Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo County Chronicle (186303), 5 Dec 1895, p. 6

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L?'; " Mn .h m 5'53: - man-“mundan- ' mammal“- Some idea of what it would cost. an to assume all the retrpoasibilities of tsationhood ! Its annual military end navy expensee ere $80,000,000, and it also pays out $140,000,030 to some 900,000 pensioners, though more than thirty years have guns since Lee lur- rendered his army end Jtdferuon Devie tried to escape in pettieoata. No one moms to think the ammo: area-he either. If we w.triifitt." of the vsrmé, Mates, when would our share of the expenditure come to t Tit $17,000,000 "usually, u we ere one.Utirtrenth of their popuietion. As it 13, . Common peye shout oneaeventeertth of what hie neighbor oonsiders neoeeeery for ne- tiouel honor. Yet the United States bee no armed and poverfli neighbors to keep at n respectful din-pee. mi u nee " ell 11: not e polities no we voeld oeee if 'e new at he. been Britain. Rd '?!.errfte heal-111 fetter “an " b. any Dr. M. “however, Mk“. -h bl in atddit%ts n “he; in use can added!!! rhea-'h Gui-the We (“gang-f an; _ 'i, "Gia' I’“‘. . Wat-type {at a»? in: ak br' "EEL" Mill a W':-3 '= " I Canada has now come to a point where this cost must be borne; and, as Prin. cipal Grant tersely puts it, "the only questions to be consid red are ". 1. Will it cost us less to incur the respons- ibility alone or in alliance with the wealthiest Empire in the world 1 2. Will it be more natural to share the coat of our Mother Country or with a foreign nation 1' This appears to be the situation in a nutshell At present Britain supplies us with naval and mil, itary protection, and with a diplomatic service backed by the most potent prestige on earth. To declare a senti. mental independence would be to ‘ throw this duap~akable advantage away and replace it with an infinitely inferior national armament, for which we must paythrough ttsenotse.sucheonduetwould be but feebly paralleled by the man who should give up a practically free passage in an Atlantic “greyhound” and then build an open boat with his own hands in which to croaa the ocean. Principal Grunt, in the first of a. ser- ies of articles in the Week, discussing the relations of Canada to the Empire, points out that it coats a nation some- thing to reach and fulfill its manhood. John Ross Robertson followed and accepted this on behalf of the publish- ers. . Hr. Hall Gains. speaking at thema- We. this afternoon, gave an outline of the understanding which had been nachedhstween the publishers of tha- ada of the Canadian Copyright Asso ciation. “This undertaking, he pro eesded to say. “has been embodied in a draft hill, which we now submit to the wisdom of the Dominion Government It is in the nature ot a ooaipromioa. You will perhaps allow me todoeribe by this agreement the time within which a copyright holder can publish hstuoadaaadaetmrs an absolute and untrammelled copyright’is extended from thirty to sixty days, with a poss- ible exmtion of three days more at the discretion of the authorities. Also by this agreement the license to be granted for the production of a book that has not fulf1iled the conditions of Canadian copyright law is limited to one license, and this single license is only to be issued with the copyright holdem' knowledge or sanction. Fur- ther, tho copyright holder who has an independent chance of securing copy- right for himself within a period of sixty days is to be allowed a second chance of securing it after it has been challenged and before it can be disposed of by license, and fittally the royalties of the author are to be secured to him by a regulation of the revenue tostamp on edition of a book on the issue of a license. This is the ground ot the draft