Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 7 Jul 1898, p. 9

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‘! | z f | t @€ ># €D @6 0 Council met June 27th. Walter Hastie ‘ subscribed to the required declarations and took his seat as Councillior. Minutes of previous meeting approved. Hunaterâ€"Melonisâ€"Thatithe clerk notity the Township engineer to attend to P. Mutch‘s case before July 12th, Carried, Mclnnisâ€"MeQueenâ€"That Wm. Fettes jr., be appointed Pathmaster ‘ in Division 5, «on. 13 and 14. Carried. Coun. McQueen reported that he let the repairing of the approach to the bridge, on townline near Cedarville to Arch‘d Mcâ€" Eachern for $1.45 Egt‘s. share 73¢., work completed, payment rec‘d. Hunterâ€"Hastieâ€"That foregoing report be adopted, order granted, Carried. Hastieâ€"Hunterâ€"That Jas. Laughton be paid 82 balance on culvert for 1897. Carried. CASH FOR PRODUCE Melonnsâ€"Hastieâ€"That the following persons be exempt from Statute Labor viz :â€"J. Coss. G. Cleyer, Miss Spencer, and Mrs. Amos. Carried. MeQneenâ€"-Hntie-â€"Thn the account of the late Dr. Brown be not entertained. Buy a barrel or a halfâ€"barrel from us at once. We have a carload of John Redpath‘s..... Buy no other as it is the best..... We sell it at lowest prices..... All our best customers are buying..... You save from 30 to 40 pounds on a barrel. Drink Kolona Ceylon ‘Tea.... The Model Store of Durkam EGREMONT COUNCIL.Z HEN WE GIVE YOU A PRICE ONX PRODUCE WE MEAN A CASH PRICE....... It is an easy matter to pay a higher price in goods than we offer in Cash, because the Merchant simply takes it out of you in the price of the goods..... Buy for Cash and Sell for Cash _..... We have always advised our customers to adopt this plan, knowing as we do that it is the only proper way..... ‘Take our good hard money for your produce and then buy your goods whereâ€" ever you get the best valueâ€"not forgetting to look through our stock when you are here......... The American war has caused a heavy advance in the price of Binder Twine and many other articles. J. A. HUNTER... Sugar is Sure to go Higher. and the clerk be instructed to write to the administrator to that effect. Carried. D. HTunter reported that he bad built a bridge on 10th sideroad between 8th and 9th cons., 18 ft. wide, 14 ft. long, and 8 ft. high, also filling approach and cleaning watercourse, costing $9.90. S. Peckover contractor, payment received. Hastieâ€"McQueenâ€"That foregomg reâ€" port be adopted, order granted. _ Carried. Hunterâ€"McQueenâ€"That Byâ€"law no 100 \ with the names of the following persons | as road Commussioners and divisions are as follows :â€"The Reeve, the old survey including the Base line ; McQueeu the: whole of cons. 4,5, 6 and cons. 7 and 8 from lot 14 East ; Hunter the balance of cons. 7 and 8 and cons, 9, 10, 11, 12, ; Meâ€" iIunis cous. 13, 14, 15, 16 and cons. 17 and I18 from lot 15 East; Hastie all the reâ€" maining territory to the. Northâ€"Each l Commissiorer to expend $7C. Carried, Hastieâ€"McQueenâ€"That the clerk be instructed to have 100 blank forms for road jobs printed for use of comr‘s, Carmed. McQueenâ€"Hanterâ€"That the Reeve be authorized to meet the Reeve of Normanâ€" by to inspect the gravel road at the long s vamp. Date of meeting to be appointed by reeve of Normanby, and to report at next meeting of Council, Carmed. tJessrs Wim. Fettes and J. Calder solicitâ€" , ed aid to improve the road at lot 22 and | 23 con. 14. b Hunterâ€"Hastieâ€"That the comr‘s instructed to repair said road as soor possible. Carl Messrs Roberts and Dyce waited on lCouucil re repairing Proton townline. McQueenâ€"MeIonisâ€"That Depâ€"reeve |"~""_. ___ Hunter communicate with Proton comr.