Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 23 Jun 1898, p. 5

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thme ue tr. e Fnile d t we can do NSON, g)oition and . _ The deâ€" k is on the want steady. t»r service, T.: HR.. & firstâ€"class or Service inck. the herc gree may rms Tocts, neres, and les us to sell s and want certihcante milug . owr le. MÂ¥ BULL, e, Lot 56, TONX. in telling the h you how to on the ULL Â¥Y, Limit@P BNTO . is no fear of Particular® v be seen and Prop. ts ! Â¥i> *» t > J ¢.] * Home= Seeker‘s xcurs‘ns This is a golden opportunity to take a trip tothe North west avoiding the long, dusty, hot journey by rail....It will not likely occur again...... For rates &ce., come and see or write us ...... Remember we also sell Ocean Steamship Tickets at lowest rates...... i::: TO THE CANADIAN NORTHâ€"WEST ::: LUCAS, WRIGHT, & BATSON. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES, CONVEYANCERS, a&c. MONEY TO LOANâ€"1ow mares=EASY TERMS Macfarlane 2 co. DURHAM OFFICE, Caiper‘s BiocKk, a..05..7 © Lower Town. Will be in Priccville first & third of each mouth. Butter‘s Hotel. BARRI TER, SOLICITOR, wnoaTRY PUBLIC, CONYEYANCER, aC. Officeâ€"â€"LOWER TOWN, DURHAM. Collections and A geney promptly attended to. Wills, Deeds, Mortgages, Leases, Acreements, &e. correctly prepared. _ Estates of deceased persons looked afiter, and Executors‘ and Adâ€" ministrators‘ Accounts prepured and passed. Surrogate Court Business, Probarte of Wills, Letters of Administration and Guardiuushls Obtained. Searches made in Registry Othce an Titles reported on. Company and private Funds to Loan on Mortgages at low»st raves of interest. Valuations made by a competent «nd earefal Valuator. BARRISTER. EO ERPRRRECE CCC SsoLICITOR in SUPREME CcouRt, NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, ETC. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5 PER CENT. Charges moderate, Fire Insurance Secured. Office, over Grant‘s store, Lower Town, DURHAM. OFFl()E FIRST DOOK EADL â€"UVZ the Durbham Pharmacy Calder‘ Block. Residence first door west of th* FPost Office, Durham. UPPER TOWN Notice is hereby given that anvone trespassing, cutting timber on, or TCâ€" moving the same from lots Dand 40 S.D. R. Tp. of Glenelg, Uo. of Grey, will be dealt with:as the law directs. IRoseErt McDoNALD. Montpelier, Idaho U.S8. Dec. 6th ‘¥. Lot 49, concession â€" in two miles of the This is a good farm. frame barn, good or convenient to n_mrl eheap. GroRrGE The undersigned offers for oaAIC !} Rent for a term of years, lot 20, con. 3, W.G.R., Bentinck. On the property is a good barn, good frame house, small orchard, 70 acres cleared, balâ€" ance hardwood bush. Well watered. Apply to R. MoFarLAXE, SR. Durbham. Pr. T. G. HOLT L. D. 5. DENTISTRY. I. B. Lucas, â€" wW. H. Waicut, C. BATsON, â€" Watches, Clocks, & Jewell Silyerware, klatware, & Sp woovere Repairing & Speciality. . P. TELFOCORD, . LEFROY McCAUL. Jux® 28tn, Juuy 13th. Jury 19th. _ Good goâ€" ing either by all rail or by boat from _ Owen Sound to Fort William thence rail. Return good for 60 days. NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. FARM FOR SALE. DRUGGISTS AND BOOKSELLERS. Box 257, Cl:.:.a.rges Moderate. concession 2, Glenelg.. Withâ€" niles of the town of Durham. good farm. Good stone house, irn, good orchard, well watered mt to market. Will be sold For particulars apply to Joux McKECHNIE or to Rocky Saugeen. : H. TrcKER. URLE* _ _ toairte. Man. & GORP_ON’ JEWELLER: ) CR RRATY Portage La Prairie locks, & Jewellery. Flatware, & Specs. Durham Markdale. Owen Sound. offers for Sale Wednesdays EAST OF DURHAM. , Man. . Quite a fow visitors in our town on Saturday and Sunday last, among«t them were, Wm. Dezell of Badgrow, Mr. D. MeArthur in company with Mr. H. Riddel} of Bentinck, and Miss M. Glenistâ€" er of Toronto, who is here to stay some time with her annt Mrs. Glenister. Wedding beils ase sonundivg a concession north of here and as the Review reaches us a bridal party will be trayelling and visiting in the easteru part of this province. More anon, Mr, MceLeach left here for Flesherton but is expected back sson and we hear the ladies aid society of his church is going to have a picnic here about 1st July to swell