Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo County Chronicle, 13 Apr 1893, p. 6

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"The covering of Cheapside, Poultry, Queen Victoria street, Bond street, or Oxford street with a glass roof may appear a quixotic suggestion, but other at first sight less practicable schemes have been launched successfully, and the world has not ceased to revolve on its axis in consequence. The gain to the great British public, or that section who are in the habit of traveling the main arteries of London, from a point of comfort alone, should be sufficient to warrant a trial. Most people prefer brightness and beauty to dirt and dis, comfort. Milling: to my mind, can have a. more miserable cy tawdry ap- pearance than a leading London thor- oughfare on a wet day, when poor, dripping humanity descends to the depths of despondency and every ob, jest, animate and inanimate, has a washed-out appearance. A change from this condition of things would be delightful to all people concerned- those who would reside under glass, so to speak, and those who would use the thoroughfare for business purposes. The former would, of course, be called upon to bear the expense of improve- ment. If I say the outlay they would incur would be returned to them in a few years, owing to the increased flow of business to their doors -and to the lessened cost upon painting and clean, ing-l should be under the mark. Our wood and asphalt streets would be dry, perfectly safe in all weathers, and the lease of life doubled or trebled. If the rain water were not perserved for, domestic use it could be usefully tip-l plied in fUshing the sewers with clean 1 water instead ot liquid mud. The health of the inhabitants would be greatly benefited by breathing dry air mosphere instead of a damp, humid one. Our clothes, boots, hats and general l comfort would not suffer as they do) POW’ I LONDON STREETS UND GLASS An Extraordinary, Pr Prluclpv" i, A. proposition to make London a glass-Footed city is the subject of a long letter addressed to us by J. Newton Mappin, says the London Dailv News. Interesting as it is, we have not space enough for the whole of it. The plan, which will not be popular with the um- brella-mskers, resembles one in Mr, Bellamy's "Looking Backward." Mr. Mappin, however, does not treat the subject as part of a. scheme for the future Utopia, but as one to be carried to a practical and successful issue. He says '. ATimely Article on the l’revnlont Spirit 1 of Unrest. E There are many men and particular 1 1y yoong men, who are always getting t dissatisfied with What; they are doing. l When they have Been working in a cer- i tain line of business for some time they I i begin t.? thMk they are better fitted for ' éoihething else, , Instead of working right on at what is plainly set before them to do, they allow the spirit of unrest to take com- plete possession of them, and they ere of no account in the positions which they occupy, and they might be of less aggougt in something they had Loki tried, T I _ its,'.,., " wvu 2io {use wants to discourage ambition i in any way, but there may be a. differ- 'ence of opinion as to what ambition is. 1 According to Webster the word means “An eager and sometimes inordinate I desire to preferment, honor, superiority or power." In its original use it meant going around seeking votes for oifiee, but the quoted detNitirm will best 'apply to tfusirisis purposes. The ambitious youth would do well to study this tietinititm, before allowing Ms desires to get sway with him. He ought to consider what preparation he has bad to entitle him to prefermenf superiority or power. Would he knr what to do with himself if exalted the position, he might crave l , da things should be taken into con' side tion, ' diam uhilitv bes b,, Buds on the maples are red'ning Touched by the heat of the sun , Grass blades on hillsides are springing, lbs? Wakening pf Spying has begun, Birds from the warm lands returning Under the blue heaven’s dome, Fill all the daytime with singing; Joyful they are to be home. Whae mam t6 as this awakénjng Sheitereti so warm by the