Subscriber t s more readers ts. are found it end fifty mm; is it be Yin a median lama. character I. among those 'tisers desire to ploo ital-loo. Ont- . DIP"- ilmlt icle County Bight. Japanesg 25 cents each. lllllllllUlif for the great holiday on GEO. mr$]iirpjr)lsiil.tii) THE BOEHMER 00., l' V0 L. KL.-- NO. cy, tl GOOD VARIETY Fruits Good management and workmanship to- gether with our always popular prices with customers makes trading with us mutually profitable. Before our miilirsrs leave for i1olitlays we will sell the remaining hats, and trimmings at GREAT SACRIFICES, many things go- ing at ridiculously low prices Details can- not be given here. We invite you to the above department of bargains. sit H5 and FAN, lmml “urth mum 1-th :a-i'. at Everyone in town knows we are headquarters for the above and we have made special efforts , to have a . ' l l I," 1 " _ 'i' "i' 5 '7} i' l "I _ 'i', 'i, F ..‘ 4.743.}? _ /,,rfi‘.";’-?;5.:_?Lw ,it,Ct,tls,1?C",,'rrrs?r?"'ri," 3 . ' _. ", T t i . _ , A " -,. V H [vs.. ' , 5f F, _ 'ip. , F ll, [ . I ', - . I - our most sat Jllll?jrrgirttiijt JTC' expectations of Berlin (Limited) t' wcale SHIRTINGS and ,LUUSE MATERIALS , [ light shades worth 20c A Job Lot sell at 12 1-20. WATERLOQ; ONTARIO, THURSDAY 4iovaNo JULY IO, 1894: b.3 As the passing hour of midnight sped over out quiet and peaceful little town on the night ot Wednesday last, a series of wild schreiks like the war. whoops of a hand of Indians rent the air with their blood curdling sounds and continued long into the wee sma' hours of the'morning disturbing the peaceful slumbers of those who fain would sleep. The cause of all this hil- arity was that a number of our young men were out for a lark. They had formed themtelves into an impromptu Orange Lodge and were parading the streets in the' commemorative interests of the Battle of the Boyne. We are pleased that bur young men take an interest in the customs of the day but we trust thad next year their parade will be at leaht 10 hours later. Then we all may have the pleasure of join. ing in the cheer. . . .A number of our sports have iven up all the other plea- sures ot, lifejfor a friendly game of quoits in theievening, behind the band stand. But n Monday evening a sad dampener “Kg†placed on the game in progress whet) M r. Gramm, one of the players who was in the act of stooping over to pick tp a fresh quoit, received a severe blow in . the face from the quoit' about to be delivered by his com- rade, Mr. Clrtlderbrand, inflieting a nasty gash in his cheek. It is a. wonder that it did riot break his jaw as the quoits are very heavy. . ' .On the after- noon of Thursday last, the Ladies of the on Thuridarfor the purpoae of tsttend- ing the Baptiet Picnic . . . . Lat Sundey . large number of our town folk spent the dey in 'i, Tevistock and vicinity, the consign _ being the dedicat- ion of the snow pipe orgen in the Lutheran cinch n Sebatopol. . . . Quite acrowd went from here toStnt- ford on W edey to see the circus. ....Mr. Ni [can Berlet of Sided &. Bet-let's brie atiU yerdl not with a Quill . one on Tennis! Int. . Baht buy working " one ttf an . Ruben his bend slipped and†could withdrew it (a; "e the _ _ it was en hdly on“ on one I land to he um 01 Gill MK“! one. Weenies-d to a, no ' â€an: in healing iil"t) Ireita1t. . ', Lie...†trAtett.? fordonW ....Mr. I Budd'- br am 1 u .Borlot than“ Maui: W. C; T. U. just' the member- ot the ‘Band of Bote' held a. very IncouOful picnic in the town park. ' In the even- ing a choice mongmme of songs and re. citations WU/given by the little ones. The Rev’l. Tnelevun, Schmidt nuiTnte of Baden slaq oddretsed the audience in behalf of Temperance . . . .A number of our young people drove to New Dundee The machine shop owned and Occu- pied by J 31 iller,Clinton,was completely destroyed by fire last Sisturday morn- ing and very little of the contents sav- ed. The loss will be $2,500, and-in- "fed sor 8500. . f The large dtahlea on the east side of Wallace. streat, Listowel, known as the American Howl stables, when filled to their uttnostp?iimcity with horses on the morning M the show,suddenly gate way and pitreipisted their contents some six or eight feet below their for- mer level. 