_ A general Banking Business trans- ' acted as the " WATEBLOO BRANCH STORE , FURNITURE W zterloo’s NEW Incorporated In 1355, HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL Paid up Capital - '2,000,C00 Referve Fund - $1,720,000 A monorail banking bunk-cu done. Co cctiona made, dung Issued payable in all ptsrtirot the Dominion or any place in t world Highest unseat intern“. allowcd to money dcpmited In Snvings Bank or spec deposits. WWW“ Sums of one dollar and upwards received and interest. added twice a yeéi. Deposits of one dollar and upwards received in tho Savings Bank or on Special Deposit and highest rates of interest allowed. Duns and Money Orders issued on all points at lowest rates. Special attention paid to the business of farmers and out of town customers. 'Hlank Notes for farmers sales supplied free on application. The Molsons Bank The highest rate of interest paid, consistent with security and conven- ience afforded depositors. Carter’s *Little Liver Pills. Capital (all paid up) 'r,5oo,ooo Reserve Fund - 1,000,000 no Wt,-,,',',".",',.",'. F?: L'%'t.G ',a','3utg'f.S, 'f but". mill-I Glt"'rtft and 5Nis'ilh' a - tut In m at m '" ". (‘U II four "In. "A" mm, Fun. in at: Our " u 'ltqNts te'i%a'th".sltats'hG'l'r' -i-- .. -___.W_ .. w - "r.e"R,"i" tj',2.ehiSt2thttfidle,".eii7dt" nxtmmmmm AW no oidfiGU. - iiWrF.itUk, BANK OF HAMILTON Thh mu knows what he did and how ho did in. limb ondonemenb as the followlug m are a madam proof of it: marks. {ARK 0F COMMERGE ' ESTABLISHED 1887. Lpitnl. $6.“00,00=L Rest. 81.00ft,000. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. Don’t Guess Alf Results. BERLIN BRANCH. J. P. BELL, Agent. Savings Department A w, ROBARTS. MANAGER CURE SICK HEADAGHI. â€Wilt-nil“; THE CANADIAN 8111111111 JACOB BISPILBR. Mum Wuerloo Branch E. Sohlorholtz A to. Fancy Rockers Fancy Tables Ladies’ Dressing Tables Gentlemen', Chitrouiers Pntlor and Bedroom Suites THE MOST A CALL will convince you of our hnrgains. Up. bolstering I specialty complete line of fur. n,t "t Pver shown in this town. Jag 'l,'rt,ro'Pl"g Ste. _ I " . m nah.- IN- I ,'AlL,"s1"wGt,'al,tutt,lgtt A special meeting of the School Board was held on Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. Those present were Chair- man Buchhanpt, Dr. Hen, Meme. Pearson, Debug and Mcisner, and Prin- cipal Snddeby. The Chairman ex- plained that the object, in holding the meeting was to discuss the adriaalLility of going on with the preparations for the public meeting in the Opera House on the evening of Empire Day May 23rd. A motion was titvi'lly carried mat in View of the fact that the capacity of the Opera House is inadequate for the accommodation of the scholars of the Central, Ward and SeparateSehoole, the holding of the concert be dropped and the day celebntad in the school- in the same manner as was donelaet you i. e. that the teachers of each room give patriotic talks to thencholare. A motion was carried that a proper person be engaged for the purpose oi getting subscribers for scavenger work at schedule rates. Board " journed at 10.05 o'clock. Mr. Frank lleimzm was in Glenallan a day or two ago and says that the place is experieueiug an oil bo m. A Pennsylvania Uil Syndicate has leased a number of farms and are rapidly bringing in machinery to cnmmcnu- boring. Thirty teams were outraged moving machinery from Elmira to \Ulenallnn on Thursday. Mr. [leiman Ihas purchased several properties ad- Joining the leased properties and will be " lucky man if the oil is struck as richlv as is expected. [fit does turn out as expected Glenallan is destined to grow to a large town in a short period of time like the great Ohio oil towns, It would also very likely mean an extension of the Galt and ElmiraG. T. R. branch to Glenallan. A large new xylophone with vibration tubes and also a set of bells has been added to the equipment oflhe B. M. S. band. They will be played by Osc'lr P. Ziegler one of George Ziegler’s musical prodigies. These instruments, the bells especially, will add greatly to the success of the band concerts this summer. After the practice otiThurts- day evening Dr. Minchin took his graphop'nune up and took in the follow- ing marches "The Dashing Sergeant", "tit. John’s Commandery March" and "Mr. 