Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo County Chronicle (186303), 9 Aug 1900, p. 2

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Tlu' Ian-xv " mm' and “Merlin; "um cumulus the rumnl and work ot the Canadian Forum- as a part of our gov- ernment machinery, the “er absurd does the position of that body appear. Wo are prcmnnnlrfy a selr-xoverning people, and, to my) it we“ worn phrasr, have "government of the people, by the people and " the people." In IF'96 the Cotrsprvati1 P party had becn in power cuntinunnsly for IS years. and this maple, grown kirk of their misrulr, 1»be r] and corruption, de- cided to have a changv. Mr Marks);- zio B-m'v‘l mm 1'tvmior and the Bender ot' that party till “Mun :1!va Wunlm of (he Nomi-m Ilis party was turnrd down mus; dccisively at the polls, the people making it clearly manifest that they denim! neither him nor his party a the head ot public mum. Yet this wry man who could m command n Ihulow of a follnwing either in his on . my or in the country to-day at: u dictator to um MI - m- 1"i'il'a'i' '"ii".'",ll'S, chart: 'lll'liitttatmt'tltttSiiii St. Helena, it is needless to any. has not yet "tired"ofmunieipal ownership. lu Iti73, when St. nth”); mur.icipal- ized its gas plant the total quantity of gas sold was tIiI,-:.'vl,l‘UU cutie fot. the quantity sold Fast year was 306,- 126,000 cubic feet, being an increase of 207.8 per cent. during that period. The nnaccuunted for gas in 1578 am- ounted to 13.22 per cunt, and last year it was r, 1-2 per cent. The net proiits that have been deelared since that time are 13.113.101. There have been ten reductions in the price of gas during the period. There have hen-n discounts allowed since ISSZ’ of .CLM,» 0.32, and in It4tl thp meter rents wore abolished. In 1595 the council abol ished the rhurnes for the hire of Cook- ing and heating: shuts. The price of gas lor the untmlt )mr “as tixed at 2s lid. per 1tmft feet for lighting and heat; 2s. " pnwvr, both "subject to the usual discounts," which are not stated. At penny-in-the-slot memos 1.0 cubic tret of gas are tsold for lu, or at tho rate of w, cents nor LOUD feet. (In last vpar's husinrsq at 132mm liy,ttres there were gross taunts of nwr $100,- The tigureis m0 militia]. for tlwy worr- given by the chairman of the Gas and Lighting Committee on tho menu-inn ot the submission of the annual report of the enginrer. " The Toronto World in an argument in favor of municipal ownership of 1hr gab works recently quoted some inter esting figures from the St. Helms. Latteatrhirtr, Reporter, which sceni~ to Show that St. “Mom: has found mun- icipal ownership as applied to the gas plant a decided success. Mas. Chas. McLean M. D., otherwise known as uSchlatter the Divine Heal» or" is in Toronto and in an interview with the Globe, he makes some re- markable pretensions. or course he claims to posaess great power as a healer of disease. That might be ex- pected. Me says he was buried and rose again: was transported to heaven and knows exactly what it is like: that he will hare the some experience again after which he will write a history of God, of Christ and of the Holy Spirit. He farther says that events have trans pired, notably the deaths " Yicm. President Ilobart and Robert Inger- twll, uhivh In: predicted accurately beforehand. He can tell the exact date on “him: Queen Victoria will die but refrains from melting it public for tear it would disturb her. In this however, he may be mistaken. It is barely possible that the Queen would‘ not worry over anything Schrntter‘ might say. This seer keeps on thei safe side when he refuses to tell the dateofa man‘sdeath until after the fune- raLButschratter badly overuloes it when he solemnly declares that Netty Green, tho richest woman in New York altered him $5,000,000, and wanted him to marry her. 11etti- Green is one of the shrewdest, as well usone of the riehest of the many shrewd and rich people in New York. She is it hard, practical, worldly titlatieier. She dresses plain, almost shabbily. and spends her days in her counting huiise. Moreover, unless we are greatly mistaken Mr. Green is still in the iles'u and on good terms with his “ire. lint Scliratter would not let a little thing like that spoil a good story. Long liie Schnit- ter the great and only Divine Healer. :ilitii':.'iiWc2'r:: h - oh- lads-Inimi- I 4'” 'tltStitihaat,igrir.-t to "~me It" YO ADVIRTIBERB lot-botanic- ruminant-Nacho.“ otqrttmttttE-ieatrtarg4 DAVID I”. mun-luau- but... Snares: noun. The any: do: “a mun botett no but mu Tut I" noon. Casual Athcmll to up“ an " mu wanna“ otmMttt “I. MUNICIPAL 1.iGi rrm G A DIVINE HEAL ER. THE SENATE, ly cure lurch troubles. “l tntttored for year- with kidney tmuble,"writes Mrs. Phebe Charley of Pearson, I... "and a lame back pained mo so [could um. drern myself, tmt Electric Bitter, wholly cured ms, mud, nlthounh 73 "an old, I now an m. to do Bll my W.” "va 09-0!!an It is a Inyslrry why woman endure l2.wkurhc~. lhwinchc, Nervousncu. Slwplwnms. Molmcholy, Psinungnnd Dizzy lpt'lll when thousands have proved that Electric- Bitter, " quick- Lnfontninv, Rnynton Falls, (fanmln.nn- tir" right to his patent 570,494 for avtitirial fuel. t'orvMeratiott $1,000. (C'nnunutrit"atttttt of Messrs. Marion & Marion. New York Life Building, Montreal, Canada.) The Inventors‘ help will In, aunt to any address upon wee-it of lo cents. Ott May nh, 1900, William M. Péase, Jr., :m-igm-ul to William li. Adams. of Muekinaurr County, Ohio. the whole right. title and interest in and In let.- tery patent ';43,154, for "ombination rolling printing annulment. Con, aim-- ation $45.000. John I). (Iligny to Michael Auger, Ttrronto, Canada, and Jon. Lentege. of Harvey Lamina assigned to Galina Drop Forge Machine and Specialty Co., on April 30th. IMO, his patent for wrench No. “05,575. Consideration $3.000. ll-lwanl A, Smith to lh-l-ort Graham, on Mas lst, 1900, invention, picks. Patent No. 3‘J‘J,!H!l Annndividod one- third interest is atusigrwsl and the con- irderation given trt,000. (m May 7th, 1900. Daniel w. Ayl- xsorth assigned to tho 'l'rxasAnchnr Frtiuy, Compotly, of Texas, the right to lhn Slam of Texas only of a scrim of patents relating Enhances. Consider- ation Mated as $10,000. Ott May nh, 1900, William M. Péase. Ihotiville is to buy a gas and 3ch- trie '-,:ht plant. The, vote stood 413 to cc-a very small vote-and the works will “a plz'wl under a commis- tyur:. Tuc experiment will be watched clnscly by other munieipalities The Queen is again in mourning. Though so often bereft, and though the sand: ot lot life are running low, she was still destined to see another of her cltrldrert borne to the tomb. The whole Empire will sympathize with Her Majesty. _ It was a grand thing for this com- munity that such an enterprising tirm as S. Snyder secured the agency for Dr. liing'ts New Discovery for Constun- ption, the wonderful remedy that has startled the world by its marvellous cums. The furor of enthusiam over it has boomed their business, as the de, mand for it isimmeuac. They give free trial bottles to srutrerers, and positively ptuarahtee a cure in Coughs, Folds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Group, and all Throat and Lung troubles. A trial proves its mom. Prior 50e and tl I)". Montreal Witness: One day last week a crowd of over ten thousand men in New York paid in the aggro gate sevcnty thousand dollars to see a prize tight between two gugiliats. This l mob of h u m a n degeneratea loratcs are described in the newspaper reports as having yelled, screamed and bowled ferociously while one of the 'boxcrs,' styled ‘tho Brooklyn murder- er,' beat his antagonist into bloody ln- wtrsibiiity. This degrading exhibi- tion took place with legal sanction in the leading city of a naticu that claims to lead the van in civilization., There evidently remains a great deal of the old heathen love of bloodshed: and Violence in the modern man,and it «hows ittwlf the more as he falls away frqu the Christian standard of morals} and conduct. 