1?ortut1ily the tioor re- mained intact, except in one or two places, nnd the horses were all removed without much damage. Mrs. Thea. Rutherford, (Hebe St. Galt, is dead. Deceased was born in Philidelphia in 1826, and with, three years old removed with her parents to the farm now occupied by Alex, Me. Phail, River0load. About 45 years ago she moved to Gale of which place she has since been a. respected citizen. She leaves aiaxnily often to mourn her loss. The eightli'antiual session 1894-95 of the Galt Balinese College and short. hand Institute will commerce on Mon, day, Sept. 3rd. No chases formed. All student) taught sepamtely. Cir. culars Tcuett, free on receipt of add- rsyrir,--tt, _ Gala Posformer:--Mr, Jos. Spotter wood has purchased from Mr. John Ihwson, his farm consisting of 100 no res, on the Halt and Preston road for the sum of $7,750. All the Now- [it the: (‘onnly and â€lurk: carer-II) gun-marked and put Into attractive Wye. A Btmaitr FROM CORRES- PONDENTS AND OTHER ,$0URCES. NEWS NUGGETS. in. Hamburg. All-In. Nor A STRIKE BUT A Tis-UP-Dar- the last few weeks the latter term has become a household word, owing to the serious complications between labor and capital in Chicago and vicinity, but this week we have had an experi- ence in town of a very different nature, though sometimes known by the same name. It happened yesterday, (Wed: nesday) at 11 s. ID., st the radiance of ex Councillor Philip Chtietmen on Arthur street, when hi! eldeat iiiluiir. ter Amelia M. (Millie) was united in the bonds of holy inatriinonr to Mr. Juo. A, Harper, primripal of Elmira. Public School. Mr. Onon- Vogt, of Celt, uncle of the bride, noted " snowman, while Mill Maggie Har- E: ot Floradelo,.oen'ied bitt pal-teddy pert a twide-id. The may ','t2t,',tn"/c,ti the Rev.,A.' . Hamilton. of indium-no. in the mid-tot new that oldie con, li“ almost over. Mr. b. Koehler, for J. h. J. Livingston, has supplied the biggest part of our. "town with this masons hay, the hay grep. being a fair yield . . ' . Almost Oilrybody is prepar- ing for harvesting fallwheat. -. . .Quite a number of our town people attended the Cook * Whitbygtcus " Stanford ‘lnst Thursday. . . .' r. Dan. Brenne- 3man while hauling My, left the barn doors open, when at supper two colts went on the threshing floor into the straw shed attached, and " only a temporary floor was. there one of the colts fell through tit/the ground but fortunately only stunning it somewhat ....Mr. Peter Ottmdnn, Geo. Forler and Chas. Harifeld Mid their respect- ive families were viliting friends at Hawksville on Sunday. .. .Mr. and M rs. August Schlegel were visiting friends at Bamberg, . . .A number of our folltg took part in celebrating the dedication of the pipe organ at Sebast- opol. . . . Mrs. J. G. Reiner is on the sick list. . . . Mrs. Wilhelm from Wiar- ton and Mrs. Fee from Chatham are visiting friends for a week or two . . . . Philip Messinger is on the sick list . . . .Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Becker spent Sunday in Waterloo. . ' . Mr. Ed. anlHy. Ruiz frbm Gadshill spent Sunday with their brother-in-law John Hill. . . .We are sorry to say that our Dr. Morton is again on the sick list and is therefor unable to attend to, his business. Dr. Glaister is attending his patients . . . .Mrs lielterborn is dangerously ill....Mr. Wm, Klein was in New Hamburg on Saturday on special business... .The wife of Mr, A. ll Smith is also very sick. . . .Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Knechtel of New Hamburg were in town on Saturday. visiting, at Noah Leis), Mr and Mrs. Wm.GillieA of Lima, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Muuelman of Buffalo, N.Y.,md Mrs. Wheust and Mrs. Huckbummf Berlin spent Sunday It Mr. Henry Gillea’s. Mr, Wm. L'mhach. of bottlt Weist- em College, Naperville, Ill., is spend- ing a few weeks with his sister, Mrs. Anthony Gies. Mr, and Mrs. Jesse Connor, and Miss Susan Keller, all of Breslau, Spent Mon.. dsy with Mrs. Henry Snider. . 