E‘Bflinion Life Assurance â€"~‘Total Net Assete â€" â€" â€" $280.171 ;;,wms at Risk | â€" â€" _ $13,084 410 E" Foux Femx®1L â€" 0 â€" 0 â€" _ President **~ @romer Lano â€" â€" _ â€" _ â€" Viceâ€"Pres C HucoKmaxz â€" â€" â€" â€" _ Manager. *\ . G. RAxsAY........ .. ... Vice President io Roac#, Joun Proctor, A. T. Woon. 5. Latz, (Toronto), Wxt. GrBSoN, M. P. ols MOULL . .. :.« ««o... .. .. . Caubler o . 8. STEVEN...... .... Assistant Cashier mM M. WATSON. .......... =.... Inspector _ â€"Berlin Branch. WATERLOY MUTUAL ubstitution * the frand of the day. E:ou get Carter‘s, Ask for Carter‘s, Insist and demand Carter‘s Little Liver Pills. Cash Premium Income TIn Intere<t Receipts . â€" In Assets . â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" rn6l * *# SBurplus over all Liabilities â€" 4274 * * I _ safe, sound, economically managed and equitable in all iss plaus. Its interest receipts have more than paid its death losses since the beginuing. Nocompany any where, has had a lower death rate or does better for its Policyâ€" holders than the Dominion Life. Separate ranches for Abstainers and Women. Total Assets sist Decemter 99 $334.080. Janks INNES, exâ€" M ® Amount A»sured W. H. Bowiby, Q. C H. Knoll. Hon. 8. Memner..................New Hamburg F1ank Turner, C. K....................Toronto. To« R.Reagram MP. ; Watarinn COapital (all paid up) â€" â€" 1,500,000 Reserve Fund, â€" â€" â€" â€" _‘;_l.qn.mn hanki busi acted MA â€::tles di';(x':l&ted :::f’:;;::;’ ltl‘:enr sion given to the collection of Commerciai T eternei i pos at a nts in nade amd the United States. Fr-?l:‘ on Great Bri tain and the Continen® of Europe bought and sold. . . SAVINGS DEPARTMENT ""'!!:‘3' and ~upwards received and A. L. Janzen .. .. . J. Broithaupt Aike INSUkANCE Câ€"OMPANY INCUKPURATED [~ 1863. BANKOF HAMILTON iiacn defponite alie . seived at caftent e Ouaimen Lifs hos had a good year in 1n‘ Geo. Randall, Esq., Water 00. John Shub, Keq., om ** 8. Snyder, Eeq., id William Snider, Keq., " Geo. Diebel, Keq., * J. L. Wideman, Eeq., St. Jacobs. John Allchin, Keq., New Hamburg. P. K. Shautz, Preston. ‘Thomas Gowdy, Eeq., Guelph. James Livingstone, Esq., M. P., Baden. Thomas Cowan, Esq., Gait. OFFICERS : George Randall, President. John Shubh, Viceâ€"President. Frank Haight, Manager. John Killer, Inspector. W. A. Raymo, Inspector. Messre. Bowlby & Clement, Solicitors, Ber ey also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, estion and Too Hearty Eating. A pess remedy for Dissincss, Mausca, Drowsl Bad Tastcin the Mouth, Coated Tongus in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They late the Bowels. Purcly Vegetable. RUOKBERKOUGHE & Co Y ead Office, Hamilton, Ont. Inrerest added to principal in May and Mutual and Cash Systems aomical Mutuaal Fire Ins.Co BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Axxxs, ex M. P., _ Cur. KomPr. Esq. President. Viceâ€"President. Tros. HILLIAkD. Managing Director. BOARD OF DIRECTORS COMPAN Y OoF BERLIN. It Aas Gained. DIRECTORS. â€"O. d LARKE, cured by these vaiertoo Cnt L1.7 12.3 gemugl'_Nn'W ow s Soothin TMENT mu--'&m m:&‘.'"lnm ds received and mothers there is no mistake about 1t. Diarrhoon, lates the Stomach and + Wbd%nfln-l& Gome, al in May and ml m "‘“"_ F'.':W ived at current | ta o Jw prevofipt : t wonr LRX E, ue â€" $13,000,000 Agents Berlin. Berlin. Berlin. Berlin, Berlin, Berlin. Berlin. cen reach $67359. ~~The revival service. in Zion chburch ?