ales To Creditors. :C-SALE e page 8 ionSale u mm; u annulment) tr", unnuinrd, {the in†A in r u-rx 11-11(10an o,ler, fm _uchool W t dredfold nan m 3RO, I894, - pro - nvited for tu res. ICE. l'nun!) l‘hroniele M tt E R. Thwh ' Hruslau P.a. Vii-Wehr- - "355 f ,.-\?:!p. of & Implements. Llf? Sale l RM. Wellesley TH, IS96, HIE also. ttrl of y180tt te: in / Isetien- tre â€and tsol.. for nmvn at. pllcation “aching Waterloo \ tr Paper 4;: orders Thing- at _l th tough? :rtictettt. money. Irchaw ' mort- Dower. _ at 5 Ind the farttt is ~01le whurch lm tt under nah on “a And. of mthan V IN athcbrc ' m Hutu! [whip There Junk are a this de HUN. _etl of mm tor SS h ulcl, on thi; ate me the ot h, at 'se (r(l,.l1llril.ili.rj.l, The PEOPLE'S POPULAR TRADING PLACE NOTICE. Tue great Drive we have been selling lately has drawn CROWDS ot PEOPLE Every Day, READ THIS WONDERFUL LIST. The Boom Continues. GREAT BANKRUPT STORE, E. R. ERNST. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Waterloo 4 _ County , Chronicle; '1 "t v: '3 or $1.00 AND UPWARDS RECEIVED, AND CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST A 'fr-C) warmest ammo " THE PnluowAl. AT no! IN!) or MAY AND Newman m “on YEAR. 1t mm the will 2:“ Spoolnl Attention (Ivan and Farmers’ on“ Not... A GENERAL BANKING Busmess TRANSACTED. FARMERS' NOTES DISCOUNTED D Laws Issues PAYABLE At ALL POINTS m CANADA. AND THE PRINCIPAL (2.715;; IN THE UNlTED STATES. GREAT BRITAIN. FRANCE, BERMUDA, ac. ESTABLXSHED I861 HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. CAPITAL (PAID UP) SIX MILLION DOLLARS REST - - - - - - " " CC THE BOEHMER 00.,- VOL. XL.-- NO. 9. Thure ic no time for details about all the different styles and Us i if l imam into which this every day article is now manufactured, r.;' i“.\r}‘tillllg desirable from il 4c cotton to a 35c Zephyr ging- hai he would insist on impressing upon you the fact that we sell 'N ii: a great deal less than they are generally rctailed. i'li('\ upon piles of grey and bleached Cottons, Sheetings, Shirt- ..tmnailes and Ginghams harcjust been received into stock and m! up like so much cordxmml While there are a great many things about this store that we talk about, that might seem more interesting for us to talk about, 1 that that are few more important just at this season of the Advertise in the JOth, 189} We \cll cheap and have strictly our prices to all, but we have arranged to Still the above goods in quantities of say picccs and half pieces at SPECLAL LOW PRICES xx hich will mean little more than wholesale prices. is notimc inf quotation» here, besides you must see the i‘cciutc the barrovi.s. . 7 ll * BthiEi1rMi,'iif,, we adverti,r, SAVINGS BAN K DEPARTMENT B. E. WALKER, GENERAL MANAGER. WATERLCO BRANCH at w1t " In. Gollooflon of Commercial Paw. New Goods arriving daily. Come the crowds to the THE m in» I " in Table linens .2,5 red. to .16 A tine lot of prints .05 and up. Black Dress 1 loods way down A beautiful line of Dress Goods at .08 Double width Tweed effect lt 30e red. to .l5 Heavy shit-tings at 7c and up. Men’s and Boys' suits way down _ In“ of Berlin (Limited.) H. J. GRASETT. MANAGER. IOOFLANDS EBB TEA in the 5min " " the but geetettrvttrtrsli' ' USE 88,000,000. 