Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 10 Mar 1898, p. 4

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I ¢\ 6# Ward 1 Cedarville 26 2 Hopeville 53 3 Sw. Park 82 4 Ventry 45 5 Old Survey 27 6 Kingscote 102 Ward 1 N. Ward 2 E. Ward 3 W. Ward Ward 1 Tobermory 53 2 Huttons Hill 19 3 Allan Park 353 4 Hanover 8. 78 5 Hanover N 100 6 Lamlash _ 48 7 Louise 40 8 Elmwood 26 Ward 1 (Alsfeldt) 73 2}Ayton) 96 3 (Neustadt) 78 4 (Hampden) 97 5§Blyth‘a) 31 6 (Gleneden) 38 Ward 1 (Ritchie‘s) 2 (Gilen) 3<i\larkdale) 4 ) ‘Kenzie‘s) 8 Tp. Hall Ward 1 }Allan's 16 ? (Dromore) 49 3 (Holstein) 43 4 g‘\;eith's) 56 85 Davidson‘s 37 6 (Drury‘s) 33 We give this week the official figures in the South Grey contest, Clip them out for reference. esteemed â€"Week before the election we said somebody would have a los of ex lainâ€" ing to do after the election. “};are one of the somebodies. You see it was this way : _ More people voted for Jamiesen than for Morgan, or was it fewer people voted for Morgan than for Jamieson, and of course our man was left behind. _ Wonder if this will satisty our intellectual friend of the Chronicle who sets us a temperance text in his last issue to explain the line of demarcation between moderate drinking and over indulgence. _ It‘s too soon yet brother to open up this question. Wait tor the plebiscite, meanwhile we may say we have bheard it said, thoug h we do nct pin our faith to the allegation, that a man is iA moderate drinker till he is seen trying to light his pipe at a pump. _ We would say too in reference to another charge that if the other candidates have not been falsely and shamefuily reported regarding the loosencss of their habits it is creditable to their political opponents who have not inâ€" |. vented such charges. That such || stomies were invented with the intenâ€" | . tion to injure the Reform Candidate | 1 there can be no manner of doubt | We are not prepared to say from what ) source they emanated, ‘it would be | j interesting to know, ‘ but one thing ye | , editor may rest assu ed of, it was not ' C trom supporters of Mr. Morgan. No | ; once but twenty times durivg the cam â€"| s paign we had occasion to relute such | ] stories, stories which dared net show |! their beads in public prints or plat |! forms, but which were nevertheless in circulation. _ The intelligence of both opposing parties would â€" we know frown down this reptile work, and | . amongst that class we are willing to | S include ourt Chronitle friana "~.1~|a â€"The proprietor of the Searborough House, Hanover, had a snap of it on election day. The Liquor License Act provides for the closing of all hotels on election day in any polling subâ€"division in which an election is in progress, and all the other hotels ta Hanover bad to close up. The Searborough house, beâ€" ing on the Bruce side and no election being in progress here, it did not come under this regulation, and hbad a monoply of the business all day,.â€" Walkerton Telescope.â€"Spme of ‘our Durham Hotels we understand braved the law in the excitement of election night, an unfortunate course for the honor otf our town to say the least. THE OFFICIAL FIGUR ES Editorial Note & Comme;t. â€"Duandalk â€"Durham, â€"Normanby â€"Bentinek â€"Egremont. â€"Glenelg wonents who have not inâ€" h charges. That such invented with the intenâ€" e the Reform Candidate be no manner of doubt 413 399 451 S rrcrrrne Ni tâ€" lige ce ommc 210 15 29 h U Ap ommc d1 50 .)3‘ M r. Jam. Mc 194 y and shamefuily _ the looseness of creditable to their 63 93 norgan, or was it _ for Morgan than f course our man Wonder if this will 102 149 85 57 353 101 68 50 50 81 309 48 20 81 55 234 DJ 10 10 26 16 18 84 10 19 280 17 5J 37 34 47 5o Miss Jane Bell and Miss Lizzie Perry were the guests of Mis. Wm. Brown one day