Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 8 Sep 1898, p. 5

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of an» order for Adâ€" on made in an action h Court of Justice, of â€"reus G A [)l). et ll', and y of April, A. D. 1898, robation of DUNXNCAX isq.,_ _ Master of the of Judicature for Onâ€" n of Owen Sound, in Grey. there wiil be at the «* MIDDAUGH iship of Normanby ounty of Grev Y MeCAUL, ‘endor‘s Solicitor. MORRISON, laster at Owen Sound. EAFCRD ’ SCHOOL ECHkl) . . . ... «.«««ccuers Class and Part I Maâ€" IEIOTK..,« « « « ««««««««sagt ind Clagss}.......««c«ons MRAEIOH ... ... ... «.. cudk KE and IIy ... ... ccudei OPENING PTEMBER IST, 18908 s GADD, E; repared for Commercial, st Class Certificates; also Matriculation Examinaâ€" IAL SALE ds for 1898 : "N< IBER 1, ‘98 ‘â€"OPENS Secretary t&...... tificates qSEGétE is a staff of four experiâ€" ssful teachers. ARM â€" PROPERTYV iate Tostitute! rd tor 98. 3y3 y gs 3E3 RONX, wn of Owe rex. this â€" SOUND A, MOWAT, B, A« t1 OuUnd Owen th TEMBER, A J. 1498 lot are clear f cultivation dwood bush the premise: () they have Durham, be story high, and a frame ) feet. The t by 36 feet, There are rty with a » fences are be sold subâ€" James Wesâ€" on the 15th he terms of titled to do 1 subject to termed the house»> repair, anc d on the istant from good road, immediate school 25 n Sound, in Sth day of Sound Principal. . the folâ€" y. being ncession, Normanâ€" nown as ntaining Saule and obtained or from NKINS into the mmercial d for all Pass and P:incipai Court, ind to f Title er=, @nd erienced @rcl from M o 14 . 10 AC @s of 10 49 * Seeker‘s will take place on August 30th l September13 via Canadian Pacific Railway to Manitoba and the ZJon‘t Without consulting us with regard to rates etc. _ Yacfarianecse. LUCAS, WRIGHMT, & BATSON. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES, CONVEYANCERS, &c. pURHKAM OFFICE, CALDER‘S Biock, yâ€"25â€"7 Lower Town. Will be in Priccville first & third Wednesdays of each month. Butter‘s Hotel. Officeâ€" UHnsy TTE TUECT D Collections and Agency promptly attended to. W ills, Deeds, Mortgages, Lens.s, Agreements, &c. correctly prepared. _ Estates of deceased persous looked after, and Executors‘ and Adâ€" ministrators‘ Aceonnts prepured und _ passed. Surrogate Court Business, Probate of _ Wills, Letters of Administration and â€" Guardianship Obtained. Searches made *n Negistry Othce and Titles reported on. Company and private Funds to Loan on Mortgages at low â€" st rates of interest. Valuations made by a competent and enreful Valuator. L OCOZ . .c ids mon BARRISTER. SsoLICITOR IN SsuPREME COURT, NOTaARY PUBLIC, CcoOommIssIonER, ETC. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5 PER CENT. Office, over Grant‘s store, uevrUTY & B ()FFI(‘E FIRST DOOR EAST OF the â€" Durbam Pharmacy Calder‘ Block. â€" Residence first door west of th" Post Office, Durham. UPPER TOWNX BARRI TER, soLICcITOR, wNOATRY PUBLIC, CONYEYANCER, 4C. Notice is hereby given that anvone trespassing, cutting timber on, oOr TCâ€" moving the same from lots 3Qand 40 8. D. R. Tp. of Glenelg, Co. of Grey, will be dealt with as the law directs. IRorErt McDoXxALD, Montpelier, Idaho U.S. Dec. 6th ‘97. Lot 49, concession 2, Glenelg. Withâ€" in two miles of the town of Durham. This is a good farm. Good stone house, frame barn, good orchard, well wat ered convenient to market. Will be sold cheap. For particulars apply to Jonux McKECHNIE