Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 28 Jul 1898, p. 8

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Â¥ % &A $ § 4|« Â¥ 4. Clifford in conn of the W. F. M of September Woodland Sabl honor certificat for refiemiug t catechism.â€"AMt. T. An CA sends to the k now Ma has proved its effectiveness in curâ€" ing the trying affections of the throat and lungs, and this is the reason why: the codâ€"liver oil, parâ€" A cough which seems to han on in spite of all the remedies whkg you have a?lkd certainly needs energetic and sensible treatment. For twentyâ€"five years that standâ€" ard preparation of codâ€"liver oil, â€"â€" Persistent Coughs gos. ond fa.co, sCoOTT & BOWNL, Jrin Black and Colored YMool Serges, 25¢ a yard. Fancy Figured Lustres (a snap) at 30, 35 & 50¢ a yd, Double Fold Cashmere, (in black only) 1:)e a yard. Challies in dark colors, 6e a yard. Our Prints are gquaranteed fast colors. Large White Counterpanes, worth -81,.'701}'0" #1.â€"Large white, all linnen table covers. worth ®1.75 for $1.».â€"Table Oil Cloths in white and colors, fsin wide, %¢ a yd,â€"Men‘s Top Shirts from 25¢ up.â€" Nee our Ladies‘ ().:/mvl Nhoes before buying, they cannot be beat.â€" Best Ludies Shoe dressing. 1 and e a bottle regular 15 and 25¢.â€" 21 only, Crystal Table Setts at 2¢ a sett. 8in Im. Cut Glass Fruit Bowls, 20)¢ euch, Nappies to match 60¢ a dozen.â€"Whips at all prices, a good rawhide at 50v¢,.â€"Salada Ceylon Tea at 25¢, 30e and 40e a‘lb. LACE CURTAINS. * uards Lona." 28$"in [jPPErRr TOWN [QURKHAM.. VUPPER TOWN DURMHAM given 1i sell in O LE> A w us the â€" SCOTT‘S EMULSION id was attendedâ€" by a large of friends and acquaintances. indsey was a member of the of Christ and a young lady of il Chuistian character. She had tastes and a kind disposition s possessed of more than ordinâ€" ure and capalnlities, She was loved and Iighly respected by ne who knew her. lle-r father few years ago leaving a large since which time, Maggie had school almost constantly, in an » maintain herself and help sapâ€" e family, umiil abe was called r labor by sickness, which has n Our Pumb Ammais, DBoston. A wayv.â€"Mrs. Smith, Clesley, he following clipping relative th of her mece who was well many in South Grey : Miss ndsey, who has been suffering mmption for the past few eparted this life at her home north of this village, on May : funeral, conducted by Rev. rown was held at the Town was attended. by a large f friends and acquaintances. , yards Long, : th Mt,. T HE B/IG 4. Doum} DRKESS GOODS. xt. OUrne S h . School, re« from the P1 whole of th Oore BEAN & CO. Kilg onl v IC t Represer GM) ring, â€"Ge0. | fap ils, Boston. | {‘.m (h, Clesley, | nee ing relative l wh 10 was well i of 1 (irey : Miss | hol n suffering . the inches wide, 40¢ bytery horter tative. J he #1.00 Agues Cunninghane, pair lace curtains, Mr. and fl.‘:zmu. pai~ lace curtains, mih:-. Robert ;ndhuh:l:u.twotrmdpi:hm "'Ii..: . Duncan, two hnei cups and saucers, e Parks, table linen, Messrs. Duncan and Poter net, table linen, Mr. Thomas Box‘lo. silver buwl, Miss Mena Morrow, glass dinner loé:m Jans Ritchie, half dozen tea :&:n-, M1. Edwa.d and Miss Alice Royce, thoto m, Mr.John and MissJanet Little, fruit dish, Mr.John and Miss supplying the wants of the numerous exhibitors, and give them buildings equal to the best. The entries close Svrt. 7th, but as the space and stabling will be allotted in the order the entries are received, it behoves intending exhibitors to make them as early as possible, and secure the choice positions, _ Write the Secretary, Mr. Thos, A. Browne, for information, prize The attractions, which have alway been entertaining. are to be evyer more so this year,. _ The Royal Canadian Dragoons will give exhibitions of fancy drill, _ sword combats, etc. Prince (‘Kabe‘s Japs (10 in