last week, Mesers, Andrew and Willie Huanter visited Howick friends last week. Mr. David Jamieson of Angus visited his motherâ€"inâ€"law Mrs. J, Heory, and reâ€" turved Monday takiny his wife and family with him Miss Martha Daily who has been visitâ€" ing friends in and around Farewell reâ€" turned Sunday. Mr. Andrew Lindsay was the guest of the Henry family over Sunday, Miss Mary E. Wilder of ber grandmether Mrs. Wm Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Allan Haas ed from their home in M they have boen residing for ber of years, They intend home here for the future. Miss Mary Jane Haas Ferguson were married on Mr. and Mrs. Peter Reid â€" day after a weeks sojourn in Â¥isiting their son Mr. Gavin Messrs. J. and I. Dixon, of Holstein Sundayed at Mrs, T. Laughton‘s, Miss Eva Booth, of Boothville, is visitâ€" ing friends in aud around our village. Miss Bessic Kennel visited her cousin‘s the Misses. Renwick‘s last Sunday. Miss Ida Kinsman of Boothyillo visited Miss Mary Wells last Saturday. Mr, Ed Henderson left Mouday for the Spring Assizes in Owen Sound, Weddings are getiing very prevalent in this viecinity, the belis are ringing for Wednesday. Mr Campbell will warry two couple on that day. It is to be hoped , that the rest of our young people will escape the epidemic as we would be yery sorry to haye them all old at the same time. triends in Markdaie for the p;s'tv;ew Mrs. Thos, Henderson and Will are at present visiting friends in around Walkerton. Mr. and Mrs, ‘.\"xl;:):;ims' friends in Markdaia for tha _A number of over fifty inyited guests met at Mr. Jolin Seott‘s to a farewell party for Mr.aud Mrs, Seatter whno lels for North Dakoisx ou Monday. _ A pleasâ€" ant eyening was spent tiil the hours were gelting large in the morninog. _ Was in because tlhey were sleepy or that they were crowded that they f:lil off Mr. Will Isnaae‘s sleigh 2 One of Mr. Dickson‘s little giils has been seriously ili for the last week, hope J suon to hear of her recovery. Mr. Jas. Coleridge the latters sister, who ill near Owen Sound. Mr. and Miss Doupe and somse more of Hoistein visited at Mrs. L iughtou‘s lâ€"st Tuesday and atrenied the teimperance meeting in Rassel Hail, Miss Georgina Torouto last Mon Mrs. MeKeilar aL;d sister of visived Mrs, John suell 1 Wednesday of last week. The leadors of the C. E. Society last Sunday evening were Miss Lizzie Isaae and Mr. Wauiter Lothian, We extend a hearty welcoms to Mr. and Mrs. Peter lierd who have lately moved into our midsi, _ Mr. Reid hus euâ€" gyaged with Mr, Clhas, MceKimnoun, Durbam, to seil implements, The good sleighing of the last fow weeks bhas made things liyely aronud our gsawmall. Mis, Murdoch was a life long member of the Presbyterian church and a great lover of sacred music. The day previous to her decease she was engaged in singâ€" ing (in a whispering tone) the many sicred hymuns she committed to memory in her younger days. No dimness cloudâ€" ed her yision, but strong in the fath of redceming love, enjoying th> hope of a blessed resurrection though the merits of her Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, and in the presence of her sorrowing husband and several of her beloved children and grandâ€"children the spririt of our friend took its departure to celestial glory. Truly is it written " Today shalt thou be with me in Paradise," The community extend to the bereaved husband and family the deepest symâ€" pathy in this their hour of sorrew. C C aae OOR SOmoOre ecesere Eh a few years a comfortable home. Their union was blessed with ten children,seyâ€" en sons and three daughters, One of the sons died infancy and their second eldest daughter, Mrs W B Swanston, died about ten years ago in Michigan. The other members of the family are Alex. at Woodland, William and Andâ€" rew