bill which the Canadian Copy- 1 right Association has joined with me 1 In recommending to Government, and 1 on its general principle I have to say, " first, to Ganadian authors, that a bill , framed on these lines will not put them 1 into a position of isolation among the i anthoru of the world, and next, to the t authors of England and America and t of all the countries having a copyright t treaty with England, that it willsecure ' to authors' the control of their property, t and put them all alike on an equal 9 footing, and therefore it will not, I I think, disturb the operation of the t Berne convention so far as Canada is t concerned, or the understanding be- d tween Gr t Britain and the United d States. '7,t,ot)ri" this I must allow that d the arrangement is a compromise," t Atesietitreeti WW4!“ 0m", 2rot2lL.-Iuesmsfsmi- in dams quad“ ooh-cud at m delock an afternoon It the De m: of Agriculture. tlet',',',',',' who paid-d, and Sir Bib ”at "pro-undue Government. Beside- Ball WumdF.B.Dddy. than was meat maple-um tiven ot it» Min 'tem M600, Minn Copyright The Coat of Nauonhood. CANADIAN COPYRIGHT 'r w AP, Canada has, it seems, vest areas of forest wealth yet unexplored. Dr, Bell, of the Geological Survey, who has just returned from his summer's work in the far north, reports having discovered e large river, not laid down in the map, which flows into James Bey. He in- forms us that its trt', are very heavis ly wooded with pi e, lprnce, temereck, balsam and whitel birch. The fore-t extends along the whole length of the l river, leverel hundred miles. The exe I of the lumbermen he- never been heard in those solitudee ; nor he: flre, which works such havoc in the forest, wrought any destruction. Ibo nver in larger than the Ottewe, end hes num- erous fella and rtspifs,turnUhing aplen- did water power. The Crown Lends Department et Quebec eeyl however, that they knew the riter and territory adjoining, 'which we! explored leet year by hid Henry 'tltr; noting superintendent of our eye, though his report he, not been ipnhliehed. The river is known, Mr. OlSnlliven up," the N ottewey, end it hen two great braneher--thas Weeweeepi ind the Mo. Kiscen. There u en immense tract of splendid agricultural l in the region, end Benkaien pine. on. Mr. Flynn. Commuiiomtr of C we lands, he. taken poeeeerion in th territory on be- hlf of the Province ' (hehmt.-Ahet- ede Lumbermen. _ r I f 1.. the t.ruthftpt.qtnrtt- who at. book a». No-ToBao. the hunks 1"t'a'tfd tttHeres" but: out; an he. a 'tttttV 'lpMt cumin“. antiwar-r; Ilka-wank 1rtiealteqt1,ytettr. _ _ -- A lat-*9 '0“ - lug a has. you In. - ---"'"""__'__V -' -.. - ymmfiflumwk: Ifrouamraaxtouuto Mm “We blood-mm.” in A was. trmonhhdmmh t-gtmofoqtgt mama-unu- lid-nag. a! mum-Ind A _ 'hate (out. but‘ .""."er'W9rStVa_. Youn- ii'r'.'s,Fr4',iltl,lf'dhy.ll'd.' q tl'?rdl'liil"ldt perfect harmony ot the human mechan- ism. A superabnndhnce of life, an ex- cess of vital actionfcannot exist; we cannot have a too actlive metamorphosis of the tissues, for the fresher their or. ganic constituents the more serviceable they are. Incessant change is the or- ganic law. lhe moat active metamor- phosis of the body possible, the highest highest development 'of life is health; the complete arrest of metamorphosis is death ; the partial cessation or arrest is disease. In death the flesh goes on decomposing " during life but there being no renewal the form is lost; in disease waste goes on more rapidly but renewal fags and incomplete or degener- ate tissues are formed. Equilibrium of the vital forces depends upon the per- feet harmony of two forces carried on t'itmtltaneomilr--detstruetion and con- struction. Both are necessary and there must be no doiieieney of either, for a preponderance of one over the other in any part, or a deiieiener constitutes a detieiener of life. Disease is an absence of health. mo' out Run-inn nil my nib-ad was Siberiq. Indeed,‘ full, but the Brit. ish mom‘s“ Mint shit that, mango! akin “(Landing money be and to build5 ipe for the navy, it proposes to amplo British may to strengthen Cm A ooerttmrmialir.