Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 2 Jun 1898, p. 5

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[3-an once h. by [Hec- illan Mar rmt pri- ', all wed bter used {HOi cribqd "Int men th. ithout resi- tech. el to for an. inn 19th ' Jr. te lay and is no. 'tr. rho Thu a lit. ay 1 T " " 'ro ’5‘ DURHAM OFFICE. Canaan's BLOCK. Cullen-lions and Agency pnmptly summed to. Pills I‘ve-nil, Mortgages. Lens-n. Aux-ammo. at, mam-Hy prepared. Eats-m of aroused pen-om looked utter. and Exocnton‘ a d Ad- ministruurs‘ Acouunhl protmrod and Ma. Sun-mute Court Emma-u. PrupuLu at“ Willa. horn"! punuc. convlnnc-n. " omee LOWER TOWN, DURHAM. Li,Goritt -taitdi, riuiuu' Ind Guardian-kw (minim-l. Search” unnlu m Registry Dulce uni THIN reported cm. HARRIS TER. - soucrron tafstpprgegtaegt counr. NOTARY PUBLIC. COMMISSIONER. ETC. ('hmges moderate. Fire Insurance Secured. 1rftire. (tn-r Gtntrt's suture. LoweI'ann. DURHAM. 3-117 Lower Town. Will be in Prieuvillo one a third Wednondny- of mum unnum- Mutton“: Hotel. t'onnmny nnd private Funds to Loan on Mortarsg. a at low. st hues of intern-t. Vila-lions mule ' y n competent and mum] anmuor. LUCAS. WRIGHT. a BATSON. .ARRISTERS. SOLICITORS. NOTARIES. CONVIYANCIRS. dc. MONEY To LOAN-cow "arcs-EASY TERMS MONEY TO LOAN AT 5 PER CENT. ()FFH'E FIRST DOOR EAST 01: the Durham Pharmacy Calder' "lock. Residence that door west of th" Post oftice. Durham, UPPER THWN Notice is hereby given that anvnne trespassityr. cutting timber on. or re- moving the mule from lots wand 408.13. R. Tp. of Glenelg. Co. of Grey. will be dealt wichjns the law (El-eats. “I." .. WI iiakkr MCDONALD. Montpelier. Idaho Ul. Dec. ttth W. Lot to, concession 2, Glenelg. With- in two miles of the town of Durham. Thin is a gum! farm. Good stone house. fralm- ham. good orchard. well watered convenient to market. Will be sold flu-up. For particulars apply to Jugs Mcxmmn or to Rocky Saugcen. GEORGE H. TYcrrBR. Box 257. Portage La Prairie. Man. I Ill: u"“"“’"F"“" --- Rem for a term of years, lot 20, con. 3, WALK, Bentinek. On the property is a good barn, good frame house, small orchard, TO acres cleared. tml-- ance hardwood bush. Well watered. Apply to R. Mommy. gs. tur up) vow Q., " All Charges M55331”. Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. s. The undersigned J. P. TELFO RD, DENTISTRY. watches, Clocks, & Jewellery. Silverware. flatware, a; Specs. G. LEFROY McCAUL. BA RRISTER, SOLICITOR. I. B. Lucas, - w. H. Wnon'r. ('.Hu'wx. - . FARM FOR SALE. NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. Repairing a Speciality. . GORDON, JEWELLER. offers for Sale 2r Mu kdnlo. Owen Sound Dnrlmm. DURHAM. Dom the (not of only 200g 00 Christian Wvllllll bauGdtouether in the Woman's Christian Temperauee Union to defend the home tron: the saloon by organized "ort--wuieh means right home training. right education of head, heart and hand. ind righteous laws enforced, that shall both warn the young feet. away from tho pits of Iomplatinn, and in time take away the nomptuion itself-touch not your heart-.011, Christian not Jet enrolled in the glorious army? Where are the millions of mothers and boune-lorepma who can arise: in the majesty of womanhood Ind any. "The saloon almll no more tempt our sons and dew-ny our (laughi- Orn ? ' Dear Christian brother and aster. "won'tyontry and keep people out ot tbatyst ?" New, is very scarce but foxes are plenum. Mr. R. J. Eden had twelve hens lulled the other morning by a fox. Mr. Z. Clark hml a bee on Monday Inst drawing gravel for the bank of the mill dam. The cmeweucy of the hour, the know- ledge of our national and social danger cull for action. To-day we can help; to. monow it