Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo County Chronicle (186303), 21 Dec 1899, p. 1

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_ ,‘Odh Sm tmir PtmtoiEee. Cash and One Price. Christmas ?"Z'L . will; 'l':,'.",):'.":, _ m... w l - 'iiiiiii, tu Js"'-:";"';'":"""')!!! [iiiiiiii China and bisque ware in endless variety. Our preparations thi' in” me larger than ever and at prices much lower than we expected Ike 1 walk through the big store. We don't [allow you all over and pull you to buy. ind itTicis"Ui'siii?G." -iiroiiseTitue" in the county shows near] y so large I variety. No wonder for this is Santa Claus' headquarters _ . . .. u. l n, ,1 __-q,.--,, _‘A “In; -- -A- Manuracturind Merchants. Berlin LIMITED. T"ioiirii,iii strtion"erCHundr, ds of volumes and 'edili- In. etc. Choice from dictionaries, Bibles and children‘s picture books nd" That tim toy d.epartrent of our: is filled with fine toys of all kinds ik Smwillbe -everreveningmnnnowtustiithehoruuys Sole Agent tor Slater $3,co, tsso and $500 Shoes. Becauu many lines cannot be duplicated. In Our Basement THE l. 0. Boehmer tlt),, lo Wish all Readers of. the chronicle-Telegraph THE REASON' WHY Your christmas Shopping Early. " “we...” Meat Cho " and Sausage Scum 'ft'lhf,'fl"Md' Cutlery. a a. Ntncmeuaqdrietrh" It an. M ton-h a “I d."lh'll't - pa This mgehine u no experiment It and. 'drgdU',tg2hdrr.g.t,il'gci any nimn to a dead certainty and do. not Goo. Watthnfor, hue 'gaeltla' Ipod tho fruit. Every machine gum-mm - o6Chrtgtma. toys, modicum. IS HERE As is shown' by our sales of the It MY WI um OUR ADVICE Seeding Time "out!" llama Clothiers, Hatters and F urnishers. AWESELOH & w, 25e, 50c and Tire. Also fancy slippers for man, woman Ind child. We have just opened another large shipment of Christmas slippers this week, fancy Ir!rrff slippers from 75c a pair up to Our new stock of men's hears and light Beeee lined and Bm, woollen underwear and winter hone are here in wide variety and everymlng at Christ- mas prices. The finest neckties for G'tosea,tumdtams1tiem, shirts, col- lars, calf: and titttt underwear in all the'swell styles in color and quality. we have everything for holiday war that will suit the taste gf the most genteel in quality, mlor ary beauty; Ties..... Our, preparations phi . AhNrrrctrrhta-toga We! Fuller. the fitg'tlt2lagti M, tl BgtgttrB.-A nun of our dam ttttMot would tMIIuMngomuTwm I. Mpcmucmm iiii2iiiii1'i'iii' Amt-1m"- . In; luv-ugh! Qty hr 'qret"'tt o! It.“ v ... uwwuu runny uvBlllng, "It! Pmttrorear.tr.--Mi" Wes-hire, of Biii.' A line mingle promised Heidelberg, we: visiting friends in our end A',"ll2,"'T welcome. ...The village hm. Salon“! and} Snnday... Lnthenn Sundey School Christh R. C. Dlefenheker, of Berlin, spent Mm meg piece on 011113ch eve. Sundeylut under the parental mot.. As usual their". prsparst . good . .Mlee Emma Leckner returned on programme the evening'e enter. Tuesday from Toronto, after attending ailment. All Ire cordially invited to the fell eeeeion of the Normal School gem. T there... .Mr. P. C. miner, principol Petrsosara.