the church fund for the Luilding new church. Miss Mary Dezell preached heére in Allen‘s Hall Sunday night to a full bhouse. The Sons ef Seotland piecnic in Priceâ€" vills is ta‘ked of here. Intended for last week. Eyeryone seems contented now since the rains bave moistened the ground and is giving good growth to the grain and the turnips. We noticed an item from Top Cliffe Cor. a few weeks ago. We would just say that if the words are large we can underâ€" staud them and we beg to ioform them that if the cap didn‘t fit they wouldn‘t need to wear it. Mr. Mathow«on, of Priceville held a prayer meeting at Mr, Jolhn MeDouald‘s last week, and was largely attended by all denominations. The masous are busily engaged at Charlie Moore‘s building the wall for his barn, He intends to raise pretty soon. Mr Charlieo Ferguson is getting h§s buygy used to the roads in Bruce this week. Particulars next time. A little girl arrived at Mr. C, Lamont‘s last week, and mind you she is going to stay in apite of everything. Mrs. Paul of Vaughsn is visitng her dnughter Mr«, C. Lamont at present. A number from this part attended the nomiuvation at Helstein last Monday,. What we hear and see, That Dan went all the way to Ventry singing, "Oh where is my girl toâ€"uight." That the Fairwell hoys bad more courage the last time they ventured iu. That the sign board was badly disfigurâ€" ed, and Sam and Pete had it hot and heavy. or Mr. John Giaham is going to erect A . summer kitchen with a stone ceilar underâ€" neath 12x18 on his Camoron farm during 1 the bolidays. John says he likes to see people working. We always carried the idea that Jobn likes work himself as well as play. Mr. Donald Grakam ha« erocted a fine implemeut building 18x28. â€" Mr. Allan Black, Pomona, was contractor and the Fork is a credit to both parties. Mr. Augus McDonald is engaged with your scribe at present plowing and digging a foundation, and durkens the sun quite frequently during the day by getting hoisted on a goâ€"abead scraper, and says nothing tull after he lights. L 22 sns Mr. John G. Beaton believes in SU0)"° comfort, and enjoys the benefit of one of Mr. Calder‘s latest improvrad top buggies, while Mr. John J. Biack made the purâ€" chase of a new Chatham waggon from Mr. C. McKinnon. _ Last bus pot leoast comes Mr. Arch McMillan with his new top bugsgy and new Bell organ. Surely we will sleep some night soon with a piece of wedding cake noder our pillow and have » glorious dream. Mr. Alox. Martin from Traversten spent Sunday week pleasantly with friends in \ our burg. . s C Hee ae Hes The majoriby IFODE OUN *""". " s lask the [rish Lake picnic on Thursday of last week, and report the picuie a grand success. â€" Ali seemeid to bebhave very well except that fixed man from Toronto who had quite a lot to say about everything. Of course, that‘s what he was there for, and bhe was the right man in the right lare. and the evening seemed too short Of course, that 6 WLa® and he was the right ,)lace. and the eveninj or some of the youth. Mr, Waliter McDonald swells the num:â€" ber of volunteers from this vicinity who leave for camp to Niagara Tuesday of this week. 8 w20 L e asuadtatkes |111 1 M Alpudiabd A white man tied a white cat to a white fence with a whita tie, the white man’s‘ aim was to kill the white cat tied to the white fence with the white tie. _ A loaded revolver in the white man‘s band took aim with atock in the white cat‘s car let blaze. The white cat was no more burt than the white man. A brave soldier, Mr. Archibald Beaton and his dauguter Miss Jessie attended the Baptist couvenâ€" tion in Paisley last week. We are pleased to state that Mrs. John Grasby lhas récovered from Ler recent illâ€" ness under the care of Dr. Jamieson. _ Mr. Willje Neil from Toronto is on & trip to the old homestead, we are pleased \ to meet him. ‘ BALSAM VALLEY. sCOTCH TOWN. HOPEVILLE. jorty from our town u\teénded 7 L901 rOL cce« â€" w tauk G. Bout(;-n believes in solid #/ Tom. A good handâ€"made new buggy. A very desirable article. A second hand, platform spring demâ€" ocrat. â€" Almost new. A Second hand buggy in good order. Can be seen at R. McFarlane‘s Carâ€" riage Shop, Upper Town. 6â€"9 Flour per bbl "....::.... Oatmea per sack ...... Bran per cwt ... ... Shorts per ewt Fall Wheat per bushel Barley, £+* Peu.