| e uow h | ed by aud have the townline repaired between 1907) i cons. 10 and 11 Eg‘t. and Proton. Carried \ among Frank McCullough addressed the Counâ€" ‘n 1reeves cil re culvert Egremont and Arthur townâ€" : couuty line near Conn. i > oue Hastieâ€"Hunterâ€"That coun. McQueen examine said locality and report at next session. Carried. Messrs McMeeken, Mmilue, Dundas, Switzer, McDougall and others solicited aid toward road improvements, Mclnuisâ€"McQueenâ€"That the several reoad Compussioners atten d to the repairs necessary in each case. Carried. Hunterâ€"Melnnisâ€"That Jas, Crawford | be paid $6,25 for one road seraper.â€"~| Melnnisâ€"Hastieâ€"That Mr. ] examine the bridge at lot 18, con. €C>0#230 TORONTO Lower Town 02230 comr‘s be Carried and report at next sess10u, EER C CECCT The reeve aud treasurer as a';puiuted' reported that they doubted if the Lieutenâ€" ‘ laut Governor bad the power to graut their lraqutst; therefore the pctition was forâ€" ‘ warded. and the reply came, ©That he had \no authority to grant the prayEY of said petition." McInulsâ€"â€"McQueenâ€"â€"That the treas. | and reeve enter into correspondence with | the Guelph and Out. Land I. Rociety 1° ‘ | purchasing some of our Nailway Debenâ€" tures and report at next meeting. Carried ) ,‘ Byâ€"law No. 103 to provide for and ob | tain gravel and other matevial for repairâ€" \mg or constructing roads, passed the usual ' 'readiug-', was signed, sealed and ordered ® ~ +o m..«~ Book. Carried. | Byâ€"law No. 108 to provilae | tain gravel and other materi \mg or constructing roads, P# | readings, Was signed, sealed Dundas, | Council adjourned at 4.30 p. m. till 8 soliciteq . o‘clock Saturday morning. sATURDAY MORNING. ; several! Council met on Saturday morning at > repairs | 8 o‘clock, the members being all present,. Carriea, | Bylaws Nos. 546, 547, 548 and 549 were | severally read a third time. passed and Crawford | gioned by the warden and clel:l:s and orâ€" Cr&PEr+~~ | dered to be engrossed in the bylaw book. \ The clerk was allowed $10 for his disâ€" McQueen | bursements in coasequence of the session â€" 5 and 6| being held in Meaford. to be engrurseaq i1 M *AeSY B4 F0 uXl Coun. McQueen reported that the bridge on the 5th and 6th con. known as Drewâ€" rey‘s is in a very dangerous stats, and reâ€" commended immediate action to be taken to have it repaired. Melonoisâ€"Hunterâ€"That Mr. McQueen build a solid approach atb the east end of the Drewrey bridge. Carried, Resoived that the following accouuts be paid :â€"MeLachian estate gravel 41 60 ; H. Donald do $4 08 ; A. McEachern do §3 00 ; C. Robb plank 500. ; Quentin Petâ€" tigrew gravel 82 40 ; J. McDonald do $8â€" 13 ; W, Cowan do §8 54; J. Eecles do $1 93 ; D. Sim do $4 83 ; do timber and Icoveriug §1 50; A, Bogle gravel %2 00 ; | W. Adams do $4 33 ; I. Queen do $5 06 ; ‘l Muni‘l World Voters‘ List Book 54¢, ;J. A | Lambert Proclamation Bills $1 50 ; cleck | posting Prociawmation Bills $2 50; Reeve | distributing pathmasters schedules $2 00 ; | 2st Dep. do #2. ; 2ud Dep,. do $2 ; clerk = do $1, ; clerk telegram 82¢. ; clerk‘s quarâ€" | ter‘s salary $85 ; do postage and stationâ€" | ary lor 6 months $3 75 ; og| Mr. Bishop moved seconded by Mr. ed | Quance that the warden and clerk be at | and are hereby authorized and required »g,| to take the necessary steps to procure . _ ) an expression of the will of the electors ’“'lof this county at the County Council nd | elections to be held in January next, as | to whether or not they are willing that be | a home for the aged and infirm requirâ€" as | ing public maintenance should be estabâ€" e4, | lished within this county.â€"Carried, the| Moved by Mr. McColman, seconded | by Mr. Quance, that the clerk be instruâ€". 