in Superior City, Mrs Sandy, Jas. and George in 8 Dakota, Mrs. A. Durâ€" rant, at whose home Mrs Murdoch died. and John who resides on the homeâ€" stead. Mr. and Mrs. Murdoch came from Abâ€" erdeenshire, Scotland, and speni some time in tne city of Hamilton before comâ€" ing to Egremont in the fall of 1857. Like all pioneers they cleared up a bush farm and built up what becaine in a few years a comfortable home. Their pevudas uns c on 1 £0l W The funeral of the late Mrs Jas Murâ€" dock who died on the 14th ult., was very largely attended, many coming from a long distance to pay their last tribute of respect to the deceased lady who was much esteemmed by her large circle of acâ€" quaintances. 17171 â€" 2248 T791 Jamieson‘s majority over Morgan 531. Jamieson‘s majorit y over MeNichol 1457 Recapitulation by municipal!ziea Egremont 234 309 Glenelg 210 358 Normanby 413 527 Bentinck 399 454 Durham 64 194 Dundalk 62 T77 Preton nan 90 4 Georgina Kemnedy returned to last Monday, By our Intended for last week, MERRITT. Coleridge and mother visited s blessed with ten children,seyâ€" and three daughters, _ One of died infancy and their second ughter, Mrs W B Swanston, 1% P PPH TPDSY Mrs. Jaxurs Murpocoxk. 1 i tefhifetoais h 4. 1 1. Mr. Gavin Reid. e _Hau and Mr, John a hbearty welcoms to Mr. ter lierd who have lately ir midsi, _ Mr. Heid has euâ€" r, Chas, MeKimnon, Durbam, eluiug very prevalent belis are ringiog for Campbell will marry sBc Fe‘s [d DROMORE. IN MEMORIAM. recovery, Reid returned Monâ€" Yeovil Correspondent m Wednn'da-.;.â€" as, bave returnâ€" Michigan where or quite a numâ€" Angus yigited . Wilder over has been Befi;l;;] y making their Owen Sound 335 been visiting A \ if Mt, Forest, Tuesday aud few days. Will Isane 353 527 454 194 77 and Mrs. Hector McKinnon we unable to be out on account of « a imime .3._;_ _ CA%e for last week we wore Mrs. Allan McLean is gaining slowly of political strife and bustle but is improving all the time. Mrs. MclIntyre, South Line, is u Dr. Boyle‘s treatment this week, we | to hear of her speedy recovery under Dr‘s care. Mr. and Mrs. Aifred Hinks spent a feow days last week yisiting at Mr, Hink‘s brother at Collingwood, _‘ Asses:or Ritchie, of Glenelg is out on duty and gave some of us a call a few days ago, he las a keen eye to business and gave us to understand that he would perter taking a step upwards in the ladder than downwards. (Bi Coigeachais) (be conscientious.) â€" The new Top Cliffe cor. is doing well, we would like to hear from him next week, hbow hbe got along with the big saw log this afternoon. We are sorry to hear that we are to lose our assistant correspondent in a few weeks, so we deem it our duty to take this privilege of thanking bim for his able seryices for the last few years in taking every alternute week, hoping that success will follow him wherever his lot may be cast, and thac we wmay hear from him as often as we did in times past through the colnwns of the Review, and altbhouzh we may be far apart, we bope that the same brotberly feeling that existed between us j may not be forgotten. ' Ma,. Neil MeCannel attended the Presby. | termtan meetivng at Orangeville on Tuesday last. Mr. Dongald McCormick was apâ€" pointed delegate on behalt of Priceville congregation. Miv. Walters of the mills here is taking in a lot of logs to lhis sawâ€"mills, both soft and rock elm etc., fo: which he pays the] l higheâ€"t price. e rgss 4 4. ogp _ _ [ VCV + it 10W yOurs agso be moved to Toronto with his daughter, who died a month or two before bis death. Mr. Jno, Melunis and Juno. McLean are away as jurors this week attending the County Assizes at Owen Sound. onblobediacts 4 _ ine, Glenelg, at the aze of Morrison was a native of th Argyleshire, Reoiland, and early pioneers of this part, s No. 40, 2nd