1 unkempt...“ A?” W' _ 1i“ MMtNMM~ cum .‘ ttsi _ “all: ”and may up . - g...“ a td The and! not " the " In! . "t WWW-0‘ '.'t,'2,'flt an purulent to a. run- trtettart-totanartttt he been do We aha-mm The " I! credited by no" puny, mph. In" In the our. menus of 're 'Stt1Pi it db from seedlnge-‘mreuludsmud. - -, y heed the W... has . not bee MM b bod loved by Mr. Jansen, nomad try lam-i m n y "v r, Mr. Koehler thnt By-Lur Re. no to I and bpmumoly held in tho "MM' levy no mes-rot Commenced De- mt:- slight regard by the enchants " he beware end township reuse " 1900 be m M In b his Minutes: has the tsunri read ttte tbrst and second thne. "I mad , ' t, Moved by Mr. Arum. seconded by It" 18t6, to say that the Home of Commons is Pt Mr. Rein that try-lav No. trkitoa- 009 I no wrong, and that he, the lender of the the supporters of trepnm" school "a. Hung cu Senate, to which he In not elected, don No. 13 for the amount required hr WNW " and from which he etuusotbooxpelled, 305001 r2f,'tll It,,),':"'" be hid the Tdet', . . ht. h . mt en neon t e. (I " ng _I‘ m ght " "u be trteett f” Moved by Mr.iteut,seeottdssd by Mr. 5w:- y or to you, to my whether the will “no. that by-taw No. KU to lav, a January at the people's representatives shall special rate on all the Property of the reader on become law, as that it shall he given supporters of public schools be read the "t:,grt', t Sir Mackenzie Bowen. Tty I tirst and Second titne. . "W 1;“) y is a farce Sir Me e,),,',' Moved by Mr.l{eist seconded by Mr. the excep g . ' . . no P'"' Amos that by-hor 30.833 to use“ the "k0 ttq pr l Bowel! ta the senate is an obstruction- several public school Region. for the Much i ‘ist, as he was in his own government, amounts required for school purposes ing u"! tir Ue is one of the people that should be for 1900 be read 'ho tirat tusd second 1fll ttk _ , . time. In 9|! I .ttte111', somewhere and lost. [reel Moved by Mr. Janzen seconded by of proper: the trame as he does with regard to Mr. Koehler that by-law No. 837 to April be postage on ”07593138", yet 1 would assess for three debentures and interest " the mo: consider it a piece of most. unwarrant- thereon be read ttre, tirtst and 3000“ 'IT', te, bl . F time. I e wtn e :1: 'i,':,',','.,',',':,',",', “gym???” to E” Moved by Mr. Koehler seconded by May 1e y' n y opimo- a a l pretax over t at Mr. Heist that by-law No. bin to close that tun.ils ut the House of Commons, which con- road leading through lot Not tip. in the frozen, we sit-ts of more than two hundred men upper‘blook of the township be read corn ww, 1 who, it must be supposed, are equally with!“ glue YI tttil d R . t 'lfltt'f . . , . . 'NM)--- essrs. we er an on . . intellipent, honest and e""""). The Nays-Messrs. Janzen and Amos. dune w thing is out of order. The outnt has Carried. this letitt an improper notion of what it ought to Moved by Mr. Koehler seconded by T!"' com do, and what it ought to tax. It Mr. Jansen that by-laws numbered thing waa cannot be forgotten that the real ad. fro.m Il?, to/ur inolusive as now titled t'fgrd; _ _ tration of this conntrv is and in in cyyryitttre ot the whole be read 93 mm” _ . the third time and passed. ami ttyet must be in the hands of those who are Moved by Mr. heist seconded byMr. also in M elected by the people. Canada can Amos that leave be given the mover damage Wi better afford to make mistakes than to to introduce a. by-law at trr',', ttgat-ion fauna?