i" From Ten to Sixteen Thousand People Rendered Homeless-Vast Portions of a the Sister Cities Laid in Ruins-Parliament Compelled to _Adjoum for :55“ Several Days-Awful Details. Ottawa. April '2W--'me gravest. Bonttap,rattitr" in the history of Cart- Lu broke out in Hull. Que. between 11 and l2o'rlock yesurday Ion-noun. [Jazmin-re street, in which tho tirtt 'ratr tirst noticed. 13 a narrow sly-let. ot wooden houses The tire hrmado qulckly responded, but it was soon apparent that its eetorts would be futile, as the Wind was blowing a " breeze of 30 miles an hour. From "rtiatuettt hill an hour alter the 'iro started, and wln-n about, 100 houses were burning. the tire Vroked like a lake of thtuse. About 1 o’clock the fire jumped the Ottawa River, and Victoria. Island was soon a mass of ruins, luna- uniting buildings was resorted to in the hop. of staying the progress ot tho tiermt tttttnee, but not nppuren'Jy to much purpose. At 5 o‘clock the tire was still unnppeased. though its raid on Ottawa City was then stay- ed. In the heart of thewily every- where, there was dire contusion, and it was not till atter nightfall that men began to think clearly and ob. nerve dust-1y. What caused the tire is food for thought. The general opinion isthat tt was ot incendiary origin. That can. villknmls incendiary hall a. hand in it was all but [woven when at 4.90 p.1n,. when all ey- and hands were turned towards Hull and the southwcsu-rn part of Ottawa. 3 tire broke out in Fidls"s lumber yard. just West. of thr new Gannon: bridge. This tire raged GercoU and “to,“ the whole lumber yard., covering about. GO acrun. At 8 odock the eorresvondcnti, tstarted on u walk lhruugh the burn- ed district, and tho scene was lucnrl- g tending in the extreme, as wilt be! ‘milod [rum the bare record ot what was no]. I The ttre took in “haul. two Square mites, “hich ttere "ullel out narrow and long. ll readied trot" north of the Guam-nu bridge across the river. Skipping ways snlphite works, " cal-1c southwest. skirting the river bank for the most part, till it push- ed into the southwestern part ot Hull. thence on, winding to the right and left acrnss the Chaudierc bridge down into, the flats ot Ottawa and Bochcatcrvillc. thence on in a long clean sweep over' the Cu'.H. station tilt it nestled on the Elxperimiyntat farm, a zig-zag line at 35 miles, and wt place hall a mile in depth. In that tire circle millions had vanished In smoke. Thousands of persons looked down last. night upon the bloéd-red and blackened ruins-upon the shattered hopes of a lifetime. A “VIII Over III. [III-ll. Taking the Russell House as n. netting point the Walk stretched southwest to when the C'.P.R. sta- tion stood. In all the stnvts all the way were evidences of hasty mining, and a half mile from the tire line all the houses were prepared lor tho, worst, and with household effect Are. on the door steps 'ri,iiiiiiiiiiii,tr?,,ii. at the curbs, the blanc', laced rem- dents WNW“ WITH?!“ from home. Nearer pteC, tire sadder scours “are "It: t Two .ourn' wax Thtnlgl an. with (nods. The women were crying and laughing In turn. and the little chil- dren. urea-eyed. 8,,' In tear. The - Mus did all In their power to con-tort by upmtml and phylum mod. But. down In the Valle-y not 80 yum nwty, the lin- - wildly, and an nurt- M! In an garden like In. nuu at now touched by I not- ung m. Then I- A "(In of land here upon which the mom-tel" at St. Joan Bap. tllu thureh numb no warding. And m ' o‘clock Int mun. am nud- mt un- rldgo month - cl "eikmtMo,wtdtt-r--tttt an a. nun! bank. â€In. m. - at the In an M an» grttHtrt tun-um Iro- am an... “I I.