Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo County Chronicle, 13 Apr 1893, p. 3

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Ji Description of the the Leghhlllve or the De!" mutrter,vs--Tne causal-Mi: , The tigst' piolUmeut buildings in the Queen’s Park, Toronto, which are upon the eve (if completion, and which were formally taken possession of by the people) representatives on the 430% 1 of April, form a most striking. and 1m: posing block of building?" A - more appropriate or alvaT11rogedus 'site could “.0" have been 'yluted, fra. the hemp ties of the pm "ally wowled park add grace yyl ‘Acandoux‘ to, the pile, and, its Viewed {mm 1nivetr,utyavenue orfrom a“; of the other ooigus of vantage in the neighborhood, it makes up a crylosr sal monument tn the One hundred year's progress of. the great province of Chitaris The architectural Rwms in tr,reratrsl octline show the principles of the classical and Roman schools, while the decorations and details of constructions partake of the Celtic and Indo-Germunic. hitfn's Parliament Buildings. Tim PRINCIPAL We“. To ths South, centering 'on Univer- sity avenue, is the best single facade. Its cenigml pavilion appropriately ex- pressirogAivid authority by the exter- nalizing and centralizing of the legislative chamber and its dependen- oies, an expression of purpose hitherto overlooked in the dKignina of buildings of this character. Tshis stately pavilion) measures 120 feet by 116 feet, and) 185 feet high, Mldly treated on three; sides with series (of radiating arches,) V sturdy, clustered acolumns, accentuated; angle turrets and quiet fields of walls,) delightfully enriched by carvings ur) manyof its parts and surfaces. The' whole is crowned by a pyramidal roof; with elougnted domioal turrets at each angle, talking the place of the stereo- tyfed domeor tower "ififei,iluor. lower storey forms the chief entrance, prolonged to a. breadth of some 65 feet, composed oi three arches sqavlred by the base walls of the awaited angles. Here is c0tWen- trateda wealth of enrichment, great) roll mouldings, each differently treated,' oarvwrclustered capitals, wall bands and friezes, appropriately enticing the chameter of the building. The grand entrance archway is made fissely and most practically effective by an ap- proach of successive platforms and; short/flights of steps, which give digni‘; fied amord between porch, loggia and/ steps. Above the hfeferttazuiceporUa,i the central arch of which is 18 feet wide by 24 feet high, are three very large arched windows which light the legislative chamber from the south. Above these windows stretches the great sculptured frieze--a carved fiUV- face 69 feet long and 15 feet deep, in lowrrelief, peopled with syanholie seulp- tune, so disposed and grouped ms to monform to the four circular win- VdOWS introduced therein, and in the centre the seal of the province. This well designed allegorical treatment of frieze not only enhances thearefinement and purity of the architectural screen below, but most appropriately expires es-Jthe power and authority which has its-throne beneath those roofs. 1On either side of this grand central pavilion are the east and west. iaterme- diate wings and corner pavilions, stretching out this principal facadeto a. length of 433 feet. Each sectioni-is in proper scale and proportion to the legislative pavilion, preservimg the same dignified symmetry between part and part, and yet varying in the successive stareys and in general massing, so as to clearly indicate the relative importance and purposes of the different apart- ments. The buildings in plan form a double letter E., covering an area exceeding 76,000 square feet. In its principal features the arrangement is the same on all floors, excepting as regards the grand staircase,, which is one flighe only, beginning on the groundfloor and eading direct to the spacious lobby of the legislative chamber. This staircase with its ample dark slate treads, red tasselated paved platforms and richly reated wrought and cast iron metal work, is consonant in feeling with its New Legislative Queen’s Park, To THE EAST AND WEST TEENS THE INTERNAL ARRANGEMENTS, of the trite-The Damiano” or native cnionber, ~Arrnngemcnt oepttrt""uts--rttts Speaker'l kiln: “brat! mm Other Ac- tive Bdifioe in '., Toronto, surruundings, well disposed oughly lighted. Two ot' lie stairways in ei'" 7.61 to each of “ .