00,000. WATERLOKI, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING MABQH l, 132.4. The second meeting of the Township l Council was held on Feb. _19th when the collectors. were appointed and iil considerable reduction was made in their salaries. The new eoanciilor,Mr. Donald, voted for the cheapest man every time till the Clerkship was wok. en of, wlheu he voted that no action be taken in the matter although there were several tenders from $50 to $100 cheaper than the present C erk’s salary No douht the present Clerk is a good man hut those who tendered for the of. tice are quite capable of fulltillit g the duties rrquired . . . . A petition was laid I before the Council sign cl by a. large number of farmers and in the Hawker ville diatrhet,atsking the Council to wid- en certain roads in that locality. From what was said by the petitioners the roads really ought‘to be widened they i being only two nods wide instead of four The Cohncil agreed to go and inspect the roads This “18 good time to go to the ~Conncil meetings to see who to vote I for next year. . . ..A number of curl young people went to the Foresters concert‘at Milverton on the 20th mo, and report an excellent time. . . . i) sleigh l‘nad went from the village to) the anniversary services at Millbank last Sunday evening and quite numhe.- went to the tea meeting on Monday. ' The farmers are taking advantage of the good sleighing to haul away their wood and saslogs, the mill yards at all the surrounding sawmills are getting pretty well h'llol up. . . .The Crosshill Creamery Company are busy tillirut their new ice house with ice "rit ap- pears that the fuct of the creamery go- ing to start at Bamherg has not quite knocked this creamery out yet. The etockhdldrrs are determined to run it as long as they get enough cream and there " very little fear but they will get a. fiir patronage from the farmers as they: have always made a. firtstilmns article and there are no complaints as to the management. The old butter maker9tr.Colmtut has again been hired for' this year. . . .Mr. Wm. Perch has secured a situation as traveller for Dickenson & Co., of Woodstock, in the wall paper and window blind line... ,' Mrs Win. Barbour who has been stay» ing with her daughter, Mrs. Robert Grieve of Harriston has returned home All the lew- " the County and mum: carom“) III-urinal M' ’III Into nllualve nape. ELMlRA EsrswrAooir:wrs-hfr. J. W. Bebgough, editor of Toronto "Grip" has been engaged to give one of his uur que and popular entertainments in the Mt1tsiett'l Bociety's Hall on the evening of March 9th. Owing to the" heavy ex- pense incurred in procuring Mr. Ben- gougb,‘the price of admission has been placed it little higher than usual,35 and 50 cents. Combining in one perwn the qualities . of actor, elocutionint, ceri- cnturist and singer, the editor of the "uript car entertain an audience in ' manner excelled by none, one who would spend a. pleasant and profit. able esiening should be absent March 9th. . .‘.The Fruer Dnmntic Company hold. lot-ch in the Musical Society’- Hnll elven evening this week. . . .Tbe Victorl Comedy W., paid a. second visit to El in In: Thundny evening. and. took . - reoeipte 83.60 after pay; ing tel of orgsn 3nd hall, printing etc. visit has undoubtedly been a 63m . I lean. Nothing but 3 bat clue on . meat willdnwn in, in; crowd . . . . Mrs. John Mauser had the misfor. tune to break her arm on Friday last, but weg; re glad to learn she is progres- sing favorably. ' . .Mr. Mehm is mak- ing preparations for erecting a 'new house this summer. It would be better to navel some of the houses now vacant occupidd than to erect new ones. . . . Messrs; Thomas Ovens and Peat Hosea visitetrifriends here on Sunday. ' . .Two gentlelinen were in town looking " the store with the view of renting it and it is hopiri they may come to an agree- ment. ',. .There was a. mistake in Mr. 