--terd Hench, who re. ofonr school, attended the Public turned from Winnipeg recently. where School Examlnnion held at so Jacobo he ind been working elnee In: enm- Iue Saturday. . . .There will he church met, has eecnnd I eitoetion in J. A. hath morning end evening in the Bothtierh, heme. ehop.... Simon Methodist church on Sunday. Evou- Blunts, who lived about (our miles gall-t Johnson will deliver e lemon In south of linden, eluted with a (”Hold the morning and a". mum will or " eilbeu lee: week for Huron Co., occupy the tmlpit in the "001118.... Mieh. vhere they hand to make Out general merchants, F. agree and their hunt» honie. We with them Geo. Wettlenfer, hue - f lute menu. murrra.--Mr. Abram Kinda sold his beautiful [Inn West of Roseville to Mr. John Fried. . - . . .Mr. Joseph Barton spent 1m week in Berlin " the quan- er seldom " I juryman. to Winterhourue and lilies Meldrum to "GM“TIIO Joyful music of the the Normal School. SHEEN“! WM heard for n couple of PmtsoNAL.--MiaBL.htmsiier spent (1836,an on account of the light we a few days at "Sweet Briar"thrm near of the beautiful on tlm ground, die: Berlin in: week. . . _ Dr. Becker, of coma" notes were noticed in the Dayton, Ohio, gave a very Interesting ttmale occasionally...... Our store: lecture last Tuesday night in the U.B. have put on their holiday attire aad church. . . .Mr. and Mrs. Fisher, of BN frfrwded full. ot nice things for Michigan, are visiting friends in the Christmas, ttt “he” the bops ttud girls neighborhood. look with longing am, wondering if THE 8gcx.--Mr. Joseph Penin,who Santa Claus will have some of them in has been on the sick list lor over two hisltoeY ta when he comes to visit weeks, underwent an operation yeater- them on Christmas We. _ ' . _ .Sundny day for appendicitis which was eue- afternoon some” have been started in eeui‘uiiy performed h Dre. Wardlaw, the Methodist church here, whieh are of Gait, and Bats, of Id',', Dundee. Mr fairly well attended. The church had Pen-in in in a. very weak condition, but been “W tor several you". . - .The we hope under the care of a trained tatt meeting of the Wilmot Township nurse he mar soon recover....hi’r. 1otyt.eil for 1899 took plaets tttt Friday, Knechtel, who has been on the sick 10th inat. A report of ttttt proceedings list for some time, is not improving if"! he found in ttttother oolumn. . ' . . . any l It anything he is getting weaker. q he m?mimyiom' for municipal omens . . .M r. Menno Hellman is on tho mend take pltrms ttext Prfdar, "W71" d. Pro. and we hope that he will continue to peut “Diuretic” Indiana that we will improve until he he: thoroughly re- have tttt eleetion....'rtto boss do not -ed.-Mr. Jacob Clemens, who want to be at the mercy ot the ele- he: also been on the nick list for ttonto meme this winter when they wish to time, in about the same. play hooeoy attd to, indulge In the murrrtt.--Mr. Abram Elude sold his plotsaastt will!” of tshatlug. They are beautiful farm west or Roeeville to Mr. puttittg IT a “Katine rink at good nine, John 1'rtad.._..Mr. Joseph Berton where, "my man! Plea-tat hour- will spent last week in Berlin " the one". bts_1rimtt ttsts winter. PmtsoNAL.--Miat, L.Dei.weilor spent a few days at "Sweet Briar" farm near Berlin last wash... Dr. Becker, of Dayton, Ohio, gave a very Interesting lecture last Tuesday night in the U. B. church. ...Mr. and Mrs. Fisher, of Michigan, are visiting friends in the neighborhood. - SCHOOL EXAu.