con. S. D. K., 1850. He was a man thit e hardships in his day. _A few moved to Toronto with his d died a month or two before 1 72863 ‘0e loth Inst, as be rented his farm to Mr. Rubt. Conkey, _f this village, tor a term of years. _ Mr. ard Mrs. McPherson intends leaving for Montana on the 28th of Marci, where Mr, McePherson has a good situation awaiting him on his acrival, Died at Toronto, a‘ out a menth ago, Duncean Morrison formerly of tha Sawr Alex. McPherson, near Fleshertor tion is to bave a sule of all his uimplements and bousehsld effects on day the 15th inst , as be rented his to Mr. Rubt. Conkey, _f this village, term of years. Mr. ard Mrs MoP+ Con" We are sorry to lose some of cur oo« neighbors and friends shortiy. _ The Mc Kechnie fawmily, Durhim Road, Glevel; are leaving the old homestead, where their parents fought the battle of the early settier, some fortyâ€"eisht years ago. They intend going to Dakota in a few weoks Mr. Peter Muir Jr., alâ€"o takes his depart ure in a few weeks to the prairie land and is selling out his stock eic. on Saturday next, 228 No preachivg in the Presbyterian church last Sunday, a matter which we hope will soon be remedied by baving a stationed pre«cher of that branch ol the christian church. _ Eider Simpson â€"and others conducted the weeting, We are sorry to lose some of cur good neighbors and friends shortiy. _ The Mceâ€" Kechnie fawily, Durhim Road, Glevelg are leaving the old homestead, where their parents fought the battle of the early ‘ Orbler summme use mi kn _ us Mr. Hector MeDonald of Walt paying a visit amongst friends nejghborhood this week. lio ex go west in a few weeks. VomntnBil shiind ) m 35 d id 4 o 5o other two, but what do we find now one member left to tell tie tale: / fair this intermediate party it they « only obtain the object in ~ view migl, future be of much benefit to the cou at large Lbowever we have the tivo parties to work upon, which is more & factory than a threeâ€"cornered ficht vuc td t Ah ic tw NC ‘ 1t was ‘n the last election, a division as it were in one body of people, which could be easily foreseen without any trouvle whateyer, Bome years Ago we were obiiged to work in the lumber woods wauen we heard a good old Iristman giving utterance to the following expression couâ€" ceruing shanty iife. _ He said, I always thought there was only two places tue Good and the bad, but I um counvinced now said he that there are three, and that the shanty is the tiird. _ Unutil recently we bad only two parties in politics but we are now convinced that there was a third for awhile, wuieh flonrished and came in as an intermediute party between the other two, but what doe we find nuw only one member left to tell tre talee ‘To be Pbe ES itcP ut _ Fine weather since March esme in, but some are predicting a blizzard before itFis out. We hope they may be mistaken in in their predi¢tions, Everybody seems to be good friends now aiter the detent and success of last Znesday, and now the lions and the lambs may sufely feed toâ€" gether without any fear of disturbing one auother, Although the battle is over aund some of the warrions slzin, we may remind | them of the seriptural phrase. "A house‘ diyided againsty itselt cannot stand " â€" S Is the Bestâ€"in fact the One True Blood Puriâ€" fer. All druggists. $1, six for $5. Get Hood‘s. Hood‘s Pills I‘ Weak and Low Spirited â€" Nervous Prostration â€"Appetite Poor and I Could Not Rest. ’ «* I take great pleasure in recommending Hood‘s Sarsaparilla to others. It has been the means of restoring my wife to good health. She was stricken down with an attack of nervous prostration. She sufâ€" fered with headaches and her nerves were under severe strain. She became very low spirited and so weak she could only do a little work without resting. Her appetite was poor, and being so weak she could not get the proper rest at night. Bhe decided to try Hood‘s Sarsaparilla, as we had heard it highly praised, and I am glad to state that Hood‘s Sarsaparilla has perfectly cured all her ailments." G. BELLAMY, 321 Hannah St., West, Hamilâ€" ton, Ontario. Remember H d ‘m, Sarsaâ€" 00 S parilla Perfectly Cured ‘he mills here is taking is sawâ€"mille, both soft fos which he pays the , of Gleoelg is out an ie C Astaa ud dubs 2. 