Ontario Community Newspapers

The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 22 Jan 1903, p. 2

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tm $25 L To mums”; j Pe,r2trgattte.",tnt,ttt 'rr-. a - m.. can The following gentlemen made and "wormed their declaration of omce and qrmliMtstiotc June: Howlet, reeve. l Adam Mattusch, Solomon Koch, Johnson J. Wilkinson and John S. T Kohl, councillors. The Reeve in the chair. i The minutes oi Ute last. session or Council to: IBM were teed by the clerk. and adopted and signed by the a; can. FOREIGN TRADE. : “I'm . lot ot mm " mn- “Iron Btruthror, agreeing "to pay ‘h “an all receipt, but Although "" nuke" wrote me three months 'aeo that they would make end ship 1"at one, I an mu without MY word "of any maid. Some nrticles I or- - ttom United States, which had " he made specially, were received by me within . month of the day I m the order. Cunnda mar wtnt ~50 node ot this country some day, ' N do will and out that Unéle Sam a got in l little ahead 01 her. She "- not need my ditrerential term, " is wait: in to get a little ener- ptlo business ability, and take it in - doses, and then when this mum begins to work, the senti- lI-t ot Colonial-and-Empire trade will» the lever which will give her was. But sympathetic loyalty and ‘Empire huddle alone will not get hot the business against bright, sharp business dealings on the part of her competitors." [isaNtm2ttiigttr""'"!""" Chief Justice Faiconbridge on Bar- 'rrdnrdiamistsed the suit brought by ink ratepayers ot St. Mary's against. tbo town and against the members oi the Finance and Fire and Light Com- mittees of last yeu's Council. The Illt was tor n declaration that an “an of $3,170 in the report ot the Finance Committee for a new water main was a valid debt of the, town which they were bound to provide for timing the current year. The court hold: that' under the Municipal Act the question whether it is s and debt h mummy doubtful to war- WOOLWICH TOWNSHIP COUNCIL mat ttte 41-min] of “In Unit, since the holders of the note given for the linbility in question were not parties in the action. The Municipal Council of the Town- IMp oi Woolwich met at St. Jacobs on Eonday, tho 12th any ot Jam, 1908. Re .. _ , 'daltt_teut writer in l . Th- u M nuanc- _ '01 Cum wt to town j gm, a“. at in-. ,“’ ',,'ett"gt,o,'eue,t,t,te, _v'c.i'e"i'iis',',iia' the madman in tar- th. “he“. Seven! letters no m from denies" in Great Britain w M the situation, ot which at. taoqrtra in a ample: A communication was received from J. Ron Robinson, on behalf of the that” of the Hospital for Sick Children " Toronto, asking for a do- ntion toward the maintenance of the Ind hospital. A suit ot $5.00 was made to the lib-pits] of Sick Children at Toronto, N. S. Bowman. of Conestoga, and N. w. Gingrich, ol St. Jacobs, were appointed “tutor: tor the current yen. Brtaw No. 497 to appoint auditors all “season: was read a first, sec- end and third time and. passed, Bylnw No. 498 to appoint a local Board of Health medical health Mi- cat “(I unitary inspector for the Ton-hip oi Woolwich, Was read A, am, second and third timeand pass- It. John Burnett was appointed a -trer of the local Board of Health in: three yarn. Leander Bowman mitd Andrew D. Schmidt, along with the foregoing, end the Reeve, and the .elerk constitute the local Bond ot ’Ieelth for the current year, 1nd Dr Ar. 0. Robinson wns appointed medi- hl health once: und unitary inspec- The tanning ofhcer and deputy re- turning otheera weed paid $600 each, [OI-holding the municipal election ill ninth; their return, and $3.90 it. allowed tor each polling booth; no ".00 tor each polling booth tor to Mon on the referendum vote h December, 100%. The dark wu Instructed to order .. may number or copies ot the mom: World tor the me ot the ”It!