“ '* 'r . ' of council to close a piece o road near Br,' B be Lab-ridden by stew old men wro Blair as petitioned by John N. Sipes summons! have a notlon that they are the entire and others. in boats. push. Moved by Mr. Amos, seconded by s, Filth“? THEY STRUCK IT RICH SALE OF INVENTIONS A DEEP MYSTERY, EDITORIAL NOTES Ammm- tree' than; C1CrCCr To corporation Waterloo, use of t the ncospnper grader $3.00; Menno Weber, gravel wi, screamed and $14.20; Alex. Sebaefer, bonus for wire bile one of the fence $1.00: Joseph May, gravel $5.70; rooklyn murder- 'ieth1t1l2'.tl, blank forms :2 Mr, . _ Ant lorry ‘e , grave , tim yer an ex- t "n," bli'odrl on labor $1033); w.u. Becker x Co., grading exitibi- stationery $2.20: Casper Jacobs, bind- legal motion in ing co lector rolls $2 50; Geo. A. Tilt, a naticu that registering birtlss,marriagesand deaths, ' _ P C, . $25.90: Pred lx'ietnorunaintaining pau- '. m “"hfm'w‘ per $12.00; John M. Tlsort1e,gravel m- .1113 a great deal tr, GO: Jonathan Snyder. bonus for wire we of bloodshed fence $41.00; Herman llagodom, bon- dern man,and it us for wire fence $20.80: Noah Bechtel, [a he falls away gravel $3.22; i'o1t2,'a'iltatT1'."1f,te'/. . age, Ne $5. IP, om 'a ace, cc at, mdard of morals spikes. Ne $5.37): John Henry, gravel ”2.10; John Warlich, bonus for wire “ fence $1; 00; C'. ".8nyder,bom1s for wire a gas and oIee-ifenee $4.80; Allen shoemaker & Co., mm stood 4iil _ concrete pipe $56.48; C. E. Moyer,part !printinur contract $35.00; Alfred Krue- vote-and the Mr, gravel $5.250; John C. tihantz,gra- mler a COIDIIHS- vel $6.60; John l)ipplo,operating grad- “in be watched er .75; C. T. Groh,taking down bridge . . L, $21.75: John C. Shantz, extra labor on ipalities. road $12.00. l " that mirror of yours shown a ‘wmtched. Mlle"! eomplmufon, s jaun- ldlced look, moth patches and blotch“ ‘on tho skin, Wu liver trouble; hm. Dr. Rimes New Litmus regulate the liver, purify the blood, gm slur akin, my cheeks, not mum. Only 250 it , W a. no. _ [ Ilamilton,Aug. l.-Mr. John Patter- ed to be destitute or beat through the son, Secretary of the Cataract l'ower summer; all nature seemed to tuit', Company, has sent an important com- P a sable blue, and Pen exhibl or; muuivation to the Mar r and corpora- 35:31:33th concerning the future o pp, and it all] be Linen careful can The an“? wholesale price of Boar sideration. l he salient features of the . .. . Hotter are as follows :-"it the city will during that year UI the Philadelphia give a right of way from the high level market was thirtymt dollars P5 Mire). bridge to and along Vine street fora The average! pnee ot wheat m n:- double-track railway of 4 feet " 1.2 land was P.i.rh,etf,tt) til2e', ‘9" inches gauge, with fi feet between Il",',",,":.',;,-,,-,?'"'"""" Labmrt, .r m cm " out tracks and _ oullii-ieut room for poles, 'btontsrure. em, at the side, I and my associates - will agree to build, within two years WORLD'SCHAMPION HEALER. from the granting ofsnch right of Way, -- _ a first-Class line of railway to Galt, "l tried many remedies to cure liitle., rouneeting at Gait with the Galt, piles," writes W. R. Smith, of Lament, ’l'rreton h' tfespcler Railway. ami- lll., “but found no relief till I used Martin-r on, with the Pr: stun N lit-yin. Buckley; Arnica Salem I have not iltailway, and giving daily connection been troubled with pileatsitme." Grand- lby at least twelve trips each way with est pile cure on earth and the best iUreensville, Bullock‘s Corners, Sher salve in the world. '25e per box,guar- 1 firsld, Orkney, Rockton. Gait, Preston, anteed by S. Snyder, druggist. I lleapeicr. Berlin, Waterloo, Donn, Blair, ---_----__-_ l Fret-port, ete., and bringing within an LESS DRUNKENNESS. ‘hour'e ride of Hamilton 70,000 people. ----- We would also construct immediately An Ottawa dispatch says: J. K. 