assunabota, Mr. Ashton Fran oi Llnwood, leit on the same day tor Brandon -Miss Edith Ulngnell returned home lrum Toronto on Mon- day. Mr. Vernon Snyder accompanied her and wrll slay with hrs grandpar- ents tor a new weeks-We are sorry to hear that Mr, Alex. Bowman wrll leave us. He has secured a good sit- uation m Berluc llls lamlly will stay With us tor a while yet. Mr. Bowman has been hung here ior a number ot years and has always been held In high esteem, as well as hrs lam- ily. Our loss ls nerllns tyum-Miss Olivia Winkler and her mend Miss Bender were spending a, low days In Berrut.-The Misses Heckedorn ol lil- nnrn were spending Sunday with tbs; Misses. lleckedor at St. Jacobs.-- We are pleased to report that Mrs. Wm, Hoethn is convalescent-The sale of A. B. Sender held last week was largely attended. . Miss Hattie Shoemaker oi Lock- port N. Y., was visiting friends m the village last week. Mr. Wm. Loebsack 1s busy prepar- ing for a seasons work on his new- ly bought backyard. Mr. Geo Wright is preparing hm her to rebuild his bun next sum: mer. Mr. Jas. Glennie bought Mr. Dav- id Brubacher's [am about. two miles north ot the village. _ - _ Mr. N. S. Bowman, who has been in ill health all winter thought It advisable to go to the Berlin-Water- loo Hospital [or treatment. Though he was no worse than usual he was ot the opinion that this was the best course. We hope that he will soon be restored to health. Alter a business career of nearly lorty years in our village he decided to retire and sold out to his son George who has been with him in the store many years, ‘nnd understands the business very ‘thoroughly. Mr. Geo. Bowman will take possession on the lst of April. During the month ot March they will take stock and otler special bargains in their various lines of merchandise to the public. They have a large stock in almost every line of goods, so those who appreciate a good bar- gain will find it to their profit to call at Bowman's store to supply their wants in the mercantile line. Mu. Mabel Snider went to Chi- "go on the 27th to take a course m g training school tor nurses. Cid Mm. Gibson oi Qu Appelle. Asst. after spending some time in Qatari) visiting friends returned home on the 23rd of February. Her daughter Miss Olive who took a course at them. tario Ladies College accompanwd her Rev. C. Good closed a succczu series ot special meetings io the M numtc Church bole last Friday l? mm: ' Mr, and Mrs, Wm Kihoik‘le T ed at Mr. Walter Snider's last da', evening. Mr. Albert Weber employed at. lowhurst during last year moved his own farm a little north ot min week before last. The School report for the Junior Division for the month ol February, in u lollows: -finG Ir-William Mmm, Aldran Bun, Norman. Atteldt,. Lorne Alle- mung. -gGiior,pt. lr-Harvey Latsch, Al ton Schuman. Almeta Schmidt, Syl v1: Rndtke, Josiah ortmey Junior Pt. II --t,incoln Thaler, Nel- lie Bricknell, Mary Thain. Clul A_--curence Schurman, Aug- ult Jul-en, Hnn‘oy Moss, Orion Dilr pel, Walter Bum. Clan B.--Curlie Mihm, Gordon 3:15;me -Eiihttk1er, Roy maul, John Ortmln, Marry Radthe, Linn Atreldt, Lucinda Gum-11:1 Nour-Rumor hu it that Mr, (l w, Lunch will buy the Bricknell and Brown tum-F. W. Myers ottertt his "Tempennco House" tor tuue,- A any pull will “he plutre at Adam Shumen'l Thursday night-There"' good aiming " the rink. hag been spending I few dun "ith her meet, In Geo. Btterk,-Mr ll, Shndy 3nd wile Imwy w.s!t- in; Mend- in Wuerl , . Rm (hummer. who bu “has A to: month: in mtiHio, In“ home on tuturd.r-Mr, F. My wed with t Ills“ ' vhl.