-h"w'lflhowby the YÂ¥. . ‘The ravivalistic services in the Gerâ€" man Baptist church have been brought to a close. ‘ Rev. Mr. Hoffmaa of Hamilton, 06â€" eupied the pulpit of 8t Juhn‘s charch, Waterloo, on Sunday. A new feature at the Y. M. C. A. convention at Woods:ock, on Feb. 8â€" 11, will be an educational exhibit. Prof W C Sherman, of Beslin, teachâ€" er of the Spanish guitar system has secured a class in New Hamburg. The forfeits of $1000 euch in the East and West Elgin election protests h ive been deposited. F Mr. Geo, Bergman is making prepaâ€" rations to build a 1 1â€"2 story brick reâ€" sidence on Wilhelm St. inthe spring. Rev. Wm. Kloepfer gave a supper to the members of St. Mary‘s church choir in the Separate School hall on Wednesday evening, after which a social evening was pleasantly spent. EC IDCTEZTT P OR PS OR RRCOCCT CC choir in the Separate School hull on| From Miss A Scully thanking the Wednesday evening, after which a| Board for promotion. social evening was pleasantly spent. From Miss Mabel Dunham thanking J. Englert has just recovered from the Board for hber appointment as an attack of muscular rheumatism | {©ather at the Central School. which kept bim at home for several THE COMMITTEES weeks. â€" He resumed his studies at St. On motion it was decided to leave Jerome‘s College this morning. the committees the same as last year, The services of the New Mennonite| putting the new members in place of The services of the New Mennonite Church are being contivued with great success. Over fifty conversions have taken place since the opening. The Gore Mutual Fire Insurance Co. at their annual meeting on Monday in in Galt voted $500 to the Bed Cross society and a like amount to the Canadian Patriotie Fund. Members of the Friedengesellschaft to the number of about thirty, were entertained at the home of their president, Mr. F. Borpbold, Church St. on Thursday night. After the School Board meeting on Friday evening two of the members entered upon a debate which does not appear on the minutes. Both gentleâ€" men became hot. Mr. Colville, who spoke at the Y.M. C. A. on Sunday, conducted service in the King St. Baptist church in the evening. Baptismal services will be held next Sunday. Guy Pearson and Jacob Rausch have applicd to join Strathcona‘s Horse. The last named is Mrs. C. Breithaupt‘s coachman. â€" He is a graduate from the German army, a fine borseman and an excellent shot. The Perib County Council his apâ€" pointed a special committce to meet a committee from Waterloo Connty to gonsider the building of a bridge over the Nith on the boundary line. The revival meetings in Trinity Methodist Church are increaging in inâ€" terest nightly and a large number of persons are recejving good theretrom. Large audiences gather night after night. _ The meetings will continue inâ€" definitely. The death of Mrs. Jsaiah Holm, of Sebringville, occurred at her home on Wednesday. She bad been married only a little over a year, and leaves a husband and an infant child. Deâ€" ccased was very high‘y estcemed. The funeral took place on Friday. ‘The Y. M. C. A. was we‘l filled on Sunday afternoon when an address was given by Sec‘y Colville of the West End Y. M. C. A. of Tororto. His reâ€" marks were full of good counsel to young men. Music was furnished by the Y. M. C. A. quartette. Catherine Tisschbourn, of Oxford County, secured $650 damages against Wm Edwards, a printer, of Norwich gounty, for breach of promise. | In Janâ€" uary ‘97, Edwards proposed to Miss Tisschbourne and shortly after left her. "Poor Skorcher lost his bet". "What was that"? @"He bet Scouter that be could make 100 miles on bis wheel inâ€" side eight hours". "And couldn‘t he do it?" "Oh yes he could bave done it, but he stopped. at 99, thinking that was the end of the century." Mr. W. M. Davis, City Engineer. received a letter on Friday from Capâ€" tain Dixon, who went out with the first contingent as historical recorder. The captain, who is the late editor of the Military Gazette, Montreal, writes from Belmont, 32 miles from the Modder, on Dec. 20th. He says it was 110 in the shade and the Canaâ€" dians had been told that they would be in the next fight. The carpenters of Berlin have formed a union, the