Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo County Chronicle, 6 Apr 1893, p. 7

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Wesroin;,rr published the princi the-{world Iatiou oh globe. l! Ages 6l,0,000,000 bushels, tlmnof Japan, the United States and Australasia be, ing 90,000,000 bushels, of Canada 22,- 000,000 hubhvls and of Africa 45,000,- 000 bushels, an aggregate world's pro- duction of rather more than 800,000,- I)()() bushels. Barley is the only Cereal that is not produced in the United Statesin sueicieut quuntity {or its do- anestie requirements. in European" U.m:1cu. JCls an m:- gpogtant crop in Jtus, mm! a. minor crap in the United States and Ausrcel. asis Russiaisthe country of largest production. follmwd hv Gtyrurany, Aus- tria-Hurrgary and me United Kingdom, though only Russia and Auetma-Huu- gary produce anough {or their own t'e- rquirernents. The aggregate estimated production of barley in Europe ave-T The crop of outs is practically grown in Europe and North America, al, though Australasia furnishes consider- able for her own consumption, most of which is grown in New Zealantr,where c'imatic conditions are very favorable, the yield per acre is large, and the weight of the grain is very heavy. Tasmania also produces enough oats for its own needs, but the deficiency in other colonies is met by imports from New Zealand. In annual production, the United States leads the world, Rus- siJ.Germrsny and France following next in order. The trade in oats is mostly confined to European countries, where the average annual imports amount to 97.000000 bushels, of which the “United Kingdom takes 49,000,000 bushels; but, as the exports troru diff erent European countries amount to 89,000,000 bushels, ot which Russia supplies 58,000,000, there are really 8,000,000 bushels annually supplied by other continents. The world's aggreg- ate crop of cats amounts to 2,328,171,- 000 buspels annually, as a general rule the supply and demand being closely regulated. The cheese trade of the world is fur- nished by statistics only by a few coun- tries, although it forms an important tiem in the food supply of many, espec- ially in Europe, where it is largely used as a substitute for meats. Eur- ope, however, does not produce suffici- ent cheese for its own requirements, the aggregate imports in all European countries amounting to 130,000,000 pounds annually. Other countries of the world also show an excess of im- ports, excepting the United States and Canada, the net; exports of the United States being 1,000,000 pounds yearly, and of Canada more than 70,000,000 pounds. The greater portion of the surplus production of other countries -is absorbed by the United Kingdom, which alone imports more than 200,- 000,000 pounds of cheese. The Neth- erlands and Switzerland are exporting countries, and the Australasian colonies especially New Zealand, are now begin- ning to loom up as important factors with a considerable surplus to meet the world's supply. Produced from the laxative and 1uteritiG7s juice of California tigs, combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beniicitd to the human system, acts gently on the liver kidney and bowels, etfectuallir cleansing the system, dispelling colds and headachus, and curing habitual censtipation. The Ty In: Crops or The W Syrup of Figs. ire "rsk, and then I 'uivwl a dutective to watch the store. He WttFl not, long in spotting the thief. M r. Crow tfew away wizh a skein of silk {brutal and he Wits followed. He deposited It in a hollow oak-ttee in the rearuf the building, and came he; k for another haul. We cat the tree down, and found it to contain more than a bushel bvsketfal of notion; 055111 kinds, Elclsed from countprs, and in the lab was my .one-hursdrerlollar bill He was the most successful shop lifter I ever knew. We empaneiled a mock court, tried the offender, and passed sentence of death upon him. But, it was never' ex ecuted. Whether he understood the sentence, or simply realized that his occupation was gone I do not know, but with a loud crank he flew away and we never saw him again. It took two or three trials, but at last Willie got all the whine out of his vuice and all the cloud out of his Face, and was given a generous slice of bread and butter to "strsy" his hunger till supper tune. "Mamma, mayn’l: I have something to eat, I’m so hungry