Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo County Chronicle (186303), 26 Oct 1899, p. 6

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nun-thud!“ I. “manna-sun.- Mm. ,.lo-Bb-”WI~ ”hm . 5;; wrcac ijrfftdl5ttf.ilBt"8G'Sr" may“ i tH 3‘. "iiVFiiGfiiiBfriaiu-"" “at!“ agro-ot-tterttaoe_-kdqit, sti-iGFiii%rruttIu,er?..fef..ey DWDWM “I“ PtiN'SMt to - Mr omm m min-4 in them. TuBtmimgt-tisetor7 “11”" than open“!!! than” 0mm. aauiiaUiraanexemiii-ur- “indium. Tho Bunk ot Hunllton In recent meeting otth.diNetorater doclded upon an may” “$00,000 In the 'sqltal stock to meet the demand:- ot their In- email“ balm The incl-cue also: the cap tat stock from I million and a halt to the two mllllon dollar mark. Wht Saturday, 14th mu, Woolwieh hot-mall cranked themselves into the Elmira Brunch of the Waterloo County Botanlcal Assochtlon with T. G. Baku, Elmira, Proaidcat, and J. F. “salmon, Welt Mommas, Secretary- "iiitue, Worm Powder! (or mus- no. and pout-Imus. Treasurer. There passed away 0:1 Friday the 13th inst one of the oldest inhabitants of our midst in the person of Conrad Stroll. Deceased was born in Hesse Darmstadt in 1811 and came to Canada in the year 1837 or thereabouts. For a while he lived in the vicinity of Ber- lin and afterwards removed to Elmira. Still later he removed to the farm on the banks of the Grand River, about a mile east of the village of C nieswgo, where his son George now resides. By nutiring industry and frugality Mr. ( Stroh and his partner succeeded in) making for themselves and family al eorufortatrle,hot to say,luxuriuus home. Ms sons and daughters remain to mourn his departure, his wife having preceded him some five years ago. As will be seen from the above Mr. Stroh wasin his 89th year. During his life time he suffered very little from illness of any kind and only since last Spring had health failed. lie rallied daring the summer, hat several weeks ago he became worse and his demise was not unexpected. Mr. Struh was in politics a staunch Libesrrd,altitough not taking an motive part in ttrs some. He was a faithful and loyal member of the Lutheran body and has held honorable positions in the church. The funeral discourse was given by Rev. H. Wal- baun, Irytyr of the church " Cones toga, and the remains were followed u the grave by a large concourse O: moumlng relatives and sorrowiu, friends, on Monday afternoon, who haw gathered to par the last tribute of re spect. to a worthy friend. but, gnu/u I), it "list: cuntuuiw In mourning relatives and sorrowiu, HOW He Retained Beaith. friends on Monday afternoon, who haw - gathered to par the last tribute of re "t.1't'Pr'f, m Y.“ m W tspersrt to a worthy friend. “bio, Sick Ila-duh. - am mtt1arrt--AIthougrh Anvuuod In Tnnnuu..nuo muse-a. “I. Ho a“ 'rotou" cm - from the 1ihtterprim, Brtdttr"ratatr, N. S. Tha"Pe"vitt.sr Day was lhvmuglil; Summon Meltlrum, Esq., of Upper ety1'yed q by “1"“de "" aayviiuut' "ranch, Juncnburg Co.," N. B., is a “:21; sd'",.',',':',',',.,,' magma": "1:13:21" omthunan of Scotch descent and well is omdwy mufi’mML . _ . muwn throughout the county. lie is Murray's pinning will at Winnipeg; an agriculturist of Ppltt, and 18 was dvstroyed by g... early on proufumntin the local atlairs of 'lt Thursday. Loss “2,000. Baptist denomination. Referring to Up to the Ptitstun the donations t: tr. Williams' Pink Pills, he Bays:--' flue Bil-thmlisl Twentieth Ccn’tun "l consider them a moat womh rtul ' ‘fl‘d 1T,y n" yy. u 3~-““-»|57- uni beneifietmt revelation in the realm' cd/l;' "i'2'y"rfii,7r'g. 'ITi'i'//.1li" a”; "r. medicine. Previous to using thege “or: for England on Nov. 11. t pills some two yam-e Mo, I had suffered The Elucr.-1vuspster Company have tor years from kidney trouble and again lien awarded the contract ior rheumatism. Mnnyatlmo had I been carrying the British mails this win- so bad that I could do nothing bat en- tor. time the pain and pray for physical A consolidation of all the chocolate deliverance. My advanced age, being and cocoa. manufacturers of the Un- nearly 70 years old, made a cure look 2:110:3‘1)‘; 1o"/h/),',',r"'" " now in tlett2ettlhtl1,,tt"g1gd1'ige11t',t ' . . , l".. inacaseo ouch ong atan ing. int, with?" giant, f,'," 'leL,A,grv?"e't thanks to the Lord and Dr. .Williarny' Hod the grouping of clubs ic; the Pink Pills, l am here to-day in excel- Tankard. and 011.:th omcerg. lent health with tscarcely, an ill-feeling The rotcr.