Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 7 Jul 1898, p. 1

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(% Durham, Thurs July 7, 98. & + Ehe Durhamit Aevinaw. M Mactariane‘s Drug Store. 4 Strictly Pure El@iah' Paris Green, 20¢ a }b, at Mac#farlane‘s Drug Store, | NortuwEst ExcuRsio®s.â€"June 2% Jualy i1, July 19, by rail or boat,. For rates &¢., apply to Jas, R, Gun. G.T.R ticket agent. The best medicine you can take is that which builds a solid foundation for health in pure, rich bloodâ€"Hood‘s Sarâ€" saparilla. For the accomodation of strangers he ladies of the Methodist Church will furnish dinner in the Town Hall, Durâ€" site of an wUEICTIIE®, TTE _0 is not very creditable to t fatmers of Glenelg, and hope that more interest comuy at fature moeting Bugeprric â€" Srorxt.â€"Of eyening of last week a storm strack this district. of Mr.â€"Dan Greenwood, ~*ruck, ind some of the were played with. Elect put cut and telephone be iminagtes of Mr. MceVica “ tato Bugâ€"killer. $1 per YOL.â€"XX.. NO. 27. Pomona bhad house being Mrs, MeVicar HAap REaD AroUT IT.â€"~ tressing pair in y sidle ; troubled with severe heas blood was out rder and tion was g rain dowv what Hood‘s Sarsaparilla began taking it and afte LOCAL AND GENERAL bottles 1 was cnred.’*‘ GAx, Manning avenue., ‘ ‘Judge Morson, of Tovonteo lteky gave‘ ty t S n ancha 4o / . t " mdgement in an interesting wheatlwith relatives and friends. 11] “}mying ':fl-'(“ which came before him, Mrs, Wim. Black and Miss Black, lefti“f ‘and has decided that when a farmer sells Tueséay morning to visit friends in C a load of grain to a buyer who lo0ks At ) Toponto, Barrie, and other places, ‘ one Fag, but may it he wishes look at ; every bag in the load, it is not selling|â€" Mtrâ€" Browne of Hanover and S'hall'Pe' by sample, and the buyer cannot, after | of Holstein are P"‘_’S‘dmg at t.he Primary ! the wheat has been warehoused, claim l and other exams, in town this week. < it was not up to the bag he saw, and Mr. and Mrs. Neil Mc Kinnon of‘ refuse to give the pt ice he agreed upon. | Priceville. attended Mr. McLean‘s funerâ€" | The facts of the case were, that W»: |at also visiting his brother Allan McKin-l White, on May 5, came to Toronto : non. market with 25 bags of wheat and sold qs s ‘ the load to P. McIntosah & Sons, at 381.02‘ M}c{;:;a;:::: ;1“1‘:: ;}I;;;‘i:‘:;::z;gnh{;; yet bushet, the ,‘"3"” judging of the (gaturday morning for Muskoka to spend\ quality by examining one bag. â€" After ) the summer there. . the wheat was warehoused,. the buyers| & § ‘ J claimed that. the load was inferior to Mr. Boddy spent the 1st at home in x{?theumple. and offered to pay only 80e Owen Sox_md and on his return was _ per bushel, Mr. White then entered M;omg;\lnlggtl)‘y.his‘ ”'St:f" Miss Boddy. “ult. to recover $52.2%, _ Mr. Sydney\w o will visit him for a time, % Greene appeared for the plaintiff and _ Miss Jessie Johnston, who has, been Mr., George Kerr for the defendants. | teaching in Muskoka, came home for Judgment was given to the pldntifi‘the holidays Monday. Weare all pleasâ€" CE o nTe Â¥ ~ _‘ od to see her pleasant face again, Greene nppeared Mr, George Kerr Judgment was 8 with costs. der shall 3 and al )ers. _ _ c r W com of sen + office. y time and la 1 be relieved inely, was something of & » divectors were present and mapers, {e., but the requiâ€" lc« was Iackimng. This rlephone bells rang. The Ir; McVicar‘s home near thrilling experiences, the struck in several places having a narrow escape. Amowut It.