“ How. m on “It Breath I! te-meet-t "* III Ar. Burn“ lulu-lei. IZl'l'JlId scone- I‘hlt WI" Bani-throttling. THE AWFUL DETAILS. A Sunni - I. Ila-on. 'eatest Devastation by Fire Ever Known in thutadL TAU! MO Iiilth,1ll,, -"'. ' WERE FIRES“! PRESENT DAMAGE 815,000,000 all' tirrf vrnmlt batore ' line's eya. Away to the tout-west at the dam. the side of the Experimental “an. the Montreal brigade with two en- gines were working to protect J. B. Bmth'n lumber yards. This - . eruicat point, for " the lumber yards were burned the ttro would sweep around and envelope the south part of the city, and it the Mind changed. there would be no Ottawa. Hence the 'irtrtttett worked heroically and successfully. Innat- Ftro Itngln-n Bur-“l. " was near this point that the ot" lawn fire engine t'ourtueror was burn- ed, and Engineer Long had to he Iatr- soed and dragged away lrom his pet. Lord Mintu was an interested spoo- tator of the scene. The sen-"e, direct- ty to the west, was awful and pio- llln'Mlue. What had been the thriviur,' Village. at Roclmstcrville, Mount Sherwood. Westboro, "inlay-burg and Brittania Worn now blazing blotchos of tirq. Minions of dollars were lost. I)"- 7.11-- Tum, A woman near by sold: "Why, the ftre was two Mocks away and I thought it would never reach us, but, in five luinulcs we had to skip. This in all I brought with me." and she pointed to I small grip. Grim “he were told by policemen and firemen. as they looked towards the “out. There was yesterday morning a woman's refuge and chil- dren‘s retreat to the west. The" was none last night. “'0:- “any him I..." And a trig burly policeman and he mined than in " won- all children bum“ before M could get. to n phtre of am. Thu - - tul. hut no one who watched tho rapid spread of the tire will doubt it. No one could verify It. Tho whole truth will not be known tor days, and when the truth comes it will stun the whole country. Two otlmr policemttrt coming up said they believed it was um. To the northwest. looking down into a. M. a. some Wu u'nmlnr. so II. had Ibo Arm was down upon the residents a! the (all. houses and sharks that. the people escaped bare ly escaped with their lives. Murry ttre thought to have perished. Whole lamilics are missing; children want their mothers and husband. lave lost their wives. The volunteer [ores from DI. 0.0. F.G. and the 43rd Battalion did vul- lanlly. In their uniforms. they form- ed bucket brigades. were useful in helping to move furniture. ond,when not otherwise employed. stood guard over hon-es and household enacts. Guards of snldiers were stationed all along Division street, the western fringe of the tire line. and were chungod every four hours. They Arr- nmined on duty all night. ttpat' will he kept at work ttit they {no and It. elk-ms are wiped :'.2d. The hnspituln by " done a rushing husim-‘s CIWHL upon the fre. In the Home.» ty Hospital were lhrvc “only in the Protestant mvqpttul 4iet', nun. in the Catholic Gen-2m] nspilul nine