'IhomatrCat" the comedy march in which the trombone plays the most striking past. Tho pieces were aller- wards produced through the grapho- phone and the Dr. is highly pleased with them. While Mr. B. Hyatt was driving in a buggy DearBibner'a factorv on'l‘lmrs- day atternoou, the horse was alarmed by a train and became unmanageable. Mr. Hyatt jumped out of the buggy and while pulling up the horse, one or the reins broke and he fell. The horse also dropped and in the mix-up Mr. Hyatt sustained several injuries. His face was cut at the side and above the 030. and his foot was hurt. Dr. Lack- uer was called and took Mr. Hyatt home. Although badly bruised no serious results are anticipated, F. Hausa was appointed Town Scat. anger for one month on trial and he was guaranteed an income ot $50.00 a mcnth. should the schedule of rates not. come up tp that amount. Ham agrees to continue services up to May lah, 1901 at this iate and at the ex- piration ofthu month the Boald will extend the guarantee as to his income. The Free Library Board met on Thursday evening. Accounts were passed and the report of the committee appointed to look into the matter of erecting a statue of Queen Victoria either in the Library Park or Victoria Park, was discussed. A letter was read from' W. Hamilton McCarthy sculptor of Ottawa re the cost of a statue. Sanction wastakeu and the committee will make a tusal report at the next meeting. A special meeting or the Board ot Health was held on Thursday evening. Members present. were, Chairman Anthem Mr. Mammal], Dr.. Waldron, Dr. Campbell, Mr. Baetz, and Sani, tary Inspector Master. A quiet wedding was wlemnized at St Peter’s parsonage on Wednesday evening when Mine Loni-a Luelu was wedded to Mr. Julius Juger, by Rev. R won Pireh. The groomuuun was Mr N Amman-en and the bridermaid Miss [Lena Golglucck. The happy couples have the best wishes of their have of ‘rrieuda for a happy married life. They I will take up their reeidvnce on Roy St. MTtse tender of the Centnl Canadian Luau end Savings Co., for Berlin de- bentures amouniing to $18,279.62 has been accepted their tender of $18,876.- 00 being the highest submitted. This is I premium of $596 38. The tenders were opened by the Mayor and Chair- man Stachler of the Finance Committee on Thursday and awarded to the above company at a spacial Finance Commit- tee meeting on Thursday night. It.“ - d Mr. Nabo- Good, III III out by . they.» on Slum nu W'- Mary on “andâ€. He be. In: badly on Judi! In In my but. _ [mount tho W, In "leased to. 0mm Fri-on on Thur-day mowing uml romp†"mull by Douala Kipper: on u - ot “the u lane from Mu Matt. " 12'l smug I. now In Berlin jail virtit remanded this morn- ing by the Police Matdatraus until Tum†at 10 B. In. Tine young men Incurred tho was: at l 29ttt maximum. Volunteer on Friday night. and he gun than battle. The trio we hm bite the dust, but when he got up be put Ion!) hi; bay- onet and In about. to make short. work uf than: by all nppennnco. Att- other snapped in and &tighed the tight- ing volunteer who than withdrew to a “to position in the East end. (JIIIIOII'I Nam Block, Berlin.) BERLIN NEWS. l GRADUATES OF 'tth1tfffftht at“: w - -ha.. Without dnwing n comma bo- Woon the comp-nun juuieo of the campaign. which no being wand un- der thy-sun and Stripe." and the "Union Jul" respectively, part Ism- ory doe convince with mind. '?" "an! In. tttat In mm he I An In illustration nllow me to call your attention to . recent out in "Life" which prints over the face of the Ur Ion Jack the words: "What'. thine I: mine and what'. mlne‘g my mm." The shove h of I piece with other matter equally innumng to the British snbjwnwhlch Ins nurtured in racing-mu of the am periodic“. Dear gie.