'ii"iii'i1iuiiiUi' ndvt., of last week. His price for horahoeitut for cash is 25 each instead of 28 cents as stated. NEWS mmdEts. BUDGET FROM CORRES- PONDENTS AN D OTHER SOURCES. mrtms.-Mr. D. M. Gmphdklkhk place,..MhI aerrottti4etBeAieiq forth. put " “Myombdhbpulhiuuhinhnuï¬ ..'.Ir. Emu-l MW duvets-hing†"iiirthWh, “amuse-ramp eon-69w- CHI-ill! I crown mr.uw.nppuu nut-UH y spewing '“ ii im to“ .a..Mr. tt . ll' holiday-with Mfr?“ Appalos tll',',',":,,':',; New fungi“ .peett ",trti,l't7"iiiri',Uiiiri" Sm ai,.tamu....Mr. A. Brick," “'3.“ 'trtty peat M """' "' ltd',,",,'. - "tdNriseoittuttA.UBet1'utind Wkpfllmhw‘97‘m. WAI. Mind'ifed 1ttrutt Incl-9i antiqu- 'ltl1tiiatihh'lt'i,l “I: nun-y int t'hdetti'itiiid,th't nah-l toil-W, , 's, "" TTrai _ I «I: l I‘mlmï¬gwwgummu ttset/te: n. nuns-hum ltiou of making. cod the meaning of demon. lull goo. ohm, om! the brethren in Elmira vore bound to who ' advantage of . chance to secure an oh. ieet lei-eon in talus-work iniciutionr, which was afforded them lat Thursday nlght. Two mndidoteu were duly in- structed in the uiyutrries of initistory degree, ind the mount-r in which the new members received the tmstruetioo indirnted plainly that the truthu Mid principles of the order hnd been well expounded and the first impressions of the initistes could not but he indelihly lived in their minds. The \Vnto-rloo I brethren have their work well up. and their paraphrenalin wt: of a high-clan calculated to impress, and altottether theceremonien were excellently given and well received. The visiting mem- bers of Elmira Lodge express themed- ves its being highly delighted _with the cordial welcome of Germania Lodgeand wish them continued success. There is some uuitution here for the organimtion of a Royal Arcanum Lodge some 8 or 10 reaidenta in St. Jucobs purpoeejoinimi if one is instituted . . . . Owing to the tact that mrat of thw. me uxhers of Elmira Court I. o Forest- ers live in the vicinity of Floradnle, it has been decided to move the meeting place to that village. _ Comm; AND Goisc.-Mesurst, Thos. and Albert McCulcheon of Linwood swent_b'urtdrsy lags, with friends in town . . . .Mr. Chas. Wtsehamuth,of Listowel l visited his relatives bore last week ' . . . l Mrs. Geo, Trut and Mrs. Pl: Christ-l mun visited friends in \Vaterlo3 last Thursday. . . .Mr. J. A, M. Alley. In. spector Traders Bank, paid an offlcGl visitto this branch last wank . ' . . Frank \Vagatlm, Dorking. paused through Fil. mirnrecently with his family and house- hold effects, en route to Alton Céntrv, N Y.,some 18 miles from Butfklo,wheve ho will reside and take up dairy farm- ing. . . . Mr, J, M. Kilgore, of Toronto, vciited Elmira this week in the inter. Asts of the Globe Lonu & Savings Co, Toronto. _ Mrs. J no. Ritz, has been confined to het' room for the past two weeks with a severe attack of Grip. . . .Mr.