organization having been completed at a meeting held at the Grand Centraf Hotel on Friday evenâ€" ing. There was a large attendance. and the following officers were elected; Pres., Cbas Vrandt; Vice Pres., Chas. Miehm; Secy., Jac. Fenner; Treas., Jac. Snider. The next meeting will be held on Feb. 2nd at the same place. Verda, the little daugter of Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Huber, died this mornâ€" ing of scarlet tever. The child, it apâ€" pears, had no medical attendance, the family being Christian Scientists. The Medical Health Officer, who was reâ€" quired to fill out a certificate, was very severe in his strictures on the act of the parents in pot providing what was, in his opinion, necessary, medical atâ€" tendance. This winter, Mr Cornell, a farmer of Brantford township drove into a snow drift between Brantford and Linden. The borse broke its leg and Cornell sued the Township for $200, the aniâ€" mal‘s value. Judge Hardy dism ; the case. There was a side road â€" vided by the Township, but Cornell had left it for the main road and in so doing met with the accident,hence His Homor‘s decision, which is regarded as a precedent of general application. fet a batte of Bite W Indiow * doothing Torap h Ns n P e en naet oo ts dans Aiocopre febpmns DTanrhelr rnulnios tht Somnath uks for after all how few are the family uce 'w'm"uis:m-uo Gums, eomplaints that cannot be reached and EE:-»- â€" F}.':‘fl.‘.‘.‘%lï¬ mm through the mi em.."-@m&-:__' them in a boxâ€"35 centsâ€"heat 60 BERLIN NEWS. FOR OVER FIFPTY YEARS neld i frs meetog on Wodnssday| 4 | _ * &f==Att* Pt;dut wams s tront dloan potet |_ BE matien ~A~Avemtofmin= " Pearton, Buokbasgh Me20t‘) PCKED | (oone sarcrost was coutered is an fougi | j U o Drolpaaint is Dack from New | _ â€"wwmâ€"â€"v P P UE § : Becretary touk chair| between the hockey representatives | business trip. . â€" .dmpoemd-u. e ::ugl.t-l um. 'd':: C hl:r...l\u “(:l of Dr Lackner and Mr. |feated by a score of 5 to # m-m r, Mr J G Buchbaupt was unâ€" “â€."'...z" on |irlends on a ‘ reâ€"elected chairman of the | Berlin ice. As as O‘clock| _MUrs. McLellan â€" for the current year. the crowds began to pour into the rimk | her nusaerous trie» Mr Buchhaupt in taking the chiirâ€"|and by the time the cameâ€"was billed | uuon und ev 3 welcomed the new members and placed | to have started nearly all the available yapa® hok himsel{ on record as favoring economy Mugfll‘hnh«uï¬u. Air. u:ll-fla though be would never allow parsimony ‘The ult contingent did not arrive nalyuck, aud . tinterfere with the efficiency of tho | until nearly nine o‘clock through the vVaralier, Uu., are schoois, if he could help it. luteness of the train. myuwn::uanrm cOMMUSICATIOSS with them, the Gait Bugle Band, and From J M Stuebier, resigning as a their number must bave reached the| Miss Lizzie Wel ‘ ‘of the Public Library 300 mark.. When these had all Jamâ€" | the guest ut hir a member of t u D1 «0 _ imed into the building the atte otar Soandur. From Miss A. F. Devitt asking for increase of salary. From Miss Jessie L Kaemp! asking for increase of salasy. From Miss L M Sbheppard thanking the Board for her appointment as teacher of the Fourth Division at the Central. Board for promotion. e id From Miss Mabel Dunham thanking | q ;{‘3:::':;:. :g?df:‘f "?:‘.:h ':;‘..: the Board for ber appointmedt 48| fow seconds the puck travelled into teacher at the Central School. Galt territory, but just as the second THE COMMITTEES hand rounded the half minute, Buerke On motion it was decided to leave| score ) for Galt amidst immense cheerâ€" the committees the same as last year,|ing. Galt‘s stock went up M’t{ per putting the new members in place of|cent. higher when Deeton made it two those old ones not on the Board this|shortly after by a lightning rush up year. The comrittees this