; miner Sans; specialty. trllet.n for Fall 'trtst varieties: "ly in the "ll Affec- Throat& ll. of Waterloa AM. Amen: is tml.,, “III. tim. the Plete. Far. md Singers ars Fon urifier M-.-:- Jutam idle t at Ine tuetiG, M 100. Ont rs f, igmlor, er, Fowls. gnat, it?! RANGE,†30d, mm Ill-l puu lb uldm‘ up " rel OP l improv- rl’s,. trt ll H tt lid, Vane. 'Aud already,’ she pursued 'that toe. \Ir Cowper, my wife bade me give flu“ And he handed him adaiuty h it wry I haw a ditfieult task to per- In Lat I hue prayed for strength, tl think the strength has come to Pardon In" if I am brief. I seek ', , , mac]. You know that I have ,', iuhrrited a Inge fortune? ‘Yve -I know,’ said Harry in â€gup- “up†wan If kkeeper in a Lrhl~>lhll hou, , and his em- ii him becalg, though only .-', he made heir interests H ? upcrwtl it and "found an invi-l (r) Aloud a. reception at her! 'lt Ill" following evening. drxwirssr, rooms of the Sturgisl n war) brilliantly lighted, and. wruhly was select-not selected lw hash of fashion, bub called I prvciathe care' from the realm\ .vctuul worth, . "unis had taken charge of _ sister, und our hero was pro- " tojoin a friend whom he had r»! in another part of the room 'r' met Miss Day. A it be possible that Millie was in nil Mrself to Warren Corydon? , â€1,1 muugh to be her grand-l Sun t' before had Harry real-l " my} he had loved the girl, “Lt it best to plead illness to _ rams Mull go to his home. y im rt !‘.~c‘1ng thi, when he felt a [ mull upon his arm. and on turn. .'t'A' Millie Day, She was gaz- " fully up into hié face. , l: y I want to speak to you. Will "," with mel' , Icut v:-nLuribg to answer he fol. Elrr, sm- led the way to a small W MU has and ','0 _ 4N n ch’il ‘uch upon I wrgrf' Mijiitt \‘fully up h A mu the C1080 of the day, A n busy balancing his ac- unly othen occupant, of the 'ist' was old Peter Phipps, _ Lvrk. ', 1-mc1059d the ledger when l Hum! m" ths‘ wun must. h ll:ll Cortdon.' , n (Haydon, the banker .!' Ill, worth a. million sud a. pod upon it shrs has her eye I 'otHlue. (Luna aftvr this 1ir.srurgis,the r'tnv‘r uf tho tirru, entered the rum) and accoc,tol his book. " rttt stat-tttg. :uvsq mm after higher game. prfw' army " suitors in her I Hunk ,h.. lunks‘ with most NEON VA.4 *1 A " IN H'EIRESS a limited interest in 5 " by. " mmn-d the otrdce. Jas. n' sPlliUr by two or three F“ll i, nof the prize worth r ht ion. .5, ;,vhue you heard the {mwcmher‘ mrhing wondertul,Jrvr or down.!' ' " mi gold is high up. mud oi the stroke of $N fallen to Millie Day.†m r,t' that name Harry Iii breath .ard,'le mid, A}? .1lvr, it m"'F'tt'ti, wan on? , In Chicago About he niwd, without chick I itbtorule'y has been on Mus [Hy that she is .. fununf‘. It " some. ~x_rh}mrhnml of half a (1w (Punk of that, old Mi)lir. Day In and as might Eu r I and hrull _lt' mid seriously, as one wma- to a frivml. " love Gsu. newer spoken to vu waiting; until I could . if 4w aucva-d me. As ry for this whn-f‘qure u ner to me,' replied I 1lnli, lMy that l love u I lowstill. liutthat ‘lw 'n-uminml poor I op tl r u. houw HUI " min-r an undo of k hers. in NewYork, rul x1: tturderls?' lt Mm l' rank hlo. out: who only my salary to 'T' tt Al' U'l‘\ u mpylng pt-rgnxcs.‘ into UN Nift‘. .†l l from the time at" Mun-y who had} " th" mm". for the mnkt' an attack til trwet her at ' 1' ~14! uh your wit: After m lung may he uniicou garden} M mer HQ How, it's all up rolri, Il t', Cow that is" irovlnf I thought ml for the " kw euppos- l.itrry plenty "T""' wac, U" " b.ll in with Vit‘SSIOH turned rm its tune begins to oppress In. Mr. Cory. don holds it in chsrgo tor me, and to? will do with it just us I any. It atauds between me and a very dear friend-, a friend whose love I prize above :11 wealth in this world-tusd I have ealled you here to ask you if I shall give my fortune up. 'I do not understand.’ Thrice she tried to speak, 3nd her words failed her. At length she taught him by the hand, and her speech burst forth: . 