Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 21 Apr 1898, p. 7

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onto LAFRAXA Ne n CY “NARC“ ning. 'MY m, 'ropruttm that W'W. Hanan“ Nod 1lldill “a ul 000.000 600.000 300.00. tt KW "on! (lt I“. " " oplcm nu " “no” aux-x in order to m. has. hm. The "tieagoodssoot.asdtV 'hr-ttst-g. “10 CW! A COLD m one Ph, thuunirouoou” m "Jt1L'tft'."gdrJtNt'dt.r.etS. of the inventions min-may “motto m in the In" future. The use of the biloon in warfare will be one of the developments of the our 'nture. A (int-(nus modern ironcltd mats about. '6.000.000. This would con- struct um equip tor war pun-pone: t great may hozlouns. and " would seem mirth” apisrhtteuedtqtbtuyttrht- tants of . heseigod city with which to at can an invading fleet and drop “plosives upon the warships under- out}: with deadly effect. my Phe :50 be and to dmp than uric-iv- on over the chic. mud by u op- ponent. Ot count than would ho co.- niuenmo risk in aux-h an out.” unless the bulloou could In "curly nteerod._ but tre di_rl¢lblo bulw- lo 990 ow them but i said than wtMooutro- um mum do no good. To this my h‘nwfu-Lur replied. that It they did nut thew wt least conlnldo no harm. IO totde 'tte, her [took the box of pins Tho-n l procured another box sud bo. («n to feel that they wore doing as good I took in all eight boxes and nun I feel strong and hearty. each tiny drvitr.e mv housework without {mimic or "eurittmm. For anyone who Inf- lows from we 'kness of the heart. I do- tteve there is no remedy so sun or thit “it! bring such spacdy results is Dr. Willa-3’ Pink Pills. Bad I only law! these wonderful pills at first I would hrm been mud months of htvnso suffering. In. Hubbard but nachos the experience of scores of “Harare. and what she says should Ming hope to man who imagine than in no Mlle! for than in this world. Dr. Wiilitrna' Pink Pills have saved more lines thin WI will out how of. ttrr Mrs "Malawi has been a smut sum-m- trout heart trouble. and ultim- ale-ly immune. so bad that it would not have surprised her friends to have heard of lie-r death. But " "hang" has mum an! she in once; more rejoicing in good health. When our rerortor call- 019 upon Mrs, Hubbard an! made hitt mmmun known who said Ibo: would ho dolwzhro-l to tell him of her "miraca- lH'N l ur'e .. 2w aha styled it. "Of can?” ttw »n 'hought I would get "otter. l llwnulll tnore.lf trouhl not laqt Imstt, for at time-s it seemed an it my heart ”in“ um": to burst. Oh. Illa drnmlful "than u the awful pains and weak- n.» lugv‘flmr with upecuuar leolingo! main-Hi. a!l warned me that my life was m d .nger. lmnsulted a doctor but he mum tio Allmlutely nothing for me. My tricrrts saw me gradually sinking. tn! man: an hour’s anxiety [mused than My stmngth wanedJny nerve! - shattered: [mum not wilt. for awry arc-p caused my heart to palpi- tate violently. "butter-l] lmpmlbl. to tally dam-lbs my condition. 0.0 dlg'm friend brought no abox at Dr. Wrliuas' Pink Pills. and told no to l remarkable case recently sumo an In the notice of our reporter, and for the "farm. it may be to some otour leiukal‘s, we are going to tell them wont it. In the south wu'd of this tnwn Vtsest Mrs. John Hubbard. alady Blurb ”(valued by the” who know] on Urunznlllc lady Who In. I'll-red nun-rel: ipmlu at In "I... “I run II. a the l‘uuul I (in. hum the Sun. Orangoville, Ont. or the two witnesses of this ctr-nae episode one became Gen. Sir John Cope Huerhmke. G.C.ll., and the other Liam..- Col Wavnvard. of the Twenty-Fourth Light Drug can. A TROUBLE NO LONGER REGARDED AS INCURABLE. the Range f In the HEART DISEASE. 