‘ mad h " to“ (Mom! imiit-ra.,-.T_oeet9- m JD ‘0‘!” an In In Iivem:-aulittda Snider: Waterloo CONESTOGO CENTREVILLE BRIDGEPORT C . M. BRY DEN. teacher on sroau-Aht Wednesday the mambo" ot as Free Church not end appoint- ed than): tor the ensuing term. Three men were chm twang whom the lot In gut, and the Duane (c- umun tell on Mr J. Mann, Jimmy, mgdak-Bridgeport's n comm " ammug ot ao boys lld guns try the pastor, Rev Mr Mueller, who ior the past Six months bad given them Instructions twice a week. The ques- Sperm] sauces were In” Ct Lutheran Church last Sumy Inc lla, at l on In: arrival mud tt the pattent somewhat 1 “all. will be comme in unmet-non wnh tlu. I new bridges Much will sterl structures over l Hartmatt's. The old In ed by the lrawllmg public. Tune died last Saturday, “ll youngest daughter of Mr, LOUIS l'atl The funeral took place to-day. " Iatmly ham the sympathy oi the en tire commumty 1n their sad bureau- ment. Our town has so far been spared irrutp the rage of smallpox sluiough surroundeu uy some. Sen-ml new cases are reported from the grauel road two miles from here but are reported to be only in a mild hum. and all cases can be said to be um» valesemg. The old Shade street bridge has boon taken down and will be Lans- [eracd to the real end or the null to be used again as a bridge z‘crms tho race, as the town is opening a new road to the station (*onvctuzg With Peel street north. This will CCr- tainly he agreat improvement. The sale last Friday of live stock, and implements belonging to Mr, Jacob Roth was largely attcnucd, Mr Roth, whose barn was drum)” ed by tire two weeks ago, wtll rev build as soon as the weather opens A:though Mr. Roth carried an mm:- am"?, his loss will be considerable as about an hogs were burned. about, an hogs were burned. Mr LOUIS Kuorher, an c-mpluyvc the Hahn Furniture factory " had the misfortune to lune the In rung". of his right hand so badly I elatvll as to make amputation " 95m.” He is doing as well as t be espoctod Mr .Iuhn Personal:-).) Bowman of Mont- rose xisited irionds here ior the past few days --Rev. Mrs. Armstronqhr iurrly oi this place now of Thwttraiot is renewing old acquaintances here at rtcsent.-Mr, Thtu.pson mad, .' business trip to our burg last week, N0tes:-A. Ludwig of 1,1/lilr,',C)"1 his family Mre last went: There is not a sacant, house in the village iii the present lime-Clarence Edmunds lcit on Monday for the North West, taking with him a. car load oi goods they having rented their farm to Mr. A. Fowler, The rest of thr- family will follow later om-The Crystal Spring Cheese Factory had ils last business meeting on Saturday and was well attended Prospects are for a good season with J. Thompson as manager and tvhecsemaker.-Sorne, of (our farmers were in Waterloo on Saturday, it being implement day They brought home with them new machines and are now ready (or the seeding operation-We hear the tin- kle ot wedding bells in our midst More Inter on. M, John Lautcnschlager intond: mmnu; his testablishment to Ileri n anl crntmue photography on a Lug " scale. We wish lum every success Rorkmen on the Berlin & Prgsum Street Railway hue completed the bnllastmg from Preston up to the Township Hall oitentrevtlle, Two more wdees of lavonblc want: a mplete the work. The, Liquor License The " Parry Sound is to be increased trom $500 to 81,000 There are only two [minis jn the town, which has 1 population ot 3,000, and the price ot whiskey has heen raised to ten cents per maxi It often requires hard work to make an honest living, and always harder work to mute a dishonest one, In Dickie Settlement. North Dum- menu qlmntluea ot lock tries, 200 "rptt more or less twlong- ing tn the George Simpson Ext-Ate WILL "ll PAINT? The Exerutors use Lnxioul to mud 3 weeks. 