Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo County Chronicle (186303), 26 Oct 1899, p. 1

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ER hula“ _ gluta- Got . good one; something that is strong, well mode, sud this to stand s good strong draft of wind. The dsys of chap. trashy, blow - out-easy lanterns no past The genuine sud most satisfactory srtic’s to buy is Wrighth Tuties made of one'piece. Wright a Co. were the first people to make the genuine Cold Blast Lenten and the en the lat people " make I pm! mick. Full stock of china”. vii end Intern globes. Mackintosh and We carry I stock that would do credit to llnlugesl store in Canada. a- it; The best makers in the world are representednvhich ll the guarantee, and my“. . Is for rice we will be pleased to show you so that you may judge hoe the - yourse i A few of our specials are quoted below: avg; or Ladiee' fiot twill in pavy and Yack, fine large loose cape with vel. - T. Ovens. VOL M-RO. " vet collar, worth regular h oo,' special" - - - Men's Waterproof, with detachable cape. raised seams. double stitch, black only, worth 82.50, special - '- - Men's Mackintosh style, double breasted. velvet collar, in lawn. a smart coat for young men, worth .4 50 for q - Men's Mackintosh Style single breasted, velvet collar in lawn and grey. regular price ' 5.00 for - - - Men's Waterproof for heavy driving use,in (awn only,regalar price $6 50, special - . - - - . Men's Waterproof, with detachable cape. in fine parametta serge. navy and black, regular price. 88.00 for - - - navy and black reguiir price, #860 "for '. - r " 50 Thou; and many others all at special prices. h l, 0. llirtlllllllilll iNhild They are the Warmest and most Comfortable slippers you can gel for house use. We also have a full lineol Twccd, Carpet, Leathe and Fancy Toilet S'ippcrs which we sell at ROCK BOTTOM figures. The Cheap Store SQ IG'HRIJNN¢ \~"." an,” N‘”’" N: 'l A Big S For SHOES Wilma“ bun lantern We have the lamest Cheapest and best assortment of German fell slippers in town, imported from Germany. - . _ Children’s sizes at 15e, 20e, up to 45e I pair'. Ladies' " " Me, 25c, 30e, up to 90e I pair. Gentleman’s sizes at. 30e,35e, 45e, " " 60e " 42, 44 and 46 King St. :E3CB3aRir.ayil.q'" - ( J. Ji1il?Il)lilLIc a; son, ---Felt Slippers Ahh H. LEESON A. Weseloh & Co. jLtkllillllIll1llll comm Wanda County'- emu» Mem. Ottid Blast L mtern. No mines. _ No smoke or smell. No clogging 3, go pieces l" paws, Waterproof Coats. N Style, Superiority. Suthhdion, And. Saving of Simoleaus. To see Andw‘ secure and to smile when you luvo‘ secured. " you want a shoe that‘ will add to your winter's comfort Ind save your doctor's bill try our 2'2'lit' box calf Slater about u .850 'iiilt' ’6 oo and our ladies' comfort walk. ing shoe mule by J. D. King with et' patent sleeper Insole at " 50,3300‘ and $4.00. For elegance, (inability. and s 'tistnction they are leaders. ‘ Set? and one price. Berlin, Ont. ONT- " " $5 50 " yo 82 oo $3 50 wusnwo. ONTARIO. THURSDAY name. 06mm; an ' Wgmottta.