Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 9 Jun 1898, p. 1

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acre ven- " stone, mt 80 hood l: the “add m the lid 3 I the o, the J t min”, gum] water. Will he sold very .-.m.nuhle. Apply at this ofBce. Pnomrrlnx ExaMisA'rrosn.---Iopect- _ l (‘amphell informs us that at. the 'mpsert of many of the teachers thero ".xausittations have been postponed from 16th and 17th inst. to Bid and 21th if?“ is v a a... Ihr",)-. u'ouparr'sand , . v ‘. at Mac.. F ctianehr Drug Sim:. " _ , F: " Tlte. Review to new subst'riliers to Inn. IstltMt fur 50 Ms. If yuti intend taking a holiday trip hy hand or ttatet. consult. H. MacFathute Jr. tilcet "gent C. P. R. Secondhand Buggy for sale, in good I‘Wjamrts new, cheap. Apply to-- F. 2!iiev, IGcksruith, Upper Town. Mien! of a good Spring Medicine @3999: universal and Hood’s S'arsapc artNiifxactly uwetu this need. Be sure to Ittar."ood s. HROTHERLY. -- Denominational am- .muities are always pleasing. At the Montreal conference last. week Principal Sit-Vicar was present. as asm't, of rip- vwntative of Prestryterinuism, and Hethmlism is to he represented this week at the Genoml Assembly by thaneellor But-wash. May there be more to follow. y'byri'rlsrNri. ~Uuz- attention has been Jul to an overlook in lust week's F wofremling where we have allowed to “and a statement that part of the im- provements of the British Hotel con- sisted of "putting up " petition or two." Now really the blunder would beun- pardonahle were it not that petitions in connection witn a town hotel have been very much in evidence of Ute, and must have been weighing on our mind. Besides We don't believe it would hurt my hotel to have a petition or tmjut put up for it, either by employer or em- ployee, or both at frequent intends, though, eince we do not live in Thibet, we dont believe in wooden onee. Should we ever you! nee petition foe partition we hope our contemporery "rilt put up e petitio- " no. . [Mr/mm, 'l'lmr. June let. This will give the “WI-age small my a week's more schooling as he feels nchned to "bolt" as soon as exam. in nor. Sums/u. sos-os-Ihr Montreal \Vitness is ever foremost in promoting l healthy patriotism or intellectual V'ilalll‘y of some kind. " is out now Wlill valuable prizes for a National may}: Cotupetitiott. and has secured the "'l vices of Lord Duftorin as the ultimate ,ulxe. Now for “gold and glory" to ~Hlllt' of our spring poets. and more _ "vel' In the Witness for its patriotic a ht iiurham Bttittt. xork.' ual _ rum-2T GRADING. A» The Sawyer Cottt- m_\- uf llmniltun will be in Durham, i Friday. June 10th, with one of their ml graders and will give an exhibition is vitpalrilities. Pathtuusters espec- ily for miles around should cumenut ME any and see this useful nun-lune Min-mug. CANE. -Joseph Ford an old "lt " tr, got into a. quarrel with a stop- .'; “rum-d Lawrence, and in the melee pw " knife and stahlred him in the tloititut. The locality is near Orillia u! the young man's life is despaired ”my: SALE on To HEs'r.--That de, whip. self contained house lately mpiml by the Rev. Charles Cameron. wrv- of ground attached with com- n.nh1e-.~tuhle and out buildings. fine ('IVAI'PI itiitr.rToits Mr:rcr.--Last Saturday " ". Edge ard See. McKenzie had with (“In tim Loavd of Directors of the S. tv Agru-ultuml Society and plans ol prizes arrange-(l for the coming {all aw. The successes of the past few um when some other societies are :unbling shouldgive the hoard good u-mlragelnont. Considerable discus- m took phwe as to the arrangements ade with Mr. Crawford re the Grand uct. H. Assotcrntx.---1'lte Co. of Grey My School Association. will meet n- Pt t‘sln'tel'ian Church an Tuesday, lulu». A large attendance is ex- ml and a gum! programme is being VOL-XX. N o, 23. LOCAL Axm' NERAL h LtcK.