“ ot the Council. “'Mcduuk‘ ”mun-um - IIAU. W‘ itivu B. m m m ms in EDITORIAL NOTES. "ey--.-,'- ”mm-bum! “.7 7 lib Th Wing muni- wm gaid:-- In. Rumor. tor sheep and dunk killed try dogs, $10.00; In Rumor, tar killing dog loud worxymg sheep, $8.00; Loui- Idler, tor damage to plow in 1002, $4.00; Peter B, Bow- man, tor glue], 53.90; E. Rent, tor gravel and sever pipe, $2.30; Geo. Hoehurgud, toe gnvel. "c; June: Mitchell, tor and um spikes, 34.40; Duvid Bowman, tor regiatrur'a (we. and copy ot Bylaw No. 491, 33.55; Township ot None-lay, tor gravel and sewer pipes on tom, line, g par, ”15.15; Henry Gilles, putting up my: boards, $2.00; Anon H. Banana, bo- Gii tor wire (once. 815.00; Moses c. than, bonus tor wire tence, tltt'i, A, Steiner, tor gravel and work. $5005 Total $128.65. The Reeve then took the chair and the following business, was transact- ed. Moved by Mr. Amos, seconded by Mr. Reist, that Bylaw No. 870 to appoint auditors tor 1903 be read a first and second time. Minutes of preceding meeting read and approved. Moved by Mr. Rent, seconded by Mr. Shantz, that Bylaw No. 871 to provide for the appointment ot mem- bers of the local Board of Health for the year 1903 be read a tirst and sec- ond time. ' Moved by Mr. Snyder, seconded by Mr. Shuntz, that the Reeve, Messrs. Amos and Shanta, be a committee on roads and bridges on the west Bide of the river and am. the Reeve and Messrs. Ram and Snyder be a com- mittee tor I like purpose on the east side of the river. Moved by Mr. Reist, seconded by Mr. Amos, that the clerk send sub- scription ior the Municipal World for each member ot the Council, also the medical health otticer and sanitary inspector and such other blank [arms The Council met at the Township Hall on Monday, January 12th, pur- suant to t,"tat8,t,t Members al present. The following named gentlemen signed the necessary declaration oi qualification and ottice: Louis Koch- ler, Esq., reeve; John Amos, Owen Reist, Samuel E. Shunt: and Joseph S. Snider, Esqs., councillors. Movedlby Mr. Shana, seconded by Mr. Snyder, that ten dollars be granted to the hospital for Sick Chil- Lren in Tomato. The Council then adjourned to meet. again at St. Jscoos on Tuesday, the 3rd thy ot February nan. at mac o'clock mm. Mdved by Mr. Snyder, seconded by Mr. Shantt that Willlaha Carey be reappointed caretaker of theJTown- ship Hall at a salary at ten dollars per annual. WATERLOO TP. COUNCIL PRO CEEDINGS. Moped by Mr. Shantz, seconded by Mr. Snyder, that leave be given the mover to introduce a. Bylaw at next session of Council to provide tor the appointment ot assessors, collectors, tence-viewers and pound keepers, Moved by Mr. Amos, seconded by Mr. Reist that the clerk be instruct- ed to ask for tenders for township printing in bulk for one year, tenders to be received by next session of Council. ”Wu-ado». Illa-k wu 00- m. _ Moved by Mr. Reist, seconded by Mr. Amos, that Bylaws Nos. 870 and 871 as now filled in with the names ot"A. w, Hilbon and John S. Thom- as, Balm, as auditors and Daniel Weber, Esq., as member of the Board of Health ttrr the ensuing three years together with H. G. Roberts, M.D., as medical health officer, and A. S. llenhoeller, ICS., " sanitary inspect» or be read the third time and passed. 1 Moved by Mr. Amos, seconded by Mr. Shantz, that the following ac- }cnunts be paid and the Reeve grunt {hisgder on the treasurer for the lseve al amounts: . l’u- 6U raiue, MW” ll? much: oort was; no: u. .mu. Including 81.60 tor M'tth.al “It, 8100.29. you Jun-u salt: I!