'thereal‘ter a line to Gut-3pm. which Stewart, provincial inspector of Iietnt.- would on completion reach nearly 30, es, is at present in the city. Mr. Stew- 000 more, and also have an hourly scr- art says the people of Ontario are vice all the year round. For this Ber. drinking more ales and porter and less vice we will further agree that the rates hard liquor than formerly. There is to and from these cities and towns and less drunkeunsss than in previous Hamilton shall never exceed one-third years. At the present time Mr. Stew- of the present rates from any of them art states there are about 3,000 liquor to Toronto, and that the cars shall be licenses in the province, bat the ten- lat, comfortable as any on thorontiuen t deney is to decrease the number, and and the speed equal to any ate-am ral considerable progress in that direction way-in other words, that the lime ho- has been made this your. The class itwccu llmnilton and (lurlph shall not of hotels is generally; growinz better. caered GO minutes to ono hour and pro- one thing that goes along way towards portionately to Berlin. Ifrhs IN' agreed decreasing the illicit sale of liquor is on, I can guarantee the Conmwnvvmrm that the pnrchaseras well as the seller of the work early next year, and its " liable to a fine which in many locall- eompletion without any delay. As it ties is rigidly enforced. may be thought by some ofthe citizens - -i--. - - -____ that I am asking too much from ibemIMAy GET ANOTHER INDUSTRY. in the foregoing, i will also make the -- proposition that if any other person or The, Noxon Manufacturing Co., of company wishes to take hold of the trimaran". travelled-led to leave Inger- proposition and build the railways as l soil. Communications are on between have outlined them, I will turn over to the Company and Mayor Eden, the them our complete surveys, franchises, outcome ofwhinli may be the ttrm'g re- cto... routing as nearly ten thousand moval to Berlin. The move will not dollars. and will subscribe as a bonus he made for some time however. A from fifteen to twenty-fivc thousand representative of the Xoxon Co. will dollars. besides doing all that can be come to Berlin to look over sits. with done to assist in getting them the right the Mayor shortly. In this connection of way spoken of, or any other induco- it is interesting tonots the other places ment they may desire to have granted that have an eye on the works. The them by tho city. ' lmdon PM Franny; Maror Rum. Moved by Mr. Janzen, seconded by Mr. Koehler that this Cnuncil now ad- journ to meet again on Saturday Aug um 23th. at 10 o'elyek a. m. V GEO. A. TILT, Clerk. Moved by Mr. Koehler seconded by Mr. Janzen that the following accounts he paid and the teem grant his order on the Treasurer for the several amounts viz: Moved by Mr. Rum seconded byMr. Amos that leave be given the mover to introduce a by-law " next session of council to close a piece of road near Blair as petitioned by John N. Sipes and others. Moved by Mr. Amos, seconded by Mr. Item that the Committee on the east side of the Grand River be author- ized to examine into the causo of loss of horse by James Bond and report at next session ot the Council. Moved by Mr. Koehler seconded by Mr. Janzen that by-lawa numbered from 833 to sr; inclusive as now ti0ed in in Committee or the whole be read the third time and passed. Moved by Mr. Koehler seconded by Mr. Heist that by-law No. b3l to clone road leading through lot Not e. in the uppet block of the township be read the third time and passed. 