may be too late. - Mr. and Mrs. David Lung: and Miss Jeanne Gordon were the guards of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Eden one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Gadd were visiting at Mr. T. Walhsee's on Sunday. Mrs. Richatd Hannah, of Fergus is It pres-em visiting the old homsetuml. . Mr Jnu. Blyth is at ttretu"tt nursing a sore hand, We would like to know what that. man was thinking about when he brought un- other man's horse to the Ilnup to get shod in place ofhis own. In some tlistriets the people are to tie- cido whether or not their boundaries ahall be freed from the 2urse of the saloon, the distillery and the trawl-y. whether a. Wall shall he built between the home and the enemy of the home, or the pits of temptation null be open to lure unwary feet. In this hour of decision “when are the Christians lr' The battle will be sharp, and xietory must depend much upon the acts and intiuence of the Chris- tian men and women. Queen's birthday wan colehrawd In great shape hero. Mr. W. Smith spent the 24th in Mt. Fawn. What can be done to make sale paths for our children 1' m the great question of to-day. 'lhe friends nf education are buiuliug a wall ol knowledge so high that e little childwili not climb over to the pit of ignorance. Warning, lights are burning all along the le that science Iremln. Are the Christians as roused to see that the Sunday pchoolu and the churches stand nhuulder to shoulder with the teachers on this qua-(inn ' Mr Geome Hamilton in busy building . foundation for his new barn. V in Malcolm Melanin visited her gand- dnnghtet. Mrs. Joseph Robb, of Robb. In: week. Mr. Jno. Csldor wont. to Kenn-as MP drain tile Iaat week. Mr. Calder is now fully alum to the benetits of underdnining. He has Mr. Hugh Mela-chem engaged all spring " the work Mr. J no. McEachern is eontiued to the house from a severe attack of Ln Grippo. my Mrs.Emttser T. Bomb.) The Words n ere intenre with pleading I shall new forget how all else poled into insiguifieanee before (but ery of It soul just on the hordu' of the Heavenly Land. the pleading of a date: bel. r21. She thought a great pit. lay ii.- the paths of men, our] they w: re Coli-l:.nl’_\‘ hlirrg in. The green grass grew up ti, its edge, the tio- tirot.pedt i n r. It hall no barriers on light: of warning. "There l." she would call, 'the dearest friend I had slipped in, and you never tried to stop him ; ml 3. boy went over, and you never told him there “as a put more. Can't you save that girl ?" she cried. “Oh! the world goon by, the great. tlioughtleu world.nnii tt jnuiles people in. Where are the Christians? Why don't the Olin-trans help ?" Mr. Jas. McDongull and his men are engaged framing Mr. John Reid's bun. Jim says he has plenty to do this summer. Inc, was a doutie breeze on a local 6shery question last week. Hope it is all past. . Mr. Joseph Buniton, postmaster, is re- covering trout A very severe attack of rheumatism. Hope he will soon be able to resume bin duties in the othee. Wm. Romnines "iissising king" reports the sucker: as being very small and the ltoutasvery shy. He says you may tickle them with the and of your rod but they will not bite. Mr. Jas. Reuwick. cheirman B. MB., Mr. Jas. Swnnuon. Assessor. end Chas. McInms. Dep. Reeve. attended the lunar- nl of the late Thea. Ferguson. a member " Ram-non: council, and a gentlemen Mr. Jas. Rouwick. chairman D. m 1 Mr.Jas. Swanston. Assessor. and Ch Mclums. Dep. Reeve, attended the ton a] of the late Thos. Ferguson, a mam! of Egremout conned, and a gamma "rsumueh “cured by all, [not Friday. - _ - . ,_L_:.'I‘l fB matrimonial fever litthdunng the} may WHY DON‘T THE CHRISTIANS