10 MAKE BOB HAPPY. BALLOON VS. IRONCLAD WHAT TWO OFFICERS SAW. " LII-fl that“ 'ts-det-taa-ttrut-tet, ubtunnhitth -tg-ar1r00"at_ntr, from store putts“ and wind them into n tsalt. Ec'ononiml PS-yes, my dear. Did you mughtar--Emrr bit. ad It m the cutout little ball you out luv. Now Pm “in: to knit . may mu. In. “puma. Ginnonbllunld any ”It. to! mph”. _ the program and. with the Zalinaki tsir-charged dynamite gun my that it will not be long before wu will become to affair of extinction in which the more exposed “my will be wiped out of being by new: of dynamite. Iuutrhur--PB, you "member you told no to an 911 the pinup! at_rintt Even no wcivilized nstione rather shrink from the dynsmite ideas in war- Isre. The fearful explosive has been used in Cubs, but only by the insur- gvnts. The reports that hsve been " [cued to peas the Spanish censors hint at the destruction caused by the new “on on rather than give the details. The Culisns. however, clsim that the mult of s shot Iron . dynamite gun is something sppaIIing. At any rate. while the truth shout the success of thin new agent is rather obscure. en- ough in known for soldiers to make the prediction that it must be figured on so the moat terrible thing that has eyer G 't‘bo'z'nost terrible tiing that has come to the front in connection with warfare. Some men uho have studied In none of the bottles mentioned we. dynamite iueed. In the were of the tutnne thus terrible agent of destruc- tion must be reckoned on. Men who have studied the mortality statistic. of the past ehndder at the thought of what may be in store in the were that ore to come. Only recently has the use ot dynamite in land warfare been con- sidered safe for the army using it. THE MODERN DYNAMITE GUN, Mum-er. hen seemingly solved the pro- blem. end the men who go to war, hereafter will face an agent of destruc. Con beside which the chm-gee ot Napol- eon's old guard you ehiy.'s play. A 4,000,M000 MEN have been slain in battle. Before the beginning of the Christian era the lone- ee ranuot be estimated. owing to the very indistinct and inaccurate accounts that have been handed down. It ingen- erally conceded, however, that the num- bers mid to have participated in the battles of the Green and other war- ring nation» oi the ancient. world have been greatly exaggerated. At tenet. honever, where the Ro. mane suffered the worst defeat in their history. it in aid that 52,000 of their soldiers were elem. The Roman army in this battle consisted of I46.- 060 mea-the picked brawn and sinew of the empire. - ___“ In the Franco-Prussian war 77,000 Frvnnbmen were killed. The Germans tired 30,000,000 rifle shot- to nttain thin malt. During the name war the Ger- mus fired 363,000 artillery charges. Of the. 95.815 men who perished in the Crimea 80.4200 were Turks and Russians. In 1881 n great uproar was caused ho. cnuae Englishmen took up all the skele- tons they could find 'brought them to England and converted the bones into fertilizer. It in aid that nearly the entire 80.000 skeletons of the Turks and Ruas:ans were thus made into money. Since the birth of Christ were 250,000 troops in combat in that engagement Jilktoil.'tir "ihitrsaparilllla In the Crimean war 96,616 lives were naurifioed, and " Borodino, when the French and Russians (ought. 78,000 men were left dead on the battlefield. There The Appalllng Number of Ion Slain an [In “old of Mollie The United State. civil war cost 303.- 0000 tiveo. Of this numher 98,089 were skin in battle. The vast army which succumbed to disease was no less than 184.331. while the remaining 20,000 or so died of wounds received. At the battle of Waterloo 51,000 men were killed or disabled. There were 145..- 000 soldiers in thet great struggle, and it is estimated that one man vma either killed or disabled for every 400 shots fired, counting both the artillery and rifle shots. "tdeamfulattentimt a do boils, car- bunclel. ulcers, ralt ghenm and the sev- meat forms of scrotum. Hood! Saraaps- rllhs cures ullhumors of the blood of our, form and degree. A: c spring That pimple on your In). tho.- oruptlonsl itching nnd burning bins. just. u surely indicate impurities in the blood, which abou‘ud have prompt Sprinfifl’W DOMESTIC ECONOMY. LOSS OF LIFE IN WAR. " "tr." In Cuntda'a Greatest Medicine. because it cures when all other: fail. Be mm to get Booda, l Attention may be called to the very Inge amount paid by the Association ‘during the pest year to its policy- lholdem end annuitants. and especieny Ite the sum of unmet 890.000 CASH ‘PROFITB TO POLICYBOLDERB. The Hotel peylnente including 88.03]. the iemonnt received for re-in-ant-, and which in dean from the death chime in the financial statement. were $511,758.62. It new Ala) be mentioned that this Animation since its organization he. paid . total at CASE PRO- FITS _ttp9thrsert-etflartoit* gatlietr1toHsm, on amount equal to " per cent. of the total death old.