year are| the left wing. therefore as follows: The next game was a long one. Courtland Ave:â€"DrHett(chairman), J G Buchhaupt and C L Pearson. _ Maurgaret Ave:â€"C Stein (chairman), G M DeBus and Dr Lackner. Central:â€"A Pequegnat (chairman), A Bricker and Dr Lackner. Agnes St:â€"Dr C L Pearson (chairâ€" man), M J. Hall and John L. Meisner. Finance Committee:â€"The chairmen of the committees for the different schools and Mr DeBus. ‘The regular meetings of the Board will hereafter be held on the Thursday evening preceding the monthly Counâ€" cli imceting instead of afterwards. This will be the last Thursday in the month and will eaable the Board to pass the mouthaly pay roll. QFFICERS APPOINTED. Mr E Smyth was appointed as the Eighd School representative of the oard. _ Mr N H Poterson was elected to the Free Library Board to fill out the un: expired term of Mr J M Staebler. _ Rev Mr Bradley was appointed a member of the Free Library Board in place of Mr D Forsyth whose term of office bas expired. $50 ror THE RED CROSS The Board vcted $50 to the Red Croge Society. Mep n Permission was granted by the Board to the Red Cross Society to girâ€" pylate lists in the Public Schools to give the shildrenp an opportunity to contributs to the fund, _ 8 â€" The Board ordered the printing Of| rertin‘s, Galt was wearing out while 150 copies of a list of the members Of| the locals were still in fine form. Seiâ€" all the committees. bert tallicd the winning goal just a A good man{ members thought the|few minutes before time was ca‘led. teachers, who know they aro allowed | ‘The teams and officials were: four weeks by law for illness duriog the year sometimes play off. It was Galt Berlin. therefore decided that no teacherherv»â€" | Seott goal Krueger. after shall absent himself on accountof | Codling point Gibson illness for more than 2 days without & | py.;, cover bt. Fochiner. doctor‘s certificate, Decton pt. f The Board adjourned at 10.30. Bnerke Cochlnnme, es P Dietrich | **""*@8 ) Stephens, A meeting of the Berlin Public School | C Dietrich Seibert. Board was held on Thursday evening. | _ Referee, â€" Burber of Guolph. The members present were: Messrs Goal i M f Buchhaupt (chairman), Debus, Pearâ€" d‘}fl F‘:"i"l‘m â€" McGuire, Preston; son, Pequegnat, Hall, Bricker, Stein, | 4 Time k cker. it Bock Meisner and Drs. Lackner and Hett. |__ Time keepors â€" C ochmer and As the chairman ot the Finance Comâ€" mittee bad not been appointed, Mr. DeBus was again anatminously chosen for that position. The Property Commitee will consist of the whole Board and Mr. Pequegâ€" nat is chairman for the current year. A batch of accounts amounting to $59.31 {ormg_[;lias was reac over by the chairman. is consumed <a~ lot of time and the Board discussed some means of expediting this part of the business with the result that the folâ€" lowing motion was parsed.. ‘The minutes of the last meeting were adopted. _ _ s _ That all accounts hereafter certified by the chairman of the respective manâ€" agement committees and reported upon by the Finance Committee before beâ€" jng paid. _ _ The total amount of accounts passed was $953.42, including $894.11 for salâ€" aries. Mr. Reid wrote, saying a new 2nd | erloo battle, class had been formed in Agnes St.| evening. school which was not being taught Barber of music, as all other 2nd classes were. Feforeed the This led to a discussion of the tonic number of solfa system, which was not considered C in : B r: to be beneficial in after life and the | *8‘N8} D°T Board seemed to incline to the opinion | _ In the O 1 that money was being wasted on the | the different system. 