-, £4 Oats, ** Dr‘d Hogs, per cwt Hoss, live weight ... Lard per lb Tallow* per 1b Butter per Ib, Tn!» Eggs, per doz ... . Chickens. per pair Potatoes, per bag Ducks ** Tuarkeys, per lb ... Geese, per lb ys Hides, per ewt _ ... Calfskins ... .. Sheepskins ... .. Hay, per ton Straw, * aie \ys Apples, per bag .. Wood, 4 feet ... .. Wood, 22 inches .. Wool ..... Miss Tena Morrison is expected bome from the Queen City this week, to re main for some time. We will see Pst and the gray now. A young ls-uly‘ in our town got a bad bite on the lip from a hatching hen. _ The army worm is still busy in this section. _ John McMillen is afraid they will eat the people. Mrs. A. C. Paterson frem Durham spent a few days at the old bhome last week. Jas, Whits gook a run to Darkham on Sunday. Mis:; Katie Black from Pomoua was assisting Mrs, H. McLellan with her houseâ€" hold duties last weck. We were pleased to see the Captain bring home a load of turniture last week, Another ceremony soon, _ Alex. and Malcolm McMillen are still timberivg in Bentinck. Did Jim lill the cat yet ? Crops look fairly well, hay crops will be good. Pleasant weather. Nessrs George and Walter Young, of Owen Sound, paid a short visit to their old home last week. Mra. Perrin of St Marys, is the guest of the Misses Whiteford this week. The infant son of Mr, and Mrs. H Fritz of this place died very snddenly last Monâ€" day. The funeral which took place at the Liitheran cemetery at Nenstadt was a large one,. To the sorrowing relatiyes we extend our heartfelt synlpathy. 4A meeting was held on Wednesday evening to make arrmngements for a union picnic. _ It was decided to hold it on July 7th in Mr. Derby‘s groye. _A good time is expected, All are cordially invited. Sgt. Snider left Monday for Durham, ea ronte for Niagara Camp. Aceo, A latge number from here attended the Allan Park picnic on 18th inst, and spent n very pleasant time. Mr. John Bowman, of BJ omingdale, Waterloo Co., formerly of this place, visitâ€" ed friends here this week. Mr. W. D. Staples, of Hanover, was r6â€" newing old acquaintances here lust waek. It 1s with deep regret that we record the death of Miss Clara Barkman the eldest daughter otf Mr, Julins Barkman of the 2 e en eX omm cARrantinek Â¥ wiho died 0n Mackanal : nadnbtat it Oc gent con., 8. D. R. (Bentinck,) who died on Friday morning the 17th inst,, after a fow days illnes». _ The decsased was in ber ninueteenth year, and an estimable young woman, and had been strong and healthy until attacked by inflamation of the lungs and terminated in brain fever, ‘The sorâ€" rowing family have the sympathy of the whole community in their sad bereareâ€" ment. â€" The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon to St. George‘s Cemetery, and was very largely attended. There died also at Allan Park on Bat. 18 Mrs. John Weir after a short ilness. The decaased was the only daughter of Mr. Bikbholm who formerly lived in Normanâ€" by. The funeral took place to the Han:â€" over Cemetery on Monday afternnon. The aged father and mother and the \brrund husband have the sympathy of all. Mr. John Brighara and wife are visiting friends in and sround the Park. â€" They bave been in British Columbia during the last 6 years. Mr. Gib Dunlop of Georgetown, paid & short visit to his sister Mrs. W. Brigham, and mother Mrs. Dunlop last week. _ He i returned on Monday. & The Annual Picâ€"nic of the Alian Park Schoolwas held on Saturday the 18th inst. in the beautiful elm grove immediately North of the school grounds overlooking the noble waters of the Saugeen as they fow gently by towards Lake Huron, Early in the day the weather indications were ‘not as favorable as . many would desire Lowever the day turned out fine and all that could be wished. As the Allan Park pic nic is now becoming & looked for boliday, not only by the people of the section, but by many from neighâ€" boring sections,. _A large nuimber took the opportunity of spending an enjoyable afternoon. The attendance at this pic nic !in gradually increasing. Alter the inner BUGGIES FOR SALE. DURIIAM MARKET. "BBL 5444 4%..., : § 4 00 to §§ 00 Intended for last week, ALLAN PARK. HAMPDEN. â€"s e t 