- due- " an n: time. . The “not! 3&th herewith qtt1tgnieod exhibit the MMI at the Annotation end it. condition on the OM Mr but. .11. “(more hue 31v- etriet " m t. M an ”in M. The death claims arising in the year aggregated the sum of $243,824. These occurred under no policies, on 119 lives. While well within the ubular rate. it in larger than the usual experience of this oompeny. and urine: largely from the fact that several lives fell in on “hich there were large Lawrence: car- ried, which consider-bl, increaeed the average. The glove, considering the lives " risk Ind the use of the com- plny will strongly attest the care ex- ercised by the directors in the ad.. miesinn trf only healthy liven, Your directors are pleased to be able 2 to report a very fair increase in the returns from property taken over in; the Olty of Toronto, and with the im- l- provement Which seems to be very gen- l orally anticipated a still higher return I is looked for during the present year. l, They ere also very glad to report that f the psyment of interest on mortgage: account has been very much better; than for some years past, The artueli collections were about 16 per cent. in 3 advance of those for 1896, while the l amount due and outstanding at the Slat i. December last was almost 20 per cent. 'li' less than at the corresponding date of ii 1896. It may alto Le stated that sewn eral house properties have been Gial during the year to realize all the com- " pany had against them. 5, In the matter of the valuation of the policy and annuity obligations, for all business taken since Decamber M, 1895, g “no ot 31-2 per cent. only has been assumed. The total applications received during the year were 2,161 for $3,332,485 of in- annnm: 2.072 for 88,143,285 were up- proved ..ndpolicies written; 85 for $181,200 were declined, and 7 for 87,000. lining incomplete, were deferred. In- c‘mding henna additions. the new hutfr. nose tor the year was $3,168,172. The total husineaa in force st the close of the year was 828,lW2,006.00 under 18.915 pogiciea on 16,427 lives. The policyholders and shareholders wil, note with satisfaction that while an amount of new insurance was so cured slightly in excess of Hut for 1800 it was obtained, and the entire business of the association conducted. at a cost “anally lass thqn tpr that par. 7 After the usual formalities the fol- lowing report and statements of the at- fairs of the Atsaociacion for the year 1897 were presented. REPORT. The year 1897, like some ot those which preceded it, was one that called for the exercise of much care and pru- dence. both in regard to obtaining new insurance and in the investment of the funds. It would have been quite with- in the ability of your directors to have largely increased the volume of new husinesa. but it was deemed the wiser course to continue the conservative policy of the past. and do a safe, though moderate business at a reason- able cost. Mr. W. H. Beatty, Vice-President. was appointed to act as Chairman, and Mr. J. K. Macdonald. Managing Dime- tor, " Secretary. There “is a, fair attendance of share- holdern__§n¢i_ policyholders. The twenty-sixth annual meeting of the Confederation Lite Association was held at the Bead Office of the com- pany, Yonge, Richmond and Victoria streets, Toronto. on 'l'uoday, March 16, 1898. at 3 p.m. Large Inna-e In Payments to Policyholdcn -Mntqrert Collcclums In Advance of Atty Previous Year STEADV PROGRESS OF A HOME INSTITUTION. Association was also troubled with his stomach, hut he was cured by taking less than than bottles of Hood‘s Suraaparula. My CONCLUDED TO TAKE BOOD'S Baraapariiltr. He used two bottles and now eats three hearty meals . day and can he never felt better in his life. My husband's father. past eighty years of age. has been a. great sufferer from rheumatism for over forty years. He Confederation Life "Deer Slut-My husband he been a great sufferer tram dyspepsia tor years and was unable to attend to any busi- neu. After trying the prescriptions of lever-31 physicians with little or no benefit, he 26th ANNUAL RENEW This can In characteristic of Hood's &rmaparilU. No