3.. our big M up ”10,.th ot in estate, And pf . . the tarm is not ION hr Much mm, frot our pnm on White itPlll be unveil The property MI mu you M3tut rl 3 MM en bloc or n two up". . M, " M, " Soft. qri In: tt2fi'lt",i Apply to I LLIAI WALLACE, tutt, J30 D. IOOBI. mm rr NEW dAnBCuU FARM FOR SALE HAWKSYILIJ It tuch will be handsome i over the Nlth at e old budge will be ade street, Both im- " be highly apirrectut- cllmg public. last Saturday, the um, County (‘nuncu- olegram that his son an. Dauphin, MUL, lie for that place, and l acquaintances he . Thumpoon mad: . our burg last wee deig of llcrlg’mm' !nst work. Thorn tte the nu- t tly the 'all, T he 1 WEylt3HIEL,'S , JC - WEEKLY STORE NEWS " HOUSE ' . ___] FURNISHING. (l, We take pride in this department, in w.hich we feel we can satisfy our custom, whether meagre.” be from the smallest cost to the moot [undou- hm A-rm-ttie-e. r; -. for the coming season will anrpua All previous sttowit-td prion I!” wait: be slang the line. of our motto: 1 CASH ONLY $1.00 Agent. for Messrs. Sue and Planes Parquetry Flooring, It's a little early, but we're going to commense NOW. . If you don't Buy you lose. $100 Luudoermeu's Sex for 4h'e tl puir. For the next few darts we In“ put on the Ipeohl bargain lUt will. of m an mama’s goods. $2.75 t4 Kant K rack 3100‘ Men’s fine. Low Buckle Overshoes $1.00 75e Child's and Girls' Felt Slippers Me $1.75 Girld solid, iine Cal" Shuts 97e. The Yellow Front Shoe Store, at in! “and "tthee in Wrtterloo. rum-rm; an Thund-y. Ill-rob 6th l903,n( (men the r‘lmk. um Jar Ihauurpnm of "can irrg renown. Medina Directors, app'lnunw Amman and wanting nuch Hylnw or Indra-'33 mar be aubmlued. ___ --- -- e-_.- Waterloo. "tt. Nth, mm. [)UluiL'ANT to "In Act ot hem-Hon tttttice m bushy gnu-u that that“ Attgttt- ml Mowing"! the Ml H AL Mos ASSI'H- ANih'. “(L‘H' A N Y or' {:ANAIL'A will h? held Lre Ihry's English Tonic Powders, Day's Smrk b'ood--arornMie, Day’a ""'PN Cream for erslves- During the coming Spring and Summer we will ondenvor to keep you potted in the columns of this paper of what we are doing in the line of Semonnble Hardware, We ask you to read our advertise- menta carefully. I. do what we “I. .Vnrmnw-l hynhe Sealer; going to the North West will find it to their advantage to call on us and got our prim on chart“. Tools, "or... Mht Ito. If you do not live near drop us a post card. Mention the artiout, you want and we will quote you prices by return mnil. We expect to do a big Spring Businem We on ready for it. Everything mama to be, ndvnncing in prim, but we have Mon to fool elated over the fact that the most of our Spring Stock was bought at the old price. The Three Best [lays For Stack , I“ You IUILII [Incl P-h our of No. 9 Cotl Spring Wire sad 5 me! No. 12 Soft will be here this week. Mu this we stock No. 9 Gduniaod, "Plain" and Bub Win. Bay's Stock Food co.. TORONI’O. Annual Meeting. House ca . Weichel ' Sag, Smyth Bros. Our Carpets and Rugs -Y Phone 179 CHEAP CA 23 and 25 South side King Street, Berlin wmmmmmmm "Best Goods for Smallest Cost". Every Ar: \qt "KO, w FUENAST ZiEGLER'S, 60e Jun tab] M (i worth of Shoes at our eaP:EeT2:T(C> Men's Rubbers 81 38 acknaro in lull of vttisttsction. St M vrhro, M . Dewitt Jacobs, .. Widempn WILL Mihuer‘ WHOLE NUMBER 2515 BUY aning Sale- tLOVER wishes tmmnounce to the public to buy their clover seed at an early date, to prices are Advancing. I also have in Mock the choicest, flour and feed, Mil. vermn and pure Manitobif1our,Bibby'q Cream FhiuivMent, the heat, of All calf foods. Concentrated food is known I. one of the greatest inventions of mod. ern times All kinds of poultry lap- plies, oil cake, linseed mealmollad oatm, beans, potatoes, salt and grain bags. ER]! ST., Phone 295 STORE Is DEVITT's Burerr, B CHEAP CASH STORE S. GINGRICH Wholesale and Ram}. $2.00 TIMOTHY -,ANDt.- S. Gingrich WATERLOO, BERLIN.

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