--The latest addition to an's popuinlion is a native of the ery Kingdmn." who has set III) a on wasle in town. Mr. Wah fiwamcil meets in Meafurd next Since Ilu. ice ha, been htoken Stu? last page. plum- much tttore o, Sound or Near u we mm sessicnl i NoMvsA'rrymc--At Holstein on Mon- addition to 5 day next. " nomination will be held to "tive of the I fill the vacancy in the cannon caused by has setup slime death of the late T. Ferguson. Mr. Wahl Whether the abundance of good men (will lead to an election remains to be ueats,iuext"een. l very general desire- exist; to been luakenihnw. no elortinn. The name of Mr. ' ont,c,es.srmllv"t: McFadden is freely mentioned mm“ 'ehett.ta forthe vacant-y. Em aluminum tibtrittt). i' SAWMILL lxnr'e'rin' IN ih,vsiLii7ii".CL, iToday. Wednesday, Mr. Sparling is ilmving estatslished on the 2nd Con. of , Bentinck. about] mile north of Aber- Edoen, a portable sawmill with shingle, ' tie. and lath fixtures tncluded. Mr. Ben Sharp has been working fut. tbe necess- ary frzunework, Mr. D. Kinuee is to hefm'enmn and It is expected thatas stuck is secured and everything in run- ningovdet'.uoute 10 or 15 hands will be employed. We trust the enterprise may meet with the success it dewrvee and offer our congratulations. I Hood's Pills are the only pills to take with Hood's Saraaparillu. Easy and yet efficient. ', Mas. CHAS. vocLEtr.---Lnqt Sunday Was laid to rest in the new cemetery all that. was mortal of Mrs. Chas. Vollott. She has been in delicate health for a. ', long time and a heart affection carried gher " on Friday last. Deceased came l to Durham over GO years ago when her "tarentt' settled on the farm on which ;she died Her sisters, Mrs. Aaron :Vollett Sta. Mrs. Mountain, tir,, and u L brother Mr. Douglas have all proceeded l,her. Her husband died about 3 years Iago. and their children 7 in nmnhet, 3 1 sons and -l Jaughtets were with her at ithe last except the youngest who is in Ithc North West. A large, concourse Hollowml her remains to the grave. (ttev. Mr. Jansen conducting the ser- i vices. She was of a retiring diwosition "rut hora a most estinmhle character as la neighbor and a Christian. Exwzxsnvx FURNITURE SALE.--ahe furnishings of 8 Bedrooms. Dining room, Sitting rooms, Parlor, Hall. Barroom, Kitchen. etc. until lately the outfit of the British Hotel, will be offered for snle by auctioneer Carson at the old Review office on Saturday next. Sale at 1 o'clock. -, OLD (‘UK'N'I‘RY LETTERS.-). Jno. MrBNh sailed on Saturday last for Scotland where he will spend " tuonth, or two among friends near Aberdeen. He has kindly consented to give Review readers a few letters from the old land, and though he is not aiming to give such oluhortte epistlos as wru- those of Inspector Catnphell's last year, his ex- periences will no doubt he very inter- eitiusr. We heartily wish him hon voyage and a safe return. A first letter from Montreal appears this week. IVAN homo Goon. "The grip left me All run down, a sufferer from kidney trouble and a severe cough. I saw n testimonial of a cure by Hood’s Sarsaparilla. I began at once taking this medicine and soon found it was doing me good. I am now sound and well and cannot praise Hood’s to highly. Mrs. Susan B. Morin, Arne ( dec, Colifornia. RArs.--The cry for rain has been partly nppeased hy a few local showers, but more is very eagerly longed for. The army worm. or whatever the slug may he, infesting bush and or- chard and has been a veritable plague arm is likely to leave very injurious effects behind. We give. elsewhere some spraying solutions for this and other pests. EARLY C'totuso.--Th. merchants of Durham have agreed to close their places of business at. 7 o'elock p. m., Saturdays excepted, until Sept. lst, IB, to take effect Monday. Jane 13th '98. an-m'r SMITH. -i)ttt. obituary column to-day cuntnim the death of an old Hum-0r, Mr. Iloluwt Smith, father of Chartiu. Smith. funndrynmn. of this town. llf‘t'Hlllt’ to Philadelphia. from England in 18.3.3 and after a brief stay there and in l'rhnna, Ohio, he moved to Woodstock and about one year later settled in Durham and took up his trade as joiner and cabinet-maker. He it was who did most, of the wookwork on the Jackson residence in North Durham. After some time he bought the Bcntinck homestead, and had the usual pioneer experience. Since 1876 he has lived retired making his residence for the most of that time with his son Charter, who with his wife have been assiduous to soothe and smooth his de- clining years. In politics he was a Conservative. a very intelligent man, e great reader, and his strictly temperate habits gave him a long, useful end healthy life. A autkinEeoineidonee has occnred in that he died on hie birthday, Janet, at the ripened Snore. Hie funeral totes piece to-dey, My, for Hempden cemetery. when " wile and eon lie buried. Elli“ “WWII!!!