New! iyii itrtll OPSC hest tx “W. Laidlaw has the greatest bargains i' . wr "ttered in Mantle-s. I t,ood wound hand bicycle for sale. 2;â€: ( hmul. Apply at the Lower Town . I Hardware Store. Wat. BLANK. ‘A THF. PEOPLE'" ynLLtc--0ne car of (1.22:: Sn. I Manitoba Hungarian Flour onika h.uul. Will so" cheap or exchange for . Wheat. R. McG'oWAN. I "Th1 To January Isl, It“). for 't.00 We will ~t-ml the REVIEW, weekly. postage pre- paid, to ahove dam». TuJaIwury let, 12w for 25 cents. Any where on this minim-m. laddlaw's Millinory opening the event at the new.“ wilt take place Friday and Natturdny next. Sept. all) and Oct. lat. 'l‘lu- ladies are prmmsed a rule treat. hunt miss it. A Tunas-m "r:ruwro:s"rAL.---'I'he Mail and Empire says: A true bill was veturoed at the 8995mm- yesterday in 'he charge against the T. Eaton UO., of ..pplying fabe trade descriptions to wands. In reportiott u fauhimmlvle Guelph " wading the advocate says -"After tbe ' mung couple were pronounced man and wifvlny the Ru†Mr. Belt, the choir >4â€! tiw anthem "God Be Merciful" n in: ln-anuml ettect," c'ssEAvTreAvaao---0n Sept. will, all: 'rtttU Oct. lst, round trip tickets at the, lowest, rates ever made to the west. Tickets good to arrive hack on or hefore trct thh. For all information apply t nine. R. Gun. ticket agent. r'crs"sorros.--The Directors of the East Grey Show have decided to hold another Show day on Oct. ll. last Fri. day was so unfavorable. Ahout $50 "ft'.' taken in at the gates. We hope 1 he second day may reward their enter- prise. So'ru'I-z. Target Practice of No. t t‘umpamy will take place nt the butts m-xt Saturday. Armory will be open "t H a. "L. l‘aptain Galbraith will he in "ttendattce and Lt Col, Telfordof Owen 'iound. Men are expected to appear in uniform. t inc ilurltam gtrim. l little bird. which is usually well in- :ul'mml un such matters. has whispered 'r, us that Mr. Park will not he uumdi- .i.tte in West weliittgtont that he wtil . rpport the candidature of Mr. Gibson. and at the eud " the present Parliament whom Mr. James bit-Mullen " elevated 's, the Senate». Mr. Jnmes Park will mncceed to the Liberal candidature in North weiliugton for the Dominion Hrusv. Harm-tun Review. l Literary Society has been organ- (zed in connection with the Model *chmnl. The first meeting was held \Vt-(lnesdny Sept. 21rd. and the follow- w.ugofticert, were etectod:--Hotr. Pres.. Mv. Allan: Pres, Mr. Thompson . Vice l'n--.. Miss L. Anderson: Sec. Miss M. 5lcGaw: Tres., Mr. Beanie; Editor of Paper, Miss Laidlaw t Huh. Editor. Miss M. McLean: Executive Committee. Miss N. Ewing. Mr. J. Young, Miss L. Wolfe, Mr. C. Nckechttie. I'I.riur:ractTE LFg"rt'ttR. Last Sunday men-noon the To vn Hall was packed in the door tstth an audience almost. muuuriousl.v we believe in #ylnpnthy with the prohibition movement. at 'nisl if they came cum-(wed they would warn-l)- leave in the same moon alter 'he ringing address delivered by Her. “in Little. The Rev. gentleman is uhmys a favorite here. nnd his address nu Sunday last added another rose to his chnplet. The voting will he on he- r'un- this reat'hes our readers hence We have no extended report of several eon- vineing arguments. A.stt Is GAELsc.--1tev. Dr. Mackay, the well-known Gaelic scholar. writes The Ghshe: In yesterday's daily Globe Thursday, Sept. 29th, 1898. I noticed the following item: " The word Ania ts derired from the Sauscrit. i (Whats. meaningt M? Und of the dawn ", This is incortect. Asia is a compound " two Gaelic words, As. denoting back. md in. country. i.e.. the back country. Highlanders in leaving their first home in Asia for other part" of the world were in the habit of calling it the back! -ountry or the home they left behind them, just as the Scots tegm'd Scotland as the mot her country. and the Germaine. who left their native Germany. call it Fuderlattd. The second syllable in Asia has been for it long time an obsolete Word in the venerable lnnguage to which it originally belonged. Thesaule is true of Africa. made up of three monosyllablic words in Gaelic. denoting the country of the ttow'inq river, i.e.. the Nile. Many other ancient names. non-Semitic. are traceable from Gaelic roots, at very striking proof of the an- tiquity of this language. g0L.