HELP? Intended for Mat mark. Intended for last week. Guido: wont. to, ngtgdt for VARNEY. YEOVIL. has subsided a week; bat it is a M .r' . a»: I celebrated in The 24011 passed away quietly around Law. a number of the boys from the north and smith with their partners bunk in the picnic at Haywunl's falls. Among: the crowd we notzced a very down hearted tellow. Mr. Editor and Review readers, we are all alive yet. but in things were R little quiet w. took N eouplo of weeks "cation. Master mud Min Woods, of Hanover vicinity were spending Sunday. Monday and the 24th at Mr. Henry Ellis's. Miss Woods and Miss Jennie Ellis spent most of the time driving, tishiug and impacting. The readers of ths Hanover Punt would notice what a great number of fish wore caught in silver creek lately; but the catcher not being natutied visited the Saligoen river with n couple of down town ladies nu the 24th, Int, by all row-tbs it seems that silver creek Is the has: for eatelntw, {lime largo r-huh that the Han- over Post Cor. was telling us about. We might just state here for fear the Post Cor. might forget that. if the cull shingle: on the 8th are so "early done that the yarn ma}; bo uhlc to secure some on the 7th as thyre are mostly some after putting up a new house. Mr. w. J. Gleneuter has completed hil contract in Egremont and is now going to Toronto where he will be ellgnuml for acme time. The Tp. Council of Proton, met a: a Court offtevisnou on Saturday I110 28tl, at the hotel here. There was 1103 muny appeals. nut still there is considerable grumbling amang the people. Some of our young ladies here are now prrctiaing on the bicycle and we exped others to follow anon. Rev. M r. Campbell. ot Dromore, preach- ed here on Sunday tho 22nd and urunsed the culml'ogulinn eouilerulsly. Mr. H. Allen has purchased slim; class organ for his family. A large number of agents are around now “use the rouda are good. On Wednesday tin 25th, a number from here wont. tloit u to Egremuut. to Pemr Me- Eacheru'e barn raising and eujuyed the tun at night. The Cor, of tho Rovinw Hunks Mutt if the Cor, of the Post would only like to tell.the putting of thr muhrelln in the tree wouldn't be a Invatpry any longer. A week Ago Sunday morning a. couple nflmlies from "only! here went to the barn muulk and on reaching the yard they noticed a bunny. no they went to the stalrle, and than. they saw a horse, so next. they thought. of the granary. on arriving there to their surpnw they found two boys sound asleep. Min Flora McDonald is home again after mending six weeks in Glonolg. On the 23rd the 4th Con. folkl We" tomewhat surprised to me two yum: ladies, from the 7th matching to the Sanger!) River with fhthitig poles on their Ihoulders. one being a stranger reports that they caught some fine trout. Quiten tow of our yillngera enjoyed a picnic in Utunpl"tllu bush [with of the VilIago two mil-is. on Queen's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. John McGillivary will a flying vi-i: to their daughter Mrs. Long of Brant. Our uncut, Mr. Burns, ban been ab- nent this couple of weeks holding revival tttoettruttr " Monck. His father occupied the pulpit during his nbsence. For the last couple " days the weath- er is cooler and grove doubts are express- ed this Monday night whether we will have frost or snow, but we hope we shall have neither of them as it is get: ting too late in the season for either of them to be patronizet1s Everything has a fine appearance, the orchards are in full bloom sand it IS to be hoped that nothing will stop their progress at the present time as by their appearance they promise an arundant yield when the time of gathering the wit shall