â€"*"I had a disâ€" in my side and was also h severe headaches. My t of brder and my constituâ€" n down. ading s Sarsaparilla done 1 g it and aft using two as cured.? May FuaxX®t: «» avenue. Toronto, Ontario. » all liver ilDs. Hood & Co., On â€" Wednesday i wild lightning t. Theresidence d, Edgehill, was » telephone poles ctric lights were is 1) lbs at roceeds Mailed Lo well, 1 DorxocH,.â€"A fine M ably held over. We ‘ ment will be held" in t on Sunday next. 'Temple Hill, and MeL will take preparatory and Saturday next. ExprAavor..â€"A most successful conâ€". ° NHMBS vention was held in Priceville yestet day York, is h (Tuesday.) Particulars next week. and visite ProxEE®R®s.â€"The Sun, Toronto, is pubâ€" | _ Mr. and lishing Wiographical sketches of Ontario \Mlatter a % pioneers, and last week contained an i Gillivray interesting sketch of Mr. A. Livingstone l aunt‘s Mr near Allan Park, recounting early hardâ€" | _ yfp, and «hins and bush exneriences. | ansswa vury $ nc aummiad" Miss Bell McKenzie is | Bramnton. Herbert Gray is home the old farm. Mr. Masson, Owen & town on the 1st. Mr. Campbell I. P. S. attending the exams. Miss May Saunders, 0f is hohdaying in Paisley. l Mr. Perey Elliott, visiting relatives in tOWH. \ 10 Miss Mary Bull, Orangeville, is spendâ€" | C ing the holidays at home. | §‘ Mrs. J. . Hunter and Miss Blanche| i“ returned home on Monday. 1;1 m Mr. Val, Kirchner, Hanover. nttend-!h ed the races here on the 1st. \ g Mr. Tom Storrey, Chatsworth, visir,-!N- ed friends in town last week. 10 | > Mr. Norman McRae, Markdale, is \ spending his holidays at home. Mr. Beatty, Wingham, was the guest\ of Mr. Wim. Black, on the 1st. } Miss Jessie Blackburn, :ant)f’pl’d is k & spending her holidays at home. & Miss L. Turner, Tiverton the guest ll of her sister, Mrs. T. A. vis. 1 | _ Mr,. Manley Squire, Owen Sound, was ' | in town for the races on the Ist, \| 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Clark, Aberdeen. | : visited Saugeen friends last week. { 5 Mr. Douglas of Minto, was one of t.hel| . | visitors in Darham Dominion Day. | Miss Lizzie Aunderson left S. .E_\;.-.fiu/y' y | morning to visit friends in Hamilton. “ a | â€" Miss Eveleigh of Owen Sound is visitâ€" e | ing her school friend Miss Maggie Weir. "| Mr. Joe, Scott, Owen Sound, is the +s . guest of his uncle, Mr,. 8. Scott, Durham. e ie| â€" Miss Bessie Kinnel, teacher near Dunâ€" 3 w 5s arafatme en the eX this Wweek. dalk, Mr. Joe. Scott, UW uest of his uncle, Mr.