W st' Tu'" Jq’d-wmau, . XMAS PERFUMES “and“ mama» Fountain. have your order for Holly at Hume’s. Soc Weinberg window fur useful and durable Xmas presents. Three pounds of Luzengos or Pepper- mint: for 250 " Htssssttiugh. Buy your wife a Bissel carpet sweeper for: Eatatt box. Weichel sells them. . Tho choicest blue table Racism: at m, a 1-4 box at. Haunting: for this The case or “pigeon stealing" at the Alexander Home was settled Saturday morning. We understand the Evangelicals pur- pose purchasing a pipe organ in the near future. will? titGWor-iGavis in' his Itstt dds on Sunday. Orchestra Music at Bammhg's City Grout-yam! China Hall daily up to Chi-Mann Eve. Another large shipment of that. choice mined Santos comms at 10e a pound at Ir-tmeh, Mr. Geofge Jhrdr, PV, had a Read W. B. Becker & Co's announce- ment re Prize Books. Large atoek and low prices is their motto. " you wanna be aui‘ed in hockey mm and sticks go to Welchel's. Their atoetk is large and prices low. lovltt’s Brtttltttttt For u Christmas seasom In. the cum Hall not been selling Chinaware, Dina Sans or Toilef Sena an at pre- We show a full line, ranging in - from 75e to $150. of exceedingiy cute baby's tiuger rings. E. tl. Roms. The, all want the best, which ac- counts for the large demand for high grade perfumes at Dewitt}: drug More. Mr. J. G. Jul-dine, Paris commis- donor, was in town on Tuesday look- Nap exhibits for the Paris Exhibio The Central Sehnot will close to- nnnow for the Christmas holidays. They will re-open on Wednesday, Jam. na 3rd. Puyitpetrtols re~open Wednesday, Jan. am, not. on Jam 2nd, Mutated in In: week’s issue of the Cnnoxxcu- “mourn. Tho large shipment of colored stock- hpdlrooc from Stuntman: fined with nip. “me my up going fast " Huan- ht'l; In“ you won them! It. John Clemons. traveller for C. L Haydon), “spender manufacturer, "In, has rammed from n trip to Wu and an Nonhweat. A wuvenir spoon or silver nut crack k I handy thing to send by mail and to remember a. distant friend with. See B. J. Rood selection. In the list of successful candidates “menu-mac, Ruminations, Tor- ah, In notico the name of Mr. E. G. Baylor, brandy of Wlterloo. ' pun-Int very highly approchtod "I‘ll“! how '1 lane-u ofgil- I. hit knives or n berry spoon. W neck in very large In those lines. e Mr. John Devin h kept vary 3†an. order: for Christmas tur- hp. Ila an . km order to Att- â€: Dunner, PhiitpMmrg, this morn- th1.trie21' ti'lyiit'i, tg,'thtTi The ttret', of the and of the w, be celebrated by the " laden! Boat“), try giving u “no tn the Town Hall, Wam- flt',ft I" You‘- ar, 1000. 'ltd " learnt“ In- been idvtsed a my on mat of m hula. Tf lasted. ttt up n grip l? 3753mm New Your-ma in] autumnal- {our mouths. eiiiaiaiittt'p,hte,tlt,dr I". m†1httsh'r'dik, Pg'dt,', Id “m of 'll,','?,,'?.'.'!"',?).' A Merry Christan; to all our readers. M Weichel & Son‘s advt. this Tho and my“. of?! 1r+tioo llllllard & Iorzock magnum. runny-ml. Amtawt Certuinly you what. the but, we aain buyingmodieine. I snake a spocidty of the newest. odors of the but makers in the mid. - tt1itatrler - for Xian gitta st NEWS 'TERLoo. l...~|..- myâ€: I,“ 'f2TttJ1lt",t2"tg, I .l'r'/ll4t,dtt,',l'Jdut't I the, Peer “SIMONE-1h... m'dUTSdettAAt It 'gh,',',tlt$,1t'rttat “mm on on 18.11.!