at Mr, C. Firth', homo has the "Bee of xi plum“: "out last Mortar, When his. daughter MN. Mary was united in] mamas. to M r. Bobs. Mitchell, ot Toronto, The young couple accompanied l by others drove to Floaherhn when they i' took the tram for their new homo in the, Queen city. w. With them u happy and prosperous journey through life. I Arbor day " our school was quite a bug day among the chOIars, cleaning up the yard and planting some more trees wlncu has mm]. quite an improvement to the ward. Wonder what Mr. C. thought ot it, we happened to see him taking stoek of it the other evening as ho paged through. Mr. John Livingstone. of Pricnlle is cur cream drawer tor this year. making only one trip-week yet "there " not very much cram. Wish you BBGCCI‘ Jack. Mr. Charles Kennedy who had attack of iMaautson is humming Ik but we hope ho may soon be on again. The engine which Watt in the chopping mill all water was taken nay lot week. Blocked rather peculiar to some ground here to see it moving " without horses. good fra. A 5131555313 iiiciiii . fine lot of cattle " the highest price. Tho majority of the farmers around this part have furirhad seeding. but tome have several acres lo plough yet. Jack Smith is ongngod mm Mr. backs“ our butcher to do [no delivering. Right man in the right place. Mr. D. McFulano sold 5 heart of cattle ands} pigs herfo.t whicp he received a Mr. Dan Robertson is engaged with John Campbell to build the right kind of a fence, the work he has done " in credit to him, and Dan says there is a few more over there that should lake me on for a week or two. The name of tho fence is "Ahead of all." There arrived " Neil Clark? lately a young son. all are well. Another liberal vote. Miss Tana McDonald is at pram! taking lessons in dressumking at Holstein. When the gets her diplom, without doubt she will put up liar sign here as Mme is a grand opening ant a good counuy around. Mr. Dave Kinks accompanied by Mia Mary J. McLeod passed :lnongh here lately, enquiring the way to Fainmiru. W. McLeod an": a Ibo". call " Jno. McDonald's Inlely. Mr. Ronald McDonald intends to ad- ucate lumsoll in Gauche, as he goes out to Price-vim to tho service more. It. was the guest. of Me. Martini] and Mr. Me- Donald of Prieevillo. The seeding around here is a thing of the past and stood working weather for man and beast, though not. much growth, but we are having tine growing weather it present. BROWNSVILLE. ROB ROY. -¢-o- slow 1y, around Mr Th, stone part of church xs built and the to commence. Brick-layer Glovester is homo from Toronto and 18 at present building " home for Thos. Weir of Egremout. There is considerable here tlo.sp,rinsr.. , piece will be well supplied with fruit "can. t Elder McGregor of the Later Day Saints church has spout considerable time here lately attending to church mutton. hrs. McGrugor H at her fatheru, Mr John Campbell. Our farmers finished seeding early this spring with few executions. Considerable fruit trees have be, tt do livored in Proton this year, and if they are properly taken care of, our mwualiip will be well supplied with fruit 9.-.... Miss Mary Dezell who has been in Near York at the Missionary Training College has returned home and Intends remuiuin: for some tune. f considerable dliving around HOPEVILLE. the Presbsuariin brick work is about Ton th, te "IV. f day last. Au it wasn't a |IUHillPaS day this town , we dou't expect that the effect of his was tl (Luv-4,." t. I was of such a character. ssitrriin I , According ty reports we egpect to he k Ls', about l eye in chronicle a marriage lit our next. j 1 ho gentleman belongs to the Brasouie !order and a resident ct our town. while um from I the lughly respected lady's home and lg u home ( birthplace is on the 80me line pomewhore. .v . II‘ I El Emu c.dor writers. Salary " noble porno“. Rev. Mr. Little and Rev. Choue.r exchanged pulpital Miss Ada Middleton who the met 12 mos. in Ruck home last week. Mr. Rich Banks