or to Rocky Saugeen. Grore® H. TocKER. Box 257, Portage TLa Prairie, Man. NEY TO LOANâ€" NDr. T. G. HOLT L. D. 8. The undersigned offers for oC !" Rent for a term of years, lot 20, cen. 3, W.G.R., Bentinck. On the property is a good barn, good frame house, small orchard, 70 acres cleared. balâ€" ance hard wood bpsh. Well watered. DENTISTRY. L. B. LuCca8, > w. H. WaigHt Watches, Clocks, & Jewellery. Silyverware, klatware, & Specs. . P. TELFORD, BATSON, LOWER TOWN, DURHAM. LEFROY McCAUL. North West..... NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. FARM FOR SALE. Repairing a Speciality. Charges moderate. Fire Insurance Secured. . QORDON, go DURH AM. JEWELLER LOW Apply to ratres~ EASY TERMS R. McFARLAXE, Sr. Durham. Moderate. roest Markdale. Owen Sound Darham. offers for Sale Lower Town, DURHAM. Ottawa September 3rd. hXE mss Bd 4A K Drl Wil‘l)':m Saunders, "f...;‘::?:'.”a".‘..f'&‘ 1::th Ts the boved * ng in the bowels Dominion Director of Experimental and produces biliousness, torpid liver, indb Farms is back from his western tour of J inspection. His report of the harvest'i o o s outlook is very encouraging. for he declares his belief that instead Of & ) gestion, bad taste, coated average 17.41 bushels of wheat per| tongue, sick headache, inâ€" P'II acre as estimated by the Provincial| mm‘m l s Goyvernment, the indications are thati xm;mlm:ougmy.m.mm the Manitoba crop will pan out 20 to 25 y C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mase bushels. Hay is reported light and | W flax above the average. Harvesting; GLENELG COUNCIL, operations are well advanced and all nowiReel _danger from frost is practically over ; Th« Conneil met Augost the I5th, pw through the greater part of the country. \ sn«nt to adjourament. _ All the meanber \ 7 3 & C Gew C . c% 1 SH s : A feature of Mr. Saunders‘ report is | present. the account that he gives of the fruit : ntes . f 1 p\ or HHOHEy AEAYCTL CE T C MIG es evidence of the broader methods in vyogâ€" ue in the old land. There is no question that the petty party considerations carry very little weight in London, and it is encounraging to have this fact noted by Canadian Politiciansâ€"â€"but in the particular case in point there was &A e """ t~ the ehoice of a Liber iberal pee®, lnyhu RZRCEC ._L_..-.: sts of PMR GE T on it, quoted ; oppositionists as an | & g:‘t;:lenci* of the h)rouéepl- me'thuds in \‘pg-f On ?)v?dt?eSdaSy last her mind beâ€" ae in the old land. There is no question |came bright. he called her nurse, that the petty party . considerations | (Mrs, Woolley) to her bedâ€"side and carry very little weight in London, and\talked beautifully about heaven, how it is encouraging to have this fact noted | happy she was to die in Jesus and so by Canadian Politiciansâ€"â€"but in the|on, and requested that at her funeral particular case in point there W4s ® por happiness in Jesus should be special reason for the choice of a Liber spoken of. . She also r Tested: that t u? Governor,. The Imperial Governmem‘ EO & eq! at 1 has been at no pains to conceal the fact| 5 ould be told to all the Coles. that they desired to paÂ¥y _" marked| She told to whom all her birthday f““L‘Pl"“:"l‘; t:’h‘;‘: g‘:{;";‘ggfi(fi‘;'(‘.:“'is‘; presents and uther things were to be ration s C 1 i es e ie |f ols s ue meen oi on and appreciation of their broad patriotic Sh od ginl pallâ€"be d Imperialism. ‘b e wanted girl pallâ€"bearers and tol O los en amamh, | their