1 + \ eve | ctecf to have printed three thousand mr copies of tabulated statement (presentâ€" en | ed by him at the November session, * , | 1897) in sheet form for distribution ried \among the various councillors and ounâ€"|reeves of each imunicipality of the Mcluaaisâ€" Hastieâ€"That imeet on July 25th for ge Carried. FRIDAY AFTERNOON. Council again met at 3 o‘clock, all the members being present. Mr. McDonald presented report No. 2 of County Property committee. It recommended the payment of the wood account for the South Grey Registry officeâ€"â€"presented just before adjournâ€" ment ; also the confirming of some accounts paid by order of the chairman in the finterval between the January and June sessions such as wood supply hy Telford & Co., $112.51 ; ice supply by Jas. Kanary, $20; flushing Bay st. sewer by the town $5. It intimated that the county property committee had inspected the goal before starting for Meaford, and that the committee had found eyerything in cleanly and orderly ‘conditinn. "the inmates being 13 in number of whom 10 were men and 3 )wnmen. classified as follows :â€"2 crimâ€" inal, 5 insane, and 6 indigent. The inâ€" I sane are being removed to Provincial 5institm,iuns as quickly as room can be found for them. Mr,. Sing presented Report No. 2 of Printing committee which recommendâ€" the payment of a number of printing accounts amounting to $92.97. Messrs, Sing, Bishop and McDonald | were appointed the new standing comâ€" f mittee as provided for in bylaw No. 5§40, re the auditing of accounts,. Mr. Sing was elected chairman of this committee. Mr. Gordon movyed seconded by Mr. Brown, that in pursuance of a notice of motion given by the mover at the January session of this council, re the aiding and maintaining of leading roads I by the county, and that for the purpose of devising a fair and equitable scheme this resolution be referred to the Koad and Bridge committee to report thereon ; at the next session of this council.â€" lCarried. â€"}: couuty.â€"Carried. ‘z One day‘s pay and mileage was allowâ€" n ‘ ed to the members of the special comâ€" t | mittee appointed to report on the purâ€" 1.‘ chase of gaol supplies. CcoUNnTyY CoUNCIL. ho 10 M ad D. Aurax, clerk,. S t we ajjourn to renerali Lusiness. Like billousness, dyspepsia, headache, consth pation, sour stomach, indigestion are promptly gured by Hoo#d‘s Pills. They do their work Hoods their hbhearty appreciation of the very | kind reception and generous rospitaiity | extended to them on their first session ‘ held in Meaford, and to assure them | that their kindness will not only be a | pleasant inemory but will create a.i warmer interest in the council in all | that pertains to the advancement, welâ€" fare and prosperity of this beautiful town and its people.â€"Carried, On motion the council adjourned till the zIst fof November, to meet in Owen Sound at 7 p. m. The council joined in singing "God Save the Queen, " after which the wardâ€" en left vhe chair and this very interesting session of county council came to a close. Rev. ur, Magwo« winister | presche« pastor on Sabbath gregation. vr. and xmrs. Frauk G cen Vassar, mich., returned home of m CC vr. and xrs. PFrank G eenough, _ of Vassar, mich., returned home ou Tuaeâ€"lay after spevding a tew weeks woth ars. Greenough‘s parente rr. ana Mrs. David Cameron. Miss Fairburo spent Monday wilth aftso vary Main. atrs. Allan Horsburgh is at preseut visiting her brother in Wiarton. xrs. Arch, Vance of amoorsburg is visitâ€" ing hber danghter axrs. Win. Main. Mies Tena main who has been visiting in Guelpb, Galt and other places returned home on mouday. it 4 110 ofi 3. L (Bchid dotiomah aiittâ€" dn Durham soOMETHING INTERESTING. WHY go to Mt Forest or Durham to get your Watches Clocks, Kings £nd Jewelery reâ€" paired, which cau be done chenper and e(vmll as good, if not better, at the Holsteia V stcg Emporium _ A large stock arrived thi: week, com prising the latest movements in watches in God, _| and