-uaupster Company have again been awarded the contract for carrying the British mails this win- tor. III-9.9L!!!“ A consolidation of all the chocolate and cocoa manufacturers ot the Un- ited States and ('unuda. in ndw in procu‘ss of formation. The Ontario Curling Association mot in Toronto on Wednvsdny. set- tted the grouping of clubs for the Tankard, and elected otticertg. Smallpox is spreading so rapidly an to alarm the health authorities all ovcr Toms. Every part of the stats hos me disease in virulent form, The latest aspirants lor recipro- city nrrtvngmnonls with the United Sutton are the Brillsh Islands of St. lai'Is and Turks Island, in tne West ludirs. _ The sham tight was the chief lent- ure of Thanksgiving Day in Toronto. and the soldier boys and their thon- sunda ot friends were greatly “was egted in it. Lo Pattie unnnuncm that the mail 'tontrtMeug may be divided with the Albina. and Mr. Andrew A. Allan left for Ottawa on Thursday, in commo- tion with the mam". The Austrian Roichsrnlh reassem- bled on Wednesday with 3 full ub- tendnnce. Dr. Von Fuchs wa- re elected President. The Ham then proceeded with the work of organiza- tion. The word Boer " Dutch for farm- er. It I: akin to the 'Aft',',',',.,', Gettur, a countryman. It is app d especially to the Dutch colonists in South Alrlca. Sir Charles Tupper opened the Woodbridge Fair on Thursday with a. great non-political speech. Tho food Inppllm required by England formed an interesting Portion ol’the enm- lainment. Four sheep harder: are known to be dead and probubly eight more perish- ed In Talon County, Montana, in the recent atom: There are two parties In the mountains. including ladies. who have not been hard from. St. lhry'u Cathedral. Hum-u, the moat humming lam-In Fumnlhc mir- " " mm“. lawn; been declared tn. " doht. "" mu ‘Hmmdm cun- unnud with 1mm manor-In. can“!!! by _ll'plTt,"llb O'Brien. TM North mm Duly New; an {In mutt-menu for the that“ mm ot no mm or Chin. no main; avidly. Rh rumma- "Br, mum, M. " I. I'll M. Q. aha-yam“ mo "Tw" tan. PI I. . 'ranettrrrian. 0m! ou. bu “mm mm min. to com. a an III-up 'tmt I]. Ho dd Pilaf. 08am. " ul',',',',',' his army and to doll" um lam mob“. MINA- _ 4.399.009 'rltfAite 51-2 Byt OBI ruA ty. "git-1mm t,tftee2'.ht"'d=iii.Nt In. no :0qu actual ban " mun-d in. In! sound-nub! on neon-rod " .5 dank at drunken-a. Tho W w (I I'm. '1" ll" "Siiur" Fr..' “on - Iain-(h, out ti: r', “who 6 Ohio and hold M31. Rt't cmuvu. 11-3 had “any ma I'PA'h,'dt%',t'di cum-mu. COLWImIodhub an... a. and a dru- houl court-”run! In that”: which um " at the wont. My Pa' m to tho Columbus lag-racks. a: . t 'tilu'. other muons arriv dating , I It In: found that than wu may “Huh“ " ItlNgtt, of whiskey aboard ot than ulna. we y b "can the supply was greatly hauled dgr,I'ggidh."tt I. dug“: here, BO that the four section. we“ I'A"gh,rhllir.f, IP tr”)? All side-trucked weat ot thin city It but In]! rin".'?..'.". In: Valley Junction for more trial: by b'l,tttul'."r'. " In I Ion vr drum band court-martial ttnd addl- 't'l'UtPl'ln't “1 W tttq tionat inntaiuteutB were yesterday “a... 'eutg,"tratl'tp. sentenced to the Columbus Mmch Erin-AI. the - Int-lily: guard house, awaiting further no '"au"tt, tion. Train. were {eaten-day unen- MIMI. t,tT, fatf, ', noon still held :1 9;..27 “manna. "ares 'eGhGiGa'at u": I" “aim-Ohm ammuuwm Ptriiad1ttpuiana have become "m" towed to the Chin-mun who carries bl. nickel tor etgrfttrqt In his ear, but It remained tor u: enterprising rep resound" of The Record to dlscovel a mun who and the loft lobe ot In. car for I cotton wad. , Pan-angers on I street on In the Outer City the other any were " Incted to s we" dmud nun of mid. at. It. bee-nu at something peculiar they noticed shout bu right ear. ll waned to than who looked that the at Wu mlnun a lobe. Suddenly them was a ttop. and the Interested pan ungen then noticed that the ear 1m all right. with