-lt poems to me that the Free Library Boaul " a body in con- trol of an Institution of an educaalvc nature bu the right and duty to par some “tuition to tho character of the magazines and periodicals lubacribed for from time to time and placed on the able-for the use of the public. To Editor CnnomerTsmmg N1 No discovery in umlicine has ever created one quarter of me excitement that has been caused by Dr. kiog's New Discovery f 1r Consumption. Its severest tests have been on hopeless victims of Consummion. Pneumonia, Hemorrhage, Pleatisy and Bronchitis, thousands of whom it has restored to perfect health. For Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Group, May Fever, Hoaneneu and Whooping Cough it is the quickest, unrest cure in the world. It is sold by B. Snyder, wltr9tuarantees sattistaetion or reft1ttdsmonit Large bottles 50c and $1.00. Trial homes free. unable to leave her bed in seven years on account of kidney and liver trouble, nervous protrtration and general de, bility; but, “Three bottles of Electric Bitters T enabled me to walk," she writes, "and in three months I felt like a new person." Women 'armsring from Headache, Backache. Nervonsness, Simspttsanetse, Melancholy, Fainting and llizzv Spells will find it a priceless blessing. Try it. Satisfaction is guaranteed. Only 50cm; S. Snyder's drag store. Galt District of the Methodist Church. The ministers present were: Rave. Dr Williamson, J. W. German, Berlin; W E Pomsott, J McAllieter, Gait; a A Mitchell, Waterloo; ll W shilmn, Flee- peler; J 3 Calling. Preston; A l'l‘erry- bery, Zion; A E Level], Ayr, RL Oct- iey. sheffield; W C Ware-n, Elmira; J. Culp, New Hamburg, and " Monsiug- er of Linwood. Rev. Dr. Williamson, chairman of the district presided. The entire condition of the district was carefully gene over and found very tsatiafactery. During thcpsar $1708.00 were mllreted for missions, an advance over the previous year. An Examina- tion of ministerial character took place and all memhere or the district were favorably reported. Rev G W Shilton was eiected a member of the stall-m- ing committee at the Conference in Hamilton on June 1st. Rev. W E Po scott and E. P. Clement will represent the Sammy Schools and ltcv. G'. A. Mitchell the llpireitll Leagues. Among the fourtcccn la: men elected to at- tend the confervncc me Messrs E. P. Clement, A. s. llalllunn, A. lhicker of Berlin and Mr. 'llilliaml of Waterloo. The annual meeting of Galt District of the Methodist Church was held in the Methodist Church, Berlin, Thurs- day, foreman and afwxnnoon sessions being held. “will wonders ever cease!" inquire the friends of Mrg. S. Pease, of Law- reel, Kan. They kncrw she had been l The delegation from the municipal- [ ities along the route of the Port Dover l railway met Mr. Blair, Minister of Railways on Wednesday. Mr. Hage- dom the Berlin Board of Trade':, re presentative returned on Wednesday. The other gentlemen t resent atUttawa were, Messrs J S Clark,Ald. A L Breit- haunt, A Rannie, Reeve of Wellesley; J u iteiner, \Vellesley Village. Mr. Holmes M. l'., Clinwn, and Reeve Umelin of Ayr. Mr. Blair received the delega: ion alone in a half hour’s aud- ience. He said the Government ans' at present directing their attention tow the canal system as a means of trans- portation more than to the railway system. They have requests for rail- way