4 4 1 tive of the I<le of Mull, and, and among the is part, settiing on lot 3. D. K., in the year an that endured wueh PRICEVILLE. ag him on his arrival. V‘ out a imenth Aago, merly of the South aze of 90 years, Mr, ‘belg is out on a call a few ege to business are tasteless, mild. effecâ€" tive. All druggists. 25e. ruered fight,. d of Walkerton is e hbear is sickuness. , is under Flesherton Staâ€" , we hope all Alns afidél}, rieuds in this HMoe expects to ‘ it they could view might in to the country t stand." _ So division as it _ which coula any trouvle the TORONTO Tuesâ€" There is generally a calm after a storm they say, and it appears to be so in our case, for la«t week we wore in the midut There is quite a number on the sick list in our village with bad colds or La Grip but bope soon to hear of their speedy reâ€" covery. George Calder hbas his Shingle Mill running in full blast, making, &o. Come and spend a pleasant eyening. Admission 10 cents. BAlls~ The R. T. of T. intend hxving a concert on Friday evening llith inst. The comâ€" mittee that have it in hand are determined to make it a succese, The program conâ€" gists of sirging, recitations, dialogues, Miss Bella Mark is new enlivening the home of her parents aiter spending the past few montus in Hamilton. George Dowling Sr. left on Wednesday for Crookston N.D, where he will spend a short time after which he will proceed to EAmonton N. W. T. Arthur Isaac has retured from a two weeks visit to triends in Arthur and Grand Valley. Miss Brethour of Woodunam was the guest ol Mrs, A, Doupe oyver Sabbath. ’ Rev. W. H. Harvey B. A. of Clifford preacled "An Educational Sermon" in the Methodist Chureh here on Sabbvath morningy 10;80 a,m., Yeovil 3 p.m. ard Orchard 8 p.m. to large congregations. Dave Reil moyed to Mt, Forest last week he is going into insurance kusiness. Success Dave. ' Assessor lus rounds apent a very pleasant time with his friends since Xwas. and we are ver) to loss him from our midst Quite u number of young people will spend a pleasaut time in the compauny of Mr Thos, Sirr at is home on Friday eveniog preyvious to his departure again to N. Dakota on the 15th. _ Mr. Sirr bhas Quite a number of the farmers are gaged at present in storing away ice summer use. Mr, Geo. Schram had a wood bee last‘ week and the nsual hop at night, _ Mr. j Schraim is leaving the farm aad becoming | proprietor of the Orchardville botel. | Miss Mary Orchard of yo'ur town «pent | was the guest of the Sitr family for a ; couple of days last week. f N .. ;,, ,, | Mr®#. Tnmumins, hoth of whom bhave Wedding bells haye again been "oRDE / on the sick list, are able to be a in our midst. _ Two more of our )'0“'”4’3;;&1!'0. ladies taking uuto themselves parlner-ll Mr. Robert Edwards. 1s more tha for life. Miss Arnnie Bradly daughter qf!tliug out the woodgthese days. Mr. W he4 Bradley and M;‘s_. Juo P?