-uner wmg _ I ins“? "er"""'"'." C, 1 " ,_ he stairways 1n ee 'y"" F> pub- bo each of *‘ ~41“ W133; Kyle access Po"' T T vOt) “OT”, an Lour electric . iii7' Passengie? ty 1veto rs are conveni- ent y armnge m var.1ous parts of the structure. t Elitemclg 8119 buildings by the cen- hlfa 5?? e .itrance the visitor finds unse 111 a spacious hall leading direct bother "; stair ' t1 l rislati eham' nun sfy1'fase, to 16 eg1s a Ive hr oer. which is, as has been already {l -ted, the predominating feature of the piie, Its dimensions are 82 by 65 feet, and 50 feet high. The speaker's dais, executed in San Domingo mahogany, richly carved, is placed at the snvh end, with the press gallery immedi- ately behind and forming, as it were, a . A -.. , , RT part: thereof. The sperdcitr's gallery, treated in uniformity, runs across the opposite or north end, and on either side are located the ladies7 and visitors' galleries, These latter are greatly increased in beauty by the massive arcades fronting them, and they are admirably successful as to sight lines, as every member ot the Mor of the charm bercan beseenthmefrom from whatever ', point be may arise to address they house. The lower walls of the chain-i, her to the height of nine feet are wainl scottad in panelled, moulded and carved sycamore and mahogany, and ahtwe this the plaster is richly deem rated and moulded in low relief. aurEDECOInsrrons or THE CHAMBERS. , In keeping with the design of the l building the decoration of the legislat- ive chamber is in the Romanesque style, the Rigorous forms and florid coloring of that school being well ex- emplified in the treatment. The main portion of the ceiling is taken "AP with a free 'rendition of the arms of the! province, the coloring of the fields being obtained with diapers of maple leavesand the framing a heautifuil scroll, through which is entwined a maple branch. The novelty of the design has been criticised on account of the disregard of the wood ribbing, the lines breaking throughit at all points, but a glance at the design of the wood ribs shows that a iareful fol- lowing, of each panel with a border would have produced a. heavy and monotonous effect. The freer treat- ment adopted is justified by many of the finest examples of European ceiling work. The large eight-foot cove‘con- itains an upright design in Romanesque foliage, with medallion Cformsiu =the ,,," centre of each panel formed why the :1 carved trusses. This covehas been _ deservedly admired for vthe "skilful ‘ handling of strong color displayed. In the spandrills formed by the window arches and tympanum arches of the north and south wallrare four colossal groups of figures representing "Moderation," “Power,”“‘lustice” and "Wisdom," surrroundedhy heavy scrolls, while in the spaadzi0sron the east and west walls two fit,yuresyiarry tablets, on which are inscribed the dates "1792" and "1892," the years respect» ively in which the legislature was inaugurated and tltercer1tenary of the same. The beautifully modelled en- richment of the arches is ntreated in warm tones, wiped with ‘rztnansparent color and resembling somewhat a stained or antique marble. The whole scheme is of oeurse studi- l ed mainly for a night effect, but when the broad glare of iliirht from the vast south windows is subdued the day effect will be equally :satisfaetory. THE DEPARTMENTS. The departmental quarters occupy the whole of the east wing and east central section of the buildings, and on the ground floor ovedlow into the west central section, where the crown lands section of the administration has its home. The commissioner, with his personal staff, occupies the suitein the east corner pavilion, and the many ( branches of this extensive department, including the sales and free grants, the surveys, patents and made, the woods and forests, accounts and the mining bureau, are accommodated in the oiriees on either side. The north.. ern end of the eastern extension is given up to Hon. Mr. Dryden and his department of agriculture, the bureau of industries and the off1eers of the inspeetor of factories, l V The main wahs are simply panelled with a gold border, and area rich yel- low brown. The mezzanine, or first floor, is (wow pied as bathe east wing by the officers of the attorney-general and his staff in the corner pavilion, with the council chamber adjoining, and to the north in the same wing are the quarters of Hon. J. M. Gibson, provincial secretary J the inspector of asylums and prisons, the department of insurance, and the offree of the inspector of division courts, The second Mor of the east wing accommodates the public works depart- ment in the corner pavilion, where the otfiees of Hon. C. F. Fraser and his staff are located. The provincial treas- urer, Hon. Richard 1Vrrcourt, has his quarters in the northern portion of the same floor, while the license depart- meat, the department of the adminis- tration of justice and the oftices of the registrar-general are provided for in the northern portion of the east central section, Above these, in the attic pavilion, the draughtsmen of the architeet's and engineer’s departments have a local habitation, THE LEGISLATIVE