subsides ahead of them new ag- gregating *t?o0o0,000, so that they could not promise much in that line. Mnblair was very courteous and prom- ised to lay the matter before his col- leaps-t. The total amount set apart fur eubtsidiety of this nature, must first be apportioned to the different prov- inces after which the ditferent districts, are cared for. Beefy --hrt" Tier. Tr--htim L Anthea. The executive committee will count of them other: turd the superintend- cuu of the dim-rem Sunday schools. Mr W Ll Becker mtaetrairtnan of the meeting murm- l. A. Eb], mercury. Meeting: will be tteld _ “79an- day owmug iu the Y M C A " 9.15 to didcuu who lemon ot the ensuing Sundgy. Cur-w - C. Bold: Thou-co - Aug. has: â€Allah- B. W. Mortult ad Jon. Zion-n About twenty-av. Band†81:on toachen of the different who]- own- lin no; " the Y I! C A on Wall..- day evening and organized 1 Sunday School 'thsaetrasrs' Minion, under that: when: ' Ptesidrtttt-6 [1 Becker. Vim, President-A. A. Vodka. Tum-mutation"! “WW2.- M_PM_-_l{r- you, D. “Marl W. Flu-nun when d. M. â€on. Pm. - r. was Kuhn. lat VI“ ha. . a. hub: U " " - A. Vania-hm Beer - J. P. Study! Thu. C. Dillon PU. W: - r. Ethan IT DAZZLES THEVIORLD SEVEN YEARS IN BED. ANNUAL MEETING. COMMUNICATION. A Suggestion. Mam?“ My, ---.-----r-- ore". whttt do W" ttttow Ile'," "7' DEPOSIT WITH DOMINION GOV'T . . 50,079.76 ' " Irv-nun! nun loan". l "punt. Raymond Sch], ttte Inâ€: "" old The I. all. I n. "mu: In Emil" “woman LONDON. LANCASTER FIRE INS. co with - of PM Boll of In all! and - inn-mud In ttte "in . w. “0‘“5Mm mammal b a. an on W "and n tum-n. t m! In that"... 91--le Wilton-bau- PSrIttTtttAePeteii8tq4 an“ M.“ _ " feel my one in hopeless,†said n popular host of one of Unwrio'a lud~ ing mum hotel: : "But he been reading of some wonderful cure: in can. of Bright’a Dino-o and Kidney Din-mien gononlly by South Amari- con Kidney Core, to l Im going to banish my down- and try it, nod he did, with one run): that in a few dats the tide of health returned, and to-dar he is bonding town-i n complain re- covery. It" s kidney qmtMtt, " not. quick And Inn. Kidney Trouble Had We" Nick Con- qtreeed-But Scum American Kid-Q, Cure Gained the Victory. 3. That copies of this set of unclu- tiona be transmitted to the President and Secretary of the Ladies’ Auxiliary. Mmriont assistance to this Board and that we avail ourselves of this oppor- tunity to direct their attention to the fact, that the Hospital stand- greatly in need of an ambulance wagon for conveying the nick to the Hospital and that the Ladies' Auxiliary would again earn the gratitude of the Board And mnny tmtRyrettg by adding this impor- tint convenience and accommodation to the Hospital service. 1. That the Board of Directors of the Berlin and Waterloo Hospital here- by gives expression to the high estima- tion of the nntiring noble and success- ful labors of the Ladies' Hospital Anx- iliary for the maiutenamayand support of this benevolent institution from the time of its foundation until now. Their devotion to this worthy cause, justly) merits the highest praise not only on the part of this Board of Directors, but of the entire community and has render-i ed possible many improvements which l, without their opportune and substant- ial assistance must. have remained in-} complete or have been greatly delayed,‘ as again evi lenced by their last gen- erous and timely grant of l†hand- some mm of$800 00 for the erection of a. Hospital Laundry and a further sum ofN00.00 tor the improvement of the grounds for both of which we now tender them a hearty vote of thanks. 