-Ott Tuesday, Oct. 10th, ft an interesting event took place when Mr. John Ineler of Shakespeare, and t Mien Louisa, daughter of Mr. J. o. t' Brueeuer,msre united in the holy ‘ bonds of matrimony. The ceremony was performed by Rev. F. Loch lathe , Lutheran church. After the ceremony I the guest: repaired to the residence of ' the bride’s parents where a sumptuous repeat was partaken of by all present, t The groomemen were Mr. James Bord. . flower, of Strutford. and Mr. Prter lt" Brueckuer, brotherof the bride, and Mia: Magdalene leeler, of Shakespeare It and Mine Catharlne Wahl of St. Aga- tltt,,rtge,fA'ieec momma happy couple a long ed prosperous Wedded life. Mr. and In Jenn [$an and donghur Benin, and Mr, tad In. Henry Long, of Elm, Ind., who were visiting Mond- u'ound bore for a short mm, M on Thnrlday lac hr l'ennnylunh, when any Imam! spending ”veal ween helm-o mm- in; home. In ' In -M U0. hr- t','dl/t1,tt,,Ntti4 mu A 1utieut.qe- III and at ttsid. nlght. Alto: linking (to Allan and. " their ”scam “and u-‘ tonal-mt they diam-ed to that durum: henna. ttarimt Ind I delight- ful amend won both to spun“. Gun-n from mam, Punk and Lin- “unattended puny. P!titaoaar---a1r., Ind Mitt Digits, P333010!" --Adam Berle,who spent a couple of weeks in New York, re- turned home recently. Mr. Berle was r’reeent at the celebntlon given 31 New York In honor of Admiral Dewey . . . .A. B. Mann, who - a couple of week- viemng his brother end other mend: no" Wehrm, Ind., returned home on Wedneedny In». The western excursions were taken saunter” of by a number from here to "it Head- in Detroit, Port Enron and other paring“: they“. Brt"rm.--4Fl 'l.'httt2"2t'g held by the Rev. It. at in the W. B. church hon. Thy an my 'Ponuyan I t'ac ml than: an m n mt....ln snack, TL'll'f, was the m " My: Mm 3mm tmtNmur....-utuPkAiiU "tttttt 'duitt'fdutttt tli', exp-cub a: "on" on “It! b M haunt. Ixnuuy a! h (“mt-uni) “inn” tbtttaac-.mt.ut-t_-r. Wad-1h. I “gunman-Irma: In. an. 1 nmm,uthtrhuu mum-um. B. WWWPW New“: 3-. and u "tttttmat..-.'-' Ferris and o. Fog-on, of Elan high who], spent Thanksgiving " unclu- home- hm. . . . Mrs John Webster visited memu in Strata“! Int weigh. -,iiltt,',t tttll'; M run, spent hmhgh g I t sister, ttru, Roam“. mutrrs.-Otitt, a number from hm amended the C. o. P. concert " Mill- bank Int Friday evening. . . Ahmitrtn- alien ”who was held in the Church of England but "trtattt....ggr. and Mrs. J. B. Campbell are home from their trip to Manitoba. calls again. ...The Wilmer, 'mwnsmp man; 'fLf'l'21"G'l',""i4'.""l'i2 "Ill,','.' council met. here on Monday... " . - Alex. lmlny....l!erb Millard has re double deck euro! hogs was 'ttippod turned home from Midlannn. from tterr, on Monday. -- --'- w. Orr, George Macho, or Newark, N. J., is V.S., moved with his family to Strut- here fl: . short whit to routine ford on Hominy, where he has worked Tht, sacrament of the “my. 8-“me l'/r'r,a,d'/pl'dt'i,dreL,t','t',ra/'t,'g.' will ttqrttdtnittigtered in the Methodist ' Ft "is? the: both eueceee....Quiie church Sunday memoon, Nor. tith. a ew our tisens nmuded the M. John’s Lutheran church re-opening at - .0mo‘l' Waterloo on Sundny. . . . H. M. Bru- 8001M. GArortrso.