CHAMBER and l 'tep. mi WENTRAL SECTION. The gfuund floor of the central sec- tion, west of the main entrance, is given up, as already stated, to the overflow from the crown lands depart- ment. Above this, on the front floor, are'lthe postofPS members' hat and coat rooms, and members' lobbies ; and the eorrssportdiryr, section on the second floor is utilized for the approaches and antty-roottts to the several galleries of the legislative chamber will the ladies' rewiring rooms. THE WEST WING'. The ground iloor of the west wing is arranged for committee moms ; Mr. Speaker's apartments, with separate private entrance); the Queen's printer's quarters, etc, On the first floor are the balance of the speaker’s suite; mem- ber's smoking mum-n, dming and reeey" tion rooms; the library and lihcariau'ss quarters; the reading room, and ad- ditional eomtwittee moms , and the second floor is Reverted to reporters' rooms and toowaekeepev's quarters. The basement also provides no incon- siderable ae,ayovrsoclation, in addition to the boiler house, furnished with six tnultitubular steel boilers, and machin- ery for the manipulation of the vast [ and intricate heating, ventilating and electric lightingsys’tem which supplies the whole building. Here are located the carpenter’s shop, and quarters for the mechanical engineer and the plumber. Under the speaker’s quarters in the west wing, are placed the restaurant, kitchens, cater- er's4lepturtsment? and living rooms, and l thetlaundry. There are also five spa- ciems vaults for the storages of the deeds and documents of the crown lands department, and storage rooms “for the Queen's printer and the posts Hamster. Raheum. Wdkirtvrt,rd Rrwvnxvallev. Usd says: “I had been in a. rllistressed condition for: three years from Nervousness, Wealmess of the Sbomach, Dyspepsia. and Indigestion until my health was gone. I had heesrilotr toring constantly with no relief. I bought one bottle of South American Nervule, which done me mm gopd than any $50 worth of doctoring lever did in my life. 1 would advise every weakly person to use his val name and lovely remrdy. A trial ot tle will convince you Warranted by M . Dev in. Drmist. Watetdoo. Ripans Tabulesare always ready. Williams' 1loyuCrown Remedy as said to be the greatest cure on earth. Guaran- teed to cure gemuail nervous debility, rheu- matism, neuralgia, \paralys is etc. Tim Mines or the llnml. Broad nails bdlong to gentle, nervous, bashful people. A chafineH head line indicates want of fixity of_tholy.ghts. ___- __--- "I '2 A long liver line shows an excellent natural constitution. Poe had the ideally psychic hand, with very small thumb. Round nails belong to obstinate, generally stupid people. Vigor of constitution is "Indies/ed by a long, clear fife line. Soft hands indicate a character lack- ing energy and force. Oblique naik are an indication of deceit and eowardiee. “A, heart line pale and'bmaid shows a heartless debaachee. - Crosses are always unfavorable, matter where they occur. Peach Bloom contains nothing that can injure the skin. It rig clear as water, and leaves no trace of the application one min, ute after the application. Peach Bloom differs from any known preparation, in that it cleanses the poses of the skin from injurious accumulations, im, parts health to the inner as well as to the outer cuticle, dissolving and removing Pimples, Blackheads, Liver Spots and Blem- ishes, and gradually brings about thattruns, parent state of the skin that makes a per. feet complexion. Peach Bloom is in demand ahead of an cheap preparations, because it has merit, and because it produces the results we claim for it, Sold by Druggists, price $1.00, or sent on receipt of price by addressing. WATERLOD mlflilhfllflillf, wEsidi(tmaiprL" C9,, 186 “Adelaide The undersigned begs to tender his thanks to his numerous cus- tomers tor their liberal patronage during the past year, and trusts by close attention to business and moderate pmces to merit a contin- uagce pLthts.. same. _ - _ "iiGarBast-tark and Lamb as well as all kinds of Sausages kept constantly on hand. - JOHN FISCHER, Waterloo. March 2nd, 1891. "mans Tabules cure bad breath Ripans Tubules purify the blood. SOLD BY . SNYDER, Druggist, Waterloo St., West, Tdronto. is her crssnp1exion. WhyhavePimpleo Freckles spots or be blemish when each Bloom Skin iFood will remove .ham a! Land leave the Skin transpmu ent, soft and beau- Inuul? T THE CHEM CHAR'M REFINE 'i'.) WOMAN OFA Waterloo County Chronicle OldChum Stoves ! Stoves ! 110 You Eaten Buying a Stove l! we have the best assortment in the County, and at prices that will surpnse you. Philip Giles ill; 00., L. DANDENO, Belmonico Block, - Berlin, Ranges, ilfook Stoves, And Heaters is NOW COMPLETE. Confectionery, Bread, Cakes, Oysters, Light Drinks, Hot Tea and Coffee. Work regularly called for and promptly delivered. A trial solicited. Oil-ice I Foundry Street, near King. Diamond Steam Laundry. 