'l was but a little chi d thembut the le?, old fellow has not forgotten me. ! He came to me and told me, of the con- l u-rmtion between yourself and Jasper {Gimme when Jasper told you of my gfortune. He told me all you said,Harry I -all, ssll--rsturf--T-oh, Harry y . l, Harry did not try to speak. He only 'caughc the. blessed being to his bosom Emu! held her thtrt a long. long time. 'Harry do you know that, old Peter Phipps " one of my beat and truest. friends', It was my father who uved him from prison and who lifted him up from iutemperance) and it wan my falls-r who recommended him to his present position, where he has been so many yrs.†. And so the foi-tune -did not sever their hearts after sll.-Priuce Edward blunder. Ile-Miss Ella, I love you! I am here at your feet, u-I am your slave. She-My slave 3 Very well, I will give you you" freedom.) , Belle was asked where her little bro, thers, aged four and two years, were. She replied' They are sitting on the doorstep talking over old times. A small boy in one of the public schools hit pretty close when asked to dertiue, a demisgogue. 'A demagogue,' he said, ‘is a vessel that holds wine,gin, whisky or any other liquor." I Country Father-When I was your age 1 got up with the lark. Cititled son(houm on & vtisitrcOh,that's nothing father: Vs fellows0 the city generally keep him lurk up all night. A prv-ncher recently asked 3 univer- sity don what he thought of his sermon ‘I heard in it what I hope never to her again.’ 'What was that?' ‘The clock strike: twice.' . The mun Who expected the Lord to grow ucmp for him because he had 'i.tot religiun’ was on a. par with the farmer who feeds his family as it hap- perm. va cxpects them to be well and alum-g, Um: of the little black children at Hampton recently announced that he thought A am was more to bUme than Eve about, tl e npplo, became 'the ser- pent bad to talk to Eve a long time, but Adam, he ate It right up.' Eve Rbout tl e spple pent bad to talk to but Adam, he ate It Can you cradle y asked a farmer of a young Irishman who applied for work. sCradle is it? repeated the Irishman, in lwwildermmt. ‘That Oi can, sorr, lwin' th“0‘.dest of eleven children; but,' he added, persuasively, 'couldn'r yez give me a job out av dares, son l' Man with an awful toothache meets a. friend and tells him his woes. The Friend : Ah, I had just as bad tnnthache a; you yesterday, and I went home and my wife patted me and kissed me and made so much of me that the toothache disappeared. You take my tip The-Acheyone : Is your wife at home, do you think 1 English tourist (out west): Is it al- waya M---- aw -.dangerous to travel about your country as it is new? IO, tive-Great Scott. no! This is the time of year when the train robbers are always doing their biggest) killing and robbing. EThut‘s why we call it the Indian sufnmer. Edgiish tourist (whipping out, his note book) : Good 'eavene I A child,while walking through an art gallery with her mother, was attracted by a statue of Minerva. ‘Wbo is that , she said. 'My child, that is Minerva, the goddess of wisdon.' ‘Why didn't they make her husband, too 'l' ‘Because she had none. my child,' 'That's be, cmse she was wise, wasn't it momma I' was the artless reply. A man with a ptsinfal expression of countenance eat on a. dry goods box. ‘Are you ill?.' some one halted. 'No,' ‘Have you lost anything?' 'Neverhad anything to lose,' What's the matter, then 3’ 'l'm sitting on a wasp.' 'Why don't you get up 1' ‘Well, that was my first impulse, but I got to thinkin' that l was hurtin' the wasp " badly as he was hurtin me and concluded to sit here a. while,' - Rnxcunxnx Omani IN A IMt--MouCn American Rheumatic Cure tor Rheumatism and Neuralgia. radically cores in t m , days Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at oncethe eatMMt at the disease immediltoly disappears. The tttttt iioegrtelt @313on mu Sold by mu i337“? 