-0ar teachers will hold an examination on Thursday, which will be the leet day of wheel. We hope the people of the section will turn out well and glve them a hvany send " as both teachers are going to leave the section. Mr. Pomeroy leaning to Winterhourne and Miss Meldrum to the Normal School. PorarrcAL.--Mr. L. J. Broizhaupl was hereon Friday. In the evening he attended a mating of the Young ‘Liberal Club at bnoradtsle, accompan- led by a numher of Elmira Liberals. The Floradalo Young Liberal Club in in a flourishing condition, and ought to stimulau the Libernl untimentin this part of the country. It is the tlNt rural Liberal club in the North Riding. The other hamlets would do well to prutft try its example. t Pushy anthems! mum. ..lr. end the. Funk Unmet, of Wheaten, were sent- at It.“ In D. New 8.ttmiar......Mr. Will‘ Tenet the Mine- Taylor.“ Hou- bem, eere gnome! was A.L.Dnrnnt Sunday evening. . . . . .MrJewltt and Ill- Mar, alanine, teachers a! the Winterbourne Publlo School, “tended the Bettoot Examination u " Jacob. Sunday afternoon. . . .. .llr. Tole Ali-lend family, of Hiehignn,m here whiting reletlvee for e couple olweeh. will» any Lnndy, of Lake Ode-e. Mich, arrived int week to spend the Kama holidays. . . . . .Mre. Baht. McMillan arrived in town Set- urdey evening and will spend a few den with her mother, Mm. D.McKev. ......What kind ole Poetieit that in wanted, did you my t. . . Alie- Judith Shame and Mill JemimnClemene were in attendance It the Bloomingdale School Exam. Saturday. Also quite a number attended the debate that evening from here. _ . . . . Mr. William R. Hamilton had his two fox tripe atoieuorhieh were set ready fur opera- tion, last week. What ie vented bed- Iy in this locality is an eye opener,and derttretlr4c._. .Mlee Bella Weteon has returned trom her visit in Moubohi. Brtnms.--Mi" Reynolds, one of our public school anchors, lntende leavlng " the clone of the present term. - . _ . . The light fall of - last. week has al- most disappeared, and we may yet have a muddy Chriattnaa. " MOXTHLY Fattt.--Th6 regular mommy thir was held last Monday. Owing to the terrible down-pour of rain the attendance was poor, and consequently another fair was heldMon- day. Although it was well advertised the fair was not much of a mu. lulu-,0!“ vb in has tidtiVrrrsttttne,$hr_8rstapq hr 'urtt-tr,pertaed_toq"qidq. min-Em- tit-rin In rum; ”#052105: Jun. 89mm, " HAWKESVI LLB. WILLBSLBY. VIIITIIIOUIII. ROSEVILLE. ELHIRA. M E: at] In}. John 'td",', a? “1865 _i.iitic. "V. "I MOP .... 'ttlite! -l2lldil"l'GlNTs'l"lh,'lg'i.iAg I_?1tirIprrii'r1',iiiit'i,i1 h . of itid 1gii2tiiid, “i"; 'i'iEt,i',,itiil, mung“, Ite -- ttrtlttioaes and Emu” rum ot Chicago mu ’m‘.."‘:; Mr incl-'0, Mr. “out o. Bowman, go Mandy of_ I." you. Mr. Ptttitr Xian Ermtttaurierrts.-a Christ- mas supper and entertainment, under the auspices of the Presbyterian Sum any School, will isle pines in the gyro Boolean Friday evening, the ad. A line rognmmeis promised sud evening is weltrtttrte....'rhe Lutheran Sundsy School Christmas festival cakes plane on Christin-e eve. As um] “NIL-M" prepered s good mm. the evening‘s enter- uinment. All ere cordially invited to attend. We wish the Cmtovrcttr-Tmm,utArr, and all its radon} a_M_erry Christmas. ?et'otAey.--yr. and It; pours. muBrtr.