women, {our bah-e, two [mm and Him children: in Ft. Luke‘s Hospital, six men. and Mme "f the walnuts were badly burned, but all mod cum. “an ' l'rlv.uo IKOIEII'IHWI. Many private "widen-has were burn- ed. "Killing nthrrs that ot the Mott. (it-1T1“: " F'oster. Mr. FOSIOI' was in the "(ma- ter a few minuu-s le- tore " o'rlnck, hut barium-ed home, Mining his hat on the. donk. His loss is $1310", which is fully covcred In. Insurance. rearrnl chm-rhea and residences m lnslors “are burned. J. It. noolh'n l1‘ndsonlxe residence we". among the MM. Iris loss in nearly $20,000. ID. u. lichly's house in Hull and that of G. H. Milieu. his mutant. have gone, Kr. Eddym residence wall worth $25,000, Mrs. Macy] house is no more. Two school. were burnt itt RorIteetervme. In Hull the church stands unto-who rd, lull, the Panama nnd Court Home and other and“ hulldlngquuu in Min-s. In the Inuthwcslan for: at Hull the church stands up alone with Edd)". sulphlw worn. 13.000 "It 0! Work The man.“ fttt't ot nit I: that mum than 13,000 men, would». bey- nnd girls will he Hui-own out ttf work lrr l'l "ltltutrt period. The can. Manon and its udhmtu employed about. 150 mett. The FMy Co. and tor 5.000 employ-n; tho Booth Co. mph)!!! 1.100 muons. while 0.. "Int-I’m "III!!! - and nth-r ho- wl. [an unplom‘ to on when. .Tot only no 'gu'g',','t,le, also um. um Mum I. of an.“ a "wellhead. 13.. “Mint an mm that In bound to an. Ink- and . got In. - will In W. __ "tu" my omeMU an com a! In Mr W to name. lhI - won and bean-Ina: m If LiL' (I? ikiiuarG) iFi9Etiyt Vul|ln¢ Vol-Ibo". Teamma- Sauna of W. C. Edwards Company was burned, along with hi- horse and cart, - _ To-dny the . City Council: ot Quinn'- emu wut he uked to aid Ottawa In her diluent. It " umbr- Itnod that the Fulani Govcnmem. will give n .ubatantial nun toward: this end when It mean unit: nut Tuadsy, . FA., - ... iGi'iiiii.-ECiipiui three numbe- have been omclally .nnouneod. "In“! to lunch. Mrs. Cooke. wife of one of B. n. Eddy} toremen, was alight in u shed and burned in night of may people. It is [cured that other bod- ies will be found when the ruins no searched. Chic! Benoit ot the Hun tire brigade was so seriously injured that [redial last night. He was leading his men In the attack upon the ttre in Eddy'n paper mills, when a. beam tell upon hint. “Anyway“ were hit with mun. bum. while lpgrkl burnt hole- in cloth“. Ind endangere9|_ the lives of The bodies of the two were found in the Chandiere district. One was m the C.P.R. yard, and one was on Bridge street. All manner ot stories are gala; an rounds. People no no beside than. adv. that they with dimemitr db tlngullh the truth from the false. Puma-nu Sum-mum]. But the {allowing items are facts: Another victim has been added to the tummy list-Frank Watkins, No. 1 Bre halt. Ottawa. was tsuttoeated in . house in the flats. " is reported that Chit" Benoit is still alive, though bound to die. Dr. {Hashim had a narrow escape yawn-day. He was in the “Ellington street. school in the trats, attempting to stop the lire. wth the building was enveloped in itames. The care- taker rushed in and brought Dr. Glam Inm out. but the doctor was fairly; minded with smoke, and the tire. men had to play the hose on “to two men because they were cttvered with sparks. A trip around the circle ot