63}an Gladys (eingivy--Yod down my cellar goon _ -ifiiiik Gio has met k mu0--Yer kin betcha: life I dpn't up“: my FRESH FUN 1’ asked a. Grmer of 1N ' Wt-fy,"]? can't elude Waterloo County Chronicle, Thursday. Novimhier Rf, "SB-Pte 7; H ’ VHST DIF- FERENCE. How To Distinguish the Genuine From the Im- itations at a Glance. PAINE’S CELEBY oomosi, MAKES mom WELL. l, Other Preparations Mislead and Deceive. There is truly when the pure, 3: gold coin is com; able imitation. The genuine c in is passed with con- tidenct from one person to another; all people believe in it. How Is it with the imitation-t at spurious coin mdde and issued by dark and criminal hands? It is made in dark places ; it is issued stenlthily to deceive and defraud ; dud all who are coriheeted with the work of deception are ever fearful of the hands of justice. The genume gold coin has [name and crispness In its ring ; the base com sounds dead and harsh to the ear. - As the genuine gold coin and the. imitation differ so vastly, so also is there a. world of difference between Psine's Celery Compound and the imi. tations of Celery that people are de, ceived by. I Paine’s Celery Compound is univer- sally popular owing to its great ethos.- cy; it is hailed everywhere as the great healer of disease; it is recommended by professional men all over this conti- nent ; it is genuine, reliable and honest, and ‘makes people well.' The imitations, and all the crude preparations, are made to sell without regard to results. Deceived buyers are naturally indignant at loss of money and the aggravation of their troubles. When such irmtations are used, hie is positively endangered. . The genuine Paine’s 'Celery Com- pound-the kind that cures-is easily distinguished by the words ‘Paine's Celery Compound,’ and the 'stalk' of celery, found on the bottle and outer cartoon, Look for these special feat- ures, and you always get Just what will meet your case. THE OLD, MIDDLE AGED, AND " CHILEREN. hmrone and all Cured of Kidney Trou- Ble by South American Kldnoy Cure Kidney troubles are not confined to those of any age. The grey-haired suf- fer, and keenly sometimes. The man in the vigour of life has his happiness marred by distressing disease of these parts. Much of the trouble of children is due to disordered kidneys. South American Kidney Cure treats effective- ly those of any age. And with all alike relief is secured quickly. In the most distressing cases relief comes in not less than six hours. It is a. wonderful medi. cine for this one tTetfifte and important i purpose. Sold by ED1.Devitt. Paying too Cents On The 13. Mark Twain, in writing of his flmur. cial embarrassment, due to the down- fall of the publishing house he was in. terested in, says '. 'The law recognizes no mortgage on a. man’s brain, and a. merchant who. has given up all he has may take advantage of the rules of insolvency and start free again for himself: but 1 tim not a. bar iness man, and honor is a harder mast- er thm the law. I cannot. compromise for less than one hundred cents on the dollar, and its debts never outlaw. The present situation is that the wreckage ( of the firm, together With what money I can scrape together with my wite's aid, will enable me to pay the other creditors about 50 per cent. of their claims, It is my intention to ask them to accept that as A legal discharge and trust to my honpr to psy the tether 50 per cent. as fun as I can ear§it. From my recep.ion thus far on my lecturing tour I am confident that if I live I can pay off the, last debt within four years Mtir which, at the age of 64, I can make a fresh and unencumbered start; in life.' A woman was brought before th police magistrate and asked her age. She re- plied : 'Thirty-five.', The magistrate -'1 have heard you have been the same age in this court for the last fis,re yelrs. 'The Woman-Wo doubt, your honor. I'm not one of those females who my one thing today and another to-mor- A business mu; tasking noongh Iyrup containing narcotics is not fit for busi- iss He becomes drowsy and indo. lent. If he uses Dr Inviolet fa Syrup of Turpentine, he will be r,rid, of hi: cough in n for doses and hill head will be iilear. 