pine tree, N esbling so close to the ground. The fragrant, beautiful maydower, ringed by thg dawn cloud is found. " [18.13 means w u; um: unamm “a. From Winter, déaehJike $494 wold? ’Tis the Way that the stow ox jeans, Who conquered death's darkness, is told. Under the blue of the heavens, Under: the spring sky abuve- Everywhere new life is showing The proofs of God’s wonderful love. STiCKING TO BUSINESS tgon, . . . One needs executwle abxhgy: to hold high positions In bysmess h [a to-day. The man of ideas ls'the me n who"gets there" in the store, m tet manufactory and in every other place 10 the business world. He must knot his business “from the ground up." to attain the best results. --.t-er man it h true Who There are many men are placed in positions SPBISG S MQRXING- A! riaposltlon to Cover the -1 T%oroaghrareb'. OETRY. menit is true ,who ions where they are Co A preferrryeur Would he km If if exalted l to dany sidera- not at home ; where they have no sp" mal adaptability for their work, but still if these are the only positions which they could secure for the time being, it is best to do something until the right thing comes along. If we are lnatended tor a special posi tion in life we will surely get to it pro- vided we do each day the work that is next to us. Very few, comparatively, securejust what they think they want to start with, but if they persevere to make themselves as useful as possible in the positions that open to them, they will either get into the places first sought after or will find that after all they were fitted for just what they got into, thing an.» .. w every- '- . . Haws him that way it is all right ”I him to go, but his decision should not be t?ohasty, There areImany things to lot taken into consideration before If a young may; geeg WM he can bettav in masher gimme" ".,A thing am» .. w ev . w..WTrP. L:, nl A ,,.. " :.,.‘]..‘ Faking a final decision. Young Canada att Impulsive and should hold in a. little if possible. The same thought applies to the dealers. If they are already in a good business no change ought to he made without careful consideration. If a. dealer has been making and 'saving, money and has a good amount to put into a larger establishment it is quite right to do so. , Some of the greatest drawbacks to the success of young men arise from their self-conceit and their unwilling- ness to accept advice from persons of experience. In fact so common is the the fallacy of stslbssuffieient smartness among the youthful, and the corres- ponding disregard of advice from the aged, that it would almost appear as if our race were, in this manner, doom- ed to be retarded in its advancemen What Keeps Some Young Men From Rising in The World. Criatyiatheritut iihihtit: mm “any to Witness the Temple Qedicanou. Salt Lake City, Utah, April 5.-The conference of the Church of Latter Day Saints preliminary to the dedica- cation of the Salt Lake Temple began this morning at the tabernacle, which was crowded with 10,000 people. The city is crowded with visiting saints from every point on the compass. Ful- ly 30,000 Latter Day saints will at- tend the dedicatory ceremonies at the Temple an Thursday. From Canada to Mexico, from Europe to the islands of the Pseific, Saints havejourneyed to this convention. The great Mormon Temple, 40 yeers in building, ls a mar- vel of architecture. The indications are that 60,000 visitors will witness the ceremonies at the Temple. It takes time to tell whether one is well fitted for a place or not. If he is able to do the work well there is reason for: his sticking to it until he knows that he is wanted elsewhere and the way is clearly pointed out to him to change. The place first secured may be the one which will lead upward to a rich rewsrd,---Hardware. The spirit of unrest is altogether too prevalent in our country. People are after money, more money, and they care very little how they secure it. There is danger in this changeful dis- position. Many good qualities which should be sought after are overlooked entirely in this greed for gain. Notilong ago a business man said, "I should consider my life ill spent if I thought I