Inst a lcstuweett. Hugh Firth the fence baiur iL, finish- ei the church fence and everybody says it a" 2 ft TT Some of the boys are wondering if the west end bachelor is about to take to “use" a wife, he is fitting things up so. We are sorry lo have to report the sick- Jess of our millet, Mr. A. Goodfellow. Hope to see him around again soon. Mr. Thomas Smith is gradually improv- ing in health and enjoys driving the mail them warm days. Mr. Edgar Renalds is hired thh Me George Blair for the‘ summer months. Our worthy pastor, Mr, Ferguson, u daily gaining the coutidenee of his con- gregations. On Sunday the 15th he preached to a. full church, from the words: " and they helped one another. tr During his discourse he gave many a hard hit, and we have no donbt, that many an arrow went heme. Mr. Ferguson amoun- ces lhuton tho 22nd of Mny he will read tha rules of the Methodist' Church and hope: to have a crowded house. Wo notice quite a. change in the last Review, it has the latest modern improve- ments which add greatly to the appear- ance of the paper. lathe“. McGowan was in town on Sun- Sydney Blakentone who received in. juries a. mouth or so ago is home to Priee. ville and is staying with his brother W. J. Blakesloue. Ila is getting along well and will be all rightagain in n few weeks. He says his escage was a mirsele as four men along tg the fall Mr. Humphreys (Rev. Mr. Humphreys' n ther) arrived directly fun) England a few days ago. The geutlenuu IN quite hale and fresh looking after comm}; trom the old land. We are pleased to see Mr. John Camp. bell of the North Lino able to be out again after u severe attack of sickness during the greatest part of tlto winter. Old Mu. Wright has been poorly for some time and not able to be out of dams. Mr, Waite is fast passing away, and by all appearance) the hour of his departure h not far away, he has not taken any food for three weeks. Next Sunday Rev. Mr. Matllesou, pas- tor uthe Pres. church here will conduct solyice in Gaelic and Enghsh. Gnulin at llwlf past ten and English at 11.30, so as to girl» both Pnl'llFH thn privilem of hav- ing the both languages every Sabbath during summer at least. Mr. Mutlursou ml! hue to prr-aeh font. times every Sun- Iluy. Some " tho will hauls urn predict. ing the new movement to be the down- fail of the Gaelic language. but we have that their predictions may prnye (nume- nus and that all them who will under- stand the bountiful language will honor the service with their pre-ence every: Sabbath mommy, to listen to a gym] dis-', tolirM, from nu calm-st speaker in thelrl mother tongue. t The iirstmUiue of the season was at Mr. Kinks. South Line, Gleneig, on Fri- day of last week. Rev. Mr. Humphries and Dr. Hutton were on the number there. the former's presence in his oftiteial capac- ity suited the spiritual wants, while the batter mm in readiness to attend to the. bodily needs of those endangered to ac- ‘Cldrlit‘. The Dr's immediate presence came in well as one fellow, D. MuDoueall South Line, Artcuusia. recciied a crack, in tho heal from tt piecc of falling timbar,‘ cc'c-ltt,, a deep gaah, the Dr. dies ed thy; w.;u..d and we hear the fellow is getting‘ Mung well. Instead of the usual huvolity generality carried on at night in Mich: occasions. this turned out to be It pray-H“ meeting as the elo,e of the days: labor. I The busy hum of the season is about our and a large number of the tillers of the soil can rest on their 0an for a few daye as an interval between seeding and potato planting and turLip sowing. Mr. Malculm Mcluuis rays be plowed, unwed and lmrruwed with one team of horses iuxtyAive acres of laud this spring, this is cerumly lit work and were it not that we can uly on Malcolm’s stutemeut to be truth we would be doubtful. We would infer from the above lacs that Malcolm did not spend much of his time attending to other matters of ueeeesitytpreparatory for no make Illa happy. Again the pleasant month of May