# Miss Bessie Kinnel, t lalk. is writing on the Mr. Alex. Toroato, and duties. aAfr. Jas. Cameron and Holstein, visited friends i the 1st. nding his holidays d&L 1127!!7°+ I tr. Beatty, Wingham, was the gnest,‘ John McLean, of Bentinck, died on #ecmmusmen t "" Ac Mr. Win. Black, on the 1st. | Tuesday the 28th ult. _ Although Mr. _ Results of Promotion Examinations | oo c . £ ,_| McLean‘s illness â€" had continued â€"for in Durham Public School. The names Miss Jessie Blackburn, ‘Brantfotd is | several weeks, and those constantly in , are avranged in order of mervit. »â€"nding her holidays at home. f '.at.t.endance upon him began ‘Od ?t‘*"' From Jr. IV to Sr, IV.â€"Reggy Kelly, V Miss L. Turner, Tiverton, wethe g“,,.t,‘!"’“‘y days z‘tgolthat; the fl’“df‘;'“.‘s dl't;-v-- Shirley _ McIntyre, _ Mable: Cameron, nematerey Mre. T. A H“{.’ lllgion, )'et'llllslar";y “f"‘e"‘”fl“ S':ll Jessie Laidlaw, Otto Knapp, Maggie her sister, Mrs. T. A. Haétts. k:nl;:-p:ie;;la:(‘l pl’(e)tf‘(l):llug re:g‘:et( eath with f\iut.wli.“\\/'m. Brol\{vx{. J‘!sfiie Robertson, i r Serart res® pas | i‘ ggie Lawrence, Robert Hughes, Aunnie Mr, Manley 5qn|rer Owen 1‘_mnd’ wSs ‘3 Mr. McLean was a native of the famâ€" Colyille, Mary Renton. Kate Camercn, town for the races on the Ist, | ous island of Mull, immortalized by one | John MeFarlane, ; Mr. and Mrs. John Clark, Aberdeen. , of her local bards Dugald McPhail :â€" _ _©_ From 8r. U to Jr. IV.â€"Maud Irwin, ited Sangeen friends last week | "O ! says the poet, "‘the [sland of Mull ; Nellie Watt, Mary Vollet, Susie Mceâ€" sited Sangeen friends last WeeR. | is an isle of delight 1 4 ’g{nglkli.:]l, :i race Bnl'f_laly. Ethel Slihhley. â€" Trouglas Mi ras t it | With the wave on the shore, and the 1 ie Johnston, Edith Grant, Clarance .‘\-h sA s ur_z]as T e c ore C vf: ”}l;,) ”t w sun on the height, \Willis, George Burnet, Jas, Williams, ‘ isitors in Darham Dominion P47« !â€"With the breeze on the hbills and the Thos. McClocklin, Mary Ferguson, Edith | / iss Lizzie Auderson left SA00 Jm/y“ "* slast on the Bens, Lloyd, Duncan McKenzie, Nora Kua{)p. ctert fviends. in Haunit |\ And the old green woods. and the old | Allie Gun, Melvilie Storrey, Ida Mcâ€"| yorning to visit friends. in RHamiitOR. . | grassy glens. \Creary, Vina Kress, Roseua Nester, ( Miss Eveleigh of Owen Sound is visitâ€" ‘ Bright joys of my youth, ye are gone From Jr. L to Sr. 1II.â€"Floreuce | | ag her school friend Miss Maggie Weir. | “%&(.J(u)fi:,.:,m"’) youts _y€ Sus -Sz&gu.del:s._ Mary Sh,;LR),_ Edson Wolfe, Mr. Joe. Kcot -0 ren Sound -l,th(,\:leehuhhles that burst on the breast w illie Elliot, George Reid, Clara Aljoe, Mr, Jde, Sco t, Owen : 1 18 i of the stream. Tena Nester. ‘Ma'ry McOrnme, ‘Myrll(- mest of his uncle, Mr,. S. Scott, Durhant | But my blessing. fair Mull, shall be conâ€" Yibley, John Colville. Alister Gordon, Miss Bessie Kinnel, teacher near Banâ€"| stant with thee, ',"\'.“1“]“' Withams and Mary McKay eq. Miss Bessie Kinnel, teacher neal ‘"~ | And thy green mantled Bens with their Wanetta stover, Bella Cameron, Willie lalk, is writing on the exam. this week. | roots in the sea." | MCl“LE" May McDonald, Murry Smith, Mr. Alex. Crawford is home from | Mull in common with _the whole : %fi?;:et ::‘*(;;l".\lElllll(:i:').:l‘cl?