i'l whined Wil, lie Cooper, as he came in from school to his mother. “Certainly, my dear," erlied the mother ; “hum yuu inner. ask in a differ- ent tore from that, Now, smile and say, "Maxim", please give me some thing to eat,' In this tune,” and she spoke in cheerful accexns to show him how. 11: was by no accident that all the Cooper children had pleasant vow-s, and clear, distinct enunciation of what they said , for the cultivation of their voices had begun very early in their lives, so their vocal organs had had no opportunity to form wrong habits or learn bad ways. They had not been allowed to talk bad grammar, to clip their words, to indulge in slang, to whine; and the example of the clear, sweet, ringing cadences in which their parents spoke was more potent, per- haps, than any other influence in form- ing, their habits of speech. A child may be indulged in whining until its vocal organs are so set that he cannot speak without whining , or be may be allowed to talk in a high, shrill key until he loses command of the low- er register, and can use only the high key. He may be taught to speak with distinct articulation, with natural reso- nanotoues, with grammatical propriety, correctness, until this shall become a part of him and an inalienable posses- sion. A Bog Breaks Ills a Prutyerontet1ng. ATLANTA, March 26.--Rev. and Mrs John Farrah are conducting aseries of camp meetings in South Georgia. While Mr. Farrah was delivering his opening prayer yesterday a little black dog ran off with his hat. Taken offhis guard, the preacher gave chase to the. dog, and was joined by the, entire cun- gregatitm. The clog ran several hun- dred yards before he dropped the hat. The affair was so lmlicruus that the meeting could nut be called to order again. Itch, Mange, and Scrnfches on human or animals cured in 30 minutes by WoolforWs Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Hur. ranted by Ed. M. Devitt. h A In line The Wolves of Children no from " shark to tl tl, ll u rf Hint Tl TC (I im t. U 1t tl The Niritev'sMob)e. The good old minister: of Blairm Illy is no stickler for etiquette, and likes his visits to the members of his flock to he as informal and as homely as possinle , but be has a great regard to truth, and isinvarinbly down on those whom he detects in any deviation therefrom. Recently calling unexpectedly on a widow who lives in a cottage on the outskirts of the villng9,he surprised ha i l 1he midat of wash ng a lot of clothes. She hurriedly hid behind a. clotlnv- horse and told hey little boy to say (hut she Was out. The visitor ktvockr-d .-t the door. "Well, Jamie," he susid,' allll where's your' mother l" "My manners no in , she's doom street on a. mess my If replied the lad with promptness "LI - deed," replied the minister. With a glance at the bottom of the screen ; "Well, tell her J called, and any that the ”Ext time she goes down to the village she, might Luke her feet with her" St. Paul, Minn., March 3(h--Jos Sutter,of 300 Worth street, New York, was arrested here last evening for asking a pedestrian for 25 cents to get a meal. When taken to the central station and seached, in the pocket of an undershirt were found certificates of deposit on a New York bank for $20,000, a bank book showing he had, besides, an open account of $1,500, and patent papers showing he had at some time been granted a patent motor. In his pants was found a greasy old wallet containing $18405. He is sixty years old, and says he has walked all the way from New York. He was arrested in Chicago two weeks ago for h"cVl'l0ll- The proprietors 50f Dr. Sagg’s Cretan-1)? Remedy know that their mediciné perfectly l and permanently cures Catarrh. To prove it toyov they make this offer : If they can't C cure your Cabarrh, no matter what your l case, they'll pay you $500 in cash. J cy the third page of the Torontr L i) 'tr Mail' is noted for " Want"advdrt1su-o. If you wants. situation, a mechanic, a business, machinery, lodging, if you have lost or found anything, or if you want to find out where anyone is, advertise in the Toronto 'Daily Mail' and read the ad. vertisements on the third page of that paper. 