names. She told Mrs Woolley tc "H HHIs LAL ES ReATCATIE 0s o2 disintorested (?) concern is manifesting: itself in some quarters over the moveâ€" ments of Mr. Alex Smith the Liberal Organizer in Ontario, that we (,uote the fnlifnwing from last Saturday‘s Globe "The announcement in certain Conserâ€" vative papers that a charge has been made in Secietaryship of the Ontario Liberal _Assosiation is {without foundâ€" ation. These rumors a108e during the n ar . "br _thk mm a tuin ti+ the OUR OTTAWA LETTER. tself in fsqn\x;e qxa;l'terg q:le;r tlbne Ll_tlnove-l _ n o oo iss sw . HAF ments of Mr. Alex Smil ie Liberal| She gave the Bible her grand Organizer in Ontario, that we quote t,hel s tnlaning from last _Sauuda.y(’s Globe %::;v::;l? rtgulil;tbl:.e:hthe Iljs'; dtlme.gz "Themmouncement in certain Conserâ€"| . hat be sb O er, 094. wBi vative papers that a charge has been | iDg that De 8 ould have it and told made in Secietaryship of the Ontario him: to be a good boy. To her tather Liberal _Assosiation is {without found.| she said, "Pa I am just going a short ation. These rumors a10se during the while before you." She spoke to each abserce of Mr. Smith on a trip to the| one personale and made her uncle Pacific const, He bas returned with| John promisahe would die a Christian health restored, and is, 28 he has been}ghe was bright until 7.30 when she during the ga.at five years, years full of | fell into a stu d d'e.d ue i M success to the Liberal party, directing : fell into a S por and died in it. rs. the work of organization frem the head Woolley said she suffered untold agony afhice, 31 Victoria Street, Toronto. until her death. Cor. office, : t cure constipation andallits "=® _ ==® ® *# results, easily and thoroughly. 25¢. All druggists Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass The only Pills to take with Hood‘s Sarsaparilli®t Byâ€"Law 377 stmking rates as tollow was readl a first and s~ecoud time. County Rate 2 4 10ths mills, Township Rate 5 mills, General School Rate 2 6â€"10ths mills School Section Rateâ€"as required by Trusâ€" Byâ€"Law 378 establisiing deyiation cf road on Lot 27, Con 2, £. G. R. was read a first and second time as was also Byâ€"Law $79, appointing Thos. MeGirr, W. H. Atrrowsmrhb, Theos Cook and Jolhn Hunt as collectors for 1898. Constipation MeFadden â€" Williams â€" Byâ€"Laws 877, 878 ind $79, was read a third time, and ordered to be engrossed on Byâ€"Law Book,. MeFaddenâ€"MceMilanâ€"That Alex Mcâ€" Millan be paid $359.00 for building bridge at Lot 32, Con, 2, N D R,â€"Carried. BFicthâ€"MeSillanâ€"That John Quil mwan be paid $9.6C for gradinug at Lot 21, Con, 10. Carried, Widiarsâ€"Firthâ€"T bat Williaw Ritchie be paid $6 for equalizing two school seeâ€" tions. Carried. Wiliimsâ€"MeFaddenâ€"That the followâ€" ing ncecunts tor gravel be paid :â€"Jouln Colbert $4, Beunet Jenisinson #$4, ‘Thos. McGire 83 and Anurew Lindsay $4,â€"Carâ€" ried, Firthâ€"â€"MeMidanâ€"That |the Reeve he‘ paid $2 for exp eases to Markdate for Legal advice re MeMitian esiate. Carried, MceMulan â€"Firthâ€"â€"That the accoust of C. Ram»ge for | printing Yoters‘ Lists amounting to $18.24 aud $1.20 ior adyerâ€" tising the posting up of the same be paid. Carried, MeMillanâ€"MeFaddenâ€"That D. G. Meâ€" Loean be paid 50c for repairing scraper, also that the Treasurer of Artemesia be paid $2.30 half cost otf repairing two culâ€" verts on Townline G &A. Carried. " MeMillenâ€"MeFaddenâ€"That