“U Mr. Joe. McNally, (Jolhn‘s Joe\ is grey of N, W. T. were unites in n::mf a | hadlify miuterial for a new pig pen in Toronto on Feb. 28th, also in Durkam, he intends to buil.i in the early spriu Murch 2nd, Miss Katie, fourth daughter | hope he will bhave better fortune tha of Mr Gordon and Mr. David L(_mgb ""’"kf Mr. St. John Piggery. the soleimn yows for life. _ We gnh elxa i Mr. Adam Bobiuson, sold a bdn of their many Murdoch friends wis them | 1 Wednesday the 200 of M i d prosperity through life. cattle on Wednesday the 2o A all happiness and p | Adam is a good feeder, so you ima Miss Mary Orchard of your town «pent | they were good ones, f was the guest of the Sirr family for a, Mr. ansa Mris, Geo. Sharp of Dundalk and Mr. Thos. Brown, Purbaw, were guests of Mrs. Sharp and family one day last week,. Mr, Wm. L Dickson, teacher was called to the bedside of his little danghter last Tuesday evening, she being taken suddonâ€" ly ill with appendicitis and as yet is in a low state of health. _ Mr, Jas. Coleridge is taking charge of the school durimng Mr. Dickson‘s absence. se dfESs (ES Te ron e oonbermeapimaimc smm omm en ge o C t SE S : eboemege it h mantant xt s -;.mmfir%lr:-'i#%fl%%hré#m“'?fiv‘rmr#rq;%érafiff‘f%‘?%fi-‘i*%i“%%fiw‘%’?fi#fl# ~ <an se matensemscrmangemnaa en 2222220 James Swanston is now going ZION. HOLSTEIN, â€" MURDOCH. of young people will ha 1...__"", Trecete a Fncmtic;ns for the lease of the BEATO§ __ _ 1 _ The undersigned offers for Sale or’ foArR!’ tz:.uia'o?';e:'"fq'ni&;n?'”;fih'.' Shingle Mill Rent for a term of years, lot 20, con, 3 |known on application to W.G.R., Bentinck. On the property J. 8. BLACK or _ is a good barn, good frame house, MAL CAMPBELL ‘ small orchard, 70 acres cleared, bal..|Oct. 26, 1897 at Pomona | ance hard wood blnsh. Well watered. 2e o n mmmmmmmzme | Apply to AGENTS, :Glimpses of the Unseon.» fesome ‘b‘.f“;'i:"f‘f:i R. MCFaRLAXE, Sr. :333&‘1- E'nrz:;od'“p. Pnd w‘““”&"“""m. in the midu' Durham. l‘::?;\'?m bus free to CAnDvVassors , now evyeryâ€" Duxham, Jan. 17th, ‘97. TWO DRIVES IN TABLE LINEXNS This week it‘s Boots and Shoes. We never had such a stock of them and prices never were so tempting. Careful comparison cannot fail to convince you that it is to your interest to trade at our Shoe department. is a good barn small orchard, 70 | ance hardwood b er a storm : Appl fgiin our , I These Three Reasons GGAhe Right Qoodse []t the Right Qrice [n the Right TDlace » â€" Explain why we are kept so busy. CASIL AND ONE PRICE,. LOWER TOWN DURHAM Ramsay & Moerleck, ‘__ While in Darham Mr. Robin«on partnox ee last lunch with our new M. °. P., Dr, Mr, ; Jaraieson. Dare say Adam wias ready for coming |lubch »s he bad to start from home at * / five a. m + ‘ y . Bomeone said they were surprised that Te 90â€" | the Dr. got so big a majority. Why one ®° for [ house in our vicinity gave hbhim seyen greesly ’ yotes. That counts, Ladies‘ Tan Oxtords, all sizges.................... 75 Ladies‘ Black Oxfords, a few sizes to clear...... 73 Ladies‘ Fine Dongola Oxfords, special at ....... $1 0 Ladies‘ Fine Twin sole 4* ** i+**++*,« L B0 Ladies‘ Fine Box Calf ** * i++*+%4«4 BLG9 Ladies‘ Fine Boot, extension solo, But‘d & Laced 81 35 Ladies‘ Strong laced & but‘d Boot for spring wear $1 15 Ladies‘ «* +* +* fancy tip.... $1 50 Children‘s Strong wearing boots 8 to 10...... 50c Girls‘ «* ** *# i‘ i0 3...... 65c Women‘s _ * ** +# o AQd I%.:.., 80c Boy‘s Seamless Boots. sizes 1 to 5............ . ... $1 35 Girls‘ *4 ** ** 11 to 2:.,.:.:+>»: .+« BLBD Special Value in Men‘s Strong Bootsat $1. $1.25 & $1.35 Ali sizes in Men‘s Women‘s & Children‘s Rubbers just in Notice is hereby given that anvone trespassing, cutting timber on, or reâ€" moving the same from lots 3Qand 40 8. 