2he charge is two cents a word each insertion, or ten cents a word for six insertions. A idress 'The Mail Toronto, Canada. English Spavin Liniment remove-q all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blem- islles from horses, Blood Spavius, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney,Ring-bone, sttiles, Spruius, all Swollen Threats, Coughs, etc. Suva 3.30 by use of one bottle. Wurrzmted by Ed. M. Devin. T1 -1 t Ripans Tab ttles have come to stay Arrest or n Miser Whlle lit-23mg. I 1 1f JUN}. llrclmniu News tl fte 1' t th 1t tl tl th ext the ti St., London, om. Gold Brooch; D. w.‘ Johnson, 532 Carey St., Winnipeg, Mum. I Gold Brooch ; Mrs. TMs. McCumon, Tweed, t . Ont., Gold Brooch ; Ruse Lceloire, 27 _ Duiresne St, Montreal, Quebec, Gold: [ Brooch; Mrs. Aylsworth, 6642 Sheridan I Ave., Chicago, Ill., Gold Brooch; Mrs. W. o ‘ Robertson, 78 John St. S.. Hamilton.0nt.. . ( y,lve:Wiy,ter1; ws. J. A. Grri!i.s, 7 85 Palm ' 9000OOWOOGOOOOOOOOOOOOOO: . Mrs McGinty has lost herhusband, and he . . is to be found combined in the above picture. . . The Proprietors of the mes’ Home . . MONTHLY will give a first,elrags Upri%ht . . Piano of the very best make, value at . . $350, to the Ifirvs/l,1,1 who can first find' . MeGinty in the a ove picture. A reward of . . a. Safety Bicycle, valued at £5 1 35, . . for the second correct answer. A com late . . Business Education at a M,',')' . . mercial College to the third correct answer. . t A Gold Watch to the fourth correct? 'answer. A Coin Sliver Watch to: .tlle fifth correct answer. A Eyes Gold OPiece to the sixth. A tine Nickle. . Watch to the next three. We will give . tt the last correct answer a. Gold. YVatch. To the second correct answer . te the last 11 Com Silver Water... and to the third, fourth and fifth from the. , last, each 1: Lifse Sig? Mezzo Tin}; a , ba . new process made by l-Iall Bros, 395 to . il00 Syndjna Ave., Toronto, in a tine combina- . tion rnme. 24x30. And to the sixth, seventh . and eighth correct answer from the last . each a Solid Gold Glove But- t toner with chain and charm attached. OCONDI’I‘IONS :-Each Contestant is to cut out the above Rebus and make a gross with} [and pencil or ink on Mrrqiuty's Tavernand 8lyyi(seepei's' Licenses. T'l,tll, persons requiring licunws for tho H- - censa yum- unding the 30th tot'April, 1891, notice is lucrcln‘ gin-n that "phliCuHou 1mm, 1 e made thrvrethrvloct'ore Hm iivst any (If Apru, 180'd,lo Benj. Devin. Staul‘uhu'j' “mar-i of LI- mnse C'rurrut'rvcsionctss. where alluucessrtvy in- formation wid he given. By order of oheyfpyyyi, ..- _ N All answers must be sent by mail. None . will be received ifdelivered at our office. 0 Be sure and answer to-day and enclose 30 . . cents, and you may receive a reward that . ' wxllguy you many bimes for your trouble. ' . willdpny you many' times for your trouble. . . A dress, (a t . (33) LADIES' HOME MONTHLY, t ) 192 King St. IV.. Toronto, Can. t "ot-ttttttto-' PMZE KENS face, and GM same to us with ten three-cent stamps (or go cents in silver) for three months subscription to the LADIES’ Home MONTHLY, Canada's high-class and popular journal. If there shoultlbe nlnrge number entering this competition we shill add other vnlna 1e premiums to those above mentioned. Persons living at a distance may have an e ual chance in this comra- tion with our rhome patrons, as the da eof Eastman: on letters will be given prece- enee.so answer to-day. Perreetirriparti- ality is guaranteed in giving rewards We have given away thousands of dollnis in prizes in our Fast competitions, and have thousands of estimouials for our prompt- ness and fair dealing. Don't class us with other firms you may have been taken in with. Write any of he tsuccessful names in our last competition given below. The bona fide oiferk of the Liirsii; HUME MONTH- LY are made by reliable publishers. who _advertise what they do and do what they ‘ndvertisc. Mr. S. B. Murray. m1 Simcoo St., Toronto, Cheek for $550.00 ; D. H. Bissell, Oxford St., Diamond Eur Rings; D. M. Sauson, Bank of Commerce, Spudinu Ave. and College St, Toronto, Business Education ; Hom C. A. P. Pelletier. Senator, Ottawa Gold Watch; J. J. Thomgsou, MerehantTai1or, Sarnia, Gold EVatclx; llss Elorenqe Nelles, 2% Qundqs The following is a list of prize- w.ipzeyr,t 1our 1rysfS.ontptt,i,tiey t _ Importer and Secretary Waterloo, March 9th. 1893. St., St. Cathttriues, Ont., Silver Watch;. Mrsl H. J. Folger, box 83, Franklin, Mass., . Gold Brooch ; Frankie Humplou.Mt. Forest, . Gold Brooch; Mrs. John Rowe, box 582,. Brantford, Ont. Gold