Timothy l McKenna be paid $4 for building culvert at Lot 7, Con. 3, E G R. _Carried, MecMilian â€" Williams â€" That cheques i«sue for the following sums viz :â€"Thos, McFadden $4.50, John Williams §$5.75, J. Firth $2, being commission for letting and inspecting road jobs, Carried. MeFaddenâ€"Firthâ€"That the clerk be paid $4,65 for postage. Carried. The Council adjourned to Septemver 19 at 10 a. m. [The following notice refers to a daughter of Mr. Peter Cole whose wite was a daughter (Lizzie) of Kev. Mr. Stewart of this town. _ The deceased young lady was spoken of as one of the very brightest of Christian charâ€" acters and an earnest worker in every good cause.â€"ED.] Ethel Cole died early Friday mornâ€" ing 26th Augast and was buried Satâ€" urday afternoon. She told to whom all her birthday presents and uther things were to be given. â€" She also wished to be dressed in white and to have a white cagket. She wanted girl pallâ€"bearers and told their names. She told Mrs Woolley to go herse‘f and pick her casket and attend to everything. _ _ n ETHEL COLE‘S OEATH. J. S. Buack, Clerk ié Jas. R. GUN \f TICKET AGEGT O@â€"COLC>CF> Fiour per bbl ...« Ouatmea per «cack Brun per ewt . Shorts per ewt Fall Wheat per b Barley, ** Peas. + Qats, * Di‘d Hogs, per cwt Hogs, live weight .. Lard perl» Tallow* per Ib Butter per Ib, Tab ... Eggs, per doz .. .» Chickens. yer paur Ducks ** Turkeys, per lb ... Geese, per lb Hides, per ewt _ .. Calfskins | .. . Sheepskins ... . Hay, per ton Straw, * sex\\‘ss Potatoes. per bag Applea, per bag .. Wood, 4 feet ... .. Wood, 22 iuches .. Woâ€"l ... The busy times atout over now aud 1 thought I would try and write out a vudâ€" get, Well I think threshing is about the onâ€" ly thing that is booming now around here, Rob Morris is on this line wtth his machine and be aund his gang cant be beat for fast tureshing, they threshed three thousand busheis tor Picken Bros. last week. turuâ€" ing out one thouâ€"aud bushel in siz hours 1 for Mr. John Picken. Who can beat thar? Mr. Loâ€"mim ana his partuer nre makiag quilé an improyement on their farm they have Mr George Alexander from Normaunâ€" ‘ by enpaged aigging ditches to take away the water uud he can do it too he has been working with them for about five weeks now and he will be about a week louger, _ Mr Charles Petty is going to do | some draining also, Mr. Alexauder is going | to do the work for him too. September 12 o Get your tickets the day before going from Jas. R. Gun and save rushing to the station 5 minut‘s before train time We are sorry to hear that Mrs Thos Milligan is yery sick at preseut but hope soon to bear of her recoverey. Miss Neilie Morton was home visiting ber parents lately Mr and Mrs Thomas Morton. ; ¢ Tickets to all Local and Foreign Pointson sale at lowest rates. Mrs Picken bas been in very poor beaxlth lately bus we are glad to say she is ygetting betier. Mr, Charles Petty and Thos. Martic«e were away at Carlsrube, for Tile one day lasc week and report having a good time us they returned by Hanover and Lad dinuer. OFFICE OPEN AT 6.45 AM.. C. Lefroy McCaul Barrister, Lower Town Durham. i Durham, Sept. 23rd ‘97. sm â€"Oâ€"0O0â€"Oâ€" COMPANY and PRIVATE Funds to Loa. in sums and on terms to suit borrowers, (On first Mortgage on Town or Farm Property.) Lowest rates of Interest. Quick despatch, and lowest possible charges: ley o uo aapply t0. _ :. _ _ ~._ DURHAM MARKET Money To TICKET AGE CALDER‘S