\Vi|limu Schmidt. mason, u looking about for a. comfortable village residemev. If one cunnot be purchased, he intends build. ing during the coming ttumme". . . .Our teachers attended the Teixchsw'tiqonven- tion at Berlin' last week . . . . Hockey match No. 3, between picked teams ot mechanics' and tradvbmen of the east and wnst ends was played this nftPr- i noon (Tumrlnv) resulting in the defeat of the West Enders by a score of 7 to 2, lThe ice was in poor Condition, but the game was very exciting and a great, deal l oi-interest was shown by onlookers. Menno Snider on Friday evening the . . . .Mr. John Hater near Blooming- 9th of Mareb. . .The ice hurvest is jutst dale is getting ready for building a over. Fe never saw such “ large quanti- large straw-shed . . . . Mr. Fred Kungel ty ot itttstortd " ““5 done by the tar- neon: Roundule is getting timber ready Inert? thig .wieter. The†were two to build .11 addition to " barn. . . . .. gang' eutting tee on.e m “use trf Hy . Mr. John Gale who h'u been running H." and the other Ith ehtsrgr ot Wm. Mr. Hshn’a aw mill in New Hamburg Loebuck. the put month will take charge orMr. _----------------- Simpson’u, Berlin, in , week or two. mum (um. C . . . . Mes-rs A. h J, Geiger are now no- Rev. Simmons of'Fore Gratiot, Mich. It, ft turning Jr, Ir, ",t',1g'AK,i delivered 1 very eloquent and halthful . " It a . m , BO P mun . o lecture in the Erangelical church pa 3380:5043:- "t $32318 baa-v.2: J,:?;,;,',",).',;':';'?,",:,,,'..'.:,'.)))):",' J: W Sunder ".torn.ittr. . . ..we thtrgeh of 30-3: It 2g,tet â€arm r'ts fattg,i22,t,1tl'attgl2T,'iiii who?» 'ttl',',',','.,',: hold mags: e mastmrit Win! “N itnat -e. . . . .. Mr. and Ma. RSI-0110‘ M i7iiiii Mr. Bot-tttht not! bib of midelUni .Viotoriuhurg lac Moods, mug. . '°" the gttetn d Mr. A. B. W“ Mr. a... w a zm' h 'iiiiifii on Sunday... din. Burnett, vein . , ._ . _ M I‘- it innii .z.. r. Airtstt1iturtt"tttt #:9259991. ','lz',etl,,Si',,AL'l"tl'l,',','eii- mt touching". The largest log that has passed through here for many nyear was tak- en to Bloomingdale last week by Solo. mon Koch. It was an elm log and contained 1000 feet log measure. . .. Mrs. ti. s. Bowman is in Toronto this week "ttending the millinery openings. . . ' .The principal of our school attend. ed the teachers' convention at Berlin last week. He speaks very highly of it.. . . .The World's Fair can be seen in Dahmer's hall on Saturday night Mr, Kern of Waterloo ie-the exhibitor. . . . The executors of the will of the late Carl Huck sold the brickynrd property to Henry D. Dahmer. . . . Noah Stroh was home from Stratforl over Sunday. ...,There is going to be a wedding soon. . . .Mr. Eli Bellman of Berlin, will hr ve his closing night with his sing- ing clue here on Tuesday night. , . . Preparations are in full blut for a grand socinl " the residence of Mr. Menno Snider on Friday evening the 9th of March. . .The ice harvest is just over. We never saw such a large quanti- ty of ice stored as was done by the far- mera this winter. There were two gangs cutting ice one in charge of Hy. Hall and the other in chug» of Wm. Loch-wk. Rev. Simmons of Fore Gratiot, Mich. delivered u very eloquent and halthful lecture in the Evangelical church en Wednesday evening. The subject of the lecture wen HEAL-tn . . . iqhtlsool we; cloned lat Thundly end_Fridey owing P'."