fire. at midnight showed that it had greatly ntrated its fury. The wind has died 'town, and the fire had ceased ttghb- iug in all quarters, except west on Division street. It was under con- trot. and Ottawa was in no dan- ger. " is estimated by Mayor Pay- ment that 16,000 persons are home- loss. The destitute people (VJ/Hull Are camping in the [iv-‘11:, and are saying in the church: Many are at the Ex- hibitiqn (hounds. Mr. lt-lwurdn. M. p.. saw: Thu, Will no Baum:- 015,000,000 - on.ooo.m At 2 a.m.--The total has by the fire is hard to estimate. Mr. E. B. l-chl, was sought for, but he was in Ur Iz-i Ist of his burning property di- n-rmg Operations and no one cum] mt near him. Mr. W, C. Edwards. Mn'., was approached and asked to qs,tiruait, the loss. lie said the tire had "otstt between 515.000.0011 and $20,000,000 worth of damago. The loss in lumber More is M,000,000, and this is a conservative estimate. Ounvn Ind “all I. Appnlllnz it... DI "o-tau."-. tho "-th 'tar' “I. orortr-iosr in“: if Yul-lulu- Ottawa. Aprn 2%. - A aummu: of the mom: of the tire drawn as tollmxn for Ottawa and Hull: Homeless, about 1.1.000. Dotlmw. about lull). Thrown out of Work by drunk-tum ot industries; ottawa, 3,000; Hun. This gives one An idea of t.tte unda- uklng before the cluum of Ottawa. 'eqqot In In. hm! “all. _ These people must be cared tor, tad no one In damn; his duty. At the Drill Hall yesterday the new. [maternal Ware and. “any harrowintt “I. we" told, Bod in many on†by your. an“ [ammo who had Jost managed to gather a little, home "methane“. pork-pa, but non-uncle. a home, ngtd it wna hard to think that am working night and M3311: . few min- um tttt W“ "vi-m. nay. About too hum. ue “the!!! here, while an â€out - â€an“ their ho-shots dull. Lam “mum of load hire bum chrlqud Cid not» b "w in (In M hm. H Hitt hulk-"q and In!†Into have nan-u th- an. of donation by an.» m, and have in. Inton- m‘ to that. wk on york h. 'ltl a. “no... in. am a In". hymn-pun a) "PU. u-b-I, In"!!! ESTIMATING Till LOKSBS. -l:l.ln "tkeei ur "q."" Car-nun: In "In I'l-Idn. -Mener In 3":th ll- $trerot at Ilitl~‘l:h t, All " Noodrd. (0. Id. "'e'"qr..qr. " --Irllo Chili“ w- trtkttruuit'htrtr,'ag T 'tuht.'TfAtrAr2, um pu- Ihptbsnt â€mm. “W... “.018“ “was. - ulna. 111.. '-'Ntrrets.-tr; nun. . "irr'tot.h.ah-qr-ru. 'erFiiiCr.irTifuTaia"i"Giri,"ti"i', I_l.li'iikFiu"rGo"i'i"t%Tur."'a'lu .tti.rotvitur.n.r-t.u,AIgfatett mmcw-Ummnth [knelt-In m.M.is8t-rtsm. 01100 can other-Huh. mam. hunt-uâ€: mwc‘tyum.mm mmmetunu no - “with amt-unam- In Htrtt"v.rsorrur.toVrthqir_. MW)". . mu. â€to Ttro In Iva.- “all: my Mt.taw. gel, lad is non. quay! [nu-51w lul- In. ammo Cook. 650 Wellington street, burned to death in her 'ard. William Atwood, 57o Alttertutroet, and Iron shock In A result at being 'eve' Vhile m with la cuppa. _7 A mining girl who has not been wen since yesterday at " OJ“. - duh!“ In.“ Nathan-In at that value- "In con- - them with a rut. Than. the not. look In: tho “can b not lung-t. to any a. but; " thick " In. an July. bat my must. he am with . grain ot Batt. BM. we louowlng an be.» "ruled: John Pumplo. our â€other 03.3.. hunted urdetstlt In 0.33. yard. John Dunn, engineer iatasrrot Ed- dy's factorial, clued too long M. In. Tmutcr We, ot w. c. Edwudn' worn. Hammad a. the nun found on Bridge street. m the corner cl Duke unset. mic Richard, lupposcd to be dud, as he ham not turned up since the A bureau' ol istniaustio" hal liven set. up in the City Hall, and in a low as): the lull muculnn of 108'. will ORGANIZED WORK OF RELIEF. Foremnn Begun of the E. B. Eddy! company. be known. $400,000 Raised tor the Suffers in Ottawa and Hull. I’ll BIA": new. clown. -aiiirirGUiGriiiG7iiTi.' I.