the lobe ltt tho video when It ought to be. By the pm: the passage" hld son: Jrep int wonder over the strange tight the man railed his hand and pushed the lobe into the opening ot the ear. placing the ear-in the condition it was before the tiop. Noticing that the man who 'Iat next to him stared in m Inquiring why at him. the man with the magic on aid thnt the lobe was bl. eunuch. cure. , He was I great wife!" from mi ache. he sold, and tormer'ly used cotton to shut mo'wlnd out of hlo ear. One Jar he was without cotton and found that he could above the lobe Into the opening. " did not only keep the wind out. but the pain dltsappoared qulcker, and slnce then he has alway- put the lower part of his ear Into BIG when tho conch. bu come on. Words From the Heart to remind me of past sufferings. Some- thing over two years ago] read of the wonderful cures attending the use of Dr. Wiliiarua' Pink Pills. I thought if these testimonials are true it is pos- sible the pills may bencllt even me.‘ I bought six boxes tirst,usod them strict- ly as directed, and with the Lord's blessing they did me much good. llut my ailments were chronic, deep-seated and I am an old man. The cure was not complete, and I got twelve boxes more with all faith in the result. I i only had to use six boxes 'of the second lot when I found myself quite free from kidney troubles, rheumatism and all other bodily ailments, except the dis- ‘ability incidental to persons of my ad- _ vanced age, and even these were in a. ‘ measure relieved. I may add that for a long time before I used the pills and when I began their use, I was the vic- tim of the most distressing attacks of sick headache, the sensation of sea- sickness in extreme violence being not a whit more distressing. These et- tiicks came on once or twice a week. ; tier taking the pills, the attacks he- mmo less “orgasm and less trputM- some, snd ilnsily ceased almost on- tirely. My son who lived " adistanoe took the remaining six boxes sud stated to me that they did him much good. This l'do know, that he looked much fresher and appeared in better spirits after their use. Believing in I do that an over-ruling power suggests to mortals all the wise Ind tmttetkial thoughts and inventions which operate to improve our race, and slid] sod curs our tmthrttsg,T so] lush: that I tthgh/n',' Ffutd ......:; n my present good heel . \ Nova Seaman Farmer Tells Dr. Wmmln' Pink Pills can go- lng to the to“ of the dim. renew and build up the Mood, det mouthed: m Inna. than driving disease than the Intern. Amid iml anon. be Ind-um lit', f"l,'g box you “when in uncle-Id n g the full trade mark Dr WW l'lnk rm. to: m. Nah. I“. dedu- dou not I? than III, I. 2M Pt t my. y31.tt,itgh 1'etlxsastiast"umta"rtetttesl" i7,tlri,fi'iti'.tit! 'tttdetest?: b1.'t'EPEhti'yth"hdti'i' " an no... a. u h g f'iririe'i"iq - 5-. M'ht ther _ In; 'g"/iarG.' I.“ Oct (‘00- tt"stiXi'e,'triQillyl,12,,Eri'iii -- tet', an at a. Mun-gum. TI. Illl- Euullu rout." " t " peopled by In». the - bathe-u " m hm "an. I” loan landed Knlol. lama. Oct. 20.-XAq Dull Newt Clot You torn-noun: In": "It In mum-ad that no" In meted new" June. that In. Boon "lucked than” u: g. ' but were "pulled. TI. drte on. g the enemy "Ire-[In t,'d't'tt than ttttree 1U.tnne"e. (Then aft; " In mule, - 'L%Uffl " tiiN2ttPiiiaa m - -.- _.-.--.r. “m. " u-uu um- mu, M they commented to min on the town, I why (ham-elves to be drlre- In by the Bot-n, who. - to mule" thrlr pol tlon, I‘ll]: advanced to the nun-k. and were drawn over hymn unluc- hul for Iha [Idem of the town. " I. reported that no we" killed by the explosions. Icon Capture '. Trom. London, Oct. a.--Ttse Lady-lulu: 'rorrr_ pondenut The Daur Telegraph under date ot Octo r In. “Hermon, In": "The Boon captured I train vhlch left nay-mm. " [in near 'lattndattuurte. It contained awn] one". And a tow men, bald:- mum“. " going to Glam-0e or Dundee. Fortunately t o I no up lulu. which con- mm one of your eorreHpomtertttr, Bot through The enemy eat the when. sever In; commnnlclllon with (ileum. The new. In lint received Iran the union- lulter " Elnndslune. who wired: "I as Boer-hour the llne. gnu: shall I dot" “£13936le “iniiei'el'l? "iieriG"tGifiG Ahead mu syn-d." It did :0. making tor min")! ? . h"aetnfgLte. _ - The otllchll nld: "The Boon an mn-lnr In; Jud mimic NI the tnln. They have "era.' lt, 'Imt III I dot Mun! I so?" _" an no." wu the reply. 