Silver cases, alarm and ornamental Clock]s Brooches to no fend. Ledies‘ and gent‘s watch | guards fancy and cheap. _A choice selection | of | gold and diamond rings suitable for wodding purposes, which will be sol? at a swall percentâ€" | | age aboye cost ).)l'icofi. No trouble to show goods. A call from the ‘many solicited. The sign first 7 TT T LE Asnesmarrial Hotel. THE GREAT "~Nuuks" _ VC SEV HINDOO REMEDY \@&r./g§ (C/f PRODUCES THE ABOVE Results in 30 days. Cures all Nervous Diseases. Failing Memory Paresis, Sleeplessness, Nightly Emisâ€" sions, ete., caused by past abuses, gives vigor and size to shrunken ou‘-nn und quickly but surely restores Lost Manhood in _old or young. FRasily carried in vest pocket. Price $1.00 a package, Bix for $5.00 with a written guarantee to cure 0P money refunded. Dox‘t BUY AM IMITATION, but insist on having TINDAPO. If your druggist has not got it, we will wend it _prepaid. re_will sond 4t _PIEPM®TG Gase, 111. or our Agontte DauVi[]. J&GkSUn, Jru Clerk Div. U Land V aluators, Insurance Agents, Commissioners. Money to lend. Money invested for Parties. Farms bought and sold. An#hee OB METINTCLA ie ml}" we will send it prepa 00 BEMEDY C0., Propre, A general financial business transacted Office next door to Staudard Bank Durham paired, WnICH UEN 70 U C C0+ the Holste as good, if not better, at the Holsteia Watch Emporium _ A large stock arrived thi : week, com prising the latest movements in watches in God, and Silver cases, slarm and ornamental Clockls Brooches to no fend. Ledies‘ and gent‘s watch guards fancy and cheap. _A choice selection of gold and diamond rings suitable for wedding purposes, which will be sol? at a small percentâ€" age nboye cost ).)ric(-s. No trouble to show goods. A call from the ‘many solicited. The sign first door south of the Commaercial Hotel. J. CAMERON Holstein, June : Having statted my chopping | mil!l I am prepared to fill all| orders with quick despatch and | CONVEYA!!CERS. People‘ Mill, Durhani, June 27th, 1898. Money To Loan. â€"Oâ€"0Qâ€"Oâ€" COMPANY and PRIVATE Funds to Loa in sums and on terms to suit borrowers, â€" (On first Mortgage on Town or Farm Property.) Lowest rates of Interest. Quick despatch, and lowest possible charges: Apply to_ _ _ o CHOPPING MILL CE 4ss C. Lefroy McCaul Barrister, Lower Town Durham. Durham, Sept. 23rd ‘97. 3m WANTED. Agents for the greatest Canadian dooks, “ElPe of Gladstone,‘ memorial edition by Borkinl. Canvasser‘s Prospectus now ready. Sells to everybody. Easy to make $5.00 daily. B’§ first in the field. BRADLEY GARRETSON COMPANY, L1i0TED Toronto. JACKSONS. AT LOWEST TERMS A Call Solicited. ‘i ROBERT McGowm@ HOLSTEIN. 2nd Would intimate that she will continue the Furniture and Undertaking Business estabâ€" lished by her father in Durham in 1858 and will endeavor to give }xfl} 01(% and new custom WOLLGMACPERETCC UR O O 1ack2! ers the same entire satiefaction Furniture of the Best Make Undertaking and Emba)ming on B ciples at reasonable r=tes tÂ¥ The only firstâ€"class Hears in England & France At each others throats would probably raise the prices, wtunume MISS SHEWELL The Hanover Conveyancer 8 ue us‘ o saP dbo ; 2 sufferers are being restored to offers the following bargains : health and happiness daily TEAsDALE FarRM ; lot 30, con. 2, W.G. Â¥# 1t Bentinck. Will sell this fine 100 Try our _ acres for but little more than was 7 _ paid a few years ago before Mr. Rheumatic Specific or | ‘Peasdale built on it a large brick .,, s \ _ dwelling which he says cost £1000, Kldney ana Liver Pills ‘HosBachk FaRM; at Lamlash, about They are absolutel e | 97 acres, good building, close to Post healthful, _ G wiy pure and _ Office, Store, Church and School. | _~_ Rhew t '"'."".