†“no u tumu- An I.- c..- tttm - "ue. Mmr.000. C1nl)llli'S CHARITY. iiiiEt -- iuu. - "oil-Eh - Gui. - gnu at than bin... at . bur l-‘lgnrlnx on the Lou.- ol Last Thun- dag'. an.“ I Irv-Gnu: - " II. Matrertmr-a Inn-I'- I]. Vu- at an Ulla-nu in“ nut-.- and “a “all: Cttlem Ottann, April 30.-The I'innmtcs ot the damage wrought. by Thursday, tire, published last. week, ‘uro moved to have been under rather than ovu- the mark. A careful survey of the tietd gives the [allowing reauit: "mur--7. Hometess---16,000. Buildings Uterned-3.00o. llnnds out of Work-FOO' Yatue of property dmruoymb--81tV 000.000. While other tirws have destroyed the homes and savings of a people. this hos, in addition to rendering tttous, nmls as poor and almost as naked as when tttey can": int" the world, dos. Lrnscd the isdustrics which furnished them with their means at gaining a livelihood, and left them largely de- pendent, for a period. at least. upon theinemctioru, of the pullic.’ 'ltoul "I III. 'trm. The axle-m, of the thre was ohm-- moun. An arm of two square â€me: has been swept. as clean as a whis- tle. In that zone than: were poul- bly 1,200 houses and stores and hall . hundrr'l l dustrial enterprises. val.. uod’at hundred. of thou-uni! ot dol- "arte. The tire begun at tho corner of Philomene and Claudia" amen. In Hull, spread buck about t Mock and west us far as Brewery Creek. Then it swept can. and south, cleaving (In! everything one“ the Noun Dame Church. as Mr north at where the steam terry tie up. It then Jumped the river and mught on the but dock inst below Perlcy's stable. at Bridge street. By a huir's breadth it skip- ped J. R. Boothh mills. but ate up His omee, “ables. blacksmith Ashop In] storehouse [or grain on [Um-rt ,treet. The Skunk“; Power Ito-Nu . small grist miit. “unison & Wes- er's carbide wrrkl, their new pow; er house and olP.cv, by a miracle ob- mped. but these 3TErc all small Miranda suvrd from the burning. The progress of the tire wiped out tho Chandlers district as a sponge wipes out a sum on a. child's Ante. ot all this district there remains a fire station, a hotel, the watmvurku. West End Methodist march. and half a dozen torched houses. Ot the chap houses on Britannia llmet not . Biiver remains. Up to where Wellington street meets West Queen street swept. the tire. and it flu-rely tore south and West all .loug Division street as far u Ht. Louis dam, Inning not t slick unburned. Unlim- the eyes of the residences on Primrose Hill and St. Jam Baptiste (Thanh, ind Hawaiia- ville tay was! or Primrose Hill. It is in when. and own Hintonbm. tarthee still to the uni. lock u do» an houses and s good-sized pinning mill. Two mum-e miles ihickly .., with hustle. milder-eel and (rum dwellings [one up in smoke within " hours. is the "cord oi Omani-'0 [mi-i. coal-(ration. I Bm-nu at In [M By A - negatiny of use "V mem. roll, and . Humane grouping a an low in both Hull “a can“ - Mn In“: an. to arrive u, ,vti.tmarbqtahmtroerxttettu- an. a! the In... mind. Thq “than " tho Marla and mm- '.arrtrsdathrettoarettatewnh Win-1 and I manque. with _ “It tolls. In damn: up can. "at-et, I. 0. Dim-M. man, has my. nu a. Ami- who will do much " no vangua- at the In.