Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo County Chronicle (186303), 2 Aug 1894, p. 5

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uslins ULY~ irtihgs halliés aces, rtions, h, ans Prints E: hu' we it mouth i511 hat 31cc: and Jnr' " “a Ott the tm:, aged J let, hu~gnund LL . “an _ , .( “K for c, 3% cf 33v E (IA-”y “I 1w It {Mn New] TM“ it lt'te I“ {warp ‘MN d V k wlio died of typhoid-aW.aritu Ott the precediug day. Two 'us, aged respectively 4 and 6 mum-and and nuny relatives and 'qu Waterloo Co. as we]! us in " will mourn her only Ware. mud his so“, My. WIN/’9’" tyran- rn er (1” seirmu cngllschen Blatt ”ulna hot: i" N Jud Good accompanied by “Hind, left last Thumdny,26th r I“. nu.) - I . will at Chocolates I F Li H 'A I, N EWS. tleru. 'c., ", t"hCut'tHolt to IN uterloo ,. -I Hus month. J meu‘d Hunter, Inspector MM, mi heir to " gunner of wruuuh, by the death of an 'es mu loronto ou Thursday ,. m/l "ttks' or two moutha' m; (rr the Hid Country. _ 4:1» through the Niagara A. mun-d the "Emu. Garden ot '.s emu-mung, and tit no ttttttt at; a :L Inuit: entrancing than l" T lt Jou want. to enjoy a 11.; vnmply, take 111 the nix-f “And has been engaged by the had i"att-uy to gnu a. promen- m; m that, cuy thus (Timmy in; l ’ur Band has played in 4.3 mum ttt the past and the Aquw‘t'UltllL guru to show that ‘v! the lho.viU Ciry still know kWh for tictt-cGtrs music. ""-'-de""""' anda, Kansas. to attend Je her daughter, Mrn Susanna be u WHY ? l l :mluute editor of tut engt 'P\ll).xshbd for revenue", has loser to keep the pence. rhwd to "mush" n. ma! F,ts sen. Si" mmper tyran- dr,, seirt-m ungllschen Blatt :uml L'rethren 1Conserva. nun tiirar Quau‘wny Confet- wunv’, columeuuug on Sat- 'lsoit,, Aug. [th. tJu bub- h (““11th ot the Lord's Sup llhyt‘uscd. The Services ot . m, wmlucted In a beau l- Il II ESS&G[}0D, GROCERS. u AJVERTISERS mum Statute: for 159* a} prumpuy isoued and vzn'umtcu‘ The tscttetati- ;‘un‘ law is amply Itt the rt prcxentmg the sale " ot September, ls97,ot ,ck ot' partridge. "tll"ir'r P3211118. n rcported that a num. :uul prominent citizens m-s of outside spam to Haws, therrby saving vi J5 Ctfittri. :11 Damn], overseer,has mcn working on the no working towards 'mc abwuge farm and distance. of HUD feet. Ji) tlit. mi the. Guelph races will and 22nd ot August, in, '.".’nd and 23m. The 'it' “UL to couthct with , In aecordance with .f A. large number of pnmlanmed Monday, a chic holiday. an Day was yésterday [r' mlnred met in the rt' attendance at the A,tm' not large, perhaps aunt“, uni it', fur Excursion to the T, au'v good for two .x'swn Hf the Season. . our goods are »‘.'.,und w r keep but. the best on and ' a BHUM'iHe com- m,“ the apple crop _ in, 3." per CHM bet wry trade is in- :g daily. must be left not lute Casual Advertise- to 1:00!) Wednesday an Woodhine " ill be held on $5.000 will 2 V ft INK at this otfice The I Tue. Gown: MinLixn Co.-A notice , appean in the Galt Reporter from the l otlice of the Secretary of Shite, intima- l t.ng that letters patent have been, j issued under the Great Seal of Canada, I hearing date the 27th day of June, i 1894, incorporating David Goldie, l miller, John Goldie, miller, George Easton Goldie, accountant, and Robert Neileon. accountant, all of the villnge of Ayr, in the Province of Outerio ; Hugh McCulloch, senior, manufactur- er, of Galt, in the Province cf Ontario, for the purpose of inking ove'r the hour l milling busineu hitherto carried on by Mr. David Goldie, near the village of Ayr, with the intention of ce'rying on the some underthe tit'e of 2lft/'dt ie Milling . Gmpeny," (Limi ); wi e tots! mpim ot one habitat] end eighty dollars, dim into eighteen‘rhendcd-jsh-m tit"oiyr hundred dollar.» . .45., _" g ._ V, The 9‘Liedertufel"of Waterloo, "slang. erbund," of Berlin, and the \Vatbrloo M. S. Band will nccompany the excur- sion. Any parties who desire to take this very cheap trip can obtain full particulars on application to C'hris. Huether, jun., Waterloo, or W. ll. Buwmun. ticket agent, Berlin. CHEAP Excvrtsros.