Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 16 Jun 1898, p. 5

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r folâ€" their at i€ comâ€" tan ikely Cease were owth egetâ€" nded pent ville I“_glg’ ience etty, Wedâ€" ty to inby. lnck INC K. )tber ‘n‘lf?v erve aing. day, aged endâ€" elat paid viece y of rr‘s. the ived nds airs, took h, to ter. e to may may zx d nucx ‘her. field Miss i atâ€" i by ville are Mr. alsc ting ., on late v of aY, the 4 This is a golden opportunity to take a trip tothe North west avoiding the long, dusty, hot JjJourney by rail....It will not likely oceur again...... For rates &ce., come and see or write us ...... Remember we also sell Ocean Steamship Tickets at lowest rates...... Homeâ€" Seeker‘s xcurs‘ ns DURMHAM OFFICE, Caiper‘s Biock, 3â€"25â€"1 Lower Town. Will be in Priccville first & third Wednesdays of each mwounth. Butter‘s Hotel. LVCAS, wWRIGHT, & BATSON, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES, CONVEYANCERS, &c. MONEY TO LOANâ€"uow marss ~EASY TERMS BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOATRY PUBLIC, CONYEYANCER, 4C. Officeâ€"â€"LOWER TOWN, DURHAM. Collections and Agency promptly attended to. Wills. Doeeds, Mortgages, Leas:s, Agreements, &c. correctly prepured. _ Estates of deveased persouns looked after, and Executors‘ and Adâ€" ministrators‘ Accounts prepured and passed. Surrogate Court Business, Probate of Wills, Letters of Adminisiration g_nd. Gueu:(fluushig Macfarlane 2 co. Ob.t‘:t.u'ed.," ‘io:nr.:hâ€"e;m;;l; in Reginry Othce and Titles reported ou, Company and private Funds to Loan on Mortgages at low : st raves of interest. Valuations made y a cormpetent and enreful Valuator,. BARRISTER. EPE Ei ETt C CC SoLICITOR IN SUPREmE CoOURT, NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, ETC. Charges moderate. Fire Insurance Secured. Office, over Grant‘s store, Lower Town, DURHAM. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5 PER CENT. fi:: TO THE CANADIANX NORTHâ€"WEST :: OFF‘I(’E FIRST DOOR EAST OoF the Durham Pharmacy Calder" Block. â€" Residence first door west of th* lFost Office, Durham. UPPER TOWX Notice is hereby given that anvyone trespassing, cutting timber on, or FCâ€" moving the same from lots Qand 40 S. D. R. Tp. of Glenelg, Co. of Grey, will be dealt with:as the law directs. tRosErt McDoNnALD. _ Montpelier, Idaho U.S. Lot 49, concession 2, in two miles of the t This is a good farm. _( frame barn, good oreh convenient to marke cheap. For p:\rticul‘:.u Seirmminhcy +9 The undersigned offers If Rent for a term of years, lot W.(G.R.. Bentinek.. On th is a good D&AM, & small orchard, 70 ac ance hard wood bush. Lot 49, concession 2, Glenelg. Withâ€" n two miles of the town of Durham. ‘his is a good farm. Good stone house, rame barn, good orehard, well watered onvenient to market. Will be sold heap. For particulars apply to Jonx McKECHNIE or to Rocky Saugeen. iEorce H. TTCKER, Box 257, Portage La Prairie, Man. Dr. T. G. KOLT L. D. S. DENTISTRY. G. LEFROY McCAUL. Watches, Clocks, & Jewellery. Silyverware, klatware, & Specs. I. B, Lucas, +~ W. H. WiicxT, â€" C. Barson, â€" + â€" . p. TELFCORD, FARM FOR SALE. NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. Jux® 28tn, Juuy 13th. Juiy 19th. _ Good goâ€" ing either by all rail or by boat from â€" Owen Sound to Fort William thence rail. Return good for 60 days. Repairing a Speciality. DRUGGISTS AxD BOOKSELLERS. . CORDON, «Apply to R. McFaARLAXE, SR. JEWELLER ed offers for Sale or f years, lot 20, con. 3, k. On the property , good frame house, ) acres cleared. balâ€" msh. Well watered. Moderate. Markdale. Owen Sound. Durham. i+ that anvone DURHAM. Durbam. This contest will be one of terrible inâ€" lensity, nothing like it has ever taken place in the history of our cause. The liquor traffic realize the situation and