2. That in thanking them for past services we cannot refrain from ex- pressing the hope that the off1msta and members ot the Ladies’ Auxiliar will kydly continue to give their at); and of those philanthropic organizations that carry on their noble and betteti- (vent work quietly and br,idenfrom the public View, not laying the left hand know what the right hand doeth, but it is for that reason by no means unap- preclated or left unrecognized. To show the high esteem in which this so- ciety is held and to mark the unquali- tied appreciation which their labors have won, a very pleasing expression was given to both a few days ago by the following set of resolutions. At the last. regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Berlin and Water- loo Hospital, it was moved by Rev. R. von Pirtsh, of Berlin and seconded by W ll Ridell of Waterloo and carried strsanimouslr.-. The Ladies’ Auxilary of the Berlin~ Waterloo Hospital is warmly thanked for Just services and petitioned to fur- Lher improve the Hospital service by me addition of an ambulance wagon. The LadiW Hospital _Auxi.'iary is one Mr Collard was given permission to take down 200 feet of fence between his new house on Roland St and Vic. toria Park and replacing same with a 3 1-2 foot Cedar hedge, all at his ex- pence. Tenders will be asked for to supply and put down sumcent water pipm from Schneider and David Streets by drum to the kitchen in rear of Park. The Band stand was ordered to TRF. ceive a coat of paint under tho super- vision of Messrs Roos and Mueller. Architect Knocmel will be sent to Port Huron, Mich, toga. some pavil- iorrpoiptors . On motion of Messrs Eden and Roos a. resolution was passed recommending the Town Council to issue a debenture for '6000.00 distributed over iorty years to pay for a pavilion, iron scan, putting down water pipes, gravelling driven, paying balance due on land purchased and other general improve- ments in Victoria Park. The receipt. for the can. month were $15.25 and the disbursements forlabor md trty aware $104.35, The purchase by the Secretary, of [be Fiddler land: for $350.00 was eontirmed by the Board. The usual grants of tlowers and plants for Victoria Park and llibner Place was made and the Secretary was an horizod to select and supervlw the planting. The lurk Board moth: the Council Chamber Friday night. The member- prownt were “can Lang, Eden, no“ in"! Hoffman. _ The minute: 0! the last meeting veg} rend qndagopgod. I do trot Isl-no the Band tor being an“. to new into - canny ot the library or Into every pug. but when I book " mag-lino in to blunt in an ‘ooe reverted to it due. seem to an the Board I: fully janitor! in nun/ulna It. role ot prw (can): in locum] to amel- uun of which the shove ha a typo. Yam-I truly, W. ll. “Mummy. Berlin May 17, 1900, E 23"“ Moat-un- mm mm m. “phat: Ital null-lb: in: all: . The nun f."".tfeofet-q ttettteteeetPei.iu 1rtttettetttt'tgetmt.t" all-Io M ttut M“ (I. 1'e'lA'l')L"1l'lu"dl'd",Stt.. TI. watch-Mu up pal otNeets - t1tttttuhoatu-utsisi eeodMdms.timtHittt-ta. 'rtoar0ttstuhtud,Ammtn with The at i,,rdt,'tg mus? 13?; nut. " um. um I. "qtdesd to - ' _ A. - Ga' srd ttN m 'sore "d riettt "u gam::u::mhuo m be . " m - “than duh; the Iork. But tho root at tho "Wu. #2:... a! n“ thoiath- trttlett mould P†um mm mm he hunch-m touting 2,ttl',tut1tt"gt"utrt'ti2t of um mum: to tlos munT Public " war In . ' it man. $lill'l'l'tl and azimnlulod by that we '.tt.e.u'fltl'y1t/ ter', _ - _. DEATH WAS KNOCKING. AN AMBULANCE WAGON. $8000 PAVILION ed. But I itan " was ml. Ttum he qtBrted " with I story that ind no more to do with "The Silt/tg': In the Wood" thin with the turn! in tion. and win-n be add it he ottoerved, "TM! in 'rttat t would hue told you It I were not mm In: upon The Children In the Wood.' ' Prom that I. wrnt on in M; own Ittlgttlttt. bio tnhion. story following “on. mmI be had his Indience ennui-n! with Inuulm-r. um] the loch". It" I brilliant Mm "manna" on the