-The 11th Pets. insular Saengerfeut will be held at Bay City, Mich , on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, Aug 7, 8, 9. With a. view to accommodate the large number likely to go from Waterloo and Berlin, an excursion has" been arranged giving 'ery low rates. The excursion “ill leave Berlin at 7 Jclock sharp on Monday evening, Aug. 6th, and Galt at o 52 by C P. It via Detroit. Ite. turn tickets $5.70, good to return by any regular tmin till Friday, Aug. 10. I \Vuums, GREENE & Rom: Assnm. l - Berlin News: Owing to the failure 10f an endorser, a note of ir'20,000,whieh they helped to carry for others-the Williams, Greene & Rome Co. were un- expectedly called upon to meet this amount. Though their business was good, the but stocktaking showing an excellent balance, this large sum was more. than they could meet. They then decided to Misha). Tie assignee is E. R. C. Clarkson, who will for the present continue the business as mime. It is generally hoped and expected that the old company. will be able to get things around so as to ugsin take bold of it. ir/the matte? of opening william and John streets across tie railway The deputation got a. hearing on Tuesday betum the Committee, consisting of the Hun. Messrs. Haggart Daly and Mackenzie , Bowen. Judgment was reserved. . Tur: RAILWAY Cmmsxxus ---The Mayor, Reeve and Clerk went to Obta- wa on Monday morning to interview the Railway Committee of the Privy Council with resper to having a watchman placed at. the G. T. R. cross- ings on King and Erb streets and also S xcsuA's RACE Mr:r:T __ The 4th an- nual meet on Wednesday, Aug. 15th. There will be nine events and the races will he very keenly contested. We beg to acknowledge the receipt of a. complimentary press badge. Nr:" .Il'xmu Jvotic, lurhn, Q C, of Port Ho] pointed Junior Judge Countv. -3fr. Frank Io'urton/.ofthe, Seagrz.m “able, is, a, genial Englishman who finds no trouble in showing visitors the great horses that are reared on the Sea- lgrmn farm. They have at present the jinest lot of yenrlings und-tur training that were ever bred on the farm and the brood mares with their cults are a. great study to the horse fancier. The Queen} Platters for next year will he .\lillbrook, Bonnefivltl, Cont'ectioner, Athletic and Vicar of Wakefield. With this magnificent string the laurels for 1'3 are almost certain to fall to M r. Seagull" for the fifth time in suc- cmuinu. Marauder is a picture and is the finest looking horse in the Stud. Grrat credit is due to his care taker, Nv. Frank Burton, in having him in‘ such gr'and shape. Marauder took lst prize at Elma. and Guelph Spring Shows. I we ""'rung will be an organ recital by Prof, Linke of Berlin, the selections [wing "C'rmstiots" by IGdyn,, "Vurqr ants” by “all, "Eligie" by Thomas. A cordial imitation to all, Silver eollec. tion -The format opening at the Cult land Preston Electric Street Railmrk gtook plate last Thumlay. The electric i i’railway will be the railway of the ‘future for short disimces. The next l te in order will be to form a. ompany and extend the line to Berlin and Waterloo. --The Young Peoples Alliance of (the, Evangelical church, \Vaterloo. will {hold an entertainment in their church on Tuesday evening. Auguut 14th, in aid of the Organ Fund, which hill no doubt he lnrgely attended by friends and ndherents of the church. The progrruttrmt will be a rich one end will consist of duets, quartettcs, recitation“, are, bv the members of the Alliance. ll r,A.E. Steuernagel of the Ohio Wes leyan University, will give a short. tul. , dress. One of the special features of the evening will be an organ recital in: ' er.