6 â€" 2 00 to 2 25 65 to 70 15 to 80 80 to 85 0 85 t 0 40 0 50 to 50 0 27 to O 27 5b T5 to 6 25 4 50 to 5 00 10 to 10 03 to 04 0 11 to O 11 11 to 11 8 to 9 25 to 30 50 to 60 40 to 50 10 to 10 0 05 to 0O 05 08 to 25 to 60 to 5 00 to 0 00 to 50 to 1 &0 to 1 00 to 15 to 2 25 70 80 85 0 40 50 0 27 6 25 8 00 OOE PUCIM P 000C enjoyable i Mrs, Jas. Holliday and Mrs. T. Mounâ€" his pic nic ) tain of Bentinck were visiting Mrs. Ww. the inner | Gadd last week, 30 1¢ Complexion J he Durham Tharmacy. G. T. R. Ticket Office man was amply provided for by the ladies of the section and others. Mr H Brigham was appoiuted chairman, a position which he always fi‘ls in a uery pleasing manner, A lengthy prozramme was carried out, consisting of speeches by Revs. Mesers Jennings and Kitching and Messrs H H Miller. John Taylor, R B Walker, Wm Irwin of the Chronicle and Mr Mills of the Durham School. The sgeech of the day was given by Mr Miller who spoke on progress in various lines and traced very fully and interestingly the growth of edâ€" ucation in our own province from last contury onward. Suitable recitations and sougs were given hy the pupils of the school. Mr Pratt of Louise gave two of his humorous songs. The Allan Park band discoursod the sweetest of music tbroughout the sfternoon and added largeâ€" ly to the snccess of the pic nic. _ Erery thing passo1 off very nicely and everybody appeared to be well pleased, satisfied that a pleasaut and a sociable afternoon was spent. Tho programme part was en ‘ed by the band playing the National Aunthem after which the crowd reprired to the large field in front of Mr Reay‘s hbhouse to witaess a gams of footâ€"ball, botwoeen the Alisn Park «ud Hanover boys. _ The shades of evening coming on, the people disporsed (to their vardious homes, _ Thus ended the historically raenm rable 18th of June, as far a« the Allan Park pic nic is concerned, Mi*s Hutton and Miss rogan of Hauâ€" oyer spout Sundsy at Mr Tyerman‘s returnâ€" ing Monday morning. “Some of the Alian Park baund boys are off to Nisgara Falls, where they wiil be for the next $wo weeks, xÂ¥r Fred Klemp of Kincardioaa attended the pic nic, and took his old place in the bard. Is is only a few years since NMr Klemp and family left the Park. They are in the hotel busimess again. Miss Jessie Burnet of Durham, was visitâ€" ing here avd took in the pic niec Saturday. The Orchard picnic which promises to be a grand success is to be held on Wedâ€" nesday 22nd, Thore will ke foot and bicycle races. foot ball match and base bail, married men versus single, music and dancing galora. _ Come along Mr. Editor. Everybody welcome, Miss Minnie Cornish has been yery ill during the pant week bronchitis and measles being the complaint _ At time of writing she is on the mend. Mr. Colin Blythe bas erected a substanâ€" tial wind mill on his premises which adds preatly to appearance to say nothing eof the labor saved in pamping the water by band. * Sacrament was dispensed in EKnox Church on Sunday last, and a very large number of members were present. Fourâ€" teen new members wore added to the list which speaks yolumes for our popular pastor Mr, Campbell iR i23~ > . We think Mr. Ed. we would almost need to get yon to come down some afterâ€" noon and draw the boundary line between us and the "Review‘s Blossom" as we do rot wish to trespass on her grounds seeing she is quite capable of reporting hber own items of news which may happen from time to time in her locality, We wont give our opinion of Mr. Redâ€" ford‘s picnic held Saturday last, as we @xâ€" pect Blossom will report is fully and tell the world what a glorious time she and (Gâ€"â€"e had a fiying throngh the air. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lidster of Kincardine with bis sister Mrs. Lothian of Dromore were vwisiting Mrs. G. Moore and Wm. Marshall one day last week. There is nothing like "Gun‘s ‘Toilet Balm"‘ for Ladies who are desirous of discarding the tan of summers sun. _ ‘There is nothfng that effaces Tan and Freckles so quickly so quickly and harmlessly. Gentleman will find if an excellent article for use after shaving.........,. repared only at ORCHARD. North East Normanby. SPRING & SUMWMBR / All ADAMS‘ WAGGONS : A;:ll Carload wil arrice this weekâ€" 1 save freight, buy at close prices, and can sell cheaper than other Agents. y Full Line of all kinds of repai4s. (3, lg[TGGIEg, A full stock of the TUDHOPE & N(_:LAL'GHLI‘.