Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 28 Apr 1898, p. 1

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{Hen swing ' W. G. R. y owned ly known l'his is A in 10:30, 100 acres, {from Mr. I a great. -utoheatto venl yuan cuddling-o will to bu "those who of char.”- ey will ftggd .-'v "I- dluL. III. Normandy, nuription y prov. a massed vs. Home he Harne- hips, (lriltn touting! my who Durham. mt. t, con. 11 sell in: lydf farm wuielnent A good -m It a to pay it 1:29 mod- veysncar ilerrhrt. smear, on very ads, ED ' Jr. Highest ll or _i.ii-.'.i' PPER OWN ' _ We take this opportunity of thanking our customres for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system mll merit, a continuance of the same. We beg to inform our Custom. ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will b . "Large Sales & Small Profits." l)ua-haln. (king. 9th. ' i t Our Piano and Organ trade is __, tfirmly established. Best makes. ' t Purest tones. , d-.------ tct?" 0 AT I LACE CURTA INS. ll yard: Lew "if 'e" Our Prints are gunman“. " -- . Large White Counterpanen. worth 81.50 for ‘1.-Large white. all lumen able mm. worth (1.75 2t'i ii.pi/zrabc,lt Oil Cloths in white “pd colors. 40in wide. AK a y '.--3fe's Top Shirts from 25e "p.--- ts'eeottr Ladiu’ Oxford Shoe: before buying. they cannot be beat.-- Beat ladies Shoe droning. 10 and Sth' a bottle regular " and Me.--- 21 only. Crystal Table Sam at Me a oett. sin fm. Cut Glass fruit Bowls. 20e mail. Nappies to match so: a do-s.-- Why»: at all mm. a good rawhide at 1iirT.5--sa1ado Begum Tea at Me, 30c and 40: a lb. ---.. _ - l I n “A UPPI'R 1r0L.---XX. NO, 17 Do you want a Sewing macaw Williams.--,-:: Highest pr In exchange for goods. Gutters Stoves 8i At prices that "cjic'=iccrri"iijt BIG 4 PER TOWN DU HAM... UPPER TOWN IMPLEMENT WAREROOMS. TOWN DURHA" DRESS 990.9,?" The GASH-- y SB t e ClllltStS. BEAN l " SSS GOODS. 40in Black and Colored "rool Serges. Me a yard. Fancy; Figured Luslres (a snap) at 30. 35 dc ay a, " Daub e Fold Cashmere. (in black only) 12§ca yard. Challiea in dark colors. Be a yard. Our Prints are guaranteed fast colors. .l .. m for tt.--Lsrtte whitetail ' MCKINNON’S. - ADOPTED BY a Sewing Machine? --- Hiihest grim N., G, 8: J. MCKECHNIE. will surprise. of all kinds, COOKING STOVES, HEATING STOVES, BOX STOVES . McKechnie. Cutters and Sleighs of the best quality and at prices away down. Me, 75c 'f.00 McKmNON. "OG. a pair. m . jiiitit kt Try the New paid for Wood "It is our turn to have the honor of defending her and we will know how to do it with decision and an effort many a time put torth. I count upon you for this with absolute certainty. I believe there is no sacrifice you are not prepared to make in defence of the, national territory, whose integrity is sacred to all Spaniards of whatever origin. Iain sure that every one in whose veins runs Spanish blood will respond readily to the call which in these solemn moments, I address to all and thatall repel a foreign invasion without allowing dangers, sufferings or piirations to weaken the heart of courage. "To arms then, fellow countrymen. to arms! There will be a place for all in the fight. Let all cooperate and contribute with the same fwmneiys and enthusiasm to fight the eternal enemy of the Spanish name, emulating the' exploits of our ancestors who always exalted high their eounwy's fame and honor. "To arms! Cry a thousand times Niva Espana.’ Nira El Rey Alfunso XIII,' 'Viva La Reina liegent,' 'Viva Cubr, always Spanish.' (Signed) Your Governor General, RAMON BLANCO." “Havana. April 21, 1898." -" Bystander " in last week's San has an able article on the warsdtaution. 1 While convinced that Spain must with, [ draw from Cuba by the long, dire and _ sanguinary expcrience which has prov- ed that she cannot govern it to the ad- 1 vantage of the Cubans or her own," he 1 yet regrets the abrupt way the Amen: lean diplomats have concluded the ', negotiations. He says ' . I "Bat the process, humiliating at best, 1 ought to have been made as easy " possible toSpanish pride, the language _ - I ,AL_‘-. A_,_|_. ‘A. I’"“" - ' " V of muderation and respect oa1glCt to have been studiously maintained, and all the resources If diplomacy ought to have been thoroughly exhausted before an appeal was made to the sword. Canovas is dead. Weyler has been recalled ”Saginaw isa Liberal. Blanca has been sent on an errand of mercy “Such a proceeding is without pre- cedent in history. It cvidvntly mani- fests the bogus politics of the republic, demonstrating to us the tricky plans and pt1rposesthat have always been nourished against Spain’s sovereignity in Cuba which the enemy has been eonspiring for nearly a Century to des. troy. Our foes now carry their hypoe. risy and iolsehoorls to the extent olde- manding immediate peace in a war provoked and sustained by themselves. Her prudence and modcmtien have been of no avail to Spain, though she has carried her concossims to the ex- treme limit of