†iiiiiiiiFUGiG'GTd _ Audi-um. Inkhluh. numb mun-sum in†In! " "e-t,t_t$e+re you- Idmwmhl‘odm B. J. ‘Mwnldulmnbomn who mttrtsitt-tiaatteraatt In an 1ptmttttttam.tmroat' and] an Inst plpomen m lump . Inc. 'toetottemteorMgtttng. 3180011», aguato6nr1stdhWrtttmrratrdtmtttt themwm mum: hart The Pytrtty0trertttotdttreythty 'rotturorstottattmr in a question - new“! than you call at our more end amine our holiday anode. Do not grait bat com not and impact our large stock of Xmas goods. Smoking jacket... hats, on», shirts, underweer. hose, broom, bore that, wade, path and hundred lone olfaney alippon end “we. " price- to unit. It costs no- thing to enmine am tine stock and whether you buy or not you shall he welcome. Score open - night m Ctuiumu. A.Weuloh & Co., Berlin. Charles Kourkomho had been In the Berlin Jail for a week, appeared before Magistrate Weir Tuesday. He was fitted " and costs, total amounting to $4.75. Hits lather paid me tims, and Charles promised to be a better boy in the future. The market Saturday was very well attended. Fowl was plentiful turkeys selling at Ho a m, geese and ducks at Sc B lb. Butter eold at 200 11 lb, eggs " 20 to Me a dog. Beef by the quarter 5and tie a lb. Wood was selling from 84.00 to $5.50 a cord. . 308121sz canton. Mr. Moses Eby has purghnsed the outfit and the stock in mule of Mr. Thomas Roeeoh, and will continue the delivery of coal oil to his numerous customers. Mr. Etry hopes by prompt- ness and straightforward dealiug'to meric a fair share of public patauggo. ‘ t seven! dun. APPRHTICI WANTED. Steady, tittmstt or sixteen year: old, with a good English sanctum, to lam printing, Apply a ttsitytes. In our write-up of the building operations in last week’s issue the carpen‘er work of J. B. Snider's addi- tion and dry kiln and of the addition to the Waterloo Manuftroturinq Com- pany’s buildings should have been credited to Architect Charles Moogk. CHRISTMAS TURtoilYB. Mr. Stephen M. Winn of Hawks:- ville will be at the Zimmerman House, Waterloo, on Friday noon, December 22nd with over 70 ofhis famous Chtitst- nms turkeys. Parties wishing to pw- chase can leave their orders with 000. A. Bruce or at the Zi""'"'""'?, Home. t. Charley Boyle has been succeeded by Harry Blair as trainer for the Sea- gram stables. The change was made a few days ago, bat the causes have not been made public. The new_treiuer has teen with Mr Seagram for about twelve years. He has, therefore, had a good deal of experience and will no doubt make a success of his work. Mr Boyle was 3 mos‘ successful trainer. Accxnxrrt On Tuesday evening an Mr. B. S. Stroh, milkmnn, was returning from Berlin he met with an accident which might have proved serious. As Mr Stroh was driving in a rut he noticed a double team loaded with old iron approaching him but could not tum out on account of the rat. The team collided with him and upset his buggy throwing him out on the hard frozen ground. Mr Stmh mind a small gash in _hil_ head, squished his knee, inn Bobch-lok- 5 POM! - t PTThompe 4 Dreaml- . ' Chandler - "8 DrBobom . 4 0AM . 4 Kenny. - a WWII! - 0 new - I Chill-d- l EMmMMMM SRAGBAM’S yaw TRAINER mu) 81 AND com “mm“u'mmhiu’hmammkmmmm """'l" .2. tg'rSh'r.',t 'rttt _ AT UFFELICANN'O in... THE XARKIT. ttstettftutre WW 1adfr CORRECTION. anâ€. til':li'ih' t'(t,'iii,9S,c,' 't1flttt."dtltflt2lt W... 