will tight it as they neyer fought before, The very life of this grasping and powâ€" erful evil 1s at s.ake. To meet it we must be earnest, united and organized, â€" We cannot win without personal sacâ€" rifice. We must be ready to give time, money and energy to the fight. Organâ€" ization must be perfected, literature must be circulated, {meetings must be held. Every voter must be personally canvassed. The Executive of the Dominion Alliâ€" ance met in the office of Secretary Spence on Saturday afternoon, when there was a large attendance. It was decided to issue the following appeal to the pubMic: To all friends of Temperance in Canada : The Plebiscite Bull has been passed by Parliament. _ The money for the exâ€" pense of voting has been appropriated. It is now certain that early in the comâ€" ing autumn the electors of Canada will be asked to vote * yes" or " no * on the question of the total prohibition .of the liquor traftic for beyerage purposes. Men and women, we appeal to you to help in this work in this hour of need. Do it for the sake of the homes that will be desolated and the innocence and weakness that are doomed to rain and shame if this traffic goes on. Lose no opportunity for work. Everâ€" y available assistance will be needed. Wisely seek to promote our cause in your home, your church, your Sundayâ€" school, your Young People‘s organizaâ€" tion, your temperance society, your buisness, your social life. â€" Eulist every one of these influences in support of this great reform, Every one of them is a force that may be utilized. If there 1s a plebiscite organization in your locality unite yourself with it, If not, take steps at once to have such a work begun. Lose no time. _A great responsibility is given us. _A splendid opportunity is given us, Do your utâ€" most for God and Home and Canada, Make special efforts to secure the aid of the press in your locality. In it you will often find a warm and potent friend, Help it with facts, arguments and inâ€" formation that will nearly always be welcomed, appreciated and used, By order of the Dominion Alliance Executive. F. 8. SPENCE, Secretary. J. J, MACLAREN, President. Fine rams lateiy have brightenedl up everything and erops are beginning to look well. Haying promises to be early, and cutting of clover will be on by July 1. Fall Wheat will probably be ready to cut near the end of July. The usiay worm, or whaterer it iscalled is making its appca.ance in our vicinity, bat we hope it will not do wuch barm. || Postmaster McKinuon opened out a groâ€" cery store a few days ago and will keep on hband everything in that line, “': Chief Arch. MeCuaig of Seots Greys Camp, inforw us that a vrand entortainâ€" ment will ve held en the scuool grourds on Tusg»=duay, 21st inst., uuder Sous of Scotâ€" laud asuspices. _ Admission to ul‘nnudsn}fl and 15 cent~,. â€" Lunch le cts, exira, _ Bbyâ€" erything that tends to make it a success will be provided, snci as Bagpipes, speech mauking, &c. Agos bismdh ga leor ann de gach scorsa. Piob mebr na‘u dos arda ga sein si a churâ€" as suzrd am Moc a Ghail nuair a clunness a cheol binn air mullach cuoe, agus mur sin sis. Married at the residence of the bride‘s mother, Priceville, on the 8th inst., by the Rev. J. A. Matheson, B. D., Miss Lottie Robertson, daugbter of the late Robert Robertson, of this village, to Mr Chisholm, ot Adamsville, Ont. Thbe young conple took the evening train to O Sound the same evening. _ We wish the youny coupâ€" le much pleasurs in life. Miss M J McLeod, of S Line, Glenelg, has an attack of appendisiris. _ We hope urder Dr Jamieson‘s care she may soon Py Seas Tuv. aighc ic SE recover. W be necessary. During the last week or 10 days a numâ€" ber of the ratapayers of Artemesia, and probably a few from Glenelg, were engasâ€" Es uo se o 0 ut uin tkwvunt Kha