--Upwards of bucher'e woolen mills are closed down fifty guests gathered wgeiher at the for severe! weeks for repairs, chief of house of Mr. end Mrs. P. Snider lest which is the putting in of a new ewe! Saturday evening to spend a ttttt titunes. Fraser & Co. huve tho contnwr time in honor of .me Rev. A. prlnger for the ihttmt. However, Mr. Brn- and bride, paatorof the U. B. church beeher has a very large stockof woolen (Radical). The evening was spent in goods on hand, so customers will be music, both V003! and instrumental. served the same as when the mill was Some very good selections were given. gv~ing....We understand the tannery An excellent lunch was prepared to will soon he in operation again. Mr. which ample justice was done. Near Henry Heldmun, who moved to Water- the midnight hour the crowd dllfereed. loo 'n the summer, will return to take Mr. B. Smokey was present w th his charge of the banners. {phonograph to whloh all listened with Wrmottta.-Ott Tuesday, Oct. 10th, M0113”- - mower, urn. mum-”unnme upon- . . no], otGalt, has been whiting " her "h“ o." fra- ‘ut NH grandpuentl, Mr and Mn E Hewitt, mtrgtrs.--Tht, weather in 't5 been [at week. very titttt and warm the past not, Tn: Ctrxmcmttg--%m an Elliot, of real summer weather. . _ .The rain be- Niagttm circuit, 000an the, pulpit of gan to mn on Tum” and W” '0'! the U B church here on Sunday even- wetrome, ”the ground was very dry. lug, the 15th 1nat. He delivered an in some places where water was scarce excellent sermon which was highly the rain will be doubly we]eome.... appreciated by all preeent....The U Bemrh-rtutting in becoming a favorite B conference which convened in pastime with young lad old. Beech Bloomingdde last week human fit to nuts are very plentiful this fall.... reiumtoue our paator, Rev House- Winter t pplee are not very plentiful in nun The members and adherents of this part of the country this year and the church are glad to have their IMF command a good price....A ear ot tk tor beck....Rev J tbtrowetu,ourformor westbound freight train was derailed pastor, luncheon returned to hie old Bear the station early noted-y morn- cm " Shellield. ing. As the auxiliary was engaged on --------- the wreck near Weston it was evening warn-norms. before the Bar wan removed. Fortu- PaatttoNAL.-Mr. Nolton TI. Peter» nately, however, the car was in such; eon, barrister, Berlin, and Min Irene position that one of the aiding! could Peterson mg mtsglvlng at m, usedtolet a” train: through, Mt no atone Ville....llre. Wilkinson was delays occurred. Hod the ear lent-he the gmsatof her a, g" Wilkinlon mil-Immune” when Berlin he: week....lr. Jen. Woods, bmstt done....'l'he tax collector ig paid ihrauii; trip to Walleee, lion- making " preliminary rounds " day. .. .Mr. John Inlay, who has been Ie"nt. . Get '.er “.2! ready till Are' on.“ in 0mm for some "an. in homo aythokev. It. Mll in the day Ian....ln m m ,chmhhm Thy In Mr]: mnnmhmh Mod....8mo people [my WBnMon and” alum-m Mauls: In! rum Why“ ”HUN. Snack, of , m 'al'e'altglt m. mu " 1153911511“: 3mm tints-shimme- (“mt-Hind) 5“ IV] LI... Buns - The recon: mine have served to improve the {all ploughing.. In Wm Kerr recemly had his metallic hem Mythical by lrLee, 06Bmtt- foni....llre FTye Intends to spend the 31mm- in 'ttttrl, B C. . "p, Dlvi Meyer, . I changed at r Fred Wttlker'a, h laid up with . note hand. . ..