In! msde our tUlds and forests green. How beautiful it is on this pleasant morning to li,.ten to all the lower creation each in their various forms singing as it were praises and adoration to the great giver of all good, who has relieved them lrom the cold bondage of winter, and now as they are once more freed from the prison walls of bitterness, they go forth r-houtiug with joy each in hi, own language telling othels the story oi their freedom. The little boy leaps With joy hecuuse he can now lay aside his winter boots and is privileged to wear his birth day shoes, whose Rules are tanned by coming in con- tact with every obstacle that comes iu the way of the wearer. The pleasure seeker can now enjoy himself to " lieaits- onu- lulll. The wheelsmun can now go at the rate of 2.40 3nd firuls out that the high- way? ure ways of pltsitsanttuws, and that his pathway is free from any obstruction that lumht prevent his progress onward. y gide ot'him were killed i’nsmhily'wiE ROCKY SAUGEEN. WANTED :ed pulpita Instr w‘h‘e'k- ADVERTISER, Medical Building, Toronto, not: who has been for in Ruchcstcr returned PRICEVILLE. ZION. or commission to Nimble cow Mr. McKenzie TORONTO Mrs. George Eddington and daughters spent Monday in our village. Mrs. John Halay spent last week will her parents in Mt, Forest. i, Mrs. Frank Greenough, of Vassar, Mich i is home visiting her parents Mr. and hire, ‘1 Dam] Connor. Mum Hattie Watt, of Dromore, visited at Mr. Thos. Brown's prior to her going to Buffalo. Mrs. Wade Leslie and children Stratford, are visiting her mother. The Creamery started this week, and under the able management of Phil and Douglass it ought to go all right. Rev. Mr and Mrs Issues and dnughtcr were in Grand Valley this week attending the district meeting held In that place. Mrs. Dr. Tanner, formerly of this but now of Toronto, in in our be business and also called on some t many friends who are pleased to BI looking so well. Quite a number of our young people went to Orchard on Sabbath evenan and conducted the Epwortb League service in that church. Mrs. Will Rice. of Rirerview spent last week with her parents Mr, and Mrs. Peter Dickson. Raw. Mr. and Mrs. Morrison, of Cedar- ville, visited at Mr. N. D. McKenzic's over Sabbntb. Miss Mable Cameron spent a maple of days last week at Lani., visiting her friend Miss Burgess. We feelsnrry â€Us week that we are called upon to chronicle the death of Mrs. Quintin Campbell who died on Monday afternoon: about four o'elock. Death re- sulted from a runaway on the previous day. On returning from the Presbyterian church. Durham, the horses took fright and became utuutuaagable, throwing the occuphutu lrom the vehicle. Mrs. Camp- l ells little grand (laughter Bessie Milligun had her arm mjured also. About three years ago the husband and father lost his life at the barn ruining on Mr. Bowers' farm and a. low weeks ugh the family was culled on to give up the youngest, member of their family, namely Kate, and now their mother has passed away Deceased was about 67 years of age and was one of; Ue pioneers of this township. The re- maining members will solely miss the Kind and loving mother who cared for them from their infancy. Her Hu'viving children are: Mr. John Campbell of Assltnl-oin, Mrs, T. Mil-mun, Mr. M. Cann'bcll, Mrs. T. Tory, all ot Bentinck. The funeral took place ycsterday to the Snugeen Cemetery. Rev. Mr. Jansen conducting the funeral hervicc. We are glad to know that wlnle hero the led a christian life and We believe now that she rests from ller labors and her works will follow her. The family have the entire I sympathy of the whole community. l Mr. Flamnington who has been visiting with Mr. G. Noble Sn, returned home on Sunday. Mlssea M. Blaney und M. irartmeu are spending a few days with triencu, here. Mrs. Shewell was the guest of Mrs G. thitfe ht-t Week. Miss Foreman spent Ilonday with hvr sister Mrs. M. Campbell. The union Sunday School although much wished for by the majority of the people, has not com maimed yet. Maggie and Flu Cutfe visited friends in Durham lately. Mrs. WaUs was the guest of Mr. 