“ sums. to: emu. u. 6. Ida. was, an am so. a aun- ‘w, (or millen- No. a “an ‘Lorcl, he tlti,N2, 'di7r" _ dg out. to: _ . i Rt, tor mile. T. . L} "e mm“ ' w an and a: in 'l'lu"lC"ldG, in; Charles Reichert, “er as brd inspector, "oo; C. R. arming, ser vices as solicitor, 33833; G. A. Tilt, registering births, deaths and mar tiages, $20.40; Willinm Carey, care- taker of Tp, Hall, $10.00; Deputy omens. election expenses, $156.50. Moved by Mr. Heist, seconded soy Mr. Amos, that the Council now ad- journ to meet again " the Tp, Hall on Feb. 7th n 10 o'clock a.m. 'tiittsod,kr-giriii- ni- m‘cbt which! to“ tutr.'"""""'""" -. Christmu end New Yen's In Again numbered with the past, The Christmu tree entertainments held in this place in connection with the Presbytetinn and Methodist churches} were wh A decided mess,., “The iveether here on Christina duy end the dey following 17-: very cold, the thermometer registering u low " 47 degree below zero. Othervile the winter he: hot very lever-hie...“ The term en um busy teeming out the "never than is an "r ,ortuity orphan; It, In the - column}. WEI-Illa. ot this plane. III in: at week for the m a m Catlin ”nu. Petal. 1.3"”. - .Mithe F ttttt [ Mt'thtt a Jar rrtiiilfi'iihTiri, = JOHN L. WIDEMAN ROSSBUFN, MAN GEORGE A. TILT Ohm III " “In!” Clerk Clerk Politico! ',t."tt get' III: swanky up _ cry “be: e 0. tho ‘1“ at the 1th 01 Jenny The” who ”a; the do! we no“ yum end (ttpd in - and ‘hootl or (a We!) art-in victory, trhat tho so“ or victory an; thrush the nir. nought any. reluge from the cheer! ol victorious Liberal in the secluded nod quiet slumber, no doubt draining ot the great change they were shout to en- joy, but, mine! only to evoke: to the knowledge oi “other tour years of nhundut prosperity under the Ron zovernment. This is certainly B great victory, notwithstnnding that it is alleged that certain Liberal electors were ottered $20 it they quietly stayed at home. but Lihenl principle is ot 1 higher standnrd and cannot be bought by the dollar. We admire the eontidenee ot the Hon, G, admire the eontidenee or the Hott, G. It is necessary especially with hard W. Ross when he said he did notyworking horses, that a luge prooor- seek ofice; he did not refuse it, yy!iti.e ol the daily ration be composed was not going to give it up,--" with oi the more concentrated ieedingi the electors they are going to keepUtutis. A horse would have to con- him there. Ga; over 40 " ot hay to obtain Briets.--Misa Maggie LaVan ot Lis-lir7 ths, oi digestible nutrients, the towel, spent Sunday at the home oljpproximate amount required daily Mr. and Mrs. S. Both-Rev. H. [by a horse " severe labor. Tea to Dierlamm commenced revival ser,,ri1"i.sl'twyvt pounds of hay daily is quite in the church of the 6th line. f?uarlsuncient (or * draft horse. The terly services will be held in More- mangers ot work horses on many field next Sunday, Rev. Mr. Mailer, farms are kept constantly supplied of Walkerton, . will ott1ciate,.-Re- with hay, which is not only wastelul, election of oMcers took place in the but injurious to the animal as well. Evangelical Sunday School last :siii-liiiiiei,i,'t,' researches have shown that; day. The following are the officers: muscular ellort is largely sustained Superintendent, D. Scheer, viee-supC, by the carbo-hrdrues and fats ot the C. Ruppel; sec, H. Litter; treas,, w. food, and it is probably true that re- Wolfe; librarian, D. Geiger. trons composed-ot the ordinary lam _----------------, ------" products, meadow hay, straw, Silage. «NW roots and the cereal grains will be The gilound sufficiently rich in protein with- lout the addition ot nitrogenous teed- ----------- ing stuns. Doubtless in cases ot _ heavy labor, the addition of a little chronicle Telegraph 3 oil meal or other nitrogenous food would be betteticial. According to the g for 1903. 