1%htt--Measrts. Koehler and Ram. Nays-Messrs. Janzen and Amen. Carried. Moved by Mr. Jaulen seconded by Mr. Koehler that by-law No. 837 to assess to; three debentures and interest thereon be read the, tirat and second time. Moved by Mr.Reitst seconded by Mr. Amos that by-hor 50.833 to nun the several public school sections for the amounts required for school purpowa for 1900 be read 'he first and second time. Moved by Mr.itbut,seeotrdssd by Mr. Amos that by-taw No. 834 to lo" a special rate on all the property of tho lupporten of public schools be read the tirst and second time. “and by Mr. Jam, denuded try It. Kmhlor that Br-Law Ne. 830 In l"! Mid am [at County Spatial Do- boum ind township use. " 1900 I). read the Brst and second In». Moved by Mr. Anon. nor-Mod by Mr. new that by-hv so. 835mm the supporter: of new“. school Aeo- tion No. 13 tor the amount required In school purpooes for woo be n ad the lirst md mood “no. PATTERSON' BIG SCHEME. WHAT A TALE IT TELLS The Noxon Matinfacturittg Co., of Ingerenll. have decided to leave Inger- ‘soll. Communications are on between ‘the Company and Mayor Eden, the outcome ofwhioh may be the tirmh re- moval to Berlin. The move will any ‘lm made for name time however, A mpreeenlallve of the Noxon Co. will1 looms to Berlin to look over ttite with l the Mayor nbortly. In this connection it in intending to note the other places ‘thnc have an eye on the work. The ilmdon Frm, Frauen-ye: Mayor num- bell to of the opinion that London will get. the Norm, work- of Ingenoll. The report that the [inn in building: bleak- emith limp and will my in Inger-all h explained. The ehop in e Mattttteu', one only. Umber- of the In re- Ipeetinly favor Tannin, lemie end Imam. In no loo-ao- amen-wake. modem in between Toronto and " - be M - I a . In View. In. "T'"'. 'l' I [luv “HID“ III mun, lWIIIl' “we!!!” "m“ - m a In“ . . l I use is "my, 'etorftd - W“ 1ra,MI,'l "'ll'l"J3'ttt""""". at you MAY GET ANOTHER INDUSTRY. new-ml It madame rate- "l tried many remedies to cure piles," writes w. R. Smith, of human), lll., "bat found no relief till I used Hucklen‘a Arman Salve. I have not been troubled with piles since.“ Grand- eat pile cure on earth and the but. salve in the world. 25c per trox,gtmr- antoed by s. Snyder, druggm. The average wholesale price of tiour during that year in the Philadelphia market was thirteen dollars per barrel. The average prim of wheat in Eng- land was ninety-seven shillings per quarter-Farmer" L'abmrt, Amltermt,Nor Ilumpshu'e. The above is a brie! summary of "the cold summer of J816," an it was called in order to distinguish it from the cold season. , The winner was mild. Frost and ice were common in every mouth of the year, Very llttlo‘ vegetation matured in the Eastern andl Middle States. The sun's rays seem- ed to be destitute of heat through the summer; all nature seemed to be clad in a sable blue, and men exhibited no little anxlety concerning the future of this life. October" produced more than its share of cold weather; frost and ice particularly. - - - Novembor was cold and blustering. Enough snow fell to make good sleigh- ing. - _ - A September furnished about two weeks ot the wildcat. weather of the season. Soon alter the middle it be- cume very cold and frosty, and ice loaned a quarter of an inch thick. becomber was quite mild and com fortable. l A nguet was more cheerleas if possible than the summer months already passed. Ice was formed half an inch thick. Indian corn was so frozen that. the greater part was cut down and dried for fodder. Almost. every green thing was destroyed both in this conn- try and Europe.. Papers received from England stated that it would he re- membered by the present generation was the year 1816 wasa. year In which them was no summer. Very little corn npened in New England and the Mid- die, States. Farmers supplied them- selves from the corn produced in 1815 for