'rty'reuptru “Yes. tro," was the reply. 'rhc-reulmu the Int-unse- cunt-d Ind nlnco then the line han been blocked. Probably the su- lhe north of Mammals. Inn! at the Attack " 2.000 Boer- .t lie-ter- sumo- lust-Inca, London, Oct. 20-Ttse' Pietermttr1tsbuN correspondent ot The Bully sun, In a a» patch tinted Thursday, can: "The brunt or 'he 'le,tles u Renter'- Button yester- day was IIIILI aed by the volunteer pun-nil, The AE!t..t1rte was brlsk. The linen mun “The volunteers " one moment were In great peru, Iu-lnz nun-[y cut elf. but the ortieers handled the" men Iplondklly mu] the Llaxlm- ethanol, tstopped the Boer "libel. The Bom' mouth]: was wretched. The volunteers [out their kit nad Imogen)” the exrreriersee was a Ere!!! trying one. on men were In the In dle tbree an” run! two alum: with hurdlr n rest. [mama ml- tlrm were tttrM1rtg w ttt the noon. " ll reer.u11 tytt. pint-en Peer, mt: hulk-1‘ ........‘.. ...... PF__r___i__ -e9e__ee v“. ,_ "Mt-m. “alum-y. who Is Tron“! Inhulng, In the clam! non of Mr . ll. Gnllwcy. Full-f Junk-.- of Nnml. Ite In Tht',',,'"?., to he in hltllmz and sonrclllux part as have Int-m- sent out to try to ttnrt hint. "The cnrnlry ttre mlll hlmunolilng out, sttet sllzm yklrmlnht-s In: {lupin-t, “I learn crucially ma Commandant- ':u-neml Jot-hon has not!!! kl: headquur tem to Detuthautrer." loan Botrerett I never-e. Orange Itiver. Oct. 18.--4Attermsou--0ctar Pit.)--"' P Poern sullrrod n ““1119 on Sun- 'tar at Bpru1tfortteus. trn miles loath ot KhuhI-rlov. An armored 'rnln went out to bring In ll tmln rvported to ban-9 lit-en cap- turvd by the liners near the Sprunfoutem mung. A purl! of Boers who wore an- c-xlmpml near by lowered the railway lulu. ml and displnyml n white thut. apparently with the I-Iva of huluclnx the driver to pro- errd. The drirer torspoettrd that the Moe" wrre In nonunion and stopped the (ruin. when-upon the Boers Issued In large (one 'trel ommy1 ttre, hug grltnhout ally strty.rtt. " The mullet: "plied from the trata and Mum! half a damn Boers were klllI-d. The III-lush were "ttreratehed. nu They Blow I'm-the Mano. ' Seven hundrod Boers surprised n party of " (‘npo Colony pullm who - guarding the milwny at Rlvorton rand. " mllvn north of Kimlwrley. on Sunday morning. The police rollrod. A terrme exploplon wt" beard lncer. and tt " believed that the Boers blow up the station. Dual-yes! " - Fla: and Fired. A rollvf pnrty of 25 police 1mm from Kimmrloy met Ilwse Boer. "on: mvertrta. The runny dllplnyt-d n white ttng to In mare the troops to full Into their tram but the police wert- ordered "ttt rptire. Turn the noon- opened a heavy ttro upon titem, Illa- rlvzrulug about 400 munds. A bull's! struck the hore of Emma-Major Culllvnn. who. wllh n trooper whole horse Incl stumbled and dismounted Mm, ma captured. V b I. ml - d tt'i'iliFhtt."t 3.14"“; .- a w .. I I a. an“: In. new ol Wltl%t".t'l #10:! In]! In: bet-on with.“ In Int-11hr. It In I Ion with about yang-9:99am 'ran.."" 29'1“» London. (m. Si-The Daily Mum‘s Cape Turn correspondent any: that n Whigs-c. who but Hun-hm] Grrthttm.qtowtt from the "mud. "INC! that a train nrrlrrd m Jo. lquIm-hurg on Hominy tram F,ePrt',ifl with ma wounded luughnrs. EVI-ry Inn! - niulr- ronvoymwo, llu- retvttee Lira, 1m! rum-II luto ren Ilslnnn to t;tkr the wounded llll'll to tho h'wpllul. The "tthy Mull In:- px-sls that these wounded were trom Mare- Iclug. T'tetrrmarttstrurtt. Oct. Mt.--rt ls reverted orctrautiwartttsunhoritx that. 111a,, he”). [n mirth: otAgwo lung! thp'P, 'T.e dttlilPfr in the "mm" rollnlry from the Tran.- rnnl. and un- bvlng ttrrruotnmodated on rtsNmt.q farm», 1'tvterutarltztrttrg "self 'I chunk-cl wllll Nlugom, m-ulwllor whom all ")0 publlc hulhllnls urn: helm; ntlHl-‘d. Thon- ln much alum-<9. Sewn lhommml Inllvn have emu-ml anal trom the Trans- mnl wlthln the last wrek, and moo! of them hnvo mile to Zululnml. No Dante:- of . Dun-h Boron, (are Torn, Oct. 28.