1, Capitals; On motion the different chairmen of| 4, Waterloo, committees were appointed a committe0 | _ pumopre o to look after the question of teaching challenges 0 music and report at next meeting. _ _ | ooa Wateric Mr. Reid also inquired as to his duties as principal of Agnes St. school. It was agreed that principal Suddaby should draw up some plan defining the duties of a principal and present it to the .Board. Mr. Suddaby was authorized to enâ€"| ‘The Tecumsehâ€"Elms lacrosse club quire as to the price of some bl0Ooks,| pag n been refused admitance to etc., needed .or drawing. the .g‘-luoml Lacrosse League. The APPRECIATION OF MR. MASTER. mm;.?“ï¬:“!’: l:::.' have A resolution was passed expressive of the Board‘s high appreciation of the dnll%w&‘:n P"": efficient mannor in which Mr. J. K. | NDX DMS AN n dm Master has performed the duties of| to havs mmm m‘“‘" Skating tueos ofiect« neixplonthip of the in the The Board adjourned at 10.10 p. m, | chamPionship of the provincee, in the is mss % Ing. Among the contestants will be A RESIDENT PHYSICIAN Harley Davideon, Toronto; Forrester, Repurts of the average attendance in each school were read. PUBLIC THIS ORIGINAL DOCUMENT y in the month| _A few minutes before balf time was ird to pass the|Called Decton sent Galt‘s third goal past Krueger leaving the standing 3 to INTED. 2 against Berlin,when the reforee rung pointed as the|iD the intermhission. ‘The Galt Bugle ntative of the| Band jubilated over Galt‘s sesming victoll;{ but the gd was not yet. Afâ€" s elected to the | ter changing ends the Berlinites set to fl“::“’ the “l;: work with that doâ€"orâ€"die expression [ Staebler. and it took only four minutes for Stepâ€" is appointed a| hens to even uï¬. The next game was rary Board in|@lso Berlin‘s, Roos notching number whose term of| four while the blast of fishâ€"horns and yells of the local rooters made the D CROSS place a veritable pandemonium. Just fifteen seconds after this Galt again 50 to the Red|evened up. Although the referee had rung his bell a few minutes before for anted by the| an offâ€"side. This bowever would have Society to Ciâ€" | been forgiven him,but several minuteg blic Schools to| after when Berlin spored in the same opportunity t0 | way he would not allow it. BOARD Berlin ice. As early as 7:30 the crowds began to pour into the rink and by the time the camoeâ€"was billed to have started nearly all the available space seemed to have been taken. ‘The ult contingent did not arrive until nearly nine o‘clock through the luteness of the train. They brought with them, the Gait Bugle Band, and their number must bave reached the 300 mark. When these had all m-‘ med into the building the | was brought up to nearly the record bndl? point, the great Wateiloo batile of lust year alone exceeding it. ‘The din of shouting and fishâ€"borns mpearly raised the roof. When the Green and White boys mon the ice the Berlin crowd were tic and the same can be said of the Galt quota when their pets appeared. _ The next game was a long one. During it Stephens was given a perch on the fence for rough work and Gibâ€" soun got a two minute rest for the same reason. Shortly after this Seibort scored for Berlin, but the Galt umpire McGuire, would not allow it, although others who were on the spot assert that the puck went through. The umâ€" pire was then replaced by Preston. ‘The third goal was put in by Cochâ€" rane and one minute after Gibson made one of his furious swoops and passed to Seibert who tallied, making the score 2 all. The excitemont at this time was intense. The next and last game was all Berlin‘s, Galt was wearing out while the locals were still in fine form. Seiâ€" bert tallicd the winning goal just a few minutes before time was ca‘led. The teams and officials were: Time keepors â€" C H Bochmer and McGowan. Time of the games: 1. Galt scored by Buerke 30 sec. 2. 