the seed of the wring of 1817. It sold at from FI to Kr per bushel. July was accompanied by frost and ice. On the 5th.. itar, was formed or the thickness of common window glass throughout New England, New York, and sumo parts of Pennaylvanla. lu- dian corn was nearly all destroyed; some favorably situated tieidts escaped. This was true of some of the hill farms! of Massachusetts. June was the coldest ever known in this latitude. Frost, ice and snow were common. Alum-t every green thing was killed. Fruit was nearly all destroyed. Show re I to the depth of ten inches in Vermont, seven irtMaims, and three in central New York, and also in Massachusetts. Considereble damage was done at New Orleans in consequence of the rapid rise in the river; the suburbs were covered with water,and the roads were only passable in boats. May was more remrkubh (or frown: than smiles. Buda and fioqrers were frozen, 1% formed half an inch thick, cum was killed, and the tulda were tgain and again planted until deemed too late. April began warm, but grew colds: as the month advasreod, amt ended in snow and iconic]: . temperature more like winter than spring. At-qt-et-talta' In tgeptteUtg2tPddtitliee' In If...“ (all... in" to an. “dam. "tbed a! and b nu deattt."-Ae-tssr - (In " ml wmsmb y... Much was void and boUtttrotts dur- ing the tirtst pan ol it; tho rouulnder was mild. A great from“ oh moon» and Kentucky river: “and great loan of properzy. ,777 V -"'"""T."T"'""""""t"eH 'F Willow-ambush" at the no nun-nun. 8-..- In! -atl-toabet-irtattl.in no“ the. cl. " *III manna” mlhnmh pin. "’5‘ 'rt'srmad-mt_tslitiseaasrtth. 10-day“ Itt'h'.t"J'l.dl'lh.= year 1816, kin-nu the "nu tub- tgteg,ff,t2"dtPtapgle um . mum." to! pom- - Wail-sp- Bil-ho livingtanmeo0oesttitntiit an III ifti'tet&Baitter-rr.- com»; ever no“ 'dg','g21et= manhunt-“mm Ind Amati“. Tho (0110'th C.P.R. laughable!” Pm“. mutant ol the tenant during the mad I- wad. . Fett-- ----------- Februarj was not very Uoar, with the excopuon of . for a”: it In mild Mt in pream- - _ January was mild, Io lunch no " to render the. almost media: In Parkes Dtc:epbor previous III vet, told. - Pure and guaranteed m I standard Paris Green. SeeSlSlemelle--ggt- Mc per In Special price tor quantity. Sanderson Bakery _ will! In! SSI.': m " '33."... has, _ ha. lol- nl In" [Ir-Wat. "h .. u a. tug-v.1. on. m but Paris Green WATERLOO, HON ET HARNESS AT "Douglas returned and laid. 'Governor, it's in“ the word. and I will adopt It) A bill followed in a ten day. In which ‘Mohmnn' appeared. The bill did not pass " that time and It I correctly n- member the "or, not In the lll‘ctlmo of Douglas but the name stuck. and tron (hut lncidrnt Hanna: aot in mine. "General Denver was A vary-ode“ man and rarely oven to irtttmat. triad- make of event! with which be In- enameled. and " he in now dead t may be the only person who knows ot the incident. I have glvon " to you n related to In by the toner-I. and I tttought your mph might be Interested no! only In knowing the nnry. but in preserving it.'_3tttersm, Inter Ocean. “Dougha' wife In- one of the - noted linguists or the mph-l. and be, doubting Denver's knowledge of Spnnish. walked oat Into the hill and called to his wire. who was up stairs. and II“. 'My dear, do you incur any well word at "Montana?" to which Ibo many n- pled. 