--09eiarmt In tunn- mlsx "tto-Thi, Prrmtrr, Mr. Fehrtmtrsr, cou- llnuen to lune elm-mar: was“: Dutch Nul- demn, Brlvutrttr tttrm to nlnlnln Inlet loyalty to the lmpt-rl-l Government. The best anthorlllm here now "ree that Ilia (langu- of a qmsrrttl revolt ll very Might. Boon Que-plea! Anon 'Come.. Lady-mull Oct. 19.--Tite Fm sum- Roertt, on line faithttt hick at the Brill-h gum; 'Gi,','?,,",', Acton "omen yum-rd”. holr prohn up Intention In to 'itdr""d {In t'l" allow-tented Null Dunc In mro . WWW” macaque-nan.“ “M‘wm “mu-[ION Major Adio pay: that not I Ilmxlo Ill." ttred at the Brlush not": "d Boer ttrtfoerr exploded. This henn- om t e reports that up - that}. gun Ittreftyt . _ _ -- "Tc Tii 'rTooFeiCtiirt Iii-Tipiiuxum held a Zulu tnmtUtt nut lunatic recently. m. ummy]: ll Dunl- _ hnDo'o-IMI'. "without. col-In: an pupal-And w. Inn-born“ heart m tt and an tt Mar without Illa-chi -t.mtdttt.tHnrtti-eetott manna-“mumm- gunman-3mm: VOLUNTEER. " GREAT PER". Inna] manna. III “I Iquei " Ul'llll. Men at.“ (one. “I I for ill-I. unwed about In when down “nun nu. In; with nun": on and an un- Gm "mu. no nun was very (II-mt, ad un shooting [noun-nut. III: ohm It: I". Inc outer I geiat to law In. ump- tm no ml pull“ ot " uel or I but.“ " in" concentration - bum-m. con-u-.. wan I” ”an“. Won. n-‘n. but. a Con-um will on. may”. M: to DH Anna " a. - It. ”or Adv-nu. . Durban. and, on. 1zg.-1"eumru In "tua-to-ttst. omrtmt um. nu Im- Iuytd manna. ll! no" lave-1:25 " ii." Iner- Crowding Inu- N-I-I. not) Wounded Bur-her; I"!!! “Eh-vacuum}.- tar-inthe-ttseo-rits' 'g'dtJl"d"td'tAg"tNLtt I. mum," to“). nh.lt. I” mum. on tho Gov..- met", policyh- South who. During tho an: - " lb. Gallon It. Fimt Lord at the M uni Gavan-ant lander. In Arthur J. W. promised to - to“ . mtlou whether at. Gov-uncut. had decided upon O undo: courted "tian with tiara-co to a. Inter- uonal communion respecting tho lu- tm ndmlnlutntlon at has. Th. Secretlry of Stat. tor India. Lord George llnmilwn. replying to a qmllon on the cxpmditure foe tho Indian troops in touUt Atrial, said the entire charge would be liar-yeti out of the Imperial exehortuer. m “It'll" llama. Mr. Balfour announced that. the pollution an to whether the Imperial Government were now reviewing the action ot the Cape Colony Premier. Mr. W. P. Betsreiner, and other Incin- bern of the Cape Government. and an to whether the Governor at Cape Co- long. Sir blind Milner, would be .1- lowod to dimin- the Schwinn Inn- lntry. to dissolve the Capo Legisla- turn and temporarily to assume lull authority, laid: "Thin question in apparently loundcd upon newspaper reports, tor which, Bo far an the Im- perial Government, are nwnrc, than: in‘no foundation." Mr. Ba,lour announced that the present Bibtintt of Parliament would bo regarded as a complete sea-ion. to be terminated by prerogation, and not adjourned until February. . III-h lonben’ Loyalty. Mr. Henry 'Scton-Karr, Conserva- tive member tor St. Helen's Inn- cashire. in accordance with notice given, asked the First Lord of the Treasury whether the at‘tention oi the Government had been directed to certain speeches and letters by and emanating from the members for Kil- hourly and East. Clare, Messrs. Pat- rick O'Brien and William Redmond, l’arncllites. advocating the cause of the Boers. attempting to seduce Brit- ish soldiers and inciting them active- 1y to assist! the enemies ot the Queen and what action. if any, the Govern- ment proposed to take in the mat- Mr. Redmond rose quickly, and said that before the First Lord .of the Treasury replied, he desired to ask him whether it were not. a fact that he (Mr. Redmond). in suggesting a message of sympathy to President Kruger, had only followed the proce- dent set by Her Majesty's grandson, the German Emperor. (Loud laugh- ldlourh out Reply, Mr. Balfour replied: "I “as not aware that the honorable member for East Clare framed himself upon such an august. model. (laughter). I may point out, among the dihrcatcea bo. twoen himsell and the Emperor of Germany. that His Imperial Majesty is not a. Brilisher nor a member of this House. "I have no reason to doubt the 'uv curacy of the statements contained in the