0 " «6 " Deeton 6+ m. 3. Berlin " " Cochrane 20 m. Berlin Georgetown Guelph Galt Ayr The Guelph Nationals have disbandâ€" ed for the season. Quite a delegation of Berlinites inâ€" tend to take in the Stratford vs, Watâ€" erloo battle, in the Waterloo rink this evening. Barber of the Guelph Nationals, who refereed the match last night gave a number ofrank decisions. Most of them against Berlin. erloo battle, in the Waterloo rink this| He said he had no sympathy for a evening. nnmbo::%;xlsflng labor unions who Barber of th are rul men who make it their refer:odrt:e m:g:elï¬l‘)“N:t'i::: ‘:;::: only business. RBut in this body he number ofrank decisions. Most of them | °*W & Y28t difference from some of the against Berlin. unreasonable organizations which he * had in mind. Other speeches, songs In the O H A series the winners of| and recitations followed. The most the different groups will probably be:|pleasing function coming to & close 1, Capitals; 2, Queens; 3, Wellingtons; | shortly after the midâ€"night hour. 4, Waterloo, The Au::.lam w;s organized only Rumors of challenges and counterâ€"|three months ago and its present prosâ€" challenges of the Beriin Intermediate | PErity bids fair to koep on increasing. and Waterloo senior hockey teams are| Th® o;glnlution has for its members afloat and a game or i&ofnm‘l some of the best young men of the will probably be the outâ€"come. Twinâ€"City to which they are decidedâ€" ho o o m d n en Te o2 % l†a ciedit. team against the Iroquois of Buffaio on Saturday eve_nlpg.'_’m"ho former team Hooky Dixon,formerly of Berlin and Waterloo, played with the Welland won by 5 goals to 4. ‘The Tecumsehâ€"Elms lacrosse club LN Galt Berlin Galt " Berlin " w O H A STANDING. VERY POOR CONDITION 4 " Deeton 6 m. «* Stevens 4 m. «* Roos 11 m, * Dietrich 4 m. « Seibert 13 m. Seibert 1 m. Berlin. Krueger. Gibson Boehmer. Airs. McLellan was "At Home" to her nuiserous triends on Friguy uiterâ€" Vaialier, u., are the guessis at the home ol &1 > damucl beueciuer, Queen Miss Lizzie Weber of 8t Jacubs was the guest uf hir and Airy W i Weber over sunduy . Ar Albert Mickus, of Wellesicy is visiting his brother, Josepb, for a few days uuis week. § Mr William Kummer of British Columâ€" bia, bridge engineer for the C P 1, is visiting triends in town. Mesars. Sam Davis, E. Kubn and Geo. Kuapp, of Paris, spent sunday in town. Mr. and Mrs. M. Kipp, of Amadore Mich., are the guests oi ev. and Mrs. J. 6. sowman. bir J Addison Taylor, spent Sunday with friends in Gait. Miss Zilliax, of Listowel, who has been the guess of hor sister, Ars. Wilâ€" son, is spending a week in Hamilton after which she will return to Berlin Mr. Robert Hadden of Lanark Perth Co., is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Ziegler. Mrs. Reid of Mount Forest is the guest of Kev. and Mrs. Williamson. Mr. Amos Schroder, of Elmira, was & visitor, to theCounty town on Whursâ€" day. Mrs. A. B. Clemens, of Scranton Pa. who was here to attend the funeral of her mother, the late Mrs. L. Weaver, went to Toronto, on Thursday evening where she will remain for some time before returning to Scranton. * Miss Alico Gructzner visited Miss Flossie Boullee of New Hamburg this week. Your little wants are attended to with as much pleasure and care as we devote to the largest orders that come before us. Thoroughness and precision in the compounding of medicines and putting up of prescriptions is our great work. We would call attention to our fresh stock of Paine‘s Celery Compound the favorite family medicine of the day. Full tines of all the newest and best Toilet requisites at low and popular prices. A visit to our store will convince you that our statements are well founded. ~m__»~ Ed. M. Devitt, druggist, Waterloo, Ont. BERLIN AND WATERLOO WOODâ€" GARVERS. The Berlin and Waterloo branch of the International Woodcarvers‘ Assocâ€" iation beld a banquet in the Market Hotel BerlinWednesday evening which was a highly successful affair, the majâ€" ority of the 42 members being prescut besides our worthy Mayor. The branch showed their loyalty to the Empire by voting $5.00 to the. patriotic Fund," a most exemplary act. After the oysters roast turkey and other delicacios which made up the magnificent spread, were done justice to, the satisfied expresâ€" sions on the faces of all present, plainâ€" ty showed that they thought genial J. M. Schmidt‘s manner of serving up the wants of the inner man could not be improved upon, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Following we give the toast list; Wm Roth presiding. 