did not fill a. place where I could be of use to my fellow mem" This man is at the head of a large establishment which gives employment to a large force of men. It is in giving these men work and looking after them that this man finds his reward. li, each generation were to start w the full advantage of the experienr the one which preceded it, it is r sible to conceive the height of p ity and happiness at which I would ultimately arrive. Bu' a to be as difheult to endow of wisdom of threesome the yr wi and twenty as it is to trai mth of a child of six years old Amhen _ and endurance of a tull Amomhe Nevertheless, we over the case of tho repel admonitions f sors. There is at through whim , itself without E .A [ predisposes m? al i is the newspp All t erated elfot" .pe'm principally A; of l in this rr , to l young, '1. ispeetr will 1e adulge an ..r___ A-e, Ma. see tl den tht PANEL}? 2 27, SAINT§: id happiness at which 1 'tttTi l ultimately arrive. Bu' mankind“ _ y. as difheult to endow cibseemr; m1 of threesome the yr with ”Shel: l '.wenty as it is to trai mth 'ot five'; :hild of six years old athearsuselesi, andurance of a tull l moths energy svssrtheless, we t" grown‘man. %, the case of tho Jo tot despond) l admonitionsf se who 'naturally There is at mum their predates- ugh whim , A least one medium f without ir" good icounsel presents) lisposes m? ay tiru.mstrnoe Which w newspp " to dispise it, and that ed eifot" pens. has from the wait icipally Al of the press that we are his rr , to look for improvement .09, "c ispeetr in proportion as the l le adulge rm judicious reading they tl em toref1eet soundly, and will T ae absurdity of closing their un- V itandi-ngs against the experience of Jse who have gone before them. In he same measure, by being made ex. tensively acquainted with the abilities of others they will be led to think much less of their own acquirements, and to put less value on their own capabitities of action. oeeasionally we see young men who seem to step at once, as it were, in the Sagacity of the aged, and it is always seen that they prosper in proportion as their conduct is regulated by the ad, monitions of prudence. They engage in their occupations with coolness and deliberation, patiently waiting for op portunities of well-doing, and taking care to avoid those false steps which precipitate others from the eminence they have partially gained. While the greater proportion of the young and do m wot”. thoughtlrss are dropping 1side out of the ranks and dis-Lppwu‘inu. they "r'e steadily pumuiuz their w»), shutting; their eyr’s mu! their rum- Against, the riHr,iqytisllurerrrt'uts that, beset chem, and §9, by We rium Lhuy haw reached spyst)irverr,r,wly?94, tluw are uh‘eadyin the y9§§§tsrsiqg gfuiaggp ownforts and stlppt ,ypyy'alolp tr/icy) Plot are the re- MRI ot' mm". mirth) 3nd 5%} It has been mid that Hun-e is nc,', mow royal road to hmlch than that lined. with "uithuien trces, providing always th1trltiruiuvxsstertmrly when in ite, bum mam oi ripunosa and sound mas. mu) h h, .. L-. N , - - orord of vir ic:icr',irene. . “owl.“ condition of Canadian agriculture that such rapid advances have, during the, past few years, been made along the read to suc- cessful opeGrding. It is only at few years since fruit-growing was almost exclusively confined to a feiv favored localities in the Dominion, and even in these fruit-producing sections the year- ly increase of insect enemies and blight- ing fungus growths were most discours aging to orchadists. The system of spraying lately introduced seems destin- ed to elfectually check the ravages of insects and blights, and the introduct- ion of hardier-Russian varieties, togeth. er with eareful investigation made with home-grown trees in omrr to discover the kinds best adapted to each particu- lar locality, have been the means of greatly extending the area of Canadian territory where merchantable apples can now be grown successfully. It might be prudent for such farmers as have hitherto been unable to grow any- thing better than crab apples, owing to climatic conditions of natural defects in the soil, to engage in extensive orch- arding, but