~.\1r. D. Chis; Hope lltlS_ been Nr of Waterloo I desire to any a few words in refer. ence to the disorder and confusion which existed among the men and boys who occupied the front seats on the Grand Stand at the park on Wednes- day the 25th ult. The greater part of the, stand was occupied by ladies and a part by gentlemen, who each paid their twenty-five cents under the imc pression that they would have a much better opportunity of seeing the races than they would hate by remaining outside on the ground or seated in their buggies. In this, however, they were sadly disappointed, for they soon found l to their intense disgust that every time the racers patmed the stand, the, crowd that occupied the cheap seats in front would jump up and stand on the setsth thereby depriving nine-tenths of those who occupied the stand of allopportun~ ity of seeing what was? goingod in front. l If all keep their seats than all oan' see, but if the disordcrly crowd who usually occupy the front seat! are allowed to insult the quiet and peaoeable persona behind them by standing on their stats, scores who were on the stand on Wrd- nesday last will never go there again. I trust that the managers of tho-stand will hereafter no that this intolerable nuisance" u not up; M. I th',',' good men posting I . _ motto no that all :r,i,'i),'t'fli);i'), will has?” 'lr-hurry., ." _' m; -‘--_~.~»‘ t "u To the Editor of the Chronicle The 4th annual celebration by Dir trict No. 2 and Court Enterprise No. 73 C.O.F. will be held in the Town Park, Waterloo, on Monday, August 13th. A tine programme has been ar ranged for the occasion. According to the latest information received by the committee the attendance will be un- precedently large. Many towns are having their civic holiday upon that day in order to give the friends of the C.OF. an opportunity of visiting Waterloo and its famous Park and Recreation Grounds. The number of Foresters in. uniform will notfull short of 4000 and with the friends of the order we may expect, a total atten- dance of 8000 or 10,000,if the weather be propitious. Besides: the bands of the Berlin and Waterloo Musical So- cieties quite a number of other bands will he present and the musical treat itself will be a rare one. We trust that the town will put on its best holiday uttire and that the placeeof business as well as private buildings will be gay with bunting, streamers and other de. corations. August the 13th is the day. _i.. _-.u --.--1 - uvxl valuyc, UL DUI“ lin, returned from a visit to his sister, Mrs. John Winger, b'htrlotors. Mr H. S. Dickert, of Woodstock spelt a. few days in town this week, Mrs. Authés, and Miss L. Hilda Hallmun are spending a week' with friendsin Wilmot. Mr. and Mrs Peter Shupe, of Bers Mr. Simon “roach. of Milverton, is visiting his uncle, Mr. J. D. Hoffman, of town. Mrs. A. E. Device is visiting at Hamilton. Miss Hattie Mahon and Miss Stella. Burns of London have been the guests of Miss Kate Bohlender during the past week. Rev. Samuel Carruthers, Toronto, foi'merly of Waterloo, spent a. few days in town, during the past week renew- ing former acquaintances. Mrs. Jacob Smith, of Forks Road, is visiting friends in Berlin and Water. loo. Mr. Alex. Howie, exciseman at the distillery, is spending his holidays with friends at, Windsor. Mrs. E. ll. Young is viewing her par- ents, Senator and Mrs. S. M. Wilkins, at Eaton Rapids, Mich., for two weeks. Mr. G. Seylmld of Montreal is on a visit to his grandfather, Mr. Jacob Bricker, and other friends in town. Mrs. Martin Schade of Sleepyeyes, Minn , and M_rs.Henr.y Sclmde of Kin- cardiue, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Schade, town. _ _ Mrs, E. Bellinger, Toronto, ing in town. Mr.