7 u, Jacob Weber 'waa kicked by a. horse receiving a. facial flesh wound. No bones were broken. - v ii/Ula Mrs. Sydney Shelly of Waterloo and Mr. E. Behm of the surge place, fpept. _Sundsy in /own. .0..." I""'"'" -r- n '-I , Dr. T. M. Robinson will leave for a week at Port Elgin on Thursday. Dr. W. O'D. Robinson will look after the ornctice during his absence. Our band gave another open-air con- cert on Monday evening. . Wtather permitting, there will be such every 'Monday evening until cold weather sets in. Regular practice Thursday even- mg. A party consisting of Misses Clara W. Snider, Clara S. Sewer, Alice.Sni- der, Lizzie Weber, and Olive Gingrich' left last week for Muskoku. They ex- pect to return about th? end of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Fernando Snider are also there. r We are glad toitear that Mr. John Heller is improviy tet, _ Mr. Wm. Moeaer, our popular hme, burner, has secured a. fine stock of plus- ter of Paris and pernonsin need of this article will do well to call upon him. Lime is always on hayl at reasonable rates. "i,tiooeiit-ir, mam in $21295 in. mwemaved M. Jun-obs. The harvesting of the fall wheat and the barley engaged the attention of the sgritsultur'ust at present. The wheat crop is very good, bat the berley,owing to the drought, is very short. In fact all vegetable growth is suffering from thirst. . . .Three young gentlemen and their respective lsdies paid a visit to Wilmot e few days since. We under. stand that the cherry crop was very promising before they came in contect with the trees, but there is reason to believe, from what we saw of the party the next day, that the crop is now e total failure. Cheese ll good too, but if you leeve itlying sround buggies these hot nights, there u nothing much left but the perfume till morning, but, es someone remerked, even thst is can sidereble. ..Ahe pupils of our school essembled lest Thursdhy it the school- house for the purpose of being photo- graphed. We bed the pleasure (end e - plsesnre it wee) of seeing e tirtUh. ed picture, end it is e striking example of veriety of humen onto-ion. Some seen to be laboring under the impres- sion that there ere some ihe. to be onagttt, others that the more must iharbet stead out of â€antennae. end still when!!!“ theymnst smile un- neterelly. Bet, seems-you seys, it is I ,tt1tyrgtqir, elm, ell....Mr. end Jiid,,tlt'itt't'f, theses-vice in the . . to ‘dsrch st 'tttMt, gamma-#193: Messrs. Robert, Jackson and chi You have commenced the erection ofa trout pond a. few mileaporth of Elmira where they intend to cultivate that species of fish for city consumption. A large number of spawn will he put in this fall or next spring, and the promo- ters are verr sanguine of success. Mr. R. V. Cleiitent has severed bis onnection with the Methodist Choir having handed his resignation as lead. er to Rev. Mr. Culling. Messrs. C. K. Jansen and Chas Clwistman, of St. Catharines, and Windsor, respectively, are in town renewing aciiuaiut'anees. REAL ESTATE anmnzx'rs M r.Geo. H. Baunmn has disposed of lot (i, east, side of Queen street, and north side of Bauman at“, to Elizabeth Ziegler, and lot 7 on same side Queen st. lo My. Jacob Brox.--There has been consid- erable activity displayed in the move- ment of real estate during the past week but the.transfers have, been so minute in quantity (though nothing can he said against. the quality) tint our business men would prefer to have it off their hands, or I might say, oil' their goods-a village sprinkling cart would cause a decline in this particu~ lar liuepf real estate transfer. - Mr. Thiis, SBeri‘ington and family have returned from a two week's huli, dny_tr p to Muskokn. BL’XLDING News --The addition to Dunke'a Block will be completed next week. Mr. E. Snider has mulea a very creditable job of carpenter wot k in the interior of the lodge room to he usul by the Oddfellows, who expect to hold their first meeting there on the 1st of August. ' . ' Jno. Schaefer’s residence on Park street and also that of Henry Schmidt on the same street are rapidly progress- ing, the brickwork being now well un- der way. Buying will be almost completed in this neighborhood by the end of this week, hull