- for tutti-mne- cor-p..- ‘III we" dull In alumnus. [h- Iod It. mom an. wu- an" ir - - an. ' Andi-o laud Denim-n. In. “1.0.50. - In. no mu. 'iagirttktkaGii"giiriE "OM our. huh. 01.00. tab. F!!! Poe" mum’s: “In. Vol-3 a norm and - has. - can bMbtMe. not and“. mm. F “I h at". 82â€.â€. Allwnmdwwml-hu- has and at“. Mâ€. In 'tttaw-d. It. M's I... Mttk G. M. touch to... 315.60: L. W's to... 310109; a... ttt I". ‘25.â€; “no public clinch â€5.000; “In. mum and. “0,000; but . do. Iona. worth ",soG--016,0tNt oaeh. “do. " but... won, on. .3.- 335.000. Stuck ot stoma. 8750.11â€. Allow-nee " no PI can}. for but- " is uncanny tor mum eon- pnnlu to con-Ida 20 per out. lot unreported was, thh would III-h $1,075,000. Our-d hm: Would “01......“ t3ortrbNrfntr that the nun-41 on my. Property b under-00W Ind would bo 83,0».W, the totat would touch 814,350.80. Tho pl-m from which an» animal: was made - dlted 1898, um] mung another hour-nee scheme It would he tair to alumna IO per (Ont. tor Inn- movement. in properties since 1898. Doing so. this would bring the total up to $15,785,264. Taking Into account the La, mm. on the night ot tho are the lots wu animated at from $15,0(X).\\00 to $20,000,000. and remembering tho! on such oceanionn losses are mm to ac exaggerated, it is fair to con-Mar tho above an ndoquate estimate. "ow III-runo- II:- Booad. The city ls imed with insurance In- specton. and they talk truly of their lclses in the corridor. of the hotels. The ugems of the componku have loosened their tongues and Iron: the losses so Inr reported the under- writcrs will at their meeting today consider the lollowlng list: Val-cot Ind-oh! c.- youâ€... .. .. .. ......†on" "cum I. Huh. - - mum In on.“ GM V.m.v....... ...“ v. ---'-..". -fl. land .. ....... .. ... ... ...... mill! Common-Ill l'nlon ot London. Eng. WO,000 Count-cum: Fue lunar-nee co., Hartford . ..... ... ... ... ... am» Eastern Assurance Coy. Halli“... my!“ Gnu-dun orbominn. Eng. ... .... an“!!! Hartford at Hartford, Conn. ... .. git,1AR' lmprrhl of London Eng. . ..... .. 200,0» Lune-slum of Manchester, Eng. .. 130,0!†Ltrerpool and lamina Ind Globe, Liverpool, Eu. . ..... ... .-... laws†London Assurance at lunacy. Eng, 30,-") Mam-hater I‘m Aunt-Ina. Lun- chelltr. 12“.... .. .... ... .... 100.000 Men-annu- of Waterloo, on. ... .. 1201!!! National of mum. ... ... ... ... mil.†Norm lirltllln and Memnme " "r Inlmrgll and London ... ... ... .. mum Northern of Aberdeen and â€union 40,0)" 3:0th Amen-lean of Ryat"el1 .. My!!! Norwleh Ill-Ion of Norwich, ‘ng, .. MAMAAt l‘hoonll Fire Astul'nnce_ mutton, ling. ... ... ....e. ... '... .... 10rr.00tt l'lxoonlx of Harlin“). 0mm. q..... 2.13.010 oteuec to. of Quebec. can. ... ... mum Queen lnsnrnnm Co. of 8merteo ... PN.U00 Royal of â€vex-pool, Hug. .. .. ... mum Scottish tnlon nu! Nattomstt tidin- nuance Aunt-nee Co. at â€Mon, Eng. ... ... ..-... ... ... ... 100.000 All" Aunt-anu- Co or London, Eng. mum Brlllnn America Alumnae cm, Toronto, 0m. ... ... ... qwt .. 111m Clledonlau Flu, of Edlpburgh. Scot. burgh... -.. ... ... ... Ar.