?.'"' Sunday "",taa.....Mr. A, 'Briiker vktting -tNrisnodMruttutlvttBetl'utind diam [ . . - u. lac. M‘Mmfod 1ttrutt 1.. â€y int D. Wormâ€, "r, , vt ii1t1tttit?.Ntartitrdttrtt tttlt my. l kg..ur,.n, Ems-unbo- CasH the order of the day since all the logs Get, been umde....A number from thin locality amended the new“! meet- ings in connection with the Mennonite church at Munnlwim . . . .The thermio- meter reeiister'eu IT Mlow z-rn, hut as Baden in a little bsrther north it reuir tered 20 . . . .it has been heard that gonna ofval loo.) sports of Bud-m otfer. M 84000 for the Jack-Jun and Corbett tight. . . . Mr Yuk-mim- and Miss Mag. gie Zoeller spent Sunday In the heigh- borhood of Phiiipbhurg. Russell's Photograph Gallery, Wellessley, will be open for bmiursa the tirrst thvee Java ofevery month, When Sunday is the lat, date will commence on Monday. Head of. hee, New Hmnburg, Out. M r. Albert, Muckus & ILvid Trussler have moved into their nuw quarters for. merly occupied by Jacob Kneehtel and Christ Huck. . . .R-ig beer, we all the go now a. days in our viptnite . . . . M rs. and Miss Heintzmun wry-e bere in town visiting friends. . .Mr Jae A) Huehner- gnrd from Detroit is here mu an extend. ed Vihit. . . . Mr. and Mrs, John Run from Gadahill, were the gurus of J ohn Hill. . . .Mr. and Mrs John Killer, M Strntford, were the guests of Mrs F. Flrisclnlmuer....Qui1P a number Hon. burgites paid our lively town a short Vlsw. New Hamburg. Lime light views of the World's Fuir will be exhibited on Tuesday evening next in connection With the Roman Catholic congregation. A prnglaum-H of music has been arranged . . . .J. C Fox has just returned from Mmkoku where he took a trip in the interest of the Toronto Mail. . . .The Mowlmnics' Institute are offering membership tic- keta for the year commencing lla) lul. 1804, from this date at 50cts. . . .()ur saw mill here is doing a. lualllllg trade. l‘he ice storm lint spring hlew down great quantities of the tiuest timber in this district and no less than 300 logs were brought in one afternoon last week. About six acres are covered with logs, piled up four or tive than; ltlgll The proprietor of the mill,Mr, Hahn. is able to respect the old protwrb, Ids an ill wind that blows nobody good. . ' .The following'passengvra were ticketed lust week brW. H. Bouller-, town agent: Wm.SPibert and son to Chntadrs,Kranerui; John Mayer of Baden. to Iowa; Peter Rosenberg to Saginaw, Mich. S. 1s'hi",tt', has a fine fresh stock of Grocer- ies and inware which heznella very cheap. He is â€$8 the highest price for eggs. Try hitr and convinced. Some young men make a practice of driving through our quiet VIHBRB ou Sabbaph during church hours " a fur. lone rate of speed. Should such occur ngtsin we hope the offieer of the law will do his duty and appmhend the parties. Our ihrmn in future are strict, ly Cash in Advance. There will be no eterption to this rule, Sub- scribers: who have not paid shoty do so at: once. If your law] remix Jam, 1894, you are in arruurd. Bend ud one dollar um] the label will bejouued to 1 Jan. '95, in Advance. ,, clinic, Brenna. In isso his mu unitul in marlin“ '.iu.;u--n. Ilolliuger, with tshottt also hind chiidml. bot only 3 ourtiwd her, A t 40 you-- no they left uin "titriUud tor America whom! any tietOy unload down in ' rloo Co. After the death of her hnubomd she was: the {utter day. of Mr life “it†her Ion ir-law Mr. C. Oiiuher where she passed peacefully “my on the 25th "d Wb. “be†pmlongo-d when. She attained to a ripe old we of 86 your... 8 months und 9 days. The rmumm were interred in tl"' Brideeport cvnwu'ry on Wedmmduy the 28th. The setvices