number) have been secured. The Watson Sisters‘ Trianguâ€" lar Electrical Trapeze. Webb and Hassan, the Marians, Burk and Anâ€" drews, with their Texas Mule, the Gregory Combination, and others, to be supplied by Sie Hassan Ben{fAh, who is now in Merroco selecting something of a very high orde= Each evening there will be the grandest pyrotechnic display ever given in London, together with the realistic representation of the ~»Blowing up of the Maine," assisted by all of the ring and stage attractions. As special excursion trains leaving London after 10 o‘clock each evening are being artranged with the railway companies. it is expected that a very large number will remain for the fireâ€" works. 4 was supported by his brother Mr. Archie Ledinghain. Afterthe ceremony guests to the number of about 75 sat down at a semptuous wedding supper, the tables were neatly decorated and everything was served up in first class style., _ The wedding cake. an excellent production of the bride‘s own cooking was acknowâ€" ledged by all to be parâ€"excellence when she herself pierced the cake, then passed it over to (\w groomsman who cut it and then the bridesmaid passed it to the guests, _ After supper the company spent a happy evening with music singâ€" mg and games. The number of presâ€" ents received showsd the high esteem in which the young couple were held amongst the guests, We mention the following, am§ after each name the presâ€" ents given to the bride :â€" The Silver Jubilee of the Western Fair, London, September 8th to 17th, is going to be the best in the Association‘s history, and will be formally opened by Sic Oliver Mowat, Lieutenantâ€"Governor of Ontario and in all likelihood the Governorâ€"General and Lady Aberdeen will give the Western a visit before retiring from office. Such are the exâ€" pectations at present, and will be fully made known on receipt of their acceptâ€" ance. A Applications for space are being made at such a rate that several departments are nearly full already,. and the general impression throughout Western Ontario is that with the good crops now being harvested,jthe farmers and their families will turn out en mass to get a much needed rest _ and support the Fair, which they have been largely the means of bringing to the proud position it now holds of being the most successful in the dominion toâ€"day. ts immepse growth has caused the directorsmo end of trouble in the past. providing proper accomodation for the Live Stock am('l Agricultural Implements in particular, and every other departâ€" ment in general. The additional box stalls, the extension to theâ€" Carriage Building, and the annex to the Main Building for Art, will assist them in supplying the wants of the numerous LC Canada‘s Oldest Exhibition a pair. ine noly bonds of matrimony illiam Ledinghanm of the town m, county of Kiton, Mamiioba, v. J. Little of Dorinoch. â€" The smoothing irons, Mr. Herbert and Lamb, wine set, Mr ‘Thomaes Tewnâ€" ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO )00n. _ 1 (Kdesma HYMENEAL M muslin H i a becoming cosâ€" lin tcimmed with r sister Elizabeth while the groom brother Mr. Archie 13th inst Boothville, July 30, 98. miss.mcCaunel, ieacher of no. 10 Glenâ€" e‘g, was successfal in passing the only pupil ttying for Entrance, namely stiss aminuie" Hooper, (Abraham‘s.) Also‘ ur D aecDon«ld from this locality of Allan Park School, passed three at the recent Exammation, The Rev. xur mMatheson will Lase evilâ€" dren‘s> service next Sabbath evening, subject "Lions." Rey it Darroch will hbave prayerâ€" meeting ou Wednesday night of this week at John mcLean‘s Artemesia. trs Campbel! will remaina thi with lrer brotherâ€"mâ€"laws, mesers and waleoim Campbell of that p Neil aeCanuel put up barn the other evening. frame® himself and over gether well. xiss