they should lose no time in. securing enough of trees to furnish an l\hundamt supply for home consumption. Many year; ago irresponsible Ameri- can tree pedlars sold large quautites of more or less tender and unsuitable ap- ple trees to Canadian farmers, which resulted in great disapointment and loss to the buyers, who have concluded to buy no more fruit trees from di.tuat nurserymen, and as there are no nun series in their neighborhood they will not have any apple trees at all, Now it may be a very good idea to D”. ~'7 _ a neighboring Duran» - "my“ first-els-- .1 when there IS a _ _ ,. CT, may be of such a temporary character as to render their advice less reliable than it ought to be. The site for the orchard should be convenient to the dwelling house if possible, so that it l may combine beauty with utility. A i, rich gravelly loam with a slight slope towards the north is best ; and " level field with an impervious clay sub-soil is about the worst. Thrifty trees not over three years old have better roots and prove more satisfactory in the end I than those that aee older. --all the peculiar ‘troubles that beset a woman. The only gtrararstetd, remedy for them is Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. For women suffering from any chronic "female complaint" or weakness; for women who are run down or overworked '. for wom- en expecting to become mothers, and for mothers who are nursing and exhausted ; at the change from girlhood to womanhood; and later, at the critical "change of life"--, it isa medicine that safely and eectairfy builds up, strengthens, regulates and cures. -- _ . ‘I‘ Pt t,:l, A, 1,.MACt A." Kr/bs)- -14, "'-'-r'""" I Q If it dbesn't, if it even fails to benefit or cure, you have your money back. Catarrh iumeiovifeither, a perfect and pep manent cure for your Catarrh, no matter how bad your fuse may be, or $500 in cash. The proprietors of theCmedicims promise to pay you the money, if they can't cure you. RHEUMATISM CURED IN A DAY.-south American Rheumatic Cure for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its actoin upon the system is remarkable and mysterious: It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 750. War. ranted by Eday. Devitt Druggist, Water. loo. f What you are susprfit youuse Dr. Sage’s The Farm Orchard. Put to Flight Waterloo County Chronicle. Economy, Equity, Stability, Progress. THE Ontario Mutual Life. DOMINION DEPOSIT, Assurances in force. Jan. lst, 1893....818,122,195 Increase over previous year .. . .1. 1,187,388 New Assurances written in 1892 I. . . . . 2,651,000 Increase over 1891.. r...r..rr.rr"'". 222,050 Cash Income torrt892.......--. 6ti,951 1ntareaseDvert801.....-.--.. 67,331 Assets, December 3Ist, 1892, . . . . . . . . . _ . 2,253,984 Increase over 1891....... 'ttr...... 294.953 Reserve tor security of Policy-Hold- ers.,............................... 2,001,602 Increased 18N_..........-.... 280,827 Surplus over all Liabilities, December 3lst.1892.............t............ 176,301 Increaseover1891.................. 20.742 The 20er SUPERVISORSHIP DISTRIBUTION POLICY now offered embraces all the newest features, cInd is the best form of PROTECTION and INVESTMENT money can buy. It has no WEE}: ayrep,tttd values, attractive options, GlrfibeGFaiids'thjns" ALEX. MILLAR, Q. 0., sorieitttr, ”(“Herlin J. H. WEBB. M. F. Medical Referee.\Va.terloo W R, noPGINS, Supt. of Agencies. . Waterloo liberal Conditions or Policies: I. Cash and Paid-up Values guaranteed on each policy. 2. All dividends belong to and are paid only to polierholders 3. No restriction on travel, residence. or occupation. I. Death claims paid at, gnce or; completion of claim papers: mERiCjCihn,E HEAD OFFICE, THE Dominion Life Assurance C My Head Miee, ;Waterlr ,o,0nt. , 1neorporated by Act ot Ontario Legislature. Authorized Capital $1,000.61! Gov't Deposit av Subscribed Capital 3 Paul up B' BOARD OF DIRECTORS: I. E. Bowman, M, P., Wate" . John Shuh, Tytrloo. -a100., [,' H._§Vebb ll. D., Waterlbm, "cc . vuoore, Waterloo. D. S. Bowlhy, M, D., Berlin.,. Robert Melvin, Guelph. E. w. B. Snider. M. P.. P., St. Jacobs. OFFICERS l E. Bowman, M. R, anidanu