IF i «blite probably a few from Glenelg, were engagâ€" ed in building an Agricultural Hall in this village, and they expect to bave it comâ€" pleted the end of this week,. Pres McCorâ€" mick, Dep Reeve McMiilan and other leading men are in charge,. Denth ended the earthly career of Mr. Waite on the 3rd inst., at the age of abcat 81 years. Mr. Waite was a sufferer more or less tor the last five or s1X years with paralysis. About six weeks ago he beâ€" came totaily paralyzed and lived for nearâ€" ly 40 days without food. He partook of a tpoonful of water now and then, which was his chief nourishment during bis illâ€" ness. _ Mr. Waite came to Priceville in 1860, and the house be used for a blackâ€" +mith shop stood exactly whoere the fine Presbyterian manse is erected. â€" By strist attention to business Mr. ‘Waitelsoon beâ€" jeubGien en dn t mtag ; PCM :R gan to accoumulate large‘!y of bis labor and at the time was worth epwards of ts dollars. _ Since the death fall he made his home wit .\lr‘ John MeArthur. James, now in the daughters. Mrs. Jnc £resany ue se l ts | d P attention to business Mr. Waite soon beâ€" gan to accoumulate largely frow the results of bis labor and at the time of his death he was worth epwards of twanty thousand dollars. _ Since the death of his wife last fall he made his home with his sonâ€"‘aâ€"law MUr John MeArthur. He leaves one son, James, now in the Northwest, and two daughters. Mrs. Jno Mcarthur and Mrs. __â€"â€" of Beaverton, (Bella.) Mr. Waite in religion was & Presbyterian, aud a‘ways a regular attendant at ordinances until inâ€" firmities of recent years digabled him from getting far frem his dweliing. He was DOMINION ALLIANCE APPEAL. The PLEBISCITE. A Call for Organization, We hear that vo operation will PRICEVILLE. of S Line, Glenelg, The Sacrament was dispensed in Gaelâ€" ic in the Presbyterian church last Sabâ€" bath. Quite a uumber of the Highland race were ont to listen to a good sermon in their native tongue, . Next Sabbath the communion will be dispen+ed in the English tongue. Preaching on Friday at 2,30 p. m., and on Sunday at 1: a. m. Miss Sarah Mclotyre and her brothor Norman are evjoying a week‘s hboliday in Bruce Co. +Miss Mcelntyre is one of the delegates to the Baptist Convention held in Priâ€"ley this week,. Also Messrs John and Archio McLean, South Line. Artemeâ€" sia, are delegates, Don,. MeKinnon of Fairwell, is always on the lookout for heifers and such like. Dan has always a keen eye to business when making a bargain. Rev Mr Darroch holids weekly prayerâ€" meetings on the South Line and they are generally well attende:d. A Mr Hambly, from Nobleton, King tp. rode on his whaeel from there to Bob Fishers, South Line, in 10 hours. Mr. Arch MecCannell, of Airan, and Mrs Donald McCaunel are visiting friends on the S.uth Line, Glenely, this week. A good handâ€"made new buggy. A very desirable article. A second hand, platform spring demâ€" ocrat. â€" Almost new. A Second hand buggy in good order. Can be seen ;at R. McFarlane‘s Carâ€" riage Shop, Upper Town. s 6â€"9 Mr D MeCormick is attending the quarâ€" ter sessions at Owen &ound this week. Mrs Neil MceDonald of Fairwell enjoyed bherself in our town and was the guest of Mrs Dug. MecCormack ithe imost of last week,. She took in the sacrament on Sum]d}', Miss Webster, a young lady who accomâ€" panied x1rs. (Rev) Matheson at the time of moving to Priceviile, is engaged teaching music. She has 30 or 40 of the youth of this loeality leirning the rudiments of music, Miss Websteris a first claes muâ€" ~cian and teacher. Flour per bbl ..........