wheat harvest is pushing the farmers some of whom have already taken " thtsir crops. Spring crops are short in the straw but will turn out fairly well. A good waking rain would help them wiry much, and the root crops Lao. Taking all things into con- sideration, the farming class will not have much to complain of this season, unless it be on account of low prices. Mr. Angus Winger, of Toronto: is ngnding holidays with friends here At the monthly meeting of the Elm- ira Mechanics V institute, held last Friday evening, Mr, Otto Christmun was engaged as librarian and caretaker of the institute for the balance of the year ending May 1, '05. Mr. Oscar Ruppel took a bio} do run to Tavisftock agg‘buck in} §anurdny. Exaoa'mu Coux'rnx' Ll": AT Emma. -hiiaa Mary Nichol, of Windror, Ont; Mr. Ind Mrs. Reuben Cosford, of Elem ; the Messrs. Coiling of Toronto L'hiversity; all those. of our citizens who are not holidaying elsewhere. Our civic holiday" will be sometime. in the latter part of August. _ The Musical Society intend lsoldmg an excursion by special train to Niagara Falls. Wait for it. Natchez. (initial Thug. ‘M Md“ 2,tc'flt'g is no 5 g,'rrtttEge'l,e.' “in" all HHWBth-hqn- Ottawa, July 1' in understood [ that men! importont changes have _ been decided upon with respect to the Northwest Mounted Police. The num- .eriont may!) of the force will prob-b- ly be reduced o little: but this will be more than oompeneoted for by the el- itobl'nh-eatot three ttnMqriaa, to be enticed " ’eeptrel points, ee im- LAWN 80cm. _A very successful lawn social under the auspices of the young people of the Methodist church Wan held on Mr. J. w. Bundy's lawn. The evening being a pleasant one a large, crowd was present. The young ladies deserve great credit for the very excellent lnble they supplied. After the wants of the inner man were satis- tied, Mr. G, Tanner of 1Gwkaville,voo moved to the chair when a fine pro- gramme of instrumental and vocal tmr sic was carried out. Besides the choir of the church the McConkey family of Carthage and Miss Dickenoon of Wood. stock took part, all doing their parts in first clue style, especially Miss Dicken- aon whoae rendering of the “Maid of Dundee" and the “Fisherman†was worthy of a prottmit_orul. The Linwood bran band wan alao prewnt and a. great improvement we! noticeable in their playing: Several visitors were present from Berlin, Woodstock, Listo. vel and other places. and all agreed in voting that thia was one of the most e,',T2,,Ci"' they had apent for acme tim ' New "tootre. ihir. C. Hiilgurtnrr has again hum on the sick list. We lire pleugul to 11mm that ha i, WOOVPring. . ..P"of. Jew. Cusp“. slnck-wiru performer, bu wound a tsituation with the Kickapoo Indian Medicine Company. .Un Thurs. (ldy hat. Mr, P. Pothu horse ran "my. Pinning among the trees of the orchard hejumped the fence ind ran down the road townrdu Blenhaim line. tio one was injured but the buggr Wu left A complete WI‘HCK. . . .The Baptist Sun- day School picnic held on Thusdw last. was well "tetttled,representntives buing present from Berlin and Hamburg. The Dundee band was in attendance. A pleasant-1»)! was "pent. . ' .The Dundeo "Sraru" visited Avr on Friday evening last and pmye l a frivu Ilv game of foot. Gll with the “Shamrocks." A gond gum“ wu played by both lanthanum]: ing in u victory fur tl," home team by 2 to U Th" Shah pinyed an able de. fence but the Shamrock puyed hatter combination. I’luluulmrg. Miss Amelia Wederhold of Waterloo spent Sundnv at her parental home. ' . . Miss Lidia Fruit, who spent several weeks with her sister Adiline in “un- over, has returned . . . .The Philipshurg choir under the tetulruuhw of v, r. r', D. Kid: is getting ready tojoin the Union Choir Excursion . . . . Farmers have tin. iUsed haying in our locality and now the click of the 'oituler is heard in ev- pry direction. . . .Un Sum-day a lami- shed raising took place on Mr. Peter Heris Crm. In the evening the young folks came from Gr and “our. Never. was there such a large crowd of young folks swan in our village. Messrs.Mertz and Dingwall of Wellesley furnished the music and all that wished could a- vail themselves of a hop and a swing. For first class and cheap suits of clothes, call at V. R. Harlot": Tum‘rd-ay evr'ttitttr and spent, nu u ahm time sirgme um! pl.yipg u hut eapecinlly ttx'ing iceere.ou mute. Zuni. Henry Hihel of High Bank. who hue been on the sick list for some time has been removed to limnilton for treatment . . ' .The {housands of readers of the Cmmmruz wiH nut be surprised if they hear in tbe mar future of the aiving away of one of our ladies. .... The contractors "re mulling along tho work rapidly at th" whoa" house of section No. 1 l . . . ..