- The Manitoba elections were a sad surprise to most people around here, but the sad etrerrta were pretty well driven away when we heard of Mr. Dryden's drive-in . _ . . . . We hear that our young people spent two most enjoyable evenings lately, one at Mr. Oberer'e, the other at Mr. Weplees. . . . . . .Mr. John Hauck had a very suc- cessful bee this week, hauling home the timber of the old church at St. Agatha. Semesixteen teams attended it and it is needlese to say most of the church disappeared. . . . . . We, like all l true British subjects, feel somewhat "gloomy over the recent reverse. ot the British arms in South Africa. still, we have not lost hope in the [uture as we immember that "awe well that end: well," and we believe It will end well for Britain......0ur teachers intend areturnfng home for vacation on Friday, which reminds us that Christmas is leoming very clue. . _ _ _ .We see Baden church is to have n Qhristmes tea on Friday evening. We hope our young people will take advantage of it. _ . . .. The recent wind Storms have done considerable damage to on . fences and also to telegraph Il?,',', several being blown damn... r. Jacob Schweitzer purehased some time a Btto large pile of dried hardwood man Mr. John Schultz. His son Oscar is busy haul- ing it home. 81mm; 'hiss;,-,-,'?,',', ite Wu: ttf the you mph this I an union- in“. “aging School and In" mm woken with Mr.Petoe Shun: to madam one. Eli- unless can obtained a New Yum We mentor. pmpoutoopcntschool in the near future. any, Mn’tho ttrat who! on New Your: evening. No doubt can of the churches in the vnlago could be got for the pnrpooe. XMAS Earn“ "rt"atr.-1ht Sutur- dny evening out the annual Xmas Tree Entertainment will be held in the Lutheran Church. The Programme will be largely given by the children end will consist of singing. and recita- tlons.‘ A gentlemen from Guelph will, we understand, give a number change md fittto solos. There will be a col- lection taken up to cover the necessary expenses. 1ttth, PrstiddiTitaic" lud- leapt'."', Uli.iuigi-E an . My ".1" 3"“meth In an 1oeurtsemrseuaiGe the”: “W7 'aa - Faiii"iii'r'h"Wit w-Amcm-m. "’00 an... 1eertt218_tNtrutat a. Luann. tr."tlghjidt'%i M an. Dee. u a. . iiiilirirat1,?sv':tie? “a”: 'gLetetytofreq-uiitarc ST. JACOBS PETERSBURG, NW DUNDEE. . m D ii L' 'ire' um". ' nub-ohm 'l,lii.'l cud-u. luggage. at “in A“. 4..“- ‘n.-“ ,A - BADEN. 'rttl “Lilli? shank. pal-Ila built. Hm I“ wd uni-alum!» hm. Ono chock-album, cowl Ind-hoop 8mperrtrqttt-iydtret-tr mu meymuhnu yo: I)... ......Mr wm. intcnd- Whit” near Elmira in February...... I. ”dualism: but Ntatrtied 1mm ......Anoyuormppn n m c,'lt,'iicia)'lp'tprr"2g,l",. 8.1.2; Shut: M Honda) evening. The early ,rtttsttottttefitmtmr camp will 1oprtt_tadttmra.rrnremttusG; ttarrtti.....TheB- of Balm hung "tttpet hum hon to _ On account of the Inability at Mr. 8. Shut: to ntmnd service- now hold in the ditrerrmtMermonite churches “out. here, Mr Kaufman or Mlauourl will hold services " Ma house on Wednesday memoon . . g . . A'he All." Snider and Shanta of Cumulus 'iatted “In L. Balaton irumur......Mrg E 3mm; still raining!“ yin: , Mad!“ onlll It is rumored tbat H. N. Huebn will bebronghi. out as a candidate (or councillor for Welleslcy Township. Mr. Huehn is a very'activo business man and would make a good mucu- lar.-..!lelsrs. Hahn a: Son are at present buying fat hogs. . . . Mr. Henry Battier“ ootttttNsd to the home...“ Mr. P. Kmuuwsissr. of 8t. Clements, paid our burg a visit on Tnssdny....