\V.H_.Riddell left yesterday for a week's vacation in Chicago. Mr. Chas. Ruby is holidaying at Port 'Elgin. , to, where they had iraLiiiiiiig' a few weeks. Mrs. Geo. Weeenast and Miss Mar- tha Snider retynyl home from Toron. Gui!) Coscrurr.i--A grand concert will be given itrthet Town Park next Friday evening by the Liedertafel and Orpheus Singing Societies of Waterloo and the Sanger-band of Berlin. The W. M.. S. has been engaged for the oc- casion. After the cones” a. dance will be held in the Liedertafel Hall. Ad- mission to Park only ten cents. Come and enjoy yourself in listening to excel- lent vocal and instromentN music Waterldo zedunty Chronicle, Thursday August d, n F. Demonstration. Persona Hexagon. A Protest. is visit. menu!" yet gfntir, when waive or bilioae, or then ttyr blood " impum or alumni; to' pehnaunitvmhi lunbmml ooh-6W. to _torakr"t tNe kidneys and liver to I healthy 'rtthttt, {withing As will be seen from the-above, the competition was sufficiently keen to prove as exciting as might have been desired by the most ardent enthusiest. I have since been informed by the judges that the general quality of the chorus work was surprisingly good end of a. character such as the majori- ty of our city choirrmurtert, might well strive to imitate. This was particular- ly the case in the manner of style and expression, which in some instances gave evidences of musicianship of a high order on the part of the conduct. ors. The names of the judges, it might be mentioned. were unknown to any of the participants until after the contest. [ The choice of judges was entrusted to the writer of this column, with strict instructions that. with the exception of the Mayor of Semis. their names should be kept a secret, it being: part of the MayorU duties for the _ y to receive their letters of introduction and direct them to their temporary cirrtained quarters in the concert hall until Must. the competition, when the results were publicly read by Mr. Aldous, who en- larged upon the points in which the different choruses had excelled or fail-' ed; The greetest satisfaction was ex- pressed on all sides with the decision of the jtyiges.-lfioderato. . int. Herman”... Md, Waterloo. . .. 3rd, Brunch: and smuard.. ' . .. simi {BEE T, C." 3rd. Berlin. . . .. 4th, St Thomas Int. London, . . . .. ”ha-Brwsels and Maximum. 100 MIXED Cuoncs COMPETITION. l Of particular interest was the choir competition,which constituted a part of the programme during the evening concert. In the mixed choirts'competf- l tion four choirs of about sixty voices ‘each entered, namely: Berlin, under Mr. Zoellner; London under Mr. Po- (woke; Brussels and Stratford under Mr. Freeland and St. Thomas under Mr. Ayers. The male chorus competi- tions brought forth three. contesting organizations of from eigteen to twen- ty-four voices strong each, namely : Brussels and 8tratford under Mr, Free, land ; Waterloo under Mr. Bean, and Berlin under Mr. Zoellner. The judges appointed for the occasion were Mr, J. D. A. Tripp, cotyluftor,of the Toronto Male Chorus Club and Mr, J. E. P. I Aldous, B.A., Hamilton, formerly con- i ductor of the disbanded Philharmonic Society of the Ambitious City. As the 1 competition was undoubtedly the most important event of its character Jet held in this province, a detailed state- i ment of the judges' markings cannot Gil to prove interesting to the prufetr sion throughout the country. The re- I suit was as follows '. Mm: CHORUS Cost