- funeral takes place today, Tuesday, for Hampden cemetery. when his with and .0!) lie buried. Bl: wife. it wlll be re- membered met her Mhbyan weldont " Milton St. bridge, 16 you! Mo. FRATERNAL FustsatAra.- Mr. George Dickson, baker, Mt. Forest, brother of Reeve Dickson, of Egremont, was buried on Sunday last. with honors by the societies of Sons of Scotland, Odd Fellows and Independent Foresters. It was a very large procession and the brethren, some from a distance were in force. liarriston, Clifford. Minto, Palmerston sent, delegates. From Dur- ham Odd Fellows went, Messrs Adam Robertson. w. L. McKenzie and M. Sutherland. Mr.C'. t', MrFaydrn was the only Son of Scotland present. Visitors were very lzospltnhly onto! min- ed. Ilnxmc Rum. _ or Durham Schnul for May. Sr. V.~l.r>:ic- Anderson. Alum Hughes. May Ilnpkins, May McClurklin. Maud Banks. Sr. 1v.-Ca.ssie McDon- ald, Prior Rummage, Phoebe Wolfe, Dom Davidson. :Annie Lawrence. Jr. IV.-N'ni. Brown, Aggie Lawrence, Otto Knapp, Maggie Hutton, Shirley Mrlntyre. Sr. lll.~Susi0 McClucklin, Grace Wan-lay, Nora Knapp. Maud Irwin, Ethel Sibley. Jr. 11i.-vrena Nester. EsdouWolfe, FrotvnceSaunders, Mary Sharpe. Mary McKay. b'v.H.-- \VillicSauntlers, Willie Laveile, Stew- art “Gilli-rs, Minnie (Ymnoron, Thomas Barclay. Jr. H.--Charlie Moore. Karl Cliff. Stella Jack and John Wallaeq., Frank Becker, Alice Haulage. Sr. pt. ll.~Jenn Crawford, Cavruan Aljoe, EsesieLaullaw, Rim Irwin. Myrtle Mc.. Donald. Jr. ll (a),--Geovge Lloyd, John Nadiger, Nellie Smith, Harry Grashy. Jr. II (h).~lslay Cmnglwll, Kate Nesler, Charlie Haulage. curl Murdock. Russell Currie and Pearl Burnet. aefl. by. I.--Effie, limiter. Je- mima. Saunders, Bertha Harvey, Lynn Grant, Flora McKinnon. Intermediate. --Hazel Marshall and Nellie Beekeraeq., Eva Burnet. " A.-rHuzel Guthrie, Tnmmv Holt. Jr. B.-Sadie Ktess, Ruby Knisley and Harper Kress neq. Towx CoUtauL.--The regular meeting on Monday night was largely taken up by discussion of the new sidewalk. A desire foe the new paving is springing up in other parts of the town, and when the fitst piece on the Town Hall side is done, the desire may grow into action. COST or RAmurtD.--In the House last week this question was up for dis- cussmn, and Dr. Landerkin made so able and notablem. contribution tothe debate that we intend next week to give considerable space to it as this week we are already crowded. tho gimp»? May as u: vehicle but no lover. injury A good hand-made new :hnggy. A very desirable article. r" A second hand, platform spring dent. ocrat. Almost new. A Second hand buggy in good order. Can be seen [at R. McFarlane's Car- riage Shop, Upper Town; tMI An exchan epublirhes the following receipe, Ji'li'lf is easily tried and said to be elfecuml t--One quart of soft soap; two quarts of soft wrsrer, mixed well together; add one-half quart coal oil, and mix thoroughly. Apply with a whitewash brush, or fiat paint brush. Either morning or evening is the best time. to apply, its theyure then mostly 71;.an bu unwed to Durban. intending to lin mind. The following articles belonging to Mrs. Burgess are to be sold. A good Cooking Stove. Glass Cupboard, Glass Case, Parlor Stove, Rocking Chair, Small Table. These may be seen at Mrs. Lutder's, near the Cream” y. Anyone in need of a. boy for haying and harvest should apply to Mrs, Lauder. 