\ Miss l-len Ddiefrtg, olErbsvilis, paid her sister. Mrs. 000. Smith, a visit‘ this Week. PRESENTATION. - On Sa'nrday, Wishing to reduce my large stock at once I will [ Dee, 16, er.i 111. w. Jt'iteg,tg, was bargains for 30 days. I will sell and make to your order " presente wt neatyw mum . a handsome trurse by Erbavlllo church at ready made prices. b choir,whlch ttrt,'gt leading fg near- For illustration: ly a year. ' be la lea provi (d an . . i, abundance of prorislons and a “I, Regular 818 1oliar suit {or next 30 days $11.50 which tl tttte mini time was spent. Mr. the cost of production. tine nergard was completely taken by . . . sttrpriso but managed to express his 150 suit lengths must be sold within. the next 30 days. thanks In a neat speecll. Their rel.- These bargain prices are of course cash only. thumbs said, had always been very . pleasant And the utmost harmony had Yours for business, any: prevailed. Rev. H. l’etnchko " also delivered an able address upon the occasion. . I. I. n I I Wennmo. - The rumor that was Moat a few weeks ago that wedding bells were ringing has come to be strictly true, and what proved to be a very fashionable wedding came " on Monday, 18th Inst, at, the residence of I Mrs. Widow Heller, when her fourth daughter, Clam, was united in wedlock, toM r. Pred Llpphardt,tonaoriat artist.“ Elmira. The bride was assisted by Miss Lipphardt; sister of the groom, while Mr. John Heller looked alter the interests of the groom. The knot was tied at exactly 6 o’clock in the evening by the Rev. A, R. Schultz, of Elmira. in the presence of ahout fifty guests. The very beautiful and costly presents received by the bride show the high esteem in which she is held. The happy couple left the some evening for El- mira, where they w'li reside. The many friends of the bride and groom wish them a very happily wedded life. i mere. - The (“oneseogo Bulletin he again made its appearance. Gled c, any that Mr Delion, proprietor, In making good progress towards the no» ‘cess of his busineee. Aooepc our warmest. thanke. . . .Some clout enter- ‘prislng townspeople are giving oat to their numerous customers and friends a very ttetstly gotten up 'saltssatisr,whieh shows trpt, business ls booming.... Nomination takes place Friday of this week In the old school house. We more that the council make no change thls year. They are All good men and worthy to be " the head of our coun- ell....Slnce Xmas falls on Monday this year, it would perhaps be a little too early to‘wlsh you I merry Xmas to-dar, but, Maude, when Monday comes you have all the good wishes of a merry Xmae from the 8t. Jacobs correspondent. l mrritrtaxarai'GtU.LiiiG val to be one of the most Monte:- mentl that over I“ held here come all on Salinity afternoon [at " our public school. In the morning the diluent clam: Here examined by the visiting teachim. Luncheon V” pro- vided at noon. Toward: the clan» of the entertainment Mic M. Mi'nu who will take a course: in the Normal school, Toronto, was called to the chair, and " address was read by Mia Georgina‘ Heller, followed by a presentation of _ most beautiful may fruit basket, stow ling silver any" bowl, and 1 toilet not. 3 Miss Milne was taken completely by surprise. but thanked her scholar: and friends, saying one would always ro- member kindly her young scholars and friends, Miss Milne wlll be "wowed by Miss Stedman, of Brantford. -.""