«« Oatmen per sack ....... Bran per cwb ... .. . Shorts per ewt i4‘ Fall Wheat per bushel . Barley, Â¥* * Peas, €g » Oata, ** > Dr‘d Hogs, per cwt _. Hogs, live weight ... . Lard per lb % Tallow* per lb vew | /a Dutter per Ib, Tab ... . buried in this villrge on the 6th inst,, a large body of sympathizers following the remains to the last resting place. _ Rev. Mr, Matheson preached the funeral sorâ€" mon at the bouse and conducted the burâ€" ial service at the grave. Eggs, per doz ... . Chickens. per pair Potatoes, per bag Ducks Â¥* Tarkeys, per lb ... Geese, per lb s Hides, per ewt _ ... Callogxing .. .. Sheepsking ... .. Hay, per ton Btraw, * ste. s Apple«, por bag .. Wood, 4 feet ... .. Wood, 22 inches Yesterday and toâ€"day the receipts at the Western Cattle Yards were 128 carâ€" loads, including 200 sheep and lambs, 50 calves, 2,000 hogs, and the usual run of milch csows and springers. Trade was actiye, and prices were slightly firmer for choice cattle. There was quite a bit of buying for export via Halifax to Barbadoes. Export Cattleâ€"The demand was briskâ€" er and prices held firm at from 4¢ to 4%¢ per Ib. Butchers‘ Cattleâ€"These cattle found a better demand and prices were slightly firmer at from $3.75 to $4.30 per cwt. the latter for choice stuff for quick?killâ€" ing. There were quite a few sales at 4}¢câ€" Common to medium cattle sold for from 3ic to 34c. The quality of the cattle was generally good and buyers and sellers did not haggle much over the prices. Bullsâ€"Trade quiet in this line at from $3.40 to $3.60 per cwt for shippers. Feeding bulls quiet at about 3c. Stockers and Feedersâ€"Quiet. Buffalo men were operating not quite so freely and prices ruled from $3.30 to $3.85 per cwt. Feeders fetch from 3#¢ to 44c per Ib. Sheep and Lambsâ€"Steady. Export sheep found a slightly improved inquiry as a result of the demand for Barbadoes. Prices rule from 2%¢c per lb for bucks up to 3¢ to 34c per lb for ewes and wethers. Yearlings are steady at from 4#¢ to 5c Calvesâ€"There was a fair run and all sold at firm prices. Choice to fancy veals sell for from $7 to $8 each but the general run of prices is from $3 to $6 per head. per lb. Spring lambs fetch $3 50 to $4,25 each. Milch Cows and Springersâ€"Not many offered and all sold at firm prices from $25 to $45 each. Choice cows are wantâ€" Hogsâ€"Firm, Choice singers are sellâ€" ing at from $5.15 to $5.20. Too many light hogs are coming forward. Prices for light and thick fat hogs rule from $1.70 to $4.75 per cwt. Sows for breedâ€" ing sell for 8c to 3ic and stags from 2¢ to 2¢c. BUGGIES FOR SALE. DURHAM MARKET. Live Stock Markets. Roll TORONTO, $ 4 00 to $6 00 2 00 to 65 to 75 to 1 05 to 0 35 te 0 56 to 0 32 to 5b 75 to 4 50 to 10 to 08 to 0 11 to 11 to 10 to 25 to 0 60 to 40 to 10 to 0 05 to 08 to 25 to 1 80 to 1 00 to 1 05 0 40 6 25 0 11 11 10 56 10 30 10 The® receipts here are fairly liberal, there is a good demand for all coming in at 10c to 11e for unwashed and 16¢ for washed, but local dealers do not beâ€" lieve that the situation warrants the payment of higher prices than these and although they hear frequently of 174¢c and more being paid at country points they are not disposed to increase their bids. The andersignod kaving beon restored to healto by simple means, after aufferiug for seveoral years with nse zerciang aifection,and that droad disease Cousamption,is suxious to make known to his tellow sufferers the meuns of cure, To those who desireit, ho will choerfully send (free of charge) a ec py of the prescripton used, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Astbmn, Cnâ€" inrrh, Bronchitia,and all throatandluing Mai. adies. He hopes all sufferers will try thisremedy is}‘t ninvaluable. Thosedesiringthe prescription which willsost them nothing, and may prove a blessing, will please addross TO â€" CONSU MPTIVES : REV. BDWARD A WILSOX, Brocklyn NewYork. ': 1 i@pairyu j ai : ¢ The Durham; chew GUN‘S LIVER PILLS AAAR®es*eeeâ€"e2%0e0e e 0 STIIJ YUHMAVI SXAD Pharmacy Simson‘s Boy. Neighbor Simson‘s boy‘s come hum, Him