Brooch; Mrs, Wm. . Kreis, 879 Genesee St., Buifato, N. Y., Gold t Brooch. $1000.00 IN PRIZES GIVEN AWAY. BENJ A MIN DEVITT If ll )r 111 ou? f At tr new" Just 1 int? Shh from six. THIS MA GEES. EACH AT it100, that wi sample watch is I mldczm be seen by sincerity is doubt» a friend do 501 and Ramember each I "eiyig'ipi1i1gg ', " E PRES".! ' ii T Yirhaic, DUEBI 'itaifltl GO D l can deli W Comm the Ms i/ir'),, EXECUWR’S HOUSE Til ?sllfi)ml8S. In, the mane" ct'the Relate qf Jacob C. llzrmberg'v'. /ate (f the Townxhip of Wilma!) i, the Cumng of Waterloo, Home Do for, liver (meal. NOTICE is herebt' given, in purumnm of 2 chapter 110.1t. S. H” 18¢. than“)! creditors and otht-r persons hu‘iu: ctuinm wgnimt the es- ture of Jacob G, Hunhcl so]: late of the Town- .\hip of Wilmer, in :he County of VVmerlno. Home Doctor whndind on or about the 15t,h doyol' January. 1893 m0 rcquirrd to send by registered Icttcr.or to deliver thnsinh Hallmun of the said Township of \Vilmnr, farmer. the ex- ecutor of the last will mud thument or the said dercused. on or la Tom the firtcrlay of April next. A smLemunr. in Wl‘ili"! of their names, uddruen'es. and description with full particulars of their c'aims. duly certified, and the nature of the wuurity " any)' held bv them. And further tako notice that artertlu, said last, man- tiunml date the said uxm-utor wi 1 proceed to distribute the mums of Clresaid deceased among the Demons en! itled thereto. having regard on- ly to the claims " which notice has been given as" above tvquirvd, and that, The said executor will not hehnhiu for the mid assets or any Dart thermal” so distributed to nnv ncrszun of whose claim or "hdiirsnrs't'pe. shall nut have been re- ceived ibm' ahrresitiil, at the Lime sum disL“ibu- thn is s , made. A __ J _ Beam. l Solirirnr for snid Executor. Dated at Benin. 27th February, 1893 VOTKCR isht-roby given that. the partner- l' ship which has for smile time Inst been um'riun on br John Itirzcw and Abraham Slater underline. Firm of “Ritz-av & Slulsr" M the Tuwttot' Watcwlao in the County of Waterloo in the Trade and Itusiness of Merchant Tailors was this dar \Iissnlvcd by mutual Inept, K weakness. scantiup ness, headache, wl bearing down pat They restore the m. the system, enrich pltyfpsJEi,y2tayog! F Sufferin iilllllll.lraliill MIME?! from g “change ot life," headaches, {aims in the womb, constipation, piles, irregulari ies and mental de, pression, should use Health Pills. They relieve all these symptoms. $11ny the blood, strengthen the nerves, regulate t e bowels, and assist Nature ingwruuz- _t9 __ - -ve _.__ - ._ - Ill tlit lllifll Health Pills yield sound and refreshing) sleep. Rive strength to the nerves, eheerfulness to the mind and ease to the body, so that the weight of wars be:aps.,less heavily as the th,read of life .ls,Tg,the,n.s. If the persons amongwhom we decide to dis- tribute our presents object to gublicity, and desire that no mention be made of t eir names, we will respect their wishes in the matter and forward $550an to any address mentioned without the owledge of even a third PersonQAll communi- cations addressed to us wil be promptly answered and all correspondence regarded as sacrcdlv con- tidential. Inss'riting, address TEE PARISIAN MEDICAL CO., (Canadian Branch), 32 to " ADELAIDE ST. lil., TORONTO. iiili'Mluttt WEN ssffszimémi? p "tiirlneyor bladder troubles, the results ofyouthfui follies loss of energy mentalwony or over-work, ai'GirOG'i. _H_I‘_nll.h tiiiir'. They atpt especially upon-ttd bladder midikidn was: of youth to all failing 0 and mental. F The bmsinv,cs; will bu curried nu by Mr, John Rilmr who will paw all outsrzmdiru,r liabilities of the Imp, Firm und to wlmin all accounts due Hm said Firm imh‘t be naid‘ As wiluess our hands the lst day of March A. I). 1893. Witness, 1 JOHN Itvrrrrm. Veda tl f the Ii THREE valuable building lots in the Town of lh-rlin. List, on Frederick Hreet 531x130 feet. 2 Low, on Gordon Avenue adjoining Mrs. Hatlieid's x'csulcncc vm‘h 66x132 feet. For fur- ther' purrivnlmw rrpplyto the owner John Foe syth No. 1 I’u'ulnm Terrace or to A. O. Boeh» mer & Co,37 King St. East, A modern five or six roamed dwelling by desirable termut on or before May lst. Conveniently situated, Apply at Tm; Cur-mm :m; OFFICE iiii'itg""hiifiETtr""PrrrCs "s'riRagiytPkL' ‘HEN THE BODY a2k'D BRIGHTEN HE BRAIN. __ 7 o . YOUNG MEN? {in YOUR W'MEN Pale and tired, who ‘ suffer from female enknoss. sstsr1ntiue,qs, suppression of their sick- !ss, headache, whites pain in the hack and luring down pains, shank] use Health Pills. hey restore the monthlit-s in all cases, build up re syslemtem‘ich the blood and make the face FOR SALE, CHEAP. arsikt' Dissoiution of IK-partnership, ttlt" My HOUSE WANTED, TO RENT, th EAT H e Iic,ir,o mm 1 60:43:." 