va conduct-d by the Rev. A. Shul'z "f Eunin She left behlnd her 3 child- 1 run nut! 28 grand children And It cr'ut Lgland chihlrnn to mourn Uin loss. - Mr. Ei. HIHiard sold hiu farm of 11 “one, 1 mile mat, of thte vilusge -0 Mr. John Wralhll for the sum of $900. . . . The adherents of our linen y society, propane to give tb grand entertainments to the puhlic on Wednesday cumin! the 7th of Murch ennui-ding of Math}: reeitmtiome, itttertningltsd with l orsd and intrtrutuenud mwric, but the moat nm-r- asting‘pnrt will lw a debate on the following suhjvct: Resolvvd ttostAurrex- ution haw-en Cumdm and tlte Uhimd States would be benetiiisl to Cunndm Four of our best. local 1mm wifl tnice art. in the ‘Iiscusriun. Au ir-u'ro-umg Four of our best local mun wifl take art. in the '0eutwion. Au mun-Ming time in "xpected. All are Invitml to come from far and wide. A sllmll tue. of 5.1a. will b? charged at the door. _ l The fallen timber Ins (‘lmngtd its up- pearnnca into lung strings of wood-piles wlm:H can be seen ulmmt, on wary farm . . . .The Itev. J S‘unvo-rn occupwxl the U. B. pulpit but h'unilasy....i'htt Rem A. Ehy preached a wry npprnpri» um sermon to nu nth-nine nudirnce last Sunday evening. Ilunllir. A pubic morning of the south INUter. loo IGrmers' Institute will Ire, held in the Town Hall on Tuesday my, March Gill Addre+ will be delivered by Mr. J. A. Ruddick, Supt u Govern, ment Creatneries for Western ()HIMI‘IO mind others Agnod musical program will be supplied by local Lnlmt, and 3 general “01 time -s anticipated . . . ' Mr. Bohr. Kerr, the ttFtieosrrr, is un bit: ruunds again Hide that (In: T. . . .Mr. Jt C. Tye and Mm, ll. T30 we". it Harlin on Fridwy lust . . . ' Mr. Fred Vritchmf Platteville " nmv rmimnz in the 'itore of Run-aw l Co,. ll thit leCH. . . . M r, T. LI. I’Mltluuml'w was tn Berlin on Munday. . . .Mr. A.5ldlrir, uroompmied bv his 1irsug,htet' drove to Waterloo on MorMav. I'lse lnnvr ex- [was to rorde there fur souw tin)". . . . Mr. C. D. Brown rwmuly received tlie and intelligence of lln demise of 1: mar med sister in England, Ae understand that Mr. Alvm Ilal man intends to leave the farm snnmume during the mo- th to wside in Colt. ' . . Mr. Ben. Bricker is away to Michigan on a visit. . . . Mrs, H. Groffig gradual- ly recovering. . . . Mrs. A. Detweilrsr, who Fate been sick for a few dos is ts'owly improving. . . .The house occu- pied by Mr. Kruncl on M r. Ptutinls farm now stands vac-mt. The occupants have removed westward to the Adam’s ertate. J. . .Tim Letry who link-sly {tilted fl Re ti u "my that days T", has been located pawn " '0 " Stanford. '.. ood and grain are “Shin constantly coming in. . . .Lut S-turdqy haitltn and II , . th tho moment th I _ . . 'llrf,'ll'dt'e1',ll 'llf below fe.'.".".",?,". North Ilritist and mammals, J.B. Jackson at lemoc Centre remn- . . " 0.K, .9... mm tha Meu’ Plum of mm, Tggtg " Bedin '."L'2,'T2p'd . y wok. . . . 'a nu of , Bittlin , nmgh. . .. in. Basith “an“. no input"! HnNoep- 1laidhrliaiti. i» A .. [national-luck“ “05%â€me [din - i, the hung-d an ppm «up» Mr. John Hotele who has lwen con- fined to his bed for the past tbreerrsontlui has succumbed that dread (“Mun-e ,cui: Cer He died on the 20th and was buried in the R C. cemetery at St. Agatha. on the 23nd . . . . Mr. Morrison of Doon and Mrs. Knipfel ot Berlin, Spent n few deya with Mr. Huber... . Mr. Geilel and family are visiting Mr. Curtis n Shakespeere . . . . Mr. Chris. Habel of Lisbon WM here on A visit to his fetber-in-law Mr. Liphurdt. . . .A surprise party from PUttaville called on Mr. end Mrs. Peel... .Mr. JoeLen- berd and John Colombojr. Ipent Sun any in Atwood . . . .The corn-tion early on Friday morning resulted in the tom deduction of the Silver Springs Brewery. The loan is heavy end imsur. woe smell. . . .Mrs. Freak of Peters. bnrg spent Sundey with her son-in-law Mr. Hy.