'I'. E. Hutton lust week. Mics M. Morton returned t; Mt. Forest on Sunday. Mr. Arnold Noble has Leon engage} Iy Mr. Mr. S. Alexander. A little boy, lun-efouted and hatiess, came into Mr, N. Catusron's family lately and intends to stay with them. The Township Council is warned that as they have nut yet put in the culvert at Mr. Noble Wilson's place, they may have another Bentley case an hand. There is water alandlng there yet and if heavy rains came. crops would be injured on hath sides. A glitch in time saves nine. Miss Mary Wilson left fol Toronto Tuesday last. She will be missed among the young people. Muss. E. Booth spent a day and a. night by the bedside of her sick friend Miss E. Perry. Sorry to record also Mr. Eins. muu’s illness. Hope both may recover scan. Mrs J. Kenton gave a short call on her tdeuth, here recently. Mr. C. McQueen sold a flue lot ot pigs and tut cattle, lately. Business ofour burg " showmg some am as farmers are rushing to close newes- ary spring work. Mr, John Cutupbeil is house after two weeks Visiting m the lower settlements. Next week will show more mt still as we milk wagguus will be on tne routes. Mr._aud Mrs. John Aldcorn spent a day with their uncle in Dundalk lately. Miss MeLellan, Ventry spout last week with her sister, Mrs. Neil McLeod. bespochny true of Hood's Pills, tor no med! cine ever contained no great msrathr' power I no small name. They no . whole mediein chest, always ready, al- I ways ancient. always sat- Istachry; prevent . cold I s or fever. cure all liver ills, sick headache, jaundice. constipation, etc. 260 the only Pin. to take with Hood’s tiarsaparim Filood's Much in Little BUTTON HILL. HOLSTEIN. BOOTHVILLE. l is in" G "M at, our “m on §ome of her '_astrar, Mich. daughters, see her place with of ,,r..‘ ... wlllllLLFKI I was confined to my bed tor/a/n' Gau. l the comprehenswe Vtett of Itis ""fy I had no rest day or night. the [mm was Ktu'ments. 1'irty, What mu I to do with so intense. Igot so thin I became-quite this thiiig?’ he observed. twiiling him- helpless. The doctors had a consulta- self round. He. was plainly disgusted tion over me, and said that, if they . . . l . could save the leg I could never have with hisappearance. ill-.Millersnw the the use of my knee again. An opera- humor of the abbreviated cont tail, but tion frightened me. and it _wns.then my gravely asked what it meant. 'Well, it 'l,re1t,iyidetconolcib,i.i'o h"d,ep'2,i,.ns,t :33; means that some fool in the train there fl'2'f,',1'tf,'f.' for 1m; system yand toybuild has ttthen my coat and left me hu in .its i me up and applied E. A. MeLennanu treel.. The flee ttnd ttrnke, are ptectree- liuinient as recommended, which you 1 t alike; but ti,yt,wh,tt,t, he has left Ir; kindly applied when I conhin't do itiny-‘ ht ml to Ty h1 . 't“ I?" I fy, ha 'fe self. I remained at my rrrouuw-inmirv"ul, to. 'e sent o t e peni fl'.."'",', . my sin e in Goderich for about" fire weeks. ml will fail P recognize. mo ' tun u ost about a week I waa tthie to walk with a creature. He whirled round once more staff. The Renovator gave me an iii) and .tlae.of.Bee mi tttuffed his handker- c'tel.1eryrappettte and I Rained coiiuider- chief m lis tnour . . . ably in weight as well as in strength. Mr. Mm?" Ptxetyse.d. tomake EDWIN)!“ My knee is quite supple and as well as along the line. He did No, A "utrside. ever it was. It gives me unbounded station "R?!" ':epyt:ef that thtuatt had pleasure to state. that I have been able! been seen In his disti-u-l' wearing in WY to attend to my own household dytieel which folded several times around his ever sinceI came home. My husband body, and ttt which hs. presented the joins with me in tendering you our, most absurd "Speer-r-callin) forth the Pt sincere thanks. . tefutly you", batdry of the small boy. This peison MRS (ittt/p, STEVEN was communicated with, and acknow- , . . . ledged that he had Rot it wrong coat. bold by H. Parker, Drusxm. Durham. He WM told that the man who had his ------------------------- ’ coat had been discovered. His aiiswei- AGENTS was. ‘Be sure to get my rout before] tuit asked to part with this, for two coats tle"el,'g'tgrrgpg 'tttsr/tttOtter,'.')',:',,",':,,;,:?,.: are betlei than nolue. ' The man who Pre? ttran tbtrteti " o . 