\'i)\]'l f«l:;ld 111{‘;{]? Rasevsad 'l All be resuming his old | of the Western islands and Highlands | fjfJjp H'\l\.':'l;< # ®* 9°* Forpato, aint. WIL ; CE resuming S of Scotland saw her sons, the lineal|"* . T To trel o duties. \ descendents of the brave men who| _F l"“l\l[‘_ Sr. ”(!A) Jr. ”l.â€"\_\}'\ill'll‘elhall'lllll- | ifr. Jas. Cameron and Mr, Zedslie, | fougnt ab Badajos and_ Waterloo com.| ers,, Minnie Cameron, VY NC wyelle, | '\t'.' fl ts xt ”_l;(;“).“ 3"? ‘ll) l‘\“ it :el lpelled to leaye their homes to make | Arthur Allan, | Maggie Grant, Annie Holstein, visited friends in UuUI ram ”1\\'ay fof sheep farms and hunting | MeCreary, Annie McKay, l\l;\ggw'l\l_c- the 1st. | grounds for the _ London millionaire, g;“"““e “l‘l‘d .J”h\'l' ((,”."'y e ll-v ;}ilhl“‘ c â€" ‘ag ame s Saturday | Wise® counsels ;have ruled for many )\ rarpe, ugh . MetQrie _anc 108. hire, '.D.' ..('uul (jmvu hi’)"," A .:t“'“_l o lyears and the cottages and farms ax-e“ffll‘t'lil}' t‘(k. Annie saunders, _ Lioyd from yisiting her son Dr. Arthir in | again occupied by a thriving population, | Be&AUN, «dS, . Varmington, Oliver Hunter, Woodstock. | but the policy of expatriation A had léildlke‘x\lllhgun. lilfizh -\es\t;'r] lmtld I‘)]m;y 6 P t py: im "Phgh ._| wrought untold mischief, not ouly in | DIACK jurn e(« arry â€" Vollet, John .\llaf .\l(,Dun.l.ld,'l(.t(,hel‘ 'm I‘m()m;u, ls‘ l scattering an industrious and exemplary | F‘ergus:on, \\’m. Dm-}\y, James Mcâ€" spending her holidays with her sister Feu'\’k’ but in draining away the real‘\(fh'ckllll- Mis, Campbell. life blood of those who remained behind. ‘ FromlJr. II to Sr. ll.â€"-.\lm?' Munio, tus« Kinge. ‘TOr Jw AH8TOH <\â€" Phe policy of expatriation had given | Karl C iffe, Charles Moore, Alice Ramâ€" L Miss King, Foronta, lt “b“:\';." h;r,;‘plux * 4o the new order of things ulmuc‘plt_fe. Stella Jack, Frank Becker, Emma sister, Mrs. Jas, R. Gun and [Miss: M lt,hé%me John McLean was born. _ This| HATYCY: Bessie Wall, Evered McK mnon, (Gun at present. | wasin 1823, in Knocknafinaig. Ross ‘%{Ql‘m Wall, firthil)r Kn}i‘i}ey al“I%'lJ‘me y t Cir: h Mull; Argyleshire, The tide of emigraâ€"| A!imet 6(â€", ay Dean, Edward hilmer, .\lr: l.{“ht' Voilet, of }?“d%h'):d; spen‘;. \ on stilf continued, and in 1848 the | John MC]&"“O“- Dominion Day with his parents &N '\M(%‘e&n family crossed the Atlantic and | _ From S8v. Pt. II to Jr. IL.â€"Frossard took in the races. 1 :i: led in t,he;l Tp. of Y‘“fh““f' BJ ust | Ben(lltonvlfi(;len Braithwaite, Jean Crawâ€" s . Stev s is ter | then this northern peninsula 0 ruce | ford, jida â€" McLachlan, â€" Rita Irwin, .Reh 4* Ste\e.n.s‘l \VIU‘I‘ ‘l.lt“ {dfl '“g: a:‘and Grey. familiarly known as the | Carman Aljo, Alister Saunders, Frank Miss Mable, of Paisley, visiteo at ©\.Queen‘s bush, was being_rapidly taken | Murdock,_ Myrtle McDonald, _ Harry Brown‘s this week. * i n,p;utn‘d tll;it,her 1tél(‘1e Msichle‘,Ians tr:u:{led L;\.lvclle, JJewil Little, Florence Everitt, is 2olls Ajland finally settled on the omestead in | Christina Jackson, Hazel Caldwoll, John Mr. and l\lrs..l-(gnnetll A\I‘C[]?E“z'e, ?t'Bentinck. now occupied by the youngâ€" Durlin%“Annie Daniel, Eva Campbell, Hamilton, are visiting Mrs, Mchenzies ! est number of the family, Neil McLean. | Essie idlaw, â€" Beatrice McOCracken, niece, Mrs. Milligan. \ _ The family conlist,edl_of foul\li dafign- Winnie Lauder, Miss Edith McKenzie, who has s nt | ters, all of whom are living," UTS, all, | _ Jr, A. to 8r. Pt. II.