other medicine effect: such cum. No other hut such power to purify the blood. The letter is writ- ten by Mrs. 0. F. Chambermin, of Glen Button, Quebec: . "C. I. Mood & Co., Lowell. Mass; blood purine: and tonic it In Just what you want. OF THE - I All the retiring director: were re- elected, viz., Hon. Sir W. R. Hawitnd. lEdwud Hooper. Esq.. W. B. Beutty, iEsqn Hon. Jaa. Young, & Nordheimer, fEsq" w. H. Gibbs. Em.. A. McLean 'rBoward, Em., Walter & Lee, Esq., A. ip. Gooderhun, Ebq., W. D. Matthews, (Em., Geo. Mitchell, Esq.. Frederick iWyld, Esq.. il. K. 1fat'dontud,rtstr 7 E Resolutions of thanks. which were tsuitahly responded to, were 3.30 passed Eta the Directors, Officers. Auditors. sMedir-al Examiners, Field and Office fSLnffs, for their faithful services dur- "mrthe, yelp _ The catchword ot the Landon streets for two were has been: " Now. we shaft be long," but a new phrase has come up. and to-dey everybody any- to everybody eke: " Fucy meeting rm,' with en accent herd on the word "you." In quarrels. dispute- end witty encounter: of every sort one of the dies is sure to club the other with gin utterly nonsensioel phrue: "Fan- cy meeting you." It come. from . Inu- b bl] ditty. mm in the provinces. h what housekeepers a] about LUDELLA Ceylon?“ WOW.“ balm 15,40, soandéoc. Vieaepreaidenta. At n meeting of the new board held immediately after the annual meeting Hon. Sir w. P. Howland, KIC.M.G., C. B., was re-elected President, Ind Mes. lp. Edwt'rd Trover sud W. H. Realty, seven! of the policyholders and stockholders present referred in com- plimentary terms to the moons which has attended the operations of the Association, and the report was unani- mously ldoptedi Auditors Toronto, February 22nd, 1898. The Chairman Mr. W. H. Boutty. in moving the adoption of the report com- mented on the vary satiafwtory “We of the affairs of the Association, and stated that the new business for the year 1898 showed I satisfactory in- crease over that for 1897 at the same date. - The bank balances and the cash are certified as correct. W. R. HARRIS,. R. F. SPENCE, The securities represented in the at sets (with the exception of those lodg- ed with the Dominion Government, amounting to 884,600, and those dry.. posited uith the Government of New.. foundland, amounting to 825,000t have been examined and ('ompured with the books of the Association, and are cor- rect, and correspond with the scheduies and lodgers. 7 TOTAL SURPLUS SECURp ITY FOR POLICYHOLD- ERB. . . . . . 81,336,806 " Auditors' Report. We beg to report that we have com- pleted the audit ot the books of the Association for the year ending Decem- her Mat, 1897, and have examined the vouchers connected therewith, and certify that the financial statements agree with fl"' books and are correct. Capital Stock . Total assets. . . . . “3287.689 28 Total liabilities. ' ' . 5,900.32 54 To Policyholders. Death claims, net $243,525 75 Endowments. . 93,853 00 Annuities. . . 9,864 34 Surrendered policies 66,393 84 Can]: profits. . 89,994 69 a'iona, etc. . _ . . 206,411 10 Dividends to stockholders 15,000 00 Balance . . . . . 4521394 53 Expenses, salaries. commie Premiums, net. ." . .093l,56102 Interest and rents, net. . 252,966 23 All the directors retire, but are eligible for re-election. W. P. ROWLAND. President. J. K. MACDONALD, Mhnnging Director. FINANCIAL S'l‘ATEMEN’I‘. The directors are also pleased to re- port that the field and office staffs con- tinue to discharge their duties with efficiency any! diligence., him from tearing his (no on account of his great suffering. We gave him one bottle of Hood's Barsaparilla and he has never had as much as a pimple or a some of any kind on his face or body since." Mrs. O. If. Chamberlain. investigations from month to month, and their rerort will be found up- pended to the financial statements. little boy, three year- old. had erup- tions on his face. which the doctor: culled eczems. Bis faoe became one solid lore, When he wan six months old was had to tie his hands to keep 1,4me LONDON sumo. 91,184,527 26 DISBmRSEMENTS. ' 336.800 " . . 