6 9 " in cluster-s; Mr. S. Hopkins has improved the ap- pearance of his farm by a lane and also a drixe, a. shed will soon follow. Sandy is a lu1stlts, Miss T. Wright has been visiting Hau- over friends lately. To Kill the Army Worm. Good Furniture for Sale. BUGGIES FOR SALE. DURHAM, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1898 BUTTON HILL, Mr. Arch. MvDuuguH i,; home after an 0:35”le visit totTiendsitn Williams- ford and Owcn Sound. Mr. Wm. Bolhwell of Faitwell came home last week after passing the winter out west. Master. Jim Elliot, Chatsworth, Is the guest of his grandmother, Mrs. MacRue. Me. C. C. James and Rev. Mr. phreys of Priceville were in F I'iday. , .. . Mrs. Joseph Brennan, of Durham, is visiting friends in town,-Palttuwston Repurter. Mrs. PaMcrson, Howick, is spending afew weeks with her daughter, MVS., W. H. Beam. Miss Anderson, of new Mavkdale. wasn guest of the Misses Burnet the past week. Mr. Thus. 1IcComlr and his daughter Lizzie, of WilliamUovd visited friends in town over the week end, Mr. and Mrs. Allan'McKinnon visited friends in Fain-well last week. Miss Maggie Scott left Tuesday morn- ing to visit for a time in tiarnia. Mr. Albert Kelly, is at present the guest of his brother. Mr. J. Kelly. Messrs. J. Scott. MIG D. McKinnon, Fairwell, spent Sunday with friends in town. Mr. Sidnvy Blukestun of Priceville passed th'ovgh town on Tuesday. after visiting friends around town. Rev. Mr. (‘hmlton, of Hanover will occupy the Methodist pulpit on Sunday next, hum morning and evening. Mr. and Mrs. Thus. McCumh of Bunessan passed through town on Wednesday to visit friends in Vnruey. Mr. Grant Mc(‘omh. Bunessan hijé purchased a wheel frmn Mr: J. A. Hunter, and is now an expert wheehnan. Messrs John Snell and Wm. Wright, Fleshertcm Statiun, two enterprizing farmers of AvtetuesuU were in town, Tuesdav. Mr. Buddy, visited Owen s/ra friends, Sunday. Mr. and Mus. Geo. Rutledge and family from Mexico, me spending a few weeks at the home of Mrs. Ratledge's rather, Mr. Win, Anderson. Rev. Wus. Birks, father of Rev. A. K. Hirks at one tune in the Methodist Churwh heve died in Toronto last week. He was over 40 years in the ministry. Messrs J. A. Black and D. Kinnee from town are up 10-day, (Wednesday) at the placing of the Sparliug sawmill in Bentinck. Me, T. Rwy is to operate the Shingle mill. Rev, Mr. Ferguson returned from Guelph on \Vednesduv where he had been attending C'onference. He will re- main as pastor of the Methodist church here, this, his second year. (io’r ms B. A.--The young people of Durham will remember Archie Smith. grandson of J. M. Hunter, who went to school with them here. We lee that Archie has succeeded in the general course of B. A. in the Manitoba College of Winnipeg. and also secured the first prize, a. scholarship of 8120. We are well pleased to hear of his success, seeing that Archie Igob his firrrt rudi- ments of learning in the Durham School. The Annual Meeting of this body was held in the Town Hall on Tuesday last, about 30 being present. _ Vice President R. Morice occupied the chair in the absence of Pres. Young. The old ofticeta were all re-elected ex- cept one.. Geo. Black, Glenedem taking the place of R. Barber. PERSONAL MENTION. FARM ERS' INSTITUTE. H um- town “We take this opportunity ot thanking our' customres for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system W111 merit, a continuance of the some. -‘ "Large Sales ‘86 Small Profits." - TORONTO Durharu. Jkug'. 9th. "oo. Our Piano and Organ ()rmly established. Be Purest tones. Gutters Do you want il Sewing Machine? Tay the New Williams-:-- Highest (Price pai for Wood In exchange for goo s. _ C. MCKINNON. Stoves 3.. dk J. McKechnie. We beg to inform our Custom- ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our _ Motto will be At prices that will surprise. UPPER TOWN IMPLEMENT WAREROOMS. The CASH C. jlddKINNON'8, ADOPTED BY N., G. d; J. McKECHNIE. siisteeratattat. of all kinds, Cutters and Sleighs of the best quality and at prices away (imp. COOKING STOVE ii, HEATING STOVES, BOX STOVES WHOLE N0. 1056. Best makes. E

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