\'Y Bug- kJ e gies, Democrats, and Carts.$;All kinds of PLOWS and HARROWS and the yery best you can buy at right prices. The RAYMOND sewing machine aud the best makes of PIANOS and ORGANS. &#"Money to loan at 5 and 5}% payable on your own terms. 4# Insurance promptlâ€" : THIS WEEK $p We are piacing New & " no time to write in deâ€" ;; tail, but you will find our 2A L 4 Q 3 HARDWE, PAINT \a 4 V The Oscillating Truss Co An Entirely New and Scientific Invention A Tribute to the Genius of the Present Century. A BOOM TO SUFFERING HUMANITY. * Something entirely unheard of until just now put into practical use by the inventor, all of which is coyered by letters {)a.tent, and can only be obtained through the Oscillating Truss Co., and their qualified agents and representative, Medical Men Supplied at Manufacturer‘s Prices. ly attended to. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. H. PAPRKER. Mr. and Miss Stinson and Miss Sadie Picken were guests of Miss Lydia Thompsen one day last week, Miss Charlotte Webber stayed oyer from the picnic Saturday and Sunday from the picoic SavUOr with Miss Maggie Gadd. Our pienic passed off splendidly, plenty of estables, children‘s races, swings and other games, and Mrs. Dickleman‘s iceâ€" oream, orauges and her special make of good candies, contributed to the days enâ€" joyment. The young folks belped Mrs. Dickleman with the stand, by which she made $8 that day. Mr. Craigie of Manovyer conducted the preparation service at Knox church Friâ€" day and at the communion â€" seryice Sunday 14 uow members professed their faith. â€" Mr. Campbel! is an earnest worker, Miss Millie Leeson was home from her school near Berkley last week end, Mr. John Marshall, lately from the U, 8. has taken a rosition wit,{n his brother at the Boothville Cheese factory. Mr. Fred Leeson came home from O. Sound Buisness College last week with his diploma. We hope he may still sueâ€" ceed as he goes on through life. Mrs. Nicholls of near Ingersoll, and Mr. N. Bourne of Grand Valley cousins of the Leeson family were guests there a few days lately. Mr. Béert Cook of Durham spent a few days at his aunt Mrs. Jas. Watson‘s lately, taking in the picnic. _ Miss Jessie Mcllvride spent last week with her sister in Teeswater. Misses A. Watt and M. Marshall were guests of Mrs. A. Marshall lately, CECORMCC _ CC We e e eP one ie e e nii y 20 m Binders, Mowers, Drills, Rakes, Harrows, &c. Fanmelps these are the Best and Cheapest Goods you can buy. (% kirds of MASSEYâ€"HARRIS MACHINERY, Rindavre Mawors Drills Rakes Harrows. &c. Farmers, BOOTH‘S OSCILLATING TRUSS the Lower Town Implement Warereoms We are piacing New & Elegant Stock, and have Oils, &c., up to the mark and right in price. Just Arrived. 500 Cream C :fi i ; : MANUFACTURERS OF : : : :: 100 Preserving Kettles WM. CALDER. LJm. Black... and OODS avriving daily at ans borrowers, (On first Mortgage on rates of Interest. _ Quick and lowest possible charges: TORONTO Barrister, Lower Town Durham. Durham! Sept. 23rd 97. 3m paired, which can be done cheaper and oa,ndlz as good, if not better, at the Holstein Wate Emporium _ A large stock arrived this week, com» prhunqum latest movements in watches in Gold and Silver cases, alarm and ornamental Clocks, Brooches to no Send. Ladies‘ and gent‘s watch guards fancy and.cheap. _A choice selection of gold and diamond rings suitable for wedding g:mom, which will be sol? ata small percentâ€" age aboye cost mcet. No trouble to show goods. A call from the?many solicited. The sign first door south of the Commercial Hotel, _ ___ Holstein, June 20d. Miss Byers and Mr. McDonald were visiting at Mr. W. Lawson‘s, Bentinck, one day recently, Did any one notice the limp of the Orchard correspondent on Sunday. It was the result of a light squeeze he got while swinging at the picnic. Appl C. Lefr';);'wflccaul COMPANY and PRIVATE Funds to HYgo to Mt. Forest or Durhem to your C fetches GClooks isge a0o Jeralets toâ€" Money To Loan. SOMETHING INTERESTING. GSole ¢{Igent. 41

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