question. So far as my me- Inory serves, support ot a similar character has invariably been oitcrcd by the mac quarters to those en- gaged in hostilities. I have no ground (or thinking that such sup- port was ever regarded as imporlrm. by those to whom it was prcterrcd, and I advise the Iiouse to take the same view now." t.r'mslrr of laugh- Mr. Chtuubvrlain, who was loudly cheered upon rising, began with use- vcre criticism of the action ol the Opposition at the previous meeting of Parliament. Their statements. he said, were calculated to encourage President Kruger's resistance and to embarrass the Government in "most ditrieult and most critical lunctions." Dealing with the criticisms made upon the South African League, Mr. Chamberlain said he could not claim acquaintance with a single member of it. The league was one of the poorest pecuniariiy, but at the same time most representative political or- ganizations ever established. With regard to the nllvgntlons re- spvctlng his own ttsscciation with Mr. Cecil Ithodvs, he (h‘C:and that from the time of the Jameson raid, hr,e had had no cotuusuuictrtlon, cillwr direct or indirect, with Mr. Rhodcs mjumuct nonnnclcd “gum African policy. He had seen that gentleman with retercnce to the (hum to Cairo Railway [armed and ilh reference to ledmia. bot thp on- vcrsntlona had never mudlc " pan the subjects now under mt. show, and he would remind the House that Mr. Rhodes, although a ulilllonulre. had gone to lace danger at; Kimber- ley. (CHMI). Mr. Chamberlain than [tn-corded to dismal the question of racial ttrti- mosity, alter which he challengrd anyone to see a sign of provocation. blood gunman or desire oi war m the negotiations. The Government lncrenlod the garrison: for defence on prmure from the Natal Administra~ tlon. to whom gratitude and thanks are due. Alter a “lam-Ice to the loyalty of Natal, he spoke of the ma- gnificent help the colon“: were giv- Ing, and closed by saying it was Prmsidcmt Ktuger who settled the t+ Iue. Her appealed to the God of Dat- tlol. " I may do no with reverence. I my We accept; that appnl. bqNv- lng our quarrel Nat." , Jer. Otttmtrerialrt, who had spoken two hours and thrmr-qurtrters, mum- cd MI no“. amid loud and prolonged etteer4tttr. 8lr Edwod Clarke. Conservative MM tor Plymouth. our! the more ho had and the 'torrettrtondmtem the more convinced he had been!“ of the Mandar- In the negotiations. and that at luau-able war was - out}. Mr. ”Miami conduct ot a. when. ht mun. 14-40- oet. III-7'!!- l-QII, - d I. _ an"? ri,?tEi,'J,,i.i?ii,t “any nu" mm Import to Ptpp"t. in)!“ way, In W Me. Chamberlain-'1 Defunct. A Dole-co OLKr-cer. lint-Ill Aline-Hy. to I”. in {new ‘wlth loo! - by a. Ono-mos. u. all: "A my lawn] chance in can. arr-thank“. ol the alum-loam the hum-m. eloquent. (entitle and ‘ununwmblo speech od Bl: Edward Clarke. and " now mm- n it we no going to Wu not tor on trun- dlilo but to: naughty." Ho “ruler an: " regret. that no distinguished . ma would have Abandoned the tradition- nnd example. of the party he torus]: ted. I don't desire to II.- say In (if. Hon-e " LiniriiGGrd “It! In the country" . I‘ll-u Inch cu-Mrl-h. Mr. lhrUour, in winding up the do. ngle, euloglwd "Mr. Chamberlain'. able lpocch." A member thing to continue the debate. Mr. Balfour moved claim. which was carried by . vote od 856 to 158. A division was then taken upon Mr. Sumhopo'l amendment to the address. din'spproving the conduct of the negotiations with the Transvaal, and he amendment wan rejected by a vote of 302 to 135. - Cabinet Council, A thttrittet Council lusting two hours wan herd at the Foreign ome" yesterday. Lord Salisbury presiding. The address was then u adopted. minimum], swmloh Rubelllou- -Dl.o¢tlon Gone Wrong - No In. Shattered - am South American Not-vino lands . New In ours!