3 German standnrds the nutritive ratio ---. should be from 1.7 to L6 according AHandsome Premium (li/i., the severity of labor, the "daily weight ot protein to be tram 1.5 to Given away. I2.5 pounds. Oats are regarded by The pursuant,“ new 1Plicr many as essential to the maintenance to announce for 'ttttT The “d.“ lot the (giving Jr, working st,',,',',',',';, In: de mnuts of the ' which rm”? er, 0 m "m“ M: proved " pg,UTtl',e' past, lused in their place, wheat bran, corn, will beeontumed and strengthened barley, dried brewers grain, mir, are . . lolten used instead of oats without and 1either?aittnortete spu- any bad results, and frequently with edtokeep the Chronicle-Telegraph considerable advantage in the cost ot "l the "I" first rank of weekly he ration. Timothy hay, although MPG“ ti particularly rich in digestible Nowhthe time to subscribe. A nutrients, is prelerred by most hormr. handsome Christmas number, de- men, etsietly on account ot the free- votedtoartisticlllustraiion, stories. g dom from dust, and the use With humor, state-tie- “a valuable infor- which it may be distinguished from matims.wilittettivenfreetoalt_ S‘other grasses. With working horses W. Ross when he said he did not seek office; he did not reiuse it, and was not going to give it uP,-Bo with the electors they are going to keep him there. Gait Reporter: A gentleman nturr ed Bean is Mayor of Waterloo. Now is the time to subscribe. A s handsome Christmas number. de- voted to artistic Illustration, stories, , humor, statistics and valuable infor- mation, will be given free to all sub. scribe” new or old, who ply in ad. vane: for 1903, The Xmas number s will be (and, for delivery about t Dec. 'su. Subscriber: can pay t their tsubscriptions And secure the premium " the Wuterloo office, Elb j St. Iwest ”fat the Berlm office, g Queen St south Subscribers liv- mg at I distance who send their subscriptions by letter will have the sattis'emeat mailed to that address s 1frou desire totake other papers w with the r hromcle-To‘egraph read ' our clubbing offer on aaother page of this inure. cmwwmmw» There's one Cherry and one in the County Council, which has just lostan 'Ertr, The Berlin Town Council is presid- ed over by Citizen Eden," And a Rose is President ot the Berlin Park Commission. Who says this county is not the Garden ot Ontario? hin's Celery Compound Paine's Celery Compound quickly corrects this faulty condition. Bend; 1 true nerve tood and nourisher, it ‘builds up the nervous system lid {ally sustains it. While Paine's Cei- ery Compound in working " the root of disease (the nerve centres), buo- ing and building up the ventured ind irrihted parts Lad purifying the blood, neuralgin, rheumatilm And poisons no expelled intent from the ”nan. Dr. Phelps' wonderful pre- oeription is carrying health md lup- pineu into thousand: ot homes; it in what you need for your present trauma; it man nick people well And “rung. Mr. Willing Conley, West to“, an., writes as follows: Read the Strong Testimony ofa Gentler-cl: Who Failed - With auction and _ Ordinary Medical Prescriptions. Neuralgia, rheumatism and a gen- eral "run down" condition result directly Jrorn an impoverished and tarnished nenous system. "I hue had seven] "tan" at ttetr- nlqn. " km on irterettattttr-gettietg worse, at I tried nil the them for help, apd took all hind. at m. and I gottrrtatta_teetet_dttttt new at m. I - a that» m d Rifl- thher 'WI. t m m - a ' at not I; 0-! [an ”a m"rre-ttaiereirta6" I The publisher has no new wlicy to announce for 1903. The vain].