BLOCK. DURHAM. MOUNT PLEASANT. Roll * 4 00 to $5 0 47 to 0 21 to 5b 75 to 4 50 to 10 to 03 to 0 12 to 11 to 11 to 25 to 40 to 10 to 0 65 to 08 to 25 to 60 to 5 00 to 0 00 to 50 to 50 to 1 20 to 1 00 to 15 to 0 13 11 11 Thos hope isiting homas | ) (Â¥] ; poor | [d y she ','â€":‘, s Martics ::Z: e day | 5 1 time| & id Lbad t ns lo t3 e mds to | ( to suit | (&: ge on {:'_': Lowest | (@] spatch, ffg KHIRUKEV 3 SKEV **° NO M ECCA Cc e 2 C 9 COEED 0 c P these are the Best and (Cheapest (Goods you can buy. & ADAMS‘ WAGGONS : 4 fi;ll Carload wil arrive this weekâ€" . â€" 1 save freight, buy at close prices, and can sell cheaper than other Agents. 2 Full Line ¢* all kinds of repaiis. B BUGGIES: 4 i sted ot the TuPHOP &X in o P10 W s and HARROWS and the yery best you can buy at right prices. The RAYNOND sewing machine and the best makes of PIANOS and ORG AXNK. ##"Money to loan at 5 and 5}°% payable on your own terms. â€" 4# Insurance promptâ€" Iv attended to. â€" Issuer of Marriage Licenses, we L2 0 L 00 aemees 0 aemeee . goue, All sPRING & SUMWER "00DS avriving daily at â€" Pure Spices 3t 7f PC 3F * HARDWARE (¢ W. BLACK ) eC>st> B9 CD37P2BDAID 2328 kirds of MASJSE T °M AI Binders, Mowers, l)1'1!l§{.Rakes, an Pure Vinegars. Cem Jars at Rock Bottom. JCAAA O R, W, GARDINER, Marble and Granite Dealer of Mt Forest Try Our PROOF WHITE WINE VINEGAR ** ENGLISH _ MALT * t* CANADIAN _ MALT * 66 x x xX WHITE WINE w â€" _ â€"CIDER VINEGARâ€" _ â€" [prer TowN URHAM.. LACE CURTALN®S. 24 yards Long, ;'a in 1UnILJSD NEUNIATN® fdin Black and Colored Wool Serges, 25¢ a yard. Fancy Figured Lustres (a snap) at 30, 35 & 50¢ a yd. I)oulse Fold Cashmere. (in black only) 12e a yard. Challies in dark colors, 6¢ a yard. Our Prints are guaranteed fast colors, Large White Counterpanes, worth £1,50 Tfor 81.â€"1.«;,,4’ white, all limwn%bk covers, worth 81.‘.;5'/0r $1.40.â€"Table Oil Cloths in white and colors. 45in wide, 25¢ a .â€"Men‘s Top Shirts from 25¢ up.â€" See our Ladies‘ O.‘?ord Shoes before buying, they cannot be beat.â€" Best Ladies Shoe dressing, 10 and 20¢ a bottle regular 15 and 25¢.â€" 21 only, Crystal Table Setts at 25¢ a sett, Sin Im, Cut Glass Fruit Bowls, 20¢ each, Nappies to match 60¢ a dozen.â€"Whips at all prices, a good rawhide at 50¢.â€"Salada Ceylon Tea at 25¢, 30¢ and 40¢ a Ib. stt s No en s us Jam. xm h. yrrEnr We have just received another carload of WirE Nams. Come along at once and get your Fall supply. 6 V Te Son ul o +AE . W ho coaas Gelbaati e e 9. We have great bargains to offer in Tinâ€" warr, Granite and Silverware. Call and examine our new stock of Churns Clothes Horses, Washing Machines etc. No Farmer should be without one of our Wheelbarrows, as they are the best in the market. See our new stock of Whips. We always keep on hand the best grade of Portland Cement. C Mâ€"_â€"â€"- of MASSEYâ€"HARRIS MACHINERY, s Mowers, Drills, Rakes, Harrows, &c. Farmers, 8} the Lower Town Implement Warerooms THE BIG 4. } TowWN DURMHAM Serew Drivers...... .. HADNCIS. :: .. :.: ... 2 inch Cut Nails, per lb "I‘in Roilers...}.; ... â€"â€" Copper Boilers ...... ... 2'i‘ine Forks:.., .> ... Carpet Sweepers. ...... DRESS GOODS. BEAN & CO... Special Prices. WM. CALDER. WHOLE, GROUND or MIXED 28 inches wide, 40e a pair, 38 6+ a4 q(ic $# 50 TORONTO #1,00 TRIAL TRIP of the REVIEW, only 25¢ 70¢ £1,00 to Jan. lst, 1899. *) iC IC 3C 3C 3E nid p id 3C 3c JC at 3F 1C 1C

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