1. The Queen. 2. The Woodcarvers‘ Ass‘n. 3. Welfare of the Trade. 4. The Foremen. 5. Visiting Brethern. 6. The Ladies. Mayor Eâ€"den answered the toast to the Queen making a most patriotic speech which was received with much applause. â€" He then proposed the toast to toe Associatim. ifs said that be had nothing but praise for the Assocâ€" jasfon and its objects, which were to better the condition of their number. Alr. and Mre. Samuel Fried of Osâ€" Thursiay. In conversation he said he was going to ask that a meeting be called next week some time to further consider _ his scheme. He â€" was going to see John Chariton, M. P. to get him to intrgdnce the bill at the coming session of the Dominion Parliaâ€" ment, to have the name of the Gran d Valley Rail Com| changed to the Fort Dover. Braptiord, Deriin and Goderich Railway Company. They PROMOTER CLARK IN TOWN. Promotor J $ Clark of was in YOUR LITTLE WANTS. w u number of her g.vglm“sundard"Wiaklass Blue Flame Oil Stoves o ag For COAL OIL or GASOLINE. SUBSORIBED CAPITAL = â€" = = $200,000 00 DAHPOBIT WITH DOMINCN G°VE w » 50.070 To Special for Mothers delight in putting elegant footwear on to their littl® ones‘ tiny feet. . 4 â€" We have just received from one of jRochester‘s leading manuâ€" facturers of Infants‘ Shoes,sa consignment"of soft soled shoss in various colors and styles. _ o â€" KING ST., For artistic design and good quality in heating and economy o fuel there is nothing to equal the ART SULTANA it will bake perfectly everybody who has one will gladly testify to the above facts, Come quick. Younever_before saw & nicer display of Infants ootwear. Idea,all fully guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, with wood and coal Also a full stock of other Heating and Cook stoves. Price lower than any. HARDWARE MER %. leatbers, styles and colors. f . Every pair Goodyear welted, name and price stamped on the sole. In Ranges we handle the Imperial, Oxford. Good Cheer A large stock of Meat Choppers, Stuffers and Butcher Knives on BUILDING SALE Made in twelve Iha]'ites, on lasts modelled om actual feet, all widths and sizes, * INCORPORATED 975. HEAD OPFICE, â€" > â€"â€" WATERLOO, OBTARIO. JOHN SHUH. Presiden ALFRED WHRIGHT, Secetary, T. A. GALE, Inspeotor, J. S. ROOS, AN EASY PROPOSITION get J.S. ROOS.â€"Sole Local Agent, Goods must be cleared out to make room to remodel the show rooms. â€" Silks, plain and fancy, velvets of all descriptions; feathers, wings, ribbons, laces, ornaments, etc. Trimâ€" med millinery sold under cost for cash. The Popular Boot and Shoe Store. $3.50 anp $5.00. Quality and Price will sell them. Mrs. C. Steuernagel‘s CONRAD BROS. E tho:dn-hnrylum A-m.wlt BEAUTY in design and finish. gxumhm;-dhmhnm. "DEDIH J-. it will save its cost in a season. I-ncht:..nh.::.hdlcm. mw‘.c}bn{fl-uflofl-l--u‘. does the rest. Ta examine it is to buy it. Stoves the Babies. MRS. C. STEUERNACEL. . The LONDONEG LANCASTER FIRB INS CO, EN, The combination of these twoâ€"â€" comfort and beautyâ€"are only to be \had in the ‘"Slater Shoe." : Beanty and style without comfort is easily obtainable, comfort withâ€" out appearance is equally simple, . You never saw an ugly r‘kï¬ of ‘Slater Shoes,‘" fet many of them ;:over comfortably most unlovely eet. WATERLOO. Aka and New Jhro®