3 wonderful difference 1AM, heavy and’ legal ared with the misera- When Miss Consuelo Vanderbilt pre' sealed herself lefora the chancel rail of St. Thomas Church,Wedneaday, to be made the Duchess of Marlborough, ar- rayed in all her wedding finery, she was a. figure of costly elegance. Her apparvl represented in value almost $7,000- The bridal robe and Its trimmings al. most coat $6,000. _ It is said to be, the most, extravagant creation M the modvste's art, and no bride in this country has ever had hash. toned for her a robe so magnificent in design or detail. The cost of her apparel is apportion- 5 ed as follows 2 l Forty-two yards of satin in wed. ding gown, at $3 per yard. . . ' . .5 210 00 a Forty-two yards of taffeta. silk I lining, at $1.50 per yard. . . . . . .5 63 00 f Twelve yardsnf narrow lace, at r I 875per yard............. .... 90000‘ Eighteen yards of Humming, at. I - Simperyard............,...... 3,600 (Y) Fifteen yards of pearls, and silver l passeineytetieo, at $60 per yard, 900 00 ( Spray and :- arlands of oringd l blossoms..................... 8735] Bridal veil of Brussels net. . . . . .. 380 00 l I 1'ompador silk Petticoat, . .", . . .' l 115 00 [ il Bridal suit of lingerie. . . . ' . . . . .. 210 m) \ (VI-rant M whim satin . . . . V. . . . . . 33 00 ,l from taking medicine. ) They don't likei taste. But theyare eager to e what they like-- Scott's E 'ion, for instance. Children ost always like Scott's 'ldllTll q . And it does them good. Scott's Emulsion is the easiest, most palatable form of Cod-liver Oil, with the Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda added to nourish the bones and tone up the ner- vous systedi. The way child- ren gain flesh and strength on Scott's Emulsion is surprising even to physicians. All delicate children need it. Don't be permadod to accept a mutilate! Scott a Borne, Bollovlllo. Nk, and tt. -biasoms................ Bridal veil of Brussels net. . 1'ompad, uur silk pettieout, . Bridal suit of lingerie . . . . ' . Corset ot white satin. . . . V. Solid gold-chased Clasps l-rgeTmok............... Stogkings sppportcrs of gold silk efivstiC.....,....,.. Silk clocked hose. . . . . . . . .. White Satin slippers. " it mond-smdde l buckles. . . children 3leriiitk l Exposure to cold. damp Winds. pnennmnia unle-c the syslv-m is k ed with Hood's suriapurilm. ‘I oppose,' he began, as he entered a. railroad ticket offiee-.'T suppose you sell tickets to New York ? ‘Certainly, sir,' was the reply. 'You have a direct line !' _ 'We have, sir.' 'lt is the only direct line , 'It is.' ‘It is down on the map as the only direct line?' iii, ygu see, air,' replied the agent. as he opened_a folder. ‘Y 6-3, I see. You land passengers in New York ahead of all competing lines. of course T Ot course.’ “Luxurious coaches-mo dust--firryst dining tmra--8ceoery unexcelled , ‘Yes, sir.’ 'By takinz yourline I avoid delays and reduce the chances of accident to the minimum l' Wes sir, you do. Have a. t New York over otline, sir f' 'Can't any yet. I'm going to see five other agents, each with the shortest and most direct line, and it I can find a liar among the six I‘ll ticket over his road,'-P. E. Islander. HEART Ultilcnan “mm.“ D... - W -.-..V - -- All cases ot organic or sympathetic heart die. ease relieved in 30 minutes and quickly cured. by Dr. Agnew a Cure for the heart. One dose convinces. Bold by Ed. M. Devin. The devil can behave as well as an angel when he finds it to his advantage. HEART Dramas: RELIEVED m 30 MINUTES - ., --- --suar...'sm [nun-t A Sum total of bridal tinny on? bottle of Ayerls Hair Vigqrmy hair was restorgd tto. its original color and, eea!ied..falljmr put. , At UUiL'L (“In b\liu\4\§ .uu...n ya“ odeasional application has since kept, the hair in good "eoriditiqn.l'--Mes. H, F. FENWxCK, Digby, N. S. "I have used Ayerls Hair Vigor for three years, and it has restored hair, which was fast becoming grav I hack to its natural color.â€-H. W, BASELIIOFF', Paterson, N. J. tieu.tr.amouyIrqh11lL8t:u1h.ly. MEWS HAIR Wat - 2i'iiinai.G an: am Truth at n Iblsmunl Costly Apparel mutant! winds. may result m is kept invigon and din. and “450,1! $6,720 ticket to and fan out. Af- ter the u s e o f IT' a IO 00 9 no 1 t O) in u_ 35 tiii? Whigs Sixteen Pages, 96 Columns, of Attractive Family Read- ing Every Week. FARM AND HOME BUIH PAPERS (iriirer itil tl GTE- "GiihGr'hi size and up?