Kate »xeQuarrie of Duluth, home at her fother‘s, Jolhn meQuarric the North Line, Glenele. Un MOBSay lasi the 1st instant, at noon, N Watson, sr. died suddenly of Heart Distéâ€";e, He hbad just carried Lowm wo‘gei whick he had partly madmen he was in the act of laying it dows of his shoulder he dropâ€" ped and expired . without a â€" struggle,. mr, Watson was a resiqent of this yilâ€" lage for about 80 years and carried ou buisness as wagg0" and carriage maker for a‘ out 20 yearswhen he retired, givâ€" ing the business to his son Wim. Watson jr. jwr. Watson‘s first wife diod suddonâ€" ly also, of the same disease. He marâ€" ried a few years ago sls Hattio eDowâ€" ell of this village. Mr. *Vatson leaves a faumly of six sovs and. four daughters, all married with the exception of one son Georse, He will be buried toâ€"morrow Wednesday at the meKechnie Cemectery, beside the remains of his first wife. wrs. James meDoneld of the South Line, Glenelg, while milking a cow on Sunday evening last received a sevore kick from the cow which disabled her and cansed her mucl pain. Dr. Huatton waus called tor aud bandaged her knee and she is getting aloug as well as en be expocted as the old lady is liying alone. The probabilities are that she will be found derd some morning as she is subject to heart tailure, _ The old lady could live comfortably with her niece, Nrs, mMeDonald or mrs, Ferguson buat she has an idea that she feels more at liberty in her own home. She is climbing up to within a year of the four score years of age. John S Black, the pop Glenelg was in town on M mmz to business relating to The Anuual S S Pic Nic with the Presbyterian Ch held toâ€"morrow Wednesday ur Dounald meDonald teacher, and his sister. urs Campbeli. visited friends at FairBaitn, Egremont, on Saturday last Mrs. Neil McDonald who had a seyvere attack of inflamation of the lungs is getâ€" ting better. John McLachlar who was disabled by being dragged by a horse some time ago, is getting alongelowly aud not able to do much werk of any kind yet. »rs. Donald xecArthur on the lull, was visiting friends in Bruce of lato and* reâ€" turned & few days ago. howm son. Not much of importance this week, bl!l as there was no tpaper last week we will try to collect a few items. The dry weather calls for little remark a month of it has rushed harvest on, and some have started, while others are finishill):g an exceptionally large crop of hay. Fall Wheat is an excellent crop. well housed, and will yield well. Spring \’Vheat.gmlnises well, but ripening too fast. arley is up to the average. What with potato ‘mgs, dry weather and the late frost, crops will be below the average. Teachers are beginning to scratch their heads and say "dear me, only anâ€" other week of holidays, where did they go? penitentiary work again next week Our village school as usual passed some Entrance pupils, and if ail were not successful nohEuue should be placed on the teacher, as we heard a prominent citizen remark that in this little town we have so many evening societies it is difficult to impound one subject more than another into the pupils at once. On mon@Qay last the 1st noon, N: Watson, sr. died Heart Disté=â€";e,. He had bomest 49"oi whick he Miss Kate secintyre of Toronto, is spending a while at the old howe on the South Line gt her mother‘s Mrs. aelnâ€" Cl‘n‘lelet-)_fl‘l‘g premises of the subscriber rC ho l&r iisses Simpsons _ of Clhicago, ar« ) their father‘gâ€"ar. Jolhn Simp the same disease. _ He imarâ€" years ago sls3 Hattio meDowâ€" village. Mr. *Vatson leaves a 1x sops and. four daushters, Cattle Estray. PRICEVILLE. pay Ni in comnect! urch will tlar clerk â€" of mday atterd his office. W N vas chie went to 10e M to prove W alne n Comsumm ntien,is w x fellow snfferers the in« David JASKSIR, dPo ces iiv. . Laad