- '... Sun or London. lint. ... ..: ... .. [Salim Assnrnm'e of London. ling. Waterloo mutual, Waterloo, with . WQM or Toronto, Ont . ....... law Union. (vim-u ... ... ... ... ORGANIZED weak" or RELIEF. tstrnttseV (known-"y. / Lord Strnthcorm's donation ot $25,- ooo was noted with pleasure. new. mm 1,200 run-nu. Bo far 600 heads of famnhs run-e rmiswred. and SCO more are enact- ed to to-dny. It I: thought that there are fully 400 lumihcs able to supply" their own needs. This makes Hull‘s list 1,2C0 families. Barges are loaded daily on the Ottawa side of the river and ferried across. Yester- day morning 8,000 loaves of brmd. ‘37 barrel. of pork, 20 barrel] ot bis- cuun and numerous bnla of cloth- In; were cent across. . Building operations have already quun. " is said 10 buildings are being eroded already, ot which [our uh howls. At " o'clock Inst night the Bute lzripllon lint, irrespective of Govern- mental naniltgnce, totulled 875,000. There Is now '400,000 In tight. Winch-m. April as, "oo.---" wt my dupes! symmthy at lerlou an and Mmeum of property. (Signed) Albert. Edward. TM Earl ot Derby to lated Elmo: Knownâ€. lanai-In. April as. "too,---- gloved to he" ot um- rlblo are. I will at you to Am ELM for distrust at mun. Oral- It will he wind load-y to Bank ot mun ttetrth Amer-lea. unla- you do- ur. aura-wine, (W)_Da[by. The Premier of Quebec‘baa mm:- Hound the remoan of the mm Court How. and an to Ayn-u. I"! Mr“, - - Th0 lollowlng new." have been received by the Governowml an.“ the tire: H.R.H. the Prince of was: an aosyrerffotel:, _ “1:th iii! of mar will. oouraror. cml of and. who“ " Lord Stank-y. . u kalo. B.C.. All“ M, MAN?. - "ttgt- madam.- ol new. - urn-mum:- with an.“ of Ottawa and "allâ€. their -qgt6ro. -tNll, must Yaw hall-q to um!“ mun to our "In. 1 ' l on. W h.- “‘ AA 'er, , Tout ... .. 0017‘ Pfr".iritr Coupu-tes 30' “00.000 In Slgl'. than. on" - 'mwuu 2:».ch mum 2mm: my: I 50.1!!! any» mum am» 13mm mum "rs 1ttth-ttrixreitnd thou- ,afMtirsd,_rtutdmrir,-0atf- dot â€Mm-ho man-I manual» with the work and lulu-“mg!†life. - Bonn - from sleepiness, ner- vous mum, noun!“ rhea-mun, 1'eg't,,tdlt end kidney trouble- ; o to In In and pan- out! condition of the 'let no ggtirerr- ing Inn nightly grandma and nth: ducal. Pund- Ce1ertttytqstrmuse h an only me'nnd "and medicine for the pre- nm new. " purine- uni enriche- the “and,“ and brawn the nervee, builds up the weakened body, correct. disc-um, ghee moot-.1 vigor, bright err, sleet chin and glee: deep. _ Try the effect. ot a couple of bowel of Paine’e Celery Compound if you would build up physical, and mental- ly for the coming summer. Pnlne'e Celery Compound in the world’e Mad.. 2,tre curing medicine; "it make. do people well.†Physician.- m duly prescribing PtsimNCehsrT Com mi inCanad-nnd hundred: of (imam strongly recom- mead it to their amnion. A young city deli one day feel'ng very hungry and not having gunmen: money In his pocket. to pay " mamm- day meal, went into a restaurant and Ind the following conversation with he waiter: “I eay, waiter, what do you charge for a plate of beef r' Waiter I hSixpenee, air." “And how much for vegetables P Waiter : "Poarptrtroe, air." "And do you make any charge tor bread and gravy t" Waiter t "No, air." "Welt, I will have a plates " bread and gravy, please t" PM: can I)!