01055 style, P. o. Box 44, Berlin, Ont. N. Ji, Mr. Leon Snyder is our agent, in Waterloo. Cheap Harness 019 (MPI No other brand of Tobacco has ever en: joyed such an immense sale and popularity in the same period as this brand of Cut Plug and Plug Tobacco. tWest Cut T Mano manefae- timer: in szada. J. STREBEUS, We do all kinds of laundry work in first. (CUT PLUG.) Cut Plug, 10e k m Plug, 10c. {lb Plug, 20c. - BARDON & WEBER, CANADIAN BLOCK. BERLIN. Hello There ! MB STREET WATERLGO . N ow is the timeIfor (EUR STOCK OF Gall and see his choice stock. Ens on hand a new stock of (PLUG.) MONTREAL. Proprietors. Uressman t Hallman BERLIN Kindly invite everybody to call on them when in Berlin, and examine their stock of General Dry Goods, Men's and Boys' Ready Made Suits and Overcoats, Hats and Caps, Etc. Wall Paper, Books and H. A. SIPPEL, HATS 1lill GAPS. Good workmanship and fit guaranteed. Store, Berlin ill, Huehnergard, Grand Central Block, Berlin TEAS, COFFEES. RAISINS, SPICES, ETC. Crockery and Glassware. is within the reach of every person who learns to do well thoseythinsrs which are nee essary to makelife a succesa Success in Business Go to a. reliable well kmassm business schoo that has an estaluis_hedartTurarion for: prac- tual Business Training. Th? best place to obtain in is at the Galt Business College. Gale, Ont. Branch School of Shorthand, Berlin,0nt The North Riding County of Waterloo Agri- cultural Society's Annual Spring: Show of Elk tire Horses, wi 1 be held irrthe Town Park, Ber. lin on TUESDAY, APRIL 1 Ith, 1893 -GoTvrtlrrnra'1ence at 1 o’clop. a. in. sharp, Ales of if) per cents will be charged at, the gait? Entrance Fee $1 each-class. BEN}. DEVITT, J. M. STAEBLER. Secretary. Pres p HARNESS Jllilfl(llllal, In fact everything found in a first class shop, constantly on hand. PRICES RIGHT. 11()NiMildl pt which are cleared and under tuIltiswition. Fall ploughing mostly atmtr.-12 acres of tall wheat, large funk barn-Land dwelling, good orchard. goodwater 6ce.-Rent 8200,-850 of which may be paid in improvements. Immediate possession. A, BOOMER. Linwoo Henry Maier. Notice of Dissolution NOTICE is hereby 'lg,'?,. that the partner- ship heretofore su isting between us the undersigned as Iron Founders and Machinists in the Town of Waterloo and County of Water- loo under the style of Bricker a Co. has been rhptAar, (1issolyet1 JT xputunlJconsent. b.f - “a, mm-..“ -. -____--- ---e"e_.Neee All debts owing to the said partnership are to bu r,e1,'s Levi Bricker at the Town of Water 00 and all elaiml against the said Erh- Hal-ship are be be presented to the said vi Brion!- ._... _.. a. l, n. L mg Formerly carried on by E. S. Call or write for circulars. The City Tailor. Next door to Bowman's Drug GROCERIES. M NUAL EXHIBITION HARNESS, HORSE COLLARS, WHIPS, COMES AND BRUSHES, TRUNKS, VALISES, KING STREET, successor to Allemang Bros ) Everything new and choice. Germann's oid Stand. WATERLOO FARM TO RENT. Call here for your ENTIRE HORSES Call and see our--- First class line of East of Market. BERLIN. Stationery, Mammy Clearing Sale This Sale will commence and will hr continued for one month. Our Staple Department is stacked with new goods and the clothing i»: the best in the. county. Boots and slums are thul in a) .u and (3m dig and price: the lowest. Dress Unmls, Hos wry, Gian-s, Lamp; Camp“, It h runs, ere., in style, quality and low prices take the lead mevmunr the place, The Great Bankrupt Store, PEDDIE & ERNST, JthtapiitagsrsiiVut'1ittitntae/ Sole Agent when you are figuring on Q'our Spring wear for Mn are prepared to please you; either in COMMERCIAL BLOCK, ALL A THthtlEWS We invite comparison of' our goods and price; with those of competing firms. _ s"',6r'eiiirrga!t_tftrt_tiii'fitiiti.je,t, g taNea2rtistwcrmuio'a FAIR Ngws&o,§a$EE;W_EE,Ku which, comprises a great variety of novelties i: And all the fashionable fads and fancies of i% season. Count us in ttll . “Ill. BE INTERESTED Ili WHAT 1" 718 GOING tllt Daily, per My? $6.00 Daily aWhuriltlu)) Every Instrument Warranted Five Years. t',," Apply at Factory, or to PIANOS ON SATURDAY APRIL THE 4ccit We open the Spring Trade with a Our Line of March Goods, all about the line of SPRING STYLES. ON EASY TERMS OF PAYMENT The line of march we refer to is Variety, quality or Price. F. G. GARDINER, J. UFFLEMAN, FALL IN CEi)C,Er:iCiR5i"LC'i"C'ibT THE MARCH i. 1893,, Stumps tsst rouiyyoitriEprtiiitt.gttti, ‘7" '7' ' v~~um WW 4 fiennaesé’sv235I99~555J29§94% u. PRINTS ... MARVELO0fiur, -eEE2---- Sec’y Berlin Organ & Piano Co.,t't11 AND King Street, BERLIN. @RGANS. WATERLOD.

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