---XX. NO. att, .. LOCAL AND GENERAL 3. Mr. John McKelvie. Ot'attgeville, " :cuusmluf our lmvnsmam is visiting here. I Miss B. McKinnon, Chesley, visited l,hee sister Mrs, J. A. Black Show Day. FALL wHEx'r.---Lmtt amber Bald Full Wheat at Par ketG Drug Stare. Tuesday was Court Day and a number ot cases were disposed of hy Judge Morrison. . Mrs. Scum, from near Chesley is visit- mg Mr. Thus, Young, Hampden. A large shipment of Ready Made Flt-thing iumt to hand at, Laidlaw's. Lined rubber coats, seams sewed for The victory rests with America’s Greatest Medicine. Hood's Sammilla when it enters the Imuleagainst impure b'arart'r.-At o. Sound fair last week a m."." stationed hilnseif at the outside trtu'e and collected as gatekeeper some money from visitors and disappeared. While the main building was crowded at night some one turned " the mm and in the darknoss a first prize cheese dimppenre-d. Rewards are offered. Fun 'ULr:,--On easy terms. A good second hand \Vnterloo Uhampiou Sep- aratot and Horse Power. Apply to Wsr. SHARP. Upper Town. Dr. Souwrvilh- vreettted a hearty and unanimous call from Chataworth con- gl'vgation to Mr. Jchn Little, of Liliana. The call mu: sustained. put into Mr. Little‘s hands and the congregations cited to ttppearat a meeting in Owen Hound on the 11th October.. -0. 8. Sun [Preshyu-ry Rein] HAND t'oscEwr.-A Town Hall pack- ed greeted the Band last night and the receipts must have been quite satis- factory. The prizes for the Comfort Soup race were presented to the winn- ers by Mr, J. A. Hunter. Miss Jean Renwwk. Dmmnre, sang with her usual otrilety, ond instrumental salon, laughable forces and song made a jolly evening. vartxr.w.-'rhe anniversary and har-i yest home services of the Varney Methodist Church will be held nextl Sunday. Oct. 2nd. Rev. E. L. Wang. former pastor, will preach morning and evening. A supper will be given in the Orange Hall on Monday evening, after which the Rev. Dr. Williamson will de. liver his popular lecture on Fox Hunt- ing. A good time is expected. Admire sion 15c and 230. Fun MINI-2 CEwrrte.--rhit' week Mr. A. it. McKenzie. “Tailor Mckenzie" as helias been long known, leaves with his daughter for Nine Centre where his two sons are located. John L. has been busy this week making the neces- sary arrangements. The town Sincere- ly regrets to part with a worthy ‘citizen and will wish him much happi- l new: in his new home. Mr. Allan Me- i Pal-lane also accompanies them, NEH-ruin Snow.~l.aat Friday de-ihe: spite adverse. climatic conditions had u- th, good attendance, and the exhibition it- l on self was creditable and some thought n- ': Fa bore the average. inside Mid out. Dr. I tm Mearns we believe. got lat, for a buggy l en horse. Dickson, (‘nrrick. showed flre cattle and took several prizes. Mr.',ttr Thos. Geddes Hampden got a prize for _ gr his bull. The miserable afternoon pack- l on ed the show-room for most of the time. ',; ch Tur: FAIRS. -owen Sound fail lust: pl; week, thetutvertisserdechu'es a sttCtN"it, Tl as an Agricultural Exhibition thoutrhl'. the receipts 3 years ago were larger. 11“ The Waleerton Herald blames Sir I 39 Oliver for not being a good drawingn" card. and that Show seems to have been Ve, pvuctical1y n failure, Flesheston and: ’Neustault Rot it in the. neek on Friday ' A has! with u. regular downpour of rain w .Lbe most of the afternoon. llanoverlM (Bentinck Show) was We. believe success- ', fr F ful. B iifht _ititiritiiiiiii, __ jji,tritttt THE Exp or THE Ceoirvrtv.--we', notice at number of our exchanges otfer- 1 ing their paper to the “end of the centurv" for 81.00, meaning to the end _ of 12m. The end of the century is Dec. _ 31, 1900. and to that date we offer the]: Review for $2 to new subscribers l twoi, yems and a quarter. We have at, least; one name paid to this date, and several very near It. 81.00 to Dec. 31, lm.’ Subscribe now, and get the benefit of the Review's cheap club rates with) Toronto papers. Only $1.50 for Review ( and w. Globe for 15 mos. $1.40 for Review and Weekly Mail. Plehiscite meetings were held in many places Inst, week and this and the in- terest decidedly increased as the days wore on. Volunteer speakers both lay and clelicul. offered themselves, and thanks to Mr. Allan, Rev. Mt. Kitching, l Mr. Grant. Mr. Calder, Rev. Mr. Fergu- ,son and others, horse ftesh was avail- able to "tote" them round. In afew in- Ist.-un:es champions were found for the Cl"iiiiii,' and the plebiscite speakers, we I believe welcomed this feature, Discuss- l ion always injures the liquor traffle even {with such a champion as E. King I Dodd‘s. DURHAM, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 185L8- Hummus FOR mu: CHEAP.--4ieveval open and top buggies, all in good order. Apply at once. F. NESTER. CHANGE m: Prtomuemmra---The Fair- well sawmill under P. & G. Watson has changed hands and the new Co. is Cl. & G. Watson, We bespenk for the new tttan the mum: patronage and more of it, that it enjoyed under the old name as the Bros. are careful skilful workmen. Bee advertisement this week. Apply at once. F. NESTER. ('HANGE OF CArtu.-Attentionis called to P change in legal card of Lucas, \Vright & Bat/on. Mt. Bataan has le- moved to Markdale but a member of the firm will be in attendance at the old "ttice (Caldev's block, entrance next to Holt’s) on Mondays and Court Days. t MILLINERY oPEsuxo.--Miss Culbert- san begs to announce to the ladies of Durham and neighborhood that her fall Millinery Opening will he held on Friday and Saturday next. She is pre- pared to show a large stock of the latest novelties purchased this fall, and as she does her own work, her cuslonwrs get the benefit of this feature. Showrooms over S. Scott'" store, lower town. A S'rnuxu NsTros.-Uontiists of strong men and healthy women, and health and strength depend upon pure, rich blood which is given by Hood's tuusaparills A nation which takes millions of bottles of Hood's s'arsaparill" every year Is laying the foundation for health, the wisdom of which will surely show itself in yams to come. Hood’s Pills are prompt etticient, always reliable, easy to tatke, easy to operate. 25v. Some of the big Chicago films had an illustration of the value of advertising recently. During the stereotypes' strike none of the papers were published and S. Cooper & Co,, who employ 3.0% hands, say their business fell off two- thirds through not being able to ndver. tise. Frank's hoot department reports. a 50 per cent. falling " in trade for the same reason. The newspaper adver- tisement is a power to boom business, Do you use it sufticieutly? PM. ___V - I Mr. Robinson addressed the people from , the text “Consider the Lillies how they . grow" in which he bestowed enronimns - . rm. .. Mom-u. si‘mmL PsmPEcTiox,- ' Last Friday Mr. J. J. Tilley, Inspector of Model Schools for the Province. visited Prin. Allan’s rooms and spent the day with him. He found everything in good working trim, and is particularly gratified with the work of Durham School. pointing out that. not a few High Schools have no such record. In the afternoon. he [called the whole teaching mitt together, and gave. an address which was inspiring and ap- propriate. He remained over Saturday and the Review was indebted for a call from a gentleman who tnfluenced our pedagogical life at several points. Tn.\.