come. Clover seldom seen better at this season. Fall wheat in most places looks well and spring wheat ‘atlso him.good prospects; Mine host Scarlett. of the hotel, hul had visitors lately. Mis, Watson. of Bruce Co., and Policeman Roderick Achenzi» of Duluth. The Scarlet}; were well planned with this friend as he tstood 6 feet 10in. weighs 275 lbs., well mnde and in the prime of lite. Mr. Cruwlord of Tomaso Gore also gave them a Call. Mr. Jno. Forster bu his new house nearly up and a. fine cue it u. Ther ml! be moving In shortly. Forster Na hustler. On Sunday the, 22ud Mr, Oliver Lepperd of Euplzrusm Tp. was buried at the Latteruay Saints church near here. He was ailing only a few any" and his death was caused by a hurt. He formerly lured in Prutuu, where he was married to Miss Mom-nu, who with eistlit children still snrvhe him. The mineral was Ian-us and the [services Were can lucked bv Elder's D. McGregor and E, Evans of London. Tluethmi/et, am: lis,liestiuv, 'rtottn on the night. of the 20m did omuderable harm here. A cow Was killed for Mr. Joseph Love, and as Alex. McEaclmie and A. Mel’hail mm cunning from Dundalk in the night, the lawman: struck the buggy aud dul considerable damage to the harness. The oeouyauts were uuhurt. irisrt"'piiGii- fad, their? turn'ip gi'ouml ready to sow and some are planting their potatoes this week. T Death again visited the homeof Mr. y"PN Fn".'.."'" Ulugwuus. _ula wu- and Mrs. Williams, old Durham road irrlaw"sdwe1liug was burnt, losing most Artemesm. taking their son Ralph, a of the conttgnts. Mr. McDougall's two young mum in the 20's, he has been ail- sons are residents of Duluth also. mg fora year more or less, with lung John Campbell of Swuntou Paul: lost trouble which he contracted in the a. new oil-cloth overcoat on Sunday 16th mines .from the affects of the dross. May. somewhere between the 2,STi, The funeral took place orrThursday oti terian Church here. and. [000m 's Well Mr. Editor we havo hml a very favorable seed limp. The grain and a good deal of runt reeling has been dons. the gran! is abundant and the fruit trees are in full bloom. more than probable that arenewed out- break may take, place dming the summer months. Proton crops look well. A" - --A 774..--..“ -.---.-.- PRICEV ILLE. HOPEVILLE. MULOCK. .n-.. u.-.- TF, Flour perhbl ............ , 4 00 to 96 00 Cannon per sack ...... ... 2 00 to 2 00 Bran per ewt ... ... ... 66 to 66 Shorts per ttwt ... ... 75 to 80 Fall Wheat per bushel ... 1 or, to 1 05 Barley, ', ... o 85 tt o 40 Penn, " ... 0 56 to 66 Oats, " ... 0 82 to 0 32 Dr'd Hugs, per cwt ... 5 75 to 6 2b Hugs, live weight. ... ... 4 GO to 5 00 Lard per lb ... ... 10 to 10 Tallow‘ per lb ... ... 08 to 04 Butter per It). Tul, ... ... 0 ll to 0 ll " Roll ... 11 to ll Eggs, per doz ... ... ... 10 to 10 Chickens. per pair ... M to 80 Potatoes, per hag ... 0 60 to 66 Ducks th ... 40 to " co Turkeys, per ll, ... ... 10 to ' 10 Eggs, per doz ... . Chickens. per pair Potatoes, per hag Ducks th Turkeys, per ll, ... Geese, per ll, .. Hides. peer ewt ... Calfseius ... ... 8lreepskins ... .., Hay, per ton ..1 Slraw. .. ... .. Apples, pm- log .. Wood, 4 feet ... .. Wood, 22 inches .. last week to the Priceville Cemetery. The Rev. Mr. M utheson preached an im- pressive funeral sermon at. the house. The bereaved family have the sympathy of the community in their and bereave- ment. Two or three years ago they buried a so" of about. 