platform. Now. It. Omit-n. that do yum how that it? The wife of a well-known private banker in the west mango amicled with nervous disorders that her phy- sicians feared she would loan her rea- son, but she rejoices to-day with her family through reading a simple tea timony of how South American Nervine cured another seemingly hopeless case. She was induced to try it, too, and to- day is a cured woman herself. porn. I was emplnyod by nunlhor one, ind we had two trii-mls who were work. in; in other omers. We used to dine to gether every night. We advised Wnrd to become I lecturer. We told him tbnt hr could make much more money lecturing than writing. But Ward dvttutrre0. He was “all! to venture it, One day. how ever. he went to a lecture bureau and (are his name. He chose tor the title ot his lecture "The Childn-n In the Wood." Thu! night he told mi nll nboul R. With, in In low My; be ptNrtsirrU an om-r to lee ture tor the benefit of the “reliant-f library in Brooklyn. and he told u: 6t that too. ""Hhn Ifrnld t shall mit utterly." he laid "l know I (“lift face an audience.†" ' "But rca'tl have your mlnultrlpt.†me one slid. " . "I know it," he nplled. "but I‘ll be too ttmstrrrtl to mumm- evon that." " ' “In than one." I aid. "you can teff dork-n. hm " In“ tell thom to Py.e"d that Em carry you through all right." " “Hie night of the lecture we tlure In" weal this Wan] to Brooklyn. and It In: just as he hid tented. He torttot his lines. and be was no frightened that ho "on forgot his maniac-rim. "a Need his "dinner with a Hunk 1ooe of despair that mm. ot Ibo tteotrtr took to be Imam The Way Anem- Ward this It . Brlutto" I-catnl. "I told a story wvernl 12.11 130 in my house, when I was living in l’hilmlnl- phin," said Robert C. Ogden. the famous New York Inert-Imm. "about a traveler on a New England railroad. When t ended it. I added. 'tgo Arum“: Ward once ttaid.' " 'Yes.' spoke up John Bears. n Phila. delphia jnnmalist dt wide fame and broad nttaimneuts. 'Yes,' he rowan-d. 'that in just what Artemmt Ward did sar.' Nervous Troubles had About “(new " Ttow do yr"! know? I asked. Now, I had known Mr. Sean's tor many years. and t had "or" but?! him nwnliml Ward lu-fm-n. "PM! as all Mum! it.’ "'I lu-nnl him my it I T "% thcre.' mid Mr. Bears. Hu [859 "r [560 Browne. who bad made n great toputatiou Ix: his humorous work In the Wm! am] In New York mtuer the name of Artenms Ward. worked, tor one ot the metropolitan my The - with Ma. its“ clued-tie the Bulls Iutmt. Us l -ttgned t ill-net alvnr per-pk. I†not Behind lupsetor lu hisl at our Blah M, tuned s em Btateattbiraim that he ventured ts ‘exsmius the reeling. New sud resuscitation use tu",t,gt to tho root or the trouble reported that there must he watches resetting of this will!" is the Berlin Public Schools. The Public rich-not Trustees than demanded s sped.“ report or the Public School inspector on this matter. [is acknoslalges the com and nt, tributes it to the touching ol'Germsn in the Schools. This ,stukt:gas ia the school Work must be more than “was if it can be discovered and loos . through the lligh School, and every tax payer sud every parent has s right to expect further iuratthrntioo. We. pay for ethebnt teaching. We psy liberally for ellicient inspeetlon. We elect a trustee board to hold the paid servsnts to their duties, and through _ an outside source we ere informed that} the work is not properly performed. Had this outside tutor not interfered there is no telling how much longer this state of strain might have con- tinued. Someone must. be lsmentsbly incapable or dishonest. We believe the Berlin teachers are as capable and couscientioussssny in the province, but we ulso believe their attention hes never been drawn to this matter. Teachers are driven to onesided teach- ing by