-- Montreal Stu. When we thi, C. P. R,, we New“ . 'T", 18 imp-w dedene. rennet“. toedttrtti-qt oothistespierwill haul-slab; in. there-sumac acumen-con for expecting my coo-“mun din-go. in the our have. 1110th wsynthntthe iamhdpbni'd up itiobilu te.s.iliurmueo tolarrye tferrua; cuminthdnum-nm Dr. New Ant. “mt Canada'- Fora! Wealth tothe various orders were g ted on be- hnlf of Road and Brid Committee who-e statement. will In tppeu- in a pumpth form. 2hg Jhsdioal Haiti: o oer produced his and rgporu us toll t Touclmgécjpglq 'oftIuTmon- ram, M.00 ;8. B. Snider 33 ; George Diefbnuaher, 66. "ip of Wallaby: Onbeh-lfof the Bond pleased to "Tort that d piring yea- the Bond, w _ vigilant watoh our the trusted mic, huh-d no nvengollul'oofperp . . our. Ind the, hot val tlr-tiii-shorts" tho Bond" not Ate, “I Council met porn to edjourn- ment the 18th day MIN ember, 1895. All members present», e Reeve in the cheir J the minute: o the preced- ing eeeeion were reed en adopted. Cornrmmioatiom, end ills were re- ceived. After due oone' ention orders were greeted u compo tion for sheep killed by do”, via t--P. . Lech”. 1 ram, 86.00 ; B. B. Beside 2 eheep, C3.- 33 ; George Dieteubeober 7 sheep, 818 - 'CtrUt my testunonr) to try your valuable ten - ‘It is with great pl sure that I write ta thunk you for our wonderful medicine, Paine'e Gel y Compound. Some time ago I wu v lick and hap pened to see one of yo r publications, in which I read of othe being cured. I concluded to try Pai " Compound myself, and I now the God tor the wonders it occomplishe for me. I was suffering from heart inane, kidney trou'nle and general tsakriesm; and some days woe not able stand without experiencing great pain ; my appetite was also very poor. Bi oe I need the Compound I am Able to get about the house and work, And co now eat any- thing put before me. . _ Mm. Hsrbour writes the View of benefit people:- Knowing well thnt l demanded a strong and she wisely determined Celery Compound, site it had done for the ten in Oansds. The results to herself as well as to sister soldiers. Mrs. I iences with Pnine’s Cel induced hundreds of oth to seek a new physical suns great medicine. Reader, this name w Celery Compound will for you, it you ere nilin Your friends and neigh ed it, and it bet made strong, after they faile mon medicines of the Mull. Harbour, of Winnipeg, Man, a faithful veteran of t 0 great Salva- tion army, wee for a ime obliged to give up active work, o ing to the ego nies and "frssrinp of heart disease. kidney trouble and ge ernl weakness. Knowing well that or great work demanded s strong en vigorous body, she wisely determined to use Paine’s Celery Compound, at hearing what it had done for the te of thousands in Canada. The results were surprising to herself as well as to er brother and sister soldiers. Mrs. arbonr’s exper- iences with Paine’s Ce ry Compound induced hundreds of ot r "lvationiata, to seek a new physic life from the General Booth " hi. my of Sul- vntionists now A . tr power in every C1tiy of globe. Their drums, music, ooul- iring'eongl and prayer: are stirring u thewld. esallmm, indifferent end wick in - country under Haven. and ey ore my liehing n work that p to to theme the united efforts of n! our Christin churcheo. _ i The member. of th Solution Army endure trials, hurdeh pe end persecu- outione " did the vali nt apostle Paul in his time. Many f theme faithful Selvntionilto labor on rem day to day, sufrering from thorns n the f1eah, no doubt of I like chn ter to that