-Hnber. . . .Mr. Forler of the Queen'. bed hie father in-lew use guest. Ionm ttie Indra MManH-u was .Mr. A.3ldlrir, htey drove to PM: latter ex- W l I ot, irteif,trt, “has 1 FYNUMBER, 2035 A POINTER Bed Room Suits - - - $1100 Dining-room Exten. rubic" 5 " Kitchen Chairs - - - .30 Side Boards - - - - - $10.00 Rocking Chairs - - - s 100 Theseliues togetler with an immune Stock of CARPETS AND CURTAINS fl, n. maze 00.. den's tailor shop. . . . A i, PPS attendcd llu- (Ivartrl'lv Windfall un Suvulnv Poth [Infant-H1 the? \Yrgvlm mumbling of 3': am'm fur #3 I.' farm was sall by unctiuvv t acres of wheat “M w... fur Ihe South Waterloo Fal‘ml'rx'] will hold a meeting in 1slllrttl hall on the Mternoon mu! m Wednesday next, Maud. 71h Ruddick Supt. of (imm-nnwy.‘ eries for "hstern “maria, v, l the meetings. A host of 1m... ported slwakvl'w will also a“: t in; the 'ueetings inn-rum): :21 M110. Special prc-pm‘aliun 1 made bv the» 1il agn- musician, 90.99â€â€..009909 6390041 t PM J it1 m u V 'ilBlEST/'ri'r)'r,iri' ' f ( ’3‘.“ A..:' “â€QNAA»e,oc ~A '-s the mvning‘s prugmnmw " mm i.all) ix. tel-(ailing unv. The fmnum Hm}; n'r CHPSH‘IL " rl l,e in attend,- t, arouse an.vtsluuilt riuur whine. Thaw “WP? ings an- regarded an an alumni crct'ur ronce and I'm Mrnwrs w ill I: foruwrly. giu- a hearts. sum» are insited to attend the en mum-Ix. On Friday last after rrT"a' ".: it"1M‘l _ of Cupid's darts and nnmorwh “nunâ€. which can “My be ant‘MuUH my my lerious links caused MI: p, be†Hr rontof the 9th Con. to cull and Ink: Miss Maggie Barron of tht TU: Co,,. to Mlllhank where they Wr'tHa linked tr travel down the stream uf “fr in whirl we trust may be sunshine and hand new. . . . Mn M. Svhwindt hm mum: her farm, Con. 5, Mornington, to le son Conrad and Inn " side Istt the m: in t. . .. lixpmmlentul farm Nanci now presented alumna fat-rs p"r Mr Jas. Grieves, are worthy of a car-oft perusal containing x'ulunhlu inforura tion. . . . Our resident champion " Perth check player Wm. Fink, pluym. on Thursday night last a ulegmlrlr match with three of Liston el's mack» utterly domuralizing them ... Ti,. Sons of Scotland have a (' m-H‘t it. tin hall on March lst..._Althou;;l, M' cannot boast yet of the robin u " am l f In -a. "It Fire Insurance. Representing the for you if you mun. w futafun your House Cheap. lege, Toronto, Ont.. ,'. 1 s, 41. “In, Ututuestbortabty Ctoaiia's tit ca' at Com.. merchlSchools. r A _ I, , l A en- are great values cciered by M. S. HALLMAN. aorariNttt "f (Continued on 8th I'agr I oms-mw PM d m an a "A 'C' a flu, es- t _ k 't (:1.‘ 7 [Ln “u. I. . t V ts at IN an- t "cat Baal :55 Col. . .‘ 1 _ M. 'rrs,t, . s.ja'stirea-eat Cum.. ' l. F, , l N evz- . A . , l IIs ‘24 h, . " A t ' a wtrh94N6 s...) tun ,', ntl Min: [anion lam], yum“ farm cyl.",."). Th" PyrP. Il H11; link \lmllt if oil Mag wetihg tit 'hnn'uf Hum-â€H" tetitt MHZ 1ttet t H) Um} mi 1m f." is IWili'. ulrt, " tl In lit tt of 53 "