pmnxox. lof the London Symphony Orchestra 1 and Choral Society, organist and choir master 1Vellingt6n street Methodist church, London ; Mr.W.J. Freeland of Stratford, teacher of music in the pub- lic schools of that city; Mr, Theo. Zoellner, of Berlin, Mr. c. Ayers of St. Thomas and Mr. C. A. Winter of Wat. erloo. Mr. Winter also acted as gen- eral secretary of the excursion and to his untiring efforts much of the success of thensndertskiog is due. The con- ductor of the Waterloo Musical Society’s Band, Mr. N. Keller, deserves special mention for the splendid work of his organization in the following numbers: Overture to Zampa, Herold ; anse Hydropaten, Gung'l ', Selection, Lea Huguenots, Meyerbeer. The great annual choir excursion of the western counties of Ontario, which was he'd at Sarnia on Thursday of hut week, “as a. successful and splendid meeting of representative choirs' of the western peninsula of this province. More than twelvehundred voices took part in the concerted numbers render- ed on this occasion. The effect of the combined chorus, especially in Costn’s triumpGl march, from Naaman, ac- companied as it was by the fine band of the Waterloo. Musical Society, was most inspiring and, considering the lack _ of pexious concerted practice, excel- lent in its performance. The playing of the Waterloo Musical 8oeiety's band was most creditable ttt that organiza- tion, which isjustly termed the f1riest amateur band in the country. Among the musicians who took a prominent part in the proceedings might be in- stanced: Mr, Roselle Pococke, director To an.” the Iii-ten. THE CHOIR EXCURSION. Marking of the J udgea in the Evening Competition. Toronto Saturday Night, 13 12 ll M) " 10 13 13 10 it 12 (is :ll ll 13 Pd 81 75 (Sh-Io- hndoood “for an put-Eva ”whim-1’90!- “madly-9a John A. Mayer. Winn-loo writes: Ruin“ beat tte, Tlt 18f18te ind, a"? FOUR mm CENT. per “nun. compounded hut-nub. I. r. "In“. Interest. Allowed oil all mm of 81 and up 'ttgltatttue, in are 2Tlite Jted,trtt; men a or over. mm o t to "l'ft'lM',a'lf'llllf"ith2'ut'fe Detroit mipls issued. Nome dismounted. The collection ot we notes . specialty. Money “unloved to All point; " lowest Current Btbtettt. Ca ital d-up li'll'lt/, FRI!“ .. Axiom THE TRADERS BANK It is our "J uliette," a ladies' gaiter, but low cut, like an Oxford, with a patent leather tip. Very stylish. The Prettiest Shoo in the Store is the “New York Tie" with cloth top. It must be Been to be up predated. Voelker Bros.; KING- ST-, - BERLIN. Have you seen the latest? Dongola, turned, with or without tips, at $1.25, $1.50. $1.75 up to 83.00. Machine sewed at 90c and $1.00. WE HAVE THEM. Ladies' Why do you pay' 500 for same goods ? Noted cheai, cash store. F Call and see them. SILKS and DRESS GOODS we cannot be beat. We sell that CORSET I/dir' Danes i and Mantles. J, U. CLEMENS ' 00., _ ‘BERLIN. I DEALER IN .t.t.t.emdp'litw Home" and Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machines. Extract Irom “Sewing Machine News, January, 1894," Whpgler t; Wilson admittcci to exhibition in the Wo- .m.an'tiBuildiugr at the Colum- bian 1-i'iii,iji'rt','iiit,'t,:, Chicago, 1893, was e: ccutcd on the J U. CLEMENS ' 00. Emuoidery Art Work by realzm of its SUPERIOR ART TICMERIT and the o ly Sewing Machine ' Most ELMIRA BRANCH. DEPOSITS RECEIVED. Wei are Leaders in ' ‘Wanless, '; Notable Exhibits M%Mu---Patre 5, Oxfords at 390ts., Waterloo. mom t.rl'ijih) SINCE the introduction of Dr. Hugh's Diph- , them Cure that. terrible My hm M successfully checked um cured by w these who have “and it. " has saved many "var it will save yours it taken More blood gaming has act in. The testimonials ot shout 7 patient- that have been cured no now ready tor dual-l- buuon. Nota tangle use lost. up lathe pm- en; as“. when it tn the lint. medicine taken. Write tor animals. The modicum in put. up in two bottles No. I And No. t, in two sizes. Summon homo; Two " oz. bottle-1m "ancient. for on can. Prio.