- Broken Dow» One. When the system is all run down nature needs help to bring it back toa goodhealtliynormal condition. Whether in springtime, summertime, autumn or winter, South American Nerviue is a rumor in restoring wasted nerve force: in toning up the digestive orzans; dispelling the impurities from the blood which are accountable for so much disease and suffering. ll. H. Barrack. of Mount Forest, Ont., says he was all run downprea1rlnnghid,had noappetitr', nerves stiattered;tlte took South Ameri- can Nervine, and to use hisown words: “I am 0. K. again; my appetite is big and hearty. Ithiukit the best medicine in the world to make a new man out n a broken down one"' nookke'éplnx Con-- (Huh. "tt make. me Urod," said the young mun-“those advertisements gunma- teelug to teach a person bookkeeping tor $10." "But can‘t It be done.” was naked. "Nat on Four life! Why, I spent ll! months and over $100 to learn the an, ttttd what do you suppose happened at the close ot the tirtgt year?" "Got your titturots mixed?" "Weil, I should smile! There was tk discrepancy of $700 between the cash- book and my ledger, and my rather but] to make It good, whlle I hunted tor Im- other Job!"- And “at! In Trouble In Blane-II. o! the Old stock. In Dearborn sweet in n Imberdnsher -Ume was when they answered to I lcss formidable name-who counts a genius nmong his employees. This “favored of fortune" ta 11 south who once clcrlied in n sworn] more In the country, nnd his present proprlctor wonder: It more an any more like My: running at large In the provinces. There had been a stock of cheap col- inrs and cults on the shelves tor years. Once in awhile. usually Just before in- voicing. these article: had been brought down, carefully dusted. tied with new baby ribbon. arranged in or- derly fashion in the window and mark- ed "0 cents” tor the culls. "ii qenta" tor the collar». But patrons would none or them. Occasionally tt man would come along and toss them over, attracted by the price, but that won alt. They would not sell. _ The country youth mrmm thst hard min. Then he took an arm- tul of the goods and dipped them can» fully in n pull of water so that about half of mph article was moistened. Thou he dpiml them In the sun at the back door and m'xt morning hooped them in the window with this nmrk~ Inc: TUINID m A BLANKI r Pam Too level-o From Rhona-emu: to Have Ivan tho Nun-‘- Trained Head Touch "rm---Ag-tqgtag Rheum-no Our. oot Ill-I Onto! In In D. lieu-I. “Some time ago I was attacked with any comm thwmatlo June. Mr Mats nrclled and rtitttm . I had to be turned in bed on a blanket. I had best doctors and beet nurses, but could not get relief. Death would have been welcome. A Mend called and recom- mended South American Rheumatic Cum. I procured it end In twenty- four boun me: taking it there In a wonalerml change. [w thin to get onto! my bed irtto new “about 1','u"'a'lrit RT ensued 'r'a do It, and a you! up nu mum-g mu _ in , maul In!!!” as.” And they m-m before noon. " Wnl all the m-uius from the country could do to tart .titttseatttertt nrmfuln soaked mu ark-(l [an enough to supply the demand. HE KNEW HUMAN NATURE. -"""iiiiGG"t""Tiiiurii"riii. f'- "r'""", Shorey’s Glowing is made to TR"'"," ngtfimade to order. Every garment guaranteed. Sold only by the best dealers. BROKBNEDOWN MAN. tttdned by the ttata, Conan. Tit Cents Cum; " crm.. no luau-Ill “In... " a “In. no- I. lulu - A very wealthy. led.“ and - prising mat-emu: In Peat-ni. In. . Mother who It truung, dissipat- ed and of mm I Ipendthrilt. But the know now And then display: ro- mum Ingenult’ In "muting I l'llle." All ttis 11:. he an manual. among "her had Mbltl. an: of wru- las execnble verge, much at which. however. In In. mused to get printed. . Intel, he conceived the monstrous ldro of having nit his " Muted In t hook and with the ski of " unscru- pulous prfnter nucceeded ll bringing out the "work" In quite Madame ”up. But In the you tMNetionnta, term: he Mediated" the book to In: wealthy brother. who - hln he“ Ind til-Johns klmmhn'l "poetry" " “all, the most reprehenllble thing that the Incorrlglble follow do“. But the rhyme-(er Ind In. "ka an" accomplice know their bullnela. Ther printed a tnrge edition of the book and nut I: copy to the wealthy man. who Immediately pun-Mud the entire ed!