â€"John Nediger |a f:w months â€" with _ her l)ro‘::\el" Mrs. McPhal, Mrs. Hugh McCormack Archie Davidson, Fred Smith, Js)ht; E: o ) ‘\and Mrs, McKinnon. and four sons, McLean, Adeline Dean, Pearl Warner in Buffalo is home again. ‘lb)ional;i' w‘llm dledh'lsmfli‘l: )t']earsm a.go§ Cm‘illBl“({,Wlll, LEva Ferguson, _ Nellic @ + 4 e | Malcolm who wortht s the office of | Smith. illie Lawrence, George Lloy( |_ Dr, Smith of Dornoch has gone t9 | Post master in \Va.lfvmrton, Neil who | Harry Grasby, Flint Hind, Fiank Mc _ Montreal to take a course in the hospitâ€" | lives on the old homestead, and the subâ€" | Kay, _Albert MceClocklin, Ada Limin â€"| als of that city for a time. | ject of this notice who took up the farm | Allan Robertson, Athol Gordon, Alfre feg We \ Fit io B | adjoining the homestead. > MceClocklin. Miss Wanetta Firth went to Brant:| The deceased was married in 1852 to| _ Jr. B qart II to Jr. A part II.â€"Isla; » ) ford, Wednesday, to spend the holidays | a dnnfihter of the late Hugh Fletcher. | Campbell, Marion Gun, Charlie Ramage mlwith relatives and friends. ;M.rs. cLean, a most estimable person Kate Nester, Russel Currie, â€" Berti | pPeayeth ‘A“i(‘hed“eyer twenty years ago, leaying A Caldwell, Pearl Burnet. f P79 "2‘ / Ctinas Aunchtars and three Sr T to Jr part II flB)â€"Edfih Allat Miss King, Toronto, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Jas. R. Gun and Miss M: (Gun at present. Mr. Robt. Vollet, of istratiord, Spen® Dominion Day with his parents and took in the races. x: Rev, Mr. Stevens with his dAlaughter Miss Mable. of Paisley, visited at Chas. Brown‘s this week. / PERSONAL MENTION. Rev, Chas. and Mrs. Cameron, Mrs McLean and Miss Maggie Cameron left Saturday morning for Muskoka to spend the summer there. A fine budget unavoidâ€" _ _~We note that Sacraâ€" eld"in the Pres. Church ext. Rey‘s McLaren, ind McDonald, Glammis, naratory services Friday s in town. Owen Sound, was home holidaying uire, Owen Sound, was aces on the Ist. John Clark, Aberdeen. viends last week. of Hunter‘s store | visiting friends Chatsworth, is 18 in Meaford unavoidâ€" Day. 13 stim &(y | amilton. X nd is visnt-\ rgie Weir. | ind, is the\ . Durham, \ near Dunâ€"| this week. | ome from\ Qutrhd in Miss Gertie Lauder, Albany, New York, is home on a visit to her parents and visited Walkerton friends as well, Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner, Toronto, the latter a Uaughter of Mr. Malcolm Mceâ€" Gillivray of Glenelg are visiting at her aunt‘s Mrs. Jas. Webber of town. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cliff, Inglewood aaâ€"â€"a in Saturday to «nend a few weeks round heré, and at the home of Mrs. Cliff‘s father Mr. W, Darcy, (GGilenelg. Miss Annie Weir is leaying for Tara Monday to take a position on the Tara Leader for a fime. Mr. Hammond will secure a steady relable helper in Miss Weir. Mr. R. McFarlane Sr. went to Tilsonâ€" burg last week to attend the funeral of his sisterâ€"inâ€"law Mrs, Leighton, mother of Mr. W. A, Leighton, formerly of ‘7th. t THE LATE JOHN McLEAN. DURHAM. THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1898 of ic affairs Mr. McLean took an erest not: indeed in the adâ€" on of the law, for although a _the Peace for oyer 25 years t aware that he has oceupied very frequently. But, in the £ the laws Mr. McLean was C is the saying goes of gll tlha.t. NTA of the late Hugh Fletcher, n, a most estimable person vrenty years ago, leayving aA three daughters and three TORONTO Those who complained of inaction will now be satisfied, Both by land and sea the Americans have been victorious, but at tearful cost by land. |\ _ And yet Spain fights on with admirâ€" |able courage, and hopeless outlook, : but a peace feeling is growing and ‘the end of this war canuot be long de ;layed, though others may yery casily spring from it. The Yankee navy is no longer & plaything to make jokes over, and it will be stronger before it is weaker. The reinforcements have arrived at Manilla and Dewey has still the whip hand of affairs. The Ladrone Islands were captured June 22, and an Amerâ€" ican governor left in charge. Results of Promotion Examinations 1 in Durham Public School. The names are avranged in order of merit, From Jr. IV to Sr, IV.â€"Reggy Kelly, Shirley _ Melntyre, Mable Cameron, Jessie Laidlaw, Otto Knapp, Maggie Hutton, Wm. Brown, Jessie Robertson, Aggie Lawrence, Robert Hughes, Aunie Colyillee Mary Renton. Kate Camercn, John MeFarlane, 4 _ From Sr. U to Jr. IV.â€"Maud Irwin, Nellie Watt, Mary _\'nllg!,‘ Snsie‘ ‘Mc- From Jr. L to Sr. IHM.â€"Floreuce Saunders, Mary Sharp, Edson Wolfe, Willie Elliot, George l'K:ld. Clara Aljoe, Tena Nester. Mary McCOme, Myrtle Yibley, John Colville, Alister Gordon, | Andrew Wilhams and Mary McKay eq. | Wanetta Stover, Bella Cameron, Willie \McKay, May McDonald, Murry Smith, Rena i“agnn. Ino Davidson and Harry \Burnet eq., Mamie McKay, Fred Kelly, |\ Millie Havens, _ From Sr. II to Jr. IM.â€"Wiltie Saundâ€" |\ ers, Minnie Cameron, Willie Lavyelle, £;'\rth\u- Allan, â€"Maggie Grant, Annie | McCreary, Aunie McKay, Maggie Mcâ€" Farlane â€"and John Grey eq. Sadie Sharpe, _ Hugh McCrie â€"and â€" Thos., Barclay eq.,_ Annie Saunders, Lioyd \ Bean, }us. \Vau'mingt,on. Oliver Hunter, Eddie Milligan, l{l;fh Nester and Daisy \ Blackburn eq. arri' Vollet, John | Ferguson, Wim. Darby, James Mcâ€" 4 (‘,lockliu. From Jr. II to Sr. I,.â€"Mary Munio, Karl Cliffe, Charles Moore, A?i'ce Ramâ€" age, Stella Jack, Frank Becker, Emma lfu.rvey, Bessie Wall, Evered McK mnon. John Wall, Arthur Knisley and Jane Kilmer eq., May Dean, Edward Kilmer, LOPCGy V PUmV â€" MMRSTOOWITCCIT TY Carman Aljo, Alister Saunders, Frank Murdock, _ Myrtle McDonald, â€" Harry Layelle, Jewel Little, Florence Everitt, Christina Jackson, Hazel Caldwoll, John I)urlin% Annie Daniel, Eva Campbell, Essie Laidlaw, â€" Beatrice MceCracken, Winnie Lauder, Jr. A. to Sr. Pt. IH.â€"John Nediger, Archie Davidson, Fred Smith,â€" Johnâ€" McLean, Adeline Dean, Pearl Warner, Carl Brown, _Eva Ferguson, Nellie Smith. Willie Lawrence, George Llo d Harry Grasby, Flint Hind, Fiank ;\K:- Kay, _Albert McClocklin, Ada Limin, Allan Robertson, Athol Gordon, Alfred McClocklin. Jr. B qn.rt II to Jr. A part II.â€"Islay Campbell, Marion Gun, Charlie Ramage, Kate Nester, Russel Currie, Bertie Caldwell, Pearl Burnet. SrI to Jr Emrt II (B)â€"Edith Allan, Effie Hunter, Charlie Vellet, Flora Mcâ€" Kinnon, Clarkson McCaul, Lizzie Kinnie Willie Campbell, Bessie '{‘elford,_r Beaâ€" Promotion Examinations. F zed in order of merit, . TV to Sr, IV.â€"Reggy Kelly, MclIntyre, Mable Cameron, idlaw, Otto Knapp, Maggie Wm. Brown, Jessie Robertson, wrence, Robert Hughes, Annie Mary Renton. Kate Cameron, THE WAR. rmington, Oliver Hunter, , Hugh Nester and Daisy ++ Harr?' Vollet, John im. Darby, James Mcâ€" RevigW.~ _ " _ We beg to inform our Customâ€" f ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash system, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be "Large Sales & Small Profits." We take this opportunity of thanking our customres for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system will meris a continnance of the same. â€"eThe CASH «â€"â€" 5 y s t e :m ADOPTED BY ' _â€"C. & J. McKechnie. DDurh:am. Purest tones. uen mrenitthies necemmmnsempmatitere [‘ Do you want a Sewing Machine? T? the_New Williams.â€"â€" Highest Jmce paid for Wood E in exchange for goods. C. McKINNON. CGutters UPPE R LACE CURTATLN®S. Fancy Pigured LC*""* .0 blanek onl 1 Dowble Fold Cashmere, (in black only) 12e a yard, Challies in dark colors, 6¢ @ yard. Our Prints are guaranteed Jast colors, .__ Large White Counterpanes, worth $1,50 1fur 81.â€"Lurgc white, all linnen table covers. dborth £1.75 [for $1.40.â€"Table Oil Clo hs im whité and colors, 45in wide, 25¢ a yC ‘â€"Men‘s Top Shirts from Je up.â€" See our Ladies‘ O.(rlford Shoes before buying, they cannot be beat,â€" Best Ladies Shoe dressing, 10 and 206 a bottle regular 15 and 25¢.â€" 21 only, Crystal Table Setts at 25¢ «t sett, Sin Im., Out Glass Fruit Bowls, 20c each, Nappies to match 60¢ a dozen.â€"Whips at all prices, a owls, 20¢ eachs s»APPK® / > Coulon Tea at 25¢, 30c and 40c a h. k oo o ons s sn w ce P 40 Ik Bowls, 20¢ g(wh. Nappies to match 60¢ a dozen.â€" good rawhide at 5Ucâ€"Salada Ceylon Tea at 25 VPPER TOWN DURHAM 21 yards Long, 8} At prices that UPPER TOWN IMPLEMENT WAREROOMS. Our Piano and Organ trade 18 y established. Best makes. THE BIG 4. DRESS GOODS. A usg. Ith.* BEAN _ McKINNONS. AAA& 28 inches wide, 38, ; * A o 4‘) 4 ** 50 64 «4 a Tyown pURHAM... G. & J. McKECHNIE. of all kinds, COOKING STOVE»Ss, HEATING STOVES, BOX sSTOVES will surprise. Cutters and Sleig quality and â€" at down. NHOLE NO. 10.60 , 406 a pauw. ('w +4 f 25G. . «+ ‘1.0’) 4 ighs of the best at prices away . #he a yard. 36 & 50¢ a yd. ) 13¢ a yard. t 4 %* KEA «> 1 wit

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