-a OE. botttes.ttgq P, OB. bottles, $1.5. Andrea at commutation. MISS ANNIE BEAN, Mar at Piano and Orgssn l Wonderful Iliamry A sum: was Fifi DIPHTHERIA ___ Aaurar,uiii"r. IBIS. ___-" W "W" ... F..; Special tum-action or we best. Special Hallway and Exprcm my»: arranged from w pointa. Prize “ah. em, frce, up ply to 'APT., A.W. FORTE, THOS. A. BROWNR. President. 'ieerctary. ar- at E O W your space. Enlrieu close.Lwe Mock and Poultry.SepI . Itrh. Entries close. other darn! Imam. 8cpr um. Final pymentn yyy horn-cs named in the Exhit1tert, puke your entries early and chooe "ALWAYS IN THE FRONT. " LONDON- September l3th to 22nd, I894. WESTERN -:- nn Henry Maier, First-Class Harness. Light work a Specialty. fi0MfliBlililn a civic holiday for the Town of Waterloo and request Jun it be obs: rvcd by A general mam-n sion of business where [0sulhlc. and n tinned ctfort of the citizen-a to make the day's celubru, Lion u unccosa. ‘ (titpl.) K. Y, FISH, Waterloo, August Ist, 1891 2i--V IN accordance with the t'"iiuiiciliee of many ratepayers of the Town o Waterloo I hm. _ by proclaim MONDAY, AUGUST nth, I894, 1PEuDC=.iNr.at:rcy:tq' (Ml0-:-lllMllf we shall for, the next 30 days sell off Hammocks, ,Fans, Tennis Goods, Lacrosse Waggons and Baskets, at adiscount of 12}; per cent. This is Genuine. Ask Cor WALL PAPER-ride Stock, Beautiful Patterns, ' Prices L CH1aAcTUr, Ci9-CDCDTDEg all home made MRS- CEirER,rirci, INFANTS' ROBES and Ladies' F White l'nndn's rum-m Live Mack and Attrtemttoatt I2\I"DIIIOI Town of Waterloo. Are requested to call on me for _ Cheap Also Headquarters for HOLIDAY FANCY GOODS STORE, RING sr., NN “cog I}. xmsgv. ‘. H. BECKER & CO'Y. Upp. Zimmermann Hotel TRONKS, VALISES. SHAWL-STRAPS. LUNCH BASKETS, ETC, ETC. ETC, and of the best material can be had at zL. J::3..FflC3CEiCElCEt, 82: CAD, KING twr.., BERLIN- In order to make room for Dia, Ont. UNDEEWEAR, % Mayan 3I 2t CHILDRENS PI NAFORES, UNI-Ila. - III-a In] 'lcna -aGiii ra ha. I north at t 1h. W M l - Llr", " a at w“ 5mm "efidiiriiictidiuisrT,i,"a .5333? 1't'.i'it3'e11J'4rré5b"ft,flpp. Good. ne- w n, \K'ILKINSON. I).D.5.. Phiiadeiphh, . LD.tt., Toatttto. EMMA)” . Pronervauon ot the natural mum including the mounting of unincist‘ crown- o mound mo and um inset-non of bridges ro any ply the page of mining teeth. without" plane. Ottioe : YOST'S BLOCK. J. ll. Williamson ' (h, Fast‘Color Indigo Blue Prim at worth 1‘40. Hmvy Pure Linen Huck Towris per pair. Still I few Tweeds " JV: and 30 price Me, now 12le. U Whip Cord, former price iu3c, now 25c Large line of Bedford Cords. Hop Sack, Amazon Cloths and Funcies, ranging from 35c to 900, reduced to Heavy All Wool Ptck Serge. former Dress Goods. Dovs' Star Shirt Wain“, 3.30, 7M: and 75c, were $1.00, $1.23 1m: lo. Bova’ Tweed Pants, 35c and JOCJ'orth 750 and $100. Men's Summer Costs and Vecte, _ 00, . worth 83.50, Menu Straw Hats, 25c, worth .30;- and 81.00. SI -tf Prove to your satisfaction There are no present protits equal to the gains on money The five, or ten. or twenty, or finy (lnl~ lars you have to spend will pay at least twenty-fice per cent. mm in mcrchandisc-,it may [my mm: This statement we can FARM TO RENT The usual sort of half-yearly dividends are payable at the tirst of the month. Our dividends are continuous. Wyndham & Macdonnell strwus, JULY lllRlllllilli, - Iny item in our store 'slr, competent witan 20e Prints. GUELPH. ITE RLOO ram. " In“ Elmira. Sticks, it

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