toleration in order to avoid a rupture. . “Without any reason, without the least i ff'ence on our part, and at a time when they have recciwd from us only pi'o4softrieudship, the United Sum-s are forcing us into war, just at the moment when quic..ude began to settle over the country, when production was fioutishinsr, commerce taking courage and peace uppruuching, with the eo. operation of all classes and all parties under the new institutions granted by the mother enuntry. Editorial Note d; Comment The Spanish General in command in Cuba has issued the following pro- elamation. His telnerity is refreshing but. his knowledge of the "nation of nobodics" will baton: long receive wo ful extension. Havana, April GEN. BLANCO TALKS DURHAM THURSDAY, AnufAiiisiii -0. tlit 1 "Dear sir,--In compliance with a iainfi. duty, I have the honor to m- form you that there has beep sanction- ed by the President of the Republic a Iresolution of both Chambers ot the éUnited States. which denies the legiti- imate sovereignty of Spain, and threa- ftens armed intervention in Cuba, , which is equivalent to a declaration of lwar. patriots have blown up passenger trains and killed the bearer of a flag of truce. First the verdict of an im. partial tribunal (in the fact. and then, if the question of fact is decided against Spain, a demand for indemnity regularly preferred and refused, are essential preliminaries to a declaration of war for the destruction of the Maine. He describes the President as an honest, sensible, peaeeloving man, but without the force to "pull upa mad dencd team on the brink of a political precipice. The hero of the war will be the next President. " ”The question is one which unhap- pil y concerns not the United States and Spain alone. but all the nations. In the present state of the world, with every great power armed to the teeth, ond the dogs of war everywhere strain- ing on the lash, fearful is the respon- siblitv of those who. without absolute necessity, give the signal for firing the first gun. But to Congressional de. magogues and the sensational press, responsiblity is an unmeaning name." Madrid, April 21.--The following is the text of the note received this morning by General Woodford from Senor Gallon, Minister of Foreign Affairs: He thinks the Maine disaster is more the cause of the war than liberation of' Cuba, and characterizes it an unjust cause since impartial minds are not yet satisfied the explosion was from with. out. “But the idea that the Spanish Government had anything to Jo with the not is surely of all theories the most monsWot1s. What could the Spanish Government expect to reap from such an outrage bat the implae able enmity of the United States and the fatal discredit of its own cause in the eves of the whole civilized world ? Even General Fitzhugh Lee does not encourage such a notion. He seems to hold the explosion to have been the Work “fa private desperado; and that desperado is likely to have been more a Cuban seeking to drag the United States into the quarrel than a Spaniard mnddmed by civil strife. Cuban patriots have blown up passenger "The Government of Her Majesty have ordered her Minister to return without loss of time. from North Amer- iéan territory, together with all the personnel of the legation. . ' 'By this act the diplomatic relations higtherto existing between the two muntries and all oMeitU ttotnttttmitttt. tions between their respective repietsen- tatives ceased. _ . The Caran republic is nothing “but-:1 a set of gueril'a bands made up of: Mulattoes and negl‘oes, subsisting by I Iwigandage, without political organ- ization of an kind" and the proposal to recogniZu such a body "eould not have been made by an) assemblv less , debased than [Unhappily is the present i Senate ot the United States." i party, embodying all. the pride and ignorance of old Spain " once hastens to take advantage. Yet great con cessions are tendered. An armistice is proclaimed. American humanity has tull leave given it to relieve the Ibconeentmdos. A Ill1'ltr"dl't" ul 'Tr lt. government equal to that (Hjilyl'd " (lanada is promist at once to th, Cubans, and might, and in all pn ba. bility would, in c =urse of time he im proved into complete independence. Can it be said that at this stage ot the negotiations there is sufficient cause for pemntptorily caving on Spain to strike her flag, and on her refusal to undergo that humiliation, for rushing into war. and reconciliation, which he seems well dispased to ft1lfil. The Liberal Government. ot Spain, in dealing with a question of national honor, is beset by great. dumvstic diltienlties, ond "un.r.er.s. The dyrasty is thrown-l - ed with subversiun by the resentment ot the army, of which the Carlist v':ait' 1'iit ttfWaiés it; ‘ "not all to m manual: ire" on a mutant " 'hattlil" on their armor for further education. If they are wise, howewr. they will ' realize thatthe following ten yeat"e, all lput together, will not afford them