1 JOHN RI'I‘ZER. G. A. \VANLICSS. I ABRAHAM SLATER ki’i’ms." TnieFii'ur"sit%rydltidrbfa," enprgy and strength, and make you gam. tl rm?" EiGiN; HAMPDEN, o IN' NOTICE .vill g CONRAD BITZER l cr, the' It t? Who suffer from extiis.es of youth, upcturn n1 emxssmns ork orrsleoplessness, should th e sfarid 'res'é'or'e' We ans, both physical allmmt -Gorm W' ALT HAM ' It SES tl ill bf or tl 3 Our 4oct Arabian Mocha and iGovernment Java Coffee is delic- /ious. An extra fine Rio for 35c. iGrcen Coffees a specialty. Re- imember we are tea and coffee ex- I ports understanding the trade and "therefore are prepared to give you i the very best. i,'i,iik),,ofi, fi:)): with those of other houses, and you will quickly de- cide for yourself. COTTONADES, SHIRTINGS, PRINTS, Ibis py7 complete and we want to show you through ily and Ordersthroughtelephoneprompt- ly attended to and delivered, cash collected on delivery of goods, Special for this week, fiine China Cup and Saucer for" sc. with yf, lb any priced tea, coffee &c, Cowans Soluble Cocoa and cele- brated Rock Chocolate, Choice Manhattan Coeoanut, the Best Bak- ing Powder made for 30c per lb. "Premiums with eve/y 15 tea, cof- fee, &c. ARTHUR PEQUEGNAT, for choice Teas and Coffees I BEG to announce to the people 0 Waterloo and vicinity that I have full assottment of Try our "Golden tip" Orange Pckoe and our very fine Himalaya teas at sects lb. A veryfine Pekoe at 4octs 1b. Special values in Young Hysons, Congons, Japans, and Gunpowdcrs. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELLERY, DIAMON DS, SILVERWARE, &c, Repairing Skillfuly and Prumntly attended to. JACOB CQN HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS -and N'ACES, PLUMBING and GAS tittiro,T Empire Tea Store., 3&E3 Tea and Coffee Specialists. Querin's Block, Phone 124. Sign Of The Big Tea Pot. Highest price paid for Farm produce. All Work and Goods Guaranteed The Wholesale and Retail Jeweller. Fresh Groceries always kept on hand The best and nicest kind sold cheaper than anyone m the County All departments THE Empire M c0NRM)'S Hardwam 3mm ARTHUR PEQUEGNAT, Headquarters for. Bin We Also Me at bottom prices and “so Tea Co, amwam and inspect our stock of rid charmer than ever heard of before a,1 Jlld mense S freshly stoc '3jilil?i BERLIN COTTONS and all STAPLE {£00357 Waterloo quanmty just Ji ls, M I':,: gall our l' T1688 ind CLASS LUNG TlllllBUS FOUR hundred acresllof land in Musu1gmu 150 acres improved, balance heavy tim- bered with basswood. maple, elm, and JO acres with cedar. Well watered; small cruel: flowing throughitin which are abundance of trout. Within a mile of the Chicago& West Michigan Railway. and eight miles west of Pctoskcy Fine bank barn, best in Chm'lcvoix County. Fine land for wheat, corn and other cereals. Flourishing young orchard, 250 apple trees and 75 plum trees. Two dwellings which will ans' wer tor three or four years. This property will be sold an blue or will be divided into two parts One half cash, balance at 6 per cent. Good reasons for selling. Occupant wishes to retire. Asplendid opportunity for a him oflimiteil capital. It not sold the farm will be rented on shares. For further particulars apply to THE WATERLOO CHRONICLE OFFICE. , ' , ' 'lk gg ' , , I I A DESIRABLF farm of 160 (Irma, the N. E. 'sit,uutedic €00.36, Townstf%7, N.5, W., centre Township, Emmet Co. Mich. for sale or exchange on good property 'n the County of Waterloo, Twenty acres clear, balance Nell wooded withbasswtd, el and maple. Saw- mill only one-quarter mil distanL and rail- road, 3 miles. A splendid Apply to M. S. HALL N, 202 King street wort. SNYDER’S DRUG STORE, FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. T Wine Pleasant to take. FOR SALE OR TO BENT. lied, special values in THE BEST REMEDY FOR HOARSENESS BRONCHITIS ASTHMA OUGHS, COLDS, GROUP UU1ytj Waterloo, Ont. CE 'eceived at tili3t)) AND right prfces. FUR- F, Sure Cure. Waterlo Ont

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