en- dured by the greater rancher to the Gentiles; but 3 me itut and wise Ruler but. through ience, provided for H is "lieted and disused servants. , l She Says: "I Thank God For the Wonders Palna’e Celery Compound iAooomp- 1gllMgflf Moll WAS Proelaiminl Walk-10y Town-hi] To a»? n thewld.ullous, ', in - country oy "a ”comp p bl to minus the II our Christian 'ELLS HOW nm ; Full and} Nation . My power in $83191); Their piling-oust and tltesut1d,esalloua, in every country dedul Painn’s o I like work And suffering. rs have teat- hem well and with the com- 3y. " follows,with sure that I our wonderful y Compound. lick and [up r publications, sting all 7 sick may lead nanny ody.' I Counsel]. 110de an . the ex- keaping I F4 Murphr--weii, yer honor, you see dere’n . new policeman on de. beat, and I hue I suspicion he in using me fur to pmtice on-Philadelphia Record. Mtyrtutrttr--hruohr,tta in thetbird time you have been up before me this wet: Fut.rthe manning of itt ' DENTIST- Montreal. Nov. M-The cause cele- , . ' bre of The Canada Revue v Archbishop Office in the Oddfellow s Block. . Fabre was advanced another stage to. Waterloo, one day, and still the victory rests with c l His Grace of Montreal. In November' W R. w‘mukigrlg l grandma. 1391. l 1892, Mgr. Fabre issued a circular to . a. . " oronto, 139* his clergy prohibiting The Canada IG. §%?;§£“fi§o§$%’% ti', shti?ii' vue, a weekly paper published by Mr. BH ' pl h be. new?" Itgt o I Filiatreault, and edited by several well ,'e'tltrt2tpt' f/ttii. tt of Tooth known French writers, whose liberal _ Otttoes.. LANAgrAN BLOCK tendencies were very marked.The oom- and Yos'r's BLOCK. tin, 'thrays oven. pany took action for $50,000, but 7 Klmlllifopen every laudayfand J udge Doherty dismissed the action .-----1-t1e1'ieteftStUCC1"i'C' with costs. The case was taken to Re. . view, and today J udge Tait and Tasch- DEN TISTRY- ereau oontirmed the judgment of the -- . . C lo wer court, while Judge Archibald dis- Ie2rlyitl?s,', (lh'P4f.tttu','.thgg tel ever vexed. Helssdll those tsented. beautiful .Wm. teeth 'llhirt,'ir,tgt; Mr. Horace St. Louis, who has so humbled Meh. thrh"ndikiiisaitiGG7r% ably conducted the case of the con- Inserted. s. '" can demoed paper, asked at once permiss- 13-8" 60 Queen street. W. her-1h ion to appeal to the Privy Council, ====================xA=%Gr=G which their honors allowed. mm was a living skeleton; the doo. tor said he was dying of Marn- mus and Indigestion. At " months he weighed only seven pounds. Nothing strengthened or fattened him. I began using Scott's Emulsion of Cod-11m Oilorith BrINphoqitttteq , . ing itto him. 'tii1-xtttstitite in? Council adjourned to'meet again the third Monday in December next " the Township Hall, Croeshill. Nov. 18th. 'M. On motion the report of the Medical Hench tPier was adopted. During spring and early summer - here ‘was an extensive visitation of measles in the southern rtions of the Township 3 some cases of which were very severe but none fatal. During the same period the were several cases of scar- latina, all recovering ; of diphtheria there has t been a single osse;whoop- ing cough as rare and light. There were about a dozen cases of trphoid-- ,one death. But this the most sweep; ing 'et/tt coming under our observa- ‘tion was 0 olera infantum. which in some localities invaded every home and in some households all the ohildren,--. two deaths , The adult population too, was more or less visited with dysentery and diarrhoea. It is gratifying to note the better appreciation of the impor. tance of proper hygienic methodspreva- lent among the people; and in the main I must say, instructions are fairly well followed. In the exantbemata and other contagious diseases adequate iso- lation is not always attainable,but the best that oircun stances will