that went out west; Wears a shiny black high hat, An his clothes are of the best. Gee, but how that feller‘s riz Since he started out in bizâ€" Simson‘s boy that went out west. Ought to hear him talk just once *Bout his town out west. Business there is jess a hummin, Loads er fact‘riesâ€"more aâ€"cominâ€" Money fAying thick as dust, Says the boom‘ll never bustâ€" . Simson‘s boy that went out west. Who‘d a thought that Simson boy Ever‘d done so well out west. Say he boomed his town up s0, Hustled so to make it go, That the folks out, there, by gee. Made him mayor. Let‘s go see Simson‘s boy that went out west. WwoOL. TORONTO ADAMS‘ WAGGONS : A /nll Carload wil arrize this weekâ€" 1 save freight, buy at close prices, and can sell cheaper than other Agents. {2" Full Line of all kinds of repais. \3, â€" % stock e TV 3 & MeLAU AN Bugâ€" BUGGIES: 4 fisock of tbe EXRHOEE Auiings or PLOWs and HARROWS and the yery best you can buy at right prices. The RAYMOND sewing machine and the best makes of PIANOS and ORG ANS. &2 Money to loan at 5 and 5%% payable on your own terms. â€" 4# Insurance promptâ€" ly attended to, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. WM. CALDEFR. All SPRING & SUMMER " The Oscillating Truss Co. An Entirely New and Scientific Invention A Tribute to the Genius of the Present Century. 4 A BOOM TO SUFFERING HUMANITY. Something entirely unheard of until just now put into practical use by the inventor, »11 of which is covered by letters i)atent. and can only be obtained through the Oscillating Truss Co., and their qualified agents and representative, Medica! Men Supplied at Manufacturer‘s Prices, H. PAPRPKEFR. seteameners PE e en on, tiavefe, moge 00. reonlre Scientific Americaint. MUNN $ Co, 2s ssm« New York HARDWAPE !! WING TO THE EXTENSIVE SALE LATE LY, we have been obliged to lay in another supply of Lawn Mowers, Spray Pnmps, Carpet Sweepers, Cream Cans, Ice Cream Freezers, Screen Doors and Windows. Call early and get your wants supplied.â€"â€"FARMERSâ€"In what condition is your Mower and Reaper. If you require repairs we have a large stock of We are always to the front with Silverware, Granite, and Tinware. Our stock of whips are A. 1....... kizds of MASSEYâ€"HARRIS MACHINERY, Binders, Mowers, Drills, Rakes, Harrows, &c. â€" Farmers, these are the Best and Cheapesq; Goods you can buy. t BOOTH‘s GSCILLATING TRUSS sending a sketch and 608 °tpiitin,? "An, the Lower Town Implement Warereoms FARVM AND GARDEN TOOLS. 8SPADES sHoV ELS HOLS RAKES MANURE FORKS sSPADING FORKS HAY FORKS # :; : : MANUFACTURERS OF : : :: [Jm. Black... SECTIONS, GUARDS, HMEADS &c. OODS arriving daily at wnvgo to Mt. Forest or Durhem to rtvour _ Watches Clocks, Rings and Jewelery reâ€" as good, if not better, at the Holsteia Watch Emporium _ A large stock arrived this week, come» prhm1 the latest movements in watchessin Gold and Silver cases, alarm and ornamental Clocks, Brooches te no Send. Ledies‘ and gent‘s watch guards hnc‘z:;d".cbup. A choice selection of gold and ond rings suitable for wedding purposes, which will be sold ata small percentâ€" age aboye cost prices. No trouble to show goods. A call from the ny solicited, The sign first door south of Commercial Hotel. _ ___ paired, whic!: can be done cheaper and equall Holstein, June 2nd. COMPANY and PRIVATE Funds to Loa,. in sums and on terms to suit borrowers, (On first Mortgage on Town or Farm Property.) Lowest rates of Interest. _ Quick despatch, and lowest possible charges: Barrister, Lower Town Durham. Durham, Sept. 23rd ‘97. 3ra W, Mail & Emp. tor 1 year, ) § The Review till Jan. I, 1899 and daily Morning Globe for 1 year for $4.00, Apply to C. Lefroy McCaul Review to Jan,. 1st, 1899, Money To Loan. SOMETHING INTERESTING. Gole {Igent. J. CAMERON for $1.00 3 €

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