“ We am willing to bojudgrd by our past services to the people andrug- gista. We always devote our Not energies to than who can on ms to have their want: supplied. One stok ot toitisi preparations ls ever new and varied, analow prices maintain our popuklrjty. _ -- The spring medicine anrpngsinn In others is Paino‘a Celery Compound. It is the great blood parilier and strength giver. " banish» rheuma- tiam, neuralgia, dyspepsia, liver and kidney troubles. Come to no and buy a bottle and test. the virtues of Palm's Celery Compomrd.--Ed. M. Devin, Druggint, Waterloo, Out. Woodstock, Ont., April 27.-.-At four o'clock yummy afternoon Mrs. ll. J. Davis was found dead Moa the Boor of the barn, on the 15th line of East Zorra, near Wuoda'ock. " is supposed (the was in the bay loft gathering eggs, when she fell to the floor, through a hole used for putting down hay. Hm. Dams w: T 33 your! of age. When the new minister, a handsome and unmarried man, made his tlrtrt pastoral call at the Fosdicks, he took little Anna up in his arms and tried to kiss her. But the child refused to he kissed; she struggled loose and no " into the next room, when) her mother was putting a for tiniattirg roaches to her adornment before going into the parlor to greet the clergyman. _ . omsuiia," tholmla 'iitt whispered, “the man in the parlor “unwed me to his: him." "Well," Mt', mamma,,‘why didn't yoyrlct him, l would irl wgro_you.". - Thereupon Luau-an back irito ttter' parlgmmg tptmjnbur tyrudt. _ I . "wa, um. My, won’t you 11- mo mm~ " "No I won’t" replied Anna, prompt- by, "but mum»: an an. qeii1."--Httr- per'a Bum. She Would Not Use Any Other lake. Thebutudmutnccouhlmkon oftto-tad-tq,trt+ and Boo. main-uh. D%rtttttd Dye- ttt color tMrmnr-gndyu-p. " _ _ Everyman dyer - wall that tt2,tlrSet,eft'.tt,','gtd mute-toolsâ€, mm Ilium â€grouse; -..--.- - ‘_ _ 'Im A. Y. rm,~m:m “who: oetto.-.--"D+ the Inn in you! â€no and. my not a! who. 'r',r1t,t2ltt',','ft fa'll'p,'ll'ltfl'gt n am». de' .35....- by! e- h Mat and Rug Maker Graduate, ntmistsd to position Speaks of tcc-ic-TT-cr-rc-CL-c-cc'--'; DIAMOND DYES “3633 on. I 111 REMMI â€â€˜1‘ '1rrl, . FOUND DEAD IN A BARN. JUDGED BY THE PAST. HOW HE MANAGED. INFANT TERRIBLE. 'li'" Wat-doom “Till-00. noun me " ICE t or at E. Durmel's, contractor. residence. Princrss st., Wat duo. Wells Drilled _ Wind Mills Suppllad All kinds of repairing done at reasonable prices A can. at mutation In Shannan and Tynan-lung Twill-Gm Indium “I." on qegtw k'il.tthri'i'S'itheF'=1'm' Wanda-loll“ ' we: Rom t maid JUG.' ' RE Adina» This man know win hi did Ind how he did It. Such mam:- an "In fol!owiog an m n aâ€: pm! ot m "mt tiit'i'it'tiif3iltiititi'ii - A“. JOHN STREBEL am ur- . 5 HARNESS W71} Don’t Gum Af Results; The Berlin and Wat erloo Ice Company will deliver ice to any part of Berlin or Waterloo by the month or at reason- able prices. Leave your orders at an» ~'-'~:-~' L--,-- LEAPEII BROS HAWKESVILLE c. J. ALTEIAN’S Store WATERLob, if th'ey attend the is the best invest ment of time and monea that at by ICE†â€WERE!“ Mn. THE MOST madam; complete line of fur niture ever shown in this town. Fancy Rocha 3%.?! Tett'es. _ -. LMWItzlGo. A CALL will convince rolrof our Mama. Ups holstering n quality 11011.! "Mir.. ICE!!! 1'th-