'ietiiii, I t . I {ulna-1m. . . 1 '; ~--DEOIALI--- lamb'lukoumunwuh _ , flR'gtt'iithrthPde2ttygt1y,ttyt â€Piano-What 'eerA-*te,lsotstoraererrd, _ A-fullunutmmduh, undies, ttr, but. on, foe XIII]. at Nahum-um _ , J. Ilffolmann The Bell Telephone Company tpa; Just completed the installation of the Fire Alarm System. Four alarm boxes have been put in, two on King St. and two on Erb St. with gouge '." the flre hall and " the pumping nation. IP dwellings ot the Engineer end of the Chief of Fire Company are also connected with the System. The Fire and Wutor Committee made a nest of thMarm boxes yesterday afternoon and found them to he in every way The Seniors go to Stream-d on Jan. 9th, to play the timt schedule some against that team. luv. J. R. lenmm‘ CALLED. The congregation of the Waterloo Presbyterian church, Waterloo, held its meeting for moderation in a call to a minister Monday evening,18th..tnat., when a very hearty and unanimous call was extended to the Rev. J. B. Gil- ehr'et ILA. of Toronto. This congrega- tion has been vacant only about 5 months, and is to be congratulated on arriving at their doclaion so soon, and also in the choice of so able a gentle- man as Mr Gilchrist. I Church Don. 25th; m. Inui- It. C. Church on Dec. 37th. A special Song Service will be given in the MotttodUt Church on Sunday evening Dec. 24th, by th B. B. choir. The (Elma-u hummus will be held a ttttlower.- The Evan‘s“ on Dec. m; Bt. John'I Lutheran Church Don.25th; m. Lou!- It. C. P.8.--We as sole - for the New Idea pit!“ Mnrphy, orottawa, and Brown, ot Momma), win likely don black and yellow sweater. this mason, and are expected to appear at to-dtV's pm- Waterloo will play the first schedule match on Jan 3rd, against St. George. Mine Amelia Raymo, eldest daughter of Mn. Wm. Raymo, left for Britinh Columbia Tuesday. She expects to reach Revelsmke on Dec 23rd., where she will be united in marriage to Mr. Brinsley, Walton, who is well and favorably known by many here, having been engaged an engineer in the extension of the Grand Trunk railway to Elmira some years ago. At present he holds a good petition as mining engineer " Sandon, B. c., where the young couple expect to spend their Christmas and make their future home. mes Raymo will be ae- companiell as tar as Sudbury, by her brother Mr. W. A. Raymo. o. ILA. xucnnv: scnxnanu. A meeting of the o. H. A. executive was held in Toronto 01:1 Friday even- i In urposoof revving up the tilr,i,tfd,'t,ytg, coming season. Thir- teen clubs, divided lt into four sec- tions, are schedul in the senior A very plment event took piece at thereeidenco of lire. Winn, Mary St, at 3 o’clock Wedneedey afternoon, it being the marriage of her daughter, Janet " to Mr. Arthur Spencer, of Bull-rd, Miohlgln. The ceremony we: performed by the Rev. Pa. Heathen, or the King " Depth: church, Berlin, in the ~preeenoe of the immediate friend- of the contacting panic. The bride wore e brown traveling drool, trimmed with brown “teen. and her hat trimmed with brown and blue groin. After the ceremony the Mend! out dorm to e summon. wedding Among those A,',',?,', won: Mr. and In Robert an. of New Km- burg; Mr. and In. norm! Wlnn, of 1t?1"llNelt Am and In. J. a. pan or Doomud may»: J. B. dun... aw.