... nut-w I m igiiiVii'iiGCr'l.'1%ra1'aT, Par-era-tttsta-. 'tlr/id));)'?,';,"',';','",",-' "mm tea-mu- .- - - oo-mmuur.-ou‘ _ than “an.“ $33.11”, 'fd; nut. T 't?,itrdtd'.tiihttacarari I - "t4tNtNe"assrtheeey " mndtrbamtottsir tttttid. qeotnttte_ was. 'ii"iiiiiiiiii"i"it5,iriFi'ii9l,ii.t. 11iipSiWi"ii'hva"'va'%.1'tlt “not t can”, ""-"-'-ri.t-rr-----c-----, which 'harlr LW, that they no Tab]. the... _ t,'tt,,ut"ot"in "tt""lezee,vy,.ard2u.,L Oman" 821ku~011 Mu. day and Sunday but Quarterly lath- PE' "trt, ty 9mm church Inn. luv. Mr. may, 0! 3mm, delireeett an election: lemon in En;- M In "no "sung, tho church Max crowded on the occasion. Don't has: undue of the Lutheran mm on “my evening, Dec. 25th. 'a.l.tt.',retee.trtr.-termtt. and. Duh aua"G fig "M" mama,“ Mr. and u. EEKREEL '3', 1bmretlt-t,, In HEIDELBERG. NINE‘PINBS. Only a Suggestion 1ttflit krtttgX rf,i?ititeii',,e.t,).ri/ DEVrrr SBLOCK, z Jmmmmmmmmmmmwm 33:" "" FANCY ROCKERS. FANCY TABLES. LADIES' DRESSING TABLES, . GENTLEMEN'S CHIFFONIERS, TABLES, a: Abo n tun III-e " window - and Mun mm A Ill-canal b t Rt 'hlteet will .anl Wat-Ina. 'l'llglt vat-nu: - 2'atTJl't'l'dt I“: Mmmrnuuuu a... CaatLamrthte Prim "WIN-u. tn. an. 1 w n, 1Ti'G1W'fl'h'l.'l'l'tct q NEW MEN! '"lr,l"'""'""'"ioAm7cu""ri1", “hm 'iilittl',?iitfflrt'tl?l's'trr'"t" “Hulk.” Uh Ie'tNt'tdtt,tt'ttttrrt tn... iaciciciGGr'i"GGtrd"f I tram-gunman. tereeyryttystaor.m n. l tln t5fC8u'0i'a'iCi'i'.iis' 'dh, ii W Okinawan-haul n. . atitSilSttt'arct - t 46q -'"------------u..- TIN. “was. Inn-tun. Eli-mm 'dtr.NAtttpLttr. lorry christian. t" Clearing Sale LIN“ mm. d. In. " tom, “In”. - - way a "on. ataasdSs.ouuoii. Kin.“ Berlin. Be: an ©hrutata. _ Carving sets from .1 r set up to $6; Bugte we" fruit spoons, full 50th, Fagin BIO... tel. desert In: tahle Ipoom; Rogers Bros. silver knim Ind forks, Bio-all Carrot "up". hanging, hall and patio: lamps. night lamp. etc. than vi" Imprint you by their mwauu a anon of plan“ "prim. Hock and Spehs Sh sputum u G'ff4U t'gtjg _litied'fst,t" p. Bor' HockcyS ch, 25c. 7llUh'.'..'ef.'$'".e?ff.eeee6Nromttt- Alluvial-unqual- will II...- mmmmmmzwaemm " - M .. - We Invite the Public to Call and Inspect our Goods. Men's "thr-tttttrut-ttu,,, a; 'h"dlUr"rG' PA usefulness I In an any It... to at You has"! Tittle Sets We n‘nuudnlmw u I 11i'ilh'.,.p/fptgrt Str; V. M. Berlet. juce my large stock at once I will give qteciat '3. [will sell artdmueterrturorderattmrtaeeu so Days. NEW STORE! SGHIEBHOLTZ & GLADV ---FOR- - it Hardware Stock _ Outta! ttttt m. g ... tad-nth Lu 'G"lrAfl'Jh"MWhtT2t h to ' b r. a"; *sm Meat.'. at... H. anh" emu-scammuu I. . ' Agnludmum up " but - u. tal on I' tA M was "'0"dtu'UPJfNigt'"* r." "-'"""eeo---. F W I‘ll]! I . 'i"g/rgrl Mu" EMU.“ SMYTH BR08., Then'u a large tot of 'miacelhm eons goods which an won}! look- in; at and better worth buying. " holiday (in: they hive thd M at usefulneu and durability. Of what we have in stock can be made here, but we cotdially invite our old customer: and those who haven't quite matte up their minds whose customers they will be, to come here and inspect our _ _ 'tttle _ _ I'- a . it"; I 'tr?.tte. ""' "NA . '"'r' Ivan-n will. In?“ than“ a ?'y5ir'r2'mutatitlu"t 63332;" - 'i!.tiitiiirgi,f NEW 60008: WATBRLOO.

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