†anon, is offered to subscribers mm now until the Slat. December, 1896, for. The FREE mural is the Luciana Liberal-Conservative J ournel of w an Ontario. It contains each week a complete luminary of the news and comment of the times. . .. l C?itt2tECtcd'2ti7rt Ir) <17 i, (j-r-"'))'-,?-)?,:';'-)?)??-)), /r//zjgz1r The Commercial page: of the WEEKLY FREE Puss are up to date, and ample for the country merchant, Miguel-3nd dairylg'an. . . t The FARM ANB HOME contains each week able articles on Aa,"ql,t,'gt,1, suléjects and Live Stock. e farmer an cattle and horse breeder will find in its pages abundant topics of special interest, -- . _ . '. . A L .....;um. A Serial Tale of absorbing interest will be an interesting feature of the WEEKLY Fume PgtEss. Both Paper- Comblned for $1 from Now Until December stat, 1896. Agents wanted everywhere. Address all communications to the 500 Horse Hides FREE PRESS PRINTING C0 LONDON. - ONTARIO. Hun )‘llpL’l' Toronto and Stratford, Ont. [7mm "t Inn any tlv' mummy: conunrrcinl RI honls in Hm Donn ion; "(Inn-mum but In ottattn. \H‘ih- in mtlv-r uh "d for vi eulars and Incnnon l Horse siiiio, Hides The WEEKLY ' I: l Sheepsk ma, Dogskin$ Furs, ete., tanned, extra fine, for Robes 4nd Rugs. Mink, Raccoon, Fox) Muskrat, can. skin; or which the hi.hest F ces will be paid. Also for sale, cheap, a LARGE STOCK OF Black Cattle and Horse Hide Robes Western lilmiiw 33rd Yisar The best and bright at, Weekly Paperpublishcd in any 01 the cities of Canada. Sixteen Pages Every Week Only il Iii? Jan. 1, 1897 Good Inducements to Canvassers Address all Uortunur1iattitmtt- 12.20 Through Upholstered Tourist i bar to the {mil the 31st gecember, 1896, ONE D LLAR " 41At Hides aid, Skins. But as Young as ever. WESTERN ADVERTISER, 'ii-n-sy," (c.ombintd in one t (3-. STRQH: Speclal Rates to Clubs. NON Is THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE . - Patifie Coast. FROM TORONTO SHAW' pt Ft" 1.1T, Principals RUN LA: Waterloo, Ontario, LONDON, ONTARIO EveryFHIDAY NOON The Popular-Boot t Shoe Store, For Sale by J. S. RODS, Sole Agent CEMENT I the STRONGEST and BEST native Cement, as {now-d by thc Gm Lux- XIENT TEST made by the Toronto School of Practical Science, wl be sold for LESS MONEY thah other inferior ccments. Each bbl. contains 4OLBS, MORE. Water mains tapped and put into 1mu<c< :11 'lr' ates. Remember me for Hardware, Stems and 'linsart, Our Prices. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE DEPOSITS or moo AND UPWARDS RECEIVED, AND CURRENT RATES or "new ALLOWED. INTEREST ADDED YO THE PRINCEPAL AT TH: can or MAY A, NOVEMBER IN EACH YEAR. / Spook! Achan given to the ttttlion of Qommereint Pay and Farmers’ Sales “one. .. _ - GRANBY RUBBERS The A GENERAL BANKING Busmees TRANSACTED. FARMERS' NOTES DISCOUNTED CRAFTS ISSUED PAYABLE AT ALL pom'rs IN CANADA. AND THE PR'NCIPAL CITIES IN THE UNtTED STATES, GREAT BRITAIN, FRANCE, BERMUDA, tkc, Watehes and Clocks ESTABLISHED 1867 ' HEAD OFFICE, TCRCNTO. CAPITAL (PAID UP) sax MILLION DOLLARS REST--.------ JACOB BALL the watchmaker, who is prepared to do all kinds of Watch and Clock Repairing. All work guaranteed. Cure SICK HEADACHE and Nerrmlgin In 20 "mu-rte. mo Coated Tongue, Dizzi- n'ss. "slioi,surtss, Pain In the Suit; Constipstion Torpid Liver. Had Breath. To stay cured â€a regulate tue brads. VERY JUICE ro TAKI- mac: 25 QENTS ar BRING YOUR POWDERS DIES I We are in the swim, as we always are, and giving the public footwear at prices that cannot be beat, STYLE, QUALITY and WORKMANSHIP considered. We have the very lateso style for' street wear, viz: Aflne, Heavy Sole, Tipped, Tan Balmoral. are sensible for wet weather. Try one pair and you will N EVE Rbe without them. - BALL, Hamilton Golden Cement, Ihtritt's Block Wanda». opular Boot & Shoe Store. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT WATEBLOO- B, E. WALKER, GENERAL MANAGER. cr.. S- TR,CDCDS.. DRUG smkzs. WATERLCO BRANCH THE Jacob Conrad. SIMON SNYDER, Druggist, Waterloo County .Chronicle. l __,, li wars the CEMENT! H. d Fundy“ â€WWW Blood Purifier Advertise in the You can buy, Sou; BY ALL Thaw-M‘s Sole Agent. \VATERU ti) â€NT Spring and Fall OOFLANDS ERB TEA it's the best it! USE in the £1! a6,ooc,ooo. 00,000. ly reduced A“...