- departments of the pew. which have proved so pormiar in the past, will be continued and strengthened and neither pain: not expense spar- ed to keep the Chronicle-Telegraph in the very first rank of weekly 93W" Will Banish Your Neuralgia. WHO SAYS SO? I Plum body I Some good rations {or 1000 pound horses at moderate work are sug- tig"',"'"', by Jordan: c.' 1. 10 ths. timothy or mixed hay; who nude Mazatlan cum": number at yarn with ”.000 ' Army and dult not... an. to tho conclusion that . but total»; ordinary work requlru a a: at: ot 1,215 pound: ot di-tttste “meats per 100 pounds ot [In weight. This is equivalent to M.1 pounds ot di.. gestlhle tood daily tor I "0Hound horse, I q "ntitr not inconsistent with the Germ 3W ‘r hose sustenance is largely supplied by the grain tood, timothy is proba- bly the most sqtislactory roughage, but bright clean clover ia excellent tor idle horses and colts, and reqmms very little grain tn addition to term a suitable ration. " li) lbs. har, 5 m. corn; 6 hi. brewers' grains. 9. 10 In. hay; " M. barley; l ths. wheat' bran; 3 lbs. brewers' grains. 11} its. on 2. 10 lbs barley, egu: 3. 10 has brewers' gr 4. 10 lbs wheat bran 5. 11 ths wheat bran 6. 10 ths, barley. wheat hnn " li) ths brewers' gr Silage, roots and other green tood may often be substituted for a minor part of the hay with advantage to the animal's appetite and health. Where the work is harder ttrel, amount of grain in the ration stumIdl be increased; but the amount ot hay! should remain stationery. The in- crease in feed should be greater pro-, portionatcly than the increase in the amount of work done, and as a gen- eral rule old horses should be fed better than young ones. That judg- ment which comes or experience will always be a saier guide than any mechanical rules ior iceding. but "his is certain, however; whatever ifeeding stuns are used. and whatever order oi {coding is adopted. regular- ity and uniformity should at all times prevail in both feeding and watering. " water is always avail- able. a horse will not take enough to injure himseii. but with working horses it will always he iound bet- ter to give than their regular and largest supply previous to feeding, and " may also be well to supply a limited quantity aiter feeding. When much heated or iatigued a horse should have water only in small qttostttim. - The Aruba hue I proverb, "Rest And [It Ire the grate“ uremia at the honor" Hard labor or an thun- duwe ol Merci-e than“ go hand In hand with heavy but... any will I period at “has con- lor no lone m min nun - te out do“ an nu u 1.», or - ,etthdeott ttt'extet- 'J,t"W, M be!» -tr we! Cy. I. 10.3mm MMhodt gun-um. Bob. Suitable Foods tor Hones 10 lbs Some Snmple Ration: IwuidIILhdww _ 'f2Mlltlt 'hT2'.h"dl't, "an“: a. _ ,iii5"ht,it,)!ii'ii M . I .' ' , _ . 2SttfPdt atr2tti'la",tll'lt,",llt3Wlt"8e'. . ‘t . Imus“!!! 1"dtute"22d'Nl'tl.'i1Wdiltl. an I by the Gum i,tz,'ttteg;u'dtl', All silly-and Mt00 pool has. uquuu us a. atM WU,” out horn It” tbs. timothy or mixed hay; . oats. lbs. hay; 10k has. oats and equal parts by weight. ths. bay; 8 tbs. oats; 4 lbs. ' grains. _ lbs. bay; 8 ths. oats; l ha. hay; " lbs. corn, l Its 4 tbs. brewers' grams. My; 5 tbs. corn; " lbs My; 5 tu. corn; " ms ttet cumm- A.“ " h- -ttrag& Hum tat all in. ol‘uullw uni. N only In this the - In a: horn- m but!“ an! - in any in. UM W 016 mi. it um u comm an; to: II to loss from on to iNet hunc- - um with colic and mummies. but in the put mu summon an“: out unw sync. not only luv. to not 10". on: bone. but ih uveaot had ma. Enid >'&: tlluQ"tlftar,1TcuUt minivanulw {and “utbmudlklln a! gt2tted"ar'silntl " mamsuhmm hmpoudmh. “dim.