'lt Is a Spanish word and mm a mountainous country! "Denrrr bud been the much land ter. ritorial governor of Kane“. which at that time included the greater part. It not nll, of the present state of eolorndo. He Wu very Intimate with Stephen A. Douglas. I cannot remember the enct time of this incident " given me by Geo. eral Denver. but it via utter Denver lull been governor of Kansas territory and before Douglas ceased to be I Inn-tor. Douglas rent tor Denver to come to bl. house. which we: in “'nhlngton. both being there " the time. During thee- ing’s conversation Douglas said that he was going to introduce A bill to tom noun. new territorlel and vented Denver to [Ire him an appropriate name. He had I map of the country hetore him. Colo- rado was the tirat name unsuited. but Douglas replied. T hue "asserted that name tor this one.’ pointlng on the mp to what I: now the Itnte of Colondo. " want a name tor I territory I all: (will. to mark out up here in the mountain: "Donrer'. lite In the van and - In the Mexican war made him tan-Ill" with many Spanish worm. and he n- marked. 'Why not all}! Manny”? "‘Dougln iinmediateir mid. 'Whit doe. it mean? Denver reviled. 'rt is I Spun- tssh word and menu- a mountainous con- trr.1 Hover-In Denver Sine-led tho " ue Io Monte. A. Don-lu- P. M. Cteremrer. tt Inner of Wilming- toh. o., in an inn-rusting loner (all: how )lup‘nnn wag hymn]: He up: "in the your 1888 l WA: 0 luv Inn-kn! in the law ot1ier. of the late General J. D. Denver in waslti"stton and also occupied the position of mutialrmial clerk to him. During n cottrrts,atiort between Ill about Mon-Inna n-rrimry the genera “In“! no it I knew how the territory to! in "me. I answered in the negative. and he to marked. 't am tbe only tterm'n living who knows,' and proceeded in " modest my: to relate the incident to me. The work on the Paterson railway is ltill being pushed along and e num- ( her of additional teams and more men are expected daily to join in the work which we undentand in to be tuned from the Preston and by the added workers. Work on the plere ot the mammoth bridge " Freeport is under way and indications ere that the mad will be eomploted to French by Juan- ary Ist, 1900. The Roy-l Template ot Temperance we entered "tit for libel melon: the Economist, 1 Toronto monthly. "0,- 000 damngee in gttstermd. The nlleged libel we: contained in e new- item con- cerning insurance shit-1n Hamilton. and "riieetod seriously on the order'e unmet-l amending, saying that it In: on an amound been. The Immune manager of the qhqtplnP,miling to w I retraction he decided to go into In. A. Elba-non, My af but Bond, Ind., a lady on“. . II Toronto when who will we, and" an icon. 8h. hu . lug. sum-led chm, by mm of which It. will“ mom-no am the and ot tttq world b “hand. The nu will bow» with burning in; coming to. tho minimum oath, but Hum» ooli will not he dvroyod. I. min million, Ibo nu, to warn people to [at My. She believes tho-Id will come bemoan now uni nut Pullman. TEIPLARS ENTER SUIT FOR LIBBL trtrirjTrtGUatiiai "iur57GlMeelef3Lt.t in“ is. on“ "WW patrol“... . manna-alibi" Witt-In. a: JOHN STREBEL Stre be“ HARNESS SHOP HOW MONTANA WAS NAMED. THrtJtMtt or "I WORLD. RUSHING THE RAILWAY. a. HORN PRICE ONT "iiiii 'rd'G' - t2tlttt'it . in". ii a wug‘rfm‘fim . P2t,gt ' 2'iiiihtllrtli?tit?'i _,,'iiifii1i'iiiiifiiiiiiii' an“. J. S. R00s.--Sole Local Agent. Has Berlin and surrounding coun- try bod such opportunities a at the present time to locum Inch up-to date clothing as we Ire offering, (made in the fit reform style) for quality and wormanship. equal to made-io-order, and in a great man inst-non. far superior. We wish in particular to draw the attention of the' public to a few things here mentioned. These are material, workmanship. colorsvand ftt, sewn with the best linen and silk threads all backed up by the best manufact- urers in Cannda. and we are con- stantly adding the best that is other- ed and that cash will buy. Do not bemisled but come direct to the place where you get the assortment, St. 'ng " Ki Wags-gr... " Qit s'igfih','ltiiiiii9i/,irr,G . . "meat. 8.8MlDHHLGO. Before J. JU'tat at that, II: "l1',td no" tt CI an.” Mug-Id. Hahn’s Bakery '

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