- ‘tuloo. f 2thtWgtgr.gWtlL',1 mv Icon-and - liileiiiit an. In which the h 2lt2tetdrh'a','2 nah 't'fgtN','lgtdN . m a _ amp- mm the; run ALARM SYSTEU INSTALLED. ennui“ mum Orr m Human Cowman noon! X01!!!- Mrs. s. L. Martin returned home Wednesday evening after spending some time with friends in New Dundee, Blair and Donn. In. Chan. Ruby entertained anam- ber of her Waterloo friends Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Aldred Snider, who were visiting Manda in town, have re- turned to their home in Gravonhurst. Mr. Joe Boahmer, of Plathvillo, called on friends, in Waterloo Tuesday on his way home from Manitoba. Mr. GustKuntz, the genial host of the Alexander house, went to Bunnie, N. Y., Saturday to visit friends. Mr. Beyond Harley, of “In School of Science, Toronto, returned on Tues- day to spend his holidnyl under the parental roof. Mr L L Btaame of the Tomlin) Mod. ical School returned home Tuesday to spend his Christmas holidays. phi. Douay (like, Sit, Huang-d to spend bl. Christina holidays " his home In Berlin. Miss Lon. Mitchell, who has been attending the Ontario lela’ College, Whitby, nturmd bemoan Wednesday. I". Irene M. [Meier has returnéd from an extended visit to friend: in loaned and Ottawa'. Mr. Occur Killer, of Puller & Puller, wholesale (imagine, Chicago, Ill., is mending the Cbrlntlnne holidays under the pummel root. Mrs. Enoch Hergott and son, Albert, returned on Sunday from a. visit to friends in Walkerton. Minn L. Eran, of Caledonia, Michi- gan, is the sum ot Mn. Aaron Kraft, Albert m. Mr Louie Andrea. of 8pringMid, III. is spending his Christmas holidays at his home in Berlin. ' “can Wm. Snider and John P. Moron.wmt to Toronto Friday morning on When. Mr. E. G. Baylor, And Mrs. Wm Brodie. returned to Toronto Friday morning. Mr. Archibald Fillhle, of Mount Forest, spout. Tuesday in town. Mr Harrington of Elkhart County, Indiana, is visiting his aunt, Mrs God- MrH A Simpson, has gnne to To- ronto and Hamilton in the mun-est on B Snider. Min Kelly, (bunny of the Berlin & Waterloo Emmanuel! on Tao-day Inst for Newmarkat that visiting friends in town. Mr and Mrtrd E Walrond and two (madame! Putnam, mm, ttrrteed A. G. Holler, Tnosdty on a visit to Mr. Wm. Snider’u. Mrrr.Watdrostuaaistor of 0:3TICIAN AND JEW‘LIR, Mrs. Wm. Snider. “can Wm. Snider uni John R WATERLOO. Mr. Geo. Burkholder and son Mil- wn. of Burnside, Michigan, are visit- ing friends in town. _ bold, to'wn. MrJ B Hughes and Miss Hughes, went to the Queen City Tuesday. Mrs C M Taylor wont to Walkenon Tuesday on a several weeko’ visit with Manda. t __- Mr. and Mrs. John Koolln, of Grand Rapids, Michigan, are visiting their parent! in town. Mr. Werner Bmdrooht, danger of the New numbing Fwndg, mu 3 business mm to town on handâ€. The Rev. Mr. Wagner, of Toronto, will conduct the services in the Evan- gelical church next Sunday morning. He will be here on behalf of the build- ing fund of. the German church. Mr. A. c. Meyer spent Sunday under the parental roof in St. Jacobs. Mr. John Ptntrturd non, of Bad Axe, Mich, are visiting friends in town. Master Arthur Rau, of Elmira, spent Saturday with friends in town. was Ethel Whitlock, of Elmira. spent Satilrday with friends In town. Mr. Noah B. Dean, of Fargo, Michi- gan, In visiting Manda in torn. The Misses Minnie and Grace Shantz, and Master Samuel Shanta, of Preston, spent. Sunday with friends in town. Mr. luau Nenbor, of tapttsrville, m.irmturmsd home "turtHtrrtorrt1rttr to mud hi: Christma- holidnyl hm. Mr. Chu. Tm, of :5th BH.