Valuators, Insursuce Agenis, Commissioners. Money to lend. Money invested for Partios. Farms bovght and sold. A general financial busin Office next door to Stai TO Is caused by torpid liver, which prevents digesâ€" tion and permits food to ferment and putrify in the stomach. Then follow dizziness, headache, insomina, nervousness, and, if not relieved, bilious fever B or blood poisoning. Hood‘s l s Pills stimulate the stomach, r‘t"lmt the lti(\"erb;ggen gemsi:fi;le, dizziness, conâ€" ion, etc. .. &5 i SHioing flls to take with Hood‘s Sarsapatiue. Loa., in sums and on tor: borrowers, _ (On first: Mo Town or Farm FProperty. rates of Interest. (Quick and lowest possible charges: * Apply to â€"~ > |_ Hoods prisin« nnd 511 Broo« gunuriis gold n purpos Barrister, Lower Town Darham Durham, Sept. 23rd ‘07. un Biliousness Durham de AiNBoo remeo \tass| HINDOO RE propucEs THE ABOVE D 93 Results in 30 days. Oures all Nervous Diseases. Failing Memory Pareais, Sleeplessness, Nightly Emisâ€" sions, etc., caused by past abusev, gives vigor and size to shrunken organs, and quickly but surely restores Lost Manhood m_oid or young. BEasily carried in vest pocket. Price $1.00 a package, Bix for $5.00 with a written guarantee to oure or money refunded. Dox‘t BUy ax lmITATIOXN, but insist on having INDAPO. _ If your druggist has not ot it, we will send it prepaid. ‘lll!(lo REMEDY CO., Proprs, Chicago, IiL. or our Agents H A call 1 €. Lofroy McCGaul CONV EY A <~C=Be, COMPANY and PRIV A‘THI And restore all parts to & normal condiâ€" tion. Ambition, life and energy are reâ€" newed, and one feels himself a man among men. Every case is treated indiâ€" viduallyâ€"no cureâ€"allâ€"hence our wonderâ€" ful success. No matter what ails you, consult us confidentially. We can furâ€" nish bank bonds to guarantee to accomâ€" plishâ€"what we claim,. *ooue s â€" 250,000 CURED KENNEDYE KERGAN Cor. Michigan Ave. and Shelby St _ DETROIT, MICH. HY We treat and cure: _ _EMISSIONS, VARICOCELE, SYPHILIS, GLEET STIRICTURE, FMPOTENCY, SECRET DRAINS, UNNATURAL DISCHARGâ€" ES, K1DNEY and BLADDER Diseases. CONSULTATION FREE. BOOKS FREE. _ If unsble_to call, write for OUESTION BLAXK for HOME MViit W sSOMETHING INTERESTING WABJ al tor Cousabttottor rehitis.aud all thro 11 A {tea w80 40 hi 4d (Quick despatch, ePR H t4 n PDLsS PW U 10 We st SU ulta MD ( y 4-h h offers the following bargains : TEASDALE FARM ; dot 30, con. 2, W.G. R. DBentinck.. Will sell this fine 10) acres for but liftle more than was paid a few years ago before Mr. Teasdale built on it a large brick dwelling which .he says cost £1000. HossacHt FaRM ; at Lamlash, about 97 acres, good building, close to Post Office, Store, Church and School. Will sel! at a great bargain or trade. Lew1= Fipz® Faram, township of Holland goul fOfm in German settlement. Wil:gell cheap or exchange. Conâ€" ta BS 100 acres, well improved. At each others throats would probably raise the prices, ®:} /n the A 100 Aorse Farm in Bentinck, pretty goed lot, at say £850 should bring #1200. ~ Who speaks first ? Hors® axp Lot at Allan Park, to be given away, comfortable dwelling, good stable. Money to loan at 5 per cert. Fire, Life and Accident Insurance, Ocean Tickets for sale. Debts collected, all business attended to quickly and promptly. JThe Jfanover Gonveyancer, wi Undertaking and Embaiming on late=t prin ciples.at reasonable rates. ‘NFHR] Yould intimate that she will continue the ‘urniture and Undertaking Business estabâ€" ished by her father in Durham in 1858 and vill endeavor to give all old and new eu«tom r® the same entire satisfaction NX# MISCE 3 Romember the gtandâ€"opposite the Murkeé Durham, Khe only dirstâ€"class Hearse in rewu PICTUEE FRAMINC A SPESIALTY Our stock is complete in all lines, and you will find the prices, vyery low in every case. Aud will be pleased to