17 years of age. The Rev. Mr. Darrnch has again taken charge of the Baptist, Church here and preaches every Sunday at 2.30 at. Mt. Communinn will be dispensed in the Presbyterian Church here on the 2nd and 3rd Sundays in June, Gaelic on the 2nd and Engliqu on the 3rd Sunday. Service M11 a. m. As we intimated in our last budget a 1"'i7, event, took place at the residence of A r, Alex. McMillan. South Line, Artemesia, on Tuesday the 17th May, when his daughter. Miss Mary Ann was united in marriage 'T, the Rev. Mr. Matheson, to Hector cLeun of this village. The young couple have the heat wishes of their numerous friends. May than journey through life be ever pleasant and the sumhine of blessedness pour abundance of blessings upon them as they travel together hand in hand to the limits of life. The 24th of May wan spent very quiet- ly here. some went fishiitR, others went picnicking, and some stayed at home to mind their own business. who had as lunch thanks from our beloved Queen as those who spent it otherwise. We are indeed very sorry to hear of the death of Mr. Dixonh son from ap- rendicitis. This trouble is getting to up very common of late years. Preparations have commenced in view of the great Convention to he held in the Presbyterian Church here on the 5th July in connection with the Christ- ian Endeavor Society. A grand time expected. We read the able. letter of Gilbert Mc- Kechuie in last weeks: Review. It has a tone of solidity about it which makes us feel that our writings are as but bubbles on the water in comparison to his. Mr. Dan McQueen and fannly of Stay- ner, spent a few days of last week with Neil Mchnnel. Mr. MeQueen's brother- in-uw, and other friends in the vicinity. they returned again latter part of the Week. Professor Hector :McDonald added to the appearance of his dwelling house by erecting a vemndah lately. Mr. Duncan McDougall, north line Gleualg. received a letter from Duluth, stating that Mr. Dingwall's. his son- in-law s dwelling was burnt, losing most of the contents. Mr. McDougall's two sons are residents of Duluth also. "-- - S'I'IIJ HEIAYI fhNaO GUN’S LIVER PILLS DURHAM MARKET. ft 05 to 0 0.5 US to OH gr, to 30 6!) to l 00 5 00 Ct 8 00 0 00 to 0 00 50 to 1 00 l 50 to l 00 to 100 TORONTO Turnip Seed... FIELD CORN‘ Corners. If this meets the eye of the finder, he wtll return it to the owner. Mr. Campbell comes to Priceyille every Sunday morning for the sake of hearts ing a sermon in his native language. the Gaelic. Mr. Campbell is climing well up to the t,e.',','i'lg',g,','vT, and come- T or 8 miles every Ban " and is generally the first to arrive at the church, he makes it a point to hethere at 10 o clock sunshine or mm. The Sons of Scotland bad alpecial meeting the other evening to consider a. gran demonstration sometime soon. will hear the result of meeting before writing again. ADAMS' WAGGONS : A full Carload m'l arrire this week-- f saee./Nipht buy at close prirrs, and mm sell cheaper than other A gents. tar Full Line o.f all kinds of ropaus. a _ y T , N . A full stock of the TUDHOPE a: MrLAI'GHLIN Bug- PR", GCHES: Ries, Democrats, and t'arrt,iAll kinds of PIAHVS and HARROWS' and the very best you can lmy at right prices. The RAYMOND sewing machine and the best makes of PIANOS and ()RGANH. "Money to loan at 5 and Crr"/. payable on your own terms. 'drittsurance prompt - 1y attended to. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. WM. CALDER. Fichiér Dr. Berle of the A.O U.W. says he has a g supply of the need- ful in the, trguquerz; the Dr. is the right iGi%udright once. H. PARKER Beautiful weather. remarkgble growth,fall wheat in the shot blade, and everything lovely. All Latest reports from Teeswnter m that Mr.George Moore is. at time of writing in a critical condition. We hope totem- of his recovery. A gloom was cast over the neighbor- hood when the news was spread bf the sad untimely and of Dr. Brown of Hol- stein. Demand