1,000,000 00 81,184,527 M 8508 721 62 Tho gems in the crown of Portugal Ire worth 8tum,000. The in the my :Egaggn of England Ire valued " 'tdt00,000. An eminent astronomer says that for communication with the inhabitants of Mus we should require a. [leg as large u Ireland end a pole 500 miles long. Ham- CaLurrn uni-o in taken intomlly. aet. inn directly upon the bood and mucoul Mtr. {was of the a) stem. Pri, . ta, per tome: Sold by w) Dragging Tuumnninh frees. Hull's Funny Pili- .n u: but. ( It requires four yea." and tour months fur a ray of i'ight to reach " from the nearest star. And yet light travels at tlw rate of 186,380 miles in I mud. At this rate a first-Clase, ex- praaa train running at u speed ot 87 miles an hour, woulti require I con- tinuous run of 2tr,000,000 to reach Alpht Centauri. It would take 250,000 yarn for a cannon bait, (running at the nu- unl speed of such projectilen, to reach this same mint which u our nearest our neighbor. W. of!" On. Hundred In Jul-a new“ toe any etbt.0 of (‘smrrh thet can!» be cured by H.113! (\Urrrh Care. tr.J, CRENEY £00.. Prm I Toledo. G We Ihe undurgned. Inn Luau“ P. J. Cheney for the Lat " you". and uelfcvo Mm part: any hunt rub]. in ml btrsirttos trrtrtsac,tittr" n " titttutrtkiy 3m. tour" out my obligation. m».e by their ttrm. WEST & TNUAX. Whole-ole Munich Talc-do, fr, Wanna. Knuun & MARVIN. Whale-mu Lrtyq.t.hrbe, Tulodo. Chip, _ _ _ .. of recent years her subjects have hoped in vain to see km use their gifts. She has used nn'y one wane It is one ot great histori; va'ue, having been presented to King Charles ll. by one of his merry court. Very properly it was out from an oak tree. When Char- les accepted the gift it had a plain gold that], which was round and apt co hurt the hand it the vane was culled upon Mo support much weight, It was whispered nhnut tho court recently that Her Majesty used no longer the historic stick. This is not true; only the top has been changed. An idol, which graced the temple of on Pl fated Indian prinuemas been add- ed for a. handle. This is an exquisit- ely wrought affair in ivory, on an in- finitesimal pedestal of alabaster. The eyes and tdrehead are jewelled. and on the tongue in the rarest of rubies. lndigestion Though 30 yam ham: passed since Maximilian was shot in Mexico his bro- ther. the Emperor of Austria, always holds memorial services on June 19. the anniversary of that tragic event. At ate castle of Miramar. near Trieste. on the Adriatic, the rooms occupied lg Archduke Maximilian before leaving tor the new world are kept. by the Emperor's orders, just. us his brother left them when he went to hi- death, Use Quickcure for Lune Back,Sprains,Strains,&c. CURED It conducted by tight. boom. Corn reaping is heat conducted by Putnarnt Painl<a..a Corn Extractor. tho only safe. euro. prompt and painless vorn cum. Beware of imitations, He had to he captured before the Queen could enter Lu house. There Her Majeaty pronemled to teaeh him that oven the future King of Engltnd cannot tamper “in: the dignity of the pungent powers that be, Queen Victoria has waned more hea- vlly on her stick of Into yang, using it to cross the mom awn. instt-nd of only on long 1stl'r.s tthurt Windsor Cas- tle, Ind titer 3 Ions tiresome. cqre many. She always places it against her chair. ttid when she xises it u the duty of the highest roar. ultivial present to hand it to her. The story of the prnni: "and upon her by the son of tha Duke of York has never Bppeared in print before. The Queen, who is not fond of court ceremonies when she is in retirement. was at. Windsor, and had dismissed her attendants. who bud withdrawn to an ubor near by. Sh; was very mark in- terested in her fluorite paustirue,knib. ting socks tor the Prince of Wtrlets, when that mail embodiment. of mint chief. her gretrtgramison, a Ippcd away with her wane and "played homey" with it over the lawn, Hera is 1 collection of priceless val- ue. There at soiid gold nth-kn. uilvor sticks. exquisitely . engraved stick: that are a marvel of the carvers art and sticks tut, conttin many jewels. Queen Victoria has haunted more hen- .IO .00- Il 'kkrll'l - Filled m Walking was. Since the lnfirmitiee ot Queen View. in nude it necessary tor he: to use . welking stick. tthe ha been the re- eipient of may cenee. Her friends. relatives end subjects have mixed up- on