- ne- Celloâ€, in unending his Cttr%ttrtatg holiday! with Mond- In m. “New “cumin Suds] School at Bro-la wlll di-tttttte prim on and.) Moon mm church, Bru- la....1'bo Old Ian-mu Sunday school will mum prison on the atteer.0Nt a! Christmas I)ny....Tl.o Lam Inna-y Scholl will hold tttetr-thMteitortttm mg“ Tmm;9°.¢-_.A.M m Mao-anew. yr. .9tto. smear or the m1- PERSONAL, AND SOCIAL BRESLAU. 1'tlror Sale or To Rent. Best Equipped Schools Give Best Results. At the Novemkrexsmlna o not an Inn!- lnu Mama: ta' Amt! " " Can-uh. chm student- 'hohld Minute dumb-mil tum month . wrote on their ttttal ox mum. and obtalned‘ than Ivor ttrt...... up: 'eet.. l' for mi 723?: FfirlLTc "Vin: lit%sr7Caif m Mustache»: mule “you! A row- "trt'rh? otptityt wan-.1 hat-m!» th? EM! 2',hld'ltt'l"dl'?Jl “ Pt Xfa'll "t Ji"il%'fll' II'O B I V Wlntqr mu 'elttdT, .'tit,t,',t124 hue. w. E. GOWU?N, _ Announcement A watch Christmas t t , t Cards tfamttreeettutt and Calendars, ’ Tafs, - - - " Do is, - - - a Toy Books Sleighs, etc. A GREAT “In!†at. (Janun’s New Block. Faun.) Whether for than, wo- man or child. Few gifts are more acceptable than a watch. The old “clumsy" style of watch has disappeared entirely from my stock and its place has been taken by those that are thin and attractive. We have 3 very Inge selection on hand as low, " 82.50 and all no watch I do not guarantee. Mulch: Schmidt begs to inform the people of Waterloo and vicinity that ho bu pumhuei the stock of Mr. B. Bow ginger, Ineeehant tsilon " u rate on the dollar. Everything must be sold within the out thirty days. Don't miss this chance of securing oxtsptioesnl buying. What the place. Boettinger'ts old stud. nut to A. M's groo- ery, King moot MARTIN 3303., will do W Jada! As a starter for the Christin-e trade we hue received to-dey e line of mr. MM all! hendkerchlen, regular price 750, for Me. This is something - young man epprecmee end you would occur: one before they are all WILLARD & " 122r _ Just A Few i More Days . _)::'", Woollard 81.00 PRIZE BOOKS . b." ls' Ct New Style of Christmas Ties Tofurin this wed. For Sunduy Schools and other schools. Our stock is large. our books no sui‘tlblg, our priegs Irtw, In picture books Ind books that are my rend- ts we hive some aplen- di thing: at low weâ€. WWII MEI. In! 'ttr Xmas. mun-mummy: Central Block tuiaki6 "WIVES? iii ttnlNt 'TI 3:71-5th 'itritl SANTA Gums h. but Ii 6.7m f ram-q... In! "sgiu'fl'l='N't;g “It. t','apgtN'ttaT2trBt8', iiii'i'ii'i)"'"l lather. [old at! luv-r mound pun... upon 31-. on. sou-Mod an... ambul- lu. each one at which will nah. bud-om x-Il pn- - tor “that My or [Indo- mn. Eminent-mt. We t1rtdiooteqmtktq ahaw on! sooth. A look in out window only (In: you A align hilt at the mnlumdo od M an tempting thing: In“: Love- Jmll. No one known but!" than he how muchmomwotnonund chill- renlppndm 3 gift of an. kind. He'll ttml no but" mum] hicptck tin-till were. He'll nudged-now hr,nomonuxqpidto.ph- at priced. We in" ihiie h- upon!" In“ dun" ttttts mulch. hem whet VIII make ascent-9. glib. My and an". mounted good- In '07ii'r'Eii'ii'e “than: m 93.22:... 'it