\Ir. and Mia. Jessie Connor were visiting tor n few days-in North Wellington. . . .Mrs. C. Ham-r of new Germany returned home after visiting for a few wooks in Chicago. . . M I it, Howard and children are spending a. few weeks at Hayfield, her former home. . . .llev. Solomon Kraft of Tours. wandn, N Y , is visiting friends in thv neighborhood. Farmers, remcmhnr s. Mayor hm ('aslur Oil, axle grease and muchiuo ml, which he sells cheap ', also Myeru Catt le spice. aaa 'rjt,?.isa'ig."rt T scam I W m a oath. to: the all. now in luv-ham I. W. lulled Police Mtttt owl. Ilrulnu. (- 's. I jug! tit 20 ' "s,, W H 0 Lf uni") _ gunwu It “All 'WE"'"'" “Tu“. Ji; all! rug.» “mégimuborqflyh Imu- an be athetesd Inn “00 “I? ,rseds.; W; giveses www- - " 'yiire1itietegt.ei,tir.t1 2ri'C tstaetowriteof5toiiper Arrangements have been completed to loan a huge amount of private and Company's Funds on both hody and brain. Grapes are con. sidered in the Him on Serving Fruit, and there is a suggest ive description of a Cotton Wedding. There are also thu- usual illustrawd PIP""' on Knitting. Crocheting, Netting, Tnting, etc , on: The subscription price of the Delineat- or is it) a year. Single copies, fifteen cent.. Addreu orders to The Delin- eator Publishing Co. of Toronto, Ltd., 33 Richmond St., West, Toronto. The lh-lineator fur September is called the Ant MN Asvot \1'H\1F.\’l N1 lllHW, and is the rtrmigest issue of this popular lll:l;11l/lltl' that hm yet come to hand. 'l'llispltsy of styles is unusually large and attrtscttvP, and i, the first llutllt'llllr representation of the Autumn modes, and there ls lw Sides 5 special illustrated article UH ‘Clotliing the lmlrv ' A mint interest ing contribution is the plea for and against Mum-(ling the Suffrage to Wo, en hy such “ell known writers an LG. ltuxikle and Edith Tinnitus. nnd there is also a \ulunhle paper on Public ticlsool Tent-hing M om Employment for Women. The fitstrivtitls " a series nu the l\'.mlergurten appear": in this numlur, and shouid prme hf much ser- sive to ,lmtli puh‘it- and private tench err. In the Valli-go Swim A Girl's Life and Work at 1tudvlifltt (lute liar vavd Annex) is described. Further instruction is given in the making of ornamental articles from Crepe and Tis sue papers, in Bent Iron Work, and in the Cultivation of the Voice for Sin:- ing and Declmnutinn. The iusuructive talks on the Itelstious between Mother and Daughter are mutinued, and in the pa ers on Health there is much good Igvice on the proper exercise for both hody and brain. Grapes are con. sidered in the Hints on Serving Fruit, and there in a suggest ive description of Window Screens Folding Camp Stools. 250 each, fl, l LANG t; CD’S, Screen Doors NUMBERuQOJS , for $1.50. Roller Blinds Commissioner llerclnxwr last yen H‘portud mat the \Vinclu-su-r carhines won- in P""' muniiliun, the sighting had and grvnt iudr,ruuuit tr/le rquiN-d to shoot well with tin-m. t"ffLtttfttf . I . 39090“o¢o~ BERLIN. -oo¢oooovvoooooo¢¢oooo Good quality complete, To (it any ordinary window, 300 each. lege, Tummyâ€, oi, :mJ Ftraitvcs',, Um t'nqutstiortttttt.v canada's (ironies! Com merchlxhools. t "tnru't'vrs tree Mm Inn ulln;..;- v. NH c', _ :1',l’1|:v_;».1\. With hinges comple’ce, NOTICE- Town Property ' Farm Property MONEY TO LOAN WIRE PER CENT. ' --AND-- ---AT - MOOQONOO "Lye ‘n t- nila ' ',;'I u liv,, ‘1 rx IXHHL YI, I', â€â€˜1 ch ' ',N at I', Cen- """trnt Business cor. . m, AIL} Sunny; (VJ. :.unada'sC-est Com. t t ttn 'rvi'rl , â€a Num- l, / ' r". I’wu J x. . .2 \AAAAAA.AA.\.. Hercl:uier hut VPlbt 500 each. een lid!) Nk' "