allow, are with more or less cheerfulness and in- telligence put in force,' n ate was of reason-Me eon» - ,‘Qmmmm plaint the rd's injunctions have been 2lrteui"gttue" to 'Jntaeeh. Aatttrnq oheerfully ted upon. Al to the Pub. -""""""-'"--'--'""'-'"-""--"""-t'"'--'-" lie Health there is " the pro-ant. time J B. MB M D., . nothing at. good to be reported. . Coroner County ot wmrxoo. My Baby Verdict For the Archbishop vo “I'll? + than?" nil (hi. pur- l chum f tttrt; or bun SLuant gain. met Itffd ._,, their”, xSuuucn‘r . .. ' 'fiiiiiir 'l'ei'fll'l,'a P _ Eamzsm Ammo- LI AG Itt,Premytaiey.xanN- ...TI-IE.. War. MORTON, Medical Health Offietsr. $16153!!de J. L, Knox-men, Clerk. ad, Buy only mam. ' l ~(Mammolmm _ 1 Ollie. 1utur0hteshsWataeko 1 my m “may; um. L a... ' '.'2tP2iifhi.0'5"i'iiir"irrs. , w. n. B.U. J. A. M.B.A. it mum-ow r to. , on“ l 0m S.h'N'tMtgl,"'ittm, ' A (Ion! 1'0 In!) . . ' . [ tt.' B.-Hr. Rude will "M03111. Waterloo and be in chm of the on” I ---------------.-- [10me a CLEMENT VAN CAMP extracts teeth Without' tit Jd,t,tif/le?v'itpt'ii',iiiiir,it. The t our vex-ed, o ".i1ituhtntittiiia u Janna] t?,lt,ttr'et,ir4,jltitillfiiii, 19.99500! " D. D. B., Phnndelphu. 13m. L. D. B.. Toronto. 1m. SPECIALTY Pauxnvrnox ot the Nauru Tmsth including the l'"ll'f/tg of Arttiteial fipilgg, tht',',',',?) lttott gt,1, e 1"”an g dgeu to up , 0 place lining oe without using a Nate. _ Once: CANADIAN 8100K, Ber this” open. and YOST'S BLOCK. tin, Se [whom - Iona: tand _ In. - .._...- ...- .-- m M V” "__-___ -........ 2t,ltr, 'l'rfdhhie,Q,g,?tdhtti1a,'ildii, ODON'rUNDRR. Fred G. Hughes D.D.S. Will visit link- tho new}! Prtder Ed ttmyth Thundumd Dunno " m m EAR hum. DtBeto--New residence. Albert street, Water loo. B short distance north of the late Dr. deon's reddenoo. DR. C. T. NmOKER. MEDALLIBT or TO 1 J8li'Jl L'h'."get Ft'tet'te ottho 001- n on 1a't,i'ttaRP"'"" Mrsm" Agtqtmeth Wi 0' ihi"GfiGAf,%%1h'o'mr, Em. I . D. B. Bowlby, Owner for the Count V Dr G. R. Bowl!) truth about. of the we. throat and on. y _, Moduli! 1tmdtunee-gotrn _ DR. A. P. BAUEAm l __ Puritans. Suns-on ARD ttc',",':;)',",':: on» and msstdomsis-rwo doors north m1- donoe formerly occupied by tho has Dr. wade. un Albert Inject. Waterloo. iiTGiu%GiGrGiii"Gi.' - PHYSICIAN. Bmmxonoouonln. "iiiito.-u the room to at coon " w. Wolls,L. D. B. over 'i5y5ti'i'ite' 'kt MIL Night; egg-mend " on. ole For the which Man of tooth. Wsterloo Nov. lat I” " IAlIm AT LAW swam in all the "tttre, Notwi- and Conny-noon. Honey to land on mire It Invests-nu. once-Gout Home n. W. H. Bower, M.a,, LL.B., 0.0.. _ Telephone commutation. Munoz 00140030". A. B. new: 'hatyyraat3Nr,etes, __ """ "'"-V "fi' cotBtieE-mrititriitstigo-io. 5W Kin tttmotweK%Fiirr. UHOUN 8 11me com 'rl'2'ddtlgll,'ldu-.,: to. C'.OfBe.-.C- and It!) But-ooh. Water. far, our old 'rltil%,t'. M-tottmatattowmt rum-ct lam-eat. Tdepliono isommunioatton. tMtttr-At " "eianod on It!) shoot. ”when. commutation. ' w. A. KUMPF, VETERINARY SURGEON. "by. In. My _ _ iiiiriiliir.t4 at Ittttta't, them. Jttl. D. '.ef_9.?lrt.rLBY, ' MAG]: LIXJIILLAB. QC... meow??? mekrmmo. Ttatt _ gnu: Hotel), the ttmt gran! third Wot “month. [.13 ILD.B. 'iriY'"Wiifihn.D.ts., Coroner County ot wast-loo. f" L6aFianaa7iTir, Toronto and WM DENTAL "naiiCi2%"r" rid Ir, Fuhrer; on MEDICAL. "tGiiiiiEc'iFriri'sii.iGb'r F "I’d Clerk of ttte Peso. "tkifuttor, Notary Public C,4i' Thur-d. and may 'tLt'lll £363 Waterloo, Much 22, '96, . Curtain Poles at the lowest rates on hand; Pictures will be framed and all repairs of furniture prompt- ly executed. Warehouse and shop next house to Huether's Hotel, King St., West, aterloo, Ont. Undertaking and Embalming attsndec} to, apd a Hearse furnished As the undersigned have again has been enlarged and impror. opened their l?usintss,they respect- ed and newly painted. fully ask all their friends' and ac- --- ' quaintances for their support. As purpricesarelowerthan in any simi- Large New Herr ' hr, lar business in Ontario, it will be . - in the interest of the public to call “up! all kinds of P.rats, 'tttt b at our shop before buying else- M" of all kimis a 'patultr, where. T" UNDERTAKING John Fischer, an IIOK manna». gnu... In no any". the Coal“ T Dim- rl. t15iitifr2iiihiF gummy?