9" cu" first complained tyltyttutphed-vHe sure E'Egugretiim\9i1c‘10i’?.'9“(il.llr:lfy'Mi? 'iir2i'i'tt,tt)'i'iv; and get my coat before I am asked to Mother's Bible Shorten." “Pm-lye Spukor.“l part with the coat I have got; halfit ilPteg, ftPlI111t 2'g',t.2'y" “eggpla- 03,; coat is better than uoue.’ Exchange s'l'oGh"l,l'f"lll,i,. r " 1tuter tttt "per. iwas made in due course. and all was BBADLEY-GABRETBON C0MP9NY, mun-m! well. I C-- ...-\n ..- "(II “D ever it was. It gives me unhounded pleasure to state that I have been able to attend to my own household duties ever sinceI came home. My husband joins with me in tendering you our sincere thanks. qeteruuy yours. ,,, n... u, a“... mm In nulla me up and applied E. A. MeLennan's liniment as recommended, which you kindly applied when I cotthin't do itlny- self. I remained at my rrrouuw-iumirv"u in Goderich for about' fiye weeks. In about a week I was ahle to walk with a staff. The [innovator gave me an ex- c'tl.1er?rappettte and I gained consider- ably in weight as well as in strength. My knee is quite supple and as well as eyer it 'vaa. It 'Hs/me In“ "ol..i,p "V - W --._. - - um “I. . l uuclm'ea all winter. From the first of May. 1894, I was confined to my bed for seven weeks. I had no rest day or night, the [mm was so intense. I got so thin I hecmnequile helpless. The doctors had a consulta- tion over me, and said that, if they could save the leg I could never have the use of my knee again. An opera- tion frightened me. and it was then my husband took me to Goderich in a very helpless condition. I took your System Renovatorfor my system and to build __ .I.. .. t..._~4\u '"r"ut0T you. In December,1tm, I Injured my knee. Two weeks thereafter I was obliged u,',1N't f detor. I foctoved all I have tried several remedies fm rheu- nmtism, some of which did me a certain amount of good, but nothing that I have taken has done 50 much for ttte an yunr Phrenoline, and I have much plea- surv in recommending it, In other suf- fevs, It. also cured menf (lysllmpsin. from which] was sutfermg nttle time, so what. I feel now like a. newman. 571 St. PATRICK STREET, OTTAWA, July 31st, 1896. To the Ph rmmh'nc Methriote Cu., Ltd. Ottawa, Out. CrExTLEMris.--on the advice of a friend tried one lmtlle of your famous rheuumtic l-mnedy. Phtendline, and to my surprise it, cured mo of rheunmtism. from whichl have suffered for nmny years. lhmatim & Dyspepsia Band. 'ara'he, only Int-clan III-ant in awn Undertaking and Embnlming on Utest prin- ciples at reasonable when Yours very Lrulv. - (Signed) J A at [as CARROLL, li urcnmn ol Works, Rideau canal Only by H. pAikiiGiiriiiiii'. Would intimate that she willcouunue the Furniture and Undertaking Business cumb- linhed by hor father in Durham in "" and will endeavor to give all old and new custom era the Aattte entire misfuction. Furniture of the Best Make EUEMTUIEE Mi) i'1"iW,r','Nillll() Remember the tMndropporsito the Market. Durham, MISS SHEWELL ALWAYS ON HAND. PICTURE FRAMING A SPECIAL" AN IMPORTANT CURE. MISS SHEWE L L --Putt LINE or-- At wood, Sept. 28t h “NY. Luann,i well. Tongan) . I The railway otiiriul who comes in contact with the public has no sinecutv. Not merely must he, however Weary. keep his temper. but he must hun- the entire system at his fingevs' ends, so to any, in order to answer the enquiries which are put to hon all day long. The other day a gentlomtm walked into the omee of Mr. Miller. the \desor station agent. Wearing an overcoat which seem' ed, in comparison to the man who was wearing it, to have been originally in- tended for Tom Thumb. The gentleman weighed over two hundred pounds and the coat rune hal‘elv below his waist. " never thought of meeting urosa the breast: while from behind it permitted the comprehensive view of his under garments. 