as lmuch opportunity for educating the ipeople as the next, four. months. A icaxnpaign of education is what that, he- (tore us should he called. Let all 'ohieetions he raised that any may have to raise. Let thorn he delsnted and thrashed oat. L it, those who have all litheir lives accepted the prohibition ipriuciple as a matter of emu-aw see to ltheir weapons and prepare to down :cavileers. The (great argument is that Your country is cursed by liqliur: its l brightest youth are decimated hy liquor E its enterprise is paralyzed by liquor", l, its public affairs are corrupted by liqu'or; : liquor is its enemy, and its enemy is in li2'iiiicCn' l it is time it was driven out; 'every patriot will take a hand in the iinsurrectinn. Canada, it is true, is, lumen; northern nations, the most ltempemte. That is no rvuson why it lshould lead the nations in breaking the F shackles of this bondage and teach them l that it in possible to be free. T0 ARMS. (Extract from Montreal Wittuss.) The tompvmncv peoplehavo just the ballot paper (hwy want. and will he nhln to co into the campaign with their whole heart. If they do nut gum the day it will he because lho people do nut want peohilrition. They will then know where they are, and willihnve lo buckle "I am obliged thus, to inform you, sothat you may make such arnnge- manta as you think fit. I hog your exeelleuey to tteknowlpdge 1veeipt of this note at such time as you deem proper. Taking this opportunity to reiterate to you the assurances of my distinguished consideration. (Signed) "P. Gallon." Sir Wilfred Laurier and his govern- ment are noun prohiuitiotttsts, but as a. whole, they have loyully shod by their engagement to their temperance members to bring in this measure. and Mr. Fisher has had the pleasure of bringing it in intact, uncomplicated and unobstructed. We have missed one week again in sending yotPtlso new“, but here we are main. V rJolan MoArdmr went away to Owen Sound High School on Monday 18m. after spending bins Eastor work at home Isaiah McArdle drove dawn from: Mark- dds on Sunday the wa, to tea his pants. ‘ F Ask Druggist. or write direct to J. Li. MACLEOI), (Roderick. Ont. Sold by PARKER, Druggisv, Durham. .-_B.a-- Weak tmd: Impzzre Blood, Liver and Kidney Diseases, Female Complaints. etc. Fl PARKER Touches the Spotw tce."" 1lradLeod'g System Renovator ----rOIl---- also H. PARKER. URHAM. 1.iAL80rdrmil, PARIS'WHITE. WRITING. COLORS, GLUES, MIXED PAINTS, ' i'AiiNy'EidilSi, WHITE WASH BRUSHES. AND PAINT BRUSHES.“ _ Alabastine should be t used on every part of 3 building, to he whitened. ' tinted, painted, varnish- ed. f1lled, grained or papemd, from floor to roof, outside 3nd in ; it is used under mint, varnish and paper,but makes . tteril nish alone for walls. 83an Faahionable Tints and White. FOR SALE BY TORONTO ALABASTINE T HOPEVILLE. muann‘mm m WALI. COATING. Ahbutine nuke. n col 1itii)i'ti)itt). Mr. James Kimmuu haviug Soiled the imidu work ot his new huuue got it - od lav Ur. Dela“ uni “6 know gsill be doue 111 iiturt chum style. When me the rum"; going to be good en: ugh tor the bio) els Sam , Miss Marlins Wilton spun Sunday " home. A " L'oothviiliten heard that wonder- ful tsltot we Buiuum anley cor. mention- ed. Surely n wuu't. Gr elf. l"' ("I 133:: a F? , E 5-- h 'i) a a t The undersigned utfem for sale the if rm, sometimes known as the 'Gadd farm" Normanoy, bei lot 15, on the 3rd eon. It contains 128 acres about so cleared. the remainder hardwood JAB. Wanna, Durham. The soil is firtrt class and every tore iiworknble. Well fenced and conven- ient toChurch and School. Good log house, frame bank barn, with soon. enabling. Three wells with pumps the on the plus. G. First Class . . . Farm For Sale . . Mr. Joan Cumylwll has engaged Mr. J. McLeod for the "edittti. IN onlvr " every (me in done making lump. Tery likely, and no tatty patio. ut ml at all. For further particulars apply on the premises to -- - - We understand Mr. Wm. Hush." bu secured wore WILD good [my in Bullion. Mun. Miss Fl .1 Clank m-cumptuied by In cuusius Miss Maggie and Flora Bloc-mad culled on triends last week. John McQueen Wm. nut the tlea " start the plough, but once start“ he luggml _orerthe u d in. a hurry. - _ It is 6 miles from Durham and 8 milggrfrom the Vurney Station on tho Quiet a number of. our people here wont out to Flesberton to mend Court on the 22nd. Mr. John Caanagh fell off I building last week and got badly hurt. Dr. Mo. lrlosb is in attendance. Our sick people, James Denna. D. Allen and others are iunploving (unit, but them us down now Mrs, Hall. Mrs. McAnhur and a child at And. Watson's. Mr. Glmley Smith’s only child died on the 161.11 and wus bartiod " Esplin church on bunday 17th. Mr. John Russell has another Jungian! added to his fatally. Mrs. John McArlhur and son of Price- ville vie-Ned friends here ro-coutly. m|856m WHOLE N0. 1050. BOOTHVILLE. ' DURHAM. Mas. Wu. Gum. Ton. fll

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