onesided examinations and one- sidsd inspection, and when a defect becomes prevalent among all the teachers it is selfevident that they are not so much to blame but have been driven there. ll the Public School inspector has reported this weakness to the trustees and they failed to take any notice of it then they are " fault and should be held responsible for it. in our opinion, however, the prompt action of the Board in enquiring into this state of affairs relieves them of the blame and in all probability the report of the High School Inspector use the tirst intimation they had of the un- satisfactory work. If the Public School inspector has not reported this matter t store then he is either incompetent to inspect or not tn1ftieentiy conscientious in reporting. In that event we would be acting wisely in bestowing our liberal tetnuneration upon the person who has proven his ability to report the public school work more accurately through the High School inspection then the man who claimstoinspect the public schools. Further as to the cause, we are not ready to accept the theory that it is owing to the German. A further investigation, probably try the High School inspector, might ro- veal the fact that reading never rev ceived "utifieient attention in the Schools and that this is the true cause ofthe trouble. At all events it will bear the teat and we would not be disappointed in fittding that the pupils I taking German are as well up in msad, I ding as the others. Try them. Thanking you, Sir, tor space, TAX PAY]!!! AND PARINT. l, her Reason-South American Nervine Lifted the Clouds and Cured Her. BANKERS WIFE MOST DE- MENTED. HIS FIRST LECTURE. WAT ERLOO, and at CONRAD BROS ODORLESS ECONOMICAL than any other in the market. LESS PRICE Summer Opening Sole Agents The Mercantile Fire Friday and Saturday, May ttth Ind 12th iiiiiiitt I "riaT, GGr5 "WV-"351:" a CGTitr. 600. #122. ri'i'ik'r'i"te'tir.'i'irdi?,'i?i In you can. You rat-in . was†"w' mm DI. J. c. um We". “all. We have n-bool on Paienesa and Weakness which you my have for the ashistg. II. to - M-u. ' Winches yourâ€: ? 5'j'iii?,F.1slu'l'l"t't'idx'i- ' m u in may? In: in" ' ind dun. "t " and!“ Pt main. u at night. " Dune Is â€and; a?! bikit who: and I can tee dizzy. l I". no qeyei" In! bra-Hut ad what [out] l at discus“ In. I have I heavy helm; In my stomach. I an rain; so weak that and.†tremble and my new" an .11 l"llgl'fh I all getting â€I. and thin. 1nrorgprated 1875. In. trrrtoq - - .. "name. ONTARIO. Bury J!!,.?°"“. like to 'tmelt INSURANCE COMPANY. - m Mm. Fancy silks for Waists and fancy cushions, etc. Laces, insertion, allover lace of all descriptions; colored fringes, velvet, baby rib- bon, etc. Ladies, what you will not find at Mrs. Steuemagel's establish- ment you will not find elsewhere. The latest novelties in q MILLINERY GOODS ARRIVING DAILY. Mrs. G. Steuernagel House Decoration â€but mas-u WI old Stand WATERLOO The undersigned has on hand a great variety of the most beautiful and ori inal designs; also borders 0% 20 inches' width in one or more colors in oil, for the decoration of rooms, kitchens and halls. Paper- hanging, all kinds of embroidery patterns,paint- ing on marble, glass, shields, etc., a speci- alty. My prices are the lowest in the County and I am prepared to execute all orders entrusted to 'me to the satisfaction of my cus- tomars in the shortest pos- sible time. Jno. Schmidt's 6oe 00' ad a c, 'lCl1'J2e','dlha'; 40c now aoc. streatee worth 75c now 25c, white shirts ts for MG 'df, shirts fer 60c, sec 5 ms for ioc, collars we each or lhleefot 25c, and in win you will get special bar. gains to: the next two weeks at In gun's Int-id:- ings? Hats worth 02.75 now $1.50 ttt no. "as and l. underwear worth .1 now 6oc, 75c my we PAUL (NEITHER, Painter