“ trqAI Bunch. on: - - m“; m 2'l't'A"l rm. Pm I. can at Day. -. -v ."t?.kFiiiiitir"rumme, Corner of It a. Duke sum. ing M bread, buns: and roll: every day. Dream putts sud doughnuts Wednesdays and autumn. All kinds of buoy cake- nnd wed- ding can! on lbortaat notice, have ordern at state or with (hunter. the best baker tind fuel-saver on the market. Our stock of HARDWARE is complete. I mere are buying their Horse Clippers and Sin; from us. Buy Nothing but a “SUUVENIR RANGE, (jlltlrllig and HEATING STDVES. We Sell... GOOD STOVES IMPUBTAN f M, BA2Y?9UNN,. name You; l "Ti,", our!) l',"" -- I; _ 4 f 'l, l BOLD BY ALL Imrumm. T'rrt 'e: mm sum mm Irrugglit, PUBLIC ! "iiiiii'"i, Tu 'iiiaGip," if“ tiiaiktriiiirir a; Cirii"e' 133;“ 1», had t#thtglathqt, “Pb 'itt4ti'i?e',lit ',rtdtr1tl'tre28,2'; The whole "stun km ", "if, more atutrimenti . 'l',hA"l'llln'C'PilllrG1'ala". “Grimm“- our: IMmtdPtre- ,ritttrqrkebirtmthtsesover. Par-g--"------,. _. ' fl M.C¢,P.O.Bolm_.__ In“ Whhhdnw. It purifies the mow est.o!ieeiters,e..'yf,a tey.t.eehtet In. " ltd 'gl?ssrve ““3 POWDERS Mrs. A. Rocks] & Son A. Rocks], Manager. NEWEST and BEST Our ever-increasing sales prove tttie. This year, as usual, we are shgwing the TO THE I l3 M Business Coll ' IC, 1'c'- 8ttertimtd hetitrtt ~FE_A_R & co Hello There! of service to the people of mm MEAT - MARKET. Cheap Harness John EGebel’S IJr tve r, than, radon; :11 “run down t .1 and: I gem goth-Memo! an of continuum. A: palm Dick’s 3190(1 Purifier Blood Purifier THE SHOP 20 years Sole Agent. wmnwo ONT, 1laA"il' """w" - Add t'l'tursel., f, Now Is Tur: Tun: For: Swing and F all ERB an. WATERLOO, WATERLOO stiti'i,iii,irit,tt1l.,'i I A Md?! 3:" OOFLANDS ERB TEA itu the beat in the USE Waterloo, tht my to H tn. 'aae tM',",'::'; lee would - '"" n. - r - ”jg-r. tukentf' 8ui',t Oi. Jessie- q w will be carri if“ ”room or ' ,m their trttr r” " -..thes t Patilttcift11 h In? E: But when sire 's', 1qittle man' as she I; 1I“!!! may a tme, "htid, and swam Ul red skirt, aud then .Mtjc maid, who <rt. from his uptis'tt ' god then-go dou ' moving a " t I Ind no id _ Id and our f by our diet you defend l “pa-dons? a 'M'I remark. Jemie Lincoh bakorcbief m “don, ,wiseu -rsttth failed got that was a hook Boated OL' r _ When she oponed {VII (tuning bur a i tolling down hr r fry i 'Oh I' Mid Jersie, . thud dream ', lt 1 any» is drowned.' ‘j‘ M she “on v.1 . - q figure that . . drenched cloth 'lt" " hair, who dit . tble any Lem MI hard or read 3411011 you were m ought to b 'rabtl by love.' Soe I,' retorte I not lure than Pa " tsll,_f p. more excxiae "M is thet . the “has, I Bid, sud mew 1 no loch. ?ioxs beyond the ‘IL- - . ,' suggeitt _ ' the tioelity _ fidelity of aUnder th Marcella, ond looks I be below than Mum)! 1 CC pyymind to give bisiesa---"u/ Ma d the qualmes my W00 V‘ “fusion! tr the one ma ( no' than a "mioog to the 1 - thing I uk u. we) tsiste he“ of bis nu 3". don't tiii, bwss ”I. by J t ac. am" , J - F “hint: 0'1 ,' f'Vincex 'r,' 'tsat AA ohm - _ tor cut km . 1tead S lion “no!“ Far, n" also?“ , no Inst ”mac 0 "(1 her 1 .. of the gre 'se mule " all be tru 'No, Janie, there's [we waters I by mu) . remark I rather rth rim me - Den I were 5 A-- muting an tasted m? htll Er II! Lu.' (if wh summit“! tin Cl? It ' ll " "I ut lell biends, at " " and tStl II "vori , Ma en In e. " at

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