T% u. T.nckie, Secretary. Alex, Millar, Sohcnor. M. B. Clemens, Inspector uamw ._ JAMES INNgls. Tim Polic ,y ofthe Dominic/n Life is a stratfjht /' promise to pay-like a bank drtfr,. a mics! unconditional. No re- st'r WW m on travel or occupation. MEAD OFFICE. . WATERLOO, 031'. Established 1870. THOS. W hen two or three years in force it " nonforfeimble, even for failure to P ay renewal premiums, remaining in - - - ”.va rrrrrrN Trhrrrr, ro r w 'V'uuwwvr'w'V' I v m”; force TILL THE VALUE IS EXHA USTED. _ . _ It provides a legacy certain instead of a law suit possible. Equality between policy-holders is secured by insuring in three trlasees-- abstainers, general and womem--giv%r each in profits the true benejtt ofits own longevity. The RATES compare favorably with any in the world. Y our choice of all smd plans of assurance o.fiered, no other. H.RIDDELL, WM. HENDRY, 'ib'"E'fi'rrrliirwD. Apply now for choice of territory to THOS. HILLIARD, Managing Director FIRE INSURANCE GO. CAPITAL, $200,000. wiiniiif- Shop, 72 King St. ' Canadian Block. Established April I, 1891. Now running by steam power. Fully prepared, to all kinds of saw gumming and filing. Skate grinding and grinding edge tools of every description, such as horse clippers, barber’s clippers, barber's and tsilorr's shears, butcher’s mesh knives, prin- ter’s paper knives etc. Bicycles changed from the solid and cushion to the latest preumutic tire. Sew- . , t "7777,,L__J c., ULlSHlUu IIV VAAV ‘~‘~u~v I." ing machines repaired and guaranteed for I one year. Gunsmithing in all its branches, I Keys made and fitted to all kinds of locks Locks repaired, New rolls put on clothes wringers. In short we repair everything in a mechanical line and guarantee satisfaction All work sent us shall receive our prompt attention. Remember the place, Canadian Block, Berlin. Sign of the Sewing Machine and Saw. 0 L HENDERSON . . , ”OFFICE AT THE ZIMMERMAN HOUSE. Telephone IMP. O. Box 164, Sales conducted in English and Gnrman. Licensed Auctioneer FOB TIIE t)OUNTE OF wuuuoo. muss, M. P PBESID' HILLIA‘ 2 Secretary tim WORK or ALL KINDS CHAS. H. FRGHLICH, OFFICERS : AD, Mmmme Dmmo'ron. _ WATERLOO, ON"' CHE: KUMPF Bsn., " VICE-PRESIDENT Capital $61,400 . Ottawa $50,000 $100,000. Machimst, 1 Proprietor. Manager The und highest ' s,.,' 5mmr NEWS FROH Waterloo Goal Yards. , V E are now prepared to tIll orders for th best Scranton Coal in Egg, Stove or Nu size. We would advise all to order now befor an advance in price takes place. The grobab limes are that money will be saved by ookin orders at once. We respectfully so ieit you patronage. Ordersleft at our office at the co yard or at J. W. Fear tt Co.’s Hardware Stox will have our careful attention. He also does a retail trade in grains etc. FRESH cnocEmEs can aways be procured at his shop. COAL I Scranton Coal I 000mm: AND mama sums, in great variety kept constantly in stock; also all kinds of Philip Hohmeier, Gas Fitter, Plumber, &c. Has contracted for this space. " THE WATERLUI] Granite ' Marble Works CHRISTIAN AXHENRICH IF you have lost aloved one and desire to erect a. lien tribute of atrection to the memory of the eparted one. Kindly favor us with a call and we shall be pleased to show you specimens and designs in Monuments, Headstones etc., and quote you figures for any style ot work either in Granite or marble. First class work guaranteed. THE undersigned offers tor sale his house and lot, corner of Allan and Mary streets. The house is a. new two story brick building provided with all modern conveniences. The property must be sold as the owner is leaving town, For further particulars apply at the house. T CN TrCTppNITPP Waterloo 1tth 00c..1892' Erb Street, opposite Market. WATERLOO. OATS, PROPERTY FOR SALE,, ""uersigned will pay the market price for HOGG & HABBICK. SHAEFER BROS TINWARE,' PEAS, 2; ST. JACOBS Ihe- POTATOES, no. St. Jacobs. L. C. KLIPPERT. U Solicitor. Notary Public and Conveyancer. Solicimr for the Canadian Bank of Commerce and Conn" Solicitor" Money . loan on Mortgages. Office - Germania Block (upstairs). r reek Berlin ' Special attention r Skin Diseases, am Diseases. --- uuAIvLuul. nuuu'y ruuuu, Conveyancer. etc. ottree-, Upstairs in Economical block,53 King Street West, Berlin. v- Lu“ 1 IBM“ . GUI LULLUL‘ IN URI-Ty Public, Conveyaneer, etc, (Money to loan.) Ofmas hours. 