\'xsun'lxa SERVICEr' At the English church last. Thursday a very beautiful service was observed to return thanks for our harvests and other mercies. Rev. Mr. Herbert of waiters' Falls. Rural Dean Robinson of walker- ton. M r. Ryan and M r. Farr were pres- ent. Mr. Herbert read the service and A Rm‘t‘asrzn SOLDIER. -The Ayton Advance sayst-Mr. Charles lfrbshadt who left here about eleven years ago for . Michigan returned last week to see old ' friends and is staying with Mr. Louis Brusso of the 16th with whom he spent ( his boyhood days. Mr. Urhshadt has just returned from t'uhn where be had been for the past three months taking ahand in the war and was at the actual i storming of Santiago. He is full of war § experiences and hardships and thinks it i is not an agreeable or pleasing game. i He tells hard stories of the usage they received on the voyage home, surround- l ed by filth and starvation. During the I voyage he says that eight soldiers were I buried at. sea and one crazed by hunger , jumped overboard. From this it would iappem- that the United States, like i Spain. is careless of her benefactors l when her work is done. on Mr. Ryan and congregation. The church was beautifully decorated with plants, flowers, fruits and evergreens. Th e choir rendered good set-Vice especial- ly in the special anthem foe the occasion. Mr. Ryan continued the thanksgiving service on Sunday. The offerings were liberal, $26 Thursday evening towards renovating the church. TEACHER Wanted for School See. tton No. 3. Bentinck and Gla'nelg for the year 1899. Second or Third Class eertiheate. Mala preferred. Applies. tions to be sent to the undersigned be. fore the 20th day of October, J. L. SMITH, M. D., Secy.-Treas. ti. S. No. 8, Dornocb. Ont, TEACHER WANTED. Mr. Tom Storrev. Chatsworth, was in tou n Sunday. Mr. McGill, of Fleshetton Stu , called an Mr. John A. Black Monday. Miss Ruth Johnston visited Glam-0nd- en frianda for a fortnight lately. Me. White. Murkdulr, was in town Tuesday, in thelinterestsof his property. Mr. H. Slang, Hurt-Mon. was the guest of Mr. Arthur Laidlaw, last week. M " Sum Wright and Mrs Bell of - ale visiting his father the Imker of town. Ne. and Mrs. And. Mellvride and funny. Proton Station. took in the show this week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meyer. Euphrusia. visited friends, in town last week und at Mr. J no. Colliery, of the Avenue Glen- elg. Miss Marion Elvidge, who has been in n London wholesale millinery house for the last couple of months, returned to home here last week. Me. Jas. Elliott, manufactnrer of the Elliott Soaps, (Salt. was visiting last week his cousin Mr. Wm. Johnston of towh, and relatives m Not nmnby. Miss Sum!) V'ullet came home last, week after u long visit with friends in Tornnloamd Kittcatxline, bringing her friend Mina Minnie Fitzgerald with her for a short stay. Mr. and Mrs. D, McIntyre. Balsam Valley. accompanied by the fox-men's mother um] Miss Sarah Isaac paid at visittot',o0ittgwood friends last week, and took in the great Northern Ex. hibition. . Judicial t'sue.-The Gadd farm in Not-munhy was sold an Wednesday by Judge Morrison to Wm Marshall. Sn. who owns the hum across the road. We wish our old neighbor much success in his venture. ton, G lives lost, many injured....Li Hung Chang has been reinstated which has Paced Russia and Britain again in warlike pose. . . .'lhe Court of Appeal has decided the t‘onstahle ease entirely in favor of Manly. FIRE Trs'r.--TuetOty morning last the tire hell rang out onimonsly about. 9 a, In ' and after a hurried search it, was discovered that at last the brigade was to be under otticitd inspection. The gentleman who thus sprung the alarm on the town, is Mr. Howe, of Toronto, Inspector of the File Under. writers’ Association. A rush was made for the Fire Hall, and with great alacr- ity the boys had "her" up the hill to the furthest tank with steam up in ttl minutes. It went.to00in 10 minutes and to It!) in one minute more. Mr. Howe expressed himself as well pleased with the brigade. and complimented their eMciency, and will. with some im- provements on the tower give the town an E. rating. Class D. is what citizens would like, hut the requirement of a night patrol and Mvo men sleepmg in a the Fire Hall. stands in the way. Late News Boiled Dowm--Mr. M. c. Cuuueron, Lieut. Gov. N. w. Territories is dead. . . . A tornado has worked fear. ful damage itt St. Catherines ttnd glen-rig Tova'ro h"rAIt.