1), R. Tp. of Glenelg, Co. of Grey, will be deait with as the law directs, Rosrert McDoxarp, Montpelier, Idaho U.8. Dec. 6th ‘97, | _ We regret to say that Master Geo. A. : Staples is at present lying in a yery critical condition. Tne Medical attendâ€" | ant is Dr. Jamieson. | _ Mr. Arch Ector one of our most enterâ€" prising farmers has the material on the ‘gmund for a house which he intends uilding during the coming summer, ’ Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Edge gave an At,] Home on Friday evening, glurch 4th, Mrs. Wm. Davis, of Baget, Man.. being | the honored guest, The event was atâ€" tended by about 35 couples. Gamesand dancing were indulged in and the comâ€" pany dispersed at a late, or rather an early bhour all present voting it the most enjoyable entertainment of the sengu,. inch Fine Table Linen worth 50c, special 44 a6 we T ao 3383828 %°%S%CeC€ec#ecec Farm for Sale OEE M We are pleased to report Mrs, Timmins, both of wh on the sick list, are able egain. Mr. Wm. Kenny. bad a woodâ€"bee on the ; 28th of February, when npwards of forty | cords of wood were cut. ‘The dunce W as ,’ kept up till dayâ€"ight, and the boys smy | they bad & ratiling time, J Mrs, Wm. Greenwood and her son Jolin spent the last week or ten days visiting friends and relutives round 'l'lu'-rubu«y and Kimberly, thing is so . monotonous, NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS still that the stillness feels a new pig pen, that report that Mr. and of whom bave been _ able to be aronnd of the season early spmiug, we fortune than the more thau hueâ€" a bunch of id of March, you imay bet ~THL TCP [A Good Farm â€"ito Lease . , 11. , _ "*"* receive a%- TGations for the lease of the BEATO FARI, lot 15, con, 4, N.D.R., Glenele, for a term of years. _ Terms made known on annlhesric‘‘‘,~ 110 C o t sY e Ageneral financial business transacted Office next door to Standard Bank Durham _ * liciations | Money to lend. Parties. Farr David Jackson, Jr., Clerk Div. 0 Land Va.lua.tors, Insurance Agents, Commissioners. MNnnAF tx Iac a _ Apple®, per b’gr “}:)ud. 4 {feet .. Wood, 22 inches Hides, per ewt Calfskins _ ... Sheepskins ... Hay, per ton Htraw, ++ > |. convnyAi&}}fi'Rs Tuarkeys, per 1b Geese, per lb Exgs, per doz ... . Chickens. per parr Potatoes, per bag Ducks 44 Or Flour per bbl at 'fiâ€" "Glimpses of the Unseon," Paeep» the entire field of borderieng JACKSONS unders Toc 75c end. Money lnvestefi for Farms bought and sold. DURHAM MaARKET, um mpmmumsonmmnemit *a + 18 to 14 to 25 to 0 50 to 40 to 0 90 to 0 0 830 to 0 ; 0 55 to t 0 30 to O q 5 75 to 6 2 5 00 to 5 10 to 1 03 to 244. 14 0 15 a‘H Him selihs $o| Fork o1 in | wa ‘ Pap BARRIST X « soLuciro J worary Pusiic @f March 1898 a+ Klemp; stein at one o‘clock p. u such applications. _ _ _ _ I have this day received tion for the traosfer « License issued 0o John Co Mouse and Premises Situat Â¥ille, township of ig Geoarge Schram. _ Also a from George La France, 1« Of the Tavern License issu Miller for the House and ; :‘::lg vi‘lagc- of Neusta al Hotel. A m Board o{ License Comm m Grey will be held on ®f March 1898 _ _ THOS® HARR Ducham Mar2. °08 Lice Will be in P dly ill each im mercial Hotel, UPPER TOW N Post OMce, D OfMBece, over Ga MoNEY TO *‘ ~AT § PIJ Company | a Mortgag «s at low Oollections and A; *Â¥ ills, Deeds, Mort; &o, correctly propmar persous looked n(ter ministrators® . Accou: Burrogate Court B« Lotters of Adminis Obtained. Bearches i Titles reported on Officeâ€"â€"LOWER TOWN Will be in Pric # eauch mounth. | DURHWAM OFFIC : € LUCAS, WRIGHT, BARRISTERS, . WNOTARIES, ConVv MONEY TO LOAN , DENTIS Dr. T. G. KOLT RQruggists Our spring sto mow coming in and reom in our rack: therefore forced + band â€"put it at a q» it goâ€"In many pa mgh for one of come, first choice, it now it will pay 3 for future use. FFICE FIRST D the Durham Ph ck. â€" Residence first «ull Charzges D Watches, Bil yerwar J. P. TELF WOATRY PUBLIC. CONYE G. LEFROY 1 BARRISTER® . 5 OnrEar Rarmwa P. R. is bound to h is how they do it. Columbia 830. To $16. Like reductic Ein(s. To Toron eir ageney here f. R, McFariane, )1 . A. CORD Repairing a Speci W . H , Wausa €. Barso® , LICEXNSE NOTI Cha g 01 cfarl JEWELL DUIRMH nee fir mrham E1 eville th th. Of irg M patter uP

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