quote prices and shoew you samples at any {ime. iture of the Best Make 1. .. MIPLLER, Um. NacGiarlane NEXT BANK,. W L #*F WA TCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRNRY, SILVERWARE, MISS SHEWEL.L â€"FULL LINE Of 5# The H AYS ON HAND Aririk%sâ€"«X»<< |First Class . . . AaLve_s â€"arm For Sale . . anover Convevan TA C AF CA TYA £SNH & 4X % £NÂ¥ @rance C1; | sire Choice in Valises, Grips, Horse ‘ slankets, &c., &c. ! We do the trade in Raw Furs. Hishest The soil is first class and every acre is workable. _ Well fenced and convenâ€" ient to Chureh and Sehool. Good log house, frame bank barn, with stone stabling. ~ Three wells with pumps are on the place. or 30 Jas. Wesser, Durham ard con cleared bush. It is 6 miles from Durham and 3 miles from the Varney Station on the For farther particulars apply on the premises to The undersigned offers tor sale the teorm, sometimes known as the ‘"Gadd tarm" Normanby, being lot 15, on the 3rd con. _ It contains 100 acres about 80 cleared,. the â€" remainder â€" hardwood friend tried one bottle of y« rheumatic remedy, Pimenoli my sarprise it cured me of rh from which 1 haye suffered years, It also cured me of dyspe which I was suffering at th what I feel uow like a new m I have iried several remedic matisin, so.ne of which did m amount of good, hut noth have taken has done so much your Phrencline, and I have a sure in recommending it to We Handle everything in the Harnes line, at right prices. CALL & SEE OUD®R Phevnatisn & Dyspeosia Omad Workmanship Only by H. PARKER.Durham oud (8i aMWs 1\ 2. LEAVEN |, Jr. med) JAMES CARROLq oreman of Works. Rida., ery truly cured me of dyspeps as suffering at me 1 now like a new man, ied several renedies f. .ne of which did me a 71 St. P )7 T sn arsae s nmen. smeamem oi nanr w ian se car w nae > o n 0 SUIT YOU Â¥y HiO voltine Medwin OMlawa. Ont, ite Paid Collars, Pads sites, Whins bottle of your famous . ; Phmtenoline, umt to ed me of rhonmatisim, e suffered for many ATRICK STREQ TAwA. July 3: n Mars. Wa. Gaon, ) Prop Unsurpassed Nee noining that Rideau canal ch tor me as e much pleaâ€" to other euf. ipepsia, from the time, so Hgl ud vis in for rheuâ€" a certain Highest of 1898 Ltd %/% #he Rhiham short. Btearn‘s Bicycle for sal A bargain for purchaser, Office. a carl [‘flid!lt WWTT ANDc har at T\ HoMmE FRoM Cameron, arr Dakota, on 8: of 4 or 5 wee He thinks ver seem to be prospering. Boothville Cheese Fa shipment of Cheese this urert Marshall was im securing the cash whic about $800, The season for cheese but Boothvill make this vear than mo factories. w A Un Tns Harvest.â€"1 will see the bulk of stook or in the barn teature () ind Thursday, Augus W V t 11 MQ » NY include« Konzie Jas. K. Tuesday next is Fairda Saturday Have you been out can hanging sure Harvest Home Messrs Sparlin AC nt, On nd early pen were on mother then Toronto and } ana t ure smiths Nrs, S« Queen wlicularly Ad H« n CAMPINC edited : np @Pe wh nded to ountiy teachers‘ holid Turning to an OTG 1300 was on the boat, on "When we get done v Philippine Islands, w Canada some fine mor it and take our breal This was more than t| tand, and the reply 1 ‘the point when he ® come over and take Canada, but you‘ll tal hell." You could 1 have heard the plash the steamer after tha pré ked 1 n y WY i YOL.â€"XX. M 1% h« re as the dry ess at the exy imy of our â€" gling with ; ber and openi un were packin enarati rth LOCAL AND GE A1 ty tke in sani albraitd mad of shin stii W M nadians Man Will ha estern reach ROL W Â¥I 1 rrom D WRDIDE imil in the Ms tt wot thre LC foll the M« Snd it M at tI fu Ag Misses M chei H MeFarlar and M« 1€ W A4 Mi an old Th lebra thas LX Mortes W Bentin« A dy M Aan it * Mpod L113 urt 0 akd 13 L1 r K The f1 the Th« the M thk Th« The hi Mi B t W

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