--Catt anything equal '; the cnrtness of the Court of Appeal? Here are. the judges who are. asked= three questions. In ordinary legal us-T age this would seem to imply at. least l tifteen prolix and highly technical reas- sons for the three queries Though each of these judges bristles with legal erudition, he answers with laconic ab-l ruptness. Are poll constables disqualin tied from voting? Asks Mr. Hardy.‘ Not says the Court of Appeal. Are persons who perform services or supply i necessaries to the returning omcers?! No. Are the owners of nomination? halls and pollth booths 4isyelifitfo',' No, again. In t 1e name of Coke and Blackstone. what. sort. of answer is this? Hereis the. brilliant. editorial staff of the Mail and Empire waiting for reas- ons' to demolish. and no reasons are forthcoming. The Court of Appeal un auuuous1y-pttyuiin!ously., mark you-- says no, and closes its collective mouth like an oyster. No precedents are quot- ed forthe Mail to attack, no reasons given on which to base sophisticalargu- ments. Are poll constables and the two other necessary evils of an election dis- qualified? No, says the Com t of Appeal. l No, we tell you, and if you don't like it, ‘shut up. Pull that "no" to pieces, ye men-y scribes. and watch us smile at your blind efforts. And the Opposition ioo-whatmeut, is there in that "no" for them? Here are five judges chant. ing "no" with triple iteration. Why, Mr. Hardy had no need of that consta- ble sessionytt all'. . The highest. legal o inion in the province was with him ail the time. Well, why did he call it? Perhaps, Mr. Whitney-ind this is a secret- perhaps it was to give his small but effective majority a trial heat, Meanwhile the constable vote question is decided. and Mr. Hardy can watch Ontario’s interests at the Quebec Con. ference with an undivided mind. We have the authority of the Globe to say that notwithstanding the im- position of “9W3“??? postage, all subscribers to the eview may get it the same as last. year. viz: the two papers one year for $1.50 cash. All ratcpayers and others who have not raid there first instalment of taxes shou d remember that 3 pet cent will be added for collection. Pay up at once and save the costs of collection. . BY ORDER. PERSONAL MENTION . THE BEST YET. TAX NOTICE. bx TORONTO "e"efee.i ta, c..o,ui, y'. :,,L,,,aediiiiiBSrsiistesasat. " " N. G. dk J. McKechnie. We take this opportunity of thanking our customres for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system W111 merit, a continuance of the Fame. "Large Sales & Small Profits." zaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa33333333 it New Foundry & Machine Shop 35 BALL A; In; 1sl,ljl(l,li.lbl,qa. ii-ttttttttttttttttttttttS: 60 tt Id IO t,t, $1921 ' tu--""'"-'""-" MW; giPurest “Dom. Durhanl. Aug. 9t In. q Having ovtitsrr'd our Shop 'rith the mun! approval wmt-hhu'rg. "ml "tg't."f, Me twtwitwm "f u tltoroughlg practical man In In ce whiny? of mum’. " ' arr in u pacifiqn to do " Gctetxtl Fuuesdrg Bmu'm'mt in all in FLESHERTON STAT ON. aua. 4?". hm twhen.. . . . . Gutters Stoves Our Piano and Organ trade is (irmly established. Best makes. Purest tones. Do you want a Sewing Machine? T? the New Williams.----- Hughest (Price psi for Wood in exchange fir goo s. G. MCKINNON. We beg to inform our Custom- ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be AT Boiler and Engine Work a. Speciality. At prices that will surprise. UPPER TOWN IMPLEMENT WAREROOMS. Supply mu‘ Cuuhmu'ru with Jf"chi"rctt a] ll†kinda. Mala- ull morn: of Cettitittgn " ml do all ttorttt "f M och inn-g â€pairing on uhm'f unlim- uml ot '"odrtote prim-n. (1 1kEINN0N'fl, ADOPTED BY N., G. & J. McKECHNIE. R. P. LEGATEa CMO, of all kinds, Cutters and Sleighs of the best quality and at prices away down. COOKING STOVES, HEATING STOVES, BOX STOVES WHOLE N0. 1072. n Li!