'Sny. what, sun I to do with this thing?’ he observed. twirling him- self round. He was plainly disgusted with his appearance. Mr. Milleruw the humor of the abbreviated coat tail, but -_i. ___|_, . . . A REV. EDWIN] 1 WILSON. Brooklyn lenrk The undersigned Inving boon t1"toredtoLenitu by uxmple 1ef,1tti_t.testyyftroritur for rental you: with an: rereluua 'streetioumud (hum-earl dunno Consul-paella} union- to make kn: ti u to his {allow sulfa-om the mum: ot cure, To than who desireâ€, he willcheurmlly send (free ot runway: ccpyn! tho vreuuriytou used. which they will fitgd a sure cure tor 'a?"-Pj1dii.aiiGiii.' Cu. ".t""dreruies,Ta' all throutundluLg Matt. ndlc-n- He hope: I†sulfa-era will try thurtrnsedy in] , unvaluublt Those fe'frity,''GGiiT/i', which willaoutthem nothing, Ind may prmo- u blessing, will plane nddresu Blankets, ae., ac. We do the trade in Raw Furs -. Price Paid. \Vorkmanship Uttt4urirassret Fine Choice in Valises, Grips. Horse Heavy & Light Harness CALL d; SEE OUR fl Collars, Pads, Harness El We Handle everything in the “an line, " right prices. A Funny Railway Incident .LEAVEN ,dr. CO N SIUIM PTI VES CHANGED cons. TO SUIT YOU. dm., tic. Bites, Whips. . Highest let, (â€hinted and the riding , her bundled. Rev. M: “q Mn is “0min ‘ W Main from u H.00 the tin-Pot. ~‘d‘ngm- Co ht,. atâ€; AFrtu-s. . eldest Run of T1 v' “tumble death ' M, NI Review, (.Illio- 'iiiiiiid7,,', Sntnrdw} ' , to attend hi. LY" " “Undue. huh-Y} pl', "0 dive. She tub: quite unexpm [r. b not III-en “cl: c, _ Mmdaw-und liIrt ‘bl plunged III'I‘ [JOINING]: 1Voiir, storm about the rum .atruek the hum of Mr. Holland. and uet it I‘ll contents. as Well as " MM“ were datum “I‘WAY- ---- v I’m!" I' . _ Milan a mu of ll: \\ “Ibo". tied at myâ€: , , “- 'rhtie Ichuul hwy. n: It a ttttte; name of the y.. l- w eaeUmet I Bred sunn- M? i " ttr. “armed and brain“ "- “their“: the lll‘Oo‘I. ', .v c, It-re-aids/ici, 11.. ha. n ftenttsaidii Charter Sum l, 'm 'dg.etiij, where he gm! “M" u My. He mm.‘ a teiiiiiii': and was s“ ham A - u “all" had ts) lu' l" High School. ahly 1-m- Eut Bruce Teachers t. l deorum on Mav 12' i. " W. . McDonald lmu‘lnel. a the (Hunky Enterpriec u Pinkie!!! for the tatlstllllL: j 'tmtutntiooe btother MCI hm. " Nam Guten- -Hrrirse-, â€I very successful (“am- w in 0.80am! to organ Plum-um. w. Han-y is Pr L [clutyre is tiec.v.. In I: Sound. Active (‘Ulllll.“ V-“ â€uh" had ts) Iw ' gym“ is tseeded “Mm: on.“ animals?“ _ttentawav. -- v mm of $3.31. Mr. J. A Snell \Vool deatets are k" tohwmersto have ti, while on the Cheaper Iv; make I ditNeqttce in t, rushed in this way a after Inn-ring. Lt-.-Mr. C. Mrk,. to the think! of the wi,, for his enterprise in I HIM/placed in front of was rooms. lt i." a tit meat and Ihnmes the , l Fulru. Sum.“ of last week was h fearful tnrnudu w ctmctive of life in being "potted k point; Rev, J. C. Pun umpmn will daliw Responlilnility of Child"!!! " I-fore Meeting Hay 25th Chestnut l Witutluun grit man- for 81.25. Waterlon cold»: day in great stylu. Chalk! “WIS Glazing \Vool wmnu per lb for Wool Town. Wild hand " repair. mm Ist-it F. Neuter. his“ l., lake Your ll IMI He keeps neon-1y es' in his big Huron Mow in your Ialu4? Roller Blinds (‘an J. A. "twter't. ante Review In 11 Jul. Int I“ for in ('h If. Wm. Laidluu Allan Park ttore fur _ Bur/lam, Th Tlt' 1mL.----Xh'. No, eeeete-"-e-"""'"""-""""""'"""""" at gurham 'td " late ' 11trtuttoeep grit-I I "ttthr, Ind in the Itt .:. " MHmuniul "lc-i-, W'm PM shul‘t Iâ€! fwd brothels wh -atuaodatre,.ti,, “o the deepest Fyllll n â€Vim." intevvrt elP'ril' we join “â€1111 LOCAL AND (ir/NLP) Huute , daughter. P. Hulls. um on only a time wl at Ha “Bill bl " hndly M hem not