“ tearsuNetb-tte9ttedtttft amtttu.tttdero-treterstr.t, (unnuduuu “napkin: mums-‘50»- " an“ mm work. Der tutu“ n In» 10 no. a "re Ittoe - * lick ham. A much amulet nun: than we teqd would be unple tor turn horses, or tor any hornet doing ordinary work. We my ttdd, use, that with the system at feeding My together with the tree one of when... bran and . little ground on: mixed with it, we and that' we can develop colts in ' manner that we hove never seen them developed More. F, W. HODSON. One ot the cues heard at the jury sittings ot the County Court held an Decem’lzth last, was that of the Roth es ate, Waterloo Township vs. J. L, Brahma, of Guelph, regarding payments on Ritalin mortgages, in which the jury brought in a. verdict for $100 uni Costs in favor ot the plaintimr. The counsql tor the defendant im- mediately moved for the Judge to set aside the jury’s verdict, and argu- ment at the case was set for Jan. 12th. Messrs. J. C. Haight, Water- loo, tor the puintitr, and N. Jeffrey. Guelph, for the defendant, argued ac- cordingly before His Honor Judge Chisholm, and the Iollowing decision was given: "STAIRS THE JURY’S VERDIC I' "After hearing and considering the evidence in this case and the authori. ties, I have come to the conclusion not to disturb the verdict given by the jury and I direct that judgment be entered tor the puuititt for $100 and County Court cogts, including costs of examination of defendants tor discovery." . Rev. Dr. Lyman Abbott, the tam- ous preacher and journalist, diners trom many gentlemen ot his cloth in regard to the duties at a newspnpcri He believes that it is the duty of newspapers to print stories ot vice and crime. To be sure, he would have the reporters stick to the truth and present the vice they tind with out vamish or adornment; but so long as vice and crime are not made attractive he would not iuteriere with the freedom of the press in re porting them. In an address at the University of Chicago on Sunday Dr. Abbott said: . _ We ought to know the 'evil things that are going on in the world. We don't want an Index Expurgatorious. We don't want a censor, either at Washington or in a Chicago editorial chair, to ten us what we may read. I went to know everything. . . . The daily newspaper is a history ot current life. Its business is to tell us what went on in the world yester- day. It is first oi all a reporter. The enterprise of the American journal is beyond all praise. We blue no right to ask the newspaper to select only the plenum. things tor us to read. It is but. he whines, that society should know the world " It is, that society may protect itsell. How is one to guard against n danger unless he knows what the danger in? DOLLAR WHEAT AT BRIDGE- PORT. On Wednesday the mills at Bridge port paid a dollar tor every bushel ot a load of wheat. The Dresden Sugar Company no desirous of contracting tor 10,000 acres ot land tor the purpose of nin- ing suglr Meta. . . Heirs of Dr. nnd In. W. P. Pet. warden, who were killed in the.Grosd Trunk wreck " Waste-d, Out. in. week, no lining up tor I contra» out the estate, It Mrs. Pcnwndeu died first, and one theory is that she did London Referendum Associtaion passed a resolution condemning the proposal to wait on the Government on Jan. 15th, itt View of the tact that full returns hare not yet been received and no temperance conven- tion ha been convened. by seven] minutes, the property goes to the doctor's relatives. In. Pn- wnrden’s xelntive- claim that her hu- hund died nut. and that, therefore, the property goes to than. To Aulmllato Food see that your stomach and liver Are in pmpereottdt'titm. To do it easily and pleasant" ly take I Beecham s DUTIES OF A NEWSPAPER F.“ Live Stock Commissioner than»; . 