|lr ll Newcombe, of New Dundee, when ensued a present in preparing e ”not, of Wilmet' to" tttpete',' the people ot thin " tydnrlngthepeet two menu“ II- Eliu Brown, of Hey-ville h the guest of HEEISmdem. . . ."iGiiii' Itttt 16.i . In. Id. ILWoha'mM wont In Brmmr- hnoronooxum, who man, when the will upon! some thattt,'a,,"gh,l'thl,'g: G"& mum" 'litu"gSt on Ind Minn, m g n dny Ian....ln some alumni-bio 'mehnrtthm-hatArtoet."...tti'ire 'rmrtmsrtte_ot'ttedhrttretrmttotttr xnn-n-mm I vi: to mam-mum and” lint. It D1ehvvhereMtirrrrrtag" 'al'l'lgr2ll'n1l'dtt an an -dtltttteidirtgarfMi" luna- In “(III-m. m umum....mnm M'.'g,T'utgg'eip,t't 1hhitii'.l.h.liliri'iii,i,itt!i'i? Int-kn. nut-minimum at ....It P , nub, othevub....lc.n Jon.- M- gg2.t'.'.fp'I,ttAt " t,'aStdhAl,'tga.'.t'.2yet ....erWd|, which unit-Mb ....lr 1'dt,u'ttwt.'rat=u't,et, ?It9r'tP?Aartd dmgtyeael-tFtn.rk an" gig: fab con-inf moi. “Wm": up ttrtr mum PgatttoNAL.-Mr. Nolton H. Peter, non, barrister, Berlin, and Mia Irene Peterson spent Thanksgiving at Fri- atone VIII-"nun. Wilkinson was magnate! hot in, De. Wilma-on, Berlin,” week....lr. Jon. Wood. pale a business irfp to Wanna, lion- day. .. .Mr. John Inlay, who has been away in Oregon for Boat? years, is home COIIXG an 19omo.-Mtu. J. P. Matthew apent Thanhgiving with her parents in 8tratroed....Mra. A. W. Dewitt and sister were visiting Mend: in ”main and Berlin on Fri- day and Saturday inst....llr. Percy Peppler was visiting hit brother Alex. rtJntNttiiarttl,'2'tntt. 1 1ee+ it: 1lttl'N'd'gt; ,,g"rlttti",l,ttd't'lu'd"lt, tliiiiiiR:'li,i. d. B. In“ Be.C.,.tfta"t-ai%Sr,ueiir. “at omuumumumubcmu‘ W 3.13. at. on 'e!ttbtttfretradertii>r. ',teattmtegetrttetiuL. .tteAtehteyorreiur Mignon)“, and: m _ "51"“ "N‘" =TzCCzdrd'r"=%re1T mar... ”mluuwmmfi'm“: Weber vital m m m, mull}. Gmunboch u Harri-00m. In. Id. ,','i2'fgP,'2ft, wool In Imam, w spend some 'hettttye..dyc-arr"Pttrrae at Kunzvillo to one of the film! dmghtenof that Mannheim) of our juvenile: wont to Standard on Snnday lat. ..llr. John ahr In. I new grinder of the very latent improve- ment patina) hh cider mill. no is T'gat'S2,'geh,',1t demands of All!” dertrtmnersatsmstt on may now ones....Wo under-cud that two of our ochool tuohcn no Inving,‘ which will - two "who " New Yen’s. _ Ind WV ,lds, no mali- n 'l%Tllrllail"ll'f,"dJ.".".'1'l'dd Kan-human I vi: to D1ehvvhereMtirrrrrtag" mmmdllh lulu!- umum....mnm - #IMQW‘I'mI-v . [October 23] P-At..- In E Bullock and children returned to their home ti Wood-took he: week, Bttqe spending . few 'rsteirithher-t.urs..r.. mama Boomer returned on Wed- , use: eroding a plenum two week! M: th Meade In lingered! end lamina. Her condo, ll- lloolnet, of London, Impaled her mainland: bt,,1'fty, " week- " "Poplar De "...... Albert Selmun end his M Nellie spent Smiley with Mend. near lekeevllle...... Mr and In IcKee. of Gorrle, Upon: nfew days mung friend- and "si- tlons in and around (“gawk-3;. ed Iuunrts--'rttaahag v pen: off very quletly. lost of our bor wet aligning. The; report more miles Mr 'lf'llrel'g had “amid the ripe aged - Btsqrtga one cf the tel' ePtt? oy tomrhigr,foqtintr Iht,mrts1--'t'hankagivittg was rather quietly observed .... Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kreuuwieser wore at Waterloo on Saturday attending the funeral of Mrs. Ermttmreritrtrr'tt father....llr. and Mrs. Phil. TTaarmpttug were called to the sick Waldo of her brother, Mr. Roesch, of Waterloo, on Frldsy, who died since, and will be buried to-mor- mw (Tuesday)....Thnnhglrlng ser- vice. were held in the Lutheran church on Thundsy forenoon and were I attended"..A number of our smug wandered through the {oracle for game on Thanksgiving, but were obliged to return home without any....8everal of our ritiemen attended the shooting match at Philipsburg, and report bev- ing had a good time.... Frequent showers of rein which we are having mmrrtt.-chas Koch)" Intends go- ing into business, which will add un- other tailoring estrtatrtuhrrtesst to our town. . . .anry Knntzwakerls negoti- ating with Mr. Benin: for the Roy-l hotel. If Ptettotory, he will Mo from his naive home in Ireland to make s home for himself in the wood- land forests of our fair country. He had been quite ill for some time. He leaves one daughtarto mourn his de- parture, his wife end the rest of the family having been called home before, him. was Iontgomery has the sym- pathy of her my friends in this hour of he: bereavement. now are very ttgrxeaNe....ChaE Koahlor has gone to Godorich on a busineutrlp for a few days....Goo. Porter I'll taken hymns-prise on Thuns- day when he wa- umndod by the tyedcYreirttt big btrthda.r-..Mr. m- We! $ritttmi.T"..iiiG Manhunt. WM; s low an ,rithhert+odtauit hummer- ville......ln has, “Tomato, h viseitrgtoreomtts,Mrirtqu John' Midi To iair"iiriiiiG" Tiii Momn’l house, lately vacated by them, who have moved to Toronto. Pmt-s-ir. Ind In. L. B. (Bald our from last issue.) ftt'gttt2rhti2t2ie 'lg'. W ILL-m. M: an I 1h"8iaidiril"lridrlas Blue Flame (lil Stoves Cheap Cash Summon.” and MA. King sum-Inn, Ont. Slm’. and Gwen's high grade shoe, for Gentlemen Always in stock H; !io,,,r,,lllyol1?N: ,eiteei.eotrrarmseroaeioortet. MIN-banjos! bet I I II’ but' In all . T tll'.'."?,)'."')','.',',','",.',', ourearpet tl,t121'l. Also a lot ol'l‘ranlon' ampleuofluo (hut-inst 250 "uth, . Suit-No {9:8th trt--. mmuusmumnqm has "I. Iron and . Galvanized Pipe J. S. Boos, - I We stock all sizes up to 3 inch. We buy pipe by the car load. Out price in right. Cumin. Jankim' Wm We 1',1t't in Watch» for FAIRBANKS “HI-dud (Hobo, ,Anng-lm.m About J. M.lr. and MmWhE Wear-7 . lug. stock of hon Ind Galvanised Hui-p, M. WEICHEL & SON THE POPULAR BOOT AND SHOE STORE Carries a Complete Line of Trunks and Valises SHOE DRESSING New Williams Sewing- Machinos T SMYTH BROS. Elbows, Couplings, Tm, etc. For COAL OIL or GASOLINE. 'at.p,t"1"rr.tglL,,um, CI 'a'Itllttg wenu It. Letitia-Wit. - . 'AuwN'rio-itausiis. Yotteha-irthsoctila-. f'a'l,'hT,t'h"o,iiie, "FORD“? naval-“albumin- III-on. Xqetdit-t.travtaiiiiaui. 1.B2e.iisry_tmhiddoiiai 'Ei7ifei6Fih"il't"d'llrT'iL-au,a.,-. " don-thou». Tomminoitistobnyit. LADIES' GENTS' CHILDREN’S Ltuti curtains 'i00Curtain.torta, IM " uloo WHOLE NUMBER so .' a Hardwai-e Merchant. } Milllll King st, IM 225 Waterloo

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