every possible occtrsion to pre- lent her with e new cane. One entire room of hrr privnte suite ia stocked with these epeL-inl gifts. Whenever she expresses her intention of extend- ing a. (union, like e royal wedding or christening. the interested perm»- con- sider it fitting to send ber another cane. Every anniversary she is tore- ed to acknowledge a neon- or no more. " Bow TO REACH MARS. CROWN OF PORTUGAL. QIO ARCHIVES TORONTO dii%TbiGTfi-t -- a“; "I. We: "aGGr%rll'lrAh'tt: OELEIY KING HER WESTY'S CAKES. THE STARB' RAYS How's This , MAX IMIXJAN Corn " can pot rod. Fat “In-tum ud- votuuu mu: Meir to tho local Pu. and“. or to no direct . lil M WIRE Elle ia)lllll,, holy cuppa Lia mm." The Mor- use tuner will mm. you to "tell you to the mm" but may at than mm m Just um manna on the “use question. Au they win! " '.amstirnsPeteraco.ttmm48to "Alarms: would be who to vacuum: wanking nuqded on the hrm."(l) u b wan I wagon, any . few pooh. spake: hum. one. and nuke lt. His “-22:49“ '"tet',tL'i/Tl,i'/r"i'* g ALLAN LINE My)! Mail Steamship m, Jack at All Trades ‘3'}3335605'8? athe,“ In nl‘mwc-d an round trip ti-nt an" mound rushin ticketr. For “may of .1. wmorl or other tnfm'nmtion apply to my Air horind “an. I humor. t In: St. W. Tom“. at I. a A. All... Iona-on. can. .62.!) and upwardu: Hecond “to": 334 and an" ”0.25: B'Mrnn t., Liv-rpm! London, tNtontow. Benn-l. 1amdoetderr# or 03¢.“me ".cn.urd'if . .. " Steamers nail from Monteral on , Saturday morning on am"! of (aim: from Tor ‘n'o And the Walt, about . o'nIork. BA?" " PMSAGI The maddening toolhzuho atop whol Nervitine-thu wonderful msrve-rain cure»-is on had to the tooth. Nont- line ia the only swim. never-ailing ”may for toothoaho and all no". pins. Be odviood sod try it. i THE CAUSE or THE “DUBLI. ', What happened to Simpkinsi» : Be had a dispute with o [101in 'You know, Simpkins in very quick ct inputted You. Well the policeman won't. Simpkil (will he out in . week or no. P. B.--ane out “Ii.“ . In“: In”. ohd Cabin And Hooray numngen. Rm» cl wan-l"ihot Cabin, no; Hon-0nd (3abin, "tt Elm PM" “2.50 and upwudl according: In glogmer‘und berth. [or ull [Information “an” Mann“) and Quoboo to Liverpool In uummw. Pon‘snd “Liverpool In will“. Largo and funwi- M'rew mum-Mm 'Lnbrulor.’ 'Wm oouver.‘ ' Dominion ' 'ScannnJ . Yreriahiro: Query!“ GGiliiiiG%tiGi tor Pint (thin. Seq to' y,oeaSdft,ijiitSi.'i5,addi iGErkau"ia 00.1 Alena. " . Snot-menu ML, M arm-mu pomiplon Llntt8teamtthiits Bergen Norwsy, has.“ of I up” church large enough to sent ‘.000 per- sona. The building is rendered “(are proof by u solution of quicklimo. cub dled milk 3nd whites at can In lead packet: only. Black and mixed I Allmmtculnmnmm Agent's wanted to lntvoviuco ni Cataloetto and ‘ermm Ive wit Inn” mantra " Dnr'll he a Kluge! Miasin' will, muuu'. for 5 can". a mum PCPUlAI "08“] BEN", " Alum Ot. Monti-N In the recent Abyssinian win no “Lian Captain who wore a [In eyn “as m-customed to remove the counterfeit optic every evening. Ind ml it in his purge baton retiring foe Che night. Seeing thin the naive: do- rlnred that he took out one of hi: ey" and left it to look after his [11“!le and prevent anybody from staring t. tttit mun Steak delzod. Rotieg and Rail Neutrino“ Iron "art mp znrnl. and main Grinder-u Mud, ”up " a Half 00.. United, Mutton, In an. "mam & Tim Tires W”... Luau!!! Inlnhiultl. (2 in in 70 in 1870. with 20,1154)“ inhuman, and 121 in 1896. mu: about 87,00tt,000 mutants. ooo, than bu been until! more ro- marluble increase in the number at town: with over 100,000 inhuman“. There were only SI of that in mm. with, (500,000 itthVitanta, 02 in 1850. To cure Catarrb u: vapors of 9uicireure. Whue the population at Bump which was tsatimutod nt ”11M.“ in the beginning of the 'mnturr. rose to 216 000.00!) in 1830 inclining to 800.000.- an Sn_1870. and in now 0“ny 370.m- Montreal to Liverpool. h/NR!,?],!! WALKERVILLE. ONT. Memdo- . 9AM.M.~' (tam! Clinically inn-sing new - volumes for iNERALS TESTED MILTON L nuns“. 141A Sail?” " St. “acumen“ tr.. Monro“. Qua. EUROPE'S POPULATION, NATIVE SHREWDNESS A PAPER CHURCH JOM" I IIIII INDO-CF-VU'N TEA. W PCStl' fur Gold. eta, Tr)" tor pm“. 1:3 u m

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