'liJ'A'td"lyllt nouns-guns EWW* (ttrattle. Rita-nun” in! WI . “an“. . '36 an tSE Mr. B. B. marinade-1m to thank hi: numerous manner: for their libel-d pmonugo given Mu tho put you all hope. that by prompt attention an busing-a he may have the continuous of the we. _ _ _ Mr. Dueling Milton none but the best cum: and you em rely upon mung the choice“. meat. In .11 times. an whole-no pork backing undo bu greatly increased. Ho employ: expert. for this work who “durum! ttteir bnulnou and the but of utidnctlw'h gimrastteerd. His mango- ue ot the most tempting kind. _ Dried beef, ham, bush, summer mugs, eta., a speak“). The tigteet lard oonstsntly kept on bad. No orders no solicited from bonus to house but orders lett " the shop or not In try telephone will be promptly and. H. s. Moving. POR the chateau “and In.“ cry the healing Mont. Mullet. the only In the Twin-Uh when wpln an on low-c only tho Ull of - EM. urkot nu ma ropuutlon ot ",'ttt,rt1'.%',' the but purple In the Twin-Ch]. no whom o no at DWI Mot "run when {on '/t'U,ht an very In m nun-mom: W- m. be I hull” at boat, pork. veil. Imam 'lla,"'.',',) in: "sun at "an dominion. pawn-man . 'Ml"; .. _ . m Allhoneumen would Inn IL Huh at t-ttatsnettttsauMtr no rubber and: of put gum. amount. for m “:0an Our-n- tood lot on. you. But of nonunion?“ from than who Mn and them. Gun-dun punt (or-la. _ \‘tllbolnld by county r‘ghu or for the Melon. Wrfto for descriptive cumin: o datum by mail or Will. I“) Ian-o mm mum. m’M: vial: {an 'rnf,rat the vary but (at tho um- money WI ny- has a mu In. at m INSURANC' COMPANY ' haul. luau. {noon [ 'q'f,etJlir,tti,??t)'irt'ri, Betd "T mom-m mm lmdounr d mm] mat the Tum-City l total Assets tttat Mm! , JOIN B. FISCHER. marina. i tutttogt' PNEUMATIC HORSE COLLAR. Mnoufaeturer LEADING MEAT MARKET. ',-'"""7iifWFiiAt 1." . "-"2ridrat"""""'" A Dollar ooyoooooomogomrgioror¢tott '.CCi7o-oi-.CoT-6i..o- my 7 7 iahidt" LAC-W _ RIO”. any Meat Market. EMA-I“ . "r ’- , I 3 " “mullahs bu - , ' Bl ll ml: SST,' our; bum - y, _ my, pr 71 "w "ttttod. rr bothth. Mi has nartrtoutm.irth, . 'lflrdlr'"dl'dt1'l'd'. Mute-mu“ mereirst'unu1atk twihha . Bovriil s','," . P. BENDER, WM. SPAETZEL, Proprietor. New Dundee. mini ammo-mm. "any. ul burnt-y umnnud v" bty ”Ilium-ho- EII Icon P" b ”,9 “-1ng 0-".qu In]. Soc In ofour, h o t 0mm I','.',',',.'),':,';.?,".'! r " m mo by form. In, Payment. All form: of regular nound life endowment mm we. are tuned. D. amino-{i We have phueed alt mold bushlan- on " ,'gr, cent. Ran-vs tftaodnmr- higher nGovetummttrequimmeta We luvs inn-mud our Shrplun over All thililne- from “1.810 Mt “862. We hare icy-rowed our Aaaeu from "Mk897 to 859.333. We In" Incl-wad our whet-ind (1.pr from $251” to MOON”). We hare inm mod our Pnidqap Wp. itat from 064.000 m mum The In: On 'ur, ttno this Conn min I Upland-II with». Security. Bol 11.39ng and equity no our How and Where To Borrow Money Trimmed Hats com Pm. HEAD OFFICE. INFERNO. ONT. WATEBLBO lllllll1lht We have 2 dam TIMI-d Bun um we I" felling eu" ptut. _ Tho-o but: no In“. up Tk the but mnerhl and an an In all " was low we... Com only not! In“. your shalo- u I The Misses Fm Dominion Life Assurance MmIIGMWMh ---E m BOARD or unknowns a... RAM-ll. Rm. Wm Dr. J. B. Webb, " Wuhan-Mon any. " 1Ho.DMhatcEst., " J. L WEI-mu I'm. BL M “In Down-n. lam. M P. I Mu. Pal-14.. _ “00.45599” W In. Uri-now. h... m . omens t - R-tatt. I’m-lacs. Wm. Bnldnr. Vine-w. I'm-k MI. I: In... B. T. Ore, biped-Jr. - D"!!! k Chm-t. “an“ the. HUGE BRRROUGEOOO" I'm w and ~WInA'onh Wight . o... 1mm 11mm um“. and out an“ A Progress In 1900. mratrhuuurmm a 00.. Half Price. B. I. BIG-11'. Ania». and iit Cs!

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