- ttott and the plates and made “words that burn” of the "poems" by mean: of a ttottiUqt. no llllo vent to his cruel brother and Induced him to weep: u all" to do nothing but thtottiq his vane lend. - The wicked printer obtained capltnl enough to go to chicago and carry on n reputable pr'uung etrtabiiWment, and the bad brother I: earning more money by keeping his verse tiend " lent than better poets do by keepan their muses constantly at mve--mp. Imn's Home Companion. ' - ll- Irtl-III. -_ Att amusing Incident took pines " the Grand Central station a few weeks ago. A portly man with clothes ot lor- eign cut. outlandish baggage and s do clued German brogue bought a ticket for a western point and then bought a sleeping berth and waited for his train to be announced. As soon as it was called he trot into line, occupied much space with all his bags and bundle»: and made people in front and behind him uncomfortable. He had no sooner reached the platform thafho dropped his baggage and freight and pushed his way back into the waiting room. ran up to the police oilicer and said breathiessly: "Say, I lost my blrthrmbrk." "Your blrthmark? Where was it?” “Here in my pocket In." "in your pocket? That's a nice place to have one." said the oirieer, wishing to humor I crazy man. “How did It annual-"n. HEADACHE In be Your Export-no. I. " - Mr. 'rptto_--0ar. Ancw‘n (Juan-- hs! Powder VIII navel: Cure You. "I hate used Dr. Agnow's Catarrhtil Powder for several catarrhal headaches l'rmnemly, and with every application the relief has been almost instantan- eous. I believe it to be the very heat, remedy for catarrh that is on the market to-day, and take pleasure in saying these words in commending it to all catarrh tmthrers." C. Spooner, Editor King's County News, Hampton, "Red-root-litre " birttumtr's. I can without it not in the sleep wngon 3 go." And he rushed to the ticket win. l dow, where they knew that the Ger- man meant berth check when he said I hirthmark, and the matter was settled I to " satisfaction. The crowds had' (one through the door, and it was near- ly train time when he came bounding back and up to the ticket window. where, with profuse apologies. he told the clerk that he had found his “birth- _ Toppington had entered Throttle's office just before the noon hour. "Ot course." said Throttle. altering his call~ er the dadred article. and as Topplug- ton lighted hlshslf burned cigar Throt- tle exclaimed. "Oh, by Jove, old maul Did I show you I novelty thttt I picked up when l was down in New York last week t" . "Not what was it t" "A peculiar kind of I match," was Throttls's reply as he rose and dove into the pocket of his overeat that hung on a [as the outer side of his desk It In. "Gimme a match, on" you. old man?" “(V9332 If“ throw them in the " "rdtherlitrtt Bet" -. --- _. Accompanying his word with the ap- pmprino “Hon. Throttle waned one of the "out from his hind. It tell In any Indium match wank! In" done. - "Thu-n." excl-Ind Toppilgtan. “It didn't do anything of the Hail It didnft light"_ A -- __ --- A "You're lulu-ken." VII Throttli- nply. "It did, do": you no, " lit than on the loot." Mum pk! ta the lam- Wt he. Pun banning. ht held oat toTopptmttort I handful of matches that looked like tho ordinary 1rtiekr _ ___ _ hwma'dmmc one than t" uk- ed'fgvviwo'k- 7. _ _. .. POETRY WHICH BURNER __ -u"i""G'i.G"i7ri"i"i"; m, m lam: mm Inm- Wltttr-apr.-er'met"nthe Onruocl ot "r-trea. Inn ( Cool Summer Suits clothes ht n WALL M% j'. A fine large Stow of Wall Paper just to hand. The prices are . right and you will do well by inquiring be, fore purchasing. A Delightful Smoke. Waterloo Musical Instruments. CIGAR STORE. N: " the Itailwey Track. \Vaterh o Klplln. Tteq New”: shades and coloring. duo I fine lot of [enchant hi!" and =qu fur-Ill" Waterloo. . Ont J. DOERSAM, R. Boettinger, martin Bros... Are the kind extensional: a way: get. If your tigttrs it ie regular I suit of our clothes will hide its imputation. Buy one of out One thatbou'll appreciate-is always the Insult when you use our choice tobaccos. Of all kinds. Walking sticks and sporting goods are among our specialties. _-- Just Opened Out and keep comfortable during the hot sum- mer weather. Our stock ot hminhinp in mo" compktc than ever. It, an for max! (in chin. Amnm m or DOERSAM'S E 53%? "i" Ai3lLE/cii"g's' Or t

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