Was well liked/usd had a large practice in this vicinity. but like t ousandsof other unfortunntn in the world, was ve much ' addicted to drink, which no 2mm wu the cause SPRING & SUMMER GOODS arriving daily at t1t9aprapa 'iiiiijijiirrgtii(iE, tlt ' Choice Millet, Chinese Millet, Hungarian Buckwheat, Linseed, Ground Oil Cake, Fertilizers, Thomas Powdered Phosphate, Land Plaster, Land Salt, Barrel Salt, "Pure English Paris Green." SWEDE TURNIP SEED. -Carter's Elephant Purple Top Swede-the largest Swede grown : solid, nutritious and a good keeper. Cart. er’s Imperial Purple Top Swede. One of the largest and best keep- ing Swedes. Bangholm Purple Top. A favorite Swede. Hartley's Improved Bronze Top Swede. An excellent cropper and good keeper Sutton’s Champion Purple Top Swede. A good large Swede. King of Swedes. One of the best. London .l’urple Top Swede. A handsome, large Swede, solid and a firgt rate Reefer. . YELLOW & tWH TE FLPBHED TSIN/ea-i-i-drift Top, Yellow _ __AbeNtserf, _Im_prov_ed GreyetgnerandLincoln Red ‘lobe. RAPE. -Carter's Broad Leavéd Sowing Rape. £33 Be sure and see. our stock of Cradle. Hammocks.----- The quality of Ready-Mixed Paint. (mound es ially for our sale) is fast hecoming known. It will excel)?" other taint in use in this section of country.-----') ditfermtt ind: of Cream (inns in Stock.----' assortment of Silverware, Granite. and Thnware is something extra. ---H you want a. firnstwlasrs or a cheap whip. cullnnd examine our stock.---" you want one of our Egg- Carriers, call early as they are going mama: C'.'.'.'. tt'.tt kinds of MASSEY'HARRIS MACHINERY. Binders, Mowers, Drills, Rakes, Barrows, 510. Farmers, these are the Best and (Sheapgst Goods you can buy. th"' Seed Corn from 45e a btttshel--Wmmoth Southern Sweet, Lemming‘s Improved Yellow, Early Yellow Dent, Selected Horse Tooth. ORCHARD. the Lower hm Implement Warerooms E are now in a. position to supply the sur- rounding country with Farm and Garden Tools having purchased the entire make up stock of one of the best factories in Call and examine our stock of _ SPADES, va'rchs. SHOVELS, CRADLES, Horas. SNATHS, RAKES'. REAPING HOOKS, MANURE FORKS. MANURE DRAGS. H AY FORKS. POTATO DRAGS. SPADING FORKS, THIBTLE SPUDS. ac. Lam. Black" . which led up to his rash net. Surely Mr. Editor, in the near future when we will have 3 chance of our-lining out this awfulcureo of fair Can today, that we will endeavor to do so, through our vote aud influence for the lake of our fellow men if nothing more. During the month of March our mum and ever ohliging miller, Mr. d. chopped N70 has of min anon; which a large num . wu "Pat. ron huge,” that in large hearted ones. A few invited friends of the neighbor- hood uoembled " the hoopitnhle home of Mr. and Mrs. Cornish on Friday night last to while may a few hours in chat and song. Mr. Geo. Alexander gave a. number of his favorite selection- very ereditahly, hut the best part of the programme was the supging of a large dish of ice crew. in t e melting of which, few can excel Mrs. Cornish, It in needles. to say that the evening slipped ”my Terr quickly. Mr. Bert Wagon passed throutrh our Ira/e Saturday [at on his way to Mt. amt. when he underwent some npuin. these coupled with a dand to buggy and n 3 minuu bone ','e,fld at moat lend one to believe that Bert in- tends to stir up Ignite Insomniac among the fair ones. tter he cautious Bert. itieii, "filgoifiiiditbiiofinfiziSH-“l'dfl; by o . M Pram - M . Ia'.' to embody. Easy to make am My. 'lit int in the M. BRADLEY 0mm! Co?ePANY, but!” . mu for the “but PM dwooAka-EIPO ot Glad-tong! memon'nl edition by ' DURHAM.

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