9.30 a.m. to 5 pun. Otmyy over Geo. Hssumflugts store. Waterloo "ore, Otftota-New Insuramm Buildings (up-stairs,) King street, Waterloo. At branch oftioo, Elmira, every Monday and Thursday afternoon. Oitiee at Dr. Walmsley'u El’nv‘n Money to loan on Mortgages at lowest rates. FREDDRICK COLoUnOUN. A. B. MCBRIDE __ "mu...“ mm A. m n , Solicitors in all the courts. Notaries and Converrrruxars. Money to lend on Mortgages lowest. rates. ottirse,-Court House. Ber in. W. H. Bowwv, M.A., LL.B., Q. C.. County Crown Attorney In TD w and Clerk of the Peace E. P. CLEMENT. OHN KING, Q, Ce, \OLQUHQSJN , MCBRIDE OWLBY k CLEMRNT, E0. H. HUTCHISON DR. AdMITAGE PHYSICIAN. SURGEON AND Accoucmwa. Offtce-In the rooms formerly occupied by W. Wells, L. D. S. over Mr. Tisis store (Bell- Inger’s). Night calls answered at office. Tele) phone communication. LEX. MILLAR, Quo., _ BuiitRoTs',%iii'/ei'G'rs, Notaries and Conveyancers. WATERLOO AND ELMIRA. tftota-New Insurance Buildings (up-stairs,) tcr “mm "r,,F.,.sr., Otftee and 1mtmiiienee--Thrty doors north of resi- dence formerly occupied by the late Dr. Walden on Albert street, Waterloo, DES. D. S. M G. H.BOWLBY, PgYSICIANS. SURGEONS, ETC. Dr. D. S. owlby, Coroner, for the County. Dr, G. H. Bowlby treats diseases of the new, throat and ear. DR. C. T. NECKER. MEDALLIST OF TCV RDNTO VnivtTsity, Licentiate of the Col- lege of Physicians, Surgeons and Accoucheurs of Ontario. DISEASES 0F EYE AND EAR TREATED. (M1tse--New residence, Albert street, Water- loo, a short distance north of the late Dr. Waldqn's residence. ""fiil'iGi;, "iiicrtiir'tG'GTr'uGitrterti for the pain less extraction of teeth. Also, Vienna. Mixture both ot which are uex‘iectlv sate. L VANCAMP, DENTIST. . Office at new residence, comer of Queen and John t'it1rtyetrs,_Berlip, Ont. . " .. . The preservation of the natural Teeth a specialty. The new remedy for the painless extraction ot teeth. This remedy is simple, effective and perfectly harmless. Nitrogen monuxide gas and local anaesthet- cs for painless extraction of teeth. Coroner County of Waterloo uiee--At his residence on Erb street Telephone communication. Will visit Baden the first Thursday and, third Thursday of each month. Elmira-The second Thursday and Fridag and fourth Thuwday and Friday of each mont Will can at St. Jacobs in going to Elmira. Waterloo Ottiee open Very day. Telephone communication. L ERY AND EXCHANGE STABLES, GEO. SUGGITT, Proprietor. All kinds of conveyances constauuy on hand. Charges moderate. Stables in rear of the Com- mercinl Hotel. Tale hone communication. BUCKBERROUGH & BECHTEL, ' Fire and Accldeut Insurance Aients Waterloo, Ont., representing the best Stoc and Mutual Companies doing business in this Pro Vince. Money to loan at lowest current rates. HERBERT J. BOWMAN, PROVINCIAL Land Surveyor, Civil Engineer and Draughtsrqap, Graduate of the Ontario School of Practical Science, and late assistant to the York 12 Engineer on the construction of Pub- lic War s, and the sulrdiTision of lands in the suburbs cg Tomato. " v H ETT, JOSEPH MICKUS HEIDELBERG, LICENSED Avcnomma. Bales gromptly attended to. Satisfaction guar- antee . Orders left at the Heidelberg mill ob tlce or Steiss's Hotel will receive prompt atten- tion. German and English spoken NIMON SNYDER, b Issuer 0 Marriage Licenses. offiee--At bis Drug Store, Waterloo. D. BUOKBERROUGH‘ D. D. S. Philadelphia. L. D. B. Toronto. Henry J. Rockel, _ Opposite the Market square. An easy shavg. a stylish hair-cut. a, good sea.- oam, an exhilicatriug shampoo,, always given. dies' and children's hair tastilv cut. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, WATERLOO. 15iiiiiVa1iiiridi1se. Berlin. OFFICE: YOST’S BLOCK ELMIRA. drice-Posciiiiira.TstTirTu"a2roVt.' 'OHN L. WIDEMAN, Igsger otMymrit1geJeitymses. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND ACCOUOHEUR. A. F. BAUMAN IOEHLMAN'S BARBER SHOP, R. WILKINSON, D.D.S.L.D.S. 109 King str W ELLS, L. D. s., C. W WELLS, D. D. s., MISCELLANEOUS. MEDICAL. otiiee and Reside-John street LEGAL. ODONTUNDER. BaHiitrrr, Solicitor Notary BARRIS'I‘E RS AT, LA w DENTAL LIVERIES. Séiicitor. Notary Publits, ,am toCavtarrli, Dyspepsia. A to all forms of Chronic DENTISTS, WATERLOO. Berlin. B. E. BECHTEL. owen First-class rigs and good relin‘ Mm -.. and three seated carriages n1“ JleMvses. Twet All calls promptly attend, myginmeadinessh moderate. Ofttce and lv' d to and chargefn‘ Zimmerman House. Er vars in rear of the, next to Flscher's butcl Gimme an King street, ' --------, Aer sham TEACHE" and P PETER STAUFFER, Licensed Auctioneer, KERLIN. . 0NTAIIND. Farm sales and sales of live stock WiIlre- ceive prompt attention TERMS 3NaCDID=Et.4':1?:E3.. Orders left. at. this ottice will be promptly attended to. PETER SARARAS, Mannheim P.0 SALES conducted in all parts of Waterloo 'County. Charges moderate, Orders by mail will receive prompt abtantion. 3-P' Licelucd A ncllonvt-r fur "aterroo County. NORTH AMERICAN HOTEL. Guests will receive the best of attention. The bacy!yw.lied, with ,the choicest liquors and JalrTdt Ge" bak bfimd. House and Sign Painter Waterloo, , Livery, Sale TY, story frame, on Park st., commoidous house, Brooms, hard and soft water, wood- shed and all modern conveniences. Refer to H. J. Grassett, manager as Bank of Comma-c? Applr T ' iM. WEGENAST opposite Foundry, Waterloo. Ontario. J ACOB BOE HM ER, PRoPrtwrort, Exeursien Tiekets, Good for the first of May until the first Oct. The person holding this ticket is en- titled to one first class passage on the P. El. W. from Waterloo to Chicago on foot or bicycle or to run after the train through the St. Clair tunnel or to swim across the river if you can, provided said person get his Photo taken before the first of May at The ltfolsons Bank. Sherk’s Studio, Waterloo Capital, $2,000,000. Rest, Sl,100,MiV h GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS W. A. KUMPF, VETERINARY SURGEON Drafts Issued on all Principal Points, Interest allowed on sums of Four Dollars and upwards in Charles N. Rockel l, L, KUMPF The Waterloo Bookstore is putting in one of the heaviest and best assorted steaks of wall papers in this district. He keeps all grades and prices {from 2 cents a roll up. No trouble to show goods. ESSONS given in this beautiful art} Puprs I taken at any time. For terms Mc. appl GEO. CORK. MISS f Country Gentleman THE SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT; Farm Drops and Processes, Horticulture & Fruit.41rowirler Live-Stock and Dairying, W Highest current rates on special deposits; While it also includes all min ot Rural interest, such as the Entomology, Bed-Keeping, C Grapery, Veterinary Replies, and Answers, Fireside Readin onomy, and a summary of it Week. Its MARKET REPQRTE complete, and much sttasutlon Prospects of the Urops, BS Lhro one of the moat inpormnt of WHEN To BUY AND WHEN TC orally Illustrated. and by LARGEMENT, contains more than ever before. The substu 82.50 per year. but we afar a. DUCTION in our Waférloo Two Subscriptions, in OI Six Subscriptions, Twelve Subscriptions, [ESPECIAL COPIES FREE. Address LUTHER TUGKER & SON, Publishers, ALBANK, N, Y. HEAD] OFFICE, MONTREAL. PHONOGRAPHIC 330mm AND.- pply at. residencej THE BEST OF THE AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES. DEVOTED T0 HOUSE TO LET. .c of Instrumental, Misses. organ iano. Terms moderate TRANSAGTED.l THE CULTIVATOR AMD and Exchange ‘NNIB R, m includes all minor departments terest, such as the Poultry Yard, ' Bed-Keeping, Greenhouse and eterinary Risplityy Farm Quegtions ‘s. Fireside Readmg: Domestlc like a summary of the News of the MARKET REPQRTS .are unusually ad much utLenmon u! pad to the f the Crops, as Lhrowmg Hght upon moat inportant of all questioner- ' AND WHEN TO SELL. It is lib- mated, and by RECENT EN- (NT, contains more regdin matter oefore. The subscrigtxon %W, is an but we otrera PECIAL RE- 'éi'UB RATES. JACOB HESPELER, Manager Waterloo Branch. ALBERT STREET,' and Paper Hanger, - - Ontario WATERLoo. ONT in one remittance do. do a do. do. .... a$4 I8

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