“"ed vo cure \_ Will sell at a great bargain or trade, TAtonted" Ato Sciatica, Neuralgia, |LewIs EmE Fara, township of Holland | um bago, and all forms of Kidney _ good form in German settlement,. and Liver troubles, " wWill seolkl) cheap orl;sxchang'e. Con. , SEWARE or Srumious imiraTions. | _ tains 100 acres, well improved. ‘‘ A 100 AcRrE FarRa in Bentinck, pretty Ollly by H. PARKER, Durham. | _ good lot, at say $850 should DEINE: 1 ce rered e reeraege in on hi mroene uh mt triet aurs . 5! £1200. â€" Who speaks first? 7. e | Hous® aAxD Lot at Allan Park, to be | MARRIED. given away, comfortable dwelling, | FULroxnâ€"SautB.â€"On Wednesday June good stable _ 29, by Rev, J. Ferguson, at the resiâ€" \ Money to loan at 5 per cert. Fire, | â€" dence of the bride‘s father, Queen 8 {Life and Accident Insurance, Ocean 1 Durham. Miss Jane d.ug;xm PÂ¥ \Tickets for sale. Debts collected, all | C. Smith, to Mr. Th of Mr. * |business attended to quickly nndi Normanby. â€" Thes, Fhaiton, .of ALWAYs ON HAND. PICTURE FRAMINC A SPECIALTY Remember the standâ€"opposite the Market. Durham, promptly. L. H.Jfl’fller.é §;{. Jfanover Gonveyancer, MISS SHEWEL »â€" tÂ¥iâ€" M | LLER, TLL LINE OFâ€" Web latest grinâ€" rewH cCc dlge. > * Harness ! We Handle everything in the Harnes line, at 1Jght prices. CALL & SEE OUR \ _ Collars, Pads, %z% \ Bites, Whips, i| &c., &c. Heayy & Light Harness TO SUIT YOU. Workmanship Unsurpassed Firne Choice in Valises, Grips, Horse Blankets, &c., &c. We do the trade in Raw Furs. Highest y®*~ Price Paid. PHRENOLINE REMEDIES Kidney ana Liver Pills. They are absolutely pure and healthful, _ Guaranteed to cure _ Rheumatism, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Lumbago, and adl forms of Kidney and Liver troubles, BEWARE OF SPURIOUS ImiTATiONS. PErriGREwW.â€"In Holstein on July lst to Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Pettigrew a daughter, C. LEAVEN. , Jr. * Take the lead everywhere, We are working day and night to supply the demand. Our correspondence shows that hundreds upon hundreds of poor sufferers are being restored to health and happiness daily, \* Ehe Ducham A Durham, Thur. July Potato Bugâ€"killer. $1 per Macfarlane‘s Drug Store, Strictly Pure English Paris a lb, at Macfarlane‘s Drug St« Nortnuwrst Exoursons.â€" .Jaly 11, July 19, by rail or ‘ wates &c., apply to Jas, R, Gu ticket agent. A bike for $33.50â€"J, A. Mu ing a new 1898 wheel for $ ing a new them. Birtunay R®rowi Bociety of the Pres. teresting social _« (Friday) evening. _ ered bags, or 15 cts. Ox tn® Tonr®.â€"Mr, Monday last for Wi will put in some time« races there on the 27 We expect Baby Boy his cwner. A Fox Srory. â€"La frey McTaggart, Pou an experience. â€" Mis j osing and I2mICNUNp a 27 poultry by some unknown | weeks past. â€" Awaking duri by some unusual noise Mr out, and found the woubl from a barrel where son awere being reavred, â€" Investi ed that a fox was inside reynard corked" there Cervera in Santiago, warlil were commenced with the Ar., McTaggart is the only cord who has killed a fox robes, Enes M Proxte. last under glorious w this annual event was smot. â€" The crowd was as last year, bDul themselves, and e The dancing plat centre Bros, M W VOL.â€"XX. PC th bl Th t] LOCAL AND GENE s done l light anda peimie" ship. â€" Mr. 1 and his fam pu‘.li(" ltll i1 was this hs to the wat than it is n Maerrs Your NEED tired, languid, neryou with pimples and en find Hoeod‘s Sarsapart lyour needs. It pur the blood and impart needed to tone the n nt« HI humors. Hood‘s Pills cure sicl billiousness and all 1 